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Service Bulletin 04/11/2012 RCCG EFA Leeds

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The service bulletin for RCCG Everlasting Father's Assembly, Leeds for 04-11-2012.
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G OD has a way of elevating His children. Before such people were born, He makes sure He had invested something into their destiny, so that at a point in their lifetime on earth, He then calls them; empowers them; justifies their calling and use them for His own glory. Later He then glorifies them (Rom. 8:30). In the bible, children of God like Jacob who at a time was a fugitive was elevated by God to become founder of the 12 tribes of Israel (Gen. 32:10); David was elevated from a shepherd boy to becoming the king of Israel (Psalm 78:70-71); Peter, Andrew, James and John from illiterate fishermen to global reformers who restored lost souls to Jehovah. From very low estates, these people were elevated by God that some were almost thought to be a god. Moses was a slave boy who became the deliverer of Israel from bondage and terror to Egypt. Paul and Barnabas were empowered to do creative miracles to the extent that the people of Lystra wanted to offer sacrifices to them as gods! The little errand boy Samuel was elevated by God to become the next High Priest and kingmaker in Israel. This month of November, God will begin to carry out His predestined plans of elevation in our lives as His children in Jesus name. He will equip and empowers us for the lifting that is coming; He will in plain terms justify our callings; and He personally will supervise the upliftment in Jesus name. By Pastor Samuel Obafaiye A STOUNDING is defined as bewildering or striking dumb with wonder; or so surprisingly impressive as to stun or overwhelm. While accomplishments could be defined as the act of carrying out or achieving; something achieved or successfully completed; gained skills or talent; attainment of social grace, style, and poise. After God ordered Elijah to anoint Elisha as his successor; Elisha left his lucrative mechanized farming and became a servant to Elijah. He would run errands for him and take care of his master. The time came when God was prepared to take Elijah away; Elisha’s contemporaries began to make mockery of him that he would soon be like them, but Elisha was determined not to remain as an ordinary son of a prophet; but as someone spectacular. So he demanded for the double portion of the anointing of God upon his master. The bible records that Elisha was able to fulfil the condition set by Elijah and so received the double portion of his master’s anointing! The sons of prophet that thought Elisha was already stranded at the other side of Jordan bowed before him and called him ‘Master’ after he parted the Jordan River and walked through it on dry ground! (2 Kings 2: 1-15). In the year 2012, the Spirit of God says He will make us to achieve feats that are astounding; gain talents and skills that are staggering; and enjoy attainments of social grace, style and poise that are startling! By Pastor Samuel Obafaiye FOR INDIVIDUALS FOR NIGERIA: INTERNATIONAL: : 1. He said many considered to be absolutely barren will be fruitful. 2. He said family histories will be rewritten, including an end to premature death. 3. He said desperate prayers will get quick reply this year. 4. He said some will experience massive transfer of wealth from the wicked to the just. 1. God says He has surprises both for His own and for the enemies of the church. 2. He said before this year ends, it will be said of Nigeria; all is well that ends well. 3, He said we are to pray more for prominent Nigerians, so that those who see this year may see the next. 1. Daddy says there will be a lot of power transfer. 2. He said new phenomenon will startle scientists. 3. He said we are to pray against earth quakes of record magnitude, tsunamis of record proportion and massive hurricanes. if we pray they will be subdued. 4. The civil unrest that started last year, will begin to end this year. However, no matter what happens, 2012 is a Year of New Things. All is well. By Pastor Enoch Adeboye (Gen. Overseer RCCG Worldwide) Workers’ Trg, Teens & Children Sunday School - 09:40am Adult Sunday School - 10:15 am Call To Worship - 11:00AM Wisdom Spot Praise & Worship Liberty Prayers Special Number Message Offering Announcements Tithes Closing Prayers & Benediction - 13:00pm Are you in need of Assistance or Support? Talk to Welfare Coordinator - Minister Adebisi Olobaniyi NOVEMBER 2012 THEME: DIVINE ELEVATION THE RCCG (EVERLASTING FATHER’S ASSEMBLY) 2012 PROPHECY THEME: OUR YEAR OF ASTOUNDING ACCOMPLISHMENTS THE RCCG (WORLDWIDE) 2012 PROPHECY THEME: OUR YEAR OF NEW THINGS FREE TRANSPORT TO CHURCH For details of bus stops please email [email protected] or call 07718079394 FROM THE PULPIT - By Pastor Samuel Obafaiye I Will Help You T 1). 2). 3). 4). 5). 6). 7). 8). 9). HERE are basically three types of help based on the nature of how they came. Help from a fellow human being. Help from some kind of god. Help from the Almighty God. The truth is that it is only the help of the Almighty that has no flaws. If someone helps you to do something you could do yourself. Tomorrow, he might insult you that you are lazy. If someone help you to do what you could not do, he might take the glory tomorrow. If some gods help you to do something no one could do, they will add a sorrow to keep you coming back to them. It is only God Almighty that blesses and helps without adding any sorrow. The life we live is that of frequent battles. It is either you are decreeing NO to something, or something is trying to say NO to you. No vacuum in life. No neutral state. So it happened that in 896 BC, Mesha king of Moab rebelled against Joram king of Israel. So Israel declared war against Moab. Otherwise, Israel will now start paying ransom. What is it that is rebelling against you in life? One important thing to note is that you must be righteous before God. Joram was not, so he would have been defeated if he went to the battle alone. The good thing is, though Joram was not perfect before God. There were some steps he took, we could still emulate today. These will be highlighted in this message: He requested for help from Jehoshaphat king of Judah. Why? Jehoshaphat had been a king 18 years before him. Israel and Judah were blood brothers. They were in-laws - Joram sister (Athaliah) married Jehoshaphat son (Jehoram). The kings of Judah are usually God seeking and enjoy Divine backing. Jehoshaphat had fought Moab before (2 Chro. 20:1-30) in 897 BC. What sort of person are you asking help from? Do they have more experience than you? What sort of bond joins you together? Is the person displaying a higher spiritual maturity? What testimony has the person got regarding such an issue? Heb. 2:18 For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succour them that are tempted. They had a strategy. Vs 8. Through the desert of Edom. Made friend with Edom which was another blood nation (Esau). They knew Edom would grant them some kind of help. What is your plan or strategy to overcome the issue of life before you? Are you just saying whatever will be will be? If you do not have a strategy, you don't have anything to work with or even to present to God. What likely help or reinforcement is on the path you have taken? What assistance can you meet on the way. Will help show up? Jesus sent out the 72 without anything. But He made sure that He would go through their pathways (Luke 10:1). Will Jesus likely show up for you. Incidentally or by predestination, as believers we sometimes find ourselves in desert situations. Vs 9. These 3 kings found themselves in the desert, worst still, they were going in circles. They must have their compass, but that failed. Are you in a situation that appears like a desert? Does it look like you are making circles instead of advancing? How many days, months and years have you wasted? Are you running out of provision or resources? God says He will help you. They agreed to inquire why such situation should befall them. Vs 10-11. The king of Israel presumed it could be a punishment by God. Jehoshaphat thought otherwise, because of his standing with God. Who you consult during a crisis really matters. You will need to either inquire from God directly or through a genuine prophet of God. If you go to false prophets that just perform signs and wonders, you will be led astray. To receive help from God you must give honour and reverence to God. You must also give regard and respect to His servants. Vs 12. Note that they didn't summon Elisha; the kings went down to him! It was a son of prophet that God spoke through when Jehoshaphat was faced with three nations. If he had told the boy to shut up, Judah would probably have been ruined and become slaves (II Chro. 20: 15-17). How much honour do you give to God and His work on Earth? How much regard do you give to His servant over you? Your help from God will depend largely on these. Again, who do you surround yourself with? Vs 13-14. Are they people that can attract help and assistance to you? Or are they people that repel help? Joram would have met his waterloo if not for his association with Jehoshaphat. Make the prophet of God upon your life happy. Vs 15. It is only then that the hand of God might come upon him for you. Elisha was angry with Joram and so there was no inspiration to offer help. Elisha would have walked away and the kings would have been doomed. The harpist playing made Elisha heart glad and revelation came. Note that it was not Elisha that played the harp. What can you do to make the prophet of God over you happy? What is your 'harp' that can induce the inspiration of help for you? Are you playing the 'harp' or you are hiding it? Isaac told his son Esau to make him venison, such as he loved. That when he had eaten and be happy, he might pronounce help upon his life. Help will come for you in Jesus name. Unbelievable help was promised by God. Such help as no one or other gods could do. How can one supply water to about a million people and animals in the desert without a pipe from a reservoir? Only God can do it. Elisha even said it is but a light thing for God to do. More so, that God will handover Moab into their hands. The help promised by God came. Vs 20. - It came promptly. The next morning. Less than 24 hours. - At the time of need. The time of meat offering. Flour, oil and incense (water needed to make the dough).. - Direction was surprising. From the desert of Edom. - In surplus. The land was filled with water. That is why I believe that there is someone here that your help will come promptly, at the time of need, in an amazing way and in surplus. Shockingly, the help they received became a snare to their enemies. The same help that was water to them became blood to their enemies. Your enemies will not be able to do anything regarding your help in Jesus name. It will only lure them to their destruction in Jesus name. . Excerpts of a sermon delivered by Pastor Samuel Obafaiye on October 28, 2012. 2Kings 3: 1-27 CONGREGATIONAL HYMN HIGHER GROUND I’m pressing on the upward way, New heights I’m gaining every day; Still praying as I’m onward bound, “Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.” Lord, lift me up and let me stand, By faith, on Heaven’s table land, A higher plane than I have found; Lord, plant my feet on higher ground. My heart has no desire to stay Where doubts arise and fears dismay; Though some may dwell where those abound, My prayer, my aim, is higher ground. I want to live above the world, Though Satan’s darts at me are hurled; For faith has caught the joyful sound, The song of saints on higher ground. I want to scale the utmost height And catch a gleam of glory bright; But still I’ll pray till Heav’n I’ve found, “Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.”

GOD has a way of elevating His children. Before such people were born, He makes sure He had invested something into their destiny, so that at a point in their lifetime on

earth, He then calls them; empowers them; justifies their calling and use them for His own glory. Later He then glorifies them (Rom. 8:30).In the bible, children of God like Jacob who at a time was a fugitive was elevated by God to become founder of the 12 tribes of Israel (Gen. 32:10); David was elevated from a shepherd boy to becoming the king of Israel (Psalm 78:70-71); Peter, Andrew, James and John from illiterate fishermen to global reformers who restored lost souls to Jehovah. From very low estates, these people were elevated by God that some were almost thought to be a god. Moses was a slave boy who became the deliverer of Israel from bondage and terror to Egypt. Paul and Barnabas were empowered to do creative miracles to the extent that the people of Lystra wanted to offer sacrifices to them as gods! The little errand boy Samuel was elevated by God to become the next High Priest and kingmaker in Israel.This month of November, God will begin to carry out His predestined plans of elevation in our lives as His children in Jesus name. He will equip and empowers us for the lifting that is coming; He will in plain terms justify our callings; and He personally will supervise the upliftment in Jesus name. By Pastor Samuel Obafaiye

ASTOUNDING is defined as bewildering or striking dumb with wonder; or so surprisingly impressive as to stun or overwhelm. While accomplishments could be

defined as the act of carrying out or achieving; something achieved or successfully completed; gained skills or talent; attainment of social grace, style, and poise.After God ordered Elijah to anoint Elisha as his successor; Elisha left his lucrative mechanized farming and became a servant to Elijah. He would run errands for him and take care of his master. The time came when God was prepared to take Elijah away; Elisha’s contemporaries began to make mockery of him that he would soon be like them, but Elisha was determined not to remain as an ordinary son of a prophet; but as someone spectacular. So he demanded for the double portion of the anointing of God upon his master.The bible records that Elisha was able to fulfil the condition set by Elijah and so received the double portion of his master’s anointing! The sons of prophet that thought Elisha was already stranded at the other side of Jordan bowed before him and called him ‘Master’ after he parted the Jordan River and walked through it on dry ground! (2 Kings 2: 1-15).In the year 2012, the Spirit of God says He will make us to achieve feats that are astounding; gain talents and skills that are staggering; and enjoy attainments of social grace, style and poise that are startling!

By Pastor Samuel Obafaiye




:1. He said many considered to be absolutely barren will be fruitful.2. He said family histories will be rewritten, including an end to

premature death.3. He said desperate prayers will get quick reply this year.

4. He said some will experience massive transfer of wealth from the wicked to the just.

1. God says He has surprises both for His own and for the enemies of the church.2. He said before this year ends, it will be said of Nigeria; all is well that ends well.3, He said we are to pray more for prominent Nigerians, so that those who see this year may see the next.

1. Daddy says there will be a lot of power transfer.2. He said new phenomenon will startle scientists.3. He said we are to pray against earth quakes of record magnitude, tsunamis of record proportion and massive hurricanes. if we pray they will be subdued.4. The civil unrest that started last year, will begin to end this year.However, no matter what happens, 2012 is a Year of New Things. All is well. By Pastor Enoch Adeboye (Gen. Overseer RCCG Worldwide)

Workers’ Trg, Teens & Children Sunday School - 09:40am

Adult Sunday School - 10:15 am

Call To Worship - 11:00AMWisdom SpotPraise & WorshipLiberty PrayersSpecial NumberMessageOfferingAnnouncementsTithesClosing Prayers & Benediction - 13:00pm

Are you in need of Assistance or Support?Talk to Welfare Coordinator - Minister Adebisi Olobaniyi





For details of bus stops please email

[email protected] call



- By Pastor Samuel ObafaiyeI Will Help You











HERE are basically three types of help based on the nature of how they came. Help from a fellow human being. Help from some kind of god. Help from the Almighty God. The truth is that it is only the help of the Almighty that has no flaws. If someone helps you to do something you could do

yourself. Tomorrow, he might insult you that you are lazy. If someone help you to do what you could not do, he might take the glory tomorrow. If some gods help you to do something no one could do, they will add a sorrow to keep you coming back to them. It is only God Almighty that blesses and helps without adding any sorrow.The life we live is that of frequent battles. It is either you are decreeing NO to something, or something is trying to say NO to you. No vacuum in life. No neutral state. So it happened that in 896 BC, Mesha king of Moab rebelled against Joram king of Israel. So Israel declared war against Moab. Otherwise, Israel will now start paying ransom.What is it that is rebelling against you in life? One important thing to note is that you must be righteous before God. Joram was not, so he would have been defeated if he went to the battle alone. The good thing is, though Joram was not perfect before God. There were some steps he took, we could still emulate today. These will be highlighted in this message:

He requested for help from Jehoshaphat king of Judah. Why? Jehoshaphat had been a king 18 years before him. Israel and Judah were blood brothers. They were in-laws - Joram sister (Athaliah) married Jehoshaphat son (Jehoram). The kings of Judah are usually God seeking and enjoy Divine backing. Jehoshaphat had fought Moab before (2 Chro. 20:1-30) in 897 BC. What sort of person are you asking help from? Do they have more experience than you? What sort of bond joins you together? Is the person displaying a higher spiritual maturity? What testimony has the person got regarding such an issue? Heb. 2:18 For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succour them that are tempted.

They had a strategy. Vs 8. Through the desert of Edom. Made friend with Edom which was another blood nation (Esau). They knew Edom would grant them some kind of help.What is your plan or strategy to overcome the issue of life before you? Are you just saying whatever will be will be? If you do not have a strategy, you don't have anything to work with or even to present to God.What likely help or reinforcement is on the path you have taken? What assistance can you meet on the way. Will help show up? Jesus sent out the 72 without anything. But He made sure that He would go through their pathways (Luke 10:1). Will Jesus likely show up for you.

Incidentally or by predestination, as believers we sometimes find ourselves in desert situations. Vs 9. These 3 kings found themselves in the desert, worst still, they were going in circles. They must have their compass, but that failed. Are you in a situation that appears like a desert? Does it look like you are making circles instead of advancing? How many days, months and years have you wasted? Are you running out of provision or resources? God says He will help you.

They agreed to inquire why such situation should befall them. Vs 10-11. The king of Israel presumed it could be a punishment by God. Jehoshaphat thought otherwise, because of his standing with God. Who you consult during a crisis really matters. You will need to either inquire from God directly or through a genuine prophet of God. If you go to false prophets that just perform signs and wonders, you will be led astray.

To receive help from God you must give honour and reverence to God. You must also give regard and respect to His servants. Vs 12. Note that they didn't summon Elisha; the kings went down to him! It was a son of prophet that God spoke through when Jehoshaphat was faced with three nations. If he had told the boy to shut up, Judah would probably have been ruined and become slaves (II Chro. 20: 15-17). How much honour do you give to God and His work on Earth? How much regard do you give to His servant over you? Your help from God will depend largely on these.

Again, who do you surround yourself with? Vs 13-14. Are they people that can attract help and assistance to you? Or are they people that repel help? Joram would have met his waterloo if not for his association with Jehoshaphat.

Make the prophet of God upon your life happy. Vs 15. It is only then that the hand of God might come upon him for you. Elisha was angry with Joram and so there was no inspiration to offer help. Elisha would have walked away and the kings would have been doomed. The harpist playing made Elisha heart glad and revelation came. Note that it was not Elisha that played the harp. What can you do to make the prophet of God over you happy? What is your 'harp' that can induce the inspiration of help for you? Are you playing the 'harp' or you are hiding it? Isaac told his son Esau to make him venison, such as he loved. That when he had eaten and be happy, he might pronounce help upon his life. Help will come for you in Jesus name.

Unbelievable help was promised by God. Such help as no one or other gods could do. How can one supply water to about a million people and animals in the desert without a pipe from a reservoir? Only God can do it. Elisha even said it is but a light thing for God to do. More so, that God will handover Moab into their hands. The help promised by God came. Vs 20. - It came promptly. The next morning. Less than 24 hours. - At the time of need. The time of meat offering. Flour, oil and incense (water needed to make the dough).. - Direction was surprising. From the desert of Edom. - In surplus. The land was filled with water. That is why I believe that there is someone here that your help will come promptly, at the time of need, in an amazing way and in surplus.

Shockingly, the help they received became a snare to their enemies. The same help that was water to them became blood to their enemies. Your enemies will not be able to do anything regarding your help in Jesus name. It will only lure them to their destruction in Jesus name. .Excerpts of a sermon delivered by Pastor Samuel Obafaiye on October 28, 2012.

2Kings 3: 1-27



I’m pressing on the upward way,New heights I’m gaining every day;Still praying as I’m onward bound,“Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.”

Lord, lift me up and let me stand,By faith, on Heaven’s table land,A higher plane than I have found;Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.

My heart has no desire to stayWhere doubts arise and fears dismay;Though some may dwell where those abound,My prayer, my aim, is higher ground.

I want to live above the world,Though Satan’s darts at me are hurled;For faith has caught the joyful sound,The song of saints on higher ground.

I want to scale the utmost heightAnd catch a gleam of glory bright;But still I’ll pray till Heav’n I’ve found,“Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.”


Pastors Samuel & AnthoniaOBAFAIYE



The Redeemed Christian Church of God

Everlasting Everlasting Father’s AssemblyFather’s Assembly

Tel:- 0113 279 3400; 07789758707; 07940459067; 07941631678email: [email protected], [email protected]

websites: http://www.rccg-leeds.org; http://www.rccgleeds.org.uk

THE LAND OF MERCY, 15-17 WALTER STREET, by Machine Mart, Off Kirkstall Road, LEEDS. LS4 2BB




If you are willing to serve within the Church in any capacity or you know how to play any musical instrument, please see the Pastor.

You are welcome in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We really appreciate your presence. May the Lord visit and bless you.

Please note that MARRIAGE COUNSELLING is available for those in courtships; as well as for those that have the leading to initiate a lifelong relationship. Ask the Pastor for guidance.



Congratulations!!!We collectively want to congratulate our brothers and sisters on their birthday celebrations, which occured last month. . Some of them are: Brother Robinson Amuzie; Brother Chris Asaba; Sister Ejila Makangu; Sister Tracy Becker; Master Timothy Obafaiye; Miss Morayo Banks-Alonge; Miss Alero Boyo; Miss Vanesa Sumah; Master Samuel Adelugba; Miss Somi Dirisu; Miss Ukuhor; Mr Tosanbami Ogholaja;

Sister Oseyemi Oluwatuyi; Brother Samuel Dahunsi; Sister Rufinah Sumah; Brother Daniel Makwa; Mummy Funmilola Ogunyinka; Minister Victor Olajubu; Sister Modupe Ogunlewe and Sister Janet Egunbambi.May God be gracious to you all; bless you and make His face to shine upon you all in Jesus name.


10:15 - 13:00PM5:30PM - 6:30pm

DIGGING DEEP - 6:30pm - 8:30PM




Celebration of Life Service: 1st Sunday of the monthAnointing Service:- Last Sundays of the month

Holy Communion:- Last Wednesday of the monthWomen Fellowship - 3rd Saturday - 1.00PM

Men Fellowship - Last Friday - Bimonthly - 6.30PM

FIRST Friday of the month (10PM - 1AM)





THANKSGIVING SERVICE- By Pastor (Mrs) Anthonia Obafaiye






RETHREN: The Hand of God can be for a man or be against a man, the hand of God can also be upon a man for good or for bad, the hand of God

can save or deliver a man or it can condemn or fight against a man. The Bible makes us to understand from the Book of Psalm 118:16 ‘That the right hand of the Lord exalts, the right hand of the Lord does valiantly (The power of God is superior to all enemies) this is when the hand of God is upon a man and not against him. Yet again the Bible makes us understand that in Hebrews 10:31 that ‘It is fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God, this is when the hand of the God is against. Brethren we have countless examples of instances in the Bible where the hand of God was against a fellow or a nation. But my heart-felt prayer for us is that the Hand of God will forever be for us and not against us in Jesus name.Our main bible passage will be taken from the Book of Matt.15:21-28, Brethren a very interesting story I must say, some versions of the Bible referred to this woman as a Greek woman or the Syrophoenician woman, and this simply means that the woman was not a Jew but a gentile, but even though she was not a Jew, she must have heard about Jesus, The Lord of lords, The King of kings, The Great Deliverer, The Great Healer, The Carrier of eternal joy. She must have heard about the miracles, the healings and the testimonies of people and above all she was able trace the lineage of Jesus because the Bible made us to understand in Matt. 15:22 that she called Jesus ‘O Lord thou son of David, so she knew who she had come to for help (The Help of the helpless). Above all she was on a mission of moving the hand of God, a mission that seemed an impossible task but the Bible says in Luke 1:37 ‘But with God all things are possible. Brethren I would like us to concentrate on the key things this woman did that moved the hand of God for good for her on this particular day and I want to believe if we do these key things we can also move the hand of God for us as touching every area of our lives in Jesus name. The Bible says in Isaiah 42:21 ‘Present your case, says the Lord, bring forward your strong arguments. In order words God is saying can you prove I have done this before, if you are able to and you want to move My hand, then you can if you believe.

Faith that believes in God and that He can do all things. Heb. 11:6. We remember the Lord said to her in Matt. 15:28 ‘O woman great is thy faith. She left home believing that by the time she came from visiting and meeting with the Great Physician her daughter was going to made whole and that is the miracle she received.

Brethren we must not be silent about our predicament, the Bible says in Matt.15:22 that the woman cried unto Jesus saying ‘Have mercy on me, O Lord thou son of David’. The Bible says Jesus is the very present help in time of need. In the book of Mk.10:46-50 when Blind Bartimaeus heard that Jesus was passing by he lifted is voice and cried out to the Lord for mercy until he drew the attention of Jesus to his predicament and he received his sight. Brethren it does not pay to keep silent when we are supposed to cry for help and mercy. You do not need to cry to everybody but cry to the one who will help you. The Shunammite woman kept on saying it is well until she got to the feet of Elisha the Prophet of God. If you want to move the hand of God then you must lift your voice and cry for help and mercy .

Brethren we must not under estimate the power of worship and praise, if prayer does not seem to work, why don’t you switch to praise and worship, Brethren we can sometimes pray amiss but we can not praise amiss. God will not turn his back to true worship and praise, He is the Holy One of Israeli and He inhabits in the praise of his people. The Creator can not praise Himself that is why he created us for his pleasure. The bible says in Matt. 15:24 that Jesus’ answer to the woman’s cry of mercy was ‘ I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the House of Israeli (the Jews) but the Bible records that this woman bowed and worshipped Jesus saying Lord help me. She was just saying to him you are The Greatest, The Most Powerful, no one can be compared to you, I was told you are good in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening, I was told that at no time do you cast out anyone that cries out to you for mercy, I have searched through eternity and I have found no God like you, I have no where else to go Lord, please help me Lord, she was not put off by what Jesus said .

The Bible stated in Matt.15: 26 that this woman was called a dog (But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children’s bread and cast it to the dog’s) but she humbled herself and said yes Lord I accept I am a dog but yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters table. A lot people would have turned back and gone back home at this point.Brethren the amazing lesson to learn from this story is that the time of the Gentiles had not come, the Lord had already made provision for them in the future but this Gentile woman was able to move the hand of God upon her daughter’s life in a good way even when it was not yet time for her race to start enjoying the mercy and grace of God. With her unwavering faith, her heart of true worship, her cry of mercy to the Lord and her humility she was able to move the hand of God forward into time to receive a blessing that was not yet time to manifest. This is awesome, we too can do same by the grace of God. May the Lord bless us in Jesus name.Excerpts of a sermon delivered by Pastor (Mrs) Anthonia Obafaiye at Everlasting Father’s Arena, York on October 28, 2012

Moving The Hand of God




