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SG Statutes

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  • 8/7/2019 SG Statutes


    Title 1

    The General System of Student Body Statutes

    Chapter100 System of the Student Body Statutes

    100.01 All Student Body Laws of permanent effect and general public interest, or of legal

    or historical significance, shall be compiled in a codification known as StudentBody Statutes. Except in unusual circumstances, this codification shall exclude

    non-governmental organizational charters, authorizations, resolutions, proposedconstitutional amendments, and the Budget and amendments thereto.

    100.02 The Student Body Statutes shall be arranged according to the following scheme:

    Title 1 (Ch. 100-199) The General Statutesof Student GovernmentTitle 2 (Ch. 200-299) The LegislatureTitle 3 (Ch. 300-399) The Executive

    Title 4 (Ch. 400-499) The JudiciaryTitle 5 (Ch. 500-599) Programming

    Title 6 (Ch. 600-699) Elections

    100.03 Each chapter shall be subdivided by means of a decimal arrangement carried outto two or three decimal places. For example, Chapter 152 would begin with

    152.01 with potential subsection 152.001. Subsections shall relate back to theirsection. Sections and subsections will not have their text divided between pages.

    100.04 The Judicial Branch shall further classify laws according to Section 100.02 to

    provide a logical, orderly, and comprehensive arrangement of the Student BodyStatutes by subject matter.

    100.041 The Judicial Branch has the authority to make corrections only to spelling and

    non-punctuation typographical errors. Such corrections shall be subject to a vetobut will not require ratification by the legislature.

    100.042 To the extent feasible, the Judicial Branch shall prepare and maintain accurate,current indexes for all codifications.

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    Chapter101 Student Government Code of Ethics

    101.01 This shall be known and may be cited as the Student Government Code of Ethics.

    101.02 Legislative intent and declaration of policy:

    It is essential to the proper conduct and operation of Student Government that its

    officials be independent and impartial. Student Government officers andemployees hold their positions for the benefit of the Student Body. Such officers

    and employees are bound to observe in their official acts, the highest standards ofethics consistent with this code.

    It is the intent of this act to protect the integrity of Student Government by

    prescribing restrictions against conflicts of interest and unethical practices.

    101.03 Standards of Conduct

    101.031 Conflict of interest: No officers of Student Government shall participate in anyprivate business or professional activity or have any direct or indirect financial

    interest which would place that person in a position where there is a conflictbetween that private interest and the best interests of the Student Body.

    101.032 Unlawful compensation or regard for official behavior: No person shall corruptly

    give, offer, or promise to any Student Government officer any pecuniary or otherbenefit not authorized by Student Body Law, for the performance or non-

    performance of any act which the person believes to have been within the officialcapacity of the officer. No Student Government officer will accept such benefit.

    101.033 Intentional Wrongful Harm: No officer or employee of Student Government shall

    intentionally and wrongfully harm or threaten to intentionally and wrongfullyharm any person by the performance or non-performance of any act.

    101.034 Inducing to Act: No office or employee of Student Government shall aid, advise,

    procure, or in any way induce another to act in violation of this chapter.

    101.04 Penalties: A violation under this chapter may be cause for impeachment,suspension, dismissal from employment, or public censure and reprimand by any

    individual or body having lawful authority to take such action.

    101.05 To serve as guardian of the standards of conduct for the officers and employees ofStudent Government, the Supreme Court shall follow procedure pursuant to

    Section 101.63.

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    101.06 Procedures

    101.061 Upon a written complaint of any student, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Courtor their designee shall make a preliminary investigation into any alleged violation

    of this chapter.

    101.062 Upon a showing of probable cause to believe that a violation of this chapter hasbeen or is being committed, the Chief Justice, or designee by the Legislature in

    case of the investigation of the Chief Justice, shall convene the Supreme Court tohear evidence and argument on said violation and all related violations.

    101.063 The Court may use the subpoena power of the Supreme Court to obtain evidence

    and testimony under oath. The judicial officer who convened the Court shallpreside over it and sign all subpoenas. The judicial officer shall direct the

    investigation of the Court, question witnesses before it, and shall be its legaladvisor.

    101.064 Upon the conclusion of its investigation, the Court, with the assistance of the

    Chief Justice, shall present its findings and conclusions in a written report whichmust be approved by all members of the Court. The approved report shall be

    submitted to the presiding officer for review, and then to all individuals accusedof violations in the report.

    101.065 Investigations under this chapter shall remain confidential until the final approved

    report is reviewed by the presiding officer and any appeals have been exhausted.At such time, copies of the approved report shall be submitted to the President of

    the Student Body, heads of the Legislature, and theSupreme Court.

    101.066 Violation of the confidentiality of the Court's proceedings, perjury before theCourt, and the filing of complaints without reasonable basis and with malicious

    intent shall be violations of this chapter and subject to the penalties containedherein.

    101.067 In all cases pertaining to slander or libel, the burden of proof shall rest with the

    party or parties whom bring the charges against the defendant. In cases thatinvolve a public official(s), the burden of proof shall be when malice is clearly

    present, based on a preponderance of the evidence.

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    Chapter102 Student Government in the Sunshine

    102.01 Student Government, as a state governmental agency, shall comply with section

    286.011, Florida Statutes (The Government in the Sunshine Law).

    102.011 The Sunshine Law establishes a basic right of access to most meetings of boards,Courts and other governing bodies of state and local governmental agencies or


    102.02 All Student Government records shall be open to the public in accordance withChapter 119, Florida Statutes (The Florida Public Records Law).

    102.021 This law provides that any records made or received by any public agency in the

    course of its official business are available for inspection, unless specificallyexempted by the Florida Legislature. Over the years, the definition of what

    constitutes public records has come to include not just traditional writtendocuments such as papers, maps and books, but also tapes, photographs, film,

    sound recordings and records stored in computers.

    Chapter103 Student Government Exclusionary Offices

    103.01 Student Government consists of an Executive Branch, a Legislative Branch, aJudicial Branch, and a Programming Branch.

    103.02 Exclusionary Offices shall include the following:

    Student Body President

    Student Body Vice-PresidentStudent Body Treasurer

    Senate PresidentSenate President Pro Tempore

    Supreme Court Chief JusticeProgramming Event Chair

    Programming Finance Chair

    103.021 Other Exclusionary Offices shall also include:

    Associate Justices

    103.03 A student of Santa Fe College may only hold one exclusionary office in StudentGovernment at any one time as outlined and defined in this Chapter and in Article

    I, Section 6 of the Student Body Constitution.

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    103.04 Any amendment(s) to this statute that add(s) offices to any of these lists shall notcause any student holding the added office and another exclusionary office prior

    to the change to lose either office due to this statute.

    Chapter104 Hiring, Evaluation, Removal of Employees

    104.01 Hiring

    104.011 Unless otherwise stated, anycurrent Santa Fe Collegestudent interested in a paidpositionmay applyfor theofficethattheyareinterestedin through a written application

    followed by a formal interview.

    104.012 Upon a vacancy, positions must be advertised and made available to the entirestudent body of Santa Fe College for ten (10) business days and shall be filled

    within another ten (10) business days upon closing of applications.

    104.013 All applicants mustmeettherequirementsofSanta Fe College HumanResourcesdepartmentfor employment.

    104.014 A successfulapplicantmustthen beconfirmed byasimple majorityvoteof Senate.

    104.02 Removal

    104.021 If an employeesperformanceisdeemed tobe unsatisfactory,thesupervisorofthat

    position can warn, remove compensation, or remove the employee from office.

    104.022 If an employee or their compensation isremoved,theycan appealthedecision

    totheSupreme Court. TheSupreme Court mayreinstatetheemployee if the court

    finds that wrongful termination occurred.

    Chapter105 Student Government Staff

    105.01 Staff Policies

    105.001 Any Student Government Officer may have staff beyond those enumerated inthese Statutes. Officers are responsible for the actions of their Staff, regardless of

    whether the Staff member is voluntary or hired.

    105.002 Staff members that receive payment or similar benefits from Student Government,or that are enumerated in these laws, must be approved by Senate.

    105.003 Legislative staff shall be nominated and selected on the Senate floor.

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    105.02 Duties and Responsibilities of Staff

    105.021 All Student Government Staff shall;


    Uphold the Student Body Constitution;2. Assist their respective Officer with their responsibilities; and3. Report directly to their respective Office.

    Chapter106 Legal Documents of Student Government

    106.01 The legal documents of Student Government, to be observed by all Student

    Government members, shall be enumerated in Chapter 106.

    106.011 The legal documents include:

    The Student Body ConstitutionThe Student Body Statutes

    The Student Government HandbookThe Student Government Finance Manual

    Executive Orders of the PresidentWrits of the Supreme Court

    Chapter107 Definitions

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    107.01 This chapter shall include definitions for Student Government.

    107.011 Benefit gain or advantage, or anything regarded by the person to be benefited as

    a gain or advantage, including the doing of an act beneficial to any person in

    whose welfare he or she is interested.

    Campaigning anyaction in supportof a candidate ora political partyforelective

    studentbodyoffice,including,butnotlimited to,thedistributionof literatureandposting materials. It does not includewearing campaignmaterial,a campaign shirt,

    a button,an emblemor similar paraphernalia,unlessaccompaniedbythedissemination of campaign literatureor delivery ofcampaign speech

    tosolicitsupportfora candidateor political party.

    Campaignmaterial anyprintofelectronic material used forthepurposeof supportinga candidateorpolitical partyincluding,butnotlimited to,fliers,posters,signs,

    electronicmail andclothing.

    Candidate anyperson whohasqualifiedtohavehisorher nameplaced onthe ballotforelectiveofficeina StudentGovernmentelection.

    Conflict or Conflict of Interest situation in which regard for a private interest

    tends to lead to a disregard of a public duty or interest.

    Corruptly done with a wrongful intent and for the purpose of obtaining, orcompensating or receiving compensation for, any benefit resulting from some act

    or omission of a public servant which is inconsistent with the proper performanceof his or her public duty.

    Harm any verbal, written, or printed communication which directly or by

    inference is defamatory to another person's reputation or could reasonably causethe denial or termination of membership of another in any campus organization

    without due process of law; Also, any unlawful interference with the personand/or property of another person.

    Polling Areaanyareaset up by Student Government specificallyfor the purposeof

    collecting votes.

    Student Government Officer or Member any officer, agent, or employee of

    Student Government whether elected or appointed, including but not limited to,any executive, legislative, or judicial officer, any person participating as a special

    master, juror, or judge in performing governmental function and any officer or

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    authority of a Student Government funded organization that would fall under thejurisdiction of the Student Body Constitution.

    Student Government Exclusionary Offices - the enumerated positions in

    Title I, section 103.

    Subpoena- a writ issued by a courtasking for the presence of a witness to testify.

    Subpoena DucesTecum- a writ issued by a court asking a person to bring physicalevidence before the court.

    UnauthorizedPollingAreaany polling area notspecificallysanctioned

    bytheElections Council.

    Warrant - a writ from the Elections Council commanding the Supreme Court toperform specified acts.

    Writ - is a formal written order issued by a body with administrative or judicial


    Writ of Certiorari - referring to a type of writ seeking judicial review.

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    Title 2

    Legislative Branch

    Chapter200 Powers and Responsibilities of Legislative Exclusionary Offices

    200.01 The Senate President shall;

    1. Uphold the Student Body Constitution;2. Be the chief administrative officer of the Senate;3. Ensure that the Senate upholds the Student Body Constitution;4. Ensure that individual Senators are able to contact their


    5. Ensure that facilities necessary for meetings of the Senate arereserved and available;6. Maintain contact information of Senators;

    7. Supervise the officers of the Senate;8. Maintain order during Senate proceedings;9. Meet weekly with the Student Government Advisor(s); and10. Be available to all students by means ofpublished office hours.

    200.02 The Senate President pro tempore shall;

    1. Uphold the Student Body Constitution;2. Ensure that the Student Senate uphold the Student Body Constitution;3. Ensure that individual Senators are able to contact their


    4. Maintain current contact information of Senators;5. Supervise the officers of the Senate;6. Maintain an accurate record of attendance and votes cast ;7. Preside over the Senate in the absence of the Senate President ;8. Meet weekly with the Student Government Advisor(s); and9. Be available to all students by means ofpublished office hours.

    Chapter201 Powers and Responsibilities of Legislative Staff

    201.01 The Student Organizations Coordinator shall;

    1. Advise the Senate President;2. Be available to all students by means ofpublished office hours.

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    201.02 The Parliamentarian shall;

    1. Advise the Senate on parliamentary procedure; and2. Compile and publish the minutes of the Senate.

    201.03 The Sergeant of Arms shall;

    1. Prepare the facilities for meetings of the Senate;2. Escort individuals from the Chambers at the direction of the Senate


    3. Assist in maintaining decorum; and4. Administer the Oath of Office.

    Chapter202 Powers and Responsibilities of Senators

    202.01 Academic Senators shall;

    1. Uphold the Student Body Constitution;2. Contact constituents at least twice a month;3. Provide a monthly report to the Senate Oversight Committee;4. Serve on a Student Government and/or College Committee;5. Contact the represented academic department at least once a month;6. Unless otherwise stated in procedures, maintain at least a 2.0 GPA; and7. Attend eighty percent (80%) of regularly scheduled meetings.

    202.02 At-Large Senators shall;

    1. Uphold the Student Body Constitution;2. Contact constituents at least twice a month;3. Provide a monthly report to the Senate Oversight Committee;4. Serve on a Student Government and/or College Committee;5. Table once a month in the campus they represent;6. Unless otherwise stated in procedures, maintain at least a 2.0 GPA; and7. Attend eighty percent (80%) of regularly scheduled meetings.

    202.03 Student Organization Senators shall;

    1. Uphold the Student Body Constitution;2. Be held accountable to their Organization;3. Unless otherwise stated in procedures, maintain at least a 2.0 GPA; and4. Attend eighty percent (80%) of regularly scheduled meetings.

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    Chapter203 Standing Committees

    203.01 All standing Committees shall open to the public.

    203.011 All voting members excluding ex-officio members shall be nominated and

    selected on the floor of Senate.

    203.012 Composition of Standing Committees shall indicate a minimum number of

    Senators. No Senator may vote on more than one (1) standing committee unless

    otherwise authorized.

    203.02 Senate Oversight Committee.

    203.021 Thepurposeof theSenate OversightCommitteeshall betoensurethat thedutiesand

    responsibilities ofSenatorsarefulfilled and to assist Senators to that end.

    203.022 The Senate Oversight Committee shall be comprised of;

    1. Senate President (Chair, non-voting except in tie);2. Senate President Pro Tempore;3. Recruitment and Training Director;4. Two (2) Academic Senators;5. Two (2) At-Large Senators;6. Student Government Vice-President (non-voting); and7. Student Government Advisor.

    203.023 The committee shall;

    1. Obtain minutes and review every relevant committees attendance;2. Convene at least once a month;3. Report to Senate any Senator that is not complying with their duties and


    4. Create Senate ordinances not addressed in the Constitution or these Statues,to be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of Senate;

    5. Assign Senators to committees if necessary; and6. Designate Senators to represent Student Government on Santa Fe campuses;

    203.024 Senate ordinances shall include all parliamentary and legislative procedures not

    outlined in the Constitution and Statutes. They shall be available to all studentsvia the Student Government Handbook.

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    203.03 Finance Committee

    203.031 The purpose of the Finance Committee shall be to redistribute forfeited funds byStudent Organizations no longer in good standing; to provide a method for the

    request of funds; and to formulate the Student Government budget.

    203.032 The Finance Committee shall comprise;

    1. Student Body Treasurer (chair, non-voting except in case of a tie);2. Deputy Treasurer (non-voting);3. Two (2) Academic Senators;4. Two (2) At-Large Senators;5. Student Senate Pro Tempore;6. Student Organizations Representative;7. Programming Finance Chair; and8. Student Government Advisor.

    203.033 The committee shall;

    1. Meet as necessary but no less than once (1) a month;2. Develop the Student Government Budget for the following fiscal year;3. Redistribute forfeited funds to other previously developed budget lines;4. Develop the Budget Requisition packet and any other relevant financial forms.

    203.04 Internal Affairs Committee

    203.041 The purpose of the Internal Affairs Committee shall be to obtainpertinentinformation fromcollegepolicymaking groups and entities; and tocompile

    informationaboutinternal collegeissues.

    203.042 The Internal Affairs Committee shall comprise:

    1. Director of Internal Affairs (chair, non-voting except in case of a tie);2. Student Body President (non-voting);3. Two (2) Academic Senators;4. Two (2) At-Large Senators;5. Student Government Advisor.

    203.043 The committee shall;

    1. Meet as necessary, but no less than once (1) a month;2. Ensure the effectiveness of subcommittees;3. Address issues referred by subcommittees;4. Ensure the free and efficient flow of information within Student Government;5. Ensure the scientific validity of any Student Government research; and6. Ensure effective and efficient transitions of all offices.

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    203.05 External Affairs Committee

    203.051 The purpose of the External Affairs Committee shall be to workforfavorablelegislation at the local, state, and national level and

    tocoordinateactivitieswith externalstudent advocacy groups.

    203.052 The External Affairs Committee shall comprise:

    1. Director of External Affairs (chair, non-voting except in case of a tie);2. Student Body President (non-voting);3. Two (2) Academic Senators;4. Two (2) At-Large Senators;5. Student Government Advisor.

    203.053 The committee shall;


    Meet as necessary, but no less than once (1) a month;2. Lobby for legislation on a local, state or national level;3. Maintain contact and coordinate activities with outside student advocacy


    4. Ensure the effectiveness of subcommittees; and5. Address issues referred by subcommittees;

    Chapter204 Ad-hoc Committees

    204.01 Officer Replacement Committee

    204.011 The candidate chosen by the committee shall be approved by Senate by a majority

    vote and shall be subject to veto. In the event of a veto, Senate may overturn the

    veto by a 2/3 vote or the committee shall select a new candidate within one (1)

    business day.

    204.012 The purpose of the Officer Replacement Committee shall be to select qualifiedapplicants to vacant Exclusionary Offices with the exception of the

    Programming Event Chair, Finance Chair and Associate Justices in a quick andtimely manner.

    204.013 The Officer Replacement Committee shall comprise;

    1. Chief Justice (chair, non-voting except in case of a tie);2. Four (4) Academic Senators;3. Four (4) At-Large Senators;4. Student Government Advisor

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    204.014 The Senators shall be selected by random systematic sampling.

    204.015 If the office of Chief Justice is vacant, the Presiding Justice shall assume theresponsibility of chairing the committee.

    204.016 The committee shall;

    1. Publish applications;2. Ensure that applications are publicly available for 10 business days;3. Ensure that the applications are properly advertised;4. Conduct interviews of all candidates; and5. Select candidates within two (2) business days after the application period.

    204.017 If both the Student Body President and Vice-President offices are vacant, the

    candidates shall be selected on a joint ticket.

    204.03 Other Ad-hoc committees

    204.031 All other Ad-hoc committees shall be created as necessary by Executive order orLegislative action.

    Chapter205 Sub-Committees

    205.01 There shall be a sub-committee for each Executive Director which shall be under

    either the Internal Affairs or External Affairs Committees and shall satisfy the

    committee requirement for Senators.

    205.02 The Executive Directors shall chair their respective committee and refer

    appropriate matters to Standing Committees if necessary.

    205.03 An Executive Director shall form their sub-committee unless otherwise

    authorized by Senate.

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    Chapter206 Representation

    206.01 At- Large Senators

    206.011 The Senate shall apportion the number of At-Large Senators as outlined in Article

    II, Section 2 of the Student Body Constitution at the end of every fall semester.

    206.012 Apportionment shall be approved by a simple majority.

    206.02 Academic Senators

    206.021 The Senate shall be comprised of two (2) Senators for each of the following

    Majors/Courses of Study:

    1. Aviation;2. Business;3. Childhood;4. Communication;5. Construction;6. Education;7. Engineering:8. English;9. Exercise and Sports;10.Fine Arts;11.

    Health;12.Health (BAS);

    13.History;14.Humanities;15.Information Technology;16.Mathematics;17.Natural Science;18.Performance Arts;19.Physical Science;20.Public Safety;21.Social Sciences;22.Vocational;23.Zoo;24.Undecided (AA); and25.Undecided (AS).

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    Chapter207 Procedures of the Legislature

    207.01 Legislation shall only be classified as;

    1. Bills of Law;2. Primary or Subsidiary Budgets;3. Special Fund Requests;4. Authorizations;5. Resolutions; and6. Constitutional Amendments.

    207.011 Bills of Law may create, remove, or change Statutes, Finance Manual policies, or

    Senate ordinances. They shall require an initial reading, followed by a simple

    majority vote during the following session of Senate and shall be subject to veto.

    The veto maybe overturned by a two-thirds (2/3) vote.

    207.012 Primary or Subsidiary Budgets shall be approved by a simple majority.

    207.013 Special Fund Requests shall be an appropriation from designated request funds

    and shall require an initial reading, followed by a simple majority vote during the

    following session of Senate and shall not be subject to veto.

    207.014 Authorizations shall be a directive that advises, orders, or prescribes the method

    for an officer or committee to fulfill a duty or service. It shall require a two-thirds

    (2/3) vote and shall not be subject to veto.

    207.015 Resolutions shall be an expression of the sentiment of the Student Body requiring

    a two-thirds (2/3) vote and will not be subject to veto.

    207.02 Objections to the constitutionality of a Bill shall be petitioned to the Supreme

    Court upon passage of said Bill.Judicial declaration of unconstitutionality shall

    strike the effect of the bill from the Legal Documents of Student Government.

    207.021 The Supreme Court may issue a temporary injunction that may not last longer

    than ten (10) business days on a Bill, if deemed necessary.

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    Title 3

    Executive Branch

    Chapter300 Powers and Responsibilities of the Executive Exclusionary Offices

    300.01 Student Body President

    300.011 The Student Body President shall;

    1. Uphold the Student Body Constitution;2. Ensure that the Laws are faithfully executed;3. Be the chief executive of the Student Body;4. Ensure that Presidential Directors carry out their mission and duties;5.

    Present to Senate the State of the Campus address;6. Represent the views of the Santa Fe College Student Body at pertinentcollege, community, and outside governmental meetings;

    7. Attend all meetings of the Senate;8. Meet weekly with the Student Government Advisor(s);9. Be available to all students by means of published office hours; and

    300.012 The Student Body President may;

    1. Appoint and remove chairs/directors within the Executive Branch;2. Appoint and remove committees or commissions as deemed necessary;3.

    Create Executive Orders;4. Call emergency sessions of Senate;

    5. Appoint Student Government staff not provided for in the laws;6. Have veto power over legislation; and7. Perform any executive power or duty not provided for in the Constitution or


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    300.02 Student Body Vice-President

    300.021 The Student Body Vice-President shall;


    Uphold the Student Body Constitution;2. Assume Presidential office upon vacancy;3. Ensure that Cabinet Directors carry out their mission and duties;4. Meet with and perform evaluations on all Cabinet positions on a regular basis;5. Coordinate meetings of the Executive Cabinet;6. Attend Activity and Services Fees Budget Committee meetings;7. Attend all meetings of the Senate;8. Meet weekly with the Student Government Advisor(s);and9. Be available to all students by means of published office hours.

    300.022 The Student Body Vice-President may;

    1. Exercise Presidential powers and responsibilities in the absence of thePresident;

    2. Be the supervisor of the Executive Cabinet;3. Publish, maintain, and enforce the Executive Branch Handbook; and4. Appoint staff aides as deemed necessary.

    300.03 Student Body Treasurer

    300.031 The Student Body Treasurer shall;

    1. Uphold the Student Body Constitution;2. Keep complete and accurate accounts of all Student Body funds;3. Report upon the State of the Budget as required by the legislature;4. Chair the Finance Committee;5. Attend Activity and Services Fees Budget Committee meetings;6. Ensure that all Activity and Services Fees monies are being used to the

    greatest benefit of the Students;

    7. Attend all meetings of the Senate;8. Meet weekly with the Student Government Advisor(s); and9. Be available to all students by means of published office hours.

    300.032 The Student Body Treasurer may;

    1. Sign requisitions for Student Government funds;2. Refuse requisitions for unreasonable expenditures;3. Meet with and perform evaluations on the Deputy Treasurer; and4. Appoint necessary staff aides.

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    Chapter301 Powers and Responsibilities of Presidential Directors

    301.01 Internal Affairs

    301.011 The purpose of the Director of Internal Affairs is to direct the handling of StudentGovernment constituency casework and compile information about internalcollege issues, including but not limited to academic affairs.

    301.012 The Director of Internal Affairs shall;

    1. Uphold the Student Body Constitution;2. Distribute and maintain Student Government comment and complaint boxes

    around campus;

    3. Create and maintain a database of information about college policymakinggroup and entities;


    Publish a weekly report of current casework activities;5. Ensure student representation on college committees through collaborationwith the Senate Oversight Committee;

    6. Report directly to the Student Body President;7. Be available to all student by means of published office hours; and8. Chair Internal Affairs Committee meetings.

    301.02 External Affairs

    301.021 The purpose of the Director of External Affairs is to help the college build better

    relationships with various governmental entities, to work for favorable legislation,to secure more funding for the school, and to coordinate activities with any

    external student advocacy group that Student Government may interact with.

    301.022 The External Affairs Director shall;

    1. Uphold the Student Body Constitution;2. Maintain contact with outside student advocacy groups;3. Coordinate projects that involve external affairs;4. Report directly to the Student Body President;5. Be available to all student by means of published office hours; and6. Chair External Affairs Committee meetings.

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    302.06 Technology

    302.061 The purpose of the Technology Director is to make sure that the best interests ofthe Student Body are being upheld and fostered in all areas of matters relating to

    technology and technological expansion.

    302.062 The Technology Director shall;

    1. Uphold the Student Body Constitution;2. Maintain a sub-committee membership of at least five (5) active students;3. Formulate and implement a recruitment, retention, and training plan for their


    4. Maintain a technology database;5. Maintain a list of technology projects that the department is working on which

    includes a plan of action for each project;6. Oversee the carrying out of each project;7.

    Publish a weekly report of the departments activities;8. Report directly to the Student Body Vice President; and

    9. Be available to all students by means of published office hours.302.07 Parking, Transportation, and Safety

    302.071 The purpose of the Parking, Transportation, and Safety Director is to help StudentGovernment make sure that the best interests of the student body are being upheld

    in the areas of parking, transportation, safety, and facilities.

    302.072 The Parking, Transportation, and Safety Director shall;

    1. Uphold the Student Body Constitution;2. Maintain a sub-committee membership of at least five (5) active students;3. Formulate and implement a recruitment, retention, and training plan for their


    4. Maintain a sub-committee database;5. Maintain a list of departmental projects that the department is working on

    which includes a plan of action for each project;6. Oversee the carrying out of each project;7. Publish a weekly report of the departments activities;8. Report directly to the Student Body Vice President; and9. Be available to all students by means of published office hours.

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    302.08 Community Outreach

    302.081 The purpose of the Community Outreach Director is to get the Student Body andStudent Government involved with projects, charities, and volunteer organizations

    that benefit the local community.

    302.082 The Community Outreach Director shall;

    1. Uphold the Student Body Constitution;2. Maintain a sub-committee membership of at least five (5) active students;3. Formulate and implement a recruitment, retention, and training plan;4. Maintain a community outreach database;5. Maintain a list of community outreach projects that the department is working

    on which includes a plan of action for each project;

    6. Oversee the carrying out of each project;7. Publish a weekly report of the sub-committees activities;8. Report directly to the Student Body Vice President; and9. Be available to all students by means of published office hours.

    302.09 Sustainability

    302.091 The purpose of the Sustainability Director is to ensure that the Student Body is

    adequately represented in regards to environmental stability and in accordancewith Santa Fe Colleges sustainability initiative.

    302.092 The Sustainability Director shall;

    1. Uphold the Student Body Constitution;2. Maintain a departmental membership of at least five (5) active students;3. Formulate and implement a recruitment, retention, and training plan;4. Maintain an environmental sustainability database;5. Maintain a list of sustainability projects that the department is working on

    which includes a plan of action for each project;

    6. Oversee the carrying out of each project;7. Publish a weekly report of the departments activities;8. Report directly to the Student Body Vice President; and9. Be available to all students by means of published office hours.

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    302.10 Recruitment and Training

    302.101 The purpose of the Recruitment and Training Director is to coordinate recruiting

    and training activities for all aspects of Student Government.

    302.102 The Recruitment and Training Director shall;

    1. Uphold the Student Body Constitution;2. Coordinate the recruiting activities of Student Government;3. Ensure that vacant Student Government positions are filled in a timely

    manner;4. Train new legislative members in procedures of congress;5. Carryout projects that are assigned to them by the Student Body Vice


    6. Report to the Student Body Vice President; and7. Be available to all students by means of published office hours.

    Chapter303 Powers and Responsibilities of Executive Staff

    303.01 Deputy Treasurer

    301.011 The purpose of the Deputy Treasurer is to be an advisor for the individuals who

    are responsible for the requisition of funds; and also to promote and enforcecollege rules and procedure for fiscal.

    301.012 The Deputy Treasurer shall;

    1. Be knowledgeable and familiar with Financial procedures for the StudentBody;

    2. Assist the Student Body Treasurer with their responsibilities;3. Sit on Finance Committee as a non-voting member;4. Sit on A&S Fees Committee as a non-voting member;5. Report directly to the Student Body Treasurer; and6. Chair the Finance Committee in the absence of the Student Body Treasurer.

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    301.02 Websmith

    302.021 The purpose of the Websmith is to maintain the Student Government website.

    302.022 The Websmith shall;

    1. Update and maintain the Student Government website;2. Maintain a web page for all branches;3. Maintain and update all web-based contact information and photographs of all

    Student Government members;

    4. Publish a weekly report;5. Report directly to the Student Body Vice President; and6. Be available to all students by means of published office hours.

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    Title 4

    Judicial Branch

    Chapter 400 Powers and Responsibilities of the Judicial Exclusionary Offices

    400.01 Supreme Court Chief Justice

    400.011 The Supreme Court Chief Justice shall;

    1. Uphold the Student Body Constitution;2. Conduct sessions of the Supreme Court;3. Conduct Election Council meetings;4. Establish and maintain readily accessible templates for bills and resolutions;5.

    Supervise Associate Justices;6. Attend all meetings of the legislature;

    7. Meet weekly with the Student Government Advisor(s) to discuss mattersrelating to the Supreme Court; and

    8. Be available to all students by means published office hours.400.012 The Supreme Court Chief Justice may;

    1. Appoint an Associate Justice to be a temporary replacement if deemednecessary; and

    2. Perform any judicial power or duty not provided for in the Constitution orlaws.

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    Chapter401 Powers and Responsibilities of the Judicial Staff

    401.01 Associate Justices

    401.011 The purpose of the four (4) Associate Justices are to vote on Supreme CourtCases; to support and aid the Chief Justice in making critical decisions; tomaintain proper electoral procedures as a non-bias entity.

    401.012 The Associate Justices shall;

    1. Uphold the Student Body Constitution;2. Counsel members of Student Government and Students in matters relating to

    the Constitution;

    3. Vote in Supreme Court sessions and Election Council meetings;4. Attend 80% of Supreme Court Sessions;5.

    Write opinions to be provided to Senate Oversight Committee regardingdecisions;

    6. Assist the Chief Justice in any matter deemed necessary;7. Report directly to the Chief Justice; and8. Be available to all students by means of published office hours.

    401.02 Clerk of the Supreme Court

    401.021 The purpose of the Clerk of the Supreme Court is to maintain the records of theSupreme Court; administer oaths to witnesses; promote transparency.

    401.022 The Clerk of the Supreme Court shall;

    1. Uphold the Student Body Constitution;2. Schedule hearings before the Supreme Court;3. Create, maintain, copy and file all documents related to functions of the

    Supreme Court;4. Take and publish the minutes from all hearings before the Supreme Court;5. Attend 80% of Supreme Court Sessions; and6. Report directly to the Chief Justice.

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    401.03 Bailiff

    401.031 The purpose of the Bailiff is to maintain decorum and ensure the smoothoperation of Supreme Court Sessions.

    401.032 The Bailiff shall;

    1. Uphold the Student Body Constitution;2. Report directly to the Chief Justice;3. Prepare the facilities for meetings of the Supreme Court;4. Attend 80% of Supreme Court Sessions;5. At the direction of any Justice, escort individuals from the Supreme Court; and6. Assist in maintaining decorum.

    Chapter402 Elections Council

    402.01 The purpose of the Elections Council is to ensure that all Student GovernmentElections are faithfully executed.

    402.02 The Council shall be comprised of:

    1. Supreme Court Chief Justice (chair, non-voting except in case of a tie);2. Four (4) Associate Justices;3. Clerk of the Supreme Court (non-voting); and4. Student Government Advisor.

    402.03 Council member eligibility is listed as follows:

    1. No council member may be a member of, or affiliated with any party orcandidate in the election; and

    2. No council member may run for an elected position.402.04 The Council shall:

    1. Ensure that election laws are being upheld throughout the election process;2. Ensure that the Student Body is informed in a timely manner about the

    election, its candidates, and all the offices for which they can run.3. Oversee all elections related Student Government events and activities; and4. Issue warrants for violations of the elections guidelines.

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    402.05 The Chair of the Elections Council shall;

    1. Ensure all members eligibility requirements are met and upheld throughoutthe election process.

    2. Ensure that the Elections Council is fulfilling its responsibilities;3.

    Ensure the committee has minimal bias;4. Ensure all members meet the eligibility requirements stated above;

    5. Publish a report following the election;402.06 In the case the Chief Justice chooses to run for reelection, the duties of the

    election council chair shall be delegated to the Clerk of the Supreme Court.

    402.07 Associate Justices and the Clerk shall only be exempt from service on theelection council if said member opts to run for the position of Chief Justice.

    402.071 If an Associate Justice chooses to run for an elected office, the Student Body

    President shall fill the vacancy by appointment followed by immediate Senateapproval.

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    Title 5

    Student Government Programming

    Chapter500 Powers and Responsibilities of Programming Exclusionary Offices

    500.01 Programming Event Chair

    500.011 The Programming Event Chair shall;

    1. Uphold the Student Body Constitution;2. Serve as the Programming Finance Chair in the absence of the Finance Chair;3. Provide guidance, input, and support the Programming Finance Chair,

    Directors, and Staff;


    Preside over Programming meetings;5. Meet weekly with the Student Government Advisor(s); and6. Be available to all students by means of published office hours.

    500.012 The Programming Event Chair may;

    1. Approve or cancel Programming activities and programs;2. Approve disbursement of Programming Event Chair funds in the absence of

    the Programming Finance Chair; and

    3. Appoint or expel Programming directors with the concurrence of theProgramming Finance Chair and the Student Government Advisor.

    500.02 Programming Finance Chair

    500.021 The Programming Finance Chair shall;

    1. Uphold the Student Body Constitution;2. Serve as the Programming Event Chair in the absence of the Finance Chair;3. Provide guidance, input, and support the Programming Finance Chair,

    Directors, and Staff;

    4. Preside over Programming meetings in the absence of the Programming EventChair;

    5. Serve as the Treasurer of Programming;6. Keep a detailed account of all funds spent by Programming;7. Meet weekly with the Student Government Advisor(s); and8. Be available to all students by means of published office hours.

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    500.022 The Programming Finance Chair may;

    1. Approve Programming activities and/or cancel Programming in the absence ofthe Programming Event Chair;

    2. Approve disbursement of Programming funds; and3.

    Appoint or expel Programming Directors with the concurrent approval of theProgramming Event Chair.

    Chapter501 Powers and Responsibilities of the Programming Directors

    501.01 Social Events, Community Events, External Events

    501.011 The purpose of the Social Events Director is to organize themed and

    culturalevents in conjunction with other Santa Fe student organizations.

    The purpose of the Community Events Director is to organize large-scale events.The purpose of the External Events Director is to organize off-campus events andtrips.

    501.012 The Directors shall;

    1. Uphold the Student Body Constitution;2. Convene meetingsforthecommitteetowhichtheyare assigned;3. Attend directorsmeetingsweekly,unlessexcusedbythe EventChair and Finance


    4. Presenta weeklyreporttothe boardof directors(asdefined in Chapter503)regarding

    thebusinessofthecommittee;5. Report directly to the Event Chair and Finance Chairtodiscusseffectivenessand concerns ofthe committee;

    6. Completeallrequired paperworkfor thecommitteeseventsandpresentcompleted paperworktotheEvent Chair and Finance Chair for finalapproval;

    7. Hold and chair regular meetingsof thecommittee;8. Ensurethatminutesaretaken ateach committeemeeting and distributedto


    9. Publish amonthlyreporton their committeesactivities; and10.Be available to all students by means of published office hours.

    501.013 The Directors may;

    1. Cancel ameetingoftheir committeewith duecause;2. Cancelan event,oranyaspectofan event,if deemed necessary,intheabsence

    of theEvent Chairor Finance Chair; and

    3. ProposeaprogramtotheEvent Chair and Finance Chair.

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    501.02 Hiring of Directors shall abide by the following;

    1. Interested applicantsmustfilloutan application and return ittotheEventChairor Finance Chair.

    2. Onceselected bytheEvent Chair and Finance Chair,thedirectorshallentera twoweek probationaryperiod,during which theymaybeassigned tasksfor evaluation.

    3. Following completion oftheprobationaryperiod,thedirectorshall beconfirmedbya simplemajorityin theStudentSenate.

    501.03 Evaluation procedures are as follows;

    1. Onceastudentcompletestheirprobationary period,theymustsubmitreportstotheEvent Chair and Finance Chair attheend of each month.

    2. TheEvent Chair and Finance Chair mustconductwrittenperformanceevaluationsofeach directorattheend ofeachmonth.

    501.04 Removal of Directors shall follow the following procedure;

    1. If a Directorreceivesanevaluationthatisdeemed tobeunsatisfactory,theymaybe removed fromofficeor placed on probation atthediscretion oftheEventChair and Finance Chair.

    2. If a Directorreceivesunsatisfactoryevaluationsfortwoconsecutive months,theyare toberemoved fromoffice bytheEvent Chair and Finance Chair.

    3. If a Directoris removed,theycanappeal the decision of theEvent Chair andFinance Chair tothe Supreme Court.

    Chapter502 Committees of Programming

    502.01 Programming Selection and Replacement Committee

    502.011 The purpose of the Programming Selection and Replacement Committee shall be

    to select qualified applicants to the Programming Event Chair and Finance Chair

    offices in a quick and timely manner.

    502.012 The candidate chosen by the committee shall be approved by Senate by a majority

    vote. Iftheselected Event Chairand/orFinance ChairarenotconfirmedbytheSenate,

    thecommitteewillaccept newapplicationsand restarttheprocess.

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    502.013 Applications for the upcoming Event Chair and Finance Chair shall be due bythe last business day in February. Interviews shall be the second business day in

    March, and the committee must make a selection by the fifth business day.

    If Senate does not confirm a candidate, the committee may recommend another

    candidate or restart the application process for that position.

    502.014 The Programming Replacement Committee shall be comprised of;

    1. Chief Justice (chair, non-voting);2. Three (3) Academic Senators;3. Three (3) At-Large Senators; and4. Student Government Advisor.

    502.015 The Committee members shall be selected by random systematic sampling.

    502.016 If the office of Chief Justice is vacant, the Presiding Justice shall assume theresponsibility of chairing the committee.

    502.017 The Committee shall be responsible for;

    1. Publishing applications;2. Ensuring that applications are publicly available for ten (10) business days;3. Ensuring that the applications are properly advertised;4. Conducting interviews of all candidates; and5. Selecting candidates within two (2) business days after the application


    502.02 Community Events, Social Events, and External Events

    502.021 Thereshall bethreecommitteeswithin Programmingwhose purposeshallbetoplan,manage, advertise,andexecutestudent-relatedprograms.

    502.022 CommunityEventsCommittee shall;

    1. Present largescaleeventsintendedformassaudiences; and2. Present programsusing nationalor regional level talent; and3. Present high-profileguestspeakers; and4. Presenteventsbasedon campusand communitytalent.

    502.023 Social EventsCommittee shall;

    1. Present themed events; and2. Present culturalevents; and3. Present eventsin conjunction with other SFclubs/organizations.

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    502.024 External EventsCommittee shall;

    1. Present studenttripsand off campusevents; and2. Present eventsin conjunction with other non-SF organizations.

    502.025 TheCommittees shall;

    1. Plan programs toentertain and informstudents,aswell asrepresentStudentGovernment; and

    2. Manageand staff programs; and3. Advertiseplanned programs; and4. Attend and carryoutplanned programs; and5. Meetregularlytoconductbusiness; and6. Takeminutesof each committeemeeting; and7.

    Plan and schedule programs; and8. Assistwith paperwork; and

    9. RequestfundsfromtheSGPbudgetthrough thecommitteedirector; and502.03 Attendance Policy

    502.031 Tobeconsideredan activemember,a studentmustattend sixty

    percentofthescheduled monthlyactivitiesfortheeventplanning committee ofwhich theyareamember, including,butnotlimitedto,eventsandmeetings.

    502.032 Thesixty percentattendancerequirementmaybewaivedon a case-by-case

    basis atthe discretion ofthe Event Chairor Finance Chair. Astudentwhofailsto meettheattendancerequirementfortwo(2)

    consecutivemonths shall beconsidered anon-activemember,andwillforfeitallvoting privileges.

    502.033 A studentwhois considered a non-activemembermayappeal their statustothe Event

    Chair and Finance Chair atanytimeforreinstatement. Studentswhoappeal their non-activestatusand arereinstated will regain allmember privilegesimmediately upon


    Chapter503 Programming Board of Directors

    503.01 Theboardof directorsshall becomposedof allthreecommitteedirectorsand theEventChair and Finance Chair.

    503.02 Theboardof directorsshall meetweekly.

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    503.03 Theboardof directorsshall haveaset quorumof two(2) directorsin ordertoconductbusiness.

    503.04 TheEvent Chair shall ensurethat minutesaretaken ateach board of


    503.05 The Powersoftheboard ofdirectors shall be as follows;

    1. Theboard ofdirectorsshall approvebudgetrequestsfromoutsidesources.2. Theboardofthedirectorsshall draftabudgetproposal for thefollowing

    fiscalyear thatistobepresentedtotheFinanceCommitteebytheEvent ChairorFinance Chair.

    3. Theboardof directorsmayrecommend removal ofa director should theEventChairand Finance Chair belapseintheir duties.

    503.06 If a director isrecommended for removal,itis atthediscretionoftheEvent Chair and

    Finance Chair whether or nottoaccepttherecommendation.

    Chapter504 The Santa Fe Sentinel

    504.01 Thepurposeof theSanta FeSentinelis tooverseethe

    creation,maintenance,anddistributionof acollege-widestudentnewspaper.

    504.02 All copies will be available to all persons equally.

    504.03 Santa Fe Sentinel Editor in Chief

    504.031 The Santa Fe Sentinel Editor in Chief shall;

    1. Uphold the Student Body Constitution;2. Maintain a membershipof atleast5 (five) activestudents;3. Formulateand implementa recruitment,retention,and training plan for theSanta


    4. Maintain a database;5. Maintain a listof goals thattheSanta FeSentinelis workingonwhich includes a

    plan of action foreach goal;

    6. Overseethecarryingoutofall Santa Fe Sentinel goals;7. Recommendcandidatesfor anyvacanciesin theoffices ofthe Santa Fe Sentinel

    BusinessEditor,ContentEditor,andMultimedia Editortothe Programming

    Events Chairbyadministering ascreening processfor said positions;

    8. Appointnecessarystaffwritersand aides;9. Chair weekly Santa Fe Sentinel Staffmeetings;10.Publish a weeklyreportof theagencysactivities;

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    11.Meetweeklywith theProgramming Events Chairto discuss responsibilitiesofofficeand relevantissues; and

    12.Be available to all students by means of published office hours.504.04 Santa Fe Sentinel Content Editor

    504.041 The Santa Fe Sentinel Content Editor shall;

    1. Uphold the Student Body Constitution;2. Edit the content of the Santa Fe Sentinel;3. Serve as a liaison between all Staff writers and the Santa Fe Sentinel Editor-


    4. Attend weekly Santa Fe Sentinel Staff meeting; and5. Be available to all students by means of published office hours.

    504.05 Santa Fe Sentinel Business Editor

    504.051 The Santa Fe Sentinel Business Editor shall;

    1. Uphold the Student Body Constitution;2. Acquire and retain all advertisements for the Santa Fe Sentinel;3. Maintain records of all Santa Fe Sentinel contracts and transactions;4. Maintain updated list of Santa Fe Sentinel advertisement prices;5. Attend weekly Santa Fe Sentinel Staff meetings;6. Be available to all students by means of published office hours.

    504.06 Santa Fe Sentinel Multimedia Editor;

    504.061 The Santa Fe Sentinel Multimedia Editor shall;

    1. Uphold the Student Body Constitution;2. Administer design and layout of the Santa Fe Sentinel;3. Be proficient in industry-standard software;4. Attend weekly Santa Fe Sentinel Staff meetings; and5. Be available to all students by means of published office hours.

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    Title 6

    Elections Guidelines

    Chapter600 Registration Paperwork

    600.01 Spring Election Paperwork

    600.011 Registration paperwork for the Spring Elections will beavailableon thesecond



    ) Mondayof January. Should a candidate not submit all paperwork or in thecase that it is not submitted in time or filled properly, said candidate shall not be

    placed on the ballot for the spring election term.

    600.012 Registration paperwork is due on the followingdates:

    1. Everycandidatemustsubmit all relevant paperwork bythefirst(1

    st)MondayofMarchthatclassis in session.

    2. TheElectionsChairmayextend thedeadlineup to2(two) weekspriortoElectionswith a simple majorityvote of Senate.

    600.02 Fall Election Paperwork

    600.021 Registration paperwork for the Spring Elections will beavailableon thesecond

    (2nd) Mondayof September. Should a candidate not submit all paperwork or in the

    case that it is not submitted in time or filled properly, said candidate shall not be

    placed on the ballot for the fall election term.

    600.022 Registration paperwork is due on the followingdates:

    1. Everycandidatemustsubmit all relevant paperwork bythefirst(1

    st)MondayofOctoberthatclassis in session.

    2. TheElectionsChairmayextend thedeadlineup to2(two) weekspriortoElectionswith a 2/3(two-thirds) vote of Senate.

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    Chapter601 Elections Rules

    601.01 All candidatesmustattend theCandidateInformationmeetingforguidelinesclarification.The date,location,and timewill beincluded in

    theregistration paperwork.

    601.02 Nostudent government resourcemaybe used for partisan campaigning purposes,and all elections will be open to the entire student body.

    601.03 Leniencywith CollegeRule2.10,Dissemination of Information on College

    Premises,officiallybegins10(ten) daysprior totheelectionsand laststhroughtheendof elections.

    601.04 Polling areasmustbeauthorized bytheElections Council; there shall be a polling

    area for each Campus and Center of Santa Fe College. Unauthorized polling


    601.041 Any incentive provided by Student Government for voting shall be distributed

    equitably to all Campuses and Centers of Santa Fe College.

    601.05 Campaigning is prohibited:

    1. Within 50feetof authorizedpolling areasduring elections;2. InsidetheLibrary,theBigOpen Lab,and anyother computer lab; and3. Onvehiclesunlessauthorized bythe owner;

    601.06 Campaignmaterialmaynotbeplaced in amannerthatwill compromisesafety.Thisincludesbutisnotlimited to:

    1. Laddersextending higher than 8(eight) feet;2. The roof of any building;3. On the ground wherepeoplewalk;4. Blockingexitsand entrances;5. Chalkwritingmayonlybeused on uncovered sidewalks; and6. Metalsign holderscan beused toputup campaignmaterial.

    601.061 Candidates and campaigns must follow established procedures for events andother campaign activities. All locations and college resources shall be available

    on a first come first serve basis.

    601.07 All partiesmustclean up and removeall posters,banners, and signsbythe

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    Mondayafter elections.

    Chapter602 Elections Procedures

    602.01 The spring general election shall be the last Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday ofMarch.

    602.02 The spring general election shall be the last Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of


    602.03 All election results must be certified within two (2) weeks by a majority ofSenate.

    602.031 Members elected during the spring general election shall be sworn in by the

    second Wednesday of April and shall constitute the beginning of their annualterm.

    602.032 Members elected during the fall general election shall be sworn in by the

    following meeting of Senate and shall constitute the beginning of their annualterm.
