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Session 4 4th edition PMP

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Project Scope Management
Page 1: Session   4 4th edition PMP

Project Scope Management

Page 2: Session   4 4th edition PMP
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• After we collect requirements of project

• We need to define scope

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Tools & Techniques

Product analysisFor projects that have a product as a deliverable, as opposed to a service or result, product

analysis can be an effective tool. Each application area has one or more generally accepted methods

for translating high-level product descriptions into tangible deliverables.

Product Analysis Template

Product name:

Company name:

Materials used :

Utility :

Client’s needs :

Safety / Hazards :)

Cost :

Aesthetics :

Green quotient:

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Alternatives Identification

-The purpose of this technique is to generate ideas on different ways to accomplish the project- The desired work is already known, but there may be preferred ways to accomplish the work

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Define Scope• Process of developing a detailed description of the project and product

– Project scope statement may includes product scope, deliverables, product acceptance criteria, out of scope, additional risk, constraints & assumptions


1. Project charter2. Requirements

documentation3. Organizational

process assets

Tools & Techniques

1. Expert judgment2. Product analysis3. Alternatives

Identification4. Facilitated workshops


1. Project scope statement

2. Project document updates

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Project Scope Statement• Contents

– Product scope– Deliverables– Product acceptance criteria– What is not part of the project (out of scope)– Additional risks– Constraints and assumptions :

Constraints: factors that limit the team’s optionsAssumptions: Things that assumed to be true (may not be true)

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PROJECT SCOPE STATEMENTProject Title: Date Prepared:

Product Scope Description:

Product Scope is progressively elaborated from the project description and the project requirements in the Project Charter.

Project Deliverables:

Project deliverables are progressively elaborated from the project description, the product characteristics, and the product requirements in the Project Charter.

Project Acceptance Criteria:

The acceptance criteria that will need to be met in order for a stakeholder to accept a deliverable. Acceptance criteria can be developed for the entire project or for each component of the project.

Project Exclusions:

Project exclusions clearly define what is considered out of scope for the project.

Project Constraints:

Constraints that may be imposed on the project ma include a fixed budget, hard deliverable dates, or specific technology.

Project Assumptions:Assumptions about deliverables, resources, estimates, and any other aspect of the project that the team holds to be true, real, or correct but has not validated.

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Product Scope Description: االطباء وغرف الطبية الخدمات جميع يشمل طابق وكل طوابق اربع من المستشفى مبنى يتكون

على ويحتوى للطوارئ االرضي الطابق متخصصة وعيادات والممرضات والممرضين والطبيباتوعدد ) مفردة )3غرفة و( استقبال وغرفة المعالجة وغرف لالطباء( 3عيادات استراحة غرفة

على ويحتوي القصيرة واالقامة االطفال للمرضى االول والطابق للمرضى 12والتمريض سريرو و 9االطفال القصيرة لالقامة وعدد )3أسرة لالطفال ترفيه الوجبات( 3غرف وتوزيع عيادات

على ويحتوى الرجال من البالغين للمرضى الثاني تسع )35والطابق غرفة كل وعدد( 4سرير مرضىالنساء( 3) من البالغين للمرضى الثالث للتحضيروالطابق وغرفة للمعالجة وغرفة مفردة غرفة

على تسع )35ويحتوى غرفة كل وعدد( )4سرير وغرفة( 3مرضى للمعالجة وغرفة مفردة غرفة:Project Deliverablesللتحضير

الطابق وبناء االول الطابق وبناء االرضي الطابق وبناء االساسات واعمال مساحة اعمالالتكييفات وتركيب التشطيبات واعمال الكهرباء واعمال الثالث الطابق وبناء الثاني

والكتالوجات كاملة بالمستشفى الخاصة الرسومات وتسليم الطبية االجهزة وتركيببالمبنى الخاصة

Project Acceptance Criteria:والشركة المالك بين العقد في جاء لما طبقا المشروع مجاالت جميع في القبول يتم

الجودة في المصرية القياسية للمواصفات وطبقا


المشروع نطاق بيان2012/10/12التاريخ : وتجهيز : بناء المشروع اسم

خاص مستشفى

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Project Constraints:

عن تزيد ال مدة في وتجهيزها المستشفى بناء شهور 8ضرورة

Project Assumptions:

الالزمة الحكومية التصاريح استخراج وامكانية العاملة االيدي توافر , يفترض

Project Exclusions:شبكة اقامة وال بالمستشفى الخاصة الالزمة الديكورات عمل على المشروع يشتمل ال

بالمستشفى خاصة معلومات


المشروع نطاق بيانوتجهيز : بناء المشروع اسم

خاص 2012/10/12التاريخ :مستشفى

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• The scope defined is difficult to manage

• So we decompose main deliverables create WBS

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Create WBSProcess of subdividing project deliverables and project work into smaller,

more manageable components.


1. Project scope statement2. Requirements

documentation3. Organizational process


Tools & Techniques

1. Decomposition


1. WBS2. WBS dictionary3. Scope baseline4. Project document


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Create WBS

Work package: lowest level WBS component which can be scheduled, cost estimated, monitored and controlled.

100% rule: WBS includes 100% of the work defined by project scope and capture ALL deliverables (external, internal, interim) in term of work to be completed including project management.

WBS dictionary provides more detailed components, e.g. description of work, responsible organization, acceptance criteria

Agreed Scope baseline includes project scope statement, WBS, WBS dictionary

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Work Breakdown Structure



تجهيز المستشفى


تجهيز المستشفى


كهرباء اعمال 1.2كهرباء اعمال


انشاء اعمال 1.3

انشاء اعمال 1.3

اجهزة تركيب 1.1.1

اجهزة تركيب 1.1.1

التسليح اعمال

التسليح اعمال

نجارة اعمال1.3.2.2

نجارة اعمال1.3.2.2

التكييف اعمال 1.2.1

التكييف اعمال 1.2.1

التوصيالت الكهربية


التوصيالت الكهربية


بناء اعمال 1.3.1

بناء اعمال 1.3.1





اجهزة شراء 1.1.2

اجهزة شراء 1.1.2

اعمال اساسات


اعمال اساسات


وتجهيز : بناء المشروع اسمخاص مستشفى

2012/10/12التاريخ :

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Work Breakdown Structure



Major deliverable


Major deliverable


Major deliverable


Major deliverable


Major deliverable


Major deliverable


Deliverable 1.1.1

Deliverable 1.1.1

Work Package

Work Package

Work Package

Work Package

Work Package


Work Package


Work package


Work package


Work Package


Work Package


Work Package

Work Package

Work Package

Work Package

Work Package

Work Package

Work Package


Work Package


Deliverable 1.3.2

Deliverable 1.3.2

Project Title: ____________________ Date Prepared: ______________

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This is the time to ensure the deliverable is acceptedVerify Scope

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Verify Scope• Process of formalizing acceptance of the completed project deliverables.


1. Project scope statement

2. Requirements documentation

3. Requirement traceability matrix

4. Validated deliverables

Tools & Techniques

1. Inspection


1. Accepted deliverables2. Change requests3. Project document


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Inspection• Inspection includes activities

such as measuring, examining,

and verifying to determine

whether work and deliverables

meet requirements and product

acceptance criteria. Inspections

are sometimes called reviews,

product reviews, audits, and


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• Question :• Why we need to

Control scope?

• Answer :• To avoid Scope creep

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Control Scope• Process of monitoring the status of the project and product scope and

managing changes to the scope baseline• Prevent from scope creep


1. Project management plan

2. Work performance information

3. Requirements document

4. Requirement traceability matrix

5. Organizational process assets

Tools & Techniques

1. Variance analysis


1. Work performance measurements

2. Organizational process assets updates

3. Change requests4. Project management

plan updates5. Project document


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Work performance information:

• Information about project progress, such as which deliverables have started, their progress and which deliverables have finished.

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Variance analysis

• Project performance measurements are used to assess the magnitude of variation from the original scope baseline. Important aspects of project scope control include determining the cause and degree of variance relative to the scope baseline and deciding whether corrective or preventive action is required

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Control Scope: Outputs

.1 Work Performance MeasurementsMeasurements can include planned vs. actual technical performance or other scope performance measurements. This information is documented and communicated to stakeholders.

.2 Organizational Process Assets UpdatesOrganizational process assets that may be updated include, but are not limited to:• Causes of variances,• Corrective action chosen and the reasons, and• Other types of lessons learned from project scope control.

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3 Change Requests

-Analysis of scope performance can result in a change request to the scope baseline or other components of the project management plan.

- Change requests can include preventive or corrective actions or defect repairs.

Control Scope: Outputs

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Control Scope: Outputs• .4 Project Management Plan Updates• • Scope Baseline Updates. • If the approved change requests have an effect upon the project

scope, then the scope statement, the WBS, and the WBS dictionary are revised and reissued to reflect the approved changes.

• .5 Project Document Updates• Project documents that may be updated include, but are not limited

to:• • Requirements documentation, and• • Requirements traceability matrix.

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1-You are a project manager of a large project and you are identifying some alternative techniques to generate different approaches to execute and perform the work of a project. You are doing it as a part of:

A-Collect Requirements

B-Control Scope

C-Verify Scope

D-Define Scope

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2- one stakeholder has asked you to add to the scope of the project . The project is under budget and a little a head of schedule what should you do?

A- approve the change.

B- Determine the effects of the change on the project.

C- ask the sponsor for approval to make the change.

D- refuse the request.

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3-Verify Scope can be BEST described as the process of

A-Verifying that the project quality requirements have been met

B-Obtaining stakeholder's formal acceptance of the project deliverables

C-Controlling changes to the scope of the project D-Verifying that all of the project's objectives have

been met

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4-During the planning phase of your project, your project team members has discovered another way to complete a portion of the project scope. This method is safer for the project team, but may cost more for the customer. This is an example of _____ ?

1. Alternative identification.

2. Risk assessment.

3. Alternative selection.

4. Product analysis.

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5- A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) numbering system should allow project staff to:

A. identify the level at which individual WBS elements are found.

B. identify configuration management milestones.

C. estimate the costs of WBS elements.

D. provide project justification.

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6- An example of scope verification is:

A. reviewing the performance of an installed software module.

B. managing changes to the project schedule.

C. decomposing the WBS to a work package level.

D. performing a benefit/cost analysis to determine if we should proceed with the project

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7-Validated deliverables is an input to which of the following processes?

1-Collect Requirements

2-Define Scope

3-Create WBS

4-Verify Scope

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8- the work break down Structure is created by

A- the team

B- the project manager

C- management

D- the sponsor

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9-over the last few weeks .the team has made three changes to the activities on the project the project manager must be most careful to.

A-record all the changes

B- provide documentation on all the changes to the sponsor

C- make sure the changes are reflected in the project scope baselines

D- prevent more changes from occurring

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Thank you
