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Home > Documents > Shenandoah Herald.(Woodstock, VA) 1905-06-09. · SHENANDOAH HERALD IS PUBLISHED WELKLY BY JOHN II....

Shenandoah Herald.(Woodstock, VA) 1905-06-09. · SHENANDOAH HERALD IS PUBLISHED WELKLY BY JOHN II....

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SHENANDOAH HERALD IS PUBLISH ED WELKLY BY JOHN II. GKABIIX woodstock, virginia. FRIDAY, JUNE 9. l90\S. Mr. Jg Alston Cabell, candidate for Lieut. Governor, has returnei from a speech making tour, in thi South West. He says he will in thc race to the finish. "Governor Ifomtague spoke to ; great gathering in Woodstock la* night, and according to message received bj the News-Item todaj fron that place tie wa* given an ovatioi the like of which i> leldom seen ii that town." M in. News-Hems June Isl As Governor Montague did noi speak at all in Woodstock, tin- publication of sikTi dispatche. mav cause the public to lose con¬ fidence in the truthfulness ol newspapers of the present day. The statement that "he \n as giv- en an ovation the like of which iv seldom seen in that town." may possibly be true, as Gov. Montague was at the Geary Ho¬ tel and received a few callers, not exceeding fifteen in number. as few persona knew that he would be in town. . The duties of the Governor of Virginia must be indeed very light. Our present Goverfiorhas plenty ol time to canvass the en¬ tire state, in his effort to be chos¬ en as the candidate of the demo¬ cratic party for United States Senator. Mr. Montague in his attacks upon Senator Martin has only brought to light the good qualities oi Mr. Martin and has really made more votes for Mar¬ tin than for himself. The dem¬ ocratic party should rebuke Mr. Montague not only for spending the time which belongs to the Commonwealth in canvassing for himself, but for his abortive at¬ tempt to bring into disrepute one of the most prominent men in the democratic party. Mr. Mar¬ tin, on the other hand, deserves *rreat credit for remaining at his post until the Senate adjourn¬ ed aud in merely defending his own record when it was assailed by Mr. Montague. Every intel¬ ligent democrat knows that Mar¬ tin had sufficient material to make a spirited attack upon tin- Governor of Virginia. This he lias refused to do. and by hiv re¬ fusal has won the respect and confidence of his party and will receive a larj_;e majority of their votes at the primary. Senator Martin is fortunate in hav¬ ing the bitter and blatant opp of Wm. L. Royall in bis campaign for re-election. Mr. Royall ia h. si remembered in Virginia politics aa the attorney for th.- British bond-holder* in their tight against the stat, debi settlement. Rockingham Register. MARTIN STRIKES BACK. Senator Thos. S. Martin at W chester Saturday night mau. a stn menl In repljr to a speech by Willi) L. Royall, formerly editor of I Richmond Times, in which Um ¦tated that Mr. Martin's first elect! to the Senate in 1893 wai accomplii ed tty money and influences exert hy the railroads. Mr. Martin said : "I have read t newspaper reports «>f Mr*. Royal .peech. Disparagement, mia ration, malice ami vindictl have l>een the characteristic featui of this campaign against me since eoB_-BC_ieemeot A few men can alwa tte found adapted to work of tliat si and sdlling to do it. afr. Hoy all li made his contribution and it worthy of him. It is bul a rehash charges which as I have always uiah ¦tood were inspired by bim and we presented in tlie Legislature in Dew i ber, 1813, immediately after my non nation hy the Democratic caucus ai before my first election. The charg .*-.-rs* immediately investigated tty joint oommiUee in the two hour* Um Lssgislature appointed for* the pu BOSS and a majority of whom were ri opponents and had voted against d in the caucus. After a thorough investigation thi committee mads a report exoneratin me and my nomination from any fair of arong Ol any soil and comjdetel vindicated every member of the lative caucus who had voted for bm After this report had been made, tn Legislature proceeded to elect a » tor. wheo the report of the eonunittej was approved by my receiving ( Democratic rote cast In the body. Bis years later the report of this commit* tee and the action of tin previoui legislature wmto approved a^ain by my re-election by an OVerwhell majority. ''Now, after the laj»N. of twelve years, tlese false charges gtg resur¬ rected from the pit to which they had been justily consigned and arv being paraded for campaign purposes on behalf of my competitor. "Perhaps it is tin* rn-ot that they can do. Honest and fair-minded Virgin¬ ians cannot fail to put the stamp of disapproval on methods of this sort.'. John I1. Branch, one of Richmond's wealthiest bankers, has given $.'{0,000 to Rando!ph-Macon College, at Ash¬ land, to be used in ihe erection of a dormitory. PRESIDENT BUYS A VIRGINIA HOME. President Roosevelt, it ll reliabh reported, has purchased a farm of one hundred and fifty acres in Albemarle I (ounty. and will use it for a summer home. The tract acquired by the President ls i part of the Springfield plantation, seven miles from Beottsville and six* t ii miles from Charlottsville. lt is understood to be the object of tie President to keep this place as the ow spot where he and his family ma> gel into the heart ot tin* country, far from maddening crowds and the intermin¬ able rounds of official duties aw official wories. The State Committee. As already announced. State Chair man J. Taylor Ellyson has called i meeting of the Democratic Centra Committee to be held in Richmond cm the 15th instant for the purpose <> making arrangements for the stat. Democratic primaries to nominat. candidates for the United States Sm ate and for State offices. Under th- {.lan adopted bj the convention in 1!HM the primaries must be held not mon than ninety days nor less than sixt\ days prior to the general election, w that the date must be between August 8th and September9th. Licenses For June Weddings. Th.- following marriage licenses wen issued bv the Circuit Clerk of Shen- andoah county: Jno. 1*' Barrldl to Kinma P. Weather- holt/. Wailer A. Clem to Virginia E. Clana- 1.;::.. \. Persin to Julia V. Philips. lith Racey to Matilda P. Stick¬ ley. .|<>N. Hy. Poster to Clara V, Stump. \. G. Orndorfl to Sophia B. Keller. Gustavus McNealy to Nettie B. Rit¬ tenour. John Wilkins to Daisy V. Plauger. Alexander Moomaw to Cora Alic Hansberger. isaiah Kibler to Mrs. Mary H. Lich- liter. Jno. II. T- Sibert. to Sadie Bly. . I 'LORED Arthur 1'. McAfee to Minnie Houston. MT. CLIFTON Mr. J. Frank H.pner. has gone to Washington, D. c.. where he has em¬ ployment al the carpenter trade. Rice Coffman, of Mecanie is verj siek with lyphoid fev< r. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Punkhouser \!>ited the formers ulster Mrs, Dick Hepner, near Belgrade first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Harpine, visit¬ ed Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Andrick flrsl the week. Mr. I'.lnier Marshall spent last week with his father Chas. G. Marshall. }.. has been engaged in hon Bridge building for several years and has traveled through the South and South Western states quite extensively In the past year. He is one of the fon - men «»f th.- Co. which is located at moke, Va. Kev. Stickley. and Mrs. A. C. _nd- -. uro spending this week vi-..: itives in East Rockingham. Mr. and Mrs. .los. clem of Mt. Jackson, and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dellinger, of Hawkinstown, sj».*nt first of the week visiting Dr. and Mrs. N. i Schmucker. Mr. Chas. Zehring of Springfied. < >. is visiting his father and rel ati vi - near Macanie. The Normal of this place is pro¬ bing nicely. There being about 2ti young ladies and gentlemen in ott.: ence, which speaks areli for W. W. ' Peters, as t teacher*. Miss Vallie Holler of near Edin- burg spent last week visiting C. G. Marshall ai d family. Char)**- Holtze!aw, was committed to jail 4 mos. by Justice Will, Monday' '(ir Til*- l:nrt.nv <if :, in. 1,1 w;.t,.l, lw-1. ...,,-. ing to Mrs. Amanda Lane. He WA also accused of tie* larceny of MO. ts longing to Wm. Kirlin, Mrs. Lane' brother, with whom he has lived fo thi past few years. The mone charge was not pushed and on accoui of his youth the sentence was lenient as possible. A complete flog gingkin the writer's opinion, would hav been an elegant side line for the fou months. VICKSBURG. The old weather prophets si^i brought us a good rain last week. Mr. W. A. Wine who has been at tending school at Brents vii le, Va. is home having arrived last Thursday \*.as Bccompadied by two ol iii school-mates Messrs. Orville Folk an. .fohn Miller. Mr. James w. Gochenour is doing some painting near Moores Store. Va. a barn for Mr. Moses Gets, hons, foi Mr. John Gets, and Kirlins school house. Jim is a hustler, but his boy* don't do any painting. Mr. Arthur P. Ol inger, our bachelor painter (g painting Mr. W. P. Slier- man's house neal' here, "Senator" is iiUo a hustler, lint is not hustler enough to have reached the matrimon¬ ial state yet. Mm i ..tl.:.... _*..:»- -i .'' IS ...... . .... . .j'll/., I . nilli"' ll 4* we mentioned last week is at th writing is a little better. Miss Anna Mary Schaeffer was vi _. her friends Misses Katie an Anni.* Bauserman last w»*ek, and a tended the Sundaj School oonventio at Salem, near Hamburg this oountj Mrs. R. T. Brown is visiting al Ml < lifton. Mr. and Mis. I). If. Wine and Mr and Mrs. W. R. Doll left here las fridaj evening to attend the nanua meeting of the German Baptist chu rel at Bristol, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. D. 8. Jordeo and hter Ethel of near- Mt. Jackson Spent first of the week with Mr>. J'-, brother-J. W. Smoot/. and family. Mi. c. L. /.irkle and Miss Nannie Quick attended memorial exercises .it WiiKSMSjter, Tuesday. We are having a little rain this morning, snoogh t<» k.-.-p farassrs in doors for a little while. Hm following from this j.lace visited the [juray Caverns last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hottel. Lawson Hostel and Mrs. T>*na Shadwell, and Annie A. McCarthy, Maud Moyer, and Sal¬ lie C. Fox. The party expressed themselves a> being well pleased. Farmers will cut Home barley this week, unless it keeps on raining. JUJU. THE VIRGINIA CLASSIS. The Virginia Classis, Synod of the Potomac, of the Reformed church convened In St. John's church at Harrisville. Shenandoah county, at K o'clock on last Wednesday evening with a full attendance of ministers and layman. Hm opening service was conducted by the Kev. T. J. Hacker D. D.. of Roanoke. The retiring presiden, the le >. P. K. ( illino, ot \\ Inch, preachi d the -> mon. The Rev. ..{ T. Wright was elected president, and Bider D. ll. Sibert, of Martlnsburg, W. Va., rice president. The pa-tor. the Ihv. A. H. Smith, extended a heart} welcome to Classis in behalf pf the congregation and assigned the hom* -. The Classis is composed of 19 min¬ isters and the same number of Elders, representing 1<» pastoral charges, i he several pastors read their parochial reports on Thursday evening. These reports showed the various charges to be in a prosperous condition The subjects of Missions, Home and Foreign, Education, Orphan's Home, and Sunday schools, claimed the at¬ tend- in of i 'lassis. The consideration of Massanutten Academy consumed a large part of Classis'time and called forth earnest discussion, lt was the unanimous opinion of the bod} that the school must be maintained, and liberal things were devised for its enlargement ann better equipment. Th.- regular spring meeting next year, will !*. held at Mt. Crawford. Va. Rev. Dr. J. H. Hofthein* and Kider H. J. Selbert, of Martins- burg, were elected delegates lo the Potomac synod, which will meet in _______________B An»..lkn- .-.<_, ________ The services in the Reformed (hurt on Sunday were very largely attend.! At the communion in the morah the altar service was conducted I Rev. N. H. Sk \les and Rev. T. 1 Cromer. The sermon was deliven by Rei. T. Harker, and the communie was administered by Rev. Hotlhein The young people's ser\ ice was hel in tlie afternoon, when addn *s< made by Rei. G. ('-. Everhardt, Rei J. S. Guy and Rev. W. B. Shulei burg. At - ..'clock Rev. W. E. Hot I). D.. missionary to Japan and Chini delivered an able address on foreig missions. LMLKCM NOTRS. Regular service was held in th Methodist Tabernacle, last Sunda morning. Rev. E. i>. Sha pr will preach ii the Lutheran < 'burch, in this Sunday night, at 8 ock. Subject Tempera) Ih \. Jas. B. As irett preachi d in th Presbyterian Church, lasl Sunda; n ibject of Marriage and Divorce. Dr. I'. D. Sh i.h.'ii-T will pn ad next Sunday at 10:3(1 P. M. at Mt Jackson and will hold comraunh tfes Market al 3 P. m. Preparatory i> night, Saturday morn ing and night. (>:. ac ml of the dedication ol thi nen l hristian Church at Harrisonburg .. Sunda;.. Rev. Mr. Hamaker will not pc ach lu ru al his regular ap- bul "ill preach here Sunday morning June l*th n.-xt and at Strasburg thal night. service will be held in Grace I tefoi ch al I link- rton, i»n next Sun* ht. The Sunda; school will us-- "The Crown of June," ;i service prepared bj the "Hope Hub. o. In addition lo the service several nale quartettes will be rendered bj lome of tlie membees of the choir, and t solo by Mi-« Nora M. Ditzler. In he morning the pastor will preach ;. lennon «>n "The Office ol the Hoi) .spirit. Dr. Avlrctt's Address on Dav is. "ConfederateMemorial Dav," Jun. 3d) was remarkabh for many things, The ideal weather, the outpouring ol people j ounj old; their enthu¬ siasm still unquenchi d and unquench* able, in spite of fort) interveningyears since the war. loaded down ti years hs ve been, with momen¬ tous and monopolizing issues of their <>wn: the painstaking preparations, the lengthy and beautiful procession, touching and impressive feature of the re-burial of the carefully gather¬ ed dust ol four Virginia soldiers who had fallen in battle: the exercise - .:. the cemetery and the exercises in the court house; these and other details mad.- the occasion a more than usual¬ ly inspiring on*:. Th.' feature of features of course was the address ol the Rev. Dr. Avirett on Jefferson Davis. Space forbid- an extended notice, or anything like an adequate comment on ita characteristics, but it waa a sympathetic, animated and at times eloquent tribute to one whose title to greatness will gros bright* r as the days _ro by. Dr. A. showed him¬ self fully capable of demonstrating this. He has much of the ol about him. his fervent heart pouring itsell out in coble thought and senti¬ ment, into mould iffier tn. .11 l-l >.* ..'. ¦¦¦ ing sentences. He was enabled t present a picture of the Confederacy1 Hr--.t and onlj President, in a tigfe which disarmed prejudices and brougn out his career and achievements am character in juster proportions thai ar.n. rall; accorded him. Th-*writer feels that all who bean Dr*. Avirett will join in expressinj their indebtedness for his noble con tribution to the beautiful and mem orable features of ¦ beautiful am memorable day. P. D. S. So Tired ic may ! j from overwork, bi the chances arc its from an ii. active Livrp _ With a well conducted LIVE one can do mountains of labu without fatigue. lt adds a hundred per cent ( ones earning capacity. lt can be kept in healthful ac tlc by, and only by Ms Pi TAKE MO SUBSTITUTE. rjUDdE MANN IN TOWN. Jtldge Wm. H. Mann, candi¬ date for Governor of Virginia arrived in town at 1 o'clock to¬ day (Thursday) and is stopping at the (leary Hotel. Ile will ad¬ dress the Democratic voters at the Couti House to-night. \\ oodstock Boys Win Honors in Athletics. At the eomm.net m-mt exercises at Randolph-Maoon College] Ashland. Ya.. Mr. Edgar Newman was awarded a letter of honor In base ball and Mr. Chas. Wunder, a letter of honor in foot ball. Mr and Mrs. William P. Hayes, <»f Trenton, New Jersey, have issued cards for the marriage of ?h"ir* daugh¬ ter, Miss Florence Evelyn, to Dr. Edgar Bright Funkhouser, formerly of this county. Tbe Jc.-remony to take place at th*' State Hospital Chapel, Trenton, on Wednesday, .June 21st. Joe I aui:hlin I ruler a Silk Hat. Mr Joseph L. Laughlin, of this place, who is playing great ball with Krostburg, Md . this season made quite a hit with th.- Frostburg people on May .'{nth. The Frostburg Minimi Journal in reporting the game has the following to ia) about Mr. Laughlin, formerly .To. ! "Laughlin'! batting was ¦ feature the greatest ever seen in the lerritor. covered by this Leaugue with three two-baggers to his credit, h<- hit for B home-run far out ov.-r the center-field f.-nce. the first time ¦ ball has been hil over thin fence In a game in the histor) ot the Park " ".io.- Laughlin's bighit ov.-r center" field f.-iic.- was productive of innumer¬ able compliment* and many presents. Among tue latter ti oe near, me popu I ar clothing man, presented him with n.w .ilk hat. a silk handkerchief an< a bright new spring neck-tie Jame Kenney, peanut king, gave him Bvi bushels of peanuts, fane) mast, and box of cigars, all-Cuban flavor. Di C B. Shoemaker, the popular dentist n presented him with a five-dollar gol< cnn or the price in gold-filling «i. s. Little, a bookkeeper of th National Dank of Commerce, Norfoll disappeared and it ls said h.- \-.;i- **7 OOO ahead of his job About 20,000 persons attended ger vices at th*- German Baptists1 anuna meeting at Bristol, A Bad Scare. Some day you will get a bad scare when you feel a pain in your bowel* and i.'ar appendicitis. Safety ii.'s ii Dr. King's N.w Lit.-I'iiU. a sure cure, f<>r all bowel and stomach diseases, such asneadache, biliousness;costive --. etc. <ruaranteed at L. ll. Irwin't * 11-vi¦_*- -tore, only 25c. Tr\ them. LIST OF CONVEYANCES. E. \. Hopkins \> Kati. 1.. Knee. ti.... \V. Koontz an.! wife to T. A. and ll. T. Hoffman. .1. H. Doune) and wife to Matilda Silvius. Elias Coffman's heirs to \\\ i;. ('oilman. H. i'. Burgess and wife Anni.- M. Beatty. Keystone Driller Co. to Jos. ll. .Fish. r. Jos. H. Fisher add wife to Sam*] M. Kittenour. H. C. lurgei and wife t<» Abbe ill ( Henson to VV. '!'. Wil M. L. Waltoncomr. to Strasburg L. a i. i o. M. A. Wolverton to Annie C. Kern. II. !.'. Sibert ami husband to Jeremiah Spiki r. M. L. Art/ and wife to Shenandoah I e. Tho-.. Bowers and wife to John and I tehecca Cook. Frank Beydler and wife to Ella F. II H'kman. II. Smool comr. to C. F. Maphis. SEND YOUR JOB WORK To THK HERALD OFFICE. -EYES- To THI PUBLJC ol woodstock ; Ladies and gentlemen. I thank you most kindly for vour liberal patronage during the past two weeks, Having had confidence in me to trust your- effected and diseased eyes to my cac. I have decided to remain with you ¦ few days longer, namel) the first three days Of Court week. June 12th, 13th, and 14th at Hotel Holts- man, Woodstock. 1 will treat all en-- - of the eye rio matter from what cause. Hoping you will not forget to take advantage of the opportunit) of having your eyes examined free I charge i>_\ a Specialist formerly of Washington and Baltimore. Thanking you for past favors, I re¬ main. Respt yours, Di*. Chas. .1. .1. von Witt. Thom*. Lucas. Va. The Children's Fsvorlte. For Coughs, (coup. Whooping Cough, etc., One Minute Cough Cure is the children's favorite. This is because it contains no opiate, li per¬ fectly harmless, tastes good and cures. Sold by L. ll. Irwin. CASTOTITA. lian th* ey Hal Kind V?j K;.e Alsays Bought *T<Ze<tf%£fa__ Communication. IS IT TRUE? that prohibition'1 does HOI '.prohibit y" Many good laws are almost dead letters: but wis¬ dom and experience keep them on the staute books. Tlie liquor traffic ls regulated bj all conolized govern¬ ments. The us.- of Intoxicants is for¬ bidden b) all systems of ethics and religion. Temperance in all things, is more than one-third of hygiene and siinif i.tiote I.oi'.il (li.rion i_ one stage in the growth of virtue, charai ler, human SOCietj. In the states ( the Union, Local < Hption repi the lessons of experence, as learne by the people and their agents th courts, legislatures, local and natioi al administrations. "Prohibition deserves to ito. and ma) soon becom th.* firs! law of the New Natioi "Let e\ .-ry soul be i»ubject Ul .. higher powers.*1 "No good thing i failure: no bad thing, success." REPORT OF THE CONDITION .of THI - Shenandoah National ki at Bond-took* In the State ol Virginia, at tb close ol husiness-.Xay SS, IB itt-.ii in t ¦>. Doll *.k>. Loaneand discount. li ¦ (i\.til rafts, fecu red snd ucfecured 15.0 i.s. Mon !- to -. cie.. circulation Premium. <>n l S. Honda 210.0 Stocks, .>-.( 'i' ,r:-.-. etc. Banking Souse, furniture, \ li \rur.-s 1,737,1 Due Irom National Hanks [not Reserve Am.-nt- S.ai 1 ti Due from State Banks and lt;* nk.. ~ Due from approved reserve agent. Internal Revenue stamps i hecks and otber cash Items Notes ol other National Hanks tiona! paper currency, nickels, snd ..'nts ' HAM Legal tender notes tju K coemption tu ml with L*. B. Treasurer er cent, ot circulation 312. :>:i.!'Vi.-. 1.103 MO. ll. .»! Total 174.9-9 LiabiutI-s-. Dolla ss Capital stock paid In .sm plus fund (' nait ld. i tn ¦(;.«. li u exp. and taxes paid National Bank notest outstanding 6.280 Due to other National Hanks I.7MJ Due to Bl tte Banks and Banketi SIO. Individual depiMit- subject to i'h< Demand rertltl. ate ul deposil <»-ititi.-I cheeki (standing !. discounted Total 1T4,( Stats or Virgima, Count v ofShenan l«'ali>- I, ls. Coffmam Cashier ol the above-named bank, do solemnly swear I bal the above state* mcnl ii true n> the treat of rm knowli ijge and hellel 14.COI !»l W « ashier. Sulrscrilted and sworn to before rm thin -J lay ol lune ISM t -.'trent: \v L NB sr u an, Notary P N. H. :'¦ HM I i J. H. w Maori*' w. m. Ni stma*. Dir 0_A_STC_»_r«.I-A.. Bssn t_s .e* tnt fM Yss Hw Afwa/s Bough: HOMES WANTED FOR CHILDREN. A Company of Orphan Boys, Io to 16 Years of age, will arrive at Woodstock, Friday, June 30th, 05. Provided that at least twelve or mort- applications be made prior to the above date, by persons who can provide a pood home, and arc willing; to take a boy upon a fair trial on thc conditions herein given. These boys come under the auspices of the Children' Aid So- cietj of New York. They have been kept for a short time under direct persona] observation, and only those have been selected to be brought so far, who jive the pmnise of becoming, with proper guidance, a credit to tlie Society, to themselves and to the kind people who take them. The conditions on which they are placed, are that all shall be properly dothed and treated as members of the family; those un¬ der 14 to be sent to school, and to remain in the family until they are IK; those over 14 to remain until they are 17; those over 1<» to remain one year. At the expiration of the time specified, it is hoped that an agreement will l>e made with their boy whereby he will remain with the family indefinitely. If you apply for one, you should be prepared to satisfy the So¬ ciety that you can br properly trusted to supply the comforts <»t a home, and the education and moral training, which will fit the boj to take a respectable place in the community. It will be understood that you wish him to enter your home .is i member of th«* family, and not as a servant; that hi* is expected to do his part of the work, and to enjoy his share of the advant- i^fes; that you intend to take the place of father and motlier to him is much as possible. The Society reserves the light to remove a child at any time Ot just cause, and to remove any found unsatisfactory, after bein;,' lOtlfied, within a reasonable time. Applications must be made in advance by letter to the under* Igned a^ent, or to some one of the following committee: Gbo. Mooek, j M. L. Walton, Committee. (J. W. Koontz.) Applicants should meet the committee's a^ent at the hotel on hove date, not later than 2 o'clock, p. m. Address, W. W. Bugbee, (face Farm School for Boys. Valhalla, N. V. a©%s BiiM'vTyjRn?' ©on^e^^iL-.i^'v7 TAKES THE PLACE OF CALOMEL PH ICE 35 C1NTI. AT ALL DEIKXJISTS. Bs sCHMHT. Tor «al«? )>y WW JL W W _l.f* VEGETABLE SICILIAN tl ALrUo Hair Renewer Perhaps you like your gray hair; then keep it. Perhaps not I :hen remember Hall's Hair Renewer always restores color to .ray hair. Stop? fa-fins hair, ilso. a r -iu.*os nSmZ. mmtpjmn I }* fl a ii .i i. A fe i .i >ii IU' LIBERTY FURNACE. Edward Loose bera and will be the Company4! chemist. The infant -- td Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mattel li wery ill. John Berkenbine, mine and bes iv- pert is hera R. K. s¥atSOO, mine DOSS, If ott on a trip. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Long, ot (larlic Hollow, irera visiting Miss Fannie and Ette Miller. DILI) AT SOMERSET. Homer Fsdele) son of John E. and Minnie A. Kaile1 ey waa burn Aug. 20, 1898, and departed this life Ma) 29, 1906, aged 6 years 9 months 9 days. He leaven a fader, mother, and a little sister to moura ld> sad depart* ure. Ma) God comfort the afflicted family. DISTILLERY FOR SALE. I trill sell my distillery consisting of two good copper still*-, caps and worms, capacity 105 and ll" gallons About 85 good fei menting I barrels and kegs, u good a j ^»; utul trough, screw cider press about BO tom pressure and horse power, &c. A food bargain %*. ill be given the pur¬ chaser ibo appllea at once. Ju*9»2m. Jno. W. Gochenour. Administrators Notice. All parties having accounts against the late W, A. Sager are requested to present the same, for settlement at 3t. E. H. NEWMAN, Adm'r. A (JOOL) BUILDING LOT IN u isTi»« k. For Bale. One half acre. Will be sold low. Apph to Mrs. E. W. Magruder. June 1 M. Administrator's Notice. All parties having claims against William J. Brill, dee'd, "...il! produce the same to th*' undersigned admr. properly authenti- for payment. All parties owing ans claim- to said estate will toward and settle the -.ame. (ii .< m:ni>< >U1*'F. admr. the est. ut Wm. J. Krill, dee'd. .run.- 1 Southern Railway Excursion Rates. AN.M Al. ' NI ntJ-V f. Y. M. A. SM' Y. W, C asm ni. y. s. i -, Kwy. ann Jue -. rontioauUH -<; ror further informal n Kwy. L C. Brown, Gen. Agt., d, D. C. Br»< K OF Y, V. M. A.. ASHVILLE, N. * -JUH 2. .ern Rwy, count lh -he rouri'l trip. ti-. -. passage in with final limit <>: Kuy. i. te L. tf. Bl . ton, I*. (.'. il mm ki; - i. k*. \ :i I.K. I KN*. On account oftha i j them Rwy .e. plus 71 ind trip, . ine 18, io, so, «4 th rina! Ol Mia. i call ..:-. write L. 8. Hi a n, r. ^ r i -IHK.K RBI BO R SI M. To ran ver, q vent loo, .July ktett. To i ri Rai ti.l Hrethrei um ta for the rouin! ti 'I'" int Puma .).!!..(.¦ iron. nt Pi ku ghat ...¦>> J .a each direction. To (1 M ita, S er S De m ... Notice! Noticf" Notice! For the young, on .. I. Are] rai. INVESTMENT? Il .o, The HOME LIFE INSURANCE COM PANY'S I and \ BEST- The HOM '-old. strong, and reliable. A BUSHONG an I BUJHONO, M <r'-». >1. W ^.Better- * - Bread fl Made In Three Minutes with The "UNIVERSAL" BREAD MAKER RAISER than can ba made by hand in 30 Minutes Hands do not to.ch the dough. . DOES AWAY WITH KANO KNEADING. ¦ Eas; to <;\n»n. A child can work it. .OLD BY [SHENANDOAH FAKaEKS I'MoN. Woodstock, V;t, mmAmm*^- For Sale A nieo reafcienoe on Jfisin itred ^ \'a.. oootainini Dina rooma ti,*- trout li i> ieK building ttxtfl feet haok Ipaui tran'' !*x4H feet larye hall, two laive callala dirk ind liKlit. inountaln water in noute,alao two isttrns. lur^e Narri tiAjgA ft and all oecea .rjontbulldinga inaood repair, nice Bower .ard. buck )nr I pared arni lari*'* rieh guidei JngneutlonaMlv thc hest location In town \pply at once to J. N. DAVIS \ CO. ii'.O Km tate Agte. Woodstock. Va. -irkini.! Summer School of Methods. Charlottesville, Va., June 26, To August 4, 1905. On account of the above, Southern tailway, Rnnounoei low rate of ONE 'AUK plus 25c. for th» round trip .om points on it> lines within the tate of Virginia, Including Wash- igton, l>. ('.. minimum rate tifty cento; ¦tM of sale June lt. 25, 86, -'7. Jul) [ 1. *. 4. \ :.. I", l.;. lt. final limit ugust 14. l!»u.*». upon payment of dif renee between the one-fare plus loo. ito an<i the regular n_n_inerexcur- i»n raf.- ko Charlottoville and return. For further information, call on ai"i*>t Southern l-STl \ir..nf A I rf***/.**.»¦*#"* »'V" v>7¦¦v-r v t v-"'.-. v^^-T - ~^-/-> w»-»*r^'-*'<*5_7_v_k ___f8Rri__?-t!f^s . _r_J -.»«_-_, _,_r_-_r,»._,»,_,._-._,_,.-_-*-,e_ . , sr. m mr % m M. mr .--- - - "-| ] A TEN DOUR SUIT ll \ OM :i'e I in i, \\ bo lui" ie > ll c UH' dil.-il I o WO ill'i'_' Tell I »o i ir Ml'lts, we certai ily w int to get y u iu-i le our .tort*, if we lc?- |l. 'y cm. We want iii . pie n ir * of .howing v..ii the finest lYn j> .ii ,r s ii i your I yam ev. r r."*te<! >lj*_"i. No. We don't eek j i io jud__e thei * slits ly ..ur prafi of them, I -r word* i.ip. We ;i*,|< y,,|- to ic'lie ii .cj_ uni ii I lill au I SEE .OR YOURSELF Try the garment on.non I .. . \<--*l!"iit workmanship .tli." .j i ility ot' the tiliti.-, tlc - , and then tell ua, it' ymi can, when and ichen yu ever suv the equal ol our 'len Dollar Suite. All rh *. HORSEY & AT WELL, M E N S ' TO G G K lt V. ¦ . - ¦ Si_r---r_-_r-__---_r_i . ~.,^,*, ~,~r ^-r -m¦m~myfjnym - .-. * ~ - Immmmm'mmmmmm m rn rn mm rn m. mm m rn rn rn m rn rn m m rn rn rn m mm rn rn m rn rn rn mmmmmmmm'J\ . .< .. A -^ _. ^ +. -fe _* _. j. » .. _. >- _> .- AX-A.-.A.-.A _»* ~ >- .- '.I ---. >._..._. A ,. .. ft, .__7 To the Ladies. For tlie next 10 dayl I will offer lor sale my entire stork ol' IL ¦ at rest ncAd prices. Special Bile pl RIBBONS, KECKWEAR am HOSIERY. Belora pureba* tewhere, call and examine my -tock. Respectfully, Miss Charlotte Conner. March 31. BANK BUILDING. GET READY For Summer The Sunni: r Seas Iv approaching and this i> I very time to BUY CLOT] I_X< i that is suitable for the season and FOR HOT "WEATHER I have a full line of men and boys1 cloth¬ ing including everything they want. Flats, Shoes, Underwear, Hosiery, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Handkerchiefs, and in fact anything you want. a Prices reasonable and goods always the very best quality for the mon B. 8TJTHE1 \ _.",_ \ N D, ft6-IOt MAIN ST., WOODSTOCK, > v. Thorough Bred Rhode I-land Kef ogg$ [tn hatching reduced to seventy- . nts f >r io fr<tm May 1st. Thi Valley Poultry Farm; 3t. Saum**vi'le, Va VIRGINIA, To-Wit: In thc Clerk's Office ot tlie Chcuil Court of .-liena*: notTi "ti d»J Ol April. timi ih 1 Ku'N Who va-s by her neit friend Jaine. Kali,. aCaIKST In Chancery. John Brown,. _ Doll The object of this suit is to obtain a divorce ¦ \ menlo matr'tnonii. It appearing by affidUsVlt *'.e<J tliat the de tenden. Jchn _*rosrn is not an inhabitant of thieftate lt le ordered, i hat he do ... lure within hf ten days nftel cue pub'.i iifieot. ;in>] >h> what is a eeeesvry to interest; that a copy or tbieOlder be pul in some newepnper printed in Shenei *o.nty. once a week. S.nd a co- front dour of the Court li lid county. >n the first day * f the next » ireuit /ourt. G MA RUY HAIN, Dep. cc. c. s.e. K Copy Teeto <;. HARRY ha uv. Def>. c cc, - apr. 2*~4t, I. I'riplett. p. q Farmers! F^rmeis ! Ymir |> raoual attention t<» whom Protection! i may oonoern : ! ¦ni {- ? nan d io ({vatha latea ...ni baal aanrioa n Mtmtlng coila and ridcliuga. Tba ld u ny li one ot inc pm*. I bato lt ooIy ttiaacolaior In tiiii *<eti<>n. end in VOW name and do not lose our oulla Vt rj Reapi otfully, l>r. W. A. I'dynkk, l>r. 7, 8| Hotel Holizniao.' DO Yoi WISH TO P..0TBCT Both Life and Property From Destruction by Lightning yon io <lo s.» by I i»\ tog y< ur butlsJIngi PROPERLY RODDED In the Va. Liglitniii^ Conductor Co. ot W ii chanter, \a , dealers in the latest imi-rovid Rods 5 Ornarr,er\ts For further intoiiuaiioii cail on FAN8LKRA HORNBR, Spinal .gontOi Hotel Geary, anti! 4 ly. Woodall ck, Va, ¥ Kodol DYSPEPSIA CURE DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT Tee ll 00 bottle contains 24 Wmssthe trlsl stu, whick eeUe ler Mes rSIPMtSD ONLY AT THC U-tOIATOeV OT Sk C. Dm WITT * COM FA-T-*. CMCAQC-
Page 1: Shenandoah Herald.(Woodstock, VA) 1905-06-09. · SHENANDOAH HERALD IS PUBLISHED WELKLY BY JOHN II. GKABIIX woodstock,virginia. FRIDAY, JUNE 9. l90\S. Mr. JgAlston Cabell, candidate



woodstock, virginia.

FRIDAY, JUNE 9. l90\S.

Mr. Jg Alston Cabell, candidatefor Lieut. Governor, has returnei

from a speech making tour, in thiSouth West. He says he will b«in thc race to the finish.

"Governor Ifomtague spoke to ;

great gathering in Woodstock la*night, and according to messagereceived bj the News-Item todaj fronthat place tie wa* given an ovatioithe like of which i> leldom seen iithat town." M in. News-HemsJune IslAs Governor Montague did noi

speak at all in Woodstock, tin-publication of sikTi dispatche.mav cause the public to lose con¬

fidence in the truthfulness olnewspapers of the present day.The statement that "he \n as giv-en an ovation the like of whichiv seldom seen in that town."may possibly be true, as Gov.Montague was at the Geary Ho¬tel and received a few callers,not exceeding fifteen in number.as few persona knew that hewould be in town.

. The duties of the Governor ofVirginia must be indeed verylight. Our present Goverfiorhasplenty ol time to canvass the en¬

tire state, in his effort to be chos¬en as the candidate of the demo¬cratic party for United StatesSenator. Mr. Montague in hisattacks upon Senator Martin hasonly brought to light the goodqualities oi Mr. Martin and hasreally made more votes for Mar¬tin than for himself. The dem¬ocratic party should rebuke Mr.Montague not only for spendingthe time which belongs to theCommonwealth in canvassing forhimself, but for his abortive at¬

tempt to bring into disrepute one

of the most prominent men inthe democratic party. Mr. Mar¬tin, on the other hand, deserves*rreat credit for remaining athis post until the Senate adjourn¬ed aud in merely defending hisown record when it was assailedby Mr. Montague. Every intel¬ligent democrat knows that Mar¬tin had sufficient material tomake a spirited attack upon tin-Governor of Virginia. This helias refused to do. and by hiv re¬fusal has won the respect andconfidence of his party and willreceive a larj_;e majority of theirvotes at the primary.Senator Martin is fortunate in hav¬

ing the bitter and blatant oppof Wm. L. Royall in bis campaignfor re-election. Mr. Royall ia h. siremembered in Virginia politics aa theattorney for th.- British bond-holder*in their tight against the stat, debisettlement. Rockingham Register.


Senator Thos. S. Martin at Wchester Saturday night mau. a stnmenl In repljr to a speech by Willi)L. Royall, formerly editor of IRichmond Times, in which Um¦tated that Mr. Martin's first elect!to the Senate in 1893 wai accompliied tty money and influences exerthy the railroads.Mr. Martin said : "I have read t

newspaper reports «>f Mr*. Royal.peech. Disparagement, mia

ration, malice ami vindictlhave l>een the characteristic featuiof this campaign against me sinceeoB_-BC_ieemeot A fewmen can alwatte found adapted to work of tliat siand sdlling to do it. afr. Hoy all limade his contribution and itworthy of him. It is bul a rehashcharges which as I have always uiah¦tood were inspired by bim and wepresented in tlie Legislature in Dew i

ber, 1813, immediately after my nonnation hy the Democratic caucus ai

before my first election. The charg.*-.-rs* immediately investigated ttyjoint oommiUee in the two hour*Um Lssgislature appointed for* the puBOSS and a majority of whom were ri

opponents and had voted against din thecaucus.After a thorough investigation thi

committee mads a report exoneratinme and my nomination from any fairof arong Ol any soil and comjdetelvindicated every member of thelative caucus who had voted for bmAfter this report had been made, tnLegislature proceeded to elect a »tor. wheo the report of the eonunittejwas approved by my receiving (Democratic rote cast In the body. Bisyears later the report of this commit*tee and the action of tin previouilegislature wmto approved a^ain bymy re-election by an OVerwhellmajority.

''Now, after the laj»N. of twelveyears, tlese false charges gtg resur¬rected from the pit to which they hadbeen justily consigned and arv beingparaded for campaign purposes onbehalf of my competitor."Perhaps it is tin* rn-ot that they can

do. Honest and fair-minded Virgin¬ians cannot fail to put the stamp ofdisapproval on methods of this sort.'.John I1. Branch, one of Richmond's

wealthiest bankers, has given $.'{0,000to Rando!ph-Macon College, at Ash¬land, to be used in ihe erection of adormitory.


President Roosevelt, it ll reliabhreported, has purchased a farm of onehundred and fifty acres in Albemarle

I (ounty. and will use it for a summerhome.The tract acquired by the President

ls i part of the Springfield plantation,seven miles from Beottsville and

six* t ii miles from Charlottsville. ltis understood to be the object of tiePresident to keep this place as the owspot where he and his family ma> gelinto the heart ot tin* country, far from

maddening crowds and the intermin¬able rounds of official duties awofficial wories.

The State Committee.As already announced. State Chair

man J. Taylor Ellyson has called i

meeting of the Democratic CentraCommittee to be held in Richmondcm the 15th instant for the purpose <>

making arrangements for the stat.Democratic primaries to nominat.candidates for the United States Smate and for State offices. Under th-{.lan adopted bj the convention in 1!HMthe primaries must be held not mon

than ninety days nor less than sixt\

days prior to the general election, w

that the date must be between August8th and September9th.

Licenses For June Weddings.

Th.- following marriage licenses wen

issued bv the Circuit Clerk of Shen-andoah county:Jno. 1*' Barrldl to Kinma P. Weather-

holt/.Wailer A. Clem to Virginia E. Clana-

1.;::..\. Persin to Julia V. Philips.lith Racey to Matilda P. Stick¬

ley..|<>N. Hy. Poster to Clara V, Stump.\. G. Orndorfl to Sophia B. Keller.Gustavus McNealy to Nettie B. Rit¬

tenour.John Wilkins to Daisy V. Plauger.Alexander Moomaw to Cora Alic

Hansberger.isaiah Kibler to Mrs. Mary H. Lich-liter.Jno. II. T- Sibert. to Sadie B« Bly.

. I 'LOREDArthur 1'. McAfee to Minnie Houston.

MT. CLIFTONMr. J. Frank H.pner. has gone to

Washington, D. c.. where he has em¬ployment al the carpenter trade.Rice Coffman, of Mecanie is verj

siek with lyphoid fev< r.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Punkhouser\!>ited the formers ulster Mrs, DickHepner, near Belgrade first of theweek.Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Harpine, visit¬

ed Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Andrick flrslthe week.

Mr. I'.lnier Marshall spent last weekwith his father Chas. G. Marshall. }..has been engaged in hon Bridgebuilding for several years and hastraveled through the South and SouthWestern states quite extensively Inthe past year. He is one of the fon -

men «»f th.- Co. which is located atmoke, Va.

Kev. Stickley. and Mrs. A. C. _nd--. uro spending this week vi-..:itives in East Rockingham.

Mr. and Mrs. .los. clem of Mt.Jackson, and Mr. and Mrs. PeterDellinger, of Hawkinstown, sj».*nt firstof the week visiting Dr. and Mrs. N. iSchmucker.Mr. Chas. Zehring of Springfied.

< >. is visiting his father and relativi -

near Macanie.The Normal of this place is pro¬bing nicely. There being about 2ti

young ladies and gentlemen in ott.:

ence, which speaks areli for W. W. '

Peters, as t teacher*.Miss Vallie Holler of near Edin-

burg spent last week visiting C. G.Marshall ai d family.Char)**- Holtze!aw, was committed

to jail 4 mos. by Justice Will, Monday''(ir Til*- l:nrt.nv <if :, in. 1,1 w;.t,.l, lw-1. ...,,-.

ing to Mrs. Amanda Lane. He WAalso accused of tie* larceny of MO. tslonging to Wm. Kirlin, Mrs. Lane'brother, with whom he has lived fothi past few years. The monecharge was not pushed andon accouiof his youth the sentence was .»lenient as possible. A complete floggingkin the writer'sopinion,would havbeen an elegant side line for the foumonths.

VICKSBURG.The old weather prophets si^i

brought us a good rain last week.Mr. W. A. Wine who has been at

tending school at Brentsvii le, Va.is home having arrived last Thursdayh» \*.as Bccompadied by two ol iiischool-mates Messrs. Orville Folk an.

.fohn Miller.Mr. James w. Gochenour is doing

some painting near Moores Store. Va.a barn for Mr. Moses Gets, hons, foiMr. John Gets, and Kirlins schoolhouse. Jim is a hustler, but his boy*don't do any painting.

Mr. Arthur P. Olinger, our bachelorpainter (g painting Mr. W. P. Slier-man's house neal' here, "Senator" isiiUo a hustler, lint is not hustlerenough to have reached the matrimon¬ial state yet.Mm i ..tl.:.... _*..:»- -i .''


...... . .... . .j'll/., I . nilli"' ll

4* we mentioned last week is at thwriting is a little better.Miss Anna Mary Schaeffer was vi

_. her friends Misses Katie anAnni.* Bauserman last w»*ek, and atended the Sundaj School oonventioat Salem, near Hamburg this oountjMrs. R. T. Brown is visiting al Ml

< lifton.Mr. and Mis. I). If. Wine and Mr

and Mrs. W. R. Doll left here lasfridaj evening to attend the nanuameeting of the German Baptist chu relat Bristol, Tenn.Mr. and Mrs. D. 8. Jordeo and

hter Ethel of near- Mt. JacksonSpent first of the week with Mr>. J'-,brother-J. W. Smoot/. and family.Mi. c. L. /.irkle and Miss Nannie

Quick attended memorial exercises .it

WiiKSMSjter, Tuesday.We are having a little rain this

morning, snoogh t<» k.-.-p farassrs indoors for a little while.Hmfollowingfrom this j.lace visited

the [juray Caverns last Sunday Mr.and Mrs. J. D. Hottel. Lawson Hosteland Mrs. T>*na Shadwell, and AnnieA. McCarthy, Maud Moyer, and Sal¬lie C. Fox. The party expressedthemselves a> being well pleased.Farmers will cut Home barley this

week, unless it keeps on raining.JUJU.


The Virginia Classis, Synod of thePotomac, of the Reformed churchconvened In St. John's church atHarrisville. Shenandoah county, at K

o'clock on last Wednesday eveningwith a full attendance of ministersand layman.Hm opening service was conducted

by the Kev. T. J. Hacker D. D.. ofRoanoke. The retiring presiden, thele >. P. K. ( illino, ot \\ Inch,preachi d the -> mon. The Rev. ..{T. Wright was elected president, andBider D. ll. Sibert, of Martlnsburg,W. Va., rice president. The pa-tor.the Ihv. A. H. Smith, extended a

heart} welcome to Classis in behalfpf the congregation and assigned thehom* -.

The Classis is composed of 19 min¬isters and the same number of Elders,representing 1<» pastoral charges, i heseveral pastors read their parochialreports on Thursday evening. Thesereports showed the various charges tobe in a prosperous condition Thesubjects of Missions, Home andForeign, Education, Orphan's Home,and Sunday schools, claimed the at¬tend- in of i 'lassis.The consideration of Massanutten

Academy consumed a large part ofClassis'time and called forth earnestdiscussion, lt was the unanimousopinion of the bod} that the schoolmust be maintained, and liberal thingswere devised for its enlargement ann

better equipment.Th.- regular spring meeting next

year, will !*. held at Mt. Crawford.Va. Rev. Dr. J. H. Hofthein*and Kider H. J. Selbert, of Martins-burg, were elected delegates lo thePotomac synod, which will meet in_______________B An»..lkn- .-.<_, ________

The services in the Reformed (hurton Sunday were very largely attend.!

At the communion in the morahthe altar service was conducted IRev. N. H. Sk \les and Rev. T. 1Cromer. The sermon was delivenby Rei. T. Harker, and the communiewas administered by Rev. HotlheinThe young people's ser\ ice was hel

in tlie afternoon, when addn *s<

made by Rei. G. ('-. Everhardt, ReiJ. S. Guy and Rev. W. B. Shuleiburg. At - ..'clock Rev. W. E. HotI). D.. missionary to Japan and Chinidelivered an able address on foreigmissions.

LMLKCM NOTRS.Regular service was held in th

Methodist Tabernacle, last Sunda

morning.Rev. E. i>. Sha pr will preach ii

the Lutheran < 'burch, in thisSunday night, at 8 ock. SubjectTempera)

Ih \. Jas. B. As irett preachi d in thPresbyterian Church, lasl Sunda;

n ibject of Marriageand Divorce.

Dr. I'. D. Sh i.h.'ii-T will pn adnext Sunday at 10:3(1 P. M. at MtJackson and will hold comraunhtfes Market al 3 P. m. Preparatory

i> night, Saturday morn

ing and night.(>:. ac ml of the dedication ol thi

nen l hristian Church at Harrisonburg.. Sunda;.. Rev. Mr. Hamaker will

not pc ach lu ru al his regular ap-bul "ill

preach here Sunday morning Junel*th n.-xt and at Strasburg thal night.

service will be held inGrace I tefoi ch al I link- rton,i»n next Sun* ht. The Sunda;school will us-- "The Crown of June,";i service prepared bj the "Hope Hub.o. In addition lo the service several

nale quartettes will be rendered bjlome of tlie membees of the choir, andt solo by Mi-« Nora M. Ditzler. Inhe morning the pastor will preach ;.

lennon «>n "The Office ol the Hoi).spirit.Dr. Avlrctt's Address on Dav is.

"ConfederateMemorial Dav," Jun.3d) was remarkabh for many things,The ideal weather, the outpouring olpeople j ounj old; their enthu¬siasm still unquenchi d and unquench*able, in spite of fort) interveningyearssince the war. loaded down ti

years hs ve been, with momen¬tous and monopolizing issues of their<>wn: the painstaking preparations,the lengthy and beautiful procession,

touching and impressive featureof the re-burial of the carefully gather¬ed dust ol four Virginia soldiers whohad fallen in battle: the exercise - .:.

the cemetery and the exercises in thecourt house; these and other detailsmad.- the occasion a more than usual¬ly inspiring on*:. Th.' feature offeatures of course was the address olthe Rev. Dr. Avirett on JeffersonDavis. Space forbid- an extendednotice, or anything like an adequatecomment on ita characteristics, but itwaa a sympathetic, animated and attimes eloquent tribute to one whosetitle to greatness will gros bright* r asthe days _ro by. Dr. A. showed him¬self fully capable of demonstratingthis. He has much of the olabout him. his fervent heart pouringitsell out in coble thought and senti¬ment, into mould iffier tn. .11 l-l >.* ..'. ¦¦¦

ing sentences. He was enabled tpresent a picture of the Confederacy1Hr--.t and onlj President, in a tigfewhich disarmed prejudices and brougnout his career and achievements amcharacter in juster proportions thaiar.n. rall; accorded him.Th-*writer feels that all who beanDr*. Avirett will join in expressinjtheir indebtedness for his noble contribution to the beautiful and memorable features of ¦ beautiful ammemorable day. P. D. S.

So Tiredic may ! j from overwork, bithe chances arc its from an ii.active Livrp_

With a well conducted LIVEone can do mountains of labuwithout fatigue.lt adds a hundred per cent (ones earning capacity.lt can be kept in healthful actlcby, and only by



Jtldge Wm. H. Mann, candi¬date for Governor of Virginiaarrived in town at 1 o'clock to¬

day (Thursday) and is stoppingat the (leary Hotel. Ile will ad¬dress the Democratic voters atthe Couti House to-night.\\ oodstock Boys Win Honors in

Athletics.At the eomm.net m-mt exercises at

Randolph-Maoon College] Ashland.Ya.. Mr. Edgar Newman was awardeda letter of honor In base ball and Mr.Chas. Wunder, a letter of honor infoot ball.

Mr and Mrs. William P. Hayes, <»f

Trenton, New Jersey, have issuedcards for the marriage of ?h"ir* daugh¬ter, Miss Florence Evelyn, to Dr.

Edgar Bright Funkhouser, formerly ofthis county. Tbe Jc.-remony to take

place at th*' State Hospital Chapel,Trenton, on Wednesday, .June 21st.

Joe I aui:hlin I ruler a Silk Hat.

Mr Joseph L. Laughlin, of this

place, who is playing great ball withKrostburg, Md . this season made

quite a hit with th.- Frostburg peopleon May .'{nth. The Frostburg MinimiJournal in reporting the game has thefollowing to ia) about Mr. Laughlin,formerly .To. !

"Laughlin'! batting was ¦ featurethe greatest ever seen in the lerritor.covered by this Leaugue with threetwo-baggers to his credit, h<- hit for Bhome-run far out ov.-r the center-fieldf.-nce. the first time ¦ ball has been hilover thin fence In a game in the histor)ot the Park "

".io.- Laughlin's bighit ov.-r center"field f.-iic.- was productive of innumer¬able compliment* and many presents.Among tue latter ti oe near, me popuIar clothing man, presented him withn.w .ilk hat. a silk handkerchief an<a bright new spring neck-tie JameKenney, peanut king, gave him Bvibushels of peanuts, fane) mast, andbox of cigars, all-Cuban flavor. DiC B. Shoemaker, the popular dentist

n presented him with a five-dollar gol<cnn or the price in gold-filling

«i. s. Little, a bookkeeper of thNational Dank of Commerce, Norfolldisappeared and it ls said h.- \-.;i- **7

OOO ahead of his jobAbout 20,000 persons attended ger

vices at th*- German Baptists1 anuna

meeting at Bristol,

A Bad Scare.Some day you will get a bad scare

when you feel a pain in your bowel*and i.'ar appendicitis. Safety ii.'s iiDr. King's N.w Lit.-I'iiU. a sure cure,f<>r all bowel and stomach diseases,such asneadache, biliousness;costive

--. etc. <ruaranteed at L. ll. Irwin't* 11-vi¦_*- -tore, only 25c. Tr\ them.

LIST OF CONVEYANCES.E. \. Hopkins \> Kati. 1.. Knee.ti.... \V. Koontz an.! wife to T. A.

and ll. T. Hoffman..1. H. Doune) and wife to Matilda

Silvius.Elias Coffman's heirs to \\\ i;.

('oilman.H. i'. Burgess and wife Anni.- M.

Beatty.Keystone Driller Co. to Jos. ll.

.Fish. r.

Jos. H. Fisher add wife to Sam*] M.Kittenour.H. C. lurgei and wife t<» Abbe

ill ( Henson to VV. '!'. WilM. L. Waltoncomr. to Strasburg

L. a i. i o.

M. A. Wolverton to Annie C. Kern.II. !.'. Sibert ami husband to Jeremiah

Spiki r.M. L. Art/ and wife to Shenandoah

I e.

Tho-.. Bowers and wife to John andI tehecca Cook.Frank Beydler and wife to Ella F.

II H'kman.II. Smool comr. to C. F. Maphis.



To THI PUBLJC ol woodstock ;Ladies and gentlemen. I thank

you most kindly for vour liberalpatronage during the past two weeks,Having had confidence in me to trustyour- effected and diseased eyes to mycac. I have decided to remain withyou ¦ few days longer, namel) thefirst three days Of Court week. June12th, 13th, and 14th at Hotel Holts-man, Woodstock. 1 will treat allen-- - of the eye rio matter from whatcause. Hoping you will not forgetto take advantage of the opportunit)of having your eyes examined free Icharge i>_\ a Specialist formerly of

Washington and Baltimore.Thanking you for past favors, I re¬

main. Respt yours,Di*. Chas. .1. .1. von Witt.

Thom*. Lucas. Va.

The Children's Fsvorlte.For Coughs, (coup. Whooping

Cough, etc., One Minute Cough Cureis the children's favorite. This isbecause it contains no opiate, li per¬fectly harmless, tastes good and cures.Sold by L. ll. Irwin.

CASTOTITA.lian th* ey Hal Kind V?j K;.e Alsays Bought


IS IT TRUE? that prohibition'1does HOI '.prohibit y" Many goodlaws are almost dead letters: but wis¬dom and experience keep them on thestaute books. Tlie liquor traffic lsregulated bj all conolized govern¬ments. The us.- of Intoxicants is for¬bidden b) all systems of ethics andreligion. Temperance in all things,is more than one-third of hygiene andsiinif i.tiote I.oi'.il (li.rion i_ one

stage in the growth of virtue, charailer, human SOCietj. In the states (

the Union, Local < Hption repithe lessons of experence, as learneby the people and their agents thcourts, legislatures, local and natioial administrations. "Prohibitiondeserves to ito. and ma) soon becom

th.* firs! law of the New Natioi"Let e\ .-ry soul be i»ubject Ul ..

higher powers.*1 "No good thing ifailure: no bad thing, success."


Shenandoah National kiat Bond-took* In the State ol Virginia, at tbclose ol husiness-.Xay SS, IB

itt-.ii in t ¦>. Doll *.k>.

Loaneand discount. li ¦

(i\.til rafts, fecured snd ucfecured 15.0i.s. Mon !- to -. cie.. circulationPremium. <>n l S. Honda 210.0Stocks, .>-.( 'i' ,r:-.-. etc.Banking Souse, furniture, \ li \rur.-s 1,737,1Due Irom National Hanks [not Reserve

Am.-nt- S.ai 1 tiDue from State Banks and lt;* nk.. ~

Due from approved reserveagent.Internal Revenue stampsi hecks and otber cash ItemsNotes ol other National Hanks

tiona! paper currency, nickels,snd ..'nts

' HAMLegal tender notes tjuKcoemption tu ml with L*. B. Treasurer

er cent, ot circulation 312.




.»!Total 174.9-9LiabiutI-s-. Dollass

Capital stock paid In.sm plus fund(' nait ld. i tn ¦(;.«. li u exp.

and taxes paidNational Bank notest outstanding 6.280Due to other National Hanks I.7MJDue to Bl tte Banks and Banketi SIO.Individual depiMit- subject to i'h<Demand rertltl. ate ul deposil<»-ititi.-I cheeki

(standing!. discounted

Total 1T4,(Statsor Virgima, Countv ofShenan l«'ali>-

I, ls. Coffmam Cashier ol the above-namedbank, do solemnly swear I bal the above state*mcnl ii true n> the treat of rm knowli ijge andhellel 14.COI !»l W « ashier.Sulrscrilted and sworn to before rm thin -J

lay ol lune ISM

t -.'trent:\v L NB sruan,

Notary PN. H. :'¦ HM I i J.H. w Maori*'w. m. Ni stma*.


0_A_STC_»_r«.I-A..Bssn t_s .e* tnt fM Yss Hw Afwa/s Bough:

HOMES WANTED FOR CHILDREN.A Company of Orphan Boys, Io to 16 Years of age,

will arrive at Woodstock, Friday, June 30th, 05.

Provided that at least twelve or mort- applications be madeprior to the above date, by persons who can provide a pood home,and arc willing; to take a boy upon a fair trial on thc conditionsherein given.

These boys come under the auspices of the Children' Aid So-cietj of New York. They have been kept for a short time underdirect persona] observation, and only those have been selected tobe brought so far, who jive the pmnise of becoming, with properguidance, a credit to tlie Society, to themselves and to the kindpeople who take them.

The conditions on which they are placed, are that all shall beproperly dothed and treated as members of the family; those un¬der 14 to be sent to school, and to remain in the family until theyare IK; those over 14 to remain until they are 17; those over 1<» toremain one year. At the expiration of the time specified, it ishoped that an agreement will l>e made with their boy whereby hewill remain with the family indefinitely.

If you apply for one, you should be prepared to satisfy the So¬ciety that you can br properly trusted to supply the comforts <»t a

home, and the education and moral training, which will fit the bojto take a respectable place in the community.

It will be understood that you wish him to enter your home .isi member of th«* family, and not as a servant; that hi* is expectedto do his part of the work, and to enjoy his share of the advant-i^fes; that you intend to take the place of father and motlier to himis much as possible.

The Society reserves the light to remove a child at any timeOt just cause, and to remove any found unsatisfactory, after bein;,'lOtlfied, within a reasonable time.

Applications must be made in advance by letter to the under*Igned a^ent, or to some one of the following committee:

Gbo. Mooek, jM. L. Walton, Committee.(J. W. Koontz.)

Applicants should meet the committee's a^ent at the hotel onhove date, not later than 2 o'clock, p. m.

Address,W. W. Bugbee,

(face Farm School for Boys. Valhalla, N. V.

a©%s BiiM'vTyjRn?' ©on^e^^iL-.i^'v7


Bs sCHMHT.Tor «al«? )>y


tlALrUoHairRenewerPerhaps you like your gray hair; then keep it. Perhaps not I:hen remember Hall's Hair Renewer always restores color to.ray hair. Stop? fa-fins hair, ilso. a r -iu.*osnSmZ. mmtpjmn


.ii.Afei .i



LIBERTY FURNACE.Edward Loose l§ bera and will be

the Company4! chemist.The infant -- td Mr. and Mrs.

Jim Mattel li wery ill.John Berkenbine, mine and bes iv-

pert is heraR. K. s¥atSOO, mine DOSS, If ott on

a trip.Mr. and Mrs. Jack Long, ot (larlic

Hollow, irera visiting Miss Fannieand Ette Miller.

DILI) AT SOMERSET.Homer Fsdele) son of John E. and

Minnie A. Kaile1 ey waa burn Aug. 20,1898, and departed this life Ma) 29,1906, aged 6 years 9 months 9 days.He leaven a fader, mother, and a

little sister to moura ld> sad depart*ure. Ma) God comfort the afflictedfamily.


I trill sell my distillery consistingof two good copper still*-, caps andworms, capacity 105 and ll" gallonsAbout 85 good fei menting Ibarrels and kegs, u good a j ^»;utul trough, screw cider press aboutBO tom pressure and horse power, &c.A food bargain %*. ill be given the pur¬chaser ibo appllea at once.Ju*9»2m. Jno. W. Gochenour.

Administrators Notice.

All parties having accounts againstthe late W, A. Sager are requested to

present the same, for settlement at

3t. E. H. NEWMAN, Adm'r.

A (JOOL) BUILDING LOT INu isTi»« k. For Bale.

One half acre. Will be sold low.Apph to Mrs. E. W. Magruder.June 1 M.

Administrator's Notice.All parties having claims against

William J. Brill,dee'd, "...il! produce the same to th*'undersigned admr. properly authenti-

for payment. All parties owingans claim- to said estate will

toward and settle the -.ame.(ii .< m:ni>< >U1*'F. admr.

the est. ut Wm. J. Krill, dee'd..run.- 1

Southern Railway Excursion Rates.AN.M Al. ' NI ntJ-V f. Y. M. A. SM' Y. W, C

asm ni. y. s. i -,

Kwy. ann

Jue -.


-<; ror further informaln Kwy.

L C. Brown, Gen. Agt., d, D. C.Br»< K OF Y, V. M. A.. ASHVILLE, N.

* -JUH 2.

.ern Rwy, count lh

-he rouri'l trip. ti-. -.

passage in with final limit <>:Kuy.

i. te L. tf. Bl. ton, I*. (.'.

il mm ki; - i. k*. \ :i I.K. I KN*.

On account oftha i jthem Rwy .e.

plus 71ind trip, . ine 18,

io, so, «4th rina!

Ol Mia. i call ..:-.

write L. 8. Hi a n,r. ^ r i

-IHK.K RBI BO R SI M.To ran ver,

q ventloo, .Julyktett.

To i ri Rai ti.lHrethrei

um ta for the rouin! ti'I'" int Puma



nt Pi



.a each direction.To (1 Mita, S er S De m


Notice! Noticf" Notice!For the young, on .. I.


BEST- The HOM'-old. strong, and reliable.A


>1. W

^.Better-* - Bread fl

Made In Three Minuteswith The

"UNIVERSAL"BREAD MAKER RAISERthan can ba made by hand in 30 MinutesHands do not to.ch the dough.

. DOES AWAY WITH KANO KNEADING.¦ Eas; to <;\n»n. A child can work it.



Woodstock, V;t,mmAmm*^-

For SaleA nieo reafcienoe on Jfisin itred ^

\'a.. oootainini Dina rooma ti,*- trout lii> ieK building ttxtfl feet haok Ipaui tran''!*x4H feet larye hall, two laive callala dirkind liKlit. inountaln water in noute,alao twoisttrns. lur^e Narri tiAjgA ft and all oecea.rjontbulldinga inaood repair, nice Bower.ard. buck )nr I pared arni lari*'* rieh guideiJngneutlonaMlv thc hest location In town\pply at once to J. N. DAVIS \ CO.ii'.O Km tate Agte. Woodstock. Va.

-irkini.! Summer School of Methods.Charlottesville, Va., June 26,

To August 4, 1905.

On account of the above, Southerntailway, Rnnounoei low rate of ONE'AUK plus 25c. for th» round trip.om points on it> lines within thetate of Virginia, Including Wash-igton, l>. ('.. minimum rate tifty cento;¦tM of sale June lt. 25, 86, -'7. Jul) [

1. *. 4. \ :.. I", l.;. lt. final limitugust 14. l!»u.*». upon payment of difrenee between the one-fare plus loo.ito an<i the regular n_n_inerexcur-i»n raf.- ko Charlottoville and return.For further information, call onai"i*>t Southern l-STl \ir..nf


I rf***/.**.»¦*#"* »'V" v>7¦¦v-r v t v-"'.-. v^^-T - ~^-/-> w»-»*r^'-*'<*5_7_v_k ___f8Rri__?-t!f^s. _r_J -.»«_-_, _,_r_-_r,»._,»,_,._-._,_,.-_-*-,e_ . , sr.m mr%mM. mr .--- - - "-| ]


ll \ OM :i'e I in i, \\ bolui" ie > ll c UH' dil.-il I o

WO ill'i'_' Tell I »o i ir Ml'lts,we certai ily w int to gety u iu-i le our .tort*, ifwe lc?- |l. 'y cm. Wewant iii . pie n ir * of.howing v..ii the finestlYn j> .ii ,r s ii i yourI yam ev. r r."*te<! >lj*_"i.

No. We don't eekj i io jud__e thei * slits

ly ..ur prafi of them,I -r word* i.ip.We ;i*,|< y,,|- to ic'lie

ii .cj_ uni ii I lill au I

SEE .OR YOURSELFTry the garment on.non I .. . \<--*l!"iit workmanship

.tli." .j i ility ot' the tiliti.-, tlc -

, and then tell ua, it'

ymi can, when and ichen yu ever suv the equal ol our

'len Dollar Suite. All rh *.


¦ .

- ¦

Si_r---r_-_r-__---_r_i . ~.,^,*, ~,~r ^-r-m¦m~myfjnym .«- .-. * ~ -

Immmmm'mmmmmm m rn rnmm rn m. m m m rn rn rn m rn rn m m rn rn rnmmm rn rn m rn rn rn mmmmmmmm'J\. .< .. A -^ _. ^ +. _» -fe _* _. j. » .. _. >- _> .- AX-A.-.A.-.A _»* ~ >- .-'.I---. >._..._. A ,. .. ft, .__7

To the Ladies.For tlie next 10 dayl I will offer lor sale my entire stork ol'

IL ¦ Y»at restncAd prices. Special Bile pl RIBBONS, KECKWEAR am

HOSIERY. Belora pureba* tewhere, call and examine my -tock.Respectfully,

Miss Charlotte Conner.March 31.




For SummerThe Sunni: r Seas

Iv approaching and this i> I

very time to

BUY CLOT] I_X< ithat is suitable for the season and

FOR HOT "WEATHERI have a full line of men and boys1 cloth¬

ing including everything they want.

Flats, Shoes, Underwear, Hosiery, Shirts,Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Handkerchiefs, and

in fact anything you want.a

Prices reasonable and goods always the

very best quality for the mon

B. 8TJTHE1 \ _.",_ \ND,ft6-IOt MAIN ST., WOODSTOCK, > v.

Thorough Bred Rhode I-land Kefogg$ [tn hatching reduced to seventy-

. nts f >r io fr<tm May 1st.Thi Valley Poultry Farm;

3t. Saum**vi'le, Va

VIRGINIA, To-Wit:In thc Clerk's Office ot tlie Chcuil Court of

.-liena*: notTi "ti d»J OlApril.

timi ih 1 Ku'N Who va-s by her neit friendJaine. Kali,.

aCaIKST In Chancery.John Brown,. _ DollThe object of this suit is to obtain a divorce

¦ \ menlo matr'tnonii.It appearing by affidUsVlt *'.e<J tliat the de

tenden. Jchn _*rosrn is not an inhabitant ofthieftate lt le ordered, i hat he do ...

lure within hf ten days nftel cue pub'.iiifieot. ;in>] >h> what is a eeeesvry tointerest; that a copy or tbieOlder be pulin some newepnper printed in Shenei*o.nty. once a week. S.nd a co-front dour of the Court li lid county.>n the first day * f the next » ireuit /ourt.

G MA RUY HAIN, Dep. cc. c. s.e.K Copy Teeto

<;. HARRY ha uv. Def>. c cc, -

apr. 2*~4t, I. I'riplett. p. q

Farmers! F^rmeis !Ymir |> raoual attention t<» whom


i may oonoern : ! ¦ni {- ? nan d io({vatha latea ...ni baal aanrioa n

Mtmtlng coila and ridcliuga. Tbald u ny li one ot inc pm*. I batolt ooIy ttiaacolaior In tiiii *<eti<>n.end in VOW name and do not loseour oulla

Vt rj Reapi otfully,l>r. W. A. I'dynkk,

l>r. 7, 8| Hotel Holizniao.'

DO Yoi WISH TO P..0TBCTBoth Life and Property

From Destructionby Lightning

yon io <lo s.» by I i»\ togy< ur butlsJIngi


Va. Liglitniii^ Conductor Co.ot W ii chanter, \a , dealersin the latest imi-rovid

Rods 5 Ornarr,er\tsFor further intoiiuaiioii cailon

FAN8LKRA HORNBR,Spinal .gontOi Hotel Geary,anti! 4 ly. Woodall ck, Va,



Tee ll 00 bottle contains 24 Wmssthe trlsl stu, whick eeUe ler MesrSIPMtSD ONLY AT THC U-tOIATOeV OT

