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Session 13

Date post: 31-Oct-2014
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Session 13 Double Page spread Construction
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Session 13

Double Page spread Construction

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To create the double page spread the software I used was InDesign with the addition of Photoshop to edit Images. When creating a double page spread there were various codes and conventions I tried to follow such as the way it is layout and the content.

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When Researching Double Page spreads all of them showed the convention of having one main image and possibly one other or multiple . When constructing my double page spread I used two images. As the genre of my film was Horror I wanted the images to be reflect this, so I used the image of the hand and the one of the hand on the tree in the night because it seems mysterious.

Layout: The layout I used in the production of my double page spread was inspired from a variety of different double page spreads which consist of a main image and title on one side with all the text on the other.

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When I obtained the star ratings sign I was going to use it needed to be edited to have a black background as my page was going to be black. To do this I had to open it in Photoshop and edit it before I could used it. Using the magic wand tool I had to select the background around the stars and cut it away.

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Here I added a rating and a few words from critics which would attract readers to want to watch the film as it has been rated high. Conventionally, film reviews have ratings of the film attached to it.

In many reviews there is a pull out quote to catch the readers eye, here I used it to allow the reader to see what type of film it is and give away the element of Horror from “a terrifying end”

On all double page spreads there is a bold Title that stands out. I followed this convention as it is needed for the audience to have insight into what the article will be about.

The text has been put in columns making it easy for the reader to scan for information and read.

The articles content is supposed to be a review of the film criticising and praising different aspects of the film such as the plot, characters and acting. Whilst reviewing the film they must try not to give away the events of the film conventionally although some double page spreads hint about things which will happen. When writing my Review I commented on different aspects of the film without giving away hints of anything which will happen.
