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Sexual affiliation as a model to study the neural networks involved in motivated social interactions

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Pr. Harold Mouras ([email protected]) Professor in Neuroscience School of Psychology – Amiens University, France WAS 2015 Meeting – Singapore, July 25 th 2015
Page 1: Sexual affiliation as a model to study the neural networks involved in motivated social interactions

Pr. Harold Mouras

([email protected])

Professor in Neuroscience

School of Psychology – Amiens University, France

WAS 2015 Meeting – Singapore, July 25th


Page 2: Sexual affiliation as a model to study the neural networks involved in motivated social interactions

•   unify  different  observa2on’s  levels:  psychological,  neural…  

•   different  studies  presented  by  “sphere”:  central;  peripheral  

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Affective neurosciences of social links

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 Since  two  decades,  modern  neuroimaging  techniques  allowed  to  observe  neural  processes  involved  in  percep2ve,  cogni2ve  or  motor  paradigms  

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 Two  exponen2ally  developing  fields      

Affec2ve  neurosciences  (Panksepp,  2003)  

Social  neurosciences  (Insel  et  Fernald,  


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Within  psychology  and  neuroscience,  correspondences  have  been  shown  between  cogni2ve  and  neural  systems  involved  in:    

•   ac2on’s  produc2on    •   ac2on’s  percep2on  by  an  observer  

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•   mirror  neurons:  originally  a  “motor”  concep2on  

•   to  feel  an  emo2on  during  the  observa2on  of  another  person  involves  a  physiological  synchrony  between  the  protagonists  (Levenson  &  Ruef,  1992)  

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•   rela2onships  between  individuals  obey  to  a  mo2va2onal  component  of  inter-­‐aQrac2on  (posi2ve  or  nega2ve)  

•   this  concep2on  has  spread  to  the  emo2ons  and  mo2va2on  

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•  BeQer  understanding  of  emo2onal  processes  (neural  and  psychological)  in  contexts  integra2ng  a  rela2onal  dimension  (and  concepts  such  as  the  self,  the  other  and  their  representa2ons)  

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Sexual  mo2va2on  and  affilia2on:  a  specific  and  precise  working  model  and  func2onal  context  to  explore  the  neural  and  psychological  underpinnings  of  mo2vated  social  rela2onships  

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•  Explore  through  two  outstanding  results  the  recent  advances  in  neural  and  bodily  processes  involved  in  sexual  behavior  

•  General  contribu2on  for  social  neurosciences  

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Neural correlates

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•  In  ethology:  sexual  behavior  is  a  well-­‐recognized  goal-­‐directed  behavior  

•  The  involvement  of  the  brain  is  quite  obvious  (neuropharmacology  etc…)  

•  Its  explora2on  by  func2onal  neuroimaging  remains  recent  (2000)  

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•  Several  theories  of  emo2on  consider  as  central  bodily  reac2ons  for  the  emo2on  itself  (Damasio  for  example)  

•  Few  simultaneously  measured  penile  and  neural  responses  

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•   Arnow  et  al.  (2002):    • first  simultaneous  fMRI  (brain)/  penile  plethymosgraphy  (erec2on)  study  

• No  brain  areas  found  by  classical  subtrac2ve  analyses  vs  an  insular/claustrum  network  correlated  with  penile  response  

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Early  responses  Inverted  paQerns  

Low  levels  Volumetric  measure  ++  

Late  levels  Volumetric  =  Circum.  

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•  MR-­‐compa2ble  volumetric  penile  plethysmograph:  study  the  correla2on  between  the  cerebral  and  erec2le  responses  

•  Explore  the  temporal  rela2on  between  them  

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Mouras  et  al.  (2008).  NeuroImage  

Highest:  when  cerebral  responses  preceded  by  20  seconds  the  erec2le  response  

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•  Mirror  neurons  seem  also  involved  in   the   physiological   component  coding,  which  seems  an2cipatory  

•  The   physiological   synchrony  between   protagonists   seems  central  

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Motor correlates

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•   Numerous  studies  on  the  link  between  motor  and  affec2ve  behavioral  components  

•   Automa2c  responses  driven  by  emo2onal  s2muli:  role  in  specie's  survival  -­‐>  behavioral  adapta2on  regarding  the  func2onal  context  

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Bidimensional  concept  of  emo2ons  and  mo2va2ons  (IAPS;  Lang  et  al.,  2008):  approach-­‐avoidance  type  behavior  

Unpleasant  Fear  Mu2la2on  

Pleasant  Family  Ero2c  

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•   use  of  sport  sciences  techniques  to  measure  body’s  center  of  pressure’s  displacement  varia2ons  (Gurfinkel  1973;  Winter  et  al.,  1990)  

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•  Emo2on  conceptualized  as  an  ac2on’s  tendency  

•  Numerous  studies  reported  an  influence  of  emo2on  on  all  steps  of  motor  processes  (Bradley,  1992;  Hälbig,  2011)  

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•  Ac2on’s  tendency  is  central  in  sexual  mo2va2on  which  is  induced  by  an  appropriate  target  

•  Example:  Bindra  defines  the  Central  Mo2ve  State  as  an  hypothe2cal  group  of  neural  processes  promo2ng  goal-­‐directed  ac2ons  for  specific  s2muli  

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•  Frijda:  mo2va2on  will  induce  an  ac2ons’  sequence  •  Both  et  al.,  2004:  Interest  and  tendinous  reflexes  increases  linearly  with  arousal  of  sexual  videos  as  compared  to  neutral  ones  

•  S2ns  et  al.,  2007:  Gait’s  ini2a2on  faster  in  response  to  smiling  than  angry  face  

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•  Naugle  et  al.,  2010:  difference  of  walking  speed  only  from  the  second  step  for  sexual  s2muli  as  compared  to  unpleasant  ones  

•  Gélat  et  al.,  2011:  in  incongruent  task  (move  towards  an  unpleasant  s2m.)  -­‐>  interference  with  cogni2ve  resources  creates  an  early  freezing  

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•  Posturography:  not  much  used  in  mo2va2onal  condi2ons  

•  Emo2ons  could  influence  decision  through  pavlovian’s  system  ac2on:  Ly  et  al.  (2014):  •  Angry  faces  slow  down  approach  behavior  

•  Individual  differences  in  emo2onal  bias  predicted  those  in  body  freezing  

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•  Freezing  has  been  observed  in  anxious  situa2ons  

•  some2mes  in  front  of  disgus2ng  s2muli  (S2ns  et    al.)  along  with  HR  decelera2on  

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•  No  varia2on  of  the  COP  has  been  previously  reported  in  front  of  sexually  explicit  s2muli  (Hillman  et  al.,  2004;  S2ns  et  al.,  2007)  

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•  33  healthy  males  included  in  a  block-­‐design  paradigm  •  Three  videos  defining  three  experimental  condi2ons:  humoir  (H);  neutral  (N);  sexually  explicit  (S)  •  Experimental  run:  white  screen  (20s)  ;  9  experimental  blocks  (50s);  white  screen  (20s)  

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• Motor  correlates:  BIOPAC  system  interfaced  with  a  SATEL  force  plasorm  •  Analyses:  calcula2on  of  postural  indexes  such  as  body's  Center  Of  Pressure  (COP)  AN  and  ML  direc2ons;  area  under  the  curve;  sway  magnitude;  SD  of  the  displacement  

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dimension of the stimuli and not by their valence [43]. Sexual stimuli are the most arousing sti-muli of the category of positive emotional and motivational stimuli. Our results can be inter-preted in the light of a recent review of the literature focusing on the concept of freezing asfreezing is usually considered to be thisa threat-related defense strategy [44]. At first sight, ourbehavioral responses appear to be incongruous in response to motivating stimuli. Haagenarset al. [44] reported immobility as the main characteristic of other types of response, such as ori-enting or tonic immobility, behavioral inhibition and reported that immobility may be difficultto differentiate from freezing. According to these authors, freezing may have been inconsistent-ly reported as orienting, avoidance, vigilance, attentive immobility and anxiety. The results ofthe present study would therefore be consistent with the development of a freezing-like strategy

Fig 1. Mean ± SD for postural indices as a function of the stimulus (A) Amplitude of the sway of the COP in the mediolateral direction (Amp [COP]-ML) (B)Amplitude of the sway of the COP in the anteroposterior direction (Amp [COP]-AP) (C) Standard displacement of the COP in the mediolateral direction (SD[COP]-ML) (D) Standard displacement of the COP in the anteroposterior direction (SD [COP]-AP) (E) Area encompassed by displacements of the COP(COP-Area) Significant differences are indicated as follows: * p < 0.05, ** p<0.01 when comparing stimulus.


Freezing and Sexual Behavior

PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0127097 May 20, 2015 6 / 10

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S  condi2on  as  compared  to  the  N  –condi2on:    •  Significant  effect  on  SD  COP-­‐AP  and  SD  COP-­‐ML  indexes  

•  Significant  effect  on  Amp-­‐COP  ML  index:  lower  displacement  amplitude  in  the  ML  direc2on  

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•  Differen2al  modula2on  in  sexual  condi2on  of  motor  correlates  as  compared  to  others  physiological  measures  •  Results  not  in  accordance  with  the  primary  hypothesis  of  an  approach-­‐type  behavior  in  response  to  sexual  s2muli  •  Support  the  idea  of  an  early  freezing  in  response  to  sexual  s2muli  

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• Horslen  et  al.,  2011:    freezing  modula2on  by  the  arousal  dimension  of  the  s2muli  

• Haagenars  et  al.,  2014:  freezing  could  be  the  primary  component  of  behavioral  responses  such  as  tonic  immobility  and/or  behavioral  inhibi2on  

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•  Early  freezing  (1  to  2  s)  responses  in  response  to  unpleasant  films  (record  temporal  courses  ++)  •  Early  freezing  response:  necessary  for  dissimula2on  and  ac2on’s  prepara2on  (Mc  Naughton  et  al.,  2004)  •  Paradoxical  aspect  of  sexual  response:  postural  responses  tend  to  demonstrate  early  anxious  aspects  of  the  sexual  response  

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In  accordance  with  previous  studies  repor2ng  ac2on’s  prepara2on    •  through  freezing  (Griebel  et  al.,  1996;  Kalin  et  al.,  1997)  •  Involving  supplementary  cogni2ve  resources  recruitment  (slower  rea2on  2mes  in  experimental  tasks;  Mokros  A  et  al.,  2010;  Sanwla  et  al.,  2009  etc…)  

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Fachinew  et  al.,  2006  «  their  baby  and  family  pictures  may  have  elicited  a  predisposi2on  to  social  bonding  and  that  the  pre-­‐ac2va2on  of  muscles  involved  in  the  antero-­‐posterior  displacement  could  reflect  prepara2on  for  processes  like  aQachement  and  reduc2on  of  social  distance  »  

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•  Sexual  mo2va2on:  an  excellent  func2onal  context  to  study  the  neural,  motor  and  physiological  correlates  of  mo2vates  social  rela2onships  • Our  studies  demonstrates  the  complexity  (par2cularly  temporal)  of  the  motor  and  neural  correlates  

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http://www.socioaffectiveneuroscipsychol.net/ Special issues on the question of sexuality

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Thank  you  for  our  a.en0on  !  
