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SG46 DIAPHRAGM W ALL CONSTRUCTION - … QTY: 123 panels, each panel requires 3 grabs (Left, Center,...

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ASTANA, KAZAKHSTAN Location: Left bank of Ishim River, Astana, Kazakhstan Land total: 550 000 sq. m. Height, m: 388 Floors: 88 Architects: Foster and Partners (Norman Foster), United Kingdom Developer: Aldar, UAE Construction start: Q1 2008 Construction end: 2011 S G 4 6 D I A P H R A G M W A L L C O N S T R U C T I O N Central Markets Formerly Abu Dhabi Plaza Room 1801-2,18/F., Seaview Commercial Building, 21-24 Connaught Road West, Hong Kong telephone: 852.2544 .8821 fax: 852.2544.2866 email : [email protected]


Location: !! ! Left bank of Ishim River, Astana, Kazakhstan

Land total: ! ! 550 000 sq. m.

Height, m: ! !388

Floors:! ! !88

Architects:! ! Foster and Partners (Norman Foster), United Kingdom

Developer:! ! Aldar, UAE

Construction start: ! Q1 2008

Construction end: ! 2011

S G 4 6 D I A P H R A G M W A L L C O N S T R U C T I O N

Central Markets Formerly Abu Dhabi Plaza

R o o m 1 8 0 1 - 2 , 1 8 / F. , S e a v i e w C o m m e r c i a l B u i l d i n g , 2 1 - 2 4 C o n n a u g h t R o a d We s t , H o n g K o n g •

t e l e p h o n e : 8 5 2 . 2 5 4 4 . 8 8 2 1 • f a x : 8 5 2 . 2 5 4 4 . 2 8 6 6 • e m a i l : j a s o n @ h o u s t o n h k . c o m

Project BriefAldar Property launches its latest major mixed use development - Abu Dhabi Plaza, Astana - designed by Foster + Part-ners. Unveiled at a ceremony attended by The President of Kazakhstan, Mr Nursultan Nazarbayev and the Chairman of Aldar Properties, Ahmed Al Sayegh, the scheme is inspired by its sister project in Abu Dhabi - the Central Market Rede-velopment. Abu Dhabi Plaza is a staggered matrix of buildings with a retail and leisure podium and a hotel cluster at the base that rises to form a series of office and residential towers to the north - creating a new landmark on Astana’s skyline. The retail podium contains elements which are a reinvention of a traditional marketplace and also incorporate a light rail station and public square.

Situated along Astana’s ‘green axis’, Abu Dhabi Plaza incorporates a series of temperate year-round winter gardens. And allows light to be channelled deep into the mass of the buildings, creating a network of sheltered pedestrian routes through the site. A highly efficient compact scheme, the organization of the building into a matrix of blocks is an effective means of maximizing the potential for thermal insulation during the colder winter months, when temperatures can reach as low as -40 degrees Celsius.

The cluster formation - where the taller blocks of varying heights rise out of the matrix - has been carefully designed to provide the appropriate views for the different building types. The more exclusive penthouses and the higher residential towers have dramatic views over the city, while the lower rise offices and hotel are more inward facing to reinforce the sense of place.

Sections of the retail mall will draw on the historic legacy of Kazakhstan’s traditional Bazaars by recreating a bustling marketplace ambience. Light shafts between the blocks are infused with colour by the use of laminated glass panels that flood the spaces below with a dynamic play of light, shadow and patterns.

The design concept has been driven by the extreme local climate and a rigorous process of climate analysis revealed a solution that would maximise solar gain in the colder months with an innovative thermal hot water collecting system for the south façade are being considered. The north façade is heavily insulated to harness heat, and appears like a solid grid interspersed with random glazing. The effect is a distinctive, textured membrane that animates this cooler elevation.

Project TimelineOctober 2007ALDAR Properties & Al Maabar Launch Abu Dhabi Plaza in Astana, Kazakhstan10-31-07

Development to be a multi-dimensional integrated community in the Special Economic Zone in the capital city of Astana

Astana - In the presence of President Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan, Aldar Properties, the leading property de-velopment company in Abu Dhabi, and Al Maabar launch Abu Dhabi Plaza in Astana, the capital city of Kazakhstan, in the Special Economic Zone. This international move by the property development firms will feature an integrated com-munity development created for the rapidly growing capital city.

November 2007Norman Foster+Partners: Designs unveiled for a new mixed use development in Astana, the new capital of the Re-public of Kazakhstan11-01-07Skyscrapernews.com: New Foster Tower in Kazakhstan11-01-07Abu Dhabi Plaza was renamed to "Central Markets"11-07-07

H o u s t o n M a c h i n e r y ( C h i n a ) C o . L t d .! S G 4 6 D i a p h r a g m Wa l l C o n s t r u c t i o n - C e n t r a l M a r k e t s


Equipment Usage

SG46 Hydraulic Diaphragm Wall Grab

H o u s t o n M a c h i n e r y ( C h i n a ) C o . L t d .! S G 4 6 D i a p h r a g m Wa l l C o n s t r u c t i o n - C e n t r a l M a r k e t s


Project Site

Scope of Work: This project involved excavating 123 sets of panel which dimension is 6.6m(L) x 0.8m(W) x 22.5m(D).

H o u s t o n M a c h i n e r y ( C h i n a ) C o . L t d .! S G 4 6 D i a p h r a g m Wa l l C o n s t r u c t i o n - C e n t r a l M a r k e t s


H o u s t o n M a c h i n e r y ( C h i n a ) C o . L t d .! S G 4 6 D i a p h r a g m Wa l l C o n s t r u c t i o n - C e n t r a l M a r k e t s


Diaphragm Wall Structure & Construction

Wall QTY: 123 panels, each panel requires 3 grabs (Left, Center, Right)

H o u s t o n M a c h i n e r y ( C h i n a ) C o . L t d .! S G 4 6 D i a p h r a g m Wa l l C o n s t r u c t i o n - C e n t r a l M a r k e t s


Soil Condition & Performance

Difficulty: Rock debris at 14 m. (Slightly weathered sandstone)

Performance: The excavation speed before 14m is approximately 10 min/m and becomes 60 min/m @ rock debris layer.

H o u s t o n M a c h i n e r y ( C h i n a ) C o . L t d .! S G 4 6 D i a p h r a g m Wa l l C o n s t r u c t i o n - C e n t r a l M a r k e t s


Rock Debris Photos

H o u s t o n M a c h i n e r y ( C h i n a ) C o . L t d .! S G 4 6 D i a p h r a g m Wa l l C o n s t r u c t i o n - C e n t r a l M a r k e t s

