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Seventh Sunday of Easter - The Pilot...Responsorial Psalm 47:2–3, 6–7, 8–9 God mounts his...

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Seventh Sunday of Easter June 2, 2019 St. Eulalia Parish Winchester/Arlington 50 Ridge Street Winchester, MA 01890 781-729-8220

Seventh Sunday

of Easter

June 2, 2019

St. Eulalia Parish


50 Ridge Street

Winchester, MA 01890





SCHEDULED PRESIDERS (Subject to change) 06/03 Mon. 9:00am Rev. Nelson Bediako

06/04 Tue. 9:00am Rev. Nelson Bediako

06/05 Wed. 9:00am Rev. Nelson Bediako

06/06 Thu. 9:00am Rev. James Bertelli

06/07 Fri. 9:00am Rev. Richard McMillan, SJ

06/08 Sat. 4:00Pm Rev. Nelson Bediako

06/09 Sun. 7:30am Rev. Nelson Bediako 9:00am Rev. Nelson Bediako 11:00am Rev. James Bertelli 5:00Pm Rev. Richard McGowan, SJ

ADORATION Every Friday Night 7:00PM - 8:30PM (Open House Concept) Times of quiet balanced with times of meditative music to enable private reflection.

7:30PM Pray along with a peaceful, recorded version of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. (During May, October, and Advent, the Rosary is prayed instead.)

8:30PM Reposition


Congratulations to the recipients of the 2019

Fr. Thomas Nestor Scholarship

Joseph Dalton Peter Angotti Martha Bujwid Fr. Nestor


SCRIPTURE FOR JUNE 02 First Reading Acts of the Apostles 1:1–11 (58C) Jesus promised they would soon be baptized with the Holy Spirit. Responsorial Psalm 47:2–3, 6–7, 8–9 God mounts his throne to shouts of joy: A blare of trumpets for the Lord. Second Reading Ephesians 1:17–23 God has put all things under Christ’s feet. Or Hebrews 9:24–28; 10:19–23 Gospel Acclamation Matthew 28:19a, 20b Go and teach all nations, says the Lord; I am with you always, until the end of the world. Gospel Luke 24:46–53 Jesus was taken up to heaven. “They did him homage and then returned to Jerusalem”

PATRIOTIC ROSARY Come and pray the patriotic Rosary along with mem-bers of the Saint Eulalia Men’s Fellowship Group on Sunday, June 2, at 2:00PM. The Rosary, along with patriotic songs and readings, will be offered for our country, the intentions of our Pope, and for all of our personal intentions. All are welcome.


Pentecost Sunday Pentecost Sunday takes place next weekend, June 8/9. The feast derives its name from the Feast of the Weeks, a Jewish festival of the early harvest celebrated several weeks (50 days) after Passover (Exodus 23:16), on which the first fruits were offered in grati-tude to God. It eventually became associated with the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai. Pentecost was the Greek word for the same festival and means “fiftieth”. Early Christians reinterpreted the Jewish festival as a com-memoration of the giving of the Holy Spirit by God to the Church. Red is the color of the day The color of vestments for the feast day is red, the col-or evocative of the red and yellow tongues of flame that appeared on the first Pentecost. To create an envi-ronment that is festive and worthy of the occasion, red would be a wholly appropriate color for all to wear that day.

DAY OF ADORATON This month’s Day of Adoration is Thursday, June 6. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament begins at the con-clusion of the 9:00AM Mass and continues throughout the day until 4:30PM when evening prayer and bene-diction will be offered.

In order to ensure that there is always at least one per-son present before the Blessed Sacrament, please sign up for a period of adoration. The sign-up sheet is next to the book of prayer intentions near the Holy Family statue. Thank you for participating in this beautiful prayer of adoration.

HEALING MASS The next Mass for Healing will be celebrated on Mon-day, June 3 at 9:00AM.

2019 CATHOLIC APPEAL A special thank you to the 6 donors from last year who have now since last week made a contribution to this year's Appeal. We are now at 95% of our goal of $119,915. Can you help us with the missing 5%, there-by assuring that St. Eulalia will continue our record of meeting our goal every year? Envelopes are available in the booklet rack or you may donate on line at Bos-tonCatholicAppeal.org. Be sure to indicate St. Eulalia as your parish. Thank you for helping our own parish as well as the many important ministries of the Archdio-cese.


Altar flowers are donated this weekend In Loving Memory of

Charles and Catherine King


On Sunday, June 9th, at 11:00AM, we will remem-ber in a special way those whose Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated last month: Frances Palmer Robert J. Sirois Ruth T. Daley Helen F. Downing Florenzo DiDonato John R. Corf Mary A. Carvelli


The Prayer Shawl Ministry will have its next meeting on Tuesday, June 4. We gather in the first floor con-ference room following 9:00AM Mass.


Join us in Manion Hall after the 11:00AM Mass on Sunday, June 9. This is last gathering until the Fall. See you then.



MARIAN MILE Join us as we pray The Rosary. We meet every Mon-day, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday nights at 7:30PM at the Fatima statue in the garden. This is a great way to exercise spiritually. In inclement weath-er, we meet in the church.



The following letter was sent to the Chabad Center for Jewish Life, Arlington, MA: May 27, 2019 To the Jewish Community of the Arlington Chabad: The parishioners of St Eulalia Parish of Arlington/Winchester wish to express our solidarity with you in light of the recent fire set at the Chabad Center for Jewish Life in Arlington and Needham. Every reli-gious denomination should be afforded the right to exercise their religious belief free from fear and intim-idation. As a parish we endorse the statement that can be found in the Second Vatican Councils Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Reli-gions:

“Furthermore, in her rejection of every per-secution against any man, the Church, mind-ful of the patrimony she shares with the Jews and moved not by political reasons but by the Gospel's spiritual love, decries hatred, persecutions, displays of anti-Semitism, di-rected against Jews at any time and by any-one… We cannot truly call on God, the Father of all, if we refuse to treat in a brotherly way any man, created as he is in the image of God. Man's relation to God the Father and his relation to men his brothers are so linked together that Scripture says: "He who does not love does not know God"

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. (Rev.) James W. Savage, pastor The People of St. Eulalia Parish

NEW DRY WELL A dry well was installed successfully this past week

in front of the doors leading into the Haddad Center. Although there is nothing very attractive or news worthy about a dry well, it will give us peace of mind. During a severe rain storm, water came cas-cading down the steps in front of the Parish Center and into the building soaking the carpet. It necessi-tated tearing up the old carpet and replacing it. With the installation of the dry well, it is our hope that we will no longer have this worry. Summer Projects:

Replacement of old heating pipes in the parish office building

Seal coating the parking lot (when the rain stops) Painting the rectory house (when the rain stops)

Rebuilding the old shed

DONATIONS FOR WEEK OF 05/26 Collection: $ 3,673 Mail In: $ 765 Online: $ 685 Total: $ 5,123


Many thanks to parish-ioner Jack Tweedie who so generously donated the bus service, and also the centerpieces for our Appreciation Night celebration. Many thanks also to friend of St. Eulalia, Susan Jappah, for her talent and hard work in arranging the floral centerpieces so beautifully.

Guard well within yourself that treasure,


Know how to give without hesitation,

how to lose without regret, how to

acquire without meanness.

~George Sand

Thank You!

THE UNBROKEN WORD………….………..……...……….…..by Michael J. Cunningham As the summer days roll by, we connect with family, nature, perhaps visit new places or our favorite haunts of the past. It is a time of renewal, refreshment, and at times, excitement. One aspect of this time is looking forward to do-ing “nothing”. Yet, when I analyze my own free time, I often find myself unable to “decouple” from my pre-vacation world. Can I manage without the cell phone, checking my email daily, worrying if someone did something I asked them to do, is that new customer doing okay with the product I just sold them? The questions seem to rise out of nowhere, so what should I do about them? My son came to visit us this weekend; he is a busy executive with a lot of responsibilities. He also knows work/life balance is important, so ensures his family gets all the attention they need during the vacation days. Yet, as the even-ing wears on, and supper is finished, I find him working on the computer til the wee hours dealing with the problems he knows are not being dealt with while he is “out”. Rather than spend time at night worrying about them, he fixes them and then returns to bed with his family. How many of us fall into the same category? We have the responsibility to do certain things for our working lives, yet cannot seem to disengage fully when we have that precious commodity. Time off from work! I guess we can deal with these problems in two different ways. One is to look for that work/life balance that keeps us sane and at peace with the world, and the second is to meet the responsibilities we have at work and home. The key word in all of this is peace. We must search for a to way find this peace in our lives, and we all know where this solution lies. Let us call on God for help in finding peace and solutions to the turmoil often present in our over busy lives, and take steps to notice his presence all around us while on vacation this summer.

Reflection and Photo Copyright 2019 Michael J. Cunningham O.F.S.

Passing me by, Recognizing my existence, Yet not stopping to look.

And smell me.

Passing By





Rev. James W. Savage Pastor 24

Rev. James Bertelli Senior Priest

Cheryl Pongratz Dir. of Operations

5:00PM Music Dir. 12

Louise Cocuzzo Pastoral Associate 29

Mary Lou Burke Asst. Pastoral Assoc. 25

Barbara Mahoney Pastoral Care Coord. 16

Laura MacMullin Parish Sec. M/Tu/Th 10

Joanne Boag Parish Sec. W/F 10

Sally Cunningham CFF, Grades 7-11 19

Stephanie Rogers CFF, Grades K-6 26

Barbara Doherty Faith Formation Sec. 18

Al DiMinico Custodian

Deborah Moscoso 11:00AM Choir Director

NEW TO THE PARISH - Welcome to St. Eulalia Parish. If you are a newcomer, please introduce yourself to a member of the parish staff. Registration materials are in the foyer of the church, or, you may call the parish office at 781-729-8220 to register.

ANOINTING AND PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK - Both sac-ramental and pastoral services are offered by the Pastoral Staff to the sick, hospitalized, homebound, and all who are in need. To arrange a visit, please call Barbara Mahoney at 781-729-8220, ext. 16. The par-ish offers a special ministry to the hospitalized at Winchester Hospital. The Catholic Chaplain at the hospital is Mary Beth Moran, 781-756-2295.

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION - Saturdays from 3:00PM - 3:45PM, or by appointment by calling Louise Cocuzzo, ext. 29.

SACRAMENT OF INITIATION - Adults interested in learning more about the Catholic faith should call Louise Cocuzzo at 781-729-8220, ext. 29. Infant Baptism is celebrated the second Sunday of each month. To register, please call Louise Cocuzzo, ext. 29.

MARRIAGE - Engaged couples planning marriage are asked to contact Fr. James Savage at 781-729-8220, ext. 24 to make arrangements for the wedding. A program of marriage preparation is offered to all cou-ples.

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION - Saint Eulalia Parish offers a full pro-gram of religious education for ages kindergarten to adult. Please call the Religious Education office at 781-729-8758 for information.

Saturday, June 01 3:00pm - 3:45pm Reconciliation (Confession) 4:00pm Lewis Brooks Sunday, June 02 7:30am For Those Who Have No One to Pray for Them 9:00am Joseph & Josephine Cordeiro 11:00am John Russo family 2:00pm Patriotic Rosary 5:00pm Joseph Bernier

Monday, June 03

9:00am Healing Tuesday, June 04 9:00am Jeanette A. Lee Wednesday, June 05 9:00am Parishioners of St. Eulalia & St. Mary Thursday, June 06

9:00am Bernadette Gillis 9:30am - 4:30pm Adoration and Benediction Friday, June 07 9:00am Available 7:00pm Adoration Saturday, June 08 3:00pm - 3:45pm Reconciliation (Confession) 4:00pm Toomey, Gray, Donahue, and Marshall families Sunday, June 09 7:30am available 9:00am Paul Jennings, Peter & Ethel Jennings Charles & Virginia Kelly 11:00am Month’s Mind 12:30pm Baptism 5:00pm Donald McNair

WEEKEND MASSES Saturday: 4:00pm

Sunday: 7:30am

9:00am 11:00am



PHONE: 781-729-8220 REL. ED: 781-729-8758

FAX: 781-729-0919

EMAIL: [email protected]

WEB: sainteulalia.org

FACEBOOK: facebook.sainteulalia.org

Sunday, June 02

Monday, June 03

Tuesday, June 04

Centering Prayer - 9:30AM Prayer Shawl Ministry - 9:45AM

Women’s group - 7:00PM Bereavement - 6:00PM

Wednesday, June 05

Thursday, June 06

Choir rehearsal - 7:30PM

Friday, June 07 Parish fitness - 9:45AM

Saturday, June 08

Sunday, June 09

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