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Server-Side Scripting with Java Server Page, JSP.

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Server-Side Scripting with Java Server Page, JSP
Page 1: Server-Side Scripting with Java Server Page, JSP.

Server-Side Scripting with Java Server Page, JSP

Page 2: Server-Side Scripting with Java Server Page, JSP.

Hyper Text Transfer Protocol: Request & Response

Web ServerBrowser

HTTP Request

HTTP Response

Web Application

Page 3: Server-Side Scripting with Java Server Page, JSP.

Data Sent with Request and Response

• Request: – requested URL, cookies, queryString, data from a

form, etc.• Response:– Web page content in HTML code– Cookies– Etc.

Page 4: Server-Side Scripting with Java Server Page, JSP.

Methods of request Object

• * getCookies()• * getHeader(String name)• * getMethod()• * getParameter(String name)• * getParameterNames()• * getParameterValues(String name)• * getQueryString()• * getRequestURI()• etc.

Page 5: Server-Side Scripting with Java Server Page, JSP.

Use JSP to Process a Form

Page 6: Server-Side Scripting with Java Server Page, JSP.


• Form attribute:– Method:

• Preferred method is: Post– Action: Specify the URL of a program on a server or an email

address to which a form’s data will be submitted.

• Example: <form name="fvForm" method ="post" action="computeFV.jsp">

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Methods of response Object

• * setContentType()• * addCookie(Cookie cookie)• * addHeader(String name, String value)• * containsHeader(String name)• * setHeader(String name, String value)• * sendRedirect(String)• * sendError(int status_code)

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Slide 8

How to declare and initialize a variable in one statement

Syntax type variableName = value;

Examples int scoreCounter = 1; // initialize an integer variable double unitPrice = 14.95; // initialize a double variable int maxQuantity = 100; // initialize another integer variable

Declare VariablesType variableName ;Examples

int myCounter;double interestRate;

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Slide 9

The eight primitive data types

Type Bytes Use

byte 1 Very short integers from -128 to 127.

short 2 Short integers from -32,768 to 32,767.

int 4 Integers from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.

long 8 Long integers from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807.

float 4 Single-precision, floating-point numbers from -3.4E38 to 3.4E38 with up to 7 significant digits.

double 8 Double-precision, floating-point numbers from -1.7E308 to 1.7E308 with up to 16 significant digits.

char 2 A single Unicode character that’s stored in two bytes.

boolean 1 A true or false value.

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Compute the Sum of 2 Numbers:Example of JSP scriptlet <% %>

<body> <% String value1, value2; double n1, n2, sum; value1=request.getParameter("num1"); value2=request.getParameter("num2"); n1= Double.parseDouble(value1); n2= Double.parseDouble(value2); sum=n1+n2; out.println("The sum is:" + sum); %> </body>

Note 1: Double is an object, not “double” data type.Note 2: “out” is a variable that does not need to be declared. It is already predefined .

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Writing HTML code as output<body> <% String value1, value2; double n1, n2, sum; value1=request.getParameter("num1"); value2=request.getParameter("num2"); n1= Double.parseDouble(value1); n2= Double.parseDouble(value2); sum=n1+n2; out.println(" <p>Value1: <input type='text' name='num1' size='20' value='" + value1 + "'></p>"); out.println(" <p>Value2: <input type='text' name='num2' size='20' value='" + value2 + "'></p>");

out.println("The sum is: <input type='text' name='sum' size='20' value='" + sum + "'>" ); %> </body>

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Using JSP Expression:<%= %>

String value1, value2; double n1, n2, sum; value1=request.getParameter("num1"); value2=request.getParameter("num2"); n1= Double.parseDouble(value1); n2= Double.parseDouble(value2); sum=n1+n2; %>

<form method="POST" name="testForm" action="ComputeSum2.jsp"> <p>Value1: <input type="text" name="num1" size="20" value="<%=value1%>"></p> <p>Value2: <input type="text" name="num2" size="20" value="<%=value2%>"></p> <p> Sum is: <input type="text" name="num2" size="20" value="<%=sum%>"></p> <input type="submit" value="Compute Sum" name="btnSubmit" />

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Compute Future Value:Process form with various controls

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Code Example

<body> <% String myPV, myRate, myYear,myCheckbox;

myPV=request.getParameter("PV"); myRate=request.getParameter("Rate"); myYear=request.getParameter("Year"); myCheckbox=request.getParameter("testCheckbox"); double FV, PV, Rate, Year; PV=Double.parseDouble(myPV); Rate=Double.parseDouble(myRate); Year=Double.parseDouble(myYear); FV=PV*Math.pow(1+Rate,Year); out.println("FutureValue is:"+ FV); %>

Page 15: Server-Side Scripting with Java Server Page, JSP.

Database Processing with JSP

• Must import java.sql using page directive:– %@page import="java.sql.*" %

• Need a driver:– JDBC-ODBC Bridge: The JDBC-ODBC Bridge allows applications written in

the JavaTM programming language to use the JDBCTM API with many existing ODBC drivers.

– Example: • String DBUrl="jdbc:odbc:MySalesDB";

• Define connection object:– connection = DriverManager.getConnection(DBUrl);

• Define Statement object:– Statement SQLStatement = connection.createStatement();

• Run SQL to create resultset:– strSQL="select * from customer where cid='" + myCid + "'";– ResultSet rs = SQLStatement.executeQuery(strSQL);

Page 16: Server-Side Scripting with Java Server Page, JSP.

JDBC ResultSet

• The rows that satisfy a particular query are called the result set. The number of rows returned in a result set can be zero or more. A user can access the data in a result set using a cursor one row at a time from top to bottom. A cursor can be thought of as a pointer to the rows of the result set that has the ability to keep track of which row is currently being accessed.

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ResultSet Methods

• Next() : Returns true if the cursor is now positioned on a row and false if the cursor is positioned after the last row.

• previous() • first()• last()

Page 18: Server-Side Scripting with Java Server Page, JSP.

Example: Enter CID in a box and retrieve the customer record

Page 19: Server-Side Scripting with Java Server Page, JSP.

<% Connection connection = null;

String DBUrl="jdbc:odbc:MySalesDB";try{

String myCid, strSQL, Cname, City, Rating;connection = DriverManager.getConnection(DBUrl);Statement SQLStatement = connection.createStatement();

myCid=request.getParameter("cid");strSQL="select * from customer where cid='" + myCid + "'";ResultSet rs = SQLStatement.executeQuery(strSQL);if (rs.next())

{Cname=rs.getString("CNAME");City=rs.getString("CITY");Rating=rs.getString("Rating");rs.close();out.println( Cname);

out.println( City); out.println( Rating);


{out.println("Customer not exist!");rs.close();

}}catch(SQLException e){

for (Throwable t :e)t.printStackTrace();



} %>

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Create a CID ListBox

Page 21: Server-Side Scripting with Java Server Page, JSP.

<form name="cidForm" method ="post" action="getCustomer.jsp"> <p>Select CID:<select name="cid"></p> <% Connection connection = null;

String DBUrl="jdbc:odbc:MySalesDB";try{

String myCid, strSQL; connection = DriverManager.getConnection(DBUrl); Statement SQLStatement = connection.createStatement(); strSQL="select cid from customer;"; ResultSet rs = SQLStatement.executeQuery(strSQL); while (rs.next()) { myCid=rs.getString("cid"); out.println("<option value='" +myCid + "'>" + myCid + "</option>"); } } catch(SQLException e)

{for (Throwable t :e)


%> </select> <input type="submit" value="GetCustomerData" name="btnSubmit" /> </form>
