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Seven Seals, Trumpets and Bowls — Which Is Next

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8/6/2019 Seven Seals, Trumpets and Bowls — Which Is Next http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/seven-seals-trumpets-and-bowls-which-is-next 1/26 http://choicesforliving.com/planetx.htm Planet X in the Book of Revelation As mentioned earlier, it was only because of my familiarity with Scripture that I chose not to ignore the seemingly absurd and unconfirmed rumors of Planet X when I first heard them in 2002. At that time I was already two years into a period of renewed interest in prophecy prompted by my exposure to a new breed of  prophecy teachers who emerged at the end of the '90s out of the Messianic and Hebraic Roots movements. Excited by their fresh ideas, I found myself researching, studying, discussing, and thinking about Bible prophecy on a daily basis. This was possible because I worked on the Internet  programming Bible software for a remote client. This lead to a number of new conclusions and insights. One of the things that came out of this prior research was the conclusion that the four trumpets of Revelation 8 described an incendiary meteorite storm, an asteroid impacting the ocean, and our atmosphere polluted from volcanic activity with enough dust to block a third of all the light from the Sun, Moon, and stars. While I was not sure what “Wormwood” could be, I was convinced that we would soon find out when all of these things came to pass right before the Feast of Pentecost (early summer) of the year before the GT began. Given this timing, I saw that this would be the trigger event to the rise of the global Beast government (spoken of in Revelation and Daniel). In other words, before I even heard about PX, I was already convinced that a group of one or more celestial  bodies headed our way would be responsible for what Revelation 8 literally described. So as far as I was concerned, if science would not confirm PX's coming, the Books of Revelation and Daniel already did. Let's look at where PX fits the Book of Revelation, the most important  prophetic book in the Bible—and the only one that generally sets things in clear chronological order. Rather than cover the traditional arguments about whether Revelation is literal or only figurative and whether the seals, trumpets and bowls happen sequentially or happen in parallel, we
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Planet X in the Book of Revelation

As mentioned earlier, it was only because of my familiarity with Scripture thatI chose not to ignore the seemingly absurd

and unconfirmed rumors of Planet X when I first heard them in 2002. At that

time I was already two years into a period

of renewed interest in prophecy prompted by my exposure to a new breed of 

 prophecy teachers who emerged at the end

of the '90s out of the Messianic and Hebraic Roots movements. Excited by their 

fresh ideas, I found myself researching,

studying, discussing, and thinking about Bible prophecy on a daily basis. This

was possible because I worked on the Internet

 programming Bible software for a remote client. This lead to a number of newconclusions and insights.

One of the things that came out of this prior research was the conclusion that

the four trumpets of Revelation 8 described

an incendiary meteorite storm, an asteroid impacting the ocean, and our 

atmosphere polluted from volcanic activity

with enough dust to block a third of all the light from the Sun, Moon, and stars.

While I was not sure what “Wormwood”

could be, I was convinced that we would soon find out when all of these things

came to pass right before the

Feast of Pentecost (early summer) of the year before the GT began. Given this

timing, I saw that this would be the trigger 

event to the rise of the global Beast government (spoken of in Revelation and

Daniel). In other words, before I even

heard about PX, I was already convinced that a group of one or more celestial

 bodies headed our way would be responsible

for what Revelation 8 literally described. So as far as I was concerned, if 

science would not confirm PX's coming,

the Books of Revelation and Daniel already did.

Let's look at where PX fits the Book of Revelation, the most important

 prophetic book in the Bible—and the only one

that generally sets things in clear chronological order. Rather than cover the

traditional arguments about whether Revelation

is literal or only figurative and whether the seals, trumpets and bowls happen

sequentially or happen in parallel, we

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will just jump right in reading it naturally. This is because PX so perfectly fits

what Revelation literally says, that it can

silence these debates forever. The only reason that these old debates have raged

for centuries is because no one could

conceive until the end times how the details of Revelation 6, 7 and 8 could

literally be fulfilled just as written. (In fact, it

was only in recent decades that scientists accepted that major asteroid impacts

could happen on Earth).

When information does not fit our paradigm, there is a tendency to distort it,

and in this case this “paradigm blindness”

forces people to rearrange the natural order of events and/or change their 

natural, literal meaning to make some

sense of it. However, there is no reason to play around with the verses in that

way once the previously missing information

about the existence and threat of PX is realized.

Seven Seals, Trumpets and Bowls — Which Is Next?

The Book of Revelation contains a series of 21 sequential developments

represented by seven seals, seven trumpets and

seven bowls, which are described beginning in Revelation 6. (Note that some

call them all “judgments” but only the seven

 bowls are denoted as such.) Although the most popular Christian interpretation

says that all of these events are future

and mostly happen during the “seven year” GT, we will see that the best fitwithin the plain literal meaning is that the

first five seals have already been opened. This leaves us today awaiting the

visible signs of the 6th seal, before the 3½

year GT.

How do we know that the first five seals are past?

While the 6th seal details a sudden, unmistakable, unprecedented

literal global cataclysm which can only be considered unfulfilled, the preceding

seals have a much subtler and differentnature and readily fit historic developments. But be advised, it took 

understanding the other 16 events that follow before

I concluded this. So do not be alarmed if you find the proofs below

inconclusive at first. You can come back to them

after seeing the strong proof for the 5th trumpet being the GT which of course

rules out the 1st seal for this (as most of us

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have been taught).

First Four Seals—“The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse”

Revelation 6:1-8 (HCSB) — 1 Then I saw the Lamb open one of the seven

seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures say with a

voice like thunder, “Come!” 2 I looked, and there was a white horse. The

horseman on it had a bow; a crown was given to him, and he

went out as a victor to conquer. 3 When He opened the second seal, I heard the

second living creature say, “Come!” 4 Then another 

horse went out, a fiery red one, and its horseman was empowered to take peace

from the earth, so that people would slaughter one

another. And a large sword was given to him. 5 When He opened the third seal,

I heard the third living creature say, “Come!” And I

looked, and there was a black horse. The horseman on it had a balance scale in

his hand. 6 Then I heard something like a voice among

the four living creatures say, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts

of barley for a denarius—but do not harm the olive oil

and the wine.” 7 When He opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the

fourth living creature say, “Come!” 8 And I looked, and

there was a pale green horse. The horseman on it was named Death, and Hades

was following after him. Authority was given to them

over a fourth of the earth, to kill by the sword, by famine, by plague, and by the

wild animals of the earth.

The question is whether these four horsemen are completely symbolic or metaphorical or are they somehow, in some

way, literal (as I contend is almost always the case). By comparing other parts

of the Bible to this prophecy, we will see

why there is no need to allegorize them.

Zechariah's Parallel Four Horse Chariots Prophecy

In Zechariah four chariots with horses of similar coloration to Revelation's are

introduced. Coincidentally they appear in

the exact same chapter and verse numbers as Revelation's description of thehorsemen:

Zechariah 6:1-8 (HCSB) — 1 I...saw four chariots coming from between two

mountains. And the mountains were made of bronze. 2

The first chariot had red horses, the second chariot black horses, 3 the third

chariot white horses, and the fourth chariot dappled horses

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or complimentary information. In this case, the horses may have mostly green-

colored spots. Corpses, including those of 

dead horses, can take on a green tinge, explaining the association between

green and death—if green is really what the

original Revelation stated.

Horses Ridden By Evil Spirits Influencing Earth – Biblical Precedents

 Nevertheless, it is safe to say that the extremely similar passage in Zechariah is

a parallel of Revelation's four horsemen

and can help illuminate it. If so, what does it tell us? We are plainly told that

the four chariots are carrying “spirits” that

are sent out from heaven after presenting themselves to God there (v. 5). Then

they go out to “walk to and fro through the

earth” as the KJV puts it, to quiet God's spirit. There is no doubt that these are

not God's angels, but evil spirits, if you

look at the results of what they do and compare what the Book of Job says:

Job 1:6-7 — 6 ...the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD,

and Satan came also among them. 7 And the LORD

said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and

said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking

up and down in it.

If there is any further doubt that the four horses and chariots of Revelation andZechariah are literal rather than metaphorical,

two precedents serve to alleviate it. In the time of Elijah and Elisha we find that

normally invisible spirit horses

and chariots made sudden dramatic appearances:

2 Kings 2:11 (HCSB) — As they continued walking and talking, a chariot of 

fire with horses of fire suddenly appeared and separated

the two of them.

2 Kings 6:17 (HCSB) — Then Elisha prayed, “Lord, please open his eyes and

let him see.” So the Lord opened the servant’s eyes. He

looked and saw that the mountain was covered with horses and chariots of fireall around Elisha.

There is another scene found in the Bible where God has an audience with his

royal court in heaven including evil

spirits. They come up with an evil plan, which he allows them to carry out

 because it fulfills his will, much like the four...

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16 See www.aicuk.org.uk/horses.php for a discussion of the uses and translations of colors of horses in the

 Books of Zechariah and Revelation

17 “...Revelation was written in a Semitic language, and that the Greek translation... is a remarkably close

rendering of the original.” - C. C. Torrey; Documents of the Primitive Church 1941; p. 160

“We come to the conclusion, therefore that the Apocalypse as a whole is a translation from Hebrew or 

 Aramaic...” - R. B. Y. Scott; The Original Language of the Apocalypse 1928; p. 6 

“When we turn to the New Testament we find that there are reasons for suspecting a Hebrew or Aramaicoriginal for the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, John and for the apocalypse.” - Hugh J. Schonfield;

 An Old Hebrew Text of St. Matthew's Gospel; 1927; p. vii

horsemen do:

1 Kings 22:18-23 (HCSB) — 18 So the king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat,

“Didn’t I tell you he never prophesies good about me, but

only disaster?” 19 Then Micaiah said, “Therefore, hear the word of the Lord: I

saw the Lord sitting on His throne, and the whole

heavenly host was standing by Him at His right hand and at His left hand. 20

And the Lord said, ‘Who will entice Ahab to march up

and fall at Ramoth-gilead?’ So one was saying this and another was saying that.21 “Then a spirit came forward, stood before the Lord,

and said, ‘I will entice him.’ 22 “The Lord asked him, ‘How?’ “He said, ‘I will

go and become a lying spirit in the mouth of all his

 prophets.’ “Then He said, ‘You will certainly entice him and prevail. Go and do

that.’ 23 “You see, the Lord has put a lying spirit into

the mouth of all these prophets of yours, and the Lord has pronounced disaster 

against you.”

Why Does God Let Evil Spirits Do This?

It is somewhat shocking when you put all these related passages together to

discover how God is directly involved with

the evil spirits and the things they want to do, even directing them. Even worse,

it clearly states that what they are doing

is God's will, or fulfilling his will at least. This is difficult to accept because we

generally assume that Satan and the

demons are going around doing things against God's will, in some competition

for our souls and disrupting God's plan to

save us to some extent.However, we should ask what exactly is God's plan? Surprisingly, the Bible

says it is not to save everyone now. God

knows he first needs to provide us all with unfettered free will with which we

can learn the most and build the most character.

Later we can use that full human experience to make an informed choice to go

his way and receive eternal life. He

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does not shove his religion down our throat nor does he keep a monopoly on

the market choices. Thus, letting Satan and

the demons loose to deceive in this way actually does us a service on that

mission. They provide seemingly viable alternative

gods (e.g., Allah), alternative philosophies (e.g., Evolution), and scientifically

unexplainable alternative supernatural

 powers (e.g., witchcraft, psychics, UFOs, etc.) that we all have considered or 

even embraced. Ultimately, we will all

realize that they do not work nor bring happiness, making us fully ready to try

God's way when it is revealed to us at last.

 The First Five Seals Identified

With the help of Zechariah and another parallel found in the Olivet Discourse,

we can make sense of the activity of the

four spirits as follows:

1st Seal – White Horse (vss. 1-2)

This spirit appears as a flawed counterfeit of the white horse of Jesus from

Revelation 19, going forth “conquering” with

great success, although not militarily as you would at first think (until you read

and compare against the 2nd seal). This

spirit's actions seem to have brought us the Roman Catholic Church's (RCC)

and her daughters' deception of a counterfeit

of Jesus' true teachings beginning in the 4th century AD. Confirmation of thisis found in the Olivet Discourse where Jesus

gives us a parallel list of developments. The first thing he mentions is that

many will come “in his name” saying he is

the Messiah and they will deceive many (Mt 24:4-5). What other group comes

in the name of Jesus and tells people Jesus

is Christ but does not tell them the whole story, but deceiving its followers?

Remember that one third of the world is

Christian, following the unbiblical doctrines of the RCC to some degree. For 

example, even Protestants rest on Sunday

following the tradition decreed by the Pope rather than on Saturday followingthe precedents of the Bible18.

2nd Seal – Red Horse (vss. 3-4)

This spirit inspired a belligerent ideology that succeeded in taking peace from

the Earth so that people kill each other,

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and is associated with a great sword and the color red. This primarily fits Islam,

the religion of the great sword started by

Mohammad with its fruit of conflict and war since its beginning in late 7th

century unto this day. By the way, it is rumored

that Islam is behind the other ideology of Communism that has been

instrumental in taking peace from the Earth (and is

associated with the color red, as in Red China). Imagine how much more

 peaceful the world would be without Islam and

Communism. This, too, is paralleled in the Olivet Discourse, where Jesus says

wars and rumors of wars are not a sign of 

the end times because they will happen long before that, as the history of war 

shows (Mt 24:6).

3rd Seal – Black Horse (vss 5-6)

This spirit does not create famine, as it at first seems to imply. Checking the

next seal where famine is plainly listed as an

outcome confirms that when it means famine it says so. “A quart of wheat for a

denarius” represents a day's food for an

entire day's wages. Barley would feed three people but was nutritionally

inferior and intended for animals. The price of 

oil and wine is not affected, which again rules out famine. As luxury foods of 

that time, this would benefit the rich.

So this seal with its scales used in trade appears to be describing the

development of economic systems controlled by...

18 See Isa 66:23. The book Pagan Christianity? by Frank Viola is a recommended resource for learning how unbiblical the origins of even Protestant churches are, such as the building, order of worship,

tithing, pastors, etc.30 Chapter 3: Planet X in the Book of Revelation

the rich, also known as the “money changers”19 that cause the general

 population to have to work more for necessities

than they should. Most people do not give a second thought to our economic

system with international fractional reserve

 banks, worthless fiat currency such as paper money, the business cycle of inflation, recession/depression, booms and

 busts. But it does not have to be this way and will not be so when the system is

replaced during the Millennium. As Prof.

Carroll Quigley, author of Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our 

Time, described it:

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The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching plan, nothing less than to

create a world system of financial control in private hands

able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the

world as a whole...Their secret is that they have annexed

from governments, monarchies, and republics the power to create the world's


This is the dark side of capitalism which developed after the 16th century and is

associated with the color black (“in

the black” means making a profit.) It is difficult to peg when this seal began

exactly, but chronologically it must fit after 

Islam and before the next seal.

4th Seal – Pale / Green Horse (vss 7-8)

This is another misunderstood seal. It is not describing the massacre of one

forth of the earth's population at once. Rather,

this spirit has the authority to bring the marked increase in premature, unnatural

death in all of its forms including from

wars, famines, plagues, disease, and wild animals—impacting up to 25% of the

 population. This refers to the scourge of 

even primitive technology invented by man that made killing and raping of the

Earth on a great scale possible. It includes

the disruption of nature's balance, famines, plagues and a greater ability to go to

war with greater casualties, as seen in

the world wars and purges. The development and proliferation of nuclear 

weapons and other weapons of mass destructionis only the latest manifestation of this spirit's ride. Some accounts report that

the inventors of rockets and the microchip

were inspired by dark spirits.

When this spirit was released exactly is also hard to determine, but it makes

sense that the ability to kill people more

efficiently came after the moneychangers were able to enrich themselves off 

the people. It is said that the Rothschilds are

one of the chief international banking families and have profited from wars

such as Napoleon's loss at Waterloo.

5th Seal – Martyred Souls Under Altar In Heaven Plead (vss 9-11)

 No, this is not describing a persecution of the saints. This seal is often

misunderstood as being the beginning of great

martyrdom of the saints during the GT. However, a careful examination of it

reveals something quite different. The spirits

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of the martyrs are already there in heaven at the fifth seal resting (because they

are told at the end to rest for a little

longer). Therefore, what the 5th seal really describes is how they actually wake

up at some unknown time and speak up to

request they be avenged.

The literal reading of this passage presents a problem for the Christian belief 

that people go to heaven to “be with the

Lord” consciously after they die. The description of being swept under the altar 

where you sleep (unconsciously) until the

end of the age contradicts this. However, how they rest until after more of their 

 brethren are martyred fits well with how

the resurrection of the dead (and rapture) happens just after the GT period of 

martyrdom ends. It also fits with how many

 plain verses in the Bible indicate that when even the righteous die we “rest”,

“know nothing”, “have no reward” until we

“rise to our reward”; not receiving eternal life until “the age to come”(Dan

12:13; Ecc 9:5; Jn 3:13; Mk 10:30; Lk 

18:30)20. This is instead of ascending to harp-playing consciousness in heaven

immediately after death.

The other problem with this passage is that the plain reading tells us that the

souls under the altar are resting, wake up

for a moment of consciousness to ask a question, then are put back to sleep.

Does God really do this?

It is tempting to

say it does not mean what it plainly says and therefore must be some sort of 

allegory or metaphor.

Resting Souls “Disturbed” Twice In Bible

However, there is another precedent of this type of thing found in 1 Samuel 28

in the incident where King Saul asks a

medium to call up the spirit of the prophet Samuel for him. The narrative states

that Samuel himself is actually brought

up (rather than a deceiving demonic spirit as typically happens). This

extraordinary event obviously shocks the medium(she screams!) and prompts Samuel to demand to know why Saul has

“disturbed” him by “bringing him up”. It is a surreal

scene. Yet when put together with the 5th seal, it begins to make sense. It

means that on rare occasions and for special

 purposes, God has restored temporary consciousness to our souls after we die,

and that is what the 5th seal describes as

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to show how all the seals make plain literal sense, even the difficult 5th seal. If 

you cannot accept it, do not let it bother 

you or deter you from finishing this book. The timeline covered later does not

depend on making literal sense of the 5th


1st - 5th Seals Recap

We have seen that the first four seals show evil spirits inspiring evil systems on

earth that worsen gradually and continue

visibly to the present day. In the case of the 5th seal, it describes something that

takes place entirely in heaven, with no effect

on affairs on earth. That being the case, we must consider it in the past as well,

and not expect some sign of the 5th

seal opening here on earth before the 6th seal comes.

The 6th Seal Through The 4th Trumpet

That brings us up to verse 12 and the 6th seal, which is the first seal that does

not possibly fit with any historical event. It

is therefore properly considered the next seal to be fulfilled. We will next see

how the 6th seal fits what is expected to

happen as Planet X makes its closest approach to Earth, and how the 7th seal,

1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th trumpets fit what is expected

to happen after PX has passed and we encounter its debris.

6th Seal — Heavenly Signs, Earth Changes, Panic As PX Nears

Revelation 6:12-17 (HRV) — 12 And I looked when he opened the sixth seal

and there was a great earthquake and the Sun became

 black as sackcloth of hair and the whole Moon became like blood. 13 And the

stars in the sky fell on the Earth, like a fig tree that casts

its unripe figs when it is shaken by a mighty wind. 14 And heaven was melted

as scrolls that are rolled up, and every mountain and

every island were moved from their place. 15 And the kings of the Earth, andthe great [ones], and the rulers of 1000s and the rich and

the strong and all the servants and sons of freedom hid themselves in caves and

rocks of the mountains 16 Saying to the mountains and

the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the face of the Lamb, 17 Because the

great day of wrath has come, and who is able to stand?"

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It would be an understatement to call this a frightening scene! This should

make every one of us wonder if we are going

to experience this event personally—and whether we will survive it. For the

 best chance of surviving anything, it

helps to understand exactly what it entails. So let's take inventory of everything

that we have described here:

A Great Earthquake

Until recent times, this description of a global earthquake moving every island

and mountain out of place must have

sounded fantastic. I remember doubting its literalness myself—until the 2004

Indian Ocean earthquake. That 9.3 magnitude

quake caused Sumatra to move over 100 feet out of place. Just imagine a 9.0+

quake everywhere, before a single

impact on Earth. There is understandably not much research on near earth

objects (NEO) causing earthquakes, but astronomers

admit the possibility. It may be no coincidence that the greatest quake in

America, the New Madrid of 1812 (approx.

8.0 magnitude) occurred after the Great Comet of 1811 finished its closest


A Total Solar Eclipse & A Total Lunar Eclipse?

The Sun black as sackcloth of goat's hair describes a solar eclipse well. Whenthe Sun is eclipsed, the rays of the corona

look much like wispy goat hair coming out from the jet-black middle.

Conversely, if the Sun is only blocked by

something in the atmosphere, rather than the Moon, it would appear to be only

dimmed (just as we will see at the 4th

trumpet) without appearing black as sackcloth. For the Sun itself to appear 

 black, you have to have light escaping around

it, making a contrast with the jet black middle, exactly as we see in total solar 


A lunar eclipse would fit the Moon turning blood red and how somemanuscripts say full moon which is when lunar 

eclipses happen. If the sackcloth sun is indeed a solar eclipse then this would

 place a two-week gap between these two

eclipses. Just don't consult an eclipse table to predict when it will happen. Such

tables don't factor in the star Wormwood,

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seen later as responsible for all of this. Solar or lunar eclipses do not happen

every month because the orbit of the moon

is offset five degrees from the Earth's. Therefore, most of the time the Moon is

above or below the Earth's shadow and no

eclipse happens even though it is a full moon. If the Earth or Moon were

 perturbed by a visitor to our solar system, an

unexpected eclipse could occur.

There is also the possibility that Revelation (and the parallel in Joel 2:30) is

describing something more significant. It

could be describing a simultaneous lunar and solar eclipse. This would of 

course require another body to pass between

Earth and the Sun at the time of the full moon, but subsequent details require a

 NEO to explain them as well.

Meteor Shower 

The best explanation for the “stars falling to Earth” is not actual impacts from

stars but a meteor shower, also commonly

called “shooting stars”. Notice that it says it will be like figs falling from a tree

in a mighty wind or like the “sky dissolving/

rotting/crumbling” which also would be the impression given by a meteor 

shower. PX is reported by those who have

observed it to be dragging much debris and dust with it. If such a debris trail

were left in our path from PX intersecting

our orbit just ahead of us, this would cause a meteor shower as described. This, by the way, is also how regular annual

meteor showers like the Lyrids or Aquarids happen. The Earth passes through

the trail of debris left by a regular comet.

Atmospheric Dust and Prelude to Pole Shift

Some of the previous four events may describe things that we are all familiar 

with and therefore are not unique by themselves

(but significant if they happen in rapid succession together as in this case). But,

when we have “the heavens departinglike a scroll” and “every mountain and island being moved from their place” in

relation to each other, this is

something new to modern man. We are not talking about continental drift here

at the rate that your fingernails grow. It is

a sudden global catastrophe. This fits the expectation that PX's gravity and

magnetic field will be so strong as to cause

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the crust and mantle of the Earth to get out of sync and exhibit wrinkles or 

“crustal/mantle waves.” The heavens departing

like a scroll is more difficult to explain. Comparing another description of this

event in Isaiah helps:

Isaiah 34:4 — And all the host of heaven shall be dissolved, and the heavens

shall be rolled together as a scroll: and all their host shall

fall down, as the leaf falleth off from the vine, and as a falling fig from the fig


This is exactly what verses 13-14 say, but with more detail and out of order 

(most Bible prophecies outside of Revelation

do not give events in chronological order ). The extra detail is that the heavens

are rolling up like a scroll as well as

falling or dissolving/crumbling as an explanation for how they disappear. So,

what we have here is stars falling and also

completely disappearing as if the sky was a scroll being rolled up. But what is

rolling things up? The same material that

appears as shooting stars when smaller would fill the atmosphere and block you

from seeing the distant stars at all. If it

came all at once, it would look like someone had just rolled up the sky. Perhaps

this is why John does not simply say,

“clouds appeared.” This is different than normal local water vapor clouds.

Something moves in completely and at once

globally. People near Mt. St. Helen's for the 1980 eruption reported thinking of 

this verse as the gas plume rolled in and

 blocked the sky suddenly.

Global Panic and Run for Cover 

The 6th seal ends by describing the response of humanity to all these

frightening wonders. People from every strata of society

run for cover thinking (erroneously) “It’s Judgment Day!”. Judging by their 

actions, it seems that at the end of the

6th seal, people are finally aware of the four trumpets coming fast and this is

why they are heading to the mountains and

underground despite the great earthquake they just survived. It is better to risk  being buried alive in a possible cave-in

than to face certain death from falling rocks or other projectiles in tornado-like


By the way, the human response to the 6th seal should dispel any doubt that the

events described in the previous verses

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sea: 3 "Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the

foreheads of the servants of our God." 4 Then I heard the

number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel. 5 From

the tribe of Judah 12,000 were sealed, from the tribe of 

Reuben 12,000, from the tribe of Gad 12,000, 6 from the tribe of Asher 12,000,

from the tribe of Naphtali 12,000, from the tribe of 

Manasseh 12,000, 7 from the tribe of Simeon 12,000, from the tribe of Levi

12,000, from the tribe of Issachar 12,000, 8 from the tribe

of Zebulun 12,000, from the tribe of Joseph 12,000, from the tribe of Benjamin


Revelation 7 is an “inset chapter” that interrupts the narrative to give

information about other things that do not all sequentially

follow the 6th seal. This includes some events that happen around the same

time as the 6th seal (vs 1-8) and other 

events that happen much later (vs 9-17). The part we are interested in describes

global winds about to harm the land,

the sea and the trees, that angels must restrain. But how can winds capable of 

such destruction be produced on all parts

of the Earth at once? As we already heard from McCanney, when PX passes it

can disrupt Earth's rotation due to its magnetism

and gravity. But Earth's atmosphere will of course not be moving in sync

immediately, causing tremendous devastating

winds over all of Earth's surface in the process (which do not happen

immediately because of the angels).

Answered here is the apparently rhetorical question posed at the end of Chapter 6 of, “who shall be able to stand?”

The winds are being supernaturally held back only until after God seals his

servants with his name on their foreheads.

The implication is that this will protect them from the effects of the first four 

trumpets on the land, sea and trees. This is

confirmed at the 5th trumpet where the 144,000 are untouchable by Satan's

army of fallen angels ascending from the bottomless


7th Seal — Angel Hurls Judgment to Hit Earth On Pentecost

Revelation 8:1-6 — 1 When he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in

heaven for about half an hour. 2 And I saw the seven

angels who stand before God, and to them were given seven trumpets.3

Another angel, who had a golden censer, came and stood at the

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altar. He was given much incense to offer, with the prayers of all the saints, on

the golden altar before the throne. 4 The smoke of the

incense, together with the prayers of the saints, went up before God from the

angel's hand. 5 Then the angel took the censer, filled it

with fire from the altar, and hurled it on the Earth; and there came peals of 

thunder, rumblings, flashes of lightning and an earthquake.

6 Then the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared to sound them.

After the explanation of Rev 7, we pick up the chronological narrative again

with the 7th seal in Rev 8. This seal

 brings a short pause in the action while the prayers of the saints are heard.

Afterwards, an angel in heaven hurls fire from

the altar at Earth to cause thunder and shaking there. This is interesting

considering that the 1st and 2nd trumpets which

follow next picture objects hitting the Earth. It seems that, were it not for the

actions of this angel, PX would pass

without anything hitting us and with much less trouble. This points to God

wanting this to happen, and even directing it

to bring certain effects (which are needed to make the GT possible, as we shall


Although this seal may seem completely allegorical, there is reason to believe it

will be fulfilled literally. In 2002,

three asteroids passed by Earth, each progressively closer to hitting Earth than

the last. An asteroid on January 7 missed

us by a little over 8 hours. The next, on March 8, missed us by 4.5 hours. Then

on June 14 an asteroid missed the Earth by about one hour! The whole series could be warning shots across the bow

from God to those paying attention (with

“eyes to see and ears to hear”). But, even more interesting is that the first two

of the asteroids came towards the Earth out

of constellations that picture altars—Libra and Ara—the altars of sacrifice and

wrath respectively. From this we can see

that the 7th seal can be literally fulfilled by having the meteorites and the

asteroid that comprise the 1st and 2nd trumpets

coming at us from one of these two possible altar constellations. (It is

discoveries like this that have made me more andmore convinced that everything mentioned in Revelation has a literal

fulfillment, rather than figurative meaning only.)

After writing the above paragraph, I later discovered that Zecharia Sitchin in

Genesis Revisited, Book Seven of The

Earth Chronicles series, wrote that PX is coming from Libra:

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....By concluding that the inclination of Planet X might be as high as 30

degrees, modern astronomers corroborate Sumerian astronomical


So does the most recent determination that the planet is orbiting toward us from

the southeast, the direction of the constellation

Centaurus. Nowadays we see there the zodiac constellation Libra ; but in

Babylonian/biblical times that was the place of Sagittarius....

So once again, information coming out about PX fits Revelation, as literally


This pause before the angel throws the fire at Earth appears to fit the time we

 just read about when the winds are held

 back until after the 144,000 are sealed. In fact, there is a real connection. The

mention here of “thunder, rumblings, lightning

and earthquake” is very reminiscent of the day of the giving of the Torah at Mt.

Sinai. According to Jewish tradition,

the Torah was given on the day of Pentecost. We will see later evidence that the

sealing of the 144,000 happens on the

day of Pentecost as well, just ahead of the unleashing of the global winds and

the four trumpets of Revelation 8.

Let's recap before we go on.

The 6th seal describes what apparently happens as PX (or some other body

affected byPX) makes its closest passage to us and we encounter smaller objects left in our 


The pause of the 7th seal is a momentary

lull, probably when the 144,000 are sealed before the global winds rip and any

 big impacts happen.

Next, we

will see that the first four trumpets describe what happens when Earth then

 passes completely through the worst of PX's

debris field and is impacted by meteorites and a mountain-sized asteroid.

1st Trumpet — Severe Hail of Meteorites From PX's Debris Field

Revelation 8:7 (HRV) — The first angel sounded his trumpet, and there came

hail and fire mixed with water, and it was hurled down

upon the Earth. A third of the Earth was burned, a third of the trees were

 burned, and all the grass of the Earth was burned.

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Although hail usually means frozen droplets of water that reach Earth, this

choice of word seems to come from a limitation

of the original language Revelation was written in. There is no word for 

“meteorite” in the biblical vocabulary

(and “brimstone” refers to burning sulfur rock, which you can still find if you

visit the site of Gomorrah near the Dead

Sea). It appears that when “hail” is associated with “fire”, it must be talking

about rocky hail, or meteorites, not ice hail.

It makes no sense that grass and forest fires over all the Earth would follow icy

hail, but makes perfect sense after a

worldwide flurry of burning meteorites. Rocks and ice are expected to be

associated with PX. When a large body traverses

our solar system, it can drag these materials behind it from the asteroid belt.

Earth would encounter such objects

upon passing through PX's trail.

2nd Trumpet — Mountain-Sized Piece of PX's Tail Hits the Ocean

Revelation 8:8-9 (NIV) — 8 The second angel sounded his trumpet, and

something like a huge mountain, all ablaze, was thrown into

the sea. A third of the sea turned into blood, 9 a third of the living creatures in

the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.

A mountain burning with fire hitting the ocean is a fit description of a several

kilometer-sized asteroid glowing as it

enters Earth's atmosphere and then impacting the most likely place for it to hit:the ocean. Asteroids are described as

“mountains in space” by astronomers.

The result of the impact described in verse 8 fits scientific models created at

several universities in recent years. According

to studies conducted at the University of California, an asteroid of this size

would be so hot by the time it hit the

ocean that it would make a large part of the ocean water anoxic (oxygen

deficient) by simply boiling the oxygen out of a

large area of the sea. Sea temperature would rise dramatically and the hot water 

would kill billions of sea creatures in avery large radius. The warmed, anoxic water resulting from the impact would

also provide a perfect environment for the

growth of red algae or what is known as red tide. Here blood may be describing

the appearance of red algae, which

thrives in oxygen deficient water.

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However, turning waters to blood is a Hebraic figure of speech found in the

Torah. John, the writer of Revelation was

of course himself a Jew and well acquainted with the Torah. If you study Exodus 7:17, Psalm 78:44 and Psalm 105:29

you can see that in Hebrew “turning waters to blood” is an idiom for turning

waters deadly so that they are undrinkableand inhospitable to all marine life, rather than meaning the waters turn to literal

red blood.

The destruction of one third of the ships is explained by the giant tsunamis that

would result. They would move for 

hundreds of miles in every direction until they struck the seaports of distant


3rd Trumpet — Waters Polluted From Wormwood's Debris

Revelation 8:10-11 (NIV) — 10 The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a

great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third

of the rivers and on the springs of water-- 11 the name of the star is

Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people

died from the waters...

Without knowledge of PX, this trumpet is very difficult to understand. We saw

in the previous trumpet a very clear 

description of an asteroid entering Earth's atmosphere and falling into the sea.

Here we have something that at first

sounds like another impact, this time not in the ocean but on the land. Yet this

is not described in the clearest manner it

could be. Oddly, the great star is said to fall from the heavens upon “the rivers

and springs of water.” That cannot be describing

a second asteroid hitting Earth because it is impossible for a single object to

impact only a third of all rivers and

underground waters. Therefore, it must be describing some other kind of 

interaction between this star and Earth.

There is an important clue in the fact that this time it gives the object a name:“Wormwood.” Previously we have seen

The 6th Seal Through The 4th Trumpet 35

shooting stars described which are not really stars at all, but small rocks that

when burning up in Earth's atmosphere appear 

as the size and brightness of stars. Then we saw a burning object so big that it

appeared mountain-sized because it,

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too, lit up in our atmosphere before a clear impact. Yet this Wormwood is

different. Although it does not pass through

Earth's atmosphere and make impact, it is still said to be a “star blazing like a

torch.” This sounds at last like a real illuminated

star near our solar system. That conclusion is reinforced by it having a

meaningful name, just as major bodies

like stars, planets and comets are given. Some believe PX to be a brown dwarf 

(a small dim star), which would fit this


So how does a passing star affect only the rivers and underground waters? One

 possibility is that passage through its

wake would bring toxic substances like cyanide into our water supplies.

Another is that the polar shift or crustal waves it

causes break up the springs and dirty the rivers. Another possible explanation,

as we saw recently with the Sumatra

Earthquake, is that the sheer number of dead rotting bodies contaminate the

waters. Therefore, by saying it “falls on the

springs and rivers,” it may be indicating that it influences or affects them not by

direct contact.

What About The Chernobyl Interpretation?

It should be mentioned that the most popular interpretation of “Wormwood” is

that it refers to the Chernobyl reactor leak of 1986. Up until a few years before hearing about PX, this was the best

explanation I could find as well. However, the

3rd trumpet literally describes a “star” or a body in space with a proper name,

not a man-made effect from here on earth. It

is also hard to explain how nuclear fallout would only contaminate the rivers

and springs and not all the air and land too.

Finally, unlike a literal passing star, a nuclear reactor leak does not fit in with

the surrounding trumpets, all describing

disturbances from space and the sky.

Planet X is so compelling as an explanation because it explains the entire

 progression of the four trumpets cohesively,

naturally and literally, whereas Wormwood being nuclear war/fallout is an

allegorical interpretation which leaves you unable

to explain the other three trumpets literally (not to mention the 6th and 7th seals

which PX explains quite literally).

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scientists studying the effects of ancient asteroid impacts. It predicted a

darkened sky after an asteroid impact and worldwide

fires, exactly as the 1st and 2nd trumpets portray. It described the following

scenario on page 686:

Giant meteorite strikes Earth, setting the planet afire. Volcanoes erupt,

tsunamis crash into the continents. The sky grows dark for months,

 perhaps years. Unable to cope with the catastrophic changes in climate,

countless species are wiped off the face of the planet.

The article posed that great fires resulting from an asteroid would destroy

crops, trees and vegetation. Windstorms

created by the fires would destroy buildings hundreds of miles from the impact.

Dust and smoke spread by the jet stream

would block much of the Sun’s light, thus altering the world’s climate and the

chances of human survival.

21 Such as Andrew Lloyd of www.darkstar1.co.uk although he believes Planet Nibiru orbits adark star twin to our sun

The Account of Planet X's Effects Ends – World Nearly, Too

A transition is signaled by the last verse of the 4th trumpet before the 5th:

Revelation 8:13 (NIV) — ... "Woe! Woe! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth,

 because of the trumpet blasts about to be sounded by the

other three angels!"

The 5th trumpet must be something even more serious to merit such a special

warning that even Wormwood did nothave. It is. It begins the GT when the Antichrist takes over by offering the only

solution to Wormwood's mess.

To sum up, from the 6th seal to the 4th trumpet we have a linear account of the

direct effects (earthquakes, dust, meteor 

shower, impacts, fires, destruction) and possibly only secondary effects (waters

 poisoned, darkened skies) from Wormwood's

near passage.

Just imagine the terrifying results. Once the smoke clears, everyone will have

to face a world in ruins and chaos:

Probably billions homeless (if that many are still alive) thanks to the winds,

fires, hail and quakes. Roofs will be

like Swiss cheese.

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Communications Out: Satellites and telephone lines knocked down.

No Electricity: If you still have a home, the lights will be out as certainly the

 power lines will be hit by meteorites,

 burned by the fires, knocked down by the earthquakes, or blown down by the


No Running Water: All the pipes are underground and vulnerable to the

quakes and crustal shifts. In addition, you

need power to clean the water and pump it through the pipes that are left intact.

Travel Troubles: Few roads, highways, overpasses, bridges, ramps, rails,

docks and runways will be left untouched.

Most, if not all, will be either blocked with abandoned vehicles or broken, split

or completely destroyed—making

travel difficult or impossible in places. Deliveries of gas to gas stations will be


Famine: More importantly, this also makes delivery of the remaining

undamaged food supplies hard to distribute to

the supermarkets (which only have a few days of inventory on the shelves).

With that and the fact that crops in the

fields and orchards for the coming harvest are tremendously damaged from the

hail and fires, worldwide famines

will surely follow (prophesied in Mt 24:7).

Unrest, Rioting, Looting, and Chaos: It always follows. When human beings

are under enough stress, their true

selfish nature comes out. To compare this to recent disasters, the 2004 Sumatra

tsunami disaster or 2005 flooding of 

 New Orleans are probably closest. Just as New Orleans no longer functioned as

a city but was a toxic mess that had to

 be temporarily abandoned, no doubt people will have to abandon their cities to

find food and safety from the chaos

and violence after Wormwood. However, one difference with Sumatra and New Orleans was that the rest of the world

was fine and could marshal relief efforts. Wormwood's disaster will be much

worse as every city and country will be

 busy dealing with their own problems. The resulting chaos and pandemonium

will be unimaginable. Armed gangs

will be able to loot mostly unopposed.

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Year Shortens to 360 Days:

Imagine Half of Today's 6.5 Billion Population Gone

To fully comprehend how bad what is coming will be, we must consider the

 potential cost in human life. Understand that

we can only speculate on this question as there are no human casualty figures

given for any events prior to the 6th trumpet

war (where we're told one third of the remaining population dies in a war 

waged by the Antichrist). However, there is a

 period of approximately nine months from when Wormwood's passage begins

(early summer) until when the Beast rises

to lead the world out of the crisis in the following spring (see the Revelation

Roadmap ). I believe that at least half of the

current world population of 6.5 billion will have died during those nine months.

Here's why:

Just consider the cumulative global impact of each seal and trumpet that

Wormwood causes. Fires, cold, toxic waters,

famine and chaos will be everywhere on earth for months. Consider how ill-

 prepared and “soft” the mostly urban world

 population is today for living without infrastructure delivering their food,

water, heat, clothes and security to them. The

casualties from the human factor after Wormwood is gone could easily be

greater than the casualties during the earthquakes,deep impacts, rain of meteorites, and tsunamis from nature. If it takes nine

months before the Antichrist takes

over, I think the population will not be anywhere near six billion anymore.

Either way, one thing is clear: no matter how

light the casualties turn out to be, the human spirit of those who are left will be

crushed and prepared to accept help from

anyone under any conditions just to have some food, peace and security again.

There will be resisters; the skeptics, agnostics,

the survivalists and anyone with a food and water supply and the weapons

needed to defend it. We will see later that Revelation describes a five month plan of torture from demons for the

survivors to force even them to submit to the

