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Shaun vembutty |Things You Should Consider When Building A New Home

Date post: 14-Feb-2017
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Real Estate Constructor – Shaun Vembutty
Page 1: Shaun vembutty |Things You Should Consider When Building A New Home

Real Estate Constructor – Shaun Vembutty

Page 2: Shaun vembutty |Things You Should Consider When Building A New Home

Things to Consider while constructing a new home

The owner of Ashton Gray Custom Homes Shaun Vembutty is an entrepreneur with a degree in computer science. His company has its base in Houston and alongside having properties for sale. They have build distinctive, luxury homes highlighting high-end designer finishes, fine-quality craftsmanship, ground-breaking floor plans and unique structures. Shaun Vembutty was born and raised in Chennai, India. Here he is describing about the things we need to consider while constructing a new home.

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DesignIf you are planning to build a house you will need a design. There are basically two routes to find a good design. The first is to find an architect or designer that you like, the other is to shop for pre-drawn house plans online. Design is very personal and what works for your neighbor may not be right for you. Listen to your gut feeling and find a designer or plan that feels like a fit. If it's not a fit, you will likely always feel that something is out of whack.As a designer I would like to say that everyone should hire an architect to design their home says, Shaun Vembutty, but the truth is that hiring an architect may not be the right choice. If you are looking for something uniquely yours or have unusual site

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Whether your site is the middle of an urban neighborhood or in a rural area, make sure the location is right for you, says Shaun Vembutty. This might seem obvious, but sometimes our heart decides before our head. If your new home will be a second home out in the boonies away from all kinds of services and you will only be visiting on the weekends, that's one thing.  But, if your new home is far from everything, and it's your year round home, it may be worth asking yourself if living an hour from groceries is for you.  I've heard of people building dream homes and then selling within a few years because the lifestyle was better in their minds than in reality.

The Ground You Build On

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Codes and Laws“Like it or not your new home will be required to meet codes”, says Shaun Vembutty..  The law of the land is the international residential code.  It is issued in three year cycles, and your local jurisdiction may not be using the current version because of their own review cycle.  I encourage you to build to the current version however, because eventually your jurisdiction will catch up and will be illegal sooner than you have to?  Of course, you will be grandfathered in, but it's important to recognize that the code is only a minimum standard. This is especially true with the energy code, it is probably the fastest moving target in the code update process right now.  It's wise to exceed the energy code and will mean a better built home and one that can be sold as code compliant in the future.

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Aging in placeAccording to Shaun Vembutty, most of us would like to age gracefully and die at some far off date. We imagine living in our own homes and never having to move to a place that offers assistance. For some of us, that fantasy isn't reality because most homes aren't designed for aging in place. A home that is built for aging in place is easy to navigate and is in a location that makes the daily experience of living easy, or a least doable. Examples of easy navigation includes a house without stairs, and doorways that are wide enough to let a wheelchair through. Things that are external to your home that make living easier might include being near a bus line or other forms of public transportation, being near shopping and entertainment, and having helpful neighbors. Simple things can make a big difference.

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Size MattersHouses come in all sizes from big McMansions to tiny little huts. Most of us don't need or want either, rather it's somewhere between. Of the two extremes, there is a lot to be said for building a smaller home. On the practical side it costs less to build smaller. That means that being a slave to the mortgage will end sooner and it might also allow you to buy that nicer lot that you've had your eye on.

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The Gobs Of Money You Will Spend

Building a house is expensive.  If you want a well built house, which you should, plan to spend some bucks.  Generally, I've seen two approaches on the money thing said Shaun Vembutty.  One is the bleeding money approach and the other is the keeping it in check approach.  Typically the bleeding through the nose approach is characterized by Owners who haven't done enough homework.   This is usually people who aren't clear about their budget and people who don't understand the process.  If you think you might be one of these people, I encourage you to dive into learning all that you can about the home building process. It's the only way to really keep it in check.

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A good team is probably the most important thing for a successful project, says Shaun Vembutty. A good team will certainly include your contractor, it can also include designers and engineers. Make sure that you are comfortable with all team members and they have the right experience to build your new home. Interview several team members to find the best fit for you. Get recommendations and trust your gut.

Find a Good Team

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