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Shapes Objects

Date post: 09-Nov-2014
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year 1 kssr excercise

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Cool Kids Craft Ideas www.cool-kids-craft-ideas.com Pick a Shape Coloring Activity Worksheet In this worksheet, different objects are introduced on each page. Your child must find the right shape for these objects. For example, on the circle page they will see a soccer ball, donuts, and a clock. But there is also a dog house and a roof top. They must pick out the pictures that have a circle shaped object and color only these. shapes are introduced on each page. The kids must identify the shape and then color the shapes. This helps kids to not only identify shapes but learn to associate the shapes with the things in their world. Each page will focus on a specific shape with the last (bonus) page having many unique shapes. Use the bookmarks to go to a specific page or scroll through the entire worksheet. You can print off one page or print them all. Table of Contents Circle Shape Worksheet Oval Shape Worksheet Square Shape Worksheet Rectangle Shape Worksheet Triangle Shape Worksheet Diamond Shape Worksheet Star Shape Worksheet Heart Shape Worksheet Moon Shape Worksheet Pentagon Shape Worksheet Hexagon Shape Worksheet Octagon Shape Worksheet For more learning worksheets be sure to visit www.cool-kids-craft-ideas.com/kids-worksheets.html Circ craft A and The they I see le Shape Activity circle goes great can roll a circle Color www.cool-kidsideas.com seems to never end round and round. thing about circles is on the ground. when I play with my

ball or even when I look at the clock on the wall. Circles are all around me everyday, from the shape of the earth to the drums that I play. The rim of my glass is a circle too, just like the holes in my shoes where I put my laces through. The wheels on the car are a circle shape just like the donuts that I ate. Are there circles in your life too? Use the pictures below to find a few. What shape is the soccer ball?________________________ How many circle shape objects do you see? ______________________________ What other shape(s) do you see?_______________________________________ Color the pictures with the circle shape. Name all the objects you recognize.

Oval Shape Activity www.cool-kids-craft-ideas.com An oval and a circle may look similar in shape but there is a difference like with a monkey and an ape. A basketball is a circle and perfectly round and a football is an oval which won't bounce on the ground. These balls kind of look the same but they are different shapes you use to play different games. An oval is longer and just a bit flat just like the shape of the eyes of a cat. I see ovals in may places like the shape of an Easter Egg or some people's faces. I see an oval on the body of a bubble bee or even the pine cones up in a tree. Ovals are everywhere as you see. Use the pictures to find two or three. Find the objects below that are a circle shape. Color these pictures. How many oval shaped objects do you see? Which objects are not ovals? Can you name the other shapes you see? Color the pictures with an oval shape in them.

Square Shape Activity Worksheet www.cool-kids-craft-ideas.com A square has 4 sides exactly the same, each the same length and no other shape has this name. A rectangle has 4 sides too, but it is not the same as 2 of the sides are longer than the other two. You can tell the difference between these shapes by simply using a measuring tape. I use objects in the shape of a square, like the mouse pad for my computer or the seat of my chair. A square can be the shape of a window pane, where I watch the wind the snow and the rain. My table has 4 equal sides making it a square. I have my friends join me as we each take a chair. A box can be big or small but if all the sides are the same length then it's a square as you recall. Don't be confused if you see the same objects with a different shape or a different angle. This just means your house, box or window could be an oval, circle or a rectangle. Use the pictures below if you dare and try to find all the objects that are a square. How many square objects can you name? Count all the squares you see. Which objects look similar to a square? What shape are these objects? What other shapes do you see?

Rectangle Shape Activity www.cool-kids-craft-ideas.com A rectangle is an easy shape to make. It has four sides and corners but make no mistake. The sides are not all equal like the square, instead there are two long sides and 2 short so beware. Rectangles can be found anywhere, like the shape of your closet you keep the clothes that you wear. A rectangle can be seen in a skyscraper or when you mail a letter using an envelope and piece of paper. Rectangles can be found at school such as your locker or book isn't that cool. A rectangle can be seen in a picture frame but only if all four sides are not the same. When you enter your door and wipe your feet on the mat, you see a rectangle shape that's a fact.

Use the pictures to find rectangles and beware, don't forget that they are not the same as a square. How many rectangle shaped objects can you find? Color all the pictures where you see a rectangle. Point to the pictures that have the square shape. What other shapes do you see?

Triangle Shape Activity www.cool-kids-craft-ideas.com The number of sides on a triangle are three. Each side meets and the ends are pointy. If you put two triangles together on one end, it's no longer a triangle but is a diamond. This shape is fun to make, just draw the lines to make the a shape. Although triangle shaped objects are hard to come by, you can find a few if you try. Something I eat that has three sides is a slice of pizza pie Oh me Oh my! Other things that might look like that are the roof of a house or a party hat. Triangles come few and far between but use these pictures and they can be seen. How many triangle shape objects can you find? Color all the triangles you see. What objects are not a triangle? Which shape looks most like a triangle? Do you know the name of this shape? Other Shapes Activity www.cool-kids-craft-ideas.com There are many shapes that come in different sizes and colors. Some are round and others have corners. There are circles, ovals, squares and rectangles, there are even neat looking triangles. Some of the funnest shapes that can be found are not a square or are not round. These shapes have funny names with different parts, like the diamond, hexagon or even a heart. See how many different shapes you know. See which ones you recognize and name them as you go. Heart Star Pentagon Hexagon Octagon Diamond
