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Sgwrs Winter 2011 - English

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Sgwrs Winter 2011 - English
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Winter 2011/12 Issue 39 News and views for residents of Bro Myrddin Housing Association sgwrs NEWS, ADVICE, PUZZLES, INFO Make your own decorations Page 7 Reader competitions Page 8 Page 5 Keeping warm this winter
Page 1: Sgwrs Winter 2011 - English

Winter 2011/12 Issue 39

News and views for residents of

Bro Myrddin Housing Association


Make your owndecorationsPage 7

ReadercompetitionsPage 8

Page 5

Keeping warmthis winter

Page 2: Sgwrs Winter 2011 - English

WELCOME tothe Winter issue ofSgwrs.

The cold nights are

with us again and no

doubt your warm

knitted jumpers and thermals have

reappeared from the wardrobe.

But we can help warm you up too!

The Editorial Team has been busier

than Santa’s elves in this issue of

Sgwrs ensuring that you get the most

from your newsletter.

We have included a wide variety of

articles designed to keep you up to

date with our progress, as well as

some handy tips to help you through

the winter.

We have also included a Christmas

wordsearch for the grown ups with a

prize of £25, along with a colouring

competition for the children.

We always try and make the

newsletter interesting and entertaining

How to get in touch

Sgwrs is published by:

Bro Myrddin Housing Association Ltd

Designed and produced by:

Andrew Buchanan Communications


Phone: 01267 232714

Text: 07797 801628

Email: [email protected]

Write to: Bro Myrddin

Housing Association,

Cillefwr Industrial Estate,

Johnstown, Carmarthen

SA31 3RB

The office will be closed on Friday 16th December for staff training and on

Monday 26th and Tuesday 27th December. The office will close at 12noon on Friday, 30th December, remain closed on Monday 2nd January2012 and re-open on Tuesday 3rd January at 8:45am.

Emergency numbers

Office closures over the Christmasand New Year holiday

2 Sgwrs Winter 2011/12

l A resident’sview of whatit’s like to getinvolved

l Top Tips onkeeping outthe cold thiswinter

l New source ofsupport foryoungsters

l Make your owndecorations forChristmas –naturally

l Mini muffins:mouthwateringChristmasrecipe






Sgwrs can be provided in

large print, Braille, audio or

your preferred language on

request. Please call us on

01267 232714.

Bro Myrddin Housing Association Ltd is a charitable association registered under the

Industrial & Provident Societies Act 1965 (23055R) and with Housing for Wales (L069).

Competitions: Prize draws and competitions are only open to Bro Myrddin residents.

Board members and staff may not enter competitions, unless otherwise stated.

Accuracy: We try to make sure that information in Sgwrs is correct, but readers should

seek independent advice before relying on any content. We cannot accept

responsibility for errors in articles. We reserve the right to edit material sent in. Sgwrs

may not be reproduced without prior permission.

Cover image: © Robyn Mackenzie | Dreamstime.com

In thisissue



Welcometo your hearty and

satisfying Sgwrs!

If you have an emergency in your home when

we are closed, there are two numbers to ring:

n For out-of-hours emergencies (including gas

and oil fired heating system emergencies) call

Carmarthenshire County Council’s 24 hour

emergency Careline 01558 824283.

n For GAS emergencies, call Transco on 0800 111999.

Got amaintenanceproblem? Callus FREE on0800 3169602

and look forward to receiving your

views and comments.

If you would like more information

about getting involved in Sgwrs, the

Residents’ Forum or any other of the

services Bro Myrddin provides, then

please contact me at

[email protected] or simply

give me a call on my direct line:

01267 239418.

Aled ReesEditor

PS Don’t forget, if you have any

articles or suggestions for Sgwrs

please contact the Sgwrs Team. Let’s

make the newsletter even better!

PPS Find us on Facebook:


Page 3: Sgwrs Winter 2011 - English

Why is a Customer ServicesManager needed? During a consultation exercise withresidents, it was recognised that BroMyrddin needs a more streamlinedapproach to customer services. Thiswas reinforced in a customer servicesreview carried out by an externalconsultant which found out thatcustomer service is extremely importantand that everything we do here at BroMyrddin has an impact on the servicesyou receive.

About meWhen I first went to Plymouth Universityto do a degree in social policy andadministration, I didn’t really know whatI wanted to do. I enjoyed the housingside of my course, so when I left I waslucky enough to get my foot in the doorof a housing association and havenever looked back. I went on to complete a part time

masters degree in housing at CardiffUniversity. Over the past ten years, I have

gained a wide variety of housingexperience, from being a housingofficer and a specialist anti socialbehaviour case officer to managingstudent accommodation.

What will I be doing for you and BroMyrddin? Since starting at Bro Myrddin, I havebeen considering all the services thatyou receive and how you receive them.I have also been reviewing the numberand type of enquiries, comments,

Sgwrs Winter 2011/12 3

compliments and complaints wereceive, helping us learn about yourexperiences of Bro Myrddin.This is all work going on behind the

scenes. While it won’t have animmediate effect, ultimately theinformation gathered will help us toimprove the way we work and theservices we provide.

The Links ProjectIn September we launched ‘The LinksProject’, which is designed to ‘link’front line staff, departments and you,our customers. To do this we are working to

streamline access to the information weneed by utilising our resources to theirfull potential, including IT systems, filingsystems and staff time. To achieve this we are simplifying the

way we process tasks by cutting outunnecessary work and duplication. Ourgoal is to ensure that your needs are atthe heart of our services and that wedeliver them in the most effective andefficient way.

Please get in touch I would love to hear your views on the

services you receive from us: whether

good, bad or in between we can learn

from you. Feel free to call me or pop

into the office for an informal chat.

You can contact me on 01267 232714

or by email at [email protected]


serviceswe provide � Homes

transferredSixty-two homes have been

transferred to Bro Myrddin from

Wales and West Housing

Association. The properties are

at Glannant House, College

Road and Llys Ffynnon,

Fountain Hall Terrace, both in


Glannant House (pictured

above) consists of 30 flats built

in 1976. The development is

close to public transport and

includes communal gardens and

resident parking areas.

Built in 1990, Llys Ffynnon

consists of 32 one and two

bedroom flats let to people over

60 (or 55 with a medical

condition). There is a communal

lounge, laundry and guest room.

A separate maisonette is

occupied by the scheme


� Clearer rentstatementsWe have been busy redesigning

your rent statements to make

them clearer and easier to

understand. For example, all

abbreviations have been


We have also included

information on the back of the

rent statement to remind you of

the different ways you can now

pay your rent.

If you have any comments on

the new rent statements, please

contact us on 01267 232714.



l Tracy Mellor, who joined in August as

Bro Myrddin’s first Customer Services

Manager, tells us about herself, her role

and The Links Project.

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4 Sgwrs Winter 2011/12


I have been on the residents’ forum for just over a year now and verymuch enjoy the meetings which are held every one or two months. The material we look at concerns the way in which Bro Myrddin runs and how

that affects service delivery. We do not see any confidential residentinformation – only material about the organisation and how it operates. Thethings we look at range from Welsh Government frameworks, which housingassociations have to comply with, to information distributed to residents. We are in effect helping to improve services from a resident’s perspective.There are about nine residents from different areas in and around Carmarthen

who regularly attend the meetings. We represent a wide age range which bringsdifferent perspectives to our work.We all have something to contribute to meetings – whether it’s from our

personal experience or professional background. Mark Richards, the Head ofHousing Services, is there to be heckled by the group, although he offers inreturn his willing guidance and advice. Steve Rafferty from Open Communitiesalso helps to guide and advise us.We are offered training for some tasks, which is great for personal and

professional development – and free! Just now, we are in the middle of setting up an anti-social behaviour group as

a result of visiting Newydd Housing Association’s annual general meeting inCardiff and getting an insight into how their association operates. We got tomeet Newydd residents and spent time socialising over a wonderful meal. During estate visits we gain information about issues which affect people living

in areas besides our own. It is also a chance for other residents to find out whatwe do and to consider participating themselves. The support on offer from both Bro Myrddin staff and fellow members of the

forum is great. And best of all, we manage to have a good laugh too. It maysound a very formal affair – but it’s not. We are a really friendly bunch and if you were to come and have a look at

what we do, you would be made to feel very welcome! By sharing yourexperiences and ideas you can help shape the way yourhousing association provides services. There’s noobligation to attend every meeting – you can pick thethings you feel are relevant or just turn up when you can. That’s the other great thing about the residents’ forum

– there’s plenty of choice! Travel expenses, lunch, intellectual, practical and

emotional support are all provided as standard. Youcan’t even get that from the NHS these days!If you are interested in finding out more, pleasecall 01267 232714 or email [email protected]

InvolvementopportunityAs part of our commitment toinvolving residents, we are lookingfor residents to sit on the ResidentScrutiny Panel.This is no ordinary resident

involvement opportunity. This newpanel allows real scrutiny of how BroMyrddin delivers services andperformance. It also ensures greatertransparency in how the organisationoperates and puts tenants at the heartof the organisation.

What will the Panel do?• Give an independent view of BroMyrddin processes andperformance.

• Highlight what is good about theorganisation and what needs toimprove.

• Make evidence basedrecommendations to the Board.

What would be expected of theindividuals on the Panel?• Commitment. It is likely to involvemeetings every 6-8 weeks

• To use information provided to reachconclusions.

• To ask questions and probe howthings are being done.

• To assess services againstperformance indicators and servicestandards.

• To attend meetings with other panelmembers and officers of BroMyrddin.

What skills would you need to be aneffective panel member?• The ability to work independentlyand as part of a team.

• The ability to understand andanalyse reports and information.

• Verbal communication skills. • The ability to express views clearlyand effectively in a formal meetingsetting, making reasonedcontributions.

• The ability to challengeconstructively, while respecting theroles, views and feelings of others. Full support and training will be

provided to all panel members and itwill be an exciting opportunity forthose selected. If you are interested inthis opportunity, please contact MarkRichards on 01267 232714.

ResidentsForum Meetings201219th January21st March23rd May19th July19th September28th November


l Netia Louis-Preece, residentmember of the Sgwrs EditorialTeam, says the great thingabout the Residents’ Forum is that there’s...

plenty of

Page 5: Sgwrs Winter 2011 - English


Food and drink� Have hot food and warm drinks regularly.

� Potatoes, beans, bread milk, eggs, fish and

meat are foods that help you generate warmth.

� Eat fresh fruit and vegetables.

� Stock up on basic foods, so that you don’t have to go out when it’s

really cold.

Keep moving to help the body generate heat� Do things round the house like cleaning, hoovering, dusting.

� If you find walking difficult, wiggle your fingers and toes and

move your arms and legs.

Keep your home warm� Keep your home heated to a minimum of 21c/70f –

use central heating if you’ve got it.

� Try not to let the temperature drop below 16c/60f

� Sleep with the windows shut.

Dress for warmth� Wear several thin layers of clothes rather than

one bulky jumper.

� Clothes made from wool, polyester or fleecy

synthetics are usually warmest.

� Thermal underwear can help.

� Wrap up if you’re going outside and wear a hat as

lots of body heat is lost through your head.

Sgwrs Winter 2011/12 5

Press 1 to get 10 more options,Press 2 if you can be bothered tostay on the line, Press 3 if you wantto hear me talking a bit more, Press4 if you want the phone to selfdestruct, press 5 if you have nothingbetter to do than stay on the phoneall day... Press 12 if you want me togo through all of this again.From consulting our residents it has

been made clear that you want us toimprove our Customer Services. Part ofthis involves us setting up a CustomerServices Team which can deal withyour enquiry on the phone the first timeyou call us. We are working hard getting ready to

deliver this service, but there are anumber of stages we need to gothrough in preparation.The first significant change that will

affect you has been to the telephonesystem.There are now only two options:PRESS 1 to redirect to Westward, for

all gas and plumbing related calls. PRESS 2 to speak to a member of

Bro Myrddin staff. Reception,maintenance, housing, the Welsh lineand the 0800 calls are now all handledon this option.If you’d like to speak to someone in

Welsh and the person who answers thephone isn’t a Welsh speaker, then yourcall will be passed to a member of staffwho is.We will continue to consult andupdate you as we get closer tolaunching the new CustomerServices Team.

How to avoid a burst pipe� Keep your home warm.

� Know where to find the main water stop valve, and how to turn it off.

If it doesn’t work properly, notify us by calling free on 0800 316 9602.

If you have to leave your home empty for more than a week whenthere is danger of hard frost:� Turn off all water by turning the stop valve and then run all the taps

until the water stops. Turn off all taps before your leave.

When you return:� Turn the stop valve on again and make sure that the water flows

properly from all taps.

� Switch on the central heating. If you find that it does not heat up,

turn off the system and notify us by calling free on 0800 316 9602.

If you have a burst pipe:� Turn off your heating and hot water system.

� Turn off the water at the stop valve.

� Turn on all taps to drain the water and stop it from flooding your home.

to staying

warm thisTOP


Is telephoninggetting youdown?

© Aleksandra Belikova | Dreamstime.com

© Zabiamdeve | Dreamstime.com

alwaysplenty of

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6 Sgwrs Winter 2011/12


Here’s a scheme that could deliver a

worthwhile rebate at a time of year when

savings are most welcome.

warm home


A coffee morning was held on the last

Friday in September to raise money

for Macmillan Cancer Support.

Residents of Glannant House,

Carmarthen, and a few

contractors, were invited to the

coffee morning for a chat and

some coffee and cake.

Eighty pounds was raised for


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The Warm Home Discount Schemeprovides a £120 rebate on yourelectricity bill in winter 2011/12 ifyou qualify.

Who can get the Warm HomeDiscount?You may qualify for this energy rebate ifyou get only the Guarantee Creditelement of Pension Credit on thequalifying date (11 September 2011). You will not qualify if you get the

Savings Credit element of PensionCredit.To qualify, your energy provider must

be participating in this scheme andyour name or your partner’s name mustbe on the electricity bill.Energy companies may also give a

£120 rebate to some customers whodon’t receive Guarantee Credit.Participating energy companies willidentify customers who they think couldbe eligible.

What you need to doIf you qualify, you don’t need to takeany action now.

When will you get your Warm HomeDiscount?The first energy rebates will be made inwinter 2011/12. If you qualify you’ll geta letter this winter to confirm this. If youqualify, but an automatic rebate can’tbe made, you’ll receive a letter askingyou to provide further information. Thisinformation will be available on yourelectricity bill.

How the Warm Home DiscountScheme worksThe Department for Work andPensions and participating electricitysuppliers will share some limitedinformation about their customers.

This allows participating electricitysuppliers to give the energy rebateautomatically to customers whoqualify.The Warm Home Discount Scheme

will run for four years from winter2011/12. Rebates will be paid andfunded by participating electricitysuppliers. They are: British Gas, EDFEnergy, E.ON, M&S Energy, Npower,Sainsbury’s Energy, and Swalec.

Cold Weather Payment and WinterFuel PaymentThe Warm Home Discount will not

affect any Cold Weather Payment orWinter Fuel Payment you may receive.For more information please visitwww.direct.gov.uk or contact yourenergy supplier.

Thank you Mrs Cheeseman of Parc YFfordd, Carmarthen, for passing thisinformation to us. If you haveinformation or advice that you wouldlike to share with Bro Myrddinresidents, please contact the editoron 01267 239418 or [email protected]

Money raised for Macmillan

New help from

© Vincent Petaccio | Dreamstime.com

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Sgwrs Winter 2011/12 7

Christmas decorations don’t

need to be expensive. In fact,

they could be there for the


decorating forChristmas



Many traditional Christmasdecorations use natural materials,so there’s no reason why you can’tmake your own stylish Christmasdecorations. Try scouring your local park for a few

pine cones that have fallen from thetrees. These can then be dried out athome. You could leave them ‘as is’, and

simply tie a piece of metallic string orribbon to them, or give them a slightspray of gold or silver for a more vibrantlook. The cones can be used singly asChristmas tree decorations, orincorporated into wreathes or tablepieces. Why not scatter a fewpinecones around church candles for asimple yet elegant Christmas display?A few days before Christmas, you

could also collect pieces of ivy. Trypicking lengths of ivy that trail, as thesecan be woven together around pictureand mirror frames, candles or drapedover mantelpieces. Sprigs of holly, fir ormistletoe are also popular Christmasdécor pieces, and can be bunchedtogether and hung from door frames ordoorknobs. If you want to bring some gorgeous

spicy Christmas fragrance into yourhouse, there is no easier way thanusing oranges. Slice the oranges to athickness of just under 1cm, and thenvery slowly dry them out in the oven ona low temperature setting. Once the orange slices are dry, a

loop of ribbon can be added to makethem into Christmas tree decorations,or they can be incorporated with clovesand cinnamon as part of a Christmaspot pourri mix. Whole satsumas ororanges can also be decorated withcloves and placed on the tree or on amantelpiece.


200g/7oz self-raising flour,sifted

100g/3½oz golden caster sugar

100ml/3½fl oz sunflower oil

75ml/2½fl oz milk

1 large free-range egg

50g/1¾oz good quality darkchocolate, chopped

1 heaped tbsp high qualitymincemeat

50g/1¾oz good quality whitechocolate, chopped

50g/1¾oz dried (or fresh)cranberries


1. Preheat the oven to 190C/375F/Gas5 and put 24 mini-muffin cases insidea mini-muffin tin.

2. Mix the flour and sugar in a bowl,then make a well in the centre. Whisktogether the oil, milk and egg andslowly pour into the bowl, stirringgently. Divide this mixture betweentwo bowls. In one bowl add the darkchocolate and mincemeat. Add thewhite chocolate and cranberries tothe other bowl. Stir very gently.

3. Divide the two mixtures among the 24muffin cases and bake for 20 minutesor until golden brown and risen.

4. Remove the muffins to a wire rackand eat warm.

30 mins preparation time;

10-30 mins cooking time.

Makes 24

Christmas mini-muffins


Page 8: Sgwrs Winter 2011 - English

Find and highlight all 20

words associated with

Christmas below that are hidden in the

Wordsearch box, then send your entry to the

Editor at the Bro Myrddin office by 23rd

January 2012, together with the completed


If yours is the first correct entry out of thehat, a £25 prize will be on its way to you!

8 Sgwrs Winter 2011/12






















If you’re under 14, whynot try your hand atcolouring in this pictureof Santa deliveringpresents?

You can use crayons,

felt tips, paints – in fact

anything you like!

When your masterpiece is finished, send it

in to the Editor at the Bro Myrddin office,

not forgetting to include the completed


Make sure you send it in by 23rd January


If the Editorial team thinks that your entryis the best, you’ll win a fantastic crafts boxfull of felts, glitters and much more.


Find the hidden words to win

Name: .............................................. Age: ........

Address: ...........................................................


Tel no: ...............................................................

Colour it in and win a crafts box!

Name: .............................................................

Address: ..........................................................


Tel no: ..............................................................

l Congratulations to Mrs J Payne of Glasfryn, St Clears, who won the summer Wordsearch competition and £25.
