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SF 1179 Handout

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  • 7/29/2019 SF 1179 Handout


    Senator Sieben SF 1179

    Representative Schoen HF 1374

    Presentation Guide

    AppearanceTransportation and Public Safety, Room 15 of the Capitol. 3-5:30 PM on Wednesday, March 13


    Hono rable Senat or Kat ie Sieben Tim Geraghty M ayor Ci t y o f Newpor t Debora H i ll New por t Ci ty Adm in ist ra tor John Stew art Ci ty Engineer Ci ty o f New po rt

    The City o f N ew po rt is see king the Legislatu res assista nce in acquiring 3.2 acreson vacant M nDO T Right o f W ay a t t he sout hw est cor ner o f t he I- 494 / TH 61Interchange

    Key Points:

    New port is a Ci ty of 343 5 peop le (2010 census) located in W ashingto n County; th e Ci ty s2013 Cert i f ied Proper ty Levee is $ 2,311,000

    The Ci ty o f New por t has w orked cooperat ive ly w i th M nDOT over th e past 12 years to

    complete t he upgrade of the I -494 TH61 in terchange, a $350 M pro jec t .

    The proper t y wh ich w as acqui re to accom m odate t he roadw ay, and storm w aterm anagemen t system s associated w i th th e project red uced the City s populat io n by 280

    res ident s and r educed t he Ci ty s tax base by app rox im ately 9%. The r esul t ing im pact toth e Ci ty s prop ert y tax has lef t th e Ci ty w i th a m ajor chal lenge to regain i tscompet i t i veness w i th l ike comm uni t ies in the M et ro area.

    In an ef for t to reduce the pro per ty tax ra te and rep lace prope r ty back on the t ax ro l l theCi ty i s w ork ing w i th W ashington County t o re develop a 40 Acre si te a t t he south

    w ester n corner of t he Interchange cal led the Red Rock Gatew ay Area. The Ci ty iscombin ing i t s redevelopment p lans w i th developm ent o f the Red Rock Com m uter RailTransit Site.

    Planning for redevelo pm ent o n t his s ite has been un derw ay since 2010. The f i rs t phaseof t h is pro ject w i ll break ground in ear ly sum m er 2013. The com prehens iveredevelopm ent p lan for th is area is show n by Exhib it 1 : 2 011 Redevelopmen t Plan RedRock Gatew ay.

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    M nDOTs construct ion h as lef t several prop ert ies vacant and u ndevelop ed. Of theseth ere is a pot ent ial 3.2 Acre parcel located im m ediately adjacent t o th e Transi t Stat ions ite. This un derly ing vacant pr opert y was created b y relocat ion o f an ex it ram p. AExhibit 2 : Developm ent Si te 3.2 Acres. As show n on the Redevelopm ent P lan t heplanned land use for th is pro pert y is a Grocery Sto re or a simi lar com m erc ial use thatw ould serve th e fut ure res idents of the area, com m ut ers, and res idents of adjacent

    ne ighborhoods .In 2012 th e Ci ty w as appro ached by Aldi s Sup erm arket chain seeking a locat ion for astore w i th good f reeway v isib i li t y . The 3.2 ac re parce l show n w ould be a pr im e s ite f orlocat ing such a sto re. A grocery /conven ience sto re or s im i lar com m erc ial uselocatedon t he s ite show n could add an addi t iona l $ 16 - 20K per year to c it y pro per ty t axes.

    A legal descr ipt ion o f the 3.2 acre prop erty is sho w n by Exhibit 3 : Legal De script ion 3 .2Acre Redevelopm ent M axw el l Ave. Proper ty

    Al ternat ive uses compl iment ary to the m ul t i - fam i ly Red Rock Gateway developm entw ould be a convenience store/ gas stat ion, l iqu or s to re, auto serv ice ( l ike ORei l ly Aut oParts). Each of th ese uses w ould b enef i t f rom th e f reew ay access and v isibi l ity of th eM nDOT proper t y and ad jacency to o t her uses propo sed in th e redevelopment area.

    The Ci ty approached M nDOT staf f reques t ing that Ci ty be perm i t ted t o pu rchase th e 3.2acre prop er ty fo r fa i r m arket va lue. M nDOT respond ed negat ively ind icat ing th at t heAgency w as interested in preserv ing th e wh ole ROW in case sto rm w ater regulat ion sw ould requi rement s m ay change som et ime in the fu t ure.

    W e have rev iewed t he M nDOT proper t y land ded i ca ted t o s t o rmw ate r t reatm ent a t t heInterchange. 34.1 acres of land p resent ly dedicated and used as s torm w ater po nd s in

    th e v icini ty of th e interchange area.

    There are, no t inc luding th e M axwel l Avenue Parcel , a furt her 6 acres of vacant land,avai lab le for fu t ure s torm w ater t reatm ent . See ponding areas out l ined in w hi te , green,and red on Exhibi t 4: M nDO T Pond Locations

    The Ci ty o f New por t and South W ashington W atershed D ist r i c t augment ed M nDOTs

    in terchange storm w ater system by const ruc t ing a pond ing and in f i lt ra t ion pro jec t that

    redu ces by 300% rate of s torm w ater d ischarge di rected t o th e Interstate I -494- TH 61

    interchange. The pr oject added 7 acres of po nd ing and easem ent s to t he Interchange

    Storm W ater System at a cost o f $2.6M and reduc ing the vo lum e of sto rm w ater ,pho sphorus loading, and sediment r eaching th e interchange. Exhibit 5 : Nort h Ravine

    Drainage Imp rovem ent Pro ject .



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    1 . The Ci ty of New por t propo ses to pa y fa ir m arket Value for the 3 .2Acre Parcel

    2 . The Parcel is p ivota l to developing an appropr iate gatew ay to the 40

    acre Red Rock Redevelopm ent .

    3 . Com plet ing the Infrastructure u pgrades necessary to serve th erede velopm en t w i ll Cost in excess of $2.0 M . Add ing a grocery storeor sim i lar com m ercial use on t he 3 .2 Acre parcel w i ll he lp ma ke th is

    investm ent m ore cost e f fect ive .

    4 . Reserv ing a site that has com m ercia l developm ent pote nt ia l forfuture unknow n storm w ater requi rem ent s is not the highest andbest use of the si te . The si te has the p ote nt ia l to generate

    signi f icant local propert y taxes provide a re turn o n the investm ent

    that th e Count y and Ci ty are ma king to redevelop the a rea.

    5 . The Ci ty cont r ibuted $2 .6 M and provided ano ther 7 acres ofponding in 201 2 m i t igat ing dra inage im pacts to the Interchange s ite .

    6 . M nDO T ow ns anot her 6 acres of vacant land on th e w est side of TH61 t ha t cou l d be u t i lized f o r st or m w at er t r ea t m ent .

    7 . Leaving the 3 .2 Acre si te vacant unt i l M nD OT unde r takes the next

    interchange re construct ion (4 0 ye ars in 2 06 0 p ossibly) is hard ly thehighest and b est use for this prop erty.

    Let t er of Sup port

    Neighbor ; Cold Sto rage M r. Drew Greenberg, Pres iden t

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    3.2 AcreMNDOT


    Exhibit 1:2011 Redevelopment Plan

    Red Rock Gateway

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    Exhibit 2:3.2 acre Development Site

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    Exhibit 3:Legal Description 3.2 Acre

    Redevelopment MaxwellAve. Property

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    MnDOT Ponding Locations

    Green = West of TH 61

    White = East of TH 61

    Red = Future locations

    Exhibit 4:

    MnDOT Pond Locations

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    TH 61

    Exhibit 5:

    North Ravine Drainage

    Improvements Project

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