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Shaumbra Monthly January 2013

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I N S P I R E C O N S C I O U S N E S S ®

J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 3


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Happy Holidays &Blessings for the New Year

from the Crimson Circle team

Spiritual awakening is a deeply personal and profound experience. It can be lonely, challenging, and at times it can turn your entire world upside down. But you are never alone!

The Crimson Circle is a global affiliation of human angels that understands the journey of awakening. We share our wisdom, our stories and our love of life, all without membership, dues or rules. From our home base in Colorado, USA we connect with people in over 140 countries.

We love to laugh, we’ve been known to cry, and more than anything we welcome you to join us in the celebration of awakening.

Shaumbra Monthly is published by the Crimson Circle, Golden, Colorado USA. Click here to read past issues.

Geoffrey HoppeFounder – Chief EditorLinda Benyo - Founder

Jean Tinder - [email protected] Benyo – Art Director

STAFFAlain Bolea

Bonnie CapelleJohn Kuderka

Michelle MacHaleMary Alyce Owens

Suzy SchemelJean TinderLindsay Yogi

Crimson Circle Energy Co.PO Box 7394

Golden, CO 80403 USA


© Copyright 2012 Crimson CircleEnergy Company, Inc.

In This Issue

The End of Whatever .....................................................page 3Geoffrey HoppeUpcoming Crimson Circle Events ................................ page 3She Let Go – Ernest Holmes ......................................... page 5Patterns & Goals & Directions... Oh My! ......................page 6John McCurdyShaumbra Events ...........................................................page 8Shaumbra Heartbeat .......................................................page 9Jean TinderFreedom Medallion .................................................... page 10Shaumbra Creations ................................................... page 11Awakening Zone – Upcoming Episodes ..................... page 13Crimson Circle Classes Around the World ................. page 15Become a Crimson Circle Teacher .............................. page 17International Translations ........................................... page 18


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By Geoffrey Hoppe

We have arrived. We’re here at the time that has been prophesized for ages. It’s the end of the Mayan calendar cycle that began on August 11, 3114 BC and, according to many experts, ends on December 21, 2012.

Adamus says it’s also the end of an old Atlantean era having to do with mental energies. It’s also the Winter Solstice – the end of the fall season, the darkest day of the year, and the beginning of winter.

There is also a significant alignment of planets. The equator of the Milky Way galaxy and the path of the sun will cross each other at exactly 11:11 am GMT on December 21, 2012. Every year on the winter solstice, our sun has a Declination of -23.5 degrees, and a Right Ascension of 18 hours. But what makes the alignment of 2012 special is how this alignment occurs relative to very distant stars. On December 21, 2012, the alignment will be right along the plane of the entire galaxy. This precession of the equinoxes goes in a complete circle and happens only once every 26,000 years.

So many cycles seem to be ending, and rebirthing. I don’t think there will ever be such a time of convergence and change in our lifetimes. And it’s here right now.

I’m writing this article on December 18. In just a few short days the Crimson Circle is holding an End of Whatever celebration in Blackhawk, Colorado. We’ll have an afternoon of Adamus channels, a session with Norma Delaney and some talking with Linda and I. (You can tune in online beginning at 1:00 PM Mountain time. To register go to the Crimson Circle Store). Afterwards we’ll have a celebration dinner for the 80+ attendees there in person, and then some play time at the casino.

The December 21 “End of the World” date has gotten a lot of publicity worldwide over the past several years. The New Age and spiritual communities have been talking about it for decades. And here it is, right in our face. Even as I am writing this article a news feature just came on television regarding the End of the World. I also saw a report that said 23% of Americans think the world will end in their lifetimes, and many of them think it will end on Friday.

I have a sneaking feeling that there will be a lot of surprised and disappointed people on December 22, 2012 when they see that everything is pretty much the same as it was on December 20. The sun will still rise in the east and set in the west. There will be traffic jams, unpaid bills, the flu bug and last-minute Christmas shopping. (I know of at least one person who is not doing any Christmas shopping this year because they don’t think the planet will make it to December 25.)

My concern is what happens after December 21, 2012.Many people will wake up on December 22 with a sense of depression and/or

loss of hope because nothing happened on December 21. Tomorrow will be like yesterday. This is one of the current themes in the Adamus Freedom Series. We develop patterns and get into ruts, and then “hope” that some external force will intervene to break us out of prison. We hope for something – anything – to happen on December 21 and when it doesn’t, we feel one step deeper into our prisons. Even a robust earthquake on December 21 would put a “see-I-told-you-so” grin on our faces but when everything is pretty much the same as it was on December 20, we fall from hope.


The End of Whatever

Continued next page

Upcoming events withGeoffrey and Linda Hoppe, and

live Adamus channels.For more information go to:


Watch the live webcast!December 21 - End of the Whatever PartyBlack Hawk, Colorado, USA December 21, 2012

Crimson Circle Monthly MeetingGolden, Colorado, USA January 5, 2013

Geoff & Linda guest onHealing Journey'sWith Jaentra Gardener on A2Zen.fmJanuary 24, 2013

Crimson Circle Monthly MeetingGolden, Colorado, USA February 2, 2013

Shaumbra Egypt Adventure 2013Cairo, Egypt February 9-21, 2013

Crimson Circle Monthly MeetingGolden, Colorado, USA March 2, 2013

DreamWalker Life™Iguaçu Falls, BrasilMarch 22-24, 2013

Crimson Circle Monthly MeetingGolden, Colorado, USA April 6, 2013

Quantum AllowingKauai, Hawaii, USA SOLD OUTApril 14-19, 2013

Click for more information on Events


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January 2013

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According to Adamus, there’s a 66% chance that nothing significant will happen on December 21. So on December 22 we’ll drag ourselves from bed, check the Internet news just in case something happened at the last minute, and then with a big sigh we’ll go about the same routine as we did on December 20. And then someone is sure to come up with the next “significant” date such as 3-13-13 or 2-20-2020. It will be another spiritual carrot-date, and another disappointment. Someone will have another grand prediction, and there will be another grand disappointment.

In the meantime, many of those expecting something big to happen on December 21 will feel a sense of betrayal, both by their inner guidance and by their spiritual teachers. Some will totally drop out of their spiritual pursuit and perhaps even out of life. Others will hop over to the next spiritual whiz-bang phenomena.

When oh when will we ever learn?Maybe, just maybe, some of us will realize that the

specific date of December 21 isn’t nearly as important as the opportunity of a change that begins deep within each of us, personally and individually. I have no doubt that December 21 carries significant meaning and energy. I can feel it deep in my core this week. Something IS happening! But it’s not in the outer world. It’s a movement deep within each and every one of us. It’s not an external intervention. It’s an inner transformation. But so many will totally miss it because they continue to look outside of themselves.

Post-December 21 there will be potentials like never before. There is the potential to realize and experience the greatest gift of all: Self Love. And the potential to integrate your aspects. There is the grand potential to allow your divinity to meld with your body and mind, into what Adamus calls the Body of Consciousness. Post-December 21 the rest of the world is going to be coping with major issues such as mental imbalance, lack of abundance, war and violence. There will be even more tragic events like we saw last week in the Sandy Hook School, Connecticut. You can almost count on it because of the tremendous mental pressures facing our societies. But you don’t need to get caught in it, nor do you want to.

When you wake up on December 22 and realize that it’s just another day on planet Earth, take a deep breath instead of a deep sigh. Go inside yourself for a moment. Remember that you brought all of these energies of personal change into your life, and your life is in the process of making a huge shift into embodied, conscious spirit. Take a look at how far you’ve come these past 10 – 20 years, then thank yourself for making it (mostly) intact to the marker date of December 22. Put aside what’s going on in the outer world, and then get ready for a series of quantum transformations that begin to unfold in your life. You see, it never was about what was going to happen on December 21. It’s always been about what was going to happen AFTER this historic marker.

The End of Whatever – Continued


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By Ernest Holmes (American writer, 1887 – 1960)

She let go. She let go.

Without a thought or a word, she let go.

She let go of the fear.

She let go of the judgments.

She let go of the confluence of opinions swarming around her head.

She let go of the committee of indecision within her.

She let go of all the ‘right’ reasons.

Wholly and completely, without hesitation or worry, she just let go.

She didn’t ask anyone for advice.

She didn’t read a book on how to let go.

She didn’t search the scriptures.

She just let go.

She let go of all of the memories that held her back.

She let go of all of the anxiety that kept her from moving forward.

She let go of the planning and all of the calculations about how to do it just right.

She didn’t promise to let go.

She didn’t journal about it.

She didn’t write the projected date in her Day-Timer.

She made no public announcement and put no ad in the paper.

She didn’t check the weather report or read her daily horoscope.

She just let go.

She didn’t analyze whether she should let go.

She didn’t call her friends to discuss the matter.

She didn’t do a five-step Spiritual Mind Treatment.

She didn’t call the prayer line.

She didn’t utter one word.

She just let go.

No one was around when it happened.

There was no applause or congratulations.

No one thanked her or praised her.

No one noticed a thing.

Like a leaf falling from a tree, she just let go.

There was no effort.

There was no struggle.

It wasn’t good and it wasn’t bad.

It was what it was, and it is just that.

In the space of letting go, she let it all be.

A small smile came over her face.

A light breeze blew through her.

And the sun and the moon shone forevermore . . .



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January 2013

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A dear friend called the other day, because her life was falling apart and she needed someone to talk to. Actually it’s been falling apart for a long time, and yet here she is alive and mostly well, though suffering through essentially the same situation she’s suffered through a hundred times before in the time I’ve known her.

So often it amazes me how long we can go in the same old never-ending, self-fulfilling, self-repeating, painful cycle before we finally get enough and step out of it. And that’s not meant to criticize my friend, for I do it too, and I’m quite certain that every one of you can think of places where you do it. It’s so easy to see in others, and so hard to see in ourselves.

What painful or frustrating patterns are you repeating over and over and over again in your life? If you’re not sure, just take a look at the things you don’t like in your life. Look especially at the things that you think are someone else’s fault (including you from the past), and that keep happening in some form over and over again. Those are your patterns.

Anyway, my friend’s life was falling apart once again. She had no money and no transportation and was stuck in the wrong city, among other woes, and her beautiful and well-laid plans were crashing down around her. “I just don’t know what direction to go anymore,” she lamented.

“That’s good!” I said, which wasn’t what she wanted to hear.

“I just don’t know what God wants me to do anymore,” she tried again.

“Wait, let’s stop right there,” I said, for we’ve been over this before. “God doesn’t want you to do anything. God doesn’t have a plan for you, or a direction. God just wants to know what you want to do. God just wants to discover what you choose, and to experience that, whatever it turns out to be. That’s all God wants from you, ever!”

“But I’ve made so many stupid mistakes,” she complained. “Look at all the things I’ve messed up in my life!”

“What if you never messed anything up?” I asked. “What if you never did anything wrong? What if it was all in divine order, even though you don’t understand it? What if it was just the experiences that your soul chose to have?”

We talked about that for a while, and then I asked her: “If you knew that you couldn’t get it wrong, for you can’t, and if you knew that no matter what you choose you’re going to be okay, for you will, what would you choose to do right now?”

“I’m not sure.”“How about a warm bath?”

Patterns & Goals & Directions… Oh My!By John McCurdy – Crimson Circle Advanced Studies Teacher


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“The bathtub where I’m staying is broken.”“Okay, so what can you do to nurture yourself today?”“I can go back to bed and rest for a while, and

maybe I’ll cancel the event I can’t get to so I don’t have that stress.”

“Good,” I told her. “Anything you can do to relieve your stress and to nurture yourself right now in this moment will help.”

“It’s all about trust,” I told her. “It’s easy to talk about loving yourself, because the word ‘love’ is so easy to turn into a cliché. But love means trust, and that’s where the proverbial rubber hits the road. Can you trust yourself? Can you trust yourself absolutely?

I told her how Adamus Saint-Germain had talked recently about forgiveness, and about how real forgiveness means understanding that it was not you. Whatever you did in the past, whatever mistakes you think you made, it was not you who did it. It was an old aspect of you, and the ONLY thing that is real now is what you choose in this moment.

“So," I said, "your work now is to let it all go, all the regret and all the shame and all the second-guessing and berating of yourself, and start trusting (loving) YOU in this moment. Everything your soul (you in the moment) has ever done has been in perfect divine order, and it always will be. No matter what. Can you trust that? Can you let go of your agendas and really truly trust yourself that much?”

She thought maybe she could.A couple days later she emailed me about how she

had cancelled her event and was resting, and how totally clueless she felt about what direction to take now. The following is my reply, and when I finished writing it I realized how much it was exactly what I needed to hear just now too. Funny how that happens…

The most profound thing you said in your message is, “So the one who has so many answers has none.”

What if I were to tell you that all those answers are what keep you stuck? Well, they are, and having none is one of the best places you can be.

You said, “Staying quiet has helped, yet that is not very sustainable or even possible for much longer.”

But you see, staying quiet is the only thing that is sustainable, unless it is taking action in the moment, just because you feel like it and only for the pleasure of the moment, and without regard to direction, goals, or plans. Everything else keeps you stuck, and every direction, goal, or plan eventually lets you down.

Plans, goals, and directions are all part of the great Human Dream. But you are waking up from the dream, so how on earth do you think they’re going to continue

working for you? They’re not, any more than you can stay in that dream you were having when you woke up this morning.

The only thing that works now is to release the past (it no long exists, any more than the dream you had last night), forget about the future (it doesn’t exist either), and LIVE today as though it is the only day you’ll ever have.

So, given the situation in which you find yourself right now, if you knew that tonight you would cease to exist, what would you do?

Or better yet, if you knew that none of it matters (for it truly doesn’t), and that no matter what you do you can’t get it wrong and you are going to be okay, even though you can’t see how, what would you do just for fun right now?

In the New Earth, which you are stepping into now, that is the only way you can live.

Indeed, for those of us that are waking up, that is the only way of life that works. And it is the only way to stop a painful pattern in your life. Patterns are born in the past and live only for the future, and the only way to break them is to live NOW, for this moment. It takes absolute trust in yourself, but it works.

I thank my dear friend (you know who you are) for reminding me of some things that I had been forgetting of late, and perhaps this will remind someone else too.

John McCurdy is an enlightened master, a writer, teacher, and coach of personal freedom and empowerment, and founder of the Center for Awakening Humans™.

Patterns and Goals and Directions... Oh My! – Continued


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Online registration is now available for these upcoming events (except for those that are sold out). Go to www.crimsoncircle.com > Events for more information.

Shaumbra Events

Kauai, Hawaii, USA, April 14 - 19

Quantum Allowing, Adamus’ next major step with Shaumbra, opens the pathways for the energies of creation to support what you and your soul-self choose in life. It dives deep into the natural state of grace in order to break through seen and unseen barriers. It is an experience rather than a teaching; it soars past compromises and the fear of change.

Black Hawk, Colorado USA, December 21

Join us for the live webcast! According to the Mayan calendar, December 21, 2012 marks the end of an era, while others say it marks the end of the world. But we Shaumbra think it’s really the End-of-Whatever….. whatever YOU want to end in order for a new personal beginning. The live event is sold out, but you can tune in for the live webcast for only $50.

Cairo, Luxor and more, February 9 - 21, 2013

Join Adamus, Kuthumi, Geoff & Linda, and our amazing Egyptian crew for a journey of a lifetime. Experience a living book of ancient sites. Mingle with the divine energies. Laugh and sing into the night while floating down the Nile River. Climb deep into the pyramids, and tone in the magical space of the temples. This sacred Egypt Tour is an experience beyond words. Only 5 spaces remaining... register now!

Iguaçu Falls, Brasil • March 22-24, 2013

In this 4th in the DreamWalker series Adamus discusses living life in joy, which includes living abundantly, integrated with aspects and Self, enjoying a balanced relationship with others, allowing physical and mental health, and a having a conscious relationship with your divine. Live music with Yoham!

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Continued next page

Well Shaumbra, here we are, just hours away from the most highly anticipated date in human history, as well as the day when many celebrate the birth of God on Earth. While I’m pretty sure the world isn’t going to end, I am certain that it is changing before our eyes. And while I doubt there’s going to be a rapture of the saints or a mass ascension of enlightened ones, I know that enlightenment and freedom are closer and more real than ever.

Something else I know is that with all the chaos, pain and drama in the world right now, this is the time to step up and be who we’re here to be, to go beyond talking about it and hoping for it, and make it real. How many times have we said, “Yes, I’m ready for enlightenment, bring it on!” and then wondered why nothing really changes? I’ve done it myself, but guess what? You can be ready for something your entire lifetime. This is the time to live it.

It’s great to sit in a workshop with Adamus, laughing at his antics and shouting on cue “I am that I am!” at the top of our lungs, but what about the next day? What about when we look in the mirror at a body that’s sagging under the struggles of ascension? Or when we’re out there immersed in everyone else’s energies? What about when aspects show up, sending us into a spin of confusion and frustration? What about when we’re just engaged in the everyday mundane activities of being human? Where is the I Am then?

A few days ago, I was engaged in a typical human interaction with another person. I was mostly in my head, thinking about how the interaction was supposed to go and what was next, and generally having an unremarkable experience. But in a moment of sudden inspiration, I remembered, “This is the time to be in my I Am presence!”

“I am that I am!” I declared, silently but with great passion, and breathed it deeply. I chose it and expanded, feeling all of me fill the room even while staying deeply connected

to my human body and mind, and suddenly everything changed. I was now caught up in the experience of being with this person, fully present also with myself, with my awareness heightened, heart opened, undistracted and free. It’s actually hard to put words to it, because while are all true, none are complete. How can you describe an experience of everything within yourself?

It did not happen by trying to change what I was feeling, rebuking myself for being mental, analyzing the aspects that were active, or wishing something would change or that enlightenment would descend upon me. It happened through the realization that right now was the moment I could take a breath and choose it, so why wait? And I will not soon forget what happened…

In fact, that choice has stayed with me. I’ve gone to sleep in the energy of my I Am, brought it with me to the uncooperative Post Office, enveloped myself in it while having lunch, and just breathing it in, in more and more moments of my day. Nothing much has changed on the outside, but everything is changing within. And that’s all that matters.

We want so much for that long-promised heaven to appear on earth. We want humanity to wake up, stop hurting each other, stop being afraid, and remember who they are. Heck, we want that for ourselves too! But if we keep waiting for it to “happen,” we’ll be waiting a long time. Now is the time to just choose it – for yourself – in your quiet moments, your noisy interactions, your meals, your phone calls, your shopping trips, your intimate encounters and your moments of truth.

When you take that deep, conscious breath when life is really happening, choosing to expand and remember “I am that I am” in addition to whatever else is going on, you create a moment of heaven on Earth for yourself. The more you breathe and choose, the bigger that moment becomes. And the bigger that moment becomes, the more potential is there for others to choose it too.

Moments of Heaven

Shaumbra Heartbeat

By Jean Tinder, Shaumbra Monthly editor, Advanced Studies Teacher

SHAUMBRA MONTHLY 9 november 2012

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Shaumbra Heartbeat – Continued from previous page

The most popular attributes of heaven are things like no more pain and suffering, constant reunion with God, perfect health, eternal life, beauty, creation. How many stories have we heard of “someday” when God will come to Earth and finally manifest heaven? Well, God has come to Earth and is ready to create heaven anywhere we want it. But it won’t happen to us. It must happen through us, in the precious moments of heaven that we can choose at any time.

Within a moment of heaven, all physical imbalance must be released, all suffering forgotten, all separation from the God within lapsed into oblivion. To me, that’s what heaven means, and if I’m ready to bring it to Earth in my little corner of reality, it means I’m ready to let go of all the limitations I’ve been playing with and believing in. It can be entertaining and even slightly productive to keep trying to sort myself out, but at some point it’s time to choose that breath, that knowing, and step into heaven (or enlightenment, ascension, whatever we call it) and be done with the games. And that is what I choose now.

Barely hours from now a new cycle will begin. We will observe the birth of a new era, just days before we commemorate the birth of God on Earth as Yeshua. What better way to celebrate this precious time than to finally bring His vision to reality? That’s why we’re here, and now is the time.

Happy Christmas, ShaumbrA. the kingdom – and queendom – of heaven is at hand.

In Shoud 1 of the Freedom Series Adamus stated that this is the symbol of true freedom. He said, “The circle – completion, coming full circle. The spade – ascension. The fleur-de-lis – the integration of masculine/feminine, light/dark, human/Spirit.”

The Freedom Medallion is 1” (2.5 cm) across with black enamel on gold tone brass.

Wear it as a necklace, use it as a keychain or zipper pull, or carry it in your pocket as an energetic reminder of your freedom and sovereignty.

Medallion - $20

(Chain not included)

Click to Order




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January 2013

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Creator – Andieas Hoffmann, Mirella Baumgartner and FriendsCreation – Dancing Into Consciousness

Featuring “Quantum Heart Movements” choreographed in the moment to the audio of “Opening into Consciousness” by Geoffrey Hoppe and Yoham.

This DVD guides you into new dimensions of breathing, feeling and expanding yourself. Heart breathing and creative movements easily activate your complete “body of consciousness.” In a New Energy way of

learning, this is a playful journey in beautiful alpine nature to the inspired audio guidance of “Opening into Consciousness” by Geoffrey Hoppe and music by Yoham.

Email address: [email protected] Order website: www.crimsoncirclestore.comInfo website: http://quantumheartmovement.com Intro video: www.youtube.com

Creator – Gail Sutton Creation – Return to Paradise DC by Fragile X

Announcing The International Release of the brand new Fragile X CD, "Return To Paradise", the accompanying video to the single off the CD titled "Going Back Home", and the all the airplay we're getting in Great Britian, the NE USA, Hamilton Radio and more!

It is who I AM! Email address: [email protected] Order website: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/fragilex13

Info website: http://www.fragilexband.com/ YouTube vid: www.youtube.com

Creator – Rei ShantihCreation – The Next Sexual Revolution: Integration(From the energies behind sex, love and relationships to becoming the master of your own being)

After searching for answers in matters of human relationships and sexuality for at least two lifetimes, after many ups and downs and drama, I finally released myself to the guidance of my soul self. It all came together as I came to the last conclusions and insights. The result is my life's work: this book. As I see it, it is truly a Shaumbra and a New Energy book and I would recommend to every human being on Earth.

Email: [email protected] Order at: Amazon.com

Please note that this will be the final edition of Shaumbra Creations. Watch for upcoming news about a brand new "Shaumbra Ads" section where you can advertise almost anything!

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Creator – Gloria di SimoneCreation – New Energy Artwork

ART for the HEART is born from the desire to bring joy and lightness into the lives and hearts of people. What I care about is their serenity and their balance, so that people can live a fulfilled life, rich in experiences, conscious of the beauty that surrounds us all the time. So my purpose is to make art accessible to everyone via the Internet or on the streets.

This painting, inspired by the recent “Halloween DreamWalk” with Adamus, is called “Dream: The Doorway to Heaven.”

Email address: [email protected] Info & order website: www.magicartforlove.com

Creator – Paul ReinigCreation - The I Am Experience - Embrace Life (CD)

"Embrace Life" is 13 tracks (over 70 minutes) of awesome instrumental rock music and is available only as a digital download on iTunes, Amazon MP3, and many more. Whatever you have, simply do a search for “The I Am Experience” and you’ll probably find it. On Facebook you can actually preview the entire CD as well as purchase it (http://tinyurl.com/8m5tb5p).

Email address: [email protected] Order website: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/theiamexperience

Info website: http://www.the-i-am-experience.com

Please note that this will be the final edition of Shaumbra Creations. Watch for upcoming news about a brand new "Shaumbra Ads" section where you can advertise almost anything!

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Continued next page


www.awakeningzone.com The International Radio Network for Empowered Awakening

If you would like to receive the weekly Show Schedule via email, just click here to sign up. It’s easy!And be sure to browse through the Archives for plenty of amazing and entertaining shows on many different topics.

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The Animal CodeWith host Asia VoightThursday, December 20 Guest: Barbera Techel

Alquimia Divina con Maria MagdalenaCon Malu Gaxiola &Raiza PreziusoMartes, 18 de deciembre Invitado: Magdala

AstrodocWith hosts Dr. Douglas Davies &Linda Benyo HoppeCheck the Awakening Zone Calendar

Breath of LifeWith hosts Norma Delaney &Garret AnnofskyWednesday, December 19Sunday, January 5

Bright LightWith host Dee WallaceEvery Monday

The Clear Vibration With host Joe RumboloThursday, December 20 Guest: Nick ArandesThursday, December 27 Guest: Listener call-in

Come il VentoOspitato da Enrico Madrigano &Graziella PesceControllare il Calendario Zona Risveglio

Conversation at the Cutting EdgeWith host Sandie SedgbeerThursday, December 20 Guest: Jim SelfThursday, December 27 Guest: Barry Goldstein

Conversations with Jim SelfWith host Jim SelfTuesday, December 18 Guest: Lee Harris

Cosmic ParticlesWith host Dr Meg Blackburn LoseyWednesday, December 19 Guest: Steve SoraWednesday, December 26 Guest: Sam Semir OsmanagichWednesday, January 2 Guest: Stephen MehlerWednesday, January 9 Guest: Listener call-in

The Crimson Circle ShowWith hosts Geoffrey & Linda HoppeSaturday, December 1 Guest: Adamus Saint-Germain

Saturday, January 5 Guest: Adamus Saint-GermainSaturday, February 2 Guest: Adamus Saint-Germain

Czas Tworzenia (Time of Creation)Goszczony przez Vie Pallé Oraz Iwona WirkusTjek Awakening Zone kalender


(Dimensional Travelers)Jと宗矩によってホストされている


ゲスト: 元得

The Dr. Elizabeth ShowWith host Dr. Elizabeth LambaerCheck the Awakening Zone Calendar

The D-SpotWith host Kelly Sullivan WaldenMonday, January 7 Guest: Irene VincentMonday, January 14 Guest: Cynthia KerseyMonday, January 21 Guest: Listener call-inMonday, January 28 Guest: Zubin Sherring

El Explorador del Alma Con los anfitriones Pablo MoranoRevise el calendario Awakening Zone

Page 14: Shaumbra Monthly January 2013

La Nueva Revoluciónç LatinoamericanaCon los anfitriones Roberto & Silvia MendozaDomingo, 6 eneroDomingo, 10 febrero

The Light LoungeWith hosts Steve & Barbara Rother & Meg Adamson-GourSaturday, December 29Saturday, January 19Saturday, February 16

Мы Есмь Галактический Человек (We are Galactic Beings)Larisa ArtamanovaСреды, 9 январяСреды, 13 февральСреды, 13 Март

New BeginningsWith host Lee CarrollCheck the Awakening Zone Calendar

New Consciousness ReviewWith host Miriam KnightEvery Friday

NEW PotentialsWith host David McMasterCheck the Awakening Zone Calendar

Nova EnergijaZ Tjaša Pavček in Branka BožičPreverite koledar Awakening Zone

Pleiadian Tools for Self-RealizationWith host Christine DayCheck the AZ Calendar

Polskie Tlumaczenia ShouduGoszczony prezez Lukas SalekTjek Awakening Zone kalender

Pure Presence – Aligning to SelfWith host Suzy MillerFriday, December 21

Pure Presence – All About the KidsWith host Suzy MillerFriday, December 28

Radio Ahmyo – Ny BevidsthedGazduit de Silvia MarinTjek Awakening Zone tidsplan

Romanian AwakeningsMed værter Anne Maribo & Finn AndersenSâmbătă, 22 decembrie Oaspete: Manuela Sfirschi

Solutions for a Small PlanetWith host Pepper LewisCheck the Awakening Zone calendar

Sunday Healing ServiceWith host Kahu Fred SterlingEvery Sunday

Visiones Multidimensionales (Multidimensional Insights)Con los anfitriones Hilda Diaz y Norma Isabel OjedaJueves, 21 de diciembre Invitado: Anders HolteJueves, 18 de enero

Feeling GoodWith host Marisa CalviSunday, January 13

Frissito (Refreshment) A házigazdák Alfred Halasz & Timea ThomazyEllenőrizze az Awakening Zone naptár

The Great ShiftWith host Kahu Fred SterlingEvery Thursday

Heart SightWith host Nina ImpalaCheck the AZ Calendar

Helen & Ontwaken (Healing & Awakening)Mit hosts Dr. Eppe Kaizer & Nelleke KaizerControleer de Awakening Zone kalender

Hispanoamerica en Sintoníacon el ShoudSábado 5 de enero Invitado: Adamus Saint-GermainSábado 2 de febrero Invitado: Adamus Saint-GermainSábado 2 de marzo Invitado: Adamus Saint-Germain

InnerSpeak Soul AdventuresWith host Jean AdrienneTuesday, December 18 Guest: Marlene Chism

Journeys with JonetteWith host Jonette CrowleyThursday, January 3Thursday, January 24

Kendini Seç (Choose Yourself)Ev sahibi ile Deniz SertbarutUyanış Kuşağı takvimi Giriş


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Continued next page

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Advanced Studies Classes taught by Certified Teachers – click here for information

DREAMWALKER™ASCENSION TRANSITIONS Rush Valley, Utah USA December 22-24, 2012 Presented by certified teacher Yvonne Jarvie

Berlin, Germany January 4-6, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Sandra Heuschmann

Bucharest, Romania January 25-27, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Georgeta Blanaru (Gratia) and Costinel Floricel

Munich, Germany January 25-27, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Angelika Ruppert

Rødvig Stevns, Denmark February 1-3, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Anne Soevang

Penticton, BC, Canada February 8-10, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Crystal Rose

DF. México February 15-17, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Malu Gaxiola and Raiza Preziuso

Heidelberg, Germany February 15-17, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Maria Rebhahn

Denver, Colorado, USA February 22-24, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Paul Cook

Krakow, Poland April 5-7, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Liliana Tough-Wojciechowska

Warszawa, Poland April 12-14, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Liliana Tough-Wojciechowska

Bad Honnef (near Bonn), Germany August 23-25, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Brise Baulitz and Gerd Heesen

DREAMWALKER™ BIRTH TRANSITIONS Munich, Germany December 28-30, 2012 Presented by certified teacher Elisabeth Geissler

ASPECTOLOGY® SCHOOLBensheim, Germany December 27-29, 2012 Presented by certified teacher Maria Rebhahn

Perth, Western Australia December 28-30, 2012 Presented by certified teacher Yvonne Bost

Zurich, Switzerland January 4-6, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Rosmarie Lotmar Golden, Colorado USA January 18-20, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Jean Tinder & Joep “Youp” Claessens

Penticton, BC Canada January 25-27, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Jamye Hanson

Berlin, Germany February 1-3, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Sandra Heuschmann

Buochs, Nidwalden, Switzerland February 15–17, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Andrea Briegel

Bucharest, Romania February 22-24, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Carmen Rivalet

Munich, Germany February 22-24, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Ulrike Hellgardt-Lent

Jutland, Denmark March 8-10, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Anne Soevang

Murrieta, California USA March 22-24, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Elizabeth Rodriguez

Boulder, Colorado, USA March 29-31, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Joshua Cove

Geneva, Switzerland April 13-15, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Jutta Bosch

Ft. Collins, Colorado USA May 24-26, 2013 Presented by certified teachers David McMaster

Bad Honnef (near Bonn), Germany July 12-14, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Brise Baulitz and Gerd Heesen

Rancho Cordova CA ( Sacramento area) USA January 11-13, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Iwona Wirkus

Syke (near Bremen), Germany January 18-20, 2013Presented by certified teachers Sigrid Nullmeyer & Lutz Nullmeyer

Munich, Germany February 8-10, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Angelika Ruppert

Bucharest, Romania February 22-24, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Georgeta Blanaru (Gratia) and Costinel Floricel

Zurich, SwitzerlandMarch 22-24, 2013Presented by certified teacher Rosmarie Lotmar

DREAMWALKER™DEATH TRANSITIONS Brasov, Romania December 27-29, 2012 Presented by certified teachers Carmen Meera & Florin Mandiuc

St. Paul, Minnesota, USA December 28-30, 2012 Presented by certified teachers Jane Hamilton and Debby Decker

Berlin, Germany January 11-13, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Sandra Heuschmann

Munich, Germany January 11-13, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Silke Steininger

East Grinstead, United Kingdom January 25-27, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Janet James

Perth, Western Australia January 21-23, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Jennifer Grace King

TBA, Denmark January 25-27, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Anne Soevang

Geneva, Switzerland January 25-27, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Herbert Eichenberger

Denver, Colorado, USA January 25-27, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Paul Cook

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SEXUAL ENERGIES SCHOOL Warsaw, Poland December 28-30, 2012 Presented by certified teachers Angelika Ruppert & Vie Pallé

Anticoli-Corrado (close to Tivoli/Rome) January 3-5, 2013 Presented by the certified teachers Gioia Villa and Bettina Maria Weigel Andersen

Bruchsal, Germany January 11-13, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Viola M. Koehler & Marika Kontuniemi

Penticton, BC Canada January 11-13, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Crystal Rose and James Hanson

Vienna, Austria January 11-13, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Gioia Villa and Anja Michel

Arad, Romania January 18-20, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Tiberiu Mihnea

Köniz, Berne, Switzerland January 18-20, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Heidi Stäheli & Rosmarie Lotmar

Murrieta, California, USA January 18-20, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Elizabeth Rodriguez & Stephan Weigandt

Bucharest, Romania January 25-27, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Mirela Ghenea & Carmen Rivalet

Lausanne, Switzerland January 25-27, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Jutta Bosch and Sylvie Chambaz

Lisbon, Portugal January 25-27, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Placidia Maria Espinha and Luis Gozalbes

Chur, Switzerland February 1-3, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Madeleine Bühlmann and Iris Senn-Jäggi

Livrons sur Drôme 26250 France February 1-3, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Liliya Kiselova and Jean-Pascal Danos

Syke (near Bremen), Germany February 1-3, 2013Presented by certified teacher Sigrid Nullmeyer

Bucharest, Romania February 8-10, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Carmen Rivalet

Golden, Colorado, USA February 15-17, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Joep "Youp" Claessens

Bucharest, Romania February 15-17, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Lucieta Gavril

Munich, Germany February 22-24, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Angelika Ruppert

Zurich, Switzerland March 1-3, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Rosmarie Lotmar

Munich, Germany March 15-17, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Ulrike Hellgardt-Lent

Krakow, Poland March 22-24, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Liliana Tough-Wojciechowska

Bad Honnef (near Bonn), Germany June 14-16, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Brise Baulitz


Munich, Germany January 3-6, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Angelika Ruppert

Netania, Israel March 13-16, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Inna Gorokhovsky

DISCOVERING YOUR PASSIONMunich, Germany December 29-30, 2012 Presented by certified teachers Angelika Ruppert

Munich, Germany January 19-20, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Ulrike Hellgardt-Lent

Bensheim, Germany March 2-3, 2013 Presented by certified teacher Maria Rebhahn

Bucharest, Romania March 8-9, 20130 Presented by certified teacher Georgeta Blanaru

Munich, Germany February 1-3, 2013 Presented by Ulrike Hellgardt-Lent and Karin Hoyer

Oxnard, California USA February 1-3, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Sue Loves and Laurie Hefner

Munich, Germany February 1-3, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Ulrike Hellgardt-Lent and Karin Hoyer

Bucharest, Romania February 8-10, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Costinel Floricel and Georgeta Blanaru (Gratia)

Philadelphia area, Pennsylvania February 8-10, 2013 Presented by Certified Teachers Ann Plantier and Clemens Federowicz

Syke (near Bremen), Germany February 8-10, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Sigrid Nullmeyer & Lutz Nullmeyer

Zurich, Switzerland February 15-17, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Rosmarie Lotmar and Jutta Bosch

Penticton, BC Canada February 22-24, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Crystal Rose and James Hanson

Helsinki, Finland February 22-24, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Irma Rantala and Auli Jääskeläinen

Manly Beach, NSW, Australia February 22-24, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Marisa Calvi and Jann Morgan

Glastonbury, Somerset, England February 22-24, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Nataša Babnik and Edward Sharp Bucharest, Romania March 1-3, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Lucieta Gavril and Andrei Tarta-Arsene Hanau am Main (near Frankfurt), Germany March 8-10, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Angelika Ziegler and Karin Hoyer

Advanced Studies Classes taught by Certified Teachers, cont’d – click here for information

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Helsinki, Finland March 29-31, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Irma Rantala and Marika Kontuniemi

Kauai, Hawaii April, 2013 Presented by certified teachers John McCurdy and Mary Beth Shewan

Heidelberg, Germany April 12-14, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Maria Rebhahn and Maria Estella Duernecker

Golden, Colorado USA March 15-17, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Jean Tinder and Joep Claessens

Albuquerque, New Mexico USA March 15-17, 2013 Presented by certified teachers John McCurdy and Mary Beth Shewan

Salt Lake City, Utah USA March 22-24, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Heather Teach and Michael Larson

Neuenstadt (near Heilbronn), Germany May 9-11, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Jessie Jandt and Karin Hoyer

Bad Honnef (near Bonn), Germany May 9-11, 2013 Presented by certified teachers Brise Baulitz and Gerd Heesen

Advanced Studies Classes taught by Certified Teachers, cont’d – click here for information

TEACHER TRAININGS offered by our Mentor Teachers in various languages around the world.Note: To become a certified Crimson Circle teacher, applicant must have completed desired class as well as Sexual Energies School


Berlin, Germany, March 15-18, 2013Presented by Sandra HeuschmannLanguage: English

Lelystad, Flevoland, Netherlands, April 25-28, 2013Presented by Kata Szenasi Language - English

Lake Chiemsee, GermanyMay 9-11, 2013Presented by Kathleen HawsLanguage: English




Sacramento, CaliforniaMarch 28-31 2013Presented by Iwona Wirkus and David McMaster


Mexico City, MexicoFebruary 10 - 13, 2013Presented by Malu Gaxiola and Raiza PreziusoLanguage: Spanish

Ft. Collins, Colorado, USAApril 30 - May 3, 2013David McMaster and Paul CookLanguage: English

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DE DK ES FI FR GR HU ID IT JP NL NO PL PT RO RU SL SR SV TRSPECIAL TOPICS10-10-10 Adamus in Berlin (Germany) X X X2011: Intense and Personal X X X X X X X2012: Deliverance X X X X X X XAdamus: Unleashed in Sedona X X X X X X X XAddictions X X X X X X X X XAncestral Karma X X X X X XAspectology X X X X X X XThe Beauty of Life X X X XBiological Rejuvenation X X X X X X X X XBody-Mind Integration (Germany) X XBody of Consciousness X X X X X X XChaos X X X X X X XConspiracies X X X X XDei Un Gnost X X X XDepression X X X X X X X XDreams X X X X X X X XDreamWalker for Pets X XEnergy In Motion (Turkey) X X X X X X X XThe Energy of Food X X X X X X XThe Energy of Music X X X XThe Evolution of Gaia X X XFields of Potentials (South Korea) X X X XThe High Definition Life (Romania) X X XKuthumi & Adamus in Rome (Italy) X X X XLiving Ascension (Germany) X XMental Imbalance X X X X X X XMormons & Other Spiritual Families X X XNew Consciousness (Australia) X XThe New Earth X X X XNew Earth Update (Madrid) X XNew Energy Business X X X X XNew Energy Education X X X X X X X X XOn Death & Dying X X X X X X X X X X X XOut of the Box X X XPets X X X X X X X X XProbabilities & Potentials X X X X X X X X XThe Quantum Leap X X X X XRelationships X X X X X X X X X X X X XRe-Order Your Reality X X X X X X XReunion (Romania) XRising to Freedom (Israel) X X X XSacred Geometry X X X X X X XSoul Encounter X X X X X X XSovereign One (Switzerland) X X X XThe 13th Strand X X X X XTime, Space & Measurement Systems X X X X XWhat Lies Ahead X X X X X X XWhat on Earth X X XYes, I Am Enlightened X X X X X

DE=German; DK=Danish; ES=Spanish; FI=Finnish; FR=French; GR=Greek; HU=Hungarian; ID=Indonesian; IT=Italian; JP=Japanese; NL=Dutch; NO=Norwegian; PL=Polish; PT=Portuguese; RO=Romanian; RU=Russian; SL=Slovenian; SR=Serbian; SV-Swedish; TR=Turkish

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INTENSIVESAlchemy of Consciousness (Egypt) X XThe Alchemy of Light & Dark (France) X X X X X XAngels & Aliens (Poland) X X X X XAtlantis & the Wound of Isis X X X X X XMidsummer Conference 2010 - Munich X X XMidsummer Conference 2011 - Santa Fe XMoving Stuck Energy (EU) X X X X XMysteries of Love (France) X X X XThe Oslo Sessions X X X X XSounds of the Soul (Egypt) X X X XTime Travels (Egypt) X X XTobias Returns to Israel (Israel) XPERSONAL STUDY COURSESDiscovering Your Passion X X X XDreamWalker Birth XExpanding Your Intuition (Greece) X X X X XInterdimensional Living X X X XJourney of the Angels X X X X X X XNew Energy Synchrotize X X XStandard Technology (Israel & USA) X X X X XWhat's Missing? X X XMUSICSeven Seals X X XCall To Awaken X XOpening Into Consciousness XStudio K XFREEAdamus on Japan – FREE X XChemia – FREE X X X X X X XDeath & the Astral Realms – FREE XDrama – FREE X X X X X X X X X X X XDo You Remember? – FREE X X X X X XIt Doesn’t Matter – FREE XLetter to Awakening Humans – FREE X X X X X X X X X XSedona Tri-Channel – FREE X XSES Intro – FREE X X XSilent Prayer – FREE X X X XThe Darkness is Your Divinity – FREE X X XTo the Messengers – FREE X XTwelve Awakening Signs – FREE X X X X XTobias & Kryon in Madrid – FREE X X XAWAKENING ZONETuning In Again, Vol. 1 X X X X X X X X X XTuning In Again, Vol. 2 X X X XHalloween DreamWalk with Adamus XMERABHS X X X X X X X X X X

DE=German; DK=Danish; ES=Spanish; FI=Finnish; FR=French; GR=Greek; HU=Hungarian; ID=Indonesian; IT=Italian; JP=Japanese; NL=Dutch; NO=Norwegian; PL=Polish; PT=Portuguese; RO=Romanian; RU=Russian; SL=Slovenian; SR=Serbian; SV-Swedish; TR=Turkish

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