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Page 1: Shear Strength Behavior and Soil Water Retention …scientiairanica.sharif.edu/article_3165_1514625534c2dc67...Shear Strength of Silt-Bentonite 431 Furthermore, the nonlinearity of

Transaction A: Civil EngineeringVol. 17, No. 6, pp. 430{440c Sharif University of Technology, December 2010

Shear Strength Behavior and SoilWater Retention Curve of a DualPorosity Silt-Bentonite Mixture

M. Ajdari1;�, G. Habibagahi1, H. Nowamooz2,F. Masrouri3 and A. Ghahramani1

Abstract. Evaluation of soil shear strength is an important step in the stability analysis of earthstructures, foundations and natural slopes. The shear strength pro�le of unsaturated soil is dictated by thesuction pro�le. This pro�le depends on the evaporation rate, depth of the water table and the soil waterretention curve. In this paper, the soil water retention curve of a dual porosity silt-bentonite mixture isdetermined; employing the vapor equilibrium method and osmotic suction technique, and the validity ofthese approaches is examined against the results from the �lter paper technique. Besides, the e�ect ofthe stress state on the suction value is studied employing the �lter paper method. Furthermore, the shearstrength response of the material is evaluated for a wide range of suction values (0-287MPa) employingthe direct shear apparatus. Results of direct shear tests show that the expansive clay behaves like a normalconsolidated soil at suction values less than, or equal to, 20.5MPa, while its behavior is similar to theheavily over consolidated soils for suction more than 20.5MPa.

Keywords: Shear strength; Expansive clay; Soil water retention curve; Dual porosity.


Shear strength forms a fundamental engineering prop-erty in the design of numerous geotechnical structures,such as foundations, embankment dams, pavementsand retaining structures. Besides, suction has a signi�-cant e�ect on the shear strength features of medium to�ne grained soils. Therefore, considerable experimentalresearch has been done on the shearing response ofunsaturated soils.

Some researchers resorted to triaxial tests tostudy the e�ect of suction on the shear strengthparameters of soils [1-13]. Others selected directshear apparatus to investigate the role of suction incontrolling the shear strength of di�erent soils [14-18].

1. Department of Civil Engineering, School of Engineering,Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.

2. Laboratoire de G�enie de la conception (LGeCo) INSA deStrsbourg, France.

3. LAEGO, INPL, ENSG, Nancy-University, France.*. Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]

Received 16 November 2009; received in revised form 7 August2010; accepted 16 October 2010

The importance of matric suction in the stabilityof residual soil slopes in Singapore where shallowslides are frequent was illustrated by Rahardjo et al.(1995) [19]. Results of Oloo (1996) tests showed theimportance of matric suction in the bearing capacity ofpavement structures [20]. Rassam and Williams (1997)considered a suction pro�le and demonstrated that thestability was enhanced by about 25% when the matricsuction contribution to shear strength was taken intoaccount in the calculation [21]. Adams and Wulfsohn(1998) concluded from the results of their tests thatshearing under con�ning stresses greater than thematric suction of the soil caused pore water pressureto increase, with corresponding loss of strength at thecritical state of agricultural soils [22]. These soilsalso have strength signi�cantly lower than that de�nedby the critical state line, when sheared under zerocon�ning stress. Lee et al. (2005) centered theirstudy on understanding the e�ect of net normal stresseson the shearing response and Soil Water RetentionCurve (SWRC) of unsaturated soils [11]. Shimizu etal. (2006) studies con�rmed the e�ect of the drainagecondition in the results of shear tests [23].

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Furthermore, the nonlinearity of shear strengthversus suction envelope has been related to the soil-water retention curve by some other researchers [2-5,24-29].

Despite the huge amount of research on the shearresponse of unsaturated non-expansive soils, little workhas been done to date on the shear strength behavior ofexpansive unsaturated clays. Expansive clays, besidecollapsible clays [30], are among problematic soils,and exhibit certain characteristics such as considerableswell-shrinkage behavior and crack propagation duringthe drying-wetting process. Kim and Oneill (1998)employed a �eld test program to evaluate the e�ectof seasonal moisture changes on the unit shear stressacting on the sides of a drilled shaft in expansiveclay [31]. Miao et al. (2002) considered the e�ect ofnumber of drying-wetting cycles on the hysteresis loopof the SWRC of expansive clay [32]. They proposeda hyperbolic model to simulate the shear strengthof these soils. More recently, Zhan and Ng (2006)carried out some direct shear tests on slightly expansivenatural and remolded clays. The results demonstratedthat the dilatancy of soil increases with an increase insuction [33]. The axis translation technique was usedin this research and the tests were performed in therange of low suction values (0 to 200 kPa).

It is worth noting that highly expansive claysusually include extremely �ne grained montmoriloniteparticles, with air entry values more than the rangeof suction values covered using the axis translationtechnique. Besides, in engineering practice, soils areusually compacted at water contents close to the opti-mum value, leading to a bimodal pore size distributioncurve (dual porosity structure). Dual porosity claysare composed of the clay aggregates that, in turn,include considerable clay platelets. While the fabric ofthe aggregates makes the macro-structure of the soil,arrangement of clay platelets forms the micro-structureof the clay.

With this background, lack of information aboutthe shearing response and retention curve of compactedexpansive clays is still evident, especially for the highrange of suction values. In this paper, the shearstrength features and SWRC of an expansive dualporosity silt-bentonite mixture is studied, utilizing theosmotic method and vapor evaporation techniques.


In the osmotic method, a polyethylene glycol (PEG) so-lution was used to apply the suction. A semi-permeablemembrane separates macromolecules of the solutionfrom unsaturated soil [34,35]. The osmosis processallows water to exchange across the membrane with theamount of water swap depending on the macromoleculeconcentration. PEG with a molecular weight of 6000

Da (1 Da = 1:6605�10�24 g) was selected in this study.The relationship between PEG concentration and theamount of suction is given by [36,37]:

s = 11c2; (1)

where s is the suction in MPa and c is the con-centration of PEG in gr of PEG per gr of water.Temperature a�ects the relationship between suctionand PEG concentration, and Equation 1 is valid whenthe temperature is maintained at 20 � 1.5�C and forsuction less than 8.5 MPa [38].


The vapor equilibrium method has been founded onthe Kelvin equation for perfect gases, that is:

s = � w RTMgln(RH); (2)

in which s is suction (kPa), R is universal constantfor perfect gases (8.31 J�1.mol�1.K�1), w is the unitweight of water (9.81 kN/m3), g is the gravitationalconstant (9.8 m/sec2), M is the molecular weight ofwater (18*10�3 kg.mol�1), T is absolute temperature(K) and RH is relative humidity (%). Thus a constantvalue of total suction (the thermodynamic potential ofthe soil pore water relative to a reference potential offree water) will be imposed on a soil sample placednear to a saturated salt solution in an airtight chamber.Di�erent total suctions can be imposed by employingdi�erent solutions. It is worth mentioning that theuncertainty in the relative humidity imposed by a saltsolution is between 1 and 2%. Therefore, the validity ofthe saturated vapour equilibrium technique is limitedto suction more than 10 MPa [39].


An arti�cially prepared highly expansive silt-bentonitemixture was employed to study shearing responseand SWRC behavior. Forty percent of the materialconsisted of Xeuilley silt from east France. X-raydi�ractometry demonstrated that this silt contains 60%quartz, 20% montmorilonite and 11% feldspar withthe remaining part containing kaolin and mica. Thecommercially available bentonite contains more than80% calcium montmorilonite. The maximum particlesize used to prepare the samples was 400 �m (obtainedby sieving). Table 1 shows the physical characteristicsof the material.


The silt-bentonite mixture was blended to the desiredwater content and stored in a humid chamber. After

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Table 1. Physical properties of silt-bentonite mixture.

Liquid limit (%) 87

Plasticity index (%) 22

Speci�c gravity 2.67

Initial dry density (kN/m3) 14.5

Initial water content (%) 15

Pressure for static compaction (kPa) 2000

Optimum water content in

static compaction (%)23

Maximum dry density in

static compaction (kN/m3)17.8

Free swelling (%) 26

Swelling pressure (kPa) 350

48 hours, the soil was compacted in the shear box tothe required dry unit weight, employing a strain controlcompaction machine with a rate of 0.1 mm per minute.All samples were prepared to, nominally, the sameinitial dry unit weight and moisture content prior totesting. This is important to avoid any di�erence in thefabric of samples resulting from di�erent compactionmoisture content.

Fourteen specimens, 169 mm in diameter and10 mm in height, were prepared and tested in the directshear apparatus. The dry unit weight was in the rangeof 14.5 to 15 kN/m3 and the variation in moisturecontent was in the range of 14.5 to 15.5%. Elevensamples were put in airtight chambers beside di�erentsalt solutions for at least four weeks to impose di�erentsuction values, using the vapor equilibrium technique.Table 2 shows salt types and their correspondingsuction values. Samples were weighed sequentiallyduring these four weeks to ensure suction equalizationby monitoring variations in the weight of samples.Other samples (three specimens) were inundated inthe shear box to perform shear tests in a saturated

Table 2. Salt solutions and their corresponding suctionvalues.

Salt Suction Value (MPa)

LiCl 287.9

MgCl2 152.9

K2CO3 113.2

MgNO3 83.6

NaCl 38.9

KCl 20.5

KNO3 8.5

condition. Moreover, several smaller samples withdiameter of 38 mm and height of 10 mm were preparedby the same procedure to determine SWRC and alsoto measure the suction values of the material underdi�erent stress states.


The association between moisture content and suctionis referred to as the SWRC. To study the hydro-mechanical behavior of multiphase media, such assaturated and unsaturated soils, one needs to know thecharacteristics of the material. SWRC parameters canrepresent these characteristics.

For gap graded soils with two or more porestructures, the corresponding SWRC can be bimodalor multimodal. For dual porosity soils, with suctionsurpassing the �rst air entry value, air starts to �ll themacro-pores. At this stage, the micro-pores remainsaturated until the suction reaches the second bubblingpressure. Therefore, more parameters are needed todescribe the whole bimodal SWRCs, which are residualdegrees of saturation for micro-pores (Sr)rm and thebubbling pressure of micro-pores (ua�uw)bm. To makea distinction between parameters of macro-pores andmicro-pores, parameters of the �rst part of SWRC arerecognized by capital M : (ua�uw)bM for the bubblingpressure of macro-pores, and (Sr)rM for the residualdegree of saturation for macro-pores.

It is worth noting that several other studies havebeen performed on bimodal SWRCs in recent years [40-42].

Testing Program

Desorption and sorption branches of the SWRC ofa silt-bentonite mixture were determined in termsof gravimetric moisture content, w, and also degreeof saturation Sr, using osmotic suction for suctionsless than or equal to 8 MPa, also employing thevapour equilibrium method for suction values morethan 8.5 MPa.

The �lter paper technique was employed to vali-date the results. Samples and Whatman No. 42 �lterpapers were placed in a container for at least twoweeks until they reached a state of equilibrium with therelative humidity in the measuring chamber. Moisturecontents of the samples and papers were measuredand their suction values were determined based on thestandard curve [43].

A petroleum product named kerdane was em-ployed to determine the volume of voids and hencethe variation of volume during free wetting and dryingprocesses. The Kerdane contact angle is more than90�, and therefore, it is a non wetting uid. Samples

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were weighed in a wetted situation and while sampleshad been submerged in Kerdane. The total volume ofthe samples was then determined using the Archimedesrule. Having the total volume of the sample, togetherwith the water content and weight of the soil specimen,the unit weight of the soil and, subsequently, the voidratio, is determined.

Results and Discussion

The results of the drying branch were compared withthe results from the �lter paper test (Figure 1). Thereis a di�erence between the results of the �lter paperand the osmotic method in the �rst portion of SWRC,as shown in the �gure. This di�erence indicates thedi�erence between total and matric suctions of thesoils measured using �lter paper and osmotic methods,respectively.

Figures 2 and 3 show the experimental data pointsdescribing the variation of degree of saturation versussuction during desorption and sorption processes, re-spectively. The SWRC parameters determined fromthese �gures are presented in Table 3. These bimodalSWRCs imply that micro-pores can be desaturated,even in highly expansive clayey soils.

Figure 1. Drying branch of SWRC, osmotic technique,vapour equilibrium methods and �lter paper tests results.

Figure 2. Drying branch of SWRC: variation of degree ofsaturation with suction.

Figure 3. Wetting branch of SWRC: variation of degreeof saturation with suction.

Table 3. Parameters of SWRC of silt-bentonite mixture.

Parameter DryingBranch


(ua � uw)bM (MPa) 1 2

(ua � uw)bm (MPa) 100 100

(Sr)sm 50 25

(Sr)rM 50 25

(Sr)rm 1 1


To study the in uence of stress state on the suctionof dual porosity soils, the relationship between thecompaction pressure and the total suction of thematerial was studied. Three compaction pressures wereselected: 800, 1000 and 1200 kPa. The total suction ofthe compacted samples was measured using the �lterpaper technique. The suction measurements and theinitial dry densities are plotted in Figure 4.

As seen from these �gures, the iso-suction curvesare inclined beyond the optimum water content, thusindicating the dependence of the suction on the appliedload. On the dry side of the optimum moisture content,

Figure 4. Static compaction curves with iso-suctioncurves.

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the suction does not depend on the initial dry densityof the soil, and the iso-suction curves are parallel tothe vertical-axis. Some other researchers have reportedsimilar results for compacted clayey materials [44-46].

The results imply that the loading mechanismonly a�ects the macro porosity, which does not containfree water at high suctions, and the moisture is gener-ally held inside the micro pores (aggregates). In otherwords, suction is controlled by the microstructure onthe dry side of the optimum, which means pore waterpressure does not vary during the loading process ifsuction values are big enough. It may, therefore, beconcluded that at high suction values, one may shearthe samples quickly in a direct shear test under con-solidated drained conditions without worrying aboutpressure equalization throughout the specimen.

It is worth noting that Rahardjo et al. (2004)demonstrated that the response of the pore-waterpressure or the matric suction in constant water testsis not related to the volume change of the dual porosityclayey soil during shearing [10], which con�rms theaforementioned conclusion.


The shear strength of soils is recognized based on thecritical state concept. The critical state is a failurecondition under which the soil under loading conditionsdeforms with no further change in volume [47]. Thecritical state theory has been extensively used to estab-lish models for simulating the elastic-plastic behaviorof unsaturated soils [5,28,48-52], but experimental workis relatively limited, especially for expansive soils.

Testing Program

Fourteen direct shear tests were performed under sat-urated and unsaturated conditions. Di�erent suctionvalues were imposed on eleven samples employingthe vapor equilibrium technique. Samples were putin the direct shear apparatus following the suctionequalization phase. Then, di�erent net vertical stresses(di�erence between normal stress and pore air pressure)were applied to the specimens. Quick shearing ofthe unsaturated samples (suction values of more thanor equal to 20.5 MPa) started when the compactionprocess was completed. Suction values of the sampleswere checked at the end of the shear phase, utilizing the�lter paper method. The discrepancy from the initialsuction was negligible. A similar method was used byBlatz et al. (2002) to perform triaxial shear tests ona sand-bentonite mixture [53]. Moreover, three othersamples were inundated in the shear box in order tocarry out slow shear tests under satur5ated conditions(rate of horizontal displacement = 0.036 mm/min).Table 4 demonstrates the outline of tests.

Table 4. Outline of the direct shear tests.

Number Net VerticalStress (kPa)


Type ofthe Test

1 50 0 Slow2 100 0 Slow3 150 0 Slow4 100 20.5 Quick5 200 20.5 Quick6 400 20.5 Quick7 100 38.9 Quick8 100 83.6 Quick9 100 113.2 Quick10 100 152.9 Quick11 150 152.9 Quick12 50 287.9 Quick13 100 287.9 Quick14 150 287.9 Quick

Results and Discussion

Results from saturated tests are presented in Figure 5.The signs for vertical strain are expressed as posi-tive for dilation and negative for contraction of thesamples. Vertical strain versus horizontal normalized

Figure 5. Results of saturated direct shear tests. (a)Shear stress versus normalized horizontal displacement;(b) vertical strain versus normalized horizontaldisplacement.

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displacement curves does not exhibit critical statebehavior, and contraction of the samples continueseven after the critical state occurrence in the spaceof the shear stress. The internal friction angle ande�ective cohesion of the material under a saturatedcondition is equal to 21.8�and 20 kPa, respectively.Shear stress-horizontal normalized displacement curvesunder a saturated condition, and for suction values of20.5 MPa (Figures 5 and 6), show strain hardeningbehavior until they reach a plateau with no furtherchange in shear stress, which implies a critical statesituation. Therefore, at relatively low suction values,the behavior of samples is similar to the characteristicsof a normally consolidated soil. Samples that are undergreater net stresses tend to contract more. It meansthat the volume change of the samples in the rangeof low suction values is governed by the value of netvertical stress.

Figure 7 shows the shearing behavior of somesamples under net vertical stress of 100 kPa and atsuction values of 38.9, 83.6 and 113.2 MPa. The postsoftening behavior of these samples includes a seconddrop in the shear stress at high strain levels (Figure 7).This behavior is a specialty of extremely �ne grain soils,such as montmorillonite [54].

Figure 6. Results of direct shear tests at suction equal to20.5 MPa. (a) Shear stress versus normalized horizontaldisplacement; (b) vertical strain versus normalizedhorizontal displacement.

Figure 7. Results of direct shear tests at net stress equalto 100 kPa for di�erent suction values. (a) Shear stressversus normalized horizontal displacement; (b) verticalstrain versus normalized horizontal displacement.

At high suction values, the compacted specimensexhibit characteristics of a heavily over consolidatedsoil with post softening behavior after peak shearstrength (Figures 8 and 9). These specimens also showan increase in total volume after an initial contractionduring shearing. This behavior can be attributed to thein uence of suction on the structure of the samples.Surpassing the air entry value corresponding to themicro-pores, suction causes the dispersed texture ofthe clay particles to change to a occulated structure.Changing the structure of the soil from a dispersedarrangement to a occulated fabric will shift thenormal consolidation line to the right side [55] and,thus the yield stress of the soil increases signi�cantly(Figure 10). Alonso et al. (1995) also performed severaldrying-wetting tests on the compacted expansive clayeysoils in an oedometric condition under di�erent appliedstresses [56]. The results indicated that the dryinginduced accumulated shrinkage increased the over-consolidation ratio. Therefore, structured clay showsa behavior similar to heavily over consolidated soils.

The variation of shear strength with suction fornet vertical stress equal to 100kPa is shown in Fig-ure 11. The nonlinear envelope approaches a plateauwith no further change in the shear strength for a widerange of suction values. Rassam and Williams (1999)reported similar results for tailing soils [7].

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Figure 8. Results of direct shear tests at suction equal to152.9 MPa (a) Shear stress versus normalized horizontaldisplacement; (b) vertical strain versus normalizedhorizontal displacement.

Figure 9. Results of direct shear tests at suction equal to287.2 MPa. (a) Shear stress versus normalized horizontaldisplacement; (b) vertical strain versus normalizedhorizontal displacement.

Figure 10. Schematic sketch of the suction inducedhardening (AC: suction increase, CD: increase in netstress).

Figure 11. Variation of shear strength with suction atnet stress equal to 100 kPa.

Figure 12. Critical state line for di�erent suction valuesin the net stress space.

Figure 12 shows the critical state lines for di�erentsuction values. The slopes of these lines representsthe friction angle (�0) of the soil at di�erent suctionlevels. Figure 13 demonstrates the variation of �0 withsuction. It is clear that the e�ective internal frictionangle increases signi�cantly with suction changes, andit was assumed that its variation with suction is linear.Lee et al. (2005) reported an exponential increase in�0 with suction for weathered granite [11].

An e�ective stress principle can bring together allexperimental data around a unique critical state line.

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Figure 13. Variation of internal friction angle withsuction.

Bishop (1959) suggested the following e�ective stressexpression for unsaturated soils [57]:

�0v = �v + �s; (3)

in which �0v is the e�ective vertical stress, �v is netvertical stress, s is suction and � is e�ective stressparameter, being 0 for completely dry soil and 1 forfully saturated soil. This parameter strongly dependson the soil structure. The shear strength of unsaturatedsoil is determined as follows:

� = �v tan'0(s) + �s tan'0(s) + c0; (4)

where '0(s) is the e�ective internal friction angle, andc0 is the e�ective cohesion of the soil. Furthermore, theshear strength of saturated soils is expressed by:

�0 = �v tan'0 + c0: (5)

The e�ective stress parameter is determined withrespect to a reference point (saturated condition) fromEquations 4 and 5 as follows:

� =� � �0 � �v(tan'0(s)� tan'0)

s tan'0(s) : (6)

Figure 14 shows the variation of e�ective stress param-eter (�) with suction. Variation of '0 with suction wasconsidered during the calculation of �. Parameter �controls the contribution of suction to shear strength.For the high range of suction values tested in this study,the values of � are relatively small; however, due tothe very high values of suction, the total contributionof suction, �s, is very signi�cant (Figure 11). E�ectivevertical stresses for all tests were determined using thecorresponding � values. Figure 15 shows the criticalstate line in the space of e�ective stress. The parame-ters of the line were determined using linear regressionon all data and assuming a constant intercept (c0) of20 kPa.

Figure 14. Variation of e�ective stress parameter withsuction.

Figure 15. Critical state line in the e�ective stress space:c0 = 20 kPa; �0 = 26:5.


To investigate the structure of the soil, bimodal SWRCof an expansive dual porosity silt-bentonite mixturewas studied, employing the osmotic method and thevapor equilibrium technique. Results were veri�ed bycomparing results from a �lter paper test.

Saturated slow and unsaturated, fast, direct,shear tests were carried out to determine shear strengthfeatures of expansive soil. It is recommended toperform direct shear tests in which the suction canbe measured or controlled, in order to ensure constantsuction throughout the test.

The results indicate that for all suction values,the soil shear strength increases with the net verticalstress. Also, dilation of the soil specimens occurredonly at suctions more than the air entry value of micro-pores.

The strain hardening-softening behavior of thesamples and also the volume change of specimensduring shearing can be explained by considering thesoil structure to consist of soil aggregates made up of�ner particles. It was concluded that soil aggregates,rather than soil particles, govern the volume change,and the pore water pressure responses of the compacted

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expansive silt-bentonite mixture at high suction lev-els.


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Mohsen Ajdari received his M.S. in Geomechanicsfrom Shiraz University in 2004 and has been workingon his Ph.D. thesis since 2007. He has published 10 pa-pers in respected journals and international conferenceproceedings.

Ghassem Habibagahi is a Professor in the Depart-ment of Civil Engineering at Shiraz University. Hisresearch interests include: Unsaturated Soil Mechanics,Geoenvironmental Engineering and Embankment DamEngineering. He received his Ph.D. degree from Mon-treal University in 1991. He has published more than

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50 papers in the �eld of soil mechanics in internationaljournals and conference proceedings.

Hossein Nowamooz is Assistant Professor in theDepartment of Civil Engineering at Strasbourg Uni-versity. He received his Ph.D. from Nancy Universityin 2007. He has published numerous papers in the�eld of Unsaturated Soils in international journals andconferences.

Farimah Masrouri is currently a Professor of CivilEngineering at Nancy University. Her research in-terests include Developing New Methods, such as theOsmotic Technique and Vapor Equilibrium to Impose

Suction on Unsaturated Soils. She has publishedmore than 50 papers in international journals andconferences.

Arsalan Ghahramani received his Ph.D. degreefrom the Department of Civil and EnvironmentalEngineering at the University of Princeton in 1967.He is currently Professor of Geotechnical Engineeringin the Civil Engineering Department of Shiraz Uni-versity. He has published more than 70 papers inrespected journals and international conference pro-ceedings. He was also selected as one of the most \dis-tinguished �gures" of the Iranian scienti�c communityin 2008.
