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    Alt.Space was the Space Frontier Foundation's

    twelfth annual conference.

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    The California

    Space Authority

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    their web site.

    Wow!! SFC 12 rocked!! From Congressman

    Dana Rohrabacher's call for a space

    propulsion initiative and Shuttle Commander

    Richard Searfoss' prediction of an impending

    space tourism boom, to all the latest news

    from space entrepreneurs and policy makers,

    it was a historic conference.

    Got a dot com? Building your own rocketship? Jeff Bezosof Amazon.com, Elon Musk of PayPal, and John Carmack

    of id Software (creator, Quake and Doom) are. Attendees

    of Alt.Space found out what's happening in the new space

    race and learned about the exciting projects now

    underway by the hot new space entrepreneurs and

    aerospace heroes like Burt Rutan, Dennis Tito and Buzz


    Access to space is moving from the monopoly of

    governments and large corporations to the realm of

    entrepreneurs and small businesses.

    This year the Space Frontier Foundation's grand annual

    Conference was back and better than ever, celebrating the

    dream of opening the space frontier. From astronauts to

    astronomers, politicians to pundits, engineers to

    entrepreneurs, this was THE space event of the year. Attendees enjoyed art shows, exhibits, debates,workshops, banquets and speakers who have the inside track on space.

    Richard Searfoss, retired Airforce Colonel and former Space Shuttle Commander, addressed the 12th annual

    Space Frontier Foundation Conference on Saturday, October 11th. Also speaking at the Conference on

    Saturday was the Honorable Dana Rorhabacher, Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Space and Science.

    Both had important things to say about the future of commercial space. Check our Synopsispage for details on

    their and other speakers comments.

    Click below to see photos from Space Frontier Conference XII, Alt.Space.

    |Alt.Space Photos Page 1|Alt.Space Photos Page 2|Alt.Space Photos Page 3|

    Space Frontier Conference XII was held at the Sheraton Four Points Hotel in Los Angeles, California on

    October 10 - 12, 2003.For more info on the Sheraton Four Points, check out their web site at:


    The Space Frontier Foundation is an organization dedicated to the human settlement of space in our lifetime.

    Our goals include protecting the Earth's fragile biosphere and creating a freer and more prosperous life for each

    generation by using the unlimited energy and material resources of space. Our purpose is to unleash the power

    of free enterprise and lead a united humanity permanently into the Solar System. We are transforming space

    from a government-owned program into a dynamic and inclusive frontier open to all people.

    For more information call 800-78-SPACE (800-787-7223)

    or send us your comments

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    Copyright 1996 - 2008 Space Frontier Foundation. All rights reserved.

    All work contained herein is protected by United States copyright/ intellectual property law.

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    SFC XII Home

    SFC XII Synopsis

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    Foundation Home


    The California

    Space Authority

    was a supporting

    organization of

    Alt.Space. Click

    above to check out

    their web site.

    Alt.Space Synopsis

    Compiled by Fred Becker

    Friday October 10, 2003

    9:00-9:45 Opening Remarks and Keynote

    Tony DeTora Executive Director, Space Frontier Foundation


    9:45-10:45 Session 1 Alternative Space Companies/A Showcase

    This year the Alternative Space program is taking off! From Burt

    Rutan's two stage rocket-ship to Jeff Bezos of Amazon.com's Blue

    Origins spacecraft and Elon Musk of PayPal's Space X, we are

    seeing the breakout of a whole new generation of space enterprises!

    This session begins a "Who's Who" of what we in the Foundation call

    the "Alt.Space" companies. It's show and tell time! The top Alt.Space

    transportation services teams explain their goals, plans and


    Host Henry Vanderbilt Space Access Society

    Celestis/Team Encounter

    CSI Constellation Services International - Charles E. Miller (CEO),David W. Anderman (COO)


    Constellation Services is developing a standardized cargo container

    methodology for space payloads, and is pursuing plans to market

    communication and other satellite repair for a fee.

    JP Aerospace

    10:45-11:00 Break

    11:00-12:00 Session 2 Alternative Space Companies/A Showcase

    The showcase continues, highlighting the top "Alt.Space"


    Host Bob Davis Davis & Molina Consulting Group

    International Association of Space Entrepreneurs


    An announcement event is planned for October 30 in Washington,

    DC. They will be a 501C6 Chamber of Commerce type of


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    Orbital Recovery Dennis Wingo

    Pioneer RocketPlane Chuck Lauer


    Currently Pioneer is working on a suborbital craft called the

    Rocketplane XP, based on a Lear fuselage. They will be based at the

    Oklahoma Space Port. They have an engine from Orbit Tech in

    Wisconsin, that has a patented new technology. After Rocketplane

    XP, a more ambitious craft Pathfinder will be built.

    Space Dev Jim Benson


    Space Dev is building the booster engine for Burt Rutan's Scaled

    Composites Spaceship One.

    12:00-2:15 Space Enterprise Panel Lunch

    A moderated panel of entrepreneurs and venture specialists discuss

    the vision that drew them into the space business and the perils and

    possibilities of the Alt.Space industry.

    Moderator Rick Citron Citron & Deutsch

    Walt Anderson Gold & Appel

    Mark Bunger Forrester Research

    Bob Davis Davis & Molina

    Jim Schultz ReedSmith

    2:30-4:30 Session 3 Alternative Space Companies/A Showcase

    The showcase of new companies wraps up the round up of the top

    "Alt.Space" companies.

    Host Henry Vanderbilt

    Armadillo Aerospace John Carmack


    Space Islands Gene Myers



    Gene has developed an innovative adaptation of the Shuttle

    architecture for placing large habitable structures into LEO and

    beyond. The design uses booster and tank components, plus an

    adaptation of the Delta Clipper structure as a crewed reentry vehicle.

    His company Space Islands, is proposing developments based on

    this concept.

    Trans Orbital Dennis Laury


    Lunar orbit is scheduled for July 2004, with a camera providing

    resolution to 1 meter. TransOrbital, Inc. is working on three

    commercial lunar missions: TrailBlazer - the first commercial lunarmission, Electra - the first commercial lunar lander, and Electra II - a

    lander with rovers.

    XCOR Aerospace


    XCOR Aerospace is a California corporation located in Mojave,

    California. The company is in the business of developing and

    producing safe, reliable, maintainable and reusable rocket engines

    and rocket powered vehicles.

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    4:30-5:30 Permission to Fly

    Panel on the Regulatory Issues/Opportunities Facing the Alt.Space


    Host Joe Gillin

    FAA Jay Garvin


    Armadillo Aerospace John Carmack


    John relayed his experience dealing with regulatory agencies.

    XCOR Aerospace Randall Craig


    How will commercial launches be regulated? AST type certification?

    AVR experimental aircraft waivers? The issue is key to the future.

    Poli-Space Jim Muncy

    6:00-9:00 Advocate Dinner/ Meeting

    Saturday October 11, 2003

    9:00-9:45 Opening Remarks and Keynote

    Speaker Richard Searfoss



    Shuttle commander and fighter pilot Richard Searfoss shared his

    experiences of flying the Shuttle and watching the Earth from space.

    He hopes we can all share the experience of getting to space. He

    has retired from NASA and is now on the board of XCOR Aerospace.

    9:45-12:30 Session 1 - The Alternative Space Experience

    Lets get this party started! The time has come for space hotels and

    honey moons. Climb aboard for orbital surfing and zero gravity

    travel. We are entering the era of public space travel for pleasure

    and adventure. Who will give you that taste of space you have

    wanted all your life? How much will it cost? And when can you sign


    Host Dr. David Livingston The Space Show


    Note: Dr. Livingston seeks sponsors for The Space Show

    Difinity Jan Naftulin


    Need more media with the daily message about what is going onwith space. Difinity is a space burial company that will place human

    DNA into space.

    Space Adventures


    Markets suborbital flights and zero-G flights. $98K for a suborbital


    MirCorp Walt Anderson (Jeff Manber is owner)


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    Markets Soyuz flights ($15 million ballpark), proposed Mini-Mir. Will

    build an electrodynamic tether to demonstrate new station reboost

    technique, if funding can be obtained.

    Zero G Peter Diamandis


    Has obtained type certification for 727 as a zero G platform. Based

    out of Orland, Las Vegas, and similar locations. Have booked 100

    flights at 25 people per flight. Cost is $4 or $5k per seat.

    High Lift Systems / Institute for Scientific Research - Michael Lane



    A Space Elevator concept is proposed. New material technologies

    are being developed and spun off as interim revenue generators.

    To Space Inc. Laurie Wiggins


    This company markets the carrying of items on suborbital and orbital

    space flights.

    HARC Greg Allison / Tim Pickens



    This company has developed the Liberator rocket vehicle as an

    X-Prize contender. Rollout is in one month. The engine is developed

    entirely in-house. Launch will take place from a barge in the Gulf of

    Mexico, which streamlines regulatory clearance. Tim is also the

    propulsion engineer for Burt Rutan's Spaceship One.

    12:30-2:00 Luncheon

    Speaker Dana Rohrabacher


    Congressman Rohrabacher would concentrate efforts on space

    propulsion. He hopes the space future will include lots of small

    companies doing innovative projects.

    2:00-3:45 Session 2 "Destinations The Moon, Mars and Asteroids"For years there has been a myth that returning to the Moon,

    developing asteroids and sending humans to Mars are incompatible

    goals. Are they? Or can a synergy be found that let's us do them all?

    What is the private sector's role on the Far Frontier? This panel will

    feature one speaker each on these three destinations, joined by two

    others for a moderated discussion.

    Mars Institute, Mars Society Pascal Lee


    The Haughton Mars Project is building a Mars analog base in the

    arctic. Recently powered rovers have been deployed.

    University of Southern California Prof. Madhu Thangavelu



    A Lunar Rehabilitation Center and Retirement Complex has beendesigned. The Eden Project and Hesperia are two terrestrial

    constructions exploring space architectural design.

    Space Islands Gene Myers


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    3:45-4:00 Break

    4:00-5:30 Session 3 Why Space?

    Money, glory, politics, prestige, mil itary dominance, survival of the

    species or just a better cheeseburger? The world's top science

    fiction authors lay out the case for the Frontier.

    Host Warren James Hour 25

    www.hour25online.comWarren became interested in space from reading the Willy Ley,

    Chesley Bonestell books, in particular The Exploration of Mars. One

    painting showed a ship landed on Mars out on a Martian plain. One

    evening his dad took him to the desert in the Western US, and he

    envisioned Mars as a real place, similar to that. He was hooked from

    then on. Space is important for preventing WW4 (WW3 is already

    upon us). Space can raise the standard of living. We need to move

    industry off the planet.

    David Gerrold


    Space is important to species identity and sociological

    transformation. He became fascinated during the space race. He

    became interested in space from reading Heinlein at age 9, and also

    Murray Leinster.

    Larry Niven


    Space is important for creating new wealth, saving the Earth, and for

    our basic life quest. Where is life out there? Larry became interested

    in space from reading Heinlein and Del Rey. He was attracted to the

    sheer adventure of it.

    Rick Sternbach


    Attended space colony conferences beginning with Princeton in

    1977. He is now waiting to see, now that such dreams of colonies

    have not been realized. He became interested in space from IGY

    and all the books, models and TV that came from that. Then Sputnik,

    Vanguard, nuclear ocean liners, all between 1956 and 1958 made

    the future exciting. One day at school a television was brought to the

    room and the class watched Alan Shepard get launched into space.

    Tom R. McDonough


    His dad worked at White Sands. He grew up with rockets. He

    attended JPL and became an astrophysicist. He was inspired by the

    writings of Verne and Wells, as well as science fiction movies and

    comics, the Bonestell books, Heinlein, Asimov and Clarke. Space is

    important for human survival and the spinoffs that occur in all fields.

    Michael Cassutt



    Michael grew up reading SF: Leinster, Heinlein and Clarke. He was

    also inspired by science fiction film and television. He attended

    University of Arizona in 1972, first taking astronomy, then changing

    to become a writer.

    How do we fix NASA? Niven: fire people for nonperformance.

    Munoz: personalize the astronauts and engineers once again.

    Gerrold: get the team spirit and goal back.

    7:00-10:00 Space Frontier Banquet

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    Space Frontier Awards

    Sunday October 12, 2003

    9:30-10:00 Keynote

    Rick Tumlinson, Founder, Space Frontier Foundation


    10:00-11:45 Power Session

    John KingPresident, JLS Consulting. Nationally recognized

    business coach, seminar leader and executive trainer.

    Foundationers came together for planning actions in the coming year

    with John King, corporate coach and best selling author, driving the


    12:00-1:00 Space Pac

    Strong national advocates of private commercial space ventures

    presented a new political action committee for the first time.

    For more information call 800-78-SPACE (800-787-7223)

    or send us your comments

    Copyright 1996 - 2008 Space Frontier Foundation. All rights reserved.

    All work contained herein is protected by United States copyright/ intellectual property law.

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    SFC XII Home

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    Media Contact

    Join the Fight!

    Foundation Home


    The California

    Space Authority

    was a supporting

    organization of

    Alt.Space. Click

    above to check out

    their web site.

    SFC 2003 photos courtesy James George, Richard Godwin, Brook E. Mantia and Elaine Walker.

    |Alt.Space Photos Page 1|Alt.Space Photos Page 2|Alt.Space Photos Page 3|

    Authors Vanna Bonta and Larry Niven. Alt.Space Conference Chair James George.

    L to R: Foundation Communications Director John

    Hanks, Foundation Founder Rick Tumlinson,

    Foundation 2003 Board Chairman Bob Noteboom.

    2003 - 2004 Space Frontier Foundation Board, L to

    R: Erin Medlicott, Elaine Walker, Bob Hillhouse,

    Natalie Vollrath, David Livingston, Manny Pimenta, Al


    Pascal Lee speaking at Alt.Space. L to R: David Livingston, Manny Pimenta, James

    Busby, Elaine Walker, Mark Hopkins.

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    Walt Anderson speaking at Alt.Space. L to R: Steven Durst of Lunar Enterprise, Kevin

    Greene, Thomas A. Olson, Richard Haase, John

    Powell of JP Aerospace.

    Attendee and Laurie Wiggins of To Space at


    Pascal Lee at Alt.Space.

    |Alt.Space Photos Page 1|Alt.Space Photos Page 2|Alt.Space Photos Page 3|

    For more information call 800-78-SPACE (800-787-7223)

    or send us your comments

    Copyright 1996 - 2008 Space Frontier Foundation. All rights reserved.

    All work contained herein is protected by United States copyright/ intellectual property law.

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    SFC XII Home

    SFC XII Synopsis

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    Media Contact

    Join the Fight!

    Foundation Home


    The California

    Space Authority

    was a supporting

    organization of

    Alt.Space. Click

    above to check out

    their web site.

    SFC 2003 photos courtesy James George, Richard Godwin, Brook E. Mantia and Elaine Walker.

    |Alt.Space Photos Page 1|Alt.Space Photos Page 2|Alt.Space Photos Page 3|

    Foundation Board Members and Officers meeting at


    Foundation Board Member Al Differ and Foundation

    Advocate Thomas A. Olson at Alt.Space.

    L to R: Jay Gavin of the FAA, Joe Gillin, John

    Carmack of Armadillo Aerospace, Randall Claque of

    XCOR Aerospace, Jim Muncy of PoliSpace.

    L to R: Bob Davis, Rich Pournelle of XCOR, ?, Walt

    Anderson. Jason Andrews of Andrews Space is at

    the podium.

    Henry Vanderbilt speaking at Alt.Space. Rich Godwin and the winner of the Foundation's

    2003 Vision of the Future Award, Tim McElyea.

    pace Frontier Foundation - SFC XII Photos page 2 http://archive.spacefrontier.org/Events/SFC12/photos2

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  • 8/12/2019 SFC2003_Program12


    Elaine Walker speaking at Alt.Space. Gene Meyers of Space Islands speaking at


    Foundation Executive Director Tony DeTora is

    defrocked of his trademark ponytail.

    Foundation Executive Director Tony DeTora is

    defrocked of his trademark ponytail.

    |Alt.Space Photos Page 1|Alt.Space Photos Page 2|Alt.Space Photos Page 3|

    For more information call 800-78-SPACE (800-787-7223)

    or send us your comments

    Copyright 1996 - 2008 Space Frontier Foundation. All rights reserved.

    All work contained herein is protected by United States copyright/ intellectual property law.

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    SFC XII Home

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    Media Contact

    Join the Fight!

    Foundation Home


    The California

    Space Authority

    was a supporting

    organization of

    Alt.Space. Click

    above to check out

    their web site.

    SFC 2003 photos courtesy James George, Richard Godwin, Brook E. Mantia and Elaine Walker.

    |Alt.Space Photos Page 1|Alt.Space Photos Page 2|Alt.Space Photos Page 3|

    Former Shuttle Commander Richard Searfoss and

    Brook E. Mantia at Alt.Space.

    An impromptu gathering of Attendees around a


    Rep. Dana Rohrabacher surrounded by Alt.Space


    Laurie Wiggins and Friends at Alt.Space.

    Rick Tumlinson presents the Service to the Frontier

    award to Erin Medlicott.

    Elaine Walker presents the Vision to Reality award to

    Pascal Lee, Director of the NASA Haughton-Mars


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  • 8/12/2019 SFC2003_Program12


    L to R: Steve Durst, John Dimitru, Ben Muniz, Fred


    The Friday Luncheon at Alt.Space.

    L to R: Madhu Thangavelu, Brook E. Mantia, Steve


    Greg Allison and Steven Jones at Alt .Space.

    |Alt.Space Photos Page 1|Alt.Space Photos Page 2|Alt.Space Photos Page 3|

    For more information call 800-78-SPACE (800-787-7223)

    or send us your comments

    Copyright 1996 - 2008 Space Frontier Foundation. All rights reserved.

    All work contained herein is protected by United States copyright/ intellectual property law.

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