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Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation

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  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


    Principles ofPrinciples ofManagementManagement

    Course FacilitatorCourse Facilitator

    Asif Jalees Asif Jalees

  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


    Session 9Session 9

    Managing Change andManaging Change and


  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


    Managing Change & InnovationManaging Change & Innovation

    What is Change?What is Change?

    What is Innovation?What is Innovation?

  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


    Managing Change & InnovationManaging Change & Innovation

    What is Change?What is Change?

    rgani!ational Change" An#rgani!ational Change" An#

    alterations in people$ structure oralterations in people$ structure or


    Change is an organi!ational realit#%Change is an organi!ational realit#%

    Managing change is an integral partManaging change is an integral part

    of ever# managers 'o(%of ever# managers 'o(%

  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


    Managing Change & InnovationManaging Change & Innovation

    Forces for ChangeForces for Change

    )here are t*o forces for change")here are t*o forces for change"



  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


    Managing Change & InnovationManaging Change & Innovation

    +,ternal Forces" )he forces that+,ternal Forces" )he forces that

    create the need for change comecreate the need for change come

    from various sources%from various sources%

    I%I% -overnmental .a*s & /egulations-overnmental .a*s & /egulations


    III%III%+conomic Changes+conomic Changes

  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


    Managing Change & InnovationManaging Change & Innovation

    Internal Forces" )he forces that comeInternal Forces" )he forces that come

    from *ithin the organi!ation%from *ithin the organi!ation%


    rgani!ations Strateg#rgani!ations Strateg#

    II%II% Wor0forceWor0force

    III%III%+mplo#ee Attitudes+mplo#ee Attitudes

  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


    Managing Change & InnovationManaging Change & Innovation)he Manager as Change Agent)he Manager as Change Agent

    Changes *ithin an organi!ation need aChanges *ithin an organi!ation need acatal#st 1an agent that speeds signi2cantcatal#st 1an agent that speeds signi2cant

    change3% People *ho act as catal#st andchange3% People *ho act as catal#st and

    assume the responsi(ilit# for managingassume the responsi(ilit# for managing

    change process are calledchange process are called change agentschange agents%% An# manager can (e a change agent% AnAn# manager can (e a change agent% An

    outside consultant can also pla# the sameoutside consultant can also pla# the same

    role% For ma'or s#stem *ide changes$ anrole% For ma'or s#stem *ide changes$ an

    organi!ation *ill often hire outsideorgani!ation *ill often hire outside

    consultants to provide advise & assistance%consultants to provide advise & assistance%

  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


    Managing Change & InnovationManaging Change & Innovation)*o 4ie*s of the Change Process)*o 4ie*s of the Change Process

    We can use t*o ver# di5erent metaphorsWe can use t*o ver# di5erent metaphors1idea3 to descri(e the change process%1idea3 to descri(e the change process%

    I%I% ne metaphors envisions the organi!ationne metaphors envisions the organi!ation

    as a large ship crossing a clam sea% )heas a large ship crossing a clam sea% )he

    ships captain and cre* 0no* e,actl#ships captain and cre* 0no* e,actl#*here the# are going (ecause the# have*here the# are going (ecause the# have

    made the trip man# times (efore% Changemade the trip man# times (efore% Change

    comes in the form of an occasional storm$comes in the form of an occasional storm$

    a (rief distraction in an other*ise calma (rief distraction in an other*ise calm

    and predicta(le trip%and predicta(le trip%

  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


    Managing Change & InnovationManaging Change & Innovation

    )*o 4ie*s of the Change Process)*o 4ie*s of the Change Process

    II3 In the other metaphor$ the organi!ationII3 In the other metaphor$ the organi!ationis seen as a small raft navigating a roughis seen as a small raft navigating a rough

    river *ith uninterrupted *hite 6 *aterriver *ith uninterrupted *hite 6 *ater

    rapids% A(oard the raft are half a do!enrapids% A(oard the raft are half a do!en

    people *ho have never *or0ed togetherpeople *ho have never *or0ed together(efore$ *ho are totall# unfamiliar *ith(efore$ *ho are totall# unfamiliar *ith

    the river$ *ho are unsure of theirthe river$ *ho are unsure of their

    eventual destination$ and *ho$ as ifeventual destination$ and *ho$ as ifthings *ere not (ad enough$ arethings *ere not (ad enough$ are

    traveling at night%traveling at night%

  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


    Managing ChangeManaging Change As change agents$ managers shouldAs change agents$ managers should

    (e motivated to initiate change(e motivated to initiate change(ecause the# are committed to(ecause the# are committed to

    improving their organi!ationsimproving their organi!ations

    performance% Initiating changeperformance% Initiating change

    involves identif#ing *hatinvolves identif#ing *hat

    organi!ational areas might need toorgani!ational areas might need to

    (e changed and putting the change(e changed and putting the change

    process in motion%process in motion% Managers must manage emplo#eeManagers must manage emplo#ee

    resistance to change%resistance to change%

  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


    Managing ChangeManaging Change

    )#pes of Change)#pes of Change

    )he managers options for change)he managers options for change

    essentiall# fall into three categories"essentiall# fall into three categories"

    i%i% Changing StructureChanging Structure


    Changing )echnolog#Changing )echnolog#

    iii%iii% Changing PeopleChanging People

  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


    )hree Categories of Change)hree Categories of Change

  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


    73 Changing Structure73 Changing Structure

    Managers organi!ing responsi(ilitiesManagers organi!ing responsi(ilitiesinclude such activities as choosing theinclude such activities as choosing the

    organi!ations formal design$ allocatingorgani!ations formal design$ allocating

    authorit# and determining the degree ofauthorit# and determining the degree of

    formali!ation% For instance$ departmentalformali!ation% For instance$ departmentalresponsi(ilities could (e com(ined$responsi(ilities could (e com(ined$

    organi!ational levels eliminated$ or spansorgani!ational levels eliminated$ or spans

    of control *idened to ma0e theof control *idened to ma0e the

    organi!ation 8atter and less (ureaucratic%organi!ation 8atter and less (ureaucratic%


  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


    73 Changing Structure73 Changing Structure

    r more rule or procedures could (er more rule or procedures could (eimplemented to increaseimplemented to increase

    standardi!ation% An increase instandardi!ation% An increase in

    decentrali!ation can (e used to ma0edecentrali!ation can (e used to ma0e

    decision ma0ing faster% +vendecision ma0ing faster% +ven

    organi!ational do*nsi!ing e5ortsorgani!ational do*nsi!ing e5orts

    involve changes in structure%involve changes in structure%

  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


    :3 Changing )echnolog#:3 Changing )echnolog#

    Managers can also change theManagers can also change thetechnolog# used to convert inputs intotechnolog# used to convert inputs into

    outputs% )oda#$ ma'or technologicaloutputs% )oda#$ ma'or technological

    changes usuall# involve thechanges usuall# involve the

    introduction of ne* e;uipment$ toolsintroduction of ne* e;uipment$ toolsor *or0 methods< automation oror *or0 methods< automation or

    computeri!ation% For instance$ the =Scomputeri!ation% For instance$ the =S

    arm# uses email facilit# among troopsarm# uses email facilit# among troopson the (attle2eld%on the (attle2eld%


  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


    :3 Changing )echnolog#:3 Changing )echnolog#

    Automation is a technological changeAutomation is a technological changethat replaces certain tas0s done (#that replaces certain tas0s done (#

    people *ith machines% For instance$people *ith machines% For instance$

    assem(l# lines$ *here ro(ots areassem(l# lines$ *here ro(ots are

    programmed to do 'o(s%programmed to do 'o(s%

  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


    >3 Changing People>3 Changing People

    )he term organi!ational development)he term organi!ational development

    13$ though occasionall# referring to all13$ though occasionall# referring to all

    t#pes of change$ essentiall# focuses ont#pes of change$ essentiall# focuses on

    techni;ues or programs to change peopletechni;ues or programs to change people

    and the nature and ;ualit# ofand the nature and ;ualit# ofinterpersonal *or0 relationships% For e%g%interpersonal *or0 relationships% For e%g%

    -eorge Fisher$ former C+ of +astman-eorge Fisher$ former C+ of +astman

    @oda0$ applied various forms of to@oda0$ applied various forms of to

    (oost emplo#ee morale% While past(oost emplo#ee morale% While past@oda0 C+s tended to (e autocratic and@oda0 C+s tended to (e autocratic and

    inaccessi(le$inaccessi(le$ 1Cont31Cont3

  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


    >3 Changing People>3 Changing People

    Fisher re(uilt the compan# throughFisher re(uilt the compan# throughrespect for people$ trust and support$respect for people$ trust and support$

    openness$ the sharing of po*er andopenness$ the sharing of po*er and


    li ith / i t t li ith / i t t

  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


    ealing *ith /esistance toealing *ith /esistance to


    Change can (e a threat to people inChange can (e a threat to people inan organi!ation% Wh# do people resistan organi!ation% Wh# do people resist

    change and *hat can (e done tochange and *hat can (e done to

    minimi!e their resistance?minimi!e their resistance?

    li ith / i t t li ith / i t t

  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


    ealing *ith /esistance toealing *ith /esistance to


    Wh# people resist change" anWh# people resist change" anindividual is li0el# to resist change forindividual is li0el# to resist change for

    three reasons"three reasons"

    a%a% =ncertaint#=ncertaint#

    (%(% Concern over personal lossConcern over personal loss

    c%c% And the (elief that the change is notAnd the (elief that the change is notin the organi!ations (est interest%in the organi!ations (est interest%

    li ith / i t t li ith / i t t

  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


    ealing *ith /esistance toealing *ith /esistance to


    a3a3 =ncertaint#" When #ou 0no* in=ncertaint#" When #ou 0no* indetail or have e,pertise *hich isdetail or have e,pertise *hich is

    going to change% For instance$ *hengoing to change% For instance$ *hen

    ;ualit# control methods (ased on;ualit# control methods (ased on

    sophisticated statistical models aresophisticated statistical models areintroduced into manufacturingintroduced into manufacturing

    plants$ man# ;ualit# controlplants$ man# ;ualit# control

    inspectors have to learn the ne*inspectors have to learn the ne*methods% Some inspectors ma# fearmethods% Some inspectors ma# fear

    that the# *ill (e una(le to do so%that the# *ill (e una(le to do so%

    li ith / i t t li ith / i t t

  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


    ealing *ith /esistance toealing *ith /esistance to


    (3 Concern over personal loss" )he second(3 Concern over personal loss" )he second

    cause of resistance is the fear of losingcause of resistance is the fear of losing

    something alread# possessed% Changesomething alread# possessed% Change

    threatens the investment #ou havethreatens the investment #ou have

    alread# made in the status ;uo% )healread# made in the status ;uo% )hemore that people have invested in themore that people have invested in the

    current s#stem$ the more the# resistcurrent s#stem$ the more the# resist

    change% Wh#? )he# fear the loss ofchange% Wh#? )he# fear the loss of

    status$ mone#$ authorit#$ friendships$status$ mone#$ authorit#$ friendships$

    personal convenience or other (ene2ts%personal convenience or other (ene2ts%

    li ith / i t t li ith / i t t

  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


    ealing *ith /esistance toealing *ith /esistance to


    c3 elief that change is not in favor ofc3 elief that change is not in favor oforgani!ation" A 2nal cause oforgani!ation" A 2nal cause of

    resistance is a persons (elief thatresistance is a persons (elief that

    the change is incompati(le *ith thethe change is incompati(le *ith the

    goals and interests of thegoals and interests of the


    ) h i f / d i / i t) h i f / d i / i t

  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


    )echni;ues for /educing /esistance)echni;ues for /educing /esistance

    to Changeto Change

    7%7% +ducation and Communication"+ducation and Communication" Communicate *ith emplo#ees toCommunicate *ith emplo#ees to

    help them see the logic of change%help them see the logic of change%

    +ducate emplo#ees through oneBonB+ducate emplo#ees through oneBonBone discussions$ memos$ groupone discussions$ memos$ group


    uild mutual trust and credi(ilit#uild mutual trust and credi(ilit#(et*een managers and emplo#ees%(et*een managers and emplo#ees%

    ) h i f / d i / i t) h i f / d i / i t

  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


    )echni;ues for /educing /esistance)echni;ues for /educing /esistance

    to Changeto Change

    :% Participation":% Participation" Allo*s those *ho oppose a changeAllo*s those *ho oppose a change

    to participate in decision%to participate in decision%

    Assume that the# have e,pertise toAssume that the# have e,pertise toma0e meaningful contri(utions%ma0e meaningful contri(utions%

    Involvement can reduce resistance$Involvement can reduce resistance$

    o(tain commitment to seeingo(tain commitment to seeingchange succeed and increasechange succeed and increase

    ;ualit# of change decision%;ualit# of change decision%

  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


    )echni;ues for /educing /esistance)echni;ues for /educing /esistance

    to Changeto Change

    >% Facilitation and Support">% Facilitation and Support" Provide supportive e5orts such asProvide supportive e5orts such as

    emplo#ee counseling or therap#$emplo#ee counseling or therap#$

    ne* s0ills training$ or short paidne* s0ills training$ or short paidleave of a(sence%leave of a(sence%

    Can (e time consuming andCan (e time consuming and


  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


    )echni;ues for /educing /esistance)echni;ues for /educing /esistance

    to Changeto Change

    % Degotiation"% Degotiation" +,change something of value to+,change something of value to

    reduce resistance%reduce resistance%

    Ma# (e necessar# *hen resistanceMa# (e necessar# *hen resistancecomes from a po*erful source%comes from a po*erful source%

    Potentiall# high costs and li0elihoodPotentiall# high costs and li0elihood

    of having to negotiate *ith otherof having to negotiate *ith otherresisters%resisters%

  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


    )echni;ues for /educing /esistance)echni;ues for /educing /esistance

    to Changeto Change

    E%E% Manipulation and Cooptation"Manipulation and Cooptation" Manipulation is convert attempts toManipulation is convert attempts to

    in8uence such as t*isting or distortingin8uence such as t*isting or distorting

    facts$ *ith holding damagingfacts$ *ith holding damaginginformation$ or creating false rumors%information$ or creating false rumors%

    Cooptation is a form of manipulationCooptation is a form of manipulation

    and participation%and participation%

    Ine,pensive and eas# *a#s to gainIne,pensive and eas# *a#s to gain

    support of resisters%support of resisters%

    Can fail misera(l# if targets feel the#Can fail misera(l# if targets feel the#

    have (een tric0ed%have (een tric0ed%

  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


    )echni;ues for /educing /esistance)echni;ues for /educing /esistance

    to Changeto Change

    % Coercion"% Coercion"

    =sing direct threats or force%=sing direct threats or force%

    Ine,pensive and eas# *a#s to getIne,pensive and eas# *a#s to getsupport%support%

    Ma# (e illegal% +ven legal coercion canMa# (e illegal% +ven legal coercion can

    (e perceived as (ull#ing%(e perceived as (ull#ing%

  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


    Gandling +mplo#ee StressGandling +mplo#ee Stress

    For man# emplo#ees$ change createsFor man# emplo#ees$ change creates

    stress% A d#namic and uncertainstress% A d#namic and uncertainenvironment can create stress% In thisenvironment can create stress% In this

    section$ *e *ill revie* *hat stress is$section$ *e *ill revie* *hat stress is$

    its causes and ho* to identif# it andits causes and ho* to identif# it and*hat managers can do it to reduce*hat managers can do it to reduce


  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


    Gandling +mplo#ee StressGandling +mplo#ee Stress What is Stress" A d#namic condition aWhat is Stress" A d#namic condition a

    person faces *hen confronted *ith anperson faces *hen confronted *ith an

    opportunit#$ constraint$ or demand relatedopportunit#$ constraint$ or demand related

    to *hat he or she desires and for *hich theto *hat he or she desires and for *hich the

    outcome is perceived to (e (oth uncertainoutcome is perceived to (e (oth uncertain

    and important%and important% Stress$ in and of itself$ is not necessaril#Stress$ in and of itself$ is not necessaril#

    (ad% Although stress if often discussed in a(ad% Although stress if often discussed in a

    negative conte,t$ it also has a positivenegative conte,t$ it also has a positive

    value$ particularl# *hen it o5ers a potentialvalue$ particularl# *hen it o5ers a potentialgain% Functional stress allo*s an athlete orgain% Functional stress allo*s an athlete or

    emplo#ee to perform at his or her highestemplo#ee to perform at his or her highest

    level in crucial situations%level in crucial situations%

    dli l

  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


    Gandling +mplo#ee StressGandling +mplo#ee Stress

    )*o conditions are necessar# for)*o conditions are necessar# for

    potential stress to (ecome actualpotential stress to (ecome actualstress% )here must (e uncertaint# overstress% )here must (e uncertaint# over

    the outcome$ and the outcome mustthe outcome$ and the outcome must

    (e important%(e important%

  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


    dli lG dli + l S

  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


    Gandling +mplo#ee StressGandling +mplo#ee Stress


  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


    G dli + l SG dli + l St

  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


    Gandling +mplo#ee StressGandling +mplo#ee Stress

    S#mptoms ofStress

    Changes inmeta(olism$ increase

    heart & (reathingrates$ raised (lood

    pressure$ headaches$& potential of heart




    Jo( related

    dissatisfaction$tension$ an,iet#$

    irrita(ilit# &(oredom


    Changes in productivit#$a(senteeism$ 'o( turn over$changes in eating ha(its$

    increase smo0ing$consumption of alcohol$ rapid

    speech & sleep disorders

    /educing Stress rgani!ational/educing Stress rgani!ational

  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


    /educing Stress 6 rgani!ational/educing Stress 6 rgani!ational

    .evel.evel As a manager things *hich #ou canAs a manager things *hich #ou can

    do are"do are"

    i%i% Selection of right emplo#ee for theSelection of right emplo#ee for the


    ii%ii% /ealistic previe* of 'o( during the/ealistic previe* of 'o( during the

    selection process to the candidate toselection process to the candidate to

    reduce am(iguit#%reduce am(iguit#%

    iii%iii% Clarit# in terms of M%Clarit# in terms of M%

    iv%iv%Jo( redesign%Jo( redesign%

  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation



    What companies come to #our mindWhat companies come to #our mind

    *hen #ou thin0 of successful*hen #ou thin0 of successful


  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation



    Ma# (e Son# Corporation$ *ith itsMa# (e Son# Corporation$ *ith its

    Wal0man$ Pla#Station$ Ai(o /o(otWal0man$ Pla#Station$ Ai(o /o(ot

    pads$ and 4aio PCs%pads$ and 4aio PCs%

    Ma# (e >M Corporation *ith its Post 6Ma# (e >M Corporation *ith its Post 6

    it notes$ Scotch 6 -uard protectiveit notes$ Scotch 6 -uard protectivecoatings and cellophane tape%coatings and cellophane tape%

    Ma# (e Intel Corporation *ith itsMa# (e Intel Corporation *ith its

    continual advancements in chipcontinual advancements in chipdesigns and ne* productdesigns and ne* product


  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


    Creativit# 4ersus InnovationCreativit# 4ersus Innovation

    Creativit#" )he a(ilit# to com(ineCreativit#" )he a(ilit# to com(ine

    ideas in a uni;ue *a# or to ma0eideas in a uni;ue *a# or to ma0e

    unusual associations (et*een ideas%unusual associations (et*een ideas%

    Innovation" )he process of ta0ing aInnovation" )he process of ta0ing a

    creative idea and turning it into acreative idea and turning it into a

    useful product$ service or *or0useful product$ service or *or0


  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


    Stimulating & Durturing InnovationStimulating & Durturing Innovation

    Inputs include creative people &Inputs include creative people &

    groups *ithin the organi!ation% utgroups *ithin the organi!ation% ut

    'ust having creative people isnt'ust having creative people isnt

    enough% It ta0es the rightenough% It ta0es the right

    environment for the innovationenvironment for the innovationprocess to ta0e hold and prosper toprocess to ta0e hold and prosper to

    ta0e hold and prosper%ta0e hold and prosper%

    We have three sets of varia(les thatWe have three sets of varia(les thathave (een found to stimulatehave (een found to stimulate


    Stimulating & Durturing InnovationStimulating & Durturing Innovation

  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


    Stimulating & Durturing InnovationStimulating & Durturing Innovation

  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


    Idea ChampionIdea Champion

    Individuals *ho activel# andIndividuals *ho activel# and

    enthusiasticall# support ne* ideas$enthusiasticall# support ne* ideas$

    (uild support$ overcome resistance(uild support$ overcome resistanceand ensure that innovations areand ensure that innovations are


  • 8/10/2019 Session 9 - Managing Change & Innovation


    )han0 ou)han0 ou
