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Shaping Worship 1 This is a preview of the book “Shaping Worship.” Please use this preview as you decide whether to purchase the book. But don’t steal from it. I’m trusting you, friend. ~Steve Baney, author Shaping Worship 70 Devotions for Worship Leaders and Teams Pastor Steve Baney, M. Div.

Shaping Worship


This is a preview of the book “Shaping

Worship.” Please use this preview as you

decide whether to purchase the book. But

don’t steal from it. I’m trusting you, friend.

~Steve Baney, author

Shaping Worship

70 Devotions for Worship Leaders and Teams

Pastor Steve Baney, M. Div.

Shaping Worship


Published in Bowling Green, Ohio, USA

In 2012

By Steve Baney, M. Div.

© 2012 Steve Baney

All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any forms or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, walkie-talkie, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher.

Printed in the United States of America by Lulu.com

ISBN 978-1-300-00956-6

Undesignated Scripture and Scripture designated NIV is quoted from Holy Bible, New International Version. Wheaton: Tyndale House, 1988.

Scripture designated NLT is quoted from Holy Bible, New Living Translation. Wheaton: Tyndale House, 1997.

Scripture designated MSG is quoted from The Message © 1995 Eugene H. Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group.

Shaping Worship


Where To Buy This Book

For more information about buying copies of this book and

others like it, please visit

http : // shop . my own little reality . com /

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Shaping Worship


Table of Contents

Introduction (How to use this book) ........................... p ___

1. The Shape of Humility ............................................ p ___

2. The Shape of Transparency .................................... p ___

3. The Shape of Order ................................................. p ___

4. The Shape of Accountability .................................. p ___

5. The Shape of Abiding .............................................. p ___

6. The Shape of Example ............................................ p ___

7. The Shape of Skill .................................................... p ___

8. The Shape of Excellence ......................................... p ___

9. The Shape of Team .................................................. p ___

10. The Shape of Submission ....................................... p ___

Final Thoughts – Measuring Your Success ................. p ___

Each devotion is several pages long. The whole book is over

180 pages.

Shaping Worship


Shaping Worship


Introduction – How To Use This Book

You are a worship leader. Every time we gather for worship,

whether you’re holding a microphone, playing a keyboard,

strumming a guitar, or running a sound system, you are leading

others in worship. The example you set can either lead people

toward worship or away from it.

The question isn’t whether you will lead people; it’s where you will

lead them.

Worship shapes us. It strips away the illusions of this temporary

world and focuses our attention back on the eternal. It draws us

near to our God where we become aware of our sin, receive

God's mercy, and experience cleansing and freedom. Worship

influences our thought patterns, speech, attitudes, and

behaviors. Our lives are shaped by worship.

As worship leaders, we shape worship. We identify songs with

lyrics that support the Scripture, that express words that

connect with the hearts of God’s people. We find biblical texts

that support the sermon. We lead others to pray. And we

incorporate all kinds of art as an expression of love for our

God. Worship leaders shape worship.

Shaping worship works two ways. We shape it. It shapes us.

Shaping Worship


If we are to respond to this opportunity to shape the worship of

others, we must be shaped by our God.

There are ten shapes that describe a worship leader - ten words

that identify the character God desires in one who leads

worship. These shapes include humility, transparency, order,

accountability, abiding, example, skill, excellence, team, and

submission. Understanding these qualities will help make you a

better leader and a better worshipper.

This book is written for worship band leaders and worship

choir leaders, to be used along with the band or choir when you

meet each week for practice. These worship devotions challenge

you to let our God shape you into the kind of leader he desires

most. The book you’re reading now includes 70 short devotions

that you can use as a team or individually. Teams that read and

study these materials together, such as choirs or bands, can take

turns to read, answer questions, and pray each week. It’s an

ideal companion for your weekly worship practice.

Spiritual growth happens in a variety of settings – one-on-one,

in small groups, and in larger congregations. Your worship band

or worship choir is a small group, a context where spiritual

formation should happen. Considering the tremendous

influence that your team has upon the congregation, be sure to

Shaping Worship


use this small group as an opportunity to promote spiritual


Lord, let this book be a blessing to those who read it. Use your powerful

word in their lives and ministries. Unfold your teaching through the Holy

Spirit. Apply these truths to their hearts, that they might be the kind of

worship leaders you desire for them to be. Make us yours.

Shaping Worship


Shaping Worship


Humility – part 7

What makes a great worship leader? Anybody can stand before

others and make an attempt to sing a song. So how do we

measure greatness when it comes to leading worship? What

would you say?

Playing with skill

Choosing the best music

Singing on pitch

Reading certain Scriptures

Enunciating with clarity

Leading prayer

Picking a key in comfortable range

Including elements such as drama

Something else?

Certainly these ideas above are good things for a worship leader

to do. Combining them may make you seem like a great leader.

But remember, these are just our ideas. The best way to

measure the greatness of one who leads others to worship our

Shaping Worship


God is… God. He sets the criteria. So let’s look at what Jesus

had to say about greatness:

“At that time, the disciples came to Jesus and asked, ‘Who is the

greatest in the kingdom of heaven?’ He called a little child and

had him stand among them. And he said: ‘I tell you the truth,

unless you change and become like little children, you will never

enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself

like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.’” (Matthew

18:1-4 NIV).

Greatness is found in being a humble servant of our God. It

doesn’t mean we should set the kids loose on stage, banging on

the drums, and breaking guitar strings. But it does mean we

should think no more of ourselves as musicians, choir

members, or leaders than we think of a musically-unlearned

child. Humility is the beginning of greatness.

Notice the first thing Jesus told his disciples to do. He grabbed

a kid, put him in front of them, and said to his followers,

“Unless you change…” To be a great worship leader, you must

be humble. To be humble, you must be willing to change. You

must recognize that all your years of experience, all the shows

you’ve played, all the scales you’ve mastered – all of the things

that make you think you’re great – add up to a very small

beginning of what Jesus says will make you a great worship


Shaping Worship


Your experience isn’t bad. Your skills aren’t a problem,

necessarily. The problem comes when we combine our

experience and skills with an attitude that says, “I’m great. My

way is the best way. I don’t need to change.”

Lord, use our experience and our skills as worship leaders. Strip away

from us arrogance, ego, and pride. Help us understand that having this

greatly important job as leaders of worship is not what makes us great. Fill

us with greatness by humbling our hearts. Make us yours.

Shaping Worship


Shaping Worship


Transparency – Part 6

Have you ever heard of Bezalel and Oholiab?

These two famous people are mentioned over and over in the

end of the book of Exodus. So why don't many of us know

them? If you don't believe they are famous, consider their well-

known accomplishments listed in Exodus 31:

They were chosen by God (v 2).

They were filled with the Holy Spirit, given divine

wisdom, understanding, knowledge and all kinds of

skills (v 3)

They designed and created art of gold, silver, bronze,

stone, and wood (v 4-5)

Their art was central in the Tent of Meeting, the Ark of

the Covenant (and its atonement cover) (v 7)

They made the pieces of furniture in the tent like tables,

lamp stands, the incense altar, the burnt offering altar,

the utensils, the water basin, and the woven garments

worn by the priests (v 7-11)

Shaping Worship


We don’t know their names. But we certainly recognize the

importance of their creative ministry in worship.

This is the same kind of reputation we should seek to have as

worship leaders. We don’t want people to focus on us, who we

are, our names, our personality, etc. Instead, we want to be so

transparent in the way we point others to worship God that all

they remember is him. We want people to focus on God, who

God is, his name, his personality, and more.

Lord, make us transparent worship leaders, just like Bezalel and Oholiab.

Let people forget about us but remember you. Let our contributions to

worship help others to draw near to you (not to us). We are yours.

Shaping Worship


Shaping Worship


Order – Part 4

Think of how a mother or father would feel upon realization

that they had accidentally left their child alone in a store after

shopping. Frantically, the parents rush back to look for the

child. Questions of the child’s safety race through their minds.

What if something terrible has happened? This may have been

similar to the way Jesus’ parents felt in Luke 2.

“Every year his [Jesus’] parents went to Jerusalem for the Feast

of the Passover. When he was twelve years old, they went up to

the Feast, according to the custom. After the Feast was over,

while his parents were returning home, the boy Jesus stayed

behind in Jerusalem, but they were unaware of it. Thinking he

was in their company, they traveled on for a day. Then they

began looking for him among their relatives and friends. When

they did not find him, they went back to Jerusalem to look for

him. After three days they found him in the temple courts,

sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them

questions. Everyone who heard him was amazed at his

understanding and his answers. When his parents saw him, they

were astonished. His mother said to him, ‘Son, why have you

Shaping Worship


treated us like this? Your father and I have been anxiously

searching for you’” (41-48).

This is how the worship leader feels when the drummer doesn't

show up, or when the sound technician is absent, or when the

keyboardist has gone missing. Questions of their well-being race

through the worship leader’s mind. In addition to concern for

the missing team member, the worship leader also begins to

worry about what kind of effect this will have upon the

congregation. Can the band play that upbeat song without the

drummer? Will anyone be able to hear the choir without the

sound technician controlling the microphones? What will the

band do when the pianist’s lead solo goes missing from the

instrumental portion of that song?

Your ministry of worship is important. When you are missing,

there is a void left behind. If you need time off for vacation,

illness, or other responsibilities, your worship leader

understands these needs. And he or she will work with you to

arrange for the time off that you need. But the only excuse for

your absence without a phone call is an emergency. When you

skip practice or worship without telling the worship leader

where you are, he or she comes to one of two conclusions.

(1) There is some sort of emergency. Because they care

about you (as a person, not just as a function of the

Shaping Worship


band), they will want to know how they can help

respond to the emergency. Or…

(2) You don’t respect the leader, the band, the

congregation, or our God enough to let the worship

leader know where you are and why you’re absent.

Since we worship a God of order - not a God of chaos or

confusion – let’s agree to be on time for practice and worship.

Let’s be dependable - the team member that others can always

count on to show up. And let’s worship God in an orderly way,

prioritizing his team and his congregation over our personal


Lord, we will worship you with order. We commit to being on time and

present at practice and at worship. And when we cannot be present or on

time, we commit to respecting your team, your congregation, and the worship

leader you placed over us by letting he or she know where we are and why

we’re absent or late. Take our time and make it yours. Make us yours.

Shaping Worship


Shaping Worship


The remaining devotions address the following issues:

Accountability (giving permission to others to confront


Abiding (our deep relationship with Christ)

Setting an example

Skill (addressing general principles and a few specific

skills for worship leaders)

Excellence (what it looks like to offer God our best, not

our left-overs)

Team (going beyond a collection of individuals)

Submission (why it’s good to let go of my expectations

and rights)

The book also includes information about specific tools you can

use to measure your success and health as a worship ministry or

individual worship leader.



Shaping Worship


Other books by Pastor Steve Baney

You may also have interest in these other books written by

Pastor Steve Baney.

Devotional Books… > The Daily Devo – Volume 1 > The Daily Devo – Volume 2 > Shaping Worship – 70 Devotions For Worship Leaders and

Teams Discipleship Resources… > Purpose at the Park - A Simple Four-Step Community

Outreach Guide > Good Friday Worship Experience – Seven Stations of

Contemplative Worship > Ready... Set... Seven Devotions For Short-Term Mission

Teams Children’s Books… > The Hopeful Worm > Leonard Likes Lizards > Dancing With Fishes For more information about buying copies of these books,

please visit

http : // shop . my own little reality . com /

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