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SEVENTH CONCERT. · Good night, love! good night, love! May heaven's brighlest stars watch over...

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SEVENTH CONCERT. QUEEN'S HALL, PERTH. Wednesday, July 26th, 1905. at 8 IJ.m.
Page 1: SEVENTH CONCERT. · Good night, love! good night, love! May heaven's brighlest stars watch over thee, Good angels spread their wings and cover thee; And through the night, so dark




Wednesday, July 26th, 1905. at 8 IJ.m.

Page 2: SEVENTH CONCERT. · Good night, love! good night, love! May heaven's brighlest stars watch over thee, Good angels spread their wings and cover thee; And through the night, so dark
Page 3: SEVENTH CONCERT. · Good night, love! good night, love! May heaven's brighlest stars watch over thee, Good angels spread their wings and cover thee; And through the night, so dark

ttb~ Wl~st ID~rtb Gl~~ (tlub S EA SON 190 5 .

* $~v~ntb <tonc~rt.


~ednesday, 26tb ]July, 1905, at S I).m.

Ilnll. ondllctor -

11 011. Accompani ·t.

I! I)n. ec rel a ry

J. B. IJ u T I N<:TON

~ ll s. J. L. \ 'OLl'iG

L. 11. Y OLlNG

Page 4: SEVENTH CONCERT. · Good night, love! good night, love! May heaven's brighlest stars watch over thee, Good angels spread their wings and cover thee; And through the night, so dark


PART I. r. PART ONG " weel Peace De,cending"

Glee Club.

Sweet peace descending, with love is blending, . Ev'ry heart with joy sings, ev'ry heart with gladness slIlg . Heav'n has extinguished wars ruddy fire-brand, Earth now reviving, tastes weet repose.

2. SON,

Gods of our fathers, blending in mercy, Ye have bestowed freedom and peace.

" Will he Come" Miss Jes s le Downle .


If r can scarcely hear, I' she murmured, It for my heart beats loud and fast,

But surely in the far, fur distance, J can hear a sou "'d at last; [t is onl y the real>ers si nging, as they carry home their sheaves. And the evening breeze has risen, and ru ties the dying leaves."

"Listen! there are voices talking/' calmly still, he strove to speak,

Yet her voice grew faint and trembling, and the red flu hed in her cheek.

11 It is only the children playing below, now their work is done, And they laugh that their eyes are dazzled by the rays of the

setting sun."

Fainter grew her voice and weaker, as with anxious eyes she cried,

H Down the avenue of chestnuts, I can hear a horseman ride." It was only the deer that were feeding in a herd on the clover

grass ; They were startled; and fled 10 the thicket, as they saw the

reapers pass.

ow the night arose in silence, birds lay ;11 lheir leafy nest, The deer couched in the forest, and the children were at rest. There was only a sound of weeping from watchers around a bed, But rest to the weary spirit; peace to the quiet dead.

Page 5: SEVENTH CONCERT. · Good night, love! good night, love! May heaven's brighlest stars watch over thee, Good angels spread their wings and cover thee; And through the night, so dark

3. LADlE.' TRIO "~!oonlil Walers"

Glee Club.

Herbert Sharpe

o it is sweet when from above The mOOIl sheds down her light

UI)oIl the waters clear to rove Thro'out the Slimmer night.

By dip of gently halldled oar The ripples scarce are stirred

Whilst singillg Oil the loomillg shore The nightillgale is heard.

Flow, flow 0 silvery tide Whilst upon thy breast wc glide Flow, flow, and music sweet Let the waters clear repeat.

o it is sweet to gaze on high When stars like jewels, like jewels gleam, Beneath the moon-illllmined sky, the moon-iIIumined sky, Beneath the moon-illllmined sky, To linger and to dream! A magic spell seems over all Enchantment fills, ellchantment fills the air, As moonbeams on the waters fall And make them wond'rous, make them wond'rOllS fa:r.

4. PIA '0 SOLO" Rhap"odie Guerrihe"

Mr. Reg lnald d'Arcy Irvlne,

5. PART 'OKGS "The erenade"


Glee CLub.

The Serenade.

Hark I again the flute's sweet wailing. Where the crystal waters glisten,

Golden tones in air are sailing, Silent, let us listen.

At those magic sounds returnillg, Rise the mem'ries of the past,

Years of trial days of mourning, Silent, let us listen.


J. Bmhllls F. Kucke!'

Page 6: SEVENTH CONCERT. · Good night, love! good night, love! May heaven's brighlest stars watch over thee, Good angels spread their wings and cover thee; And through the night, so dark



My love has gone to battle, The drum has beat adieu, My footsteps fain would follow That youth. so brave and true; With banners proudly streaming, They gaily march'd away, Oh! well shall I remember The I>arling of that day.

" When loudly raves the din of war, When thund'ring cannons peal afar, My heart," he softly said, ., will be My own sweet Blanche, with thee." Then adieu, fare thee well, For the drum has beat, Fare thee well, my own true love t

My love bas gone to battle, To win a soldier's name; J f Fortune smile upon him, She'll crown his brow with fame; The token that 1 gave him, When we our troth did plight, Will nerve his soul to duty, And guard him in the fight.

" When home, H he said, "again I see, My bride, sweet Blanche! thou then sh11t be, So, courage! wipe that tear away, And for thy soldier pray, Fare thee well.

... " Over Hill, Over Dale"

Miss Beatrlce Owst-Atklnson.

Over hill, over dale, Thorough bush, thorough briar;

Over park, over pale, Thorough flood, thorough fire;

I do wander everywhere, Swifter than the moon's sphere;

And I serve the fairy queen, To dew her orbs upon the green;

The cowshps lall her pensioners be. In their gold coats' spots you see;

I do wander everywhereJ

Swifter than the moon's sphere.

T. Cooke

Page 7: SEVENTH CONCERT. · Good night, love! good night, love! May heaven's brighlest stars watch over thee, Good angels spread their wings and cover thee; And through the night, so dark


(a) "Tom, Tom, the Piper's on" Dr. J. Slimmers

(b) "There was an Old Woman" Dr. J. Summers

(By kind permission or Or. Summers)

Miss Maggie Francis, Messrs. Rhys Francis, H . Trenoweth and L . H . Young .

.. Torn, Torn, the Piper's Son" Tom, Tom, the piper's son Stole a pig and away he ran The pig ,'Vas eat and Tom was beat And Tom went roaring down the street.

"There was an Old Woman" There was an old woman. as .I 've heard tell She went to market, her eggs for to sell She went to market, all on a market day And she fell asleep on the King's highway.

There came by a pedlar whose name was tout He cut her petticoats all round about He cut her pett icoats up to the knees. Which made the old woman shiver and freeze. When the little old womdn first did wake. She began to shiver and she began to shake. She began to wonder and she began to cry Lauk a daisy on mc, this be none of 1.

But if it be I, as I hope it bc, I have a little dog at home, and he knows me If it be I, he will wag his little tail If it be not r, he will bark and wail. Home went the little woman all in the dark Up jumped the little dog. and he began to bark.

8. CHORUS .. Worthy ili the Lamb" (" Messiah")

Halldel Glee Club

Worthy is the Lamb that was slain, and hath redeemed us to God by His blood, to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and blesslllg.

Blessing and honor, glory and power, be unto Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb, for ever, and ever.


Page 8: SEVENTH CONCERT. · Good night, love! good night, love! May heaven's brighlest stars watch over thee, Good angels spread their wings and cover thee; And through the night, so dark



Glee Club.

TRODUC[ G I. Down among the dead men. 2. Believe me if all those endearing young charms. 3. It was a lover and his lass. 4. The banks of Allan Water. 5. My love she's but a lassie yet. 6. Charlie is my darling. 7. The gi rl I left behind me. 8. Here's to the maiden of bashful fifteen. 9. Come lasses and lads.

10. The Waits. (J. Saville, 1673).

10. SONG "The Gay Zingara"

Miss Maggle Fra ncls.

11 Oh I I'm a gay Zingara, As thro' sunny Spain I roam,

With light guitar my friend, And the orange grove my home;

I please the village folk, With bolero and song,

As day by day, heart merry and gay, 1y way I pass along.

C. Lrzrddli

"She comes I" they cry, " Ho-la I bo-la I The gay Zingara, the gay Gitana !

Ho-la' the Gipsy maid' ho-la '" Ah I ['m a gay Zingara,

As thro' sunny Spain I roam, With the light guitar my friend,

And the orange grove my home.

Oh' I'm a gay Gitana, In the sunshine and the rain,

For there's no place in the world, Like our dear old land of pain.

I make the groves resound, I make the hill-sides ring,

With songs of pain again and again, The songs of love (0 sing.

Page 9: SEVENTH CONCERT. · Good night, love! good night, love! May heaven's brighlest stars watch over thee, Good angels spread their wings and cover thee; And through the night, so dark

11. PART ONG ... " Vinela" ... Glee Club.

From the depths of the ocean upward swelling Sounds the evening bell so faint and low,

Of that wondrous ancient City telling Whose grey walls beneath the waters glow.

Down a thousand fathoms lying, hi ne those wondrous fairy ruins bright,

Hues with sunsets' passing glories vieing, Bathe the towers in ever changing light.

Should that wondrous city's mystic gleaming Meet the sailor's glance at ruddy eve,

Though the way may be with perils teeming Spellbound he that vision ne'er can leave.

From my deepest heart's depth welling Sounds to me as bell so faint and low,

Whisper to the lov'd one clearly telling Wondrous truths that love alone can know.

In my heart a beauteous world is lying Deep within its wondrous ruins gleam,

J. Bra/tlJls

Dresl in hues with those bright colours vieing Wherewith Heaven is painted in Our dreams.

Then, methinks, within that heart's depth falling Must I dive into that wondrous light,

'Tis as though an angel-voice was calling To that ancient wonderland so bright.

12. ONG " An Evening ong" .f. Bll/mm/hal Mp. R . J. H a lllda y .

Good night, love! good night, love! May heaven's brighlest stars watch over thee, Good angels spread their wings and cover thee; And through the night, so dark and still, Spirits of light charm thee from ill ; My heart is hovering round thy dwelling place, Good night, dear love I God bless thee with His grace.

Good night, love! good night, love I Soft lullabies the night wind sing to thee, And on his wings sweet odours bring to thee; And in his dreaming may all things dear, With gentle seeming come smiling near; My knees are bowed, my hands are clasp'd in prayer,

Good night, dear love! God keep thee in His care.

13. GLEE "Three Children" IV. IV. Pem'solt Glee Club.

Three children sliding on the ice, one fine hot summer's day, It so fell out, tr,ey all reil in, the rest they ran away.

Now had these children been at home, aye, aye, Or slidin$< on dry ground,

Ten thousand p unds, to one penny, They hadn't all been drown'd, no, no,

Yc parents that have children dear, And eke ye that have none,

If you would ha ve them sa fe abroad, Pray keep them safe at home.

Page 10: SEVENTH CONCERT. · Good night, love! good night, love! May heaven's brighlest stars watch over thee, Good angels spread their wings and cover thee; And through the night, so dark


"Oh, Come, do n'lt Delay"

(Deh Vieni, non tardar)

Miss Beatl'ice Owst-At k l nson.

Now at last comes the moment,

... ,llotart

When I may, without trembling, enjoy my love's caresses. Foolish misgivi ngs I now fly from out my bosom,

To destroy my delight, do not approach me! Oh! how all seems with tireof love now burning,

This soft and friendly shadow: The earth too and heav'n responding,

Even the nightfall my furtive steps concealing. Oh I come, do not delay, my heart's dear treasure, Come where fond love is calling thee to pleasure; The moon is veiled, no star in heav'n is beaming, While the sky is still dark, and the world is dreaming. The flowing stream and zephyrs softly playing, Soothe the heart with sweet sighs, its pain allaying. Mid verdure fresh, the smiling flow'rets bending, To the raptures of love now all is tending; Come where 'neath shadows, the night in calm reposes, Come, my dearest! and I will wreathe for thee a crown of rose .

'5. PART SONG "The :\Tiller's Wooing" Ea/Oil Fallillg

Glee Club. Merrily, 0 merrily, the mill-wheel turns to day, With splash and dash, and merry crash, For the miller's heart is gay.

Wearily, there came at eventide A maiden, fair with shining hair, Over the dark hillSIde

heerily, 0 cheerily the maiden spake quoth, he, HGreat joy were mine, didst thou incline, Sweet maid my bride to be."

Joyfully, 0 joyfully, the maiden spake her" yea;" And the bells rang soon- a merry merry tunc, For the miller's wedding day.

Now lustily, 0 lustily, the miller singeth he ; His voice keeps time to the water's chime, And his heart from care is free.

l\Ierrily, 0 merrily, the mill-wheel turn around, With splash and dash, and merry crash, For the miller joy hath found.


V . K . JONC:S ... co . ~R1NT. SURREY CHAMBC:RS , .-I[RTH .

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Page 12: SEVENTH CONCERT. · Good night, love! good night, love! May heaven's brighlest stars watch over thee, Good angels spread their wings and cover thee; And through the night, so dark
