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Shasta Miners & Prospectors Association (SMPA)...

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FEB 2015 Pg. 1 Shasta Miners & Prospectors Associaon (SMPA) NEWSLETTER Miner of the Month for FEB 2015 Jane and Keith Young Founded in 1959, Shasta Miners & Prospectors Associaon is a non-profit organizaon that helps small-scale miners and pro- spectors while educang the public about mining. The Associaon offers gold-bearing claims that the members can enjoy using with full access and we hold monthly meengs that are open to the public. Miners of the Month Keith and Jane Young Congratulaons! for Jan. 15, 2015 Presentaon great and unique metal detecting Finds FEB. 19, 2015 Meeng Presentaon Sluicing for Gold Basic Techniques Presented by Chip Hess Owner of Miner’s Cache Chip will share his knowledge and demonstrate basic sluicing techniques. Some of the quesons that come up are quesons about the angle of the sluice, how fast should the water flow be, and, how to be sure you are not washing the gold away. Sluicing is not compli- cated, but there are some helpful hints that can be help- ful, especially for beginners. Photo source: https://keeneeng.com/pamphlets/ slucingForGold.html Email from Joseph Coe, SMPA member and winner of the Deus Metal Detector Email received from Joseph Coe, SMPA member and winner of the Deus Metal detector raffled off at the Christmas par- ty reported that he wanted us to know that he found a .85 gram gold nugget in AZ. with the metal detector and says to say thank you. Congratulations Joe on your find and hope you find many more nuggets. Monex Spot Prices Change Open High Low Monex Spot Gold 1222.00 -14.00 1235.00 1235.00 1218.00 Monex Spot Silver 16.82 -0.13 16.93 16.95 16.76 http://www.monex.com/liveprices GOLD and Silver FEB 10 2015
Page 1: Shasta Miners & Prospectors Association (SMPA) NEWSLETTERshastaminersandprospectors.org/images/SMPFeb2015.pdfDiana layton (530) 524-1226 dianaeclayton@aol.com Vice President ... Maurice

FEB 2015 Pg. 1

Shasta Miners & Prospectors Association (SMPA) NEWSLETTER

Miner of the Month for FEB 2015

Jane and Keith Young

Founded in 1959, Shasta Miners & Prospectors Association is a non-profit organization that helps small-scale miners and pro-spectors while educating the public about mining. The Association offers gold-bearing claims that the members can enjoy using with full access and we hold monthly meetings that are open to the public.

Miners of the Month

Keith and Jane Young Congratulations!


Jan. 15, 2015 Presentation great and unique metal detecting Finds

FEB. 19, 2015 Meeting Presentation

S l u i c i n g f o r G o l d B a s i c Te c h n i q u e s

Presented by Chip Hess Owner of Miner’s Cache

Chip will share his knowledge and demonstrate basic sluicing techniques. Some of the questions that come up are questions about the angle of the sluice, how fast should the water flow be, and, how to be sure you are not washing the gold away. Sluicing is not compli-cated, but there are some helpful hints that can be help-ful, especially for beginners.

Photo source:



Email from Joseph Coe, SMPA member and winner of the Deus Metal Detector Email received from Joseph Coe, SMPA member and winner of the Deus Metal detector raffled off at the Christmas par-ty reported that he wanted us to know that he found a .85 gram gold nugget in AZ. with the metal detector and says to say thank you.

Congratulations Joe on your find and hope you find many more nuggets.

Monex Spot Prices Change Open High Low

Monex Spot Gold 1222.00 -14.00 1235.00 1235.00 1218.00

Monex Spot Silver 16.82 -0.13 16.93 16.95 16.76

http://www.monex.com/liveprices GOLD and Silver FEB 10 2015

Page 2: Shasta Miners & Prospectors Association (SMPA) NEWSLETTERshastaminersandprospectors.org/images/SMPFeb2015.pdfDiana layton (530) 524-1226 dianaeclayton@aol.com Vice President ... Maurice

FEB 2015 Pg. 2

2015 Officers and Directors and Chairs

O ffi c e r s

P r e s i d e n t D ia n a C la yt o n ( 5 3 0 ) 5 2 4 - 1 2 2 6 d ia n a e c la y t o n @ a o l . co m

V i c e P r e s i d e n t D o n n a D a v i s ( 5 3 0 ) 6 2 3 - 0 7 4 4 d j d _1 9 6 3 _2 0 0 6 @ ya h o o . co m

Secr eta ry S u s a n D o y le ( 5 3 0 ) - 5 4 9 - 3 0 3 9 d o y l ew t@ a o l . c o m

Treasu re r

W a yn e K i n g ( 5 3 0 ) - 396-2207 [email protected]

D i r e c t o r s Chip Hess ( 5 3 0 ) 4 1 0 - 3 1 2 2 [email protected] Kenny Chinn (5 3 0 ) 5 1 0 - 0 1 7 8 [email protected] Dick Kingsmore ( 5 3 0 ) 4 1 0 - 3 1 2 2 [email protected] Douglas Mueller (7 1 6 ) - 6 2 2 - 8 3 1 0 [email protected]

Leg is lation C h ip H es s ( 5 3 0 ) 4 1 0 - 3 1 2 2 p la ce rg o ld @ em a i l . c o m M in er ’ s C a ch e

Metal De tecting Outings Bi l l D o y le ( 5 3 0 ) - 5 4 9 - 3 0 3 9 d o y l ew t@ a o l . c o m

Cla ims / Outings

M ik e A b e r n a t h y ( 5 3 0 ) 6 3 8 - 6 7 1 7 u cn o k is s @ y a h o o . co m Bo b B u r d ett ( 5 3 0 ) 4 7 4 - 4 4 8 8 Bo b C a rp e n t e r ( 5 3 0 ) 3 5 7 - 5 3 3 1 K en n y C h in n ( 5 3 0 ) 5 1 0 - 0 1 7 8 G en e C la y t o n ( 5 3 0 ) 2 2 2 - 6 0 7 0

SMPA Logo C lo th ing

Mary Ann Stevens (5 3 0 ) 3 4 7 - 1 6 7 9 [email protected]

Membe rsh ip Donna Davis ( 5 3 0 ) 6 2 3 - 0 7 4 4 d j d _1 9 6 3 _2 0 0 6 @ ya h o o . co m

Web S ite Adm inistra tor D a v id D o b b er ( 5 3 0 ) 4 1 0 - 3 1 2 2 d . d o b b er@ s b cg lo b a l . n et Web: www.shastaminersandprospectors.org To access: find out what your user name and password is. The newsletter is posted to mem-ber site for current month and moved to the public access the following month. Newsletter is sent via email unless otherwise indicated. IF you have an email address and not getting your newsletter, be sure to check spam or junk mail.

A letter from our President, Diana Clayton

Dear Shasta Miners and Prospectors

Hi everyone,

The house was packed last month! We barely had

wiggle room to move around. About 86 people

attended the meeting. Keith and Jane Young made

their presentation great and unique metal DE-

TECTING FINDS from their private property. It was a fun and inter-

esting demonstration and invited a very lively discussion. Chip Hess

and Bill Doyle joined in the discussion about metal detecting on private

lands vs public land.

Discussion also took place regarding the internet article entitled So is

Metal detecting on the Endangered List? The article is by Lee Weise at

the site known as Metal Detecting Hobby Talk. It is a six page article. I

inserted the first few paragraphs of the first page of the article in this

newsletter, which gives you the names of the laws and researchable

sites to find more detail.

This month, Chip Hess will demonstrate the Art of Sluicing and bring us up to date on the status of the dredging laws suits. I did get a chance to do some metal detecting , I hope you did too. I plan to bring my treasures to the meeting. In the French Gulch area, I found a tiny toy Volkswagen Rabbit car, a silver knife and other items. This was the first time I used the relic setting on my detector. Every time I go out I learn something new about detecting and my detec-tor. We have much to discuss at the meeting. I sure hope to see you on Feb. 19. In the mean time find those treasures!

Be sure to bring a refreshment for the refreshment table.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

SMPA Officers and Board Members

If you need information about the club

activities please contact us.

Shasta Miners & Prospectors Association (SMPA) NEWSLETTER

Diana Clayton

Keith Young

Page 3: Shasta Miners & Prospectors Association (SMPA) NEWSLETTERshastaminersandprospectors.org/images/SMPFeb2015.pdfDiana layton (530) 524-1226 dianaeclayton@aol.com Vice President ... Maurice

FEB 2015 Pg. 3

Shasta Miners & Prospectors Association (SMPA) NEWSLETTER

Donna Davis Vice President

[email protected]

Hello fellow miners,

Hope everyone has a happy valentine’s day!! It is hard to believe that it is already Febru-

ary. It looks like we are going to have 6 more weeks of winter. That will make for better mining this year.

The club is looking forward to a great year this year. We are already planning lots of events for the upcom-

ing months. On March 6th, 7th, and 8th we will have a booth at the annual Nor-Cal sports show. That is al-

ways fun. Talking about where to have our annual overnight outing in July and suggestions? Please feel free

to let a board member know so that is can be discussed at the next board meeting. We need to plan ahead so

that we can be prepared. Reminder if you have moved or changed your address please let me know, so that

you won’t miss your newsletters. If anyone finds a gold wedding ring in the Anderson River Park near the

KC grove, or on the river trail please let me know as I have recently lost mine. Bill Doyle and his son Ed

went out one day but didn’t have any luck. I would REALLY like to find it!! Hope to see everyone at the

next meeting set for February 19th @7 p.m.

Donna Davis V. President and membership chairperson

Claims Outings: Sat. following general meeting. town for a couple of weeks in Tor-

rance Ca working. Michael Abernathy, Claims Chair. Email: [email protected] The outing will be at Can Do Feb 21 2015 providing the weather is decent. More discussion at meeting.

Metal Detector Outings: Outings usually follow the Second Sat. morning after our regular scheduled meeting. Bill Doyle, Metal Detecting Chair. Email: [email protected] or call (530) -549-3039 Location for Feb 28 outing wil l be announced at meeting.

Jan. 24 2015 Outing

Gail Dobber at the January Meeting who advised that the Meadow Lane School has new fencing and is no longer accessible was correct and I thank her for that information so that we were able to plan for another venue for the January hunt. Upon the arrival of the participants at Meadow Lane School we went to Alta Mesa Park to search for treasures. Those in attendance were: Barbara and Mike Sutton, Maurice Huff, Bob Burnett, Gary Folmer, Tom Kibat, Howard Waldron, Robert Graff, Ed Thurston, Ed Doyle and Bill Doyle, for a total of 11 persons. The day was beautiful and although the findings were sparse, everyone found some change and the Find of the Day was a wheat head penny, found by Ed Thurston. It has come to my attention that new fencing is being installed at Sequoia Middle School, so I suggest that prior to going to the school for detecting you do a drive-by and check for ac-cess. More schools are making access to their grounds more difficult and local parks have been hit hard by detectors, so if any of you have suggestions for new hunting grounds, your thoughts will be appreci-ated and considered.

Until next month, good hunting.

Jan. 17, 2015 Outing

The outing at Can Do last month was attended by 8 plus people regardless of the weather. Gene Clayton took Mike’s and Kenny

place as they both had to work. The outing will be at Can Do again this month on Feb. 14. Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone.

There’s gold there, keep hunting,

Gene Clayton

Page 4: Shasta Miners & Prospectors Association (SMPA) NEWSLETTERshastaminersandprospectors.org/images/SMPFeb2015.pdfDiana layton (530) 524-1226 dianaeclayton@aol.com Vice President ... Maurice

FEB 2015 Pg. 4

Shasta Miners and Prospectors Association (SMPA)

Susan Doyle

Shasta Miners and Prospectors Meeting Minutes Submitted by Susan Doyle

Jan. 15, 2015 Minutes

Anderson Grange Hall 8085 Airport Way, Redding, CA 96002

President Diana Clayton called the meeting to order at 7:08 pm. Kenny Chinn led the members in the flag salute. Diana called for all guests present to introduce themselves and express their interest. All members with January birthdays were asked to stand and the assembly sang, “Happy Birthday,” in lieu of the birthday announcements in the January Newsletter. Members were reminded to sign in and participate in the Name Tag Drawing. Then she introduced the club officers and board members. Miner of the Month: Mary Ann Stevens was announced as January Miner of the Month. Meeting Program: Club members Keith and Jane Young displayed items found on their property with a Metal Detector. Chip Hess and Bill Doyle discussed the restrictions of finding items on Public Lands vs. private property. An attachment will be included in the next newsletter for more detailed information Metal Detecting: Bill Doyle reports that the December Metal Detector Outing at Juniper School well attended with 18 per-sons participating. Everyone found some coinage, and a nice gold ring and opal pendant were also found. The next outing will be held at Meadow Lane School in Anderson. One member expressed concern that the school has installed new fencing and was no longer accessible. Members will meet at the school anyway and if there is no access the outing will proceed to an alternate location. Robert Graff is an experienced detectorist and has offered his advice and assistance to interested mem-bers. Cyrus Herrera is a club member and has offered to make his personal mining claim available to the club. His claim has produced gold, platinum and garnets in the past. The board will coordinate with him and when the weather improves, plan an outing. Legislative Report: Chip Hess reports that Judge Ochoa in San Bernardino, California, will allow dredging. He is planning to rule that the California restrictions are in violation of the spirit of the Federal Law. Particulars are still being worked out but dredging should be allowed by late spring or early summer. The hearing is to resume on January 23rd. Thanks to President Clayton: Phyllis Bogges asked for time to address the assembly, and thanked Diana Clayton for all her hard work during the year and especially for the Christmas Party. Diana commented that she moved by the wonderful compliment, but that the success is due to the team effort and volunteerism of members. Hidden Coin: Robert Graff has hidden the coin and provided hints to its location. He also recommends “Google Earth” as a guide for locating metal detecting locations such as schools and parks. Minutes: In lieu of reading the minutes Secretary Susan Doyle discussed the Christmas Party and encouraged members to attend next year. Treasurer’s Report: Wayne King reported that after expenses, the club made a profit of approximately $1,800.00 on the Christmas Raffle. Claims Chairman: Mike Abernathy was out of town but sent his regards to the members. Kenny Chinn will hold a Claims Outing at the “Can Do” Claim--rain or shine—Saturday, January 17th, at 9:00 am. Any interested parties that do not know the location of the claim should contact him during the break for directions. Kenny also reports that he hosted an outing for Boy Scout Troop 381 at the Bull Dog II Claim. Kenny took equipment and demonstrated mining and panning techniques for the Scouts. In spite of the cold conditions a good time was had by all. Club Logo Clothing: Mary Ann Stevens is the new Logo Clothing Chairman, please see her for any items, she is currently taking orders. Membership: Membership Chairman Donna Davis is working on new parking passes for 2015. . Break for refreshments.

Continued on next page

Page 5: Shasta Miners & Prospectors Association (SMPA) NEWSLETTERshastaminersandprospectors.org/images/SMPFeb2015.pdfDiana layton (530) 524-1226 dianaeclayton@aol.com Vice President ... Maurice

FEB 2015 Pg. 5

Shasta Miners and Prospectors Association (SMPA)

Jan. 15, 2015 Minutes Continued from previous page

Show & Tell: No items were submitted for Find of the Month; however:

Don Bova--has a wet suit for sale, might come in handy for dredging. Joe Zucco--displayed a nugget approximately ½ to ¾ oz. and three smaller nuggets that he found with his

Mine Lab Detector at an undisclosed location. Tom Kibat—found a Marine Corps ring with his Garret Detector; the ring is available for sale. Doug Muller found a nugget panning.

Nor-Cal Calendar: Diana will try to include Nor-Cal Miners events on the next Newsletter Calendar. Raffle: Raffle was conducted by Diana Clayton and Kenny Chinn, Jordan Constantino assisted with drawing the tickets:

50/50 Drawing—was won by Jim Wilkenson, in the amount of $57.50. Gold Nugget—was won by Bob Knox Silver Coin, 1 oz.in weight—was won by Bob Knox Name Tag Drawing—was won by Cliff Wease

The yearly name tag drawing held over from the Christmas Party with the prize of a Belt Buckle with an American Prospector silver coin, was won by Tom Logsdon, The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Susan J. Doyle, Secretary

HIDDEN COIN Monthly Contest. New Clue For Feb. 2015

Here is the first clue. By Robert Burnett

email [email protected]

In a public area, In Redding. I was originally founded in 1949, and

then renovated and opened again in 2003.

Robert “Rob” Burnett


“Find of the Month” Contest

Be sure to bring your metal detecting or prospecting finds to the meeting. The winner of the contest receives

1/2 silver dollar (value about $15) No submissions for find of month in Jan.

“Show and Tell” Thank you for sharing your adventures! Don Bova--has a wet suit for sale, might come in handy for dredging. (Doug bought it) Joe Zucco--displayed a nugget approximately ½ to ¾ oz. and three smaller nuggets that he found with his

Mine Lab Detector at an undisclosed location. Tom Kibat—found a Marine Corps ring with his Garret Detector; the ring is available for sale. Doug Muller found a nugget panning.

Treasures are out there!

Page 6: Shasta Miners & Prospectors Association (SMPA) NEWSLETTERshastaminersandprospectors.org/images/SMPFeb2015.pdfDiana layton (530) 524-1226 dianaeclayton@aol.com Vice President ... Maurice

FEB 2015 Pg. 6


EVENTS March 6,7,8 NoCal Sport and RV Show (Volunteers are needed for panning demos)

June 11/12/13/14 Shasta County Fair (volunteers needed for days)

July 24/25/26 Shasta Miners and Prospector’s Annual Outing (to be announced)

August 22 Shasta Miners and Prospector’s Annual Picnic at Anderson Riverpark KC

Grove # 1

Claims Outings: Monthly claims outing usually follow the Sat. after the general meeting.

Metal Detecting: Monthly outings are usually scheduled on the second Sat. following the meeting

Monthly Meeting: Third Thursday of the month

Jan to May 2015 Scheduled Outings Schedule of outings for both and Shasta Miners and Prospectors Association ( SMPA)

and NorCal Prospectors (GPAA) Note: you need to be a member of SMPA for the SMPA outings.

Both schedules are published as a courtesy since many members belong to both organizations.

NorCal (GPAA members) Shasta Miners and Prospectors Association

NorCAL Tentative Outing Schedule

SMPA Tentative Outing Schedule

General meeting First Thursday General Meeting Third Thursday

Jan 8th - meeting Jan 10th - prospecting outing Jan 17th - metal detecting outing

Jan 15 Meeting Jan 17, Claims outing Jan 24 Metal Detecting

Feb 5th - meeting Feb 7th - prospecting outing Feb 14th - metal detecting outing

Feb 19 Meeting Feb 14 Claims outing Feb 21 Metal Detecting

Mar 5th - meeting Mar 7th - prospecting outing Mar 14th - metal detecting outing

March 19 Meeting March 21 Claims Outing March 28 Metal Detecting

Apr 2nd - meeting Apr 4th - prospecting outing Apr 11th - metal detecting outing

April 16 Meeting April 18 Claims Outing April 25 Metal Detecting

May 7th - meeting May 9th - prospecting outing May 16th - metal detecting outing

May 21 Meeting May 23 Claims Outing May 30 Metal Detecting Memorial May 25

So is Metal detecting on the Endangered List? Let's take a look at the barriers and variables that affect the hobby. Source: Metal Detecting Hobby T alk http: //www.mdhtalk. org Page of

6 By: Lee Wiese

Barriers to Recreational Metal Detecting

The Law: Today, the U.S. metal detecting environment is controlled by a hodgepodge of Federal, State, City, County

laws. A major reason for this is that there is no regulation, law or statue at the Federal level that provides any support

for recreational metal detecting.

Some of the Federal statues were written before metal detecting became a popular hobby and since these acts were

drafted to protect America's Heritage it may have been felt that users of a metal detector on federal lands would rob

America of some of its heritage. There were four major federal acts drafted to protect America's heritage and every-

one (detectorist) should read each of them. They are: Continued on next page

Page 7: Shasta Miners & Prospectors Association (SMPA) NEWSLETTERshastaminersandprospectors.org/images/SMPFeb2015.pdfDiana layton (530) 524-1226 dianaeclayton@aol.com Vice President ... Maurice

FEB 2015 Pg. 7

Jan 19, 2015 Meeting Attendees What a great turn out. We had about 87 people in attendance.

The house was packed

New Members and Renewals















































Continued from previous page So is Metal detecting on the Endangered List?

1906 American Antiquities Act http://www.mdhtalk.org/law/aaa.htm 1966 National Historic Preservation Act, As amended in 2000 http://www.mdhtalk.org/law/nhpa.htm

1979 Archaeological Resources Protection Act http://www.mdhtalk.org/law/arpa.htm

1990 Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act http://www.mdhtalk.org/law/nagppa.htm The four acts indeed do

protect Americas Heritage but at the same time limit or in most situations make metal detecting an unlawful act. If someone is caught

metal detecting in National Parks, National Historical Sites, National Monuments, National Recreational Areas, Native American

Lands or on archaeological sites the penalties can be severe. There are a few exceptions where portions of Federal Forest Service and

BLM lands allow metal detecting if no archaeology sites are present. During the past 35 years mos,t if not all, of the fifty states now

have laws modeled after the federal acts thus making many state lands unavailable to metal detecting. Many states have also enacted

specific metal detecting laws that make it unlawful to detect, or may require special permits and permission to metal detect state land

areas. The result is that individual state laws have direct impact and control over recreational metal detecting in the 50 states. Of

course this includes state parks, historical sites and state archaeological sites. Usually metal detecting laws are very different from

state to state.

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FEB 2015 Pg. 8




Shasta Miners & Prospectors Association

P.O. Box 10929

Anderson CA 96007

Your Membership Expiration Date is on your mailing label

SMPA Board of Directors

Meeting First Wed of Month

at 6 PM VITTLES Restaurant

2385 North St. Anderson Members are always welcome to

attend. 6 PM dinner; at 7 PM meeting.

FEB 19, 2015 Meeting Monthly General Meeting

Third Thursday of Month at 7 PM Anderson Grange Hall 8085 Airport Rd, Redding Across from Kent’s Groceries

S l u i c i n g f o r G o l d B a s i c Te c h n i q u e s

Presented by Chip Hess Owner of Miner’s Cache

Shasta Miners and Prospectors Association (SMPA)
