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Service-Oriented Architecture as a Tool for Map Synthesis

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Service-Oriented Architecture Service-Oriented Architecture as a Tool as a Tool for Map Synthesis for Map Synthesis Alena VONDRÁKOVÁ Vít VOŽENÍLEK Rostislav NÉTEK Palacký University Olomouc Department of Geoinformatics [email protected]
Page 1: Service-Oriented Architecture as a Tool for Map Synthesis

Service-Oriented Architecture Service-Oriented Architecture

as a Tool as a Tool

for Map Synthesisfor Map Synthesis

Service-Oriented Architecture Service-Oriented Architecture

as a Tool as a Tool

for Map Synthesisfor Map Synthesis



Rostislav NÉTEK

Palacký University Olomouc

Department of Geoinformatics

[email protected]



Rostislav NÉTEK

Palacký University Olomouc

Department of Geoinformatics

[email protected]

Page 2: Service-Oriented Architecture as a Tool for Map Synthesis


• map is one of the most suitable forms of presentation of large amount of spatial information

• to maintain readability and clarity in the visualization it is beneficial to prefer complex and synthetic maps

• despite the advantages of synthetic maps for users’ profits, most of the currently produced maps are analytical maps, to a lesser extent, complex maps

• the reason is the unavailability of automated or semi-automated tools for processing map synthesis and the need to define the specific expert procedures for synthetic map completion

• SOA provides the ability to create automated processes, when a user can create a map synthesis based on the choice of certain characteristics and practices

SOMAP 2012

Page 3: Service-Oriented Architecture as a Tool for Map Synthesis

Main ObjectivesMain ObjectivesMain ObjectivesMain Objectives

• define, describe and demonstrate possibilities for the use of SOA for map synthesis

• map applications based on RIA approach take many advantages from cloud-computing technology – their components are located on dedicated servers

• the user’s access to application is fully enabled through the web browser, providing geodata takes advantage of standardized web map services (WMS, WFS, WCS, WPS), which enable data sampling from independent sources, according to particular tasks

• the greatest advantage is that the SOA approach eliminates problems with data collection – data can be recovered in an updated form online and can be directly incorporatedto the process of map synthesis

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• design of the web service does not require any data physically stored in each user´s computer – data are located on the server

• the central storage is used for saving and sharing all data in just one place, instead of copying and saving it many times duplicated into computers

• according to each user´s requirements, it should be possible to fully customize the creation process based on information gained from the users

• cartographical rules and graphical design are guaranteed by respecting OGC specifications

• the processes based just on SOA framework provide tools which can create specialized synthetic maps taking into account user´s requirements

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Map Synthesis in GISMap Synthesis in GISMap Synthesis in GISMap Synthesis in GIS

• cartographic synthesis is a process where individual mono-thematic characteristics are replaced with a new character, which includes all the partial synthesis of presented phenomen

• types of cartographic synthesis are typification and regionalization

• typification classifies selected features in the area by the similarities of selected characteristic, the resulting area types are characterized by the same predetermined range of characteristics values

• regionalization is the process of defining territorial units that are characterized by certain characteristics, the specificity of regionalization is that each region has its set of unique characteristics and cannot occur more than once

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Map Synthesis in GISMap Synthesis in GISMap Synthesis in GISMap Synthesis in GIS

• the process of typification can be relatively easily achieved by defining a procedure for processing the input data, that can be easily repeated

• regionalization is a complex process that often includes expert subjective opinion that cannot be expressed by means of mathematics, it is very hard to repeat this process without new evaluation of the features

• therefore SOA is an approach suitable for the creation of synthesis maps in the sense of typification

• synthetic maps represent the cartographic visualizations with the highest information value, because they express the results of complex scientific processes on the basis of large amounts of data

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Page 8: Service-Oriented Architecture as a Tool for Map Synthesis

SOA as a Tool for SynthesisSOA as a Tool for SynthesisSOA as a Tool for SynthesisSOA as a Tool for Synthesis

• map synthesis combines individual components made by the analysis process and links, in such a way that it creates a new (previously nonexistent) complex with high information value

• synthetic map has elements combined in different ways

• combination of GIS with SOA provides the automation and repeatability of individual processes

• algorithm of the synthetic process is responsible for outputs processing – the algorithm processes input data (different services and layers) based on pre-defined procedure, with synthetic output

• user does not know exactly which processes and tools are involved in the process, the resulting model aggregate input services on spatial-tasks

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SOA as a Tool for SynthesisSOA as a Tool for SynthesisSOA as a Tool for SynthesisSOA as a Tool for Synthesis

• spatial queries select data that corresponds to specific criteria or condition, the query usually consists of three main components:

1) data specification, 2) condition formulation, 3) instruction

• not all data are suitable for GIS operation, some conditions are formulated for data guarantee and appropriate data are selected

• last step is giving concrete instructions on what should be done with the selected data

• spatial query used in map synthesis might be both attribute and spatial – in attribute query the algorithm detect which geographic objects comply with a defined property

• entering into “black-box model,” there are spatial tools such as regionalisation, typification, cluster analysis, factor analysis, similarities searching or elimination

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SOA BenefitsSOA BenefitsSOA BenefitsSOA Benefits

• benefits of SOA bring revolutionary opportunities to map creation

• designed infrastructure allows one to add or edit query input features and its parameters (black box) anytime

• if any data needs to be updated, each particular transformation is done on the original WFS layer only and updated immediately, then, the changed layer automatically enters into the black box

• Example: ten users from different countries work with our synthetics map, there is no necessity to resend updated sources to each user and then ten users have to save it in their local computer and subsequently generate the same map ten times

• based on documents and rules describing synthesis behaviour, it is possible to create new map outputs

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Demonstration of SOA ApplicationDemonstration of SOA ApplicationDemonstration of SOA ApplicationDemonstration of SOA Application

• demonstration of SOA application for map synthesis process is realized on complex synthesis map of transport density

• typical non-SOA approach is to collect all necessary data on the map producer’s computer and then create a new one by linking and joining in one map projectthis is time-, technologically- and financially-consuming way

• the approach based on SOA indicates that it is not necessary to download any data; it takes advantage of Web Services

• it provides better functionality, the developing process is much easier and faster, and mainly the final map is updated immediately, when the data are changed

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SOMAP 2012

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Demonstration of SOA ApplicationDemonstration of SOA ApplicationDemonstration of SOA ApplicationDemonstration of SOA Application

• topographic component is the Topology WMS layer of the Czech Republic with transparency over the WMS Satellite Map (published by the Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre)

• cascading synthesis allows the creation of the final complex map

• each layer enters into the “Black Box” where data are processed by pre-defined algorithm

• similar simple tasks can be repeated and combined

• resulting synthetic output can be processed by the number of mathematic functions such as length and angle measurements, using operators (<,>,=, etc.) or Boolean algebra (AND, OR, NOT)

• if any statistical or attribute information is extracted (e.g. select crossroads with more than 100 cars/hour) attributes values are analyzed

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Demonstration of SOA ApplicationDemonstration of SOA ApplicationDemonstration of SOA ApplicationDemonstration of SOA Application

• in case of localization task it can be combined, for example Olomouc City can be selected by processing the attribute (find Olomouc in the database) as well as spatial task (extent localization e.g by mouse, by coordinates etc.)

• current GIS methods allow combining both components because there are many spatial databases which strictly connect geometry with attributes

• GIS principle allows performing geometrical operations in a more sophisticated way, typically specified by some other spatial requirements (overlap, intersect union, identity, clip, erase, update, split, contain an element, be in touch, etc.)

• users can define map outputs through map environment

• the synthetic process is managed by GIS operators

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SOA ApproachSOA ApproachSOA ApproachSOA Approach

• in the process of completing synthetic maps by using the SOA technology, it is needed to preserve the copyright protection of input data layers and cartographic product

• GIS web architecture reflected the SOA principles typically in the cloud computing approach

• it is a model based on the principle of the development and use of computer technology through the Internet

• specialized services focused directly on the processing spatial data allow the creation of custom synthetic applications using powerful computers connected to the "cloud„

• user does not know exactly where data and application are placed, everything is placed “somewhere in the cloud, somewhere on the Internet”

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SOA ApproachSOA ApproachSOA ApproachSOA Approach

• due to the SOA approach it is possible to create maps automatically and repeatedly

• due to the benefits of the mentioned methods, if data are updated automatically from the remote server, the synthetic map is generated again dynamically

• in fact, final synthesis is ever updated; the end-user does not have to worry about the content, about the data, about the processing system

• this approach has big potential and gradually will replace the present style of working with geospatial information

• potential of SOA-based synthetic map production is crucial for progress in geosciences

• SOA approach can be a powerful way of map synthesis

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• GIS are an appropriate tool to create the synthesis of spatial data layers, but not replace the need of professionals who have to set the parameters to determine the process of map synthesis

• semi-automatic processes of map synthesis are based on the user-defined procedures that are applied to input data in the form of various algorithms

• benefits of SOA technology in the process of spatial synthesis consists primarily in time savings in the implementation of complex calculations and visualizations.

• benefits of synthetic maps for users are undisputed

• SOA provides an effective tool to create and present synthetic maps

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• solution based on the RIA concept in cloud computing is a new trend of processing and publishing GIS outputs

• it brings the tools, practices and conventions from the desktop platform to the interactive web applications, providing greater user comfort, while respecting the SOA principles

• both the data and the methods of map generating are no duplicated

• the centralization significantly simplifies the process of map publishing by economic, technologic and temporal aspects

SOMAP 2012

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The paper has been completed within the Operational Program Education for Competitiveness:

European Social Fund CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0170 and CZ.1.07/2.2.00/28.0078.


The paper has been completed within the Operational Program Education for Competitiveness:

European Social Fund CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0170 and CZ.1.07/2.2.00/28.0078.
