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Server Side Programming Database Integration (cont.)

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Server Side Programming Database Integration (cont.). Internet Systems Design. Overview. Review of Server Side Programming ASP VBScript Advanced Database Interfacing with SQL Insert Delete Update Examples with Code. How can database be accessed by web browser?. Server Side Programming - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
Server Side Programming A SP 1 Server Side Programming Database Integration (cont.) Internet Systems Design

Server Side Programming ASP 1

Server Side ProgrammingDatabase Integration (cont.)

Internet Systems Design

Server Side Programming ASP 2


Review of Server Side Programming– ASP– VBScript

Advanced Database Interfacing with SQL– Insert– Delete– Update

Examples with Code

Server Side Programming ASP 3

How can database be accessed by web browser?

Web browser Web browser

Web browser

Server Side Programminge.g. Microsoft IIS server :

ASP (VBScript, JScript, SQL)



Server Side Programming ASP 4

ASP Definition

“Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP) is a server-side scripting environment that you can use to create and run dynamic, interactive Web server applications. With ASP, you can combine HTML pages, script commands, and COM components to create interactive Web pages or powerful Web-based applications, which are easy to develop and modify.” -Microsoft’s Latest Definition

Server Side Programming ASP 5

What are Active Server Pages?

Runs on IIS Can provide compile-free application


Server Side Programming ASP 6

ASP Basics

ASP file is a text file with the extension .asp

it contains any combination of:– Text– HTML Tags– ASP Script Commands/Components

Server Side Programming ASP 7

ASP Script ASP Script could be VBScript or Jscript

(ECMAScript) A script is a series of commands or

instructions. Script command instructs the web server

to perform an action. VBScript is similar to Visual Basic and

Visual Basic for Application (VBA).

Server Side Programming ASP 8

VBScript Basics Not case sensitive Declaring Variables

VBScript does not require variable declarations, but it is good scripting practice to declare all variables before using them. To declare a variable in VBScript, use the Dim, Public, or Private statement.

Server Side Programming ASP 9

VBScript Basics

VBScript Operators:– Arithmetic: +, -, *, /, ^– Comparison: =, <>, <, >, <=, >=– Logical (for Boolean variables): Not, And,

Or, Xor

Server Side Programming ASP 10

Running ASP

Ensure .asp extensions are enabled in IIS Save .htm, .asp, and .mdb on server in same

folder (or give full folder extensions of file locations in your code)

Client accesses the file in similar fashion to .htm (or .html) file

Server detects .asp extension and runs script within ASP tags

Results sent to client

Server Side Programming ASP 11

Using ASP

Homework 2 review– HTML form took input from a list box and invoked

the .asp file– The .asp file retrieved data from a database using

VB script, SQL and displayed the results to the user

Homework 3 will expand on these concepts

Server Side Programming ASP 12

Advanced Database Interfacing

Server Side Programming ASP 13

Database Connectivity

When a database is tied to a web site, .ASP uses an object library called ActiveX Data Objects, or ADO – E.g. The Connection object:

• Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

Several ways to connect to a database– http://www.engineering.uiowa.edu/~ie181/Docume


Server Side Programming ASP 14

Structured Query Language

SQL is a standard computer language for accessing and manipulating databases

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a syntax for executing queries. But the SQL language also includes a syntax to update, insert, and delete records.– http://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_intro.asp

Server Side Programming ASP 15

Structured Query Language

These query and update commands together form the Data Manipulation Language (DML) part of SQL:

SELECT - extracts data from a database table

UPDATE - updates data in a database table DELETE - deletes data from a database table INSERT INTO - inserts new data into a

database table

Server Side Programming ASP 16

Homework 3

1st part will involve inserting, deleting, and updating records in the database used in Homework 2

Server Side Programming ASP 17

Examples of Insert, Delete, Update Statements

"INSERT INTO Products (Candy, Price) SELECT '" & candy & "'," & price &""

"DELETE FROM Products Where Candy = '" & candy & "'"

"UPDATE Products SET Price = " & price & " WHERE Candy = '" & candy & "'"

Server Side Programming ASP 18

Example 1: Inserting Records See

Only viewable in the ALF lab Step 1: Create an Access Database

Server Side Programming ASP 19

Example 1: Inserting Records Step 2: Create a .html form






<form name=frmAddCandy action="addCandy.asp" method=post>

<p>Candy: <input type="text" name="txtCandy" size="20"> Price:

$<input type="text" name="txtPrice" size="20"></p>

<p><input type="submit" value="Add Candy" name="butAdd">&nbsp;

<input type="reset" value="Clear Form" name="butCancel" size="20"></p>

<p><a href='DeleteCandy.htm'>Delete Candy</a></p>




Server Side Programming ASP 20

Example 1: Inserting Records Step 3: Create the .asp file<%@ LANGUAGE='VBSCRIPT'%><html><head></head><body><%'strSql will be the variable used to hold the sql statement stringdim strSqlSet MyConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")MyConn.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("Candy.mdb")

'grab the values from the formcandy = Request.form("txtCandy")price = Request.Form("txtPrice")

'create the SQL statement that will insert the data to the table'remember text values need single quotes wrapped around themstrSql = "INSERT INTO Products (Candy, Price) SELECT '" & candy & "'," & price &""MyConn.Execute strSqlResponse.Write "Added the candy with the sql statement: " & strSqlSet MyConn = nothing


Server Side Programming ASP 21

Example 1: Inserting Records Step 4: Save the files to a folder in the wwwroot folder, run

the example and view changes…notice Licorice was added to the Products table

Server Side Programming ASP 22

Example 2: Deleting Records Step 1: Create a .html form<html>


<body><form name=frmDeleteCandy action="deleteCandy.asp" method=post>

<p>Candy: <input type="text" name="txtCandy" size="20"> </p>

<p><input type="submit" value="Delete Candy" name="butDelete">&nbsp;<input type="reset" value="Clear Form" name="butCancel" size="20"></p><p><a href='addCandy.htm'>Add Candy</a></p></form></body>


Server Side Programming ASP 23

Example 2: Deleting Records Step 2: Create the .asp file<%@ LANGUAGE='VBSCRIPT'%><html><head></head><body><%'strSql will be the variable used to hold the sql statement stringdim strSqlSet MyConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

MyConn.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("Candy.mdb")

'grab the candy name from the formcandy = Request.form("txtCandy")

'create the SQL statement that will insert the data to the table'remember text values need single quotes to wrapped around themstrSql = "Delete FROM Products Where Candy = '" & candy & "'"MyConn.Execute strSqlResponse.Write "Deleted the candy with the sql statement: " & strSqlSet MyConn = nothing

%><p><a href='addCandy.htm'>Add Candy</a> - <a href='updateCandy.htm'>Update Candy</a> - <a href='deleteCandy.htm'>Delete Candy</a></p></body></html>

Server Side Programming ASP 24

Example 2: Deleting Records Step 3: Save the files to a folder in the wwwroot folder, run

the example and view changes…notice Licorice was deleted from the Products table

Server Side Programming ASP 25

Example 3: Updating Records Step 1: Create a .html form



<body><form method="Post" action="updateCandy.asp">

<p> <select name = "selCandy" method ="post" size ="1"><option selected value="Gum">Gum</option><option selected value="Suckers">Suckers</option><option selected value="Taffy">Taffy</option><option selected value="Skittles">Skittles</option><option selected value="M&Ms">M&Ms</option><option selected value="Lifesavers">Lifesavers</option><option selected value="Snickers">Snickers</option></select> New Price:<Input type='text' name='txtPrice' size=10><input type="submit" value="Update Price">


Server Side Programming ASP 26

Example 3: Updating Records Step 2: Create the .asp file<%@ LANGUAGE='VBSCRIPT'%><html><head></head>

<body><%'strSql will be the variable used to hold the sql statement stringdim strSqlSet MyConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

MyConn.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("Candy.mdb")

'grab the candy name from the form

candy = Request.form("selCandy")price = Request.form("txtPrice")

'create the SQL statement that will insert the data to the table'remember text values need single quotes to wrapped around themstrSql = "UPDATE Products SET Price = " & price & " WHERE Candy = '" & candy & "'"MyConn.Execute strSqlResponse.Write "Update the candy price with the sql statement: " & strSqlSet MyConn = nothing


Server Side Programming ASP 27

Example 3: Updating Records Step 3: Save the files to a folder in the wwwroot folder, run

the example and view changes…notice Snicker’s price was changed from $4.00 to $0.25 in the Products table
