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Sgu53e15au User Manual - bosch dishwasher

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  • 7/25/2019 Sgu53e15au User Manual - bosch dishwasher


  • 7/25/2019 Sgu53e15au User Manual - bosch dishwasher


  • 7/25/2019 Sgu53e15au User Manual - bosch dishwasher


    en IndexSafety instructions 4. . . . . . . . . . . . .Getting to know your appliance 6. .Adding rinse aid 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Not suitable for the dishwasher 8. .Detergents 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Programme overview 13. . . . . . . . . .Washing dishes 14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Additional functions * 15. . . . . . . . . . .Maintenance and care 16. . . . . . . . . .Fault finding 18. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Customer Service 21. . . . . . . . . . . . .Information 21. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Installation 22. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Waste disposal 23. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  • 7/25/2019 Sgu53e15au User Manual - bosch dishwasher




    Safety instructions

    DeliveryImmediately check the packaging anddishwasher for any damage which may

    have been caused in transit. Do not usea damaged appliance, but consult yoursupplier.Please dispose of packaging materialproperly.

    InstallationInstall and connect the applianceaccording to the installation andassembly instructions.

    The dishwasher must NOT beconnected to the power supply duringinstallation.Ensure that the protective conductorsystem of the domestic electricitysupply has been installed correctly.Electrical connection conditions mustcorrespond with the specifications onthe rating plate of the dishwasher.

    If the dishwasher is to be installedin a high-sided unit, ensure that the unitis attached properly and also at therear.Built-under and built-in appliancesshould always be installed under acontinuous work surface which isattached to the adjacent cupboards, inorder to ensure that the appliance isentirely stable.

    After the appliance has been installed,the mains plug should still be easilyaccessible.Not on all models:The plastic housing on the water inputcontains an electrically operated valve.The connecting wires are inside theinlet hose. Do not cut through this hoseand do not immerse the plastic housingin water.

    WarningFor safety reasons, if the appliance is notfitted in a recess, thereby making a sidewall accessible, the door hinge areashould be covered at the side.(Risk of injury)Covers are available as optionalaccessories from customer services orspecialist stores.


    Caution modificationThis appliance is not intended for use byyoung children or infirm persons unlessthey have been adequately supervised bya responible person to ensure that theycan use the appliance safely.Young children should be supervised toensure that they do not play with theappliance.

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    In daily use

    WarningKnives and other sharp-pointed utensilsmust be placed with the points down

    in the cutlery basket or horizontally inthe utensils basket.Use the dishwasher only in thehousehold and only for its designedpurpose, i.e. for washing domesticdishes.Do not lean or sit on the open door.The appliance could tip.Please note that free-standingappliances may tip over if the basketsare overloaded.The water in the appliance is notdrinking water.Do not add any solvents to the washingchamber. Danger of explosion!Open the door carefully whenthe programme is still running. Thereis a risk of hot water spraying out ofthe appliance.

    To prevent injuries, e.g. causedby stumbling, open the dishwasheronly briefly in order to load and unloadthe dishwasher.Read and observe the safetynformation and instructions for use onthe packaging for cleaning and rinsingagents.

    Children in the household

    If fitted, use the childproof lock. Anexact description can be found in theback of the envelope.Do not allow children to play withor operate the appliance.Keep children away from detergentsand rinse aid. These may causechemical burns in the mouth, throat andeyes or asphyxiation.

    Keep children away from an opendishwasher. There could still bedetergent residue inside.If the appliance is installed at eye-level,ensure when opening and closing thedoor that children are not caught

    or crushed between the appliance doorand the cupboard door situated below.

    DamageThe appliance may be repaired andopened up by a technician only. Firstdisconnect the appliance from thepower supply. Pull out the mains plug(do not tug the power cord!) or switchoff the fuse. Turn off the tap.

    DisposalMake redundant appliances unusableto prevent subsequent accidents.Dispose of the appliance in anenvironmentally friendly manner.

    WarningChildren could get locked in the appliance(risk of suffocation) or get stuck in otherpositions.Therefore: Remove the mains plug, cut themains wire and set aside. Damage thedoor lock so that the door can no longerbe closed.

    Before using for the first timeThe appliance was checked before it leftthe works. In order to remove possiblewater test remains, use the appliance forthe first time without any dishes , usingthe highest temperature. Also fill salt, rinseaid and detergent in the fillingcompartments.

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    Getting to know yourappliance

    Diagrams of the control panel and theinterior of the appliance can be foundin the envelope at the front.Individual positions are referred to inthe text.

    Control panel1 Main switch2 Door Opener3 Programme selector (retractable*)4 Additional options*5 Check water supply display6 Programme sequence display7 End of programme display8 Rinse-aid refill indicator

    * some models

    Appliance interior20 Top basket21 Additional cutlery basket for the top

    basket *22 Top spray arm23 Additional cup rack *24 Bottom spray arm25 Float **26 Bottom basket27 Filters28 Cutlery basket29 Dispenser for rinse aid30 Detergent dispenser31 Catch32 Rating plate

    * some models** The float ensures that the applianceinterior is not overfilled. Only customerservice may maintain, remove and installthe float.

    You will need to purchase thefollowing before using thedishwasher for the first time:

    detergent rinse-aidOnly use products, which are suitable fordishwashers.

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    Adding rinse aidThe rinse aid is required for stain-freeutensils and clear glasses.Use only rinse aid for domesticdishwashers.

    Open the cover on the rinse-aiddispenser 29 . To do this, press themark (1 ) on the cover andsimultaneously lift the cover on thecontrol plate (2 ).

    Carefully pour in the rinse aid to justbelow the edge of the filler opening.

    Close the lid, ensuring that you hear itsnap closed.

    To prevent excessive foam formationduring the next rinse cycle, remove anyrinse aid which has run over with a cloth.

    Adjusting the amount ofrinse-aidThe amount of rinse-aid added to thewater can be varied by adjusting thestepless control. The rinse-aid control hasbeen set to 4 in the factory.

    Do not alter the setting of the rinse-aidcontrol unless streaks (turn knob towards) or water marks (turn knob towards +)are left on the dishes.


    Rinse aid controller

    Rinse-aid refill indicatorAs soon as the rinse-aid refill indicatorlights up on the control panel 8 ,refill with rinse aid.

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    Not suitable forthe dishwasher

    The following should not becleaned in the dishwasher:

    Wooden cutlery and utensils thesewill leach out and become unsightly;even the utilised stickers are notsuitable for the temperatures whichoccur.Sensitive ornamental glasses, craftutensil and vases, special antiqueor irretrievable utensils. Theseornaments are not dishwasher-proof.Plastic parts sensitive to hot water.

    Copper and tin utensils.Utensils which are soiled with ash, wax,lubricating grease or ink.Absorbent materials such as spongesand cloths.

    Aluminium and silver parts havea tendency to discolour and fade duringthe wash cycle. Even some types of glass(e.g. crystal glass objects) may turn cloudy

    after many wash cycles.Recommendation:In future buy utensils which are identifiedas dishwasher-proof.

    Damage to glassware and otherdishesPossible causes:

    type of glass or manufacturing process

    chemical composition of detergentwater temperature and duration ofdishwasher programme.

    Suggested remedy:Use glassware or porcelain dishes thathave been marked dishwasherproofby the manufacturer.Use a mild detergent that is describedas kind to dishes. If necessary, seek

    further information from detergentmanufacturers.

    Select a programme with as low atemperature and as short a duration aspossible.To prevent damage, take glass andcutlery out of the dishwasher as soonas possible after the programme has

    ended.Loading the dishwasher

    It is not necessary to rinse them offunder running water.When loading the dishwasher, ensurethat

    all utensils are secure and cannotfall over.the openings of all receptacles are

    face down.curved or indented utensils are atan incline, allowing water to drain.the two spray arms can rotate freely.

    Very small items should not be washed inthe dishwasher as they could easily fall outof the baskets.

    Removing the dishesTo prevent water dripping from the top

    basket onto the dishes in the lower basket,we recommend that you empty the lowerbasket first and then the top basket.

    Cups and glassesUpper basket 20

    * on applicable models

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    Pots and pansLower basket 26

    CutleryCutlery should be placed in thedishwasher always unsorted and with theeating surface pointing downwards. Thespray jet is then better able to reach theindividual parts.

    To prevent injuries, place long, pointedaccessories and knives on the tagre(some models) or on the knife shelf(available as an accessory).

    Folding spikes ** on applicable modelsTo improve stacking of pots and pans, thespikes can be folded down.

    Shelf ** not on all modelsLean tall glasses and those with longstems against the shelf not against otheritems to be washed.

    The cup shelf can be inserted into eitherposition 1 or 2 as shown in diagram.

    Note: With the cup shelf in position 2, thetop basket must be locked into the upperposition to prevent interference with eachother.Long items such as serving utensils,kitchen knives, etc should be place on theshelf and not in the cutlery baskets so theydo not obstruct the rotation of the sprayarms. When not in use the shelf can befold back.

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    Small accessories holder** some modelsLight-weight plastic accessories, e.g. cups,lids, etc. can be held securely in the smallaccessories holder.

    Adjusting the heightof the basket ** some modelsIf required, the height of the upper utensilsbasket can be adjusted to provide morespace for tall utensils either in the upperor lower basket.

    Appliance height in cm 81 86Max. in cm upper 20/25* 20/25*

    max. in cm lower 30/25* 34/29*

    Select one of the two following proceduresaccording to the design of the top basketfor your appliance model:

    Top basket with upper andlower roller pairs

    Pull out the top basket.Remove the top basket and re-attachit to the upper or lower rollers.

    Top basket with side levers(Rackmatic)

    Pull out the top basket.To lower the basket, press in one leverand then the other situated on the left

    and right of the basket exterior, holdingthe basket firmly on the sides of theupper edge to prevent it from fallingdown.

    To raise the basket, hold the basket onthe sides of the upper edge and lift itup.Before re-inserting the basket again,ensure that it is at the same heighton both sides. Otherwise, the appliancedoor cannot be closed and the upperspray arm will not be connected tothe water circuit.

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    Information about detergentsYou can use any brand of liquid or powderdetergent, as well as tablets, that havebeen specifically designed for use indomestic dishwashers. (Do not use normalwashing-up liquid!)

    Nowadays there are three types ofdishwasher detergent available:1. those containing phosphates and chlorine,2. those containing phosphates but no chlorine,3. those containing neither phosphates nor chlorine.

    When a phosphate-free detergent is usedin conjunction with hard water, there is agreater possibility that white marks will beleft behind on crockery and glasses, etc.These can be avoided by pouring anincreased amount of detergent into thedispenser.

    Chlorine-free detergents have a reducedbleaching effect. This can mean that teastains are not completely removed orplastic items become discoloured.

    This can be resolved by:selecting a higher temperatureprogramme, or increasing the amount of detergent,orusing a detergent that containschlorine.

    Check the label on the detergentpackaging to determine whether aparticular product is suitable for use withsilverware.

    If you have any further questions, werecommend that you contact the customer

    advice departments of the variousdetergent manufacturers.

    Detergent compartment withmeasuring marksThe side of the detergent compartment ismarked with lines to help you determinehow much powder to add.The capacity of the detergent container is15 ml up to the bottom line and 25 ml up tothe middle line. When the compartment isfull it contains 40 ml.

    If the detergent dispenser 30 is stillclosed, press the lock 32 to open thedetergent dispenser.

    Adding detergent

    Fill the dispenser 30 with detergent.Please observe the manufacturersinstructions printed on the detergentpackaging when determining thecorrect dosage.

    ImportantDue to the different solvency properties ofthe detergent tablets supplied by variousmanufacturers, the cleaning efficiency ofthe detergent may not be fully utilised byshort programmes. It is recommended touse washing powder for theseprogrammes.

    If using the Intensive programme(some models), also pour approx.1015 ml of detergent ontothe appliance door. If using tablets,also place a tablet on the appliancedoor.

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    Reduce costs!

    If your dishes are onlymoderately dirty, you may beable to use less detergent than

    recommended.Close the lid on the detergentcompartment.Press down the lid (1) until it clicksshut (2).

    If you are using detergent in tablet form,read the manufacturersrecommendations on the packaging inorder todetermine where the tablets should beplaced inside the dishwasher (e.g. incutlery basket, detergent compartment,etc.).Make sure that the lid on the detergentcompartment is closed, even if you areusing tablets.

    CAUTIONIMPORTANT NOTEON THE USE OFCOMBINED CLEANINGPRODUCTSPlease note the following when usingcombined cleaning products whicheliminate the need for a rinsing agent orsalt, for example:

    Some products with a built-in rinsingagent are only used to their full effect incertain programmes.

    This type of product does not generallyproduce the desired effect withautomatic programmes.

    Products which eliminate the need forregeneration salt can only be usedwithin a certain water hardness range.

    If you wish to use these combinedproducts, please read the instructionscarefully and heed any notes on thepackaging.

    Contact the manufacturer of the cleaningagent if you have any questions,particularly if:

    the crockery is very wet once theprogramme has finished.limescale deposits are formed.

    Any problems which arise as a directresult of the use of these products are notcovered by our warranty.

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    Programme overviewThis overview lists the max. possible number of programmes. The programmes supplied with yourappliance are indicated on the fascia.







    16 13,6 10

    delicateNon-delicate Mixed Mixed




    Pots andPants






    Rinse aid70









    Laboratory measured value in accordance with AS/NZS 2007

    Duration in minutes

    Electricityconsumption in kWh

    Water consumptionin litres

    with Aquasensor

    very littlea littlea lot

    stuck on hard loosely attached


    Rinse aid70






    Rinse aid55




    Rinse aid55




    Type of crockerye.g. china,pots/pans,cutlery,glasses,etc.

    Type of foodremains

    Amount of

    food remainsCondition offood remains

    Soups, casseroles,sauces, potatoes,pasta, rice, eggs,roast or fried food

    Soups, potatoes,pasta, rice, eggs,roast or fried food

    Coffee, cakes,milk, sausage,

    cold drinks,salads

    Rinse off ifthe disheshave beenstacked for

    several daysin the


    prior towashing.




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    Washing dishes

    Reduce costs!

    If only a small number of

    dishes have been loaded intothe dishwasher, selecting aprogramme that operates atthe next lowest temperaturewill usually suffice.

    Programme dataThe programme data (duration, energyand water consumption) can be found inthe summary of instructions and refers to

    standard conditions. Greater deviationsmay be caused by:different quantities of utensilsinlet temperature of the waterwater pressureambient temperaturemains voltage tolerancesand appliance-specific tolerances(e.g. temperature, water flow rate, etc.)

    The water consumption values referto water hardness value 2.

    Switching on the applianceClose the door.Turn on the tap fully.Rotate programme selector 3 to therequired programme.Switch on the main switch 1 .

    The programme sequence display6

    lights up, the programme sequence startsautomatically.

    End of programmeThe programme ends whenthe Programme progress indicator

    6 has gone out andthe End-of-programme indicator

    7 illuminates. When the programmeends, the Top basket washing functionis de-activated if required (only somemodels).Several minutes after the programme hasended:

    Open the appliance door.Wait until the dishes have cooled downand then remove.

    When the programme has ended, you can

    either switch off the appliance or restart itwith the same or another programme.

    Switching off the applianceSeveral minutes after the endof the programme:

    Switch off the main switch 1 .End of programme display 7goes out.Turn off the tap(does not apply to Aqua Stop).It is not necessary to adjust theprogramme selector.Remove the utensils when they havecooled down.

    WarningAt the end of the programme please openthe door fully and not partially whenemptying the dishwasher. Any escapingwater vapour could damage sensitiveworktops.

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    Interrupting the programmeSet the main switch 1 to OFF.Indicator lights extinguish.

    If the hot water was switched ON or theappliance has already heated up and then

    the appliance door opened, leave the doorajar for several minutes and then close.Otherwise, the appliance door may flyopen due to expansion.

    In order to resume the programme, setthe main switch to ON again.

    Terminating the programme(Reset)

    Only when the main switch is on:

    Rotate programme selector to theReset position.The programme sequence lastsapprox. 1 min.When the programme has run,switch off the main switch 1 .

    To restart, rotate the programme selector3 to the required programme. Switch on

    the main switch 1 . The programme

    sequence starts automatically.Changing the programmeIt is possible to change the programmewithin 2 minutes after you have switchedthe dishwasher on.

    Should it be necessary to change theprogramme after this period, theprogramme cycle that has already been

    begun (e.g. washing) will be completedfirst of all.


    If the power supply isdisconnected while the applianceis operating, e.g. by switching offthe appliance or due to a powerfailure, all settings remain stored.Operation continues automaticallyas soon as the power supply isrestored.

    Additional functions *

    * on some models additional functions4 can be set with the buttons.

    Pre-Soak *The Pre-Soak programme option serves toperform a pre-soak cycle before the mainprogramme. This cycle enables cookware,e.g. pans, bowls, etc. to be pre-soakedand pre-rinsed in the lower rack. If youwish to pre-soak the dishes, thisprogramme option must be selected bypressing the Pre-Soak button before theprogramme starts. The recommendeddetergent amount is approx. 5 g pouredonto the inside of the door.

    Time reduction/ time saving *Pressing the Time reduction/time savingbutton provides a short wash cycle bycurtailing the drying phase and thewashing time. The washing and dryingperformance will be reduced with the Timereduction/time saving programme option.

    Half load*If you have only a few items to wash (e.g.glasses, cups, plates), you can switch toHalf load. The half load additionalfunction saves water, energy and time. It isrecommended to put a little less detergentin the detergent dispenser than for a fullload.

    Extra dry*If you press the Extra dry button, youwill receive a higher temperature in allprogrammes in the final rinse andtherefore an improved drying result.(please note that higher temperaturesmight have an effect on delicate items).

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    Maintenance and careA regular inspection and maintenanceof your machine will help to prevent faults.This saves time and prevents problems.Therefore you should occasionally have

    a careful look inside your dishwasher.Overall conditionof the machine

    Check spray arm for grease andlimescale deposits.

    If you find such deposits:Fill the detergent dispenser withdetergent, start the appliance withoututensils in the programme which hasthe highest wash temperature.

    Clean the appliance with detergents/ appliance cleaners which are particularlysuitable for use with dishwashers.

    Regularly wipe the door seal witha damp cloth to remove deposits.

    Never use a steam cleaner to clean yourdishwasher. The manufacturer is not liablefor any consequential damage.

    Attention!Never use other chlorinated householddetergents! Health hazard!

    Rinse-aidAs soon as the rinse-aid refill indicatorlights up on the control panel 8 ,refill with rinse aid.

    FiltersWaste which is deposited on the filters27 may result in a blockage.

    After each washing cycle check thefilters for residue.

    Unscrew the filter cylinder and removethe filters. The filters are permanentlyattached to each other and cannot bedismantled.Remove large foreign objects. Cleanthe filters under running water.

    Re-installation:Insert the filters and screw the filtercylinder tight.

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    Spray armsLime and remnants of food in the washingwater can block the nozzles in the sprayarms 22 and 24 and the armmountings .

    Inspect the nozzles in the spray armsfor blocked holes due to remnants offood.If necessary, pull the lower arm 24upwards and lift it off.Unscrew the upper spray arm 22 .Clean both spray arms under runningwater.Refit the spray arms. Ensure that thelower arm has locked into place and theupper one is screwed tight.

    Spray arms

    Waste water pump ** some modelsLarge food remnants in the rinsing waternot retained by the filters may block thewaste water pump. The rinsing water is

    then not pumped out and covers the filter.In this case:Set the main switch 1 to OFF.Scoop out any water.Remove the filters 27 .Remove the cover.

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    Check the inner compartment forforeign objects and, if required,remove foreign objects.Re-insert the cover.Re-insert the filters and screwinto position.




    Fault finding

    Resolving minor problemsyourselfExperience has shown that you canresolve most problems that arise duringnormal daily usage yourself, withouthaving to call out a service engineer. Notonly does this save costs, but it alsomeans that the appliance is available foruse again that much sooner. The followinglist of common occurrences and theirremedies should help you identify thecauses of most problems.

    Problems ...


    Remember: Repairs may becarried out by a technician only.If a component has to be replaced,ensure that only original spareparts are used. Improper repairsor use of non-original spare partsmay cause considerable damageand put the user at considerablerisk.

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    ... when the applianceis switched on

    The appliance does not start.The mains fuse has tripped.The appliance plug has not been

    inserted.The appliance door has not beenshut properly.The tap has not been turned on.The filter on the water supply hoseis blocked.Switch off the appliance and pullout the mains plug. Turn off thetap. Then clean the filter which issituated at the connection of thesupply hose. Finally, restore thepower, turn on the tap and switchon the appliance.

    ... with the appliance itselfLower spray arm rotates withdifficulty

    Spray arm is blocked by smallitems or food remains.

    Lid in detergent compartmentcannot be closed

    Detergent compartment has beenoverfilled.Mechanism is clogged withremnants of detergent.Indicator lamps do not extinguishafter washing has finished.

    Indicator lights flash afterthe programme has started.

    No programme selected.

    Indicator lamps do not extinguishafter washing has finished

    Main switch is still set to ON.

    Remnants of detergent stuck insidedispenser

    Compartment was damp when itwas filled up with detergent.Compartment must be dry beforedetergent is added.

    Check water supply display 5lights up.

    Tap turned off.Water supply interrupted.Filter in the water supply blocked.Supply hose kinked.Pump is jammed.

    Water remains inside applianceafter programme has ended

    Blockage or kink in drainage hose.Pump is jammed.Filters are blocked.The programme is still running.Wait for the programme to end.Perform Reset function.

    ... during washingUnusual amount of foam is created

    Normal washing up liquid hasbeen poured into the rinse-aidcontainer.Remove any spilled rinse aid witha cloth as it could otherwise leadto excessive foaming during thenext washing cycle.

    Appliance stops suddenly whilewashing is taking place

    Cut in electricity supply toappliance.Water supply has beeninterrupted.Implement the RESET function.

    Knocking sound can be heardwhile washing is taking place

    A spray arm is knocking againstthe dishes inside the appliance.

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    Rattling sound can be heard whilewashing is taking place

    Crockery has not been stackedproperly inside the appliance.

    Knocking sound coming from inletvalves

    This is caused by the way thewater pipes have been laid and ithas no effect upon the way theappliance functions. There is noremedy for this.

    ... with the dishes, cutlery, etc.Remnants of food are stuck to thedishes, cutlery, etc.

    Dishwasher was not loadedproperly. Jets of water could notreach all parts of the dishes, etc.Too many items in the rack.Items in the rack were touchingeach other.Not enough detergent was addedto dispenser.Selected wash programme wasnot intensive enough.Rotation of spray arm wasobstructed by dish, etc.Nozzles in spray arm are blockedby remnants of food.Filters are blocked.Filters have been incorrectly fitted.Waste-water pump is jammed.

    Plastic items are discolouredNot enough detergent was addedto dispenser.

    White stains are left on crockery,glasses have a milky appearance

    Not enough detergent was addedto input compartment.Amount of rinse-aid was set toolow.If you used a phosphate-freedetergent, try a detergentcontaining phosphates andcompare results.

    Dishes, cutlery, etc. have not beendried

    Selected programme did notinclude drying function.Amount of rinse-aid was set toolow.Items were removed fromdishwasher too soon.

    Glasses have a dull appearanceAmount of rinse-aid was set toolow.

    Tea stains or traces of lipstick havenot been completely removed

    Detergent does not have asufficient bleaching effect.Washing temperature was set toolow.

    Traces of rust on cutleryCutlery is not sufficiently rustproof.

    Glasses become clouded anddiscoloured; coating cannot bewiped off

    Unsuitable detergent was used.Glasses are not dishwasher-proof.

    Smears left behind on glasses andcutlery; glasses have acquired ametallic appearance

    Amount of rinse-aid set too high.

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    Customer ServicePlease call your local service agent, if youare not able to resolve any problemyourself. The name of your nearest serviceagent is shown in the Customer Service

    address list. When you call, please providedetails of the model number (1) and theproduction (FD) number (2) which areshown on the nameplate 32 on theappliance door.





    Please note that a visit by the

    customer service technician inthe event of a fault or one ofthe problems previouslydiscussed is not free of chargeeven during the warrantyperiod.


    Notes on comparison testsYou will find details of the conditions forthe comparison tests on the additionalNotes on comparison tests sheet. Theconsumption values for the relevantprogrammes are given in the introduction.

    GeneralBuilt-under and integrated applianceswhich are subsequently installed asfree-standing appliances must besecured to prevent them from fallingover, e.g. by screwing them to the wallor by installing them under a continuousworktop which is screwed to theadjoining units.

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    InstallationThe dishwasher must be connected bya qualified technician to ensure correctoperation. The specifications for supply,drainage and connected load must fulfil

    the required criteria as stated in thefollowing paragraphs or in the installationinstructions.

    Install the appliance in the followingsequence:

    Check the delivery Install the appliance Connect the waste water Connect the fresh water

    Connect the power supplyDeliveryYour dishwasher was checked at thefactory to ensure that it was in perfectworking order. This may have left somesmall water stains in the dishwasher.These will disappear after the first rinsecycle.

    InstallationThe required installation dimensions canbe found in the installation instructions.Level the appliance with the aid of theheight-adjustable feet. Ensure that theappliance is situated securely on the floor.If the appliance is installed undera worktop, tension the appliance onlylightly against the worktop with theheight-adjustable feet.

    Waste water connectionSee the installation instructions for therequired connection steps. If required,attach a siphon with drainage spigot.Using the enclosed parts, connect thewaste water hose to the drainage spigotof the siphon.Ensure that the drainage hose is notkinked, crushed or twisted (ensure thatthere is no sealing cover which preventsthe waster water from flowing away!).

    Fresh water connectionUsing the enclosed parts, connect thefresh water connection to the tapaccording to the installation instructions.Ensure that the fresh water connection isnot kinked, crushed or twisted.When replacing the appliance, alwaysconnect a new water supply hose to thewater supply. The old supply hose mustnot be re-used.Water pressure:Minimum 0,05 MPa (0,5 bar) maximum1 MPa (10 bar).If the water pressure is higher, install apressure reducing valve.

    Flow rate:Minimum of 10 litres per minute.Water temperature:We recommend cold water connectiononly.

    Electrical connectionConnect the appliance only to 230/240 Valternating current via a correctly installed

    socket with protective conductor.See rating plate for required fusing 32 .The socket must be attached near thedishwasher and be freely accessible.The connection may be modified by anelectrician only.Use only a residual-current-operatedcircuit-breaker which features thesymbol. Only this circuit breakerguarantees compliance with the currentlyvalid regulations.

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    Removing the applianceIt is essential, when removing theappliance, to observe the followingsequence: First, disconnect the appliancefrom the power supply.Pull out the mains plug.Turn off the water supply.Disconnect the waste water and freshwater connections.Loosen the fastening screws under theworktop. If fitted, remove the base panel.Pull out the appliance, carefully pulling thehose behind.

    Transporting the dishwasherDrain water from the dishwasher. Secureall loose parts. The appliance should onlybe transported in an upright position.

    If the appliance is not kept uprightduring transport, any water left insidemay seep into the control module andcause subsequent errors withprogramme functions.

    Protection from freezingtemperaturesIf the appliance is installed in a locationwhere there is a risk of freezingtemperatures (e.g. in a holiday home), allwater must be completely drained out ofthe interior (see Transporting thedishwasher).Turn OFF the tap, disconnect the supplyhose and allow to drain.

    Waste disposal

    DisposalOld appliances are not worthless rubbish.Valuable raw materials can be reclaimedby recycling old appliances.Pull out the mains plug of the redundantappliance. Cut off the power cord anddiscard with mains plug.To prevent children from lockingthemselves in the appliance andsuffocating, destroy the door lockand childproof lock (if fitted).You received your new appliance ina protective shipping carton. All packaging

    materials are environmentally friendly andrecyclable.Please contribute to a better environmentby disposing of packaging materials in anenvironmentally-friendly manner. All plasticparts of the appliance are identified byinternationally standardised symbols(e.g. >PS< polystyrene).When the appliance is being disposed of,the plastic waste can be sorted forenvironmentally-friendly recycling.Please ask your dealer or inquire at yourlocal authority about current means ofdisposal.Keep children away from shipping cartonand packaging components. Danger ofsuffocation from folding cartons and plasticfilm.

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    Disposal of the packagingPlease dispose of the packagingmaterial in an environmentallyfriendly manner.

    Corrugated cardboard consistsmainly of wastepaper.The moulded polystyrene parts donot contain anychlorofluorohydrocarbons.The polyethylene film (PE) consistspartly of secondary raw materials.The wooden frames (if fitted) aremade of untreated residual wood.The hoops (if fitted) consistof polypropylene (PP).

    Disposal of redundantappliances

    Make redundant appliances unusableto prevent subsequent accidents.Dispose of the appliance in anenvironmentally friendly manner.


    Children could become locked in theappliance (risk of suffocation) or findthemselves in other dangerous situations.Therefore: Pull out the mains plug, severand dispose of the power cord.Destroy the door lock so that the doorcan no longer be closed.

    This appliance is labelled in accordancewith European Directive 2002/96/EGconcerning used electrical and electronicappliances (waste electrical and electronicequipment WEEE). The guidelinedetermines the framework for the return

    and recycling of used appliances asapplicable throughout the EU.

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    en Subjekt to modification

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    en Subjekt to modification

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    40 Switch on the child-proof lock41 Open the door with child-proof lock

    switched on42 Switch off the child-proof lock

    When the door is open, the child-proof lockoffers no protection.

    Child-proof lock *

    Large sheets or grilles and plates which have a diameter greater than 30 cm (gourmetplates, pasta plates, dinner plates) can be cleaned with the aid of the spray head.To do this, remove the top basket and insert the spray head as illustrated in the diagram.

    To ensure that the spray jet can reach all parts, arrange the baking sheets as illustrated(max. 4 baking sheets and 2 grilles).

    Never operate the dishwasher without the top basket or baking sheet spray head!

    Baking sheet spray head *

    * some models

  • 7/25/2019 Sgu53e15au User Manual - bosch dishwasher


    Robert Bosch Hausgerte GmbHCarl-Wery-Strae 3481739 Mnchen

    To contact us directly, use the tel. no or fax no. in theenclosed customer service list.
