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Shannon Fuller Assignment 4: Marketing Plan March 14, 2012

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Shannon Fuller Assignment 4: Marketing Plan March 14, 2012. Component 1: Data Gathering Instrument. Survey Objectives Understand and analyze the patrons needs What services do the patrons require from the library ? How can these services be improved to better fit the patrons needs? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Page 1: Shannon Fuller Assignment 4: Marketing Plan March 14, 2012


MARCH 14, 2012

Page 2: Shannon Fuller Assignment 4: Marketing Plan March 14, 2012

Component 1: Data Gathering Instrument

Survey Objectives• Understand and analyze the patrons needs

• What services do the patrons require from the library ?• How can these services be improved to better fit the patrons needs?• Do additional services need to be researched and possibly added to insure that the patrons needs are met and

patrons are satisfied with the library’s service(s)• Understand and analyze patrons’ user habits

• What materials are the most popular? What items are checked out most often? Which in-house items are used most often?

• How does this relate to the library’s collection? Can the collection be modified or improved to fit the patrons’ user habits? (i.e. if certain media, such as DVDS or E-Books are popular items, should the less popular items be removed for the more popular items? Or can a balance be found?

• Understand and analyze patrons’ communication habits• What is the patrons’ preferred form of communication?• Does the library need to add new technology to “stay up to date” or “current” with patrons preferred form of

communication?• Should the library incorporate new methods of communication to better advertise/promote its services/collection?

• Become aware of community and patron/user demographic• How can the library’s services/collection be modified to better fit the community demographic?• What materials, services, events, and classes can be added to better fit the demography of the community?

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Sampling Plan and Incentives

This survey will focus on the library patron population and will attempt to gather information from as many patrons as possible. Our library is a large public library in a small city. The city is only 30 miles away from two other small cities and is less than an hour away from the largest city in the state. This results in a diverse population of approximately 1,500-2,000 patrons on a daily basis. We by no means plan to gather information/survey every patron who enters the library, but it is our goal to gather data from 1,500-2,00 0 patrons or the library’s approximate daily population. We are not focusing on a particular type of patron (i.e. race, language, age, etc.), however we would like to gather information from a diverse group and hope to gather information from patrons of many different ethnicities, language groups, and age groups.

One of our goals to gather information from loyal patrons—patrons who visit the library on a regular basis and our familiar with our services and collection. These loyal patrons understand our services and collection better than most and it is pertinent to gather information and opinions as they may be critical and honest about the library’s services and collection. We also plan to make an increased effort to distribute surveys to those patrons who attend library events and courses. These patrons are either loyal patrons who have a strong interest in library events and courses or are patrons who are “experimenting” with the library’s events and courses. The latter population are of importance to the library, because these individuals have taken the time to attend events and courses, and therefore are potential loyal patrons.

We would also like to gather information and opinions from our employees because of their interest and attachment to the library. These surveys should be separated from the patron surveys as analysis of these surveys would require a different perspective and would require more effort and time.

Incentives: In order to encourage completion of surveys we are offering patrons the chance to win a twenty-five dollar gift card for Amazon

and Barnes and Noble. Any patron who submits a completed survey will be entered into a drawing to win 1 of 5 gift cards.

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Marketing Survey

1. How often do you visit the library? Everyday ____ Once every 2 weeks ____ 2-6 times a week ____ Once a month ____ Once a week ____ Less than once a month ____ 2. Which of these library services do you use? (check all that apply) Check-Out Items (books, DVDS, etc.) ____ Computers/Internet ____ Reference Desk ____ Tutoring/Classes ____ Community Events (Reading hours, guest speakers, etc.) ____ 3. If you marked Check-Out Items, what items do you usually check-out? (check all that apply) Books ____ Audio Books ____ E-Books ____ DVDs ____ Magazines ____ Video Games ____ Graphic Novels ____

4a. What genres do you check-out and/or download? (check all that apply) Children’s Books ____ Mystery ____ Young Adult ____ Romance ____ Fiction ____ Non-Fiction ____ Science Fiction ____ New York Times Best Sellers ____

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Marketing Survey Cont.

4b. We want to know how you feel about our library’s collection. Please let us know how you feel about each of the genres mentioned above. Children’s Books Very Satisfied ____ Satisfied ____ Uncertain ____ Dissatisfied ____ Very Dissatisfied ____ N/A ____ Young Adult Very Satisfied ____ Satisfied ____ Uncertain ____ Dissatisfied ____ Very Dissatisfied ____ N/A ____ Fiction Very Satisfied ____ Satisfied ____ Uncertain ____ Dissatisfied ____ Very Dissatisfied ____ N/A ____ Science Fiction Very Satisfied ____ Satisfied ____ Uncertain____ Dissatisfied ____ Very Dissatisfied ____ N/A ____ Mystery Very Satisfied ____ Satisfied ____ Uncertain ____ Dissatisfied ____ Very Dissatisfied ____ N/A ____ Romance Very Satisfied ____ Satisfied ____ Uncertain ____ Dissatisfied ____ Very Dissatisfied ____ N/A ____ Non-Fiction Very Satisfied ____ Satisfied ____ Uncertain ____ Dissatisfied ____ Very Dissatisfied ____ N/A ____ New York Times Best Sellers Very Satisfied ____ Satisfied ____ Uncertain ____ Dissatisfied ____ Very Dissatisfied ____ N/A ____ 5. Do you have any comments/suggestions about the library’s collection? If so, enter details/explain below. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

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Marketing Survey Cont. 6. Do you use the library’s online components (web-site and catalog)? Yes ____ No ____ 7. If you answered Yes to question 6, which service do you use more? If you answered No, move on to question 8. On-Site Library ____ On-Line Component (Website/Catalog) ____ Both Equally ____ I only use the On-Line Component ____ 8. What is your preferred form of communication? Phone (Home or Cell phone) ____ E-Mail ____ Mail ____ 9. Do you use social media sites and/or applications (i.e. Facebook, MySpace, Twitter…) Yes ____ No ____

10. If you answered Yes to question 9, which sites/applications do you use? If you answered No, move on to question 12.

Facebook ____ MySpace ____ Twitter ____ Blogs ____

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Marketing Survey Cont.

11. Do you have any comments/suggestions for social media or online applications that library could use/incorporate into its services? (Please let us know your preferred social media/application)If so, enter details/explain below.

__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 12. Would you be interested in more community events at the library? (ex. Children’s reading hour, guest

speakers/authors, Craft Time, Book Club, etc.) Yes ____ No ____

13. Do you have any comments/suggestions for community events? If so, enter details/explain below. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

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Marketing Survey Cont.

14. What is your gender? Male ____ Female ____ 15. What age group are you a part of? Under 12 ____ 35-46 ____ 12-17 ____ 46-64 ____ 18-25 ____ 65 and over ____ 26-34 ____ 16. What is your ethnicity? Caucasian ____ Asian ____ African-American ____ American-Indian ____ Hispanic ____ Other ____ (please specify) ____________________________ 17. What language(s) do you speak? (check all that apply) English ____ Chinese ____ Spanish ____ Japanese ____ French ____ Russian ____ Other ____ (please specify) _________________________________________________ 18. How many people live in your household (including yourself)? ________

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Marketing Survey Cont.

19. What is your occupation? _____________________________________________________ 20. What is your household’s median income? Below $10,000 ____ $30,000-$50,000 ____ $10,000-$18,000 ____ $50,000-$80,000 ____ $18,000-30,000 ____ $Over $80,000 ____ 21. What method of transportation do you use to reach the library? Automobile ____ Bicycle ____ Bus ____ Walk ____ Taxi ____

Please provide your e-mail and phone number so we can contact you if you are winner of our drawing. E-Mail: _________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: __________________________________________________________________

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• Preliminary Data Gathering Steps• Assess need to gather data/create a survey for distribution –Is it necessary to gather information at this time?• Set objectives/reason for creating a survey• Create Sampling Plan-explain who should we gather data from and why we should gather data from them• Present estimate and justification of resources for survey creation and distribution

• Data Gathering Steps• Create survey• Determine when and where survey should be distributed (when and where is the best time and place?)• Distribute surveys to patrons• Distribute surveys to employees in separate batch (this could coincide with patron distribution but should be


• Post Data Gathering Steps• Collect data • Analyze and evaluate data (this would be executed by a third party—survey analysis service)• Receive results/evaluation and begin creation of a marketing plan to address issues uncovered from data gathering

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Data Collection and Analysis Plan

Data Collection Plan: This data collection plan’s purpose is to collect information and opinions from those with an interest in the library, its activities,

services, and collection. A survey will be used to gather information and opinions of the library’s patrons and employees. This survey will gather information about library users’ habits including both general and specific habits. General habits

include how often patrons visit the library , which services they use at the library, and what items they check out from the library. Specific habits will include their preferred choice of genre(s), preferred form of communication and social media, and which events/courses do they attend. This survey will also gather demographic information so that we can better understand our user population. This will include age group, ethnicity, spoken language(s), occupation, income, and form of transportation. The survey also provides many questions where users can “voice” their opinions and/or comments about the library and its services as opposed to only checking off answers. The “comment” questions are possibly the most important aspect of the survey as they will allow us to gather the most valuable and useful information-their opinions on the library and ideas for the library.

Analysis Plan: The analysis plan will look to analyze four key areas (all of which are addressed in the data gathering tool—the survey) that are

of importance to the library and the need to adapt and evolve as patrons needs change. These four areas are: patrons needs, user habits, communication habits, and user demographic

Patrons Needs-Services that the patrons require or need from the library (i.e. computer use, children’s events, learning opportunities/courses….`

User habits-Popular items in our collection (i.e. books, DVDs, games,…) Communication Habits: Patron preferred form of communication and if and what social media sites and applications they

prefer User Demographic: General information about the patrons themselves

These four areas will be analyzed and used to modify or add to the library’s services to better address the patrons needs and adapt to changing trends that can benefit the library

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Component 2: Justification and Explanation Narrative


As mentioned previously , our library is a large public located in a developing area. The area where the

library is located is a hotspot for prospective job seekers who come from both in-state and out of state. The area is

always changing, and, although we have many loyal patrons who have been visiting the library for many years, we also

attract new patrons on a regular basis. In the past years, many new businesses have emerged, and many new housing

developments have been built. Therefore, the ethnic makeup of the community has changed significantly and, as a

result, so have many of the library’s patrons. Due to these changes, we have decided that marketing plan is necessary for

the library to prosper and as a result we must gather data for the implementation of a future marketing plan.

This marketing survey will evaluate our patron’s opinions about the library’s services and determine what

the patrons would like to see more of in the library. We are particularly interested four areas of library service. The first

of these areas, patron’s needs, relates to the library’s services. Services refers to the programs, events, and classes held

by the library. We are interested in fulfilling the needs of the patrons through these services and we would like to know

which services require improvement or which services the patrons would like to see more of. For example, “do the

patrons need more computer information and computer instruction classes?”.

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Narrative Cont.

If so it might be necessary to also develop courses that build upon these classes such as information literacy classes or classes

that focus on using a specific computer function, such as word processing or online searching (i.e. using search engines).

Understanding which services the patrons need or need to be modified will also make us aware of future costs. For example,

a strong interest in computer classes might require that we purchase more computers, computer programs, and online tools.

The second area, patrons user habits, refers to the library’s collection. We are interested in the patron’s opinions on our

current collection and would like to add or adapt the collection to users’ interests per the collection development policy. We

are especially interested in the forms of media that are most frequently checked out by patrons, including which genres are

frequently checked out. We will be able to take this information and create a stronger collection that better supports our

users. This will also inform us if significant weeding or removal of items is necessary .

The third area, communication habits is of particular interest because of the major changes in the past few years. It is

important first to understand what is the most popular form of communication (phone, e-mail,…), this will help us

communicate more efficiently with our patrons.

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Narrative Cont.

It is of great importance that we also understand and evaluate our patrons use of social media outlets. This includes social

media websites , such as Facebook and MySpace, and social media applications, such as Twitter and blogs. These online tools

are useful for promoting library services, increasing its visibility to patrons and future patrons alike, and connecting with

users. The benefits of the use of social media tools in the library setting is still being discussed, but it is apparent that social

media is becoming a popular method of communication between individuals. Social media is also a great tool for advertising

products and services. According to Z. David Xia, these tools can be of benefit to the library “By constantly announcing new

library services and events and notifying members of new books, librarian organizers will be able to connect libraries and

library users. This may have a similar function as many other library outreach initiatives, but through a more casual and

fashionable way. Library marketing can be undertaken through the innovative social networking”(Xia, 2009). The library

would like to take advantage of these tools, but to do that we need to discover patron’s preferred social media outlet(s). We

would also like to know if the library’s current social media interaction could be improved. For example, “How can we

improve our Facebook presence?” “Would patrons be interested in receiving “tweets” via Twitter from the library and what

content would they like in these updates?”.

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Narrative Cont.

The fourth area, patron demographic, refers to general or personal information about our patrons. Demographic

information is of interest to the library because it informs us of the current patron community and potential patron

community. Also many demographic questions have been included in this survey, due to the many changes in the

surrounding community. It would be beneficial if we could determine the community’s current ethnic makeup, prominent

language(s), and median income. This information can be used to strengthen the collection, allowing us to determine if we

need to acquire materials of a different language, language learning aids, ethnic historical information, and/or employment

forms and information. Demographic information allows us to better understand the needs of our patrons and change our

services to fit these needs. For example, if there is a large minority that speaks English as a second language, it would be

beneficial to our patrons and community to provide announcements in another language as well as English and create ESL

classes for the community. Demographic will also provide us with the information necessary to present ethnic events that

our of interest and importance to our community.

The survey’s format and length was chosen to provide us with useful information, while not inconveniencing the patrons.

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Narrative cont.

The survey’s length is not too short or too long, it was our goal to provide a survey that required patrons to think and

analyze the library’s services without taking up too much of the patron’s time. We wanted to receive fully completed

survey from the patrons and we also wanted surveys that would provide us with useful information that we could

evaluate, discuss, and ultimately learn from. The mix of “check box” questions and “open” comments was meant to

encourage patrons to feel like they were completing a worthwhile survey, which would help improve the library’s

services in the future. The “open” comment questions will provide us with the most useful information as patrons will

provide us with their opinions, criticisms, and advice/ideas for improving or changing library services, materials, and

communication. The library would like to follow Jia Mi’s advice to help adapt and improve upon the library’s current

services, “Marketing library services must then focus not on gate count or circulation figures as a measure of success but

on user satisfaction with library services. Those services must be determined not by what libraries have but by what

users need.” (Mi & Nesta, 2006). This is the goal of the survey and will be used to formulate a market plan after the data

evaluation step.

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The library currently has twenty employees and approximately 1,500-2,000 of patrons visiting the library

each day, so there should no problems in administering the survey and obtaining the results. The surveys will be

available to the patrons at our multiple circulation and reference desks throughout the library. Therefore, any patron

who checks out materials, returns materials, or has a question for one of the librarians will be informed of the survey.

Surveys will also be available at “pick-up” boxes near the exits of the library where we will also have “drop-off” boxes for

completed surveys. The survey will have clear instructions located at the top of the page, but the staff at the circulation

and reference desk will be there to explain why the library is holding a survey and also encourage patrons to take part in

the survey. The survey will also be available online at the library’s website, where the patrons will be able to fill out the

survey and submit it upon completion using a survey application. Any patron who submits a completed survey, whether

it is handed to the library staff or submitted online, will be entered in a drawing to win one of five gift cards.

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Distribution Cont.

The cost of administering this survey could be decreased if we make a limited amount of

printed surveys available at the circulation and reference desks while informing and encouraging the

patrons to fill out the survey online. We will dedicate one or two computers in the library to this service,

and patrons will be directed to the computers where the surveys can be taken (labels or signs will also

be placed on these particular computers, making it clear which computers are meant for survey

purposes). This practice will allow patrons who do not have access to a computer at home the

opportunity to fill out and submit an online version of the survey. The library also plans to place

announcements of the survey on our Facebook page and if possibly use an application to allow the

survey to be completed via Facebook. In the future, we are considering using RSS feeds and Twitter to

inform patrons of future surveys.

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How to determine if the survey is a success

The data gathering method/tool –survey will be a success if:

• The survey is effectively and efficiently distributed to the patrons of the library.

• The library receives approximately 1,500-2.000 completed surveys—our quota, more surveys than this would be

beneficial to the analysis/evaluation process. Meeting or exceeding this quota will show an improved communication

between the library and its patrons/clientele. This successful exchange of information will be the first step in

improvement of the library’s services and it relationship with the library’s users.

• The library receives valuable information on the four key areas of interest: services, collection/materials, communication,

and demographic. This information will be determined to be valuable if it can be implemented into a successful

marketing plan and be used to benefit the library and meet the users needs.

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Description and Justification of Resources

• Library Staff (staff will take turns assisting patrons with survey distribution and completion, but this primarily be the

responsibility of the staff at the reference and circulation desks)

• The staff is necessary to facilitate the survey process and ensure that surveys are understood and properly completed

• The surveys will be available for approximately four weeks

• This is necessary so that a reasonable and useful amount of information can be gathered

• The survey will be available through the library (on-site) and will be available online through the website and Facebook


• This provides patrons with multiple avenues for completing the survey—patrons will not be required to enter the

library to complete survey

• Funds will be necessary for the distribution of the survey, the incentives, and survey analysis services

• Costs for printing are unavoidable, but can be reduced by encouraging patrons to fill out the survey online

• Costs for incentives are necessary to encourage the completion of the survey

• The use a Survey analysis service is the best option for properly evaluating the survey results and will be the most

time efficient method

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Xia, Z. David (2009). Marketing library services through Facebook groups. Library Management, Vol. 30 (6/7), pp.469 – 478. DOI: 10.1108/01435120910982159.

Mi, Jia & Nesta, Frederick (2006) Marketing library services to the Net Generation, Library Management, Vol. 27 (6/7), pp.411 – 422. DOI: 10.1108/01435120610702404.

Altinoz, Mehmet (2009). An Overall Approach to the Communication of Organizations in Conventional and Virtual Offices, International Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 4 (3). pp.217-223.

Etebu, Abraham Tabor (2010). Communication in the Library for Effective Administration, Library Philosophy and Practices 2010, (January), pp.1-3.

Dow Jones Info Pro Resource Center (n.d.). Unit 1 Identifying Corporate Information Needs, pp.1-5. Amador County Library (n.d.). Library Services Questionnaire , pp. 1-4. MarketPointUSA (2011). MarketPoint LLC. Developing a Marketing Plan. Video retrieved from http://

www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7f_BHHutMA. Olsen, Erica (2008). mystrategicplan.com. SWOT Analysis: How to Perform One for Your Organization. Video retrieved

from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNXYI10Po6A. The Consulting Librarians Group (n.d.). Community Analysis Methods and Evaluative Options: The CAMEO Handbook.

Retrieved from http://skyways.lib.ks.us/pathway/cameo/. U.S. Department of Education (1998). Archived Information. Evaluation Primer: Interpreting and Reporting Evaluation

Findings. Retrieved from http://www2.ed.gov/offices/OUS/PES/primer7.html.
