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Shabbat Shalom! םולש תבש - Kehilat...

Date post: 13-Jul-2018
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Shabbat Shalom! שבת שלום! 20 - 21 October 2017 30 Tishri - 1 Cheshvan 5778 Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan / ראש חודש חשוןCandlelighting: Erev Shabbat 7.23 pm Musical erev Shabbat service 6.30 pm Join us to be uplifted and inspired by KN's unique song-filled Shabbat service created by our wonderful musicians! Shabbat service begins at 9.30 am Weekly Torah Portion: Parashat Noach / פרשת נחTorah: Genesis 6:9 - 8:1 - 14 Maftir: Genesis 8:12 -14 Numbers 28:9 - 28:15 | Shabbat Rosh Chodesh Haftarah: Isaiah 66:1 - 66:24 | Shabbat Rosh Chodesh Shabbat ends: 8.24 pm Refuah Shleymah: If someone has recently taken ill or should be taken off the list, please contact Lianne on 9500 0906 or [email protected] or Sammy at [email protected] What's on in a Nutshell: Shabbat 21 Oct : Iyun Bereishit Part II (after the service) Sunday 22 Oct : Zehoo children's program, 9-10.30 am (weekly) Sunday 22 Oct : Nitzanim Singers, Gary Smorgon House, 2.30 pm Wednesday 1 Nov : Morning Minyan, 7-7.30 am (weekly) Thursday 2 Nov : Pondering the Parasha, 7.15 pm (weekly) Sunday 5 Nov : Bridge Lessons for Beginners, 7.30 pm Sunday 19 Nov : Mitzvah Day Begin in the Beginning - First Iyun for 5778 Shabbat Bereishit 14 October 2017 Our first iyun for the new year 5778 will take a fresh look at the first parasha, Parashat Bereishit. One dvar Torah on Shabbat is hardly enough to fully appreciate the depth and complexity of the Creation so we invite you come to two iyunim to hear the story of the Creation from new perspectives. These will be based on traditional as well as contemporary interpretations and translations. Part One will take place on Shabbat Bereishit 14th October, and Part Two will be held the following Shabbat, 21st October. Both iyunim will be led by Zvi Civins.

Shabbat Shalom! !שלום שבת

20 - 21 October 2017 30 Tishri - 1 Cheshvan 5778 Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan / חשון חודש ראש

Candlelighting: Erev Shabbat 7.23 pm Musical erev Shabbat service 6.30 pm Join us to be uplifted and inspired by KN's unique song-filled Shabbat service created by our wonderful musicians! Shabbat service begins at 9.30 am Weekly Torah Portion: Parashat Noach / נח פרשת Torah: Genesis 6:9 - 8:1 - 14 Maftir: Genesis 8:12 -14 Numbers 28:9 - 28:15 | Shabbat Rosh Chodesh Haftarah: Isaiah 66:1 - 66:24 | Shabbat Rosh Chodesh Shabbat ends: 8.24 pm

Refuah Shleymah: If someone has recently taken ill or should be taken off the list, please contact Lianne on 9500 0906 or [email protected] or Sammy at [email protected]

What's on in a Nutshell:

Shabbat 21 Oct : Iyun Bereishit Part II (after the service) Sunday 22 Oct : Zehoo children's program, 9-10.30 am (weekly) Sunday 22 Oct : Nitzanim Singers, Gary Smorgon House, 2.30 pm Wednesday 1 Nov : Morning Minyan, 7-7.30 am (weekly) Thursday 2 Nov : Pondering the Parasha, 7.15 pm (weekly) Sunday 5 Nov : Bridge Lessons for Beginners, 7.30 pm Sunday 19 Nov : Mitzvah Day

Begin in the Beginning - First Iyun for 5778 Shabbat Bereishit 14 October 2017 Our first iyun for the new year 5778 will take a fresh look at the first parasha, Parashat Bereishit. One dvar Torah on Shabbat is hardly enough to fully appreciate the depth and complexity of the Creation so we invite you come to two iyunim to hear the story of the Creation from new perspectives. These will be based on traditional as well as contemporary interpretations and translations. Part One will take place on Shabbat Bereishit 14th October, and Part Two will be held the following Shabbat, 21st October. Both iyunim will be led by Zvi Civins.

TORAH SPARKS Following is an excerpt from Torah Sparks, the weekly d'var Torah publication from the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem.

A Vort for Parashat Noah by Rabbi Daniel Goldfarb, CY Faculty The flood destroys all life and existence that had been on the earth’s surface. “Just Noah was left – va’yisha’er ach Noah – and those with him in the ark” (Gen 7:23). Noah, who had been “ish tsadik v’tamim b’dorotav – a righteous man, blameless in his times” at the opening of the parashah (Gen 6:9), is now “just Noah.” R’ Pinchas of Koritz (1726-1791, Ukraine, a close student of the Baal Shem Tov) said that God was angry with Noah. A real tsadik must pray and solicit mercy for his generation; he has the capacity to mitigate the judgment; God yearns for the prayers of tsadikim. But Noah was silent, and the flood came. He is left, “just Noah,” without title and without glory.

WE'D LOVE YOUR FEEDBACK FOR THE HIGH HOLY DAYS! We hope you enjoyed the services this year and we'd love to hear your thoughts, comments or suggestions. Please email [email protected] to send your feedback in confidentiality. Many thanks!

HELP WANTED! OFFICE VOLUNTEERS: Lianne will be away for the month of December. We need part time office volunteers to man the phones from 10am - 2pm, Monday to Friday, starting on Monday 27 November until Friday 22 December.

ORGANISING FUNCTIONS: During the year, Kehilat Nitzan plays host to many functions ranging from Shabbatons to Chanukah to Simchat Torah. Pam Gelfand has kindly agreed to organise these but she cannot do this on her own.

If you are able to help with either of these, please call Lianne on 9500 0906 or email [email protected]

NITZANIM SINGERS NEXT GIG Sunday 22 October at 2.30pm Now that the chagim are behind us and we’ve tuned our voices with shul melodies it’s time to again use our voices to bring some cheer. Join us at Gary Smorgon House Freeman St South Caulfield. New singers always welcome! Please call Judy on 0402 263 806 to find out more.

B’nei Mitzvah Reminder If you have a child who will become bar/bat mitzvah in 2019, 2020 or 2021 at Kehilat Nitzan, and you have not as yet registered your child with the office, please contact Lianne on 9500 0906 or [email protected] so that we can confirm the date and share with you details about the bar/bat mitzvah preparation and education. We require at least a year’s notice. Thank you!

Bridge Lessons for Beginners. Class starting Sunday 5 November at 7.30pm • Fun to learn • Great atmosphere • Oxygen for your brain For further information contact John on 9578 1265 or email [email protected]

MITZVAH DAY BLOOD DRIVE: If you would like to participate in the Blood Drive please contact Jeanette Mecoles [email protected] or call 0438 579 238.

BIKKUR CHOLIM VISITING THE SICK We have a dedicated, trained group of volunteers who would like to visit any member of Kehilat Nitzan, or family of members, who are ill in hospital or who are recuperating at home. If you know of anyone who would welcome a visit from a volunteers, please email Lianne and she will pass on the message. Please note that, unfortunately, due to the absence of a rabbi we cannot offer pastoral visits.
