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Servant leadership presentation

Date post: 08-May-2015
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  • 1.SERVANT LEADERSHIPBy:Chelsea Rawls

2. GREAT LEADERS Control? Strength? Example? 3. ROBERT K. GREENLEAF Born in 1904. Died1990 Quaker with a strongcontemplativeorientation Director ofmanagement at AT&Tfor over 38 years Best known forfounding the modernServant leadershiptheory 4. DEFINITION: SERVANT LEADERSHIP Defined by many people but always means thesame thing Greenleaf organization: The servant leader isservant firstIt begins with the natural feeling thatone wants to serve, to serve first. Then consciouschoice brings one to aspire to lead. That person issharply different from one who is leaderfirst, perhaps because of the need to assuage anunusual power drive or to acquire materialpossessionsThe leader-first and the servant-firstare two extremes. Between them there areshadings and blends that are part of the infinitevariety of humans 5. DEFINITION: SERVANT LEADERSHIP CONTD LaTour: servant leaders are those who put theneeds, interests, and aspirations of others abovetheir own; involve others in decision making, isstrongly based in ethical and caring behavior, and itenhances the personal growth of workers whileimproving the caring and quality of organizationallife. 6. CHARACTERISTICS OF SERVANT LEADERSHIP Servant leaders have certain assets on which tobecome servant leaders. These assets are built upon ten characteristics. Listening, empathy, healing, awareness, persuasion, conceptualization, stewardship, commitment, andbuilding community. 7. CHARACTERISTIC 1: LISTENING Listening- a critical communication tool, necessaryfor accurate communication and for activelydemonstrating respect for others (Smith, 5) HIM managers need to be able to listen to whathis/her employees have to say 8. CHARACTERISTIC 2: EMPATHY Empathy- the ability to mentally project ones ownconsciousness into that of another individual(Smith, 5) HIM manages need to empathize with theemployees in an attempt to understand what theyare wanting or needing. 9. CHARACTERISTIC 3: HEALING Healing- to make whole (Smith, 5) The HIM manager needs to be able to make theentire department whole as this will help them tobetter understand the goings on in the department 10. CHARACTERISTIC 4: AWARENESS Awareness- without awareness, we missleadership opportunities (Smith, 5) The HIM manager needs to make sure to be awareof what is going on in the department along withbeing aware of any sensitive issues that there maybe 11. CHARACTERISTIC 5: PERSUASION Persuasion- the effective servant-leader buildgroup consensus through gentle but clear andpersistent persuasion, and does not exert groupcompliance through the position of power (Smith, 5) HIM managers need to be able to persuade thedepartment as a way to be able to make decisionsand be an authority figure 12. CHARACTERISTIC 6: CONCEPTUALIZATION Conceptualization- conceive solutions to problemsthat do not currently exist (Smith, 6) HIM department managers need to plan for thefuture and have a visions or goal for what the futuremay hold. 13. CHARACTERISTIC 7: FORESIGHT Foresight- prescience, or foresight, is a better thanaverage guess about what is going to happen in thefuture (Smith, 6) This characteristic builds off conceptualization HIM managers need to be able to see what couldbe a likely outcome for a situation that may haveoccurred before in the past, as well as anticipatethe realities of the present and any unseenconsequences of the future 14. CHARACTERISTIC 8: STEWARDSHIP Stewardship- organizational stewards, or trusteesare concerned not only for the individual followerswithin the group, but also the organization as awhole, and its impact on relationship with allsociety (Smith, 6) The HIM managers need to hold the main goal ofthe department above their own personal goals 15. CHARACTERISTIC 9: COMMITMENT Commitment to the growth of people- ademonstrated appreciation and encouragement ofothers (Smith, 6) HIM managers need to dedicate ample time andenergy to the overall well being of the employees inthe department as well as any individuals they mayserve. 16. CHARACTERISTIC 10: COMMUNITY BUILDING Community Building- the rise of large institutionshas eroded community, the social pact that reunitesindividuals in a society (Smith, 6) The HIM managers need to be able to provide awork environment that is full of people that arediverse in nature, but all strive to fulfill the samegoal. 17. SERVANT LEADERSHIP: ALIVE AND WELL Servant leadership- very relevant and important intodays work environment Used to keep employees involved in their jobs andthe goal of the company The treatment of an employee by a manager canimpact the lives of the employees, as well as theproductivity and overall morale of these employees 18. INDUSTRIES There are several different kinds of industries thatutilize servant-leadership. For profit businesses, such as Chick-Fil-A 19. INDUSTRIES CONTD Not for profit Government entitiesorganizations, like the like the AirGreenleaf Center forForce, Army, MarineServant Corps and NavyLeadership, started in1985 by RobertGreenleaf 20. INDUSTRIES CONTD Universities such as Foundations such asVanderbilt University the EvergreenFreedom Foundation 21. PROS VS. CONSChallenges/CriticismStrengths Secular and non-faith based It is compatible with thegroups may not be current values and faith-receptive based areas in most peopleslives Concepts are not welldefined and difficult to Evidence of its success withinmeasure important and well knownorganizations Popularity exceeds anyevidence to back up the Some sought after andtheorydesirable aspects to thistheory that are a nice change It many or may not accountof pace in the postmodernfor all aspects of leadership environment in which we live Unclear how the concept Changes up mostwould work in a competitive conceptions about leadershipor crisis like environment 22. FAMOUS LEADERS Quite a few famous people haveadopted, embraced and practice servant leadership Martin Luther King, Jr. maybe one of the mostfamous. Considered A True Servant Leader Made the ultimate sacrifice for what he believed in Forever changed the world 23. FAMOUS LEADERS CONTD Another great example is Abraham Lincoln His servant leadership very similar to Martin LutherKing, Jr., just about 100 years earlier He spoke to people and taught them to see that theway things were, was not the way they should beand change was needed immediately Gave African Americans a new lease of life 24. FAMOUS LEADERS CONTD Finally, Mother Teresa is an excellent example of aservant leader Highly respected leader for the Missionaries ofCharity Best known for her incrediblehumility, courage, thoughtlessness and compassionfor others that were less fortunate 25. COMPANIES USING SERVANT LEADERSHIP Some of the topcompanies in the U.S useServant Leadership. Southwest Airlines, MensWarehouse, AmericanFamily Life Insurance(AFLAC), Medtronic TDIndustries, ToroCompany, REI, Wegmans, HermanMiller, Landrys Bicyclesand Synovus 26. SERVANT LEADERSHIP IN THE HIMDEPARTMENT Servant leadership would apply to the healthinformation department Managers need input from employees HIM department is essential in function of ahospital, physician office, clinic or any otherhealthcare facility Employees in the work environments need amanager that will allow them to have ideas andexpress to a management staff that will listen andconsider their input 27. SERVANT LEADERSHIP Servant Leadership- a leadership practice that isbased on the belief that employees should be heldas equals and they should have say into theorganizations they work for There is criticism but there are also strengths Many well know industries use this theory as wellmany influential figures throughout history Everyone has the ability to become a servantleader. Always remember, servant leaders are leaderssecond and servants first!
