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Sheriff accused of attempt to frame faces off county commission...

Date post: 06-Sep-2018
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INsiDE Commission wiD pay sheriff legal fee "l'he leplh duupd by a air tGme.r to lepiawt the l.jnmln "-riil' in. 6pate with ..., cna-i ............... )aowed lilrJ119DWiiJ1 o..,.. ="'"?n 3-218 P.J llbaut $1.000 daara-1 by .J.IWJert Beauwllia wben he rep 1 r 1 rtrf Sheriff .Jam-lltSwue in m. fight to CDIItiiMM tbe opendi.cm tJL 8 ... ... faRe in hia oft'ice.. o--- .r, ..... CbainDan Moo- nw.r ...... adCGmmi ....... Wiltan Bowell "t'Uled apiiUI!f. the motion by CcmmiuiOOft" L. Ray Nunlq. Earlier in the meetiD&. Nunley oll"eNd motion Dill to pay Beauwais and it pe=ed unanimou.tf. ly. But cluriDg. c:Io.d ipn with AUomey Alan J1on1. Nun- ley berame CIOinin£ed that the county would end up epending mare mooey by DGt payioc Pd facioc D10I'e hp1 npm., deteud- inc that po8tion. llt:Swane wu allowed to apply C.enmtmoneytoCODtinuetbe talk Ioree. but ...... to IIGme maD- power and budpt limitB impoed by the mmnriMian L.C. Cowboy Symposium will be held Oct. 12-15 1he best eowboy poets. muairi•n-. cnaftamen and chuck- wagon coob in the countl')' will gather at the Glencoe Rural Events Center east of Ruidoeo Down& on 'lbUJ'8day through Sunday, OcL 12- 15, for the 6th annual Lincoln County Cowboy Sympo&ium. Johnny Gimble and the Conner Taas Playboys headline the enter- tainment, whim will feature dozens of others throughout the upanded event. A Western Trade Show, trail rides through historic Lincoln and the Meaealero Apache Reaervation, ehurkwagoo cook-dl: and hone training clinic round oft' the events. The /luidtwJ New. will publish a spedal aeetion nat 'lburaday I Od... 12 covering the Cowboy Symposium. CaD 378-4142 for in- formatioo. Candy throwing prohibited Candy tbnnring ie prohibited during Saturday'a Aspenrut Pa- rade, RuidOIIO oflieials say. The prohibition atende to aU a:pec:tatGn and partidpanbJ of the It atema &m:n a eoocem rl amonu1ating litter and the llllfety of ehildren nmning into the lltreet for the treats. INSIDE ' - ----- Sheriff accused of attempt to frame county commission by DIANNE STAI I ... Ruidoso News Slalf Wriler the ditbict IIUIDiuey was ubd m inwsti,pte aDep- tioM that l,jnreJu .JIU!Ie8 llcSwane ad hia deputi• tried to hme aiUill.y com- millfianen ao druc c:luupa_ After a 46-minute doaed lift riDD .. Commi&Bioo Chairman llooroy llonta diftded County Man,.,. Cmulin Oaoney to rmted Dislrict Att.omey IDA) Bert Atkins about aJI..gatiorut am. taioed in DOtire legal adiao filed by Ruicloeo attorney Gary llitche1L llcSwane denied Wednesday that he or his deputies tried to merce two women to entrap the C'tWDJ!ri"Bionem. , am ..... -e you tho8e individn.. at. (mentioned in the legal notice) were never eoerced,. asked to com- mit a aime. abd to &ame anyone OJ' to do llll)'thing MIJ!sidered in- appropriate by anyone in tbie de- partment,• be said. He arknowledged that the two women. Molly McBrinn {Foster). 40. of Ruidoso and SheDy Woods. 38. of Ruidoso Oowns. were ques- tioned about 8IIBpeded illegal ac- tivity and people who might be in- volved. Some eommill8ionera 88id later they expect Atkins to plaee the in- vestigation in the hands of another district attorney. because MrSwane's wife works in Atkins' Carrizozo office. "'Freda MeSwane is a legal secre- tary with my office. She will be entirely shielded from this investi- gation,· Atkins said from his oftiee in Alamogordo "fm more concerned about the confliet that might aist. between my office as prosecutors for however many number rA cases the sherift's de- partment currently has with us. That would be the area of conflict I would Coeus on if I felt we needed to Allegations in attorney's notice Allegations against the Lin- eoln County Sheriff's Office con- tained in the legal notice sent by attorney Gary Mitchell induded: - Molly McBrinn FORter and Shelly Wooda wete falaely charged and falsely imprisoned overnight by Deputy Angelo Vega; - memben of the eherifl'a of- fice made Btatements that the eomrniBonen and Ruidoso po- lice oftieer Pete Eaquibel were involved in a conspiraey; - deputies attempted to have McBrinn and Woods engage in illepl activity in violation of state laWII; - Veea. along with other memberB of the Rherifrll depiiJ't.. ment, enpged in a conapiraey; - member& of the aherift'11 of- fice violated the civil rightl! of the two 1romen; -and Vep included f'alee in- formation (intJated amounts of drup) iq drafUog a search war- nnt in taonection to a cue in which be Willi using Mdlrinn 88 an unt:lt!ft.over informant. i ' bring in. !11p"ria1 ............ _- Cooney is pdting tGgether a packet to give him while be"s in Ruidoeo, Altins said. "We"'-e to review it and if we feel thae"a IIOIDillhinc there that nquin:a a pnee; utioa. we11 pruba- bly rniew thaL with a neighboring DA or the AtbJm,ey Gen.ends fioe.'" he BBid. Jle has DO idea how long the pro- tab. Atkins said Allegallons detailed In his notice to the commiAAion. Mitthell wrote that McBrinn and Woods were anested Sept. ?:1 by Deputy Angelo Vega for aRegedly bringing contraband into the county detention center. -.bese girls were held illega)Jy for 801Dething that is not even a erimi in the state of New Mexico.· Mitchell llllid 'Wedn...Ja,y. "They shouldn't have been incanerated. If AOIIMtbody had bothered to read the statutes. they wouldn't have in- ean:erated them ovemighL Another officer told them to read the statutes.. They didn't cr il they did. they just ignored iL- 'lbe two women spent the night in jail. The nut moming, the com- plaint against them WBS dismissed by the diatriet attorney. Vega still didn't release them. Mit.cheD BBid. Please see Sheriff, page 2A Commissioners express shock Lincoln County Com- 111188lODen expressed shock at the allegations BgBinst Sheriff James McSwane and his deputies. The eommi88ioners were in the middle of a di8CU88ion when the notice of legal action from Ruidoso attorney Gary Mitchell arrived. The notice caught them by IIUl'pri8e and Chairman Mon- roy Montes declared a abort rece&B. Following are readiona by three eommiAAioners: - , know the eommiMion has no reaJ investigative power over the aherifl's ofliee, but we have a responsibility to the people of Lincoln County to lay to rest allegationa and we have a budgetary ·responsibility," MonteR aaid. "I have no interest to engage in an oo-going feud with the eheriff, but at the aame time, citizens are poorly served by finger pointing." - "' find it offensive a deputy of the sherift' or anyone 888ocia- ted with the department would setting up a com- millllioner." BBid CommiBBioner L. Ray Nunley. - "rm not engaged in any contest with· the sherift', only what eltiaena have brought to me (in complainta)," Com- miaaioner WBton Howell Mid .. "11lere must be 80Dle court or agency outside thill poup that can look at thue seri01U allega- tiona. 'lbat way. if 8011leone ill guilty of the crime, they will do the time. If not, we am all pt on with our b..U.eas.• / 1 .. INSIDE airline "ights adjdst to'atcommodate passenger use. e ICalhleoeft McllooaldiR.ado.o Newa Ruidoso resident Mike Reveley spenl an earty autumn day hiking along the colortul Southlork Trai in the White Mountain Wilder- ness as his dog Tyler splashed through the river. Folowing up the popular trail is Natalie Rebstock. also of Ruidoso. Bright aututnn colors welco01e Aspenfesters byDONHIXON Ruidoso News Staff Writer When autumn c:olom of gold and crimson erupt throughout the forest landscape SUITOunding Ruidoso, thousands of visitora begin the pilgrimage to view the natural glory of the season. The yearly transformation of leaf colors, plus annual Aspen- fest, Cowboy Symposi urn and Oktoberfest celebrations, could bring as many B8 40,000 people to the region during October, Ruidoso Valley Chamber of Com- merce officials predict. Leaves shifting from green to golden are triggered by the change in the weather. Colder nights and shorter days cause trees to c:ease manufacturing chlorophyll. the sunlight- gathering pigment that gives leaves their greenish color. This lack of chlorophyll BOOn causes the leaves to begin changing to the reds. yellows and golds 8880- eiated with autumn. Along with oak and maple, aspena are among the most prominent of the trees that change color. .Aspen trees are the lllOIIt widely distributed native tree in North America, and bea- idu being beautiful, they are a critieal part of plant and animal communities. ForNt Service ofti· cialaaaid. Dllring the winter, upen IJ'OVIII&Dd loreltl provide food fOI' rabbits. deer, elk and birds, who are partial to the tender bude, twigs and bark of the me.. 'lbe Foreat Service auaeltl eeveral ideal Yiewiqlocationa for thole planning to t8ke a tour of the Ruidoeo autumn leaves. - Monjeau Lookout: This site can be reached by traveling north off Ski Run Road on a five- mile, bumpy gravel road leading to an old fire lookout station. Visitors can walk among the aspens and others are visible in the distance while driving. The yearly transforma- tion of leaf colors. plus celebrations. could bring as many as 40.000 people to the region. -Tan Bark, Nogal Canyons: Take Forest Road 108 post Bonito Lake to Forest Road 400 near Nogal Peak, then follow that road down Nogal Canyon on the other side of the mountain to the town of Nogal, then foiJow N.M. 37 back to Highway 49 to Ruidoso. Rangera aay this loop gives a view of some of the best faJl colors, but a high-clearance vehicle is recommended. · - Ski Run Road: Maple, oak and aspens are already showing their colora along the paved road off N .M. 37 to Ski · Apache, west of Ruid08o. Fantas- tic views around Sierra Blanca Peak, the Mescalero Apache Reservation and the Lineoln Na- tional Forest are all visible from Windy Point Overlook below the ski area. More information and maps are available at the RuidoBO Val- ley Chamber of Commerce, 720 Sudderth Drive (257-7396), and the Smokey Bear Ranger Dis- trict office, 901 Mechem Drive (26'1-4095). Page2A s Chino faces off I . V.P. by DIANNE STALLINGS Ruidoso News Staft Wrter , Mescalero Apaehe Wendell Chino and Vice President Fnd Peso will face off in the tribe"s Nov. 7 general eledion for presi- dent. pulled the must votes of the three eandidates for i•resident in Tuesdays primary. 'ftte break between the ronner allies possibly stems from Chino's SUtteSSful push to replace Peso's cousin 88 head of the Bureau of Indian Affairs on the resenoation. Neither tandidate has gnmted an interview about their platforms. Chino bas led the tribe for more than 30 years. Peso first was elected to the tribal eouncil in the early 80s and beeame vice presi- dent two years ago. - Unofficial results show that of the more than · 1,300 qualified \'Oters of the 3,500 tribal members, 825 east ballots, about 63%. Of that number, 19 were deemed invalid. Seven were absentee ballots. According to a t.ribal member who ia not a member of the election board, Harlyn Geronimo received 148 votes compared to Peso's 178 and Chino's 4 72. Rufina Laws, a leader against the tribal council's plan to store spent nuclear fuel rods, filed to run for the presidency. She was later disqualified by the election board. beeause she recently moved to Ruidoso after waiting for three years without success foro housing assignment on the reservation. For vice president. Keith Miller, who previously served in that post. racked up the highest number of votes at 471. He will run against Joseph Geronimo, an outspoken nuclear storage project opponent, who received 142 votes. Gwen Shaf- fer chalked up 51 votes and Har- rison Toclanny, chief tribal court judge, received 136. For the four open council seats, the four incumbents pulled the highest number of votes. They are Fred Chino Sr. with 305, Raymond Kirgan with 288, Berle Kanseah with 281 and Raphael Mendez with 264. The next four highest vote- getters were Oliver Ray Enjady with 242 votes, Virgil Comanche with 205 votes, Evelyn Breuninger with 186 and Teddy Rodriguez with 171. Com&Dche and Rodriguez have expressed their opposition to tribal plans for construction of the storage plant for radioactive spent nuclear fuel on the reservation. Official results were not avail- able from the tribe. They were not pOBted when an employee of Tlu! Ruidoso News checked at tribal headquarters in Mescalero. When a reporter called, a woman who would not give her name said, "rm not allowed to give it out. sorry." PeBO aJBO refused to release the figures, saying what happens on the reaervation is tribal business. Eliminated in the primary were Joey Padilla with 170 votes, Ray Little with 72, Eugenia Mendez with 94, Alan DuftY with 77. Chril· tie LaPaz Jr. with 169, Leland Lel!lter with 116, Nine Tortilla with 142, Betty Smith with 144, Charlet Smith with 73 and Georre Klinekole with 92. ... _.- ...... --... .... -.. .......... _ ..... _- - ...... - ------·- ...... .._ _______ •--- --- -- -


Commission wiD pay sheriff legal fee

"l'he leplh duupd by a air tGme.r to lepiawt the l.jnmln ~ "-riil' in. 6pate with ..., cna-i ............... )aowed lilrJ119DWiiJ1 ~-

o.., .. ="'"?n wo~BI 3-218 P.J llbaut $1.000 daara-1 by .J.IWJert Beauwllia wben he rep 1 r 1 rtrf Sheriff .Jam-lltSwue in m. fight to CDIItiiMM tbe opendi.cm tJL 8 ...

... faRe in hia oft'ice.. o--- .r,..... CbainDan Moo­nw.r ...... adCGmmi ....... Wiltan Bowell "t'Uled apiiUI!f. the motion by CcmmiuiOOft" L. Ray Nunlq.

Earlier in the meetiD&. Nunley oll"eNd • motion Dill to pay Beauwais and it pe=ed unanimou.tf. ly. But cluriDg. c:Io.d • ipn with ~ AUomey Alan J1on1. Nun­ley berame CIOinin£ed that the county would end up epending mare mooey by DGt payioc Pd facioc D10I'e hp1 npm., deteud­inc that po8tion.

llt:Swane wu allowed to apply C.enmtmoneytoCODtinuetbe talk Ioree. but ...... to IIGme maD­power and budpt limitB impoed by the mmnriMian •

L.C. Cowboy Symposium will be held Oct. 12-15

1he best eowboy poets. muairi•n-. cnaftamen and chuck­wagon coob in the countl')' will gather at the Glencoe Rural Events Center east of Ruidoeo Down& on 'lbUJ'8day through Sunday, OcL 12-15, for the 6th annual Lincoln County Cowboy Sympo&ium.

Johnny Gimble and the Conner Taas Playboys headline the enter­tainment, whim will feature dozens of others throughout the upanded four~ event.

A Western Trade Show, trail rides through historic Lincoln and the Meaealero Apache Reaervation, ehurkwagoo cook-dl: and hone training clinic round oft' the events.

The /luidtwJ New. will publish a spedal aeetion nat 'lburaday I Od... 12 covering the Cowboy Symposium. CaD 378-4142 for in­formatioo.

Candy throwing prohibited

Candy tbnnring ie prohibited during Saturday'a Aspenrut Pa­rade, RuidOIIO oflieials say.

The prohibition atende to aU a:pec:tatGn and partidpanbJ of the annual~- It atema &m:n a eoocem rl amonu1ating litter and the llllfety of ehildren nmning into the lltreet for the treats.


•~ -:~--·ftc.._ '

~ - ---~- -----

Sheriff accused of attempt to frame county commission by DIANNE STAI I ... Ruidoso News Slalf Wriler

the ditbict IIUIDiuey was ubd w~ m inwsti,pte aDep­tioM that l,jnreJu ~Sheriff .JIU!Ie8 llcSwane ad hia deputi• tried to hme aiUill.y com­millfianen ao druc c:luupa_

After a 46-minute doaed ~ lift • riDD ~ .. Commi&Bioo Chairman llooroy llonta diftded County Man,.,. Cmulin Oaoney to rmted Dislrict Att.omey IDA) Bert Atkins about aJI..gatiorut am. taioed in • DOtire ~ legal adiao filed by Ruicloeo attorney Gary llitche1L

llcSwane denied Wednesday that he or his deputies tried to merce two women to entrap the C'tWDJ!ri"Bionem.

, am .....-e you tho8e individn.. at. (mentioned in the legal notice) were never eoerced,. asked to com­mit a aime. abd to &ame anyone OJ' to do llll)'thing MIJ!sidered in­appropriate by anyone in tbie de­partment,• be said.

He arknowledged that the two women. Molly McBrinn {Foster). 40. of Ruidoso and SheDy Woods. 38. of Ruidoso Oowns. were ques­tioned about 8IIBpeded illegal ac­tivity and people who might be in­volved.

Some eommill8ionera 88id later they expect Atkins to plaee the in­vestigation in the hands of another district attorney. because MrSwane's wife works in Atkins' Carrizozo office.

"'Freda MeSwane is a legal secre­tary with my office. She will be entirely shielded from this investi­gation,· Atkins said from his oftiee in Alamogordo Wedn~. "fm more concerned about the confliet that might aist. between my office as prosecutors for however many number rA cases the sherift's de­partment currently has with us. That would be the area of conflict I would Coeus on if I felt we needed to

Allegations in attorney's notice

Allegations against the Lin­eoln County Sheriff's Office con­tained in the legal notice sent by attorney Gary Mitchell induded:

- Molly McBrinn FORter and Shelly Wooda wete falaely charged and falsely imprisoned overnight by Deputy Angelo Vega;

- memben of the eherifl'a of­fice made Btatements that the eomrniBonen and Ruidoso po­lice oftieer Pete Eaquibel were involved in a conspiraey;

- deputies attempted to have McBrinn and Woods engage in illepl activity in violation of state laWII;

- Veea. along with other memberB of the Rherifrll depiiJ't.. ment, enpged in a conapiraey;

- member& of the aherift'11 of­fice violated the civil rightl! of the two 1romen;

-and Vep included f'alee in­formation (intJated amounts of drup) iq drafUog a search war­nnt in taonection to a cue in which be Willi using Mdlrinn 88 an unt:lt!ft.over informant.

i '

bring in. !11p"ria1 ............ _­Cooney is pdting tGgether a

packet to give him ~ while be"s in Ruidoeo, Altins said.

"We"'-e ~ to review it and if we feel thae"a IIOIDillhinc there that nquin:a a pnee; utioa. we11 pruba­bly rniew thaL with a neighboring DA or the AtbJm,ey Gen.ends ~­fioe.'" he BBid.

Jle has DO idea how long the pro­cess~ tab. Atkins said

Allegallons detailed

In his notice to the commiAAion. Mitthell wrote that McBrinn and Woods were anested Sept. ?:1 by Deputy Angelo Vega for aRegedly bringing contraband into the county detention center.

-.bese girls were held illega)Jy for 801Dething that is not even a erimi in the state of New Mexico.· Mitchell llllid 'Wedn...Ja,y. "They shouldn't have been incanerated. If AOIIMtbody had bothered to read the statutes. they wouldn't have in­ean:erated them ovemighL Another officer told them to read the statutes.. They didn't cr il they did. they just ignored iL-

'lbe two women spent the night in jail. The nut moming, the com­plaint against them WBS dismissed by the diatriet attorney.

Vega still didn't release them. Mit.cheD BBid.

Please see Sheriff, page 2A

Commissioners express shock

Lincoln County Com-111188lODen expressed shock ~ at the allegations BgBinst Sheriff James McSwane and his deputies.

The eommi88ioners were in the middle of a di8CU88ion when the notice of legal action from Ruidoso attorney Gary Mitchell arrived. The notice caught them by IIUl'pri8e and Chairman Mon­roy Montes declared a abort rece&B.

Following are readiona by three eommiAAioners:

- , know the eommiMion has no reaJ investigative power over the aherifl's ofliee, but we have a responsibility to the people of Lincoln County to lay to rest allegationa and we have a budgetary ·responsibility," MonteR aaid. "I have no interest to engage in an oo-going feud with the eheriff, but at the aame time, citizens are poorly served by finger pointing."

- "' find it offensive a deputy of the sherift' or anyone 888ocia­ted with the department would ~~~~Ueat setting up a com­millllioner." BBid CommiBBioner L. Ray Nunley.

- "rm not engaged in any contest with· the sherift', only what eltiaena have brought to me (in complainta)," Com­miaaioner WBton Howell Mid .. "11lere must be 80Dle court or agency outside thill poup that can look at thue seri01U allega­tiona. 'lbat way. if 8011leone ill guilty of the crime, they will do the time. If not, we am all pt on with our b..U.eas.•


1 ..


JJ&~JCIOJ~ airline "ights adjdst to'atcommodate passenger use.

e •

ICalhleoeft McllooaldiR.ado.o Newa

Ruidoso resident Mike Reveley spenl an earty autumn day hiking along the colortul Southlork Trai in the White Mountain Wilder­ness as his dog Tyler splashed through the river. Folowing up the popular trail is Natalie Rebstock. also of Ruidoso.

Bright aututnn colors welco01e Aspenfesters byDONHIXON Ruidoso News Staff Writer

When autumn c:olom of gold and crimson erupt throughout the forest landscape SUITOunding Ruidoso, thousands of visitora begin the pilgrimage to view the natural glory of the season.

The yearly transformation of leaf colors, plus annual Aspen­fest, Cowboy Symposi urn and Oktoberfest celebrations, could bring as many B8 40,000 people to the region during October, Ruidoso Valley Chamber of Com­merce officials predict.

Leaves shifting from green to golden are triggered by the change in the weather. Colder nights and shorter days cause trees to c:ease manufacturing chlorophyll. the sunlight­gathering pigment that gives leaves their greenish color. This lack of chlorophyll BOOn causes the leaves to begin changing to the reds. yellows and golds 8880-

eiated with autumn. Along with oak and maple,

aspena are among the most prominent of the trees that change color . .Aspen trees are the lllOIIt widely distributed native tree in North America, and bea­idu being beautiful, they are a critieal part of plant and animal communities. ForNt Service ofti· cialaaaid.

Dllring the winter, upen IJ'OVIII&Dd loreltl provide food fOI' rabbits. deer, elk and birds, who are partial to the tender bude, twigs and bark of the me..

'lbe Foreat Service auaeltl eeveral ideal Yiewiqlocationa for thole planning to t8ke a tour of the Ruidoeo autumn leaves.

- Monjeau Lookout: This site can be reached by traveling north off Ski Run Road on a five­mile, bumpy gravel road leading to an old fire lookout station. Visitors can walk among the aspens and others are visible in the distance while driving.

The yearly transforma­tion of leaf colors. plus

celebrations. could bring as many as

40.000 people to the region.

-Tan Bark, Nogal Canyons: Take Forest Road 108 post Bonito Lake to Forest Road 400 near Nogal Peak, then follow that road down Nogal Canyon on the other side of the mountain to the town of Nogal, then foiJow N.M. 37 back to Highway 49 to Ruidoso. Rangera aay this loop gives a view of some of the best faJl colors, but a high-clearance vehicle is recommended.

· - Ski Run Road: Maple, oak and aspens are already showing their colora along the 18~mile paved road off N .M. 37 to Ski

· Apache, west of Ruid08o. Fantas­tic views around Sierra Blanca Peak, the Mescalero Apache Reservation and the Lineoln Na­tional Forest are all visible from Windy Point Overlook below the ski area.

More information and maps are available at the RuidoBO Val­ley Chamber of Commerce, 720 Sudderth Drive (257-7396), and the Smokey Bear Ranger Dis­trict office, 901 Mechem Drive (26'1-4095).


s Chino faces off




1. Ruidoso News Staft Wrter ,

Mescalero Apaehe ~dent Wendell Chino and Vice President Fnd Peso will face off in the tribe"s Nov. 7 general eledion for presi­dent.

'llu~y pulled the must votes of the three eandidates for i•resident in Tuesdays primary. 'ftte break between the ronner allies possibly stems from Chino's SUtteSSful push to replace Peso's cousin 88 head of the Bureau of Indian Affairs on the resenoation.

Neither tandidate has gnmted an interview about their platforms. Chino bas led the tribe for more than 30 years. Peso first was elected to the tribal eouncil in the early 80s and beeame vice presi­dent two years ago. -

Unofficial results show that of the more than · 1,300 qualified \'Oters of the 3,500 tribal members, 825 east ballots, about 63%. Of that number, 19 were deemed invalid. Seven were absentee ballots.

According to a t.ribal member who ia not a member of the election board, Harlyn Geronimo received 148 votes compared to Peso's 178 and Chino's 4 72.

Rufina Laws, a leader against the tribal council's plan to store spent nuclear fuel rods, filed to run for the presidency. She was later disqualified by the election board. beeause she recently moved to Ruidoso after waiting for three years without success foro housing assignment on the reservation.

For vice president. Keith Miller, who previously served in that post. racked up the highest number of votes at 471. He will run against Joseph Geronimo, an outspoken nuclear storage project opponent, who received 142 votes. Gwen Shaf­fer chalked up 51 votes and Har­rison Toclanny, chief tribal court judge, received 136.

For the four open council seats, the four incumbents pulled the highest number of votes. They are Fred Chino Sr. with 305, Raymond Kirgan with 288, Berle Kanseah with 281 and Raphael Mendez with 264.

The next four highest vote­getters were Oliver Ray Enjady with 242 votes, Virgil Comanche with 205 votes, Evelyn Breuninger with 186 and Teddy Rodriguez with 171. Com&Dche and Rodriguez have expressed their opposition to tribal plans for construction of the storage plant for radioactive spent nuclear fuel on the reservation.

Official results were not avail­able from the tribe. They were not pOBted when an employee of Tlu! Ruidoso News checked at tribal headquarters in Mescalero.

When a reporter called, a woman who would not give her name said, "rm not allowed to give it out. sorry."

PeBO aJBO refused to release the figures, saying what happens on the reaervation is tribal business.

Eliminated in the primary were Joey Padilla with 170 votes, Ray Little with 72, Eugenia Mendez with 94, Alan DuftY with 77. Chril· tie LaPaz Jr. with 169, Leland Lel!lter with 116, Nine Tortilla with 142, Betty Smith with 144, Charlet Smith with 73 and Georre Klinekole with 92.

-)!~--------~-...___.__.____~-~~~-------~._......---------·------~-:a..._ ... _.-......--... .... -.. .......... _ ..... _- - ...... -------·- ...... .._ _______ •--- --- ~--- ~---- -- -

• •

County hospital board will vote about state Open Meetings Act bJDUWNNESTAUUNGS Ru----r

'l1lo Liacoln County Medical Cont.or board of dire<tol8 wiD vot.o Oct. 19 whether ta start conductinc it.o meetinp Wider rulee oflhe New Muico Open Meeti- AeL

Gone Walton, vice pl'OBident of lepl alfain for Pnsbyterian Healthcan Servicea in Albuquer­que, deli..,... lhet news to lhe Lin­...Jn Couoty Commission Tuesd<\y. Preobrt.orion leases the hospital from the COWl\)'.

Tho hospital board doesn\ -lhot it'a lepll)' roquind ta follow the act.. but it may vot.o ta follow it 8D,)'W8J' becaUBe of an attorne-y gen. eral'e ollice opinion.

Reactina to a roquesl from Tlae Ruidoso Newa, tho New Muico Foundation for Open Government (FOG) aoked for an attorney gener­al'e opinion on whether the LCMC board io ~oct to lhe otote law.

Aasislsnt Altomoy General Elilllllolh Glenn condudod Aug. 29 thot lhe LCMC boerd falls under the opon meeti- law. Hospital of­ficials disapeed with lhet stance in Jetton to lhe AG'o om ....

As the atat.e law requires. the hospital wiD publish a notice or the

Oct. 19 neat board meeliDc beloJe it Spencer. .....,., Walton BOid. Hoopital llaard Chairman Dub

The first item ofbuaineBB Oct. 19 WUiiama, a ototo NproBSDtalive wiD be to wte ,.. lhe Open Meet.- &om men-, inaistod lhot the iugs Act, Walton said. But even if meetinp ""' opon l.othe public and the - - that doean't moan an,yone .... cet on the acende by Presbyt.erian has IJiwn up. <allinc ahead of time. He didn\ BoY

Last month. hospital adminis- whether he oupport.od the -trat.or Valerie Miller said acc:ep- meeti- ae1. tanee of the AG opinion eoulll alfeel 'l1lo hospital hoard sometimes other Proobyterion hoopitala in has aections or ita meetinp dooed New Muieo. Sho relluod to BoY ta the public lhsl would not be al­what other hospitals abe waa refer- lowed to be closed UDder the Open ring to. Mootiuga Ael.

'"We plaa to open up a diiiCWillioo Commission Chairman MODrOJ with the altarnay pneral npin. be- Montee 1111id the hospital could ooelt cauee we believe thie io llandamol\- chonpo through the State LoiJiala­tally wronc." Walton BOid. "I don\ lure, eepeciall)' beeauae WUiiamo ia know where it will end. We will the Republiam slate repr088Dtative comply until oomeday we are able fur tho county. to convince them they are wronc." '"However. if the board bad been

'l1lo only support for Walton'e adhorina to the Opens Mootiuga position came &om Conunissioner Act. maybe we would not hod some Stirliug Spencer, wbo 8llid he has of the discussiona th!" oeournd some reeervatinno about applyinjr hero today, some of which probably open meetinc requirements tO ~ would have been better held in pi tal meoti- when oonsitive io- &ont of the hoapital board." Montee sues may be cliocusaed lhst dnn\ Sllid. fall within items reserved fur cloaed Ho was referriug to complaints exeeutive aemDons. &om doctors and othen in the

.. It's tho people's facility and health care field thai lhe hoopital they need t.o know what's going on," admiaistration ia trying to atille Commissioner W"llton Howell told competition.

SheritT-------------M · h U · he ti At first because the women were

COntinued trom - 1 A II< e wrote m I no ee. fri•b•--ed, they --1 alono ~·• "That was a damnable lie in that • loCI' ..-v.. ... wawa "They brought them in and told the charpo had already been olio- Veca's requeet and McBrinn tried

them they had to work for the drug missed and Ms. McBrinn's release to aet up aomeone in a drug pur. taok force or otherwioe they're ordered... Mitchell wrote. "After chaao, Mil<heiiBOid. coi.,r .to • be . oent to. ~e coercion. throats and inappropriate "Ms. McBrinn finally realized porutenbary, Mitchell owd. I conduc~ Ms. McBrinn was coerced thel the actions they were called think the thina they wanted them into workiug with Deputy Veca and upon to do involved tlying to oel up to do was work on t.he com· the Lincoln County Drug Task innocent people," be wrote. missioners and they wanted her Force .. At that point. she contacted an· (McBrinn'sl knowlodp of any in· . other Ruidooo police ofli<OI' and volvement or commissioners and She waa ordered not to talk to Mitchell. the Ruidoso Police Department in her attorney or Ruidoso police of- "If 1 were theae COJD11UIIIionen. I druga. '11loy ware implyinc otrongly 6~~ Pete Eoqwbal, Mitchel! slated. would bo auinslhom fur defamation thoro was an involvement and ohe, In addition, Ms. McBnnn wu and eat.ortion. I wouldn't t.ako it," as part of her work in the case asked to oet up Lincoln County Mil<hall 1111id Wodnooday. "Ira an would hove to work on that. ' Commissioners.· Mitchell wmo. attack on lhelr familloa. Not a

"The sheriff and the (drua - oiugle ohnd or ovldones BOisle -"They implied a police oflicer force) hove an on-coina feud with whore thot tho .. commissionon are

hero in Ruidoso was protecting (commissioners) becauae of the Involved in any of lhel. I think tho thoae commissioners which is ab- conunisaion's refuaal Ill aulometi- bottom Uno Ia that they (the taok solute nonaeneo." ' eally fund tho clrua taok foree," he force memben) lmow lhare'o nolh-

. wrote. inc lhare and they were~ heplna About 3 p.m. Sept. 28, McBnnn wrl ·--~........ It was brought into a room with Vsp Mitchell contended McBwono to na _ _......,. • no on • and was offorod a deal if she was involved in tho coercion of tho "Just the Implication olano worked with the task force, two women. croatoa problems In a community."


-r MaiiT .,,· nli~~'R'!lU-rkj 1 Year ...................................... $34 6 months ...................................... $30 Home DeUvery (Paved Roads) 3 month& ................................ $20 6 months ................................ $38 1 year ..................................... $68 The Ruldoao News (USPS •72· BOO) Ia publlshod eaoh Monday and Thursday, 104 Park Ave .• Ruidoso, N.M. Second Claea Postage Ia paid at the P.O. at Ruidoso, N.M. Poetmastor; Send addren ahangee to The Ruldoao NlltWII, P.O. Sox 128, Ruidoso, NM 883'8.

.., .,,, .

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~· '4'.

~ . · .

.. , ........ , ...... Kaboom! Ru--......... -.to---...--...... nlghl. "thellqlolled.....­____ -.-IDibumlortralnlnQ......,..In-allile -Wan Wille-Drive. Flnlllghlam..-....-toaet-IDthe --odlile -tumalllhe_..-._

Ruidoso airline flight schedule adjusts for passenger choices bJICATtLEEN~ - 460 tlew &om Boowoll to Ru- News Sholl-· DaDaa;

Moot flicbta aloaa the ......th-Gid - 131 11ew rrom El Puo to Ruidoao LoDe Star air mute have Dallaa; been IWier tb~ a Lone -and ono t1ew &om Boowoll to Star AirliMe llllid ....... Ruidooo. day. Counts of_... laot WHit

Hownu, ono daily weoltds.Y wen the biahesl yet, wilh a 47'6 lllcbt frequontl,y lacbd _....... ·-laadlloctor,- ooicL oa it has bean bean olimlnatod, 'l1lo _.top was boosted wilh Dtwid Reodno ooicL Thot IJiabt waa the elimlnati,.. of the unpopular El 0 lato-nicbt IIOUDdlrip ..._ J1oe. l'uo llicht. and tho inclusi ... of tho woU and El Puo. eat.n Dallaa Oi&bt. Murrlo ooicL

In Its 111-. a BOOI8ld Nonclllf "We're confidont lhot thie IJiab\ to iWlaa &om Roowoll and market will be a IUCC08B in the lone Ruidoao has bean added. term,. Reednollllid.

A roundtrip weekend lllcbt &om Airline revenues with the Ruidoao to Roowoll to Dallas hu al• boon added.

"We've bpt the aaocllllcbt and have ..,u.on rid of the b8d one; Roocino said. "We ospoct to 1et IDOI'O Dallu cuo1omon with tho n­\n lli&bt."

'l1lo airllno'o fuur-t:ity route IJo. con Sept.&.

lloooinollllid the avvoce number of - on tho Ruldooo­Roowoii·EI Puo-Dallas air nute has bean hllher than apoctod.

More than 1,000 plano -ta are CU1111ntly boobd alq the air route. With tho OUIPiion of Lone Stor'a Chibuahuo-Dallu n111lo, lhia route has the hlpeat number of pro-bookad aeato, Reodnollllid.

About 71'1> or tho computol'­bookod reoervetions are for October and Nowmber, and the Nmalninc portion fall in lhe euly part of De­cember, he 1111id.

"lt'a not a ourprilo to roach lhel level; lt'a a ourpriH to roach that loval oo quickly," Roocino BOid. "Jumplna to 1,000 bookinasln only 30 days ill, to mo, amulna."

Roocino had ~ted an aver­... 118'1> or lho onol' 18 oeat.s would be liDod on ahts durina the first month of ..moe. But to his ourprilo, tho .mW IVII'ap load faclor of Soptomhor'a weoltds.Y Oi&bto --3ll.8'1>.

"Ira a 1141'1> lmprnmllont over what we bad hoped fur," Resclno llllid. . 111erra Blan• llqlonal Airport Nanacer Tim Morrilllllid • break· down or .,......... ..- durina thefirstaionthofoorvloelhoM:

- 119 pasaeapro tlew &om Ruid- to Dallu;

- .. tlew - Ruidoso to El Puo;

"lrsnata.....,....to­that level; Irs a surprlle to reach -• level so quickly.

Jumping to 1.000 -..go In only 30 days II. to me.



Weather doesn't stop passengers' delivery

Customer Connection Program IThlrou•Qh TNP's Customer Connection Program. customers can double the

power of their donations to the communities we serve. TNP will match each dollar donated by customers to the program. up to $100.0001 The money wiU be used fund worthwhile projects In communities throughout TNP's service terrltery. Employees and customers will

~~~:::::~: which projects get funding. For more Information on hoW to plug In lc make a difference. see your October btl~ or contact your local TNP office.

.ll:!Xas-New Mexico Power Company

• . i •. • ~

' . .

l ••

! j

I •

• • Thursday, Ocl,ober 5, 19951The Ruldoao Nawo13A"

. "'Lineoln Post omee· issues Billy the Kid postJnark Saturday

land. . ingln- and need addiliomlllin-Priar &o the 1/-. at 11-.30 lbrmalioD, pleue eall your loelll

11-'!!-• a ~ na- walk MVDollice fur llllllialance. W1ll be heloJ. Tlie park will _.

::""a'lial"~~l.r~.allowviailora ENMU receives

Guilty or Innocent? Ruidoso-- and stafttook a bnlllk-lnlm _..,. a1 .,.._ hall 1111 11:05 a.m.~ to w-..,. Jui1I'S valdct an o.J. $1,_ be --. PloiUrad are (left to rlghl) COUncilor J.D. J-. Vi111Q11 Momay Jolin UndaiWIIOd, and Major Jeny ShaW. a..._ waslound nol guilty.

Outlaw skateboard ramps appear byKA1tiLEEN lllc-ALD DabiU~J"Iasuranco covvap. overlapplncpte; Ruidoso N--Wiler V"illap councilonllllllltlllill"""' -..,. Qilroad tioa IIIIWld tho

A vlllioliV of naDJIII ended b)' &o autlwile Willi" oflhooo rampa. iDaido perimelor of tho IIOOUiity akaloldnliq lllllluliulo at ..,.,. IDU8t aiiO IIPJIIIIVII 1N1J- fenciD& &o help aupport of tlui hot-~new Nodll Pult are n- mont of a $500 perJillllith liability tomofthel'emt; lepl, a village ol&dlll aaid. iDiunMo foe &o cover tho ramps, a -tho Parb and Reenation De-

"'DDe - out dum! have not foe quolod b)' the village illaurer, ~ muat maintain 81111 peri­::::...:r.r•nd 81111 luMI &o be J ... oonoaid. Odieally iDape<t tho -.titian altho

J --'-·-~:m. liP Menqllr Gary 'nle counoil will tlllse up tho auR- fadlltr, .... ......1. d • indem - lor at ilo &:SO~m. 'l'laeaciiQ' meet- - ~ ......... - unoc -~- ......1. •••• •L'- • at viii eDt ... ather, ,.,. ..-- wae ...,..,... ...., aum- >DC ap . 'ftJe ............... a110 in

mer u au llllomalive lo Jackson oaid bis ollice reeal~ eluded postinc a lli&n at the 118~ akaloboanlioc downtown when word MandiiJ about tho eoot lo m- ontnmoo dotailiuc rulea o1 llOJICOo okalohoonliq waa bamuld there. It eure tho rampa. I.e.: .......,.u, oonaielo aoly ol a Oat uphlllt olab wlu1e villap ol&dllle 'l1ul insurer llloo lasuecl mom- _ ablolbladolboar at your own etwiY Uabillty con...,., aaoodalod meudetiona tho villap muat foDow risk. 'ftul villap of Ruidoso ia not with rampa. in order fur Uability .._ &o be reaponslbis fbr 11117 il\iurlio -that

J.-aon ealled the appear ..... or provided. 'lbooe "".""""'tndati"'!" miiJ ......-; the ,_, •ampa on tho ·-'-·'t will eDtaO mOJe wUage uapendi- 1_, ___ _.. •

....... _.,.._ tune , ~ ~t OJ' .&U 6UIUUI8D Jl re-olab a "daiiy battle" and oaid that · • • ~--&o be in atlondanee at oD villeco w...., have lllroady Jleramm~ndaliona 1ndudo: t.imee ;r a o1u11or ia uuder 13 yoam removed them onee, a Uttle aver a -: allowmg onlJ( thoee I'BII!JIB or age; weak ap. • • .. provided b)' the village and ID•

. • . . • . . . --- • .. - by the . All --'l1leY _..,....... ·llitel'· 'ld-· the" :r1 be ;..m; ... :.be polioa do-

d!IJ. partmont;

coan~"'!~~..!':f. ':.!'; a~"!:~~~ a.i'! by thair ownen. J••- aaicL pendonoa upon Fin Statiom f2 (In

However, fbur athar rampe now tiont of tho White Mountain Drive in otanp have been appraved b)' a park) fur theaa IIOOBB!Iitioa eould be­private aafoliV .....Wtaut and m!IY como a nuiaenoa &o wurki1111 &re be erected ICMID, JaMaom aaid. atation peroonnal;

'ftulao rempa wen donated laat - l'ondoc the perimalor or the month b)' a local aport abop ownar park with a aoeurity gate &o eantrol and approved by a priwlo aoloty hours or operation. Aloo, ·tho ocmaultent aa baiDC el;pble fbr tho entranoa milllt. be bunt with an

Opening Oct. 10th

true color/ '

- 110 aleabolic. ~' Jll' gliula coiltalnllnl · - · · ·'

. - do not UBO On elot.iim aaoapt fur OIDOJIIOftey il\iu>y notilicatian;

- akelon lllllllt wear bead pro· loctlon, olbow peds and bee peds &o llBO thia f"acility;

- no loiterine: or non-use witlrin tho iDaido perimelor orroncioc; .

- apanioc hours.

'"nle recommendations are na .. oonable and not illaunnountable." Jaebcm said.

,_lobl!dn PaidOftloa will.., allil\vtha Kid paalml!lk dudnc l'or mare infbnnatian eall (605) grant to expand

4'19-6124. extension channelS Cu ...... or~Dolytiom9 ...,. &o Ua.m. Sa\urde,y, Oct. 7.

"'ur .............. firatcl-. and,..waat.....,&ol!nowweap­pndato l;bolr bulinHe. • .._ .

County Solid 'ftuiU.S.Depar~mutofeom- • ·

Waste Authority ~~::"::.,.~..;1= - Cbode Rol>bo aaicL 'ftle'paet ol&oa will aiiO o&r&oun. ....... -andlllfta&oCUitomonlla\ur-

manager chosen .........,....,.._&olowelwl-nele. and &o IUrthar utaud the !bur

·A Lulldn, Teas oalid waa1o ..,. ohannele &o alearnilqr oantorln perinlondent waa hired Wednaad"' Raidooo. """· The Billy the Kid apecial paat-

medt wiD be noad &o emoel otampad lllail, and a collectible .... wlopo will aiiO be..,Jd dudnc the .-t, which bollllite the Uncoln Papant and Futivale,

&o menqe the Lincoln County Solid 'Diis -oion -uld llriDC the Waalo Aatbarity. DDIWIIIIi1J'e co_..., &o the ......

In a epedalllieetioc.the hoard clllera Apaebo lluarvatian. 'ftJe wled llllimimouaiY &o piiJ C"ortia pnJIOIIIII aiiO indudee equiplnant Doboon $46.000, plua a $300-a· fur 11"to ~In lloinNJI, month ear allowanoa. He nplaoea llobbo and Ruid81111.

'ftul-.rlt fur bilh·the poet­....... and &ll'ielope wu doai&ned b)' u-m art.iat Wlllar Bonn, who wiD be on band &o lip anlopaphe.

Joe Lowamlawaki, who &ook..., ='"""',...,.. twaJOUB ega and -d tho SWA out or alllliQiinal operation in&o blaek iak and nat;ionAI recagaition

'l1ul paolmaJio is lllaa.avaUable by mllil. CuatamOra 01111 aend a ..u'­addreaaed oiwolope &o: Billy the Kid Paotmarll, P.O. box 9998, Llnoolo NM 8888811998. .

Alao .......... WilHam Bonney 0.1181117 MeCarliY. ~out­law Billy the Kid .Daclio bis tllmoua &nal- tiom the IIBCOIId-floor .iail at the Lincoln Cloanty Cowt­bouaaln 1881.

'ftulcourthouaa and athar builcl· iop olthe1800a •t.iU eland &od!IY in the Linooln lliatorie Distrit:t at the OBDior of what ii known aa ''DU­lY the Kid Collllley." 'l1ul aren . drawa viailora lo walk baM iii his­torY 81111ntraoa the elope or­Billy, wbaae lecend bae inapired mon tban 110 ti1m&

Last Full Moon Night at White Sands Monument

furita.....,.Jing --Doboon graduated tiom Clovehmd High Sehool in Clovehmd, Taaaa, In 1977. He worked fur the Teas Department or'l'ranaportat.i aa an eftllinoar loebnidan tiom 1988-90, wbera ho illapeelod bridp prqjeelo.

rr..n11190-81, be served BB 1111-perinloadaat or etrealo fur tho eity .orCJevabmd.Jn 1991, be-bind .. auperinteridont or solid waalo. He waa raapanaiblo fbr a $2 mUiion bud&at. a a&otr of20 and aerviee &o 16,1100 reaidont.illleualomen.

He willnl"'rt &o warlr. at the SWA'a administration OBDiorin Ruidoso Downa on Nov. 1.

State mails vehicle re-registration notices twice Vehide~~noot.ioaa

thet ware moOed in Septombor fur Tho &nal FuD Moon Night fur Ot:teber........,) were daplioalod

1995 at While Sando National Mon- elolowida beeallB8 or a prnoaaaing umant wUI be hold on Satnrday, arrur. CuatamOra who reeaive tho Oet. 7. 'ftul.evening JII'DifBIII bejpna duplicate neliee allould diareganl at 7 p.m. at the perk ampbithealor tho ....,nd billiag. at the end or tho llunea Drive. Moler Veblda Division amploy·

'l'ba theme fur thia momth'o tm>• · awin all field oftiOBB·bave bean 1f11i11 wiD be the 1lllll£hiDC heritage ndUIIed orthll errar and hove bean or tho Tu)8IOIIIl Baain and the inatruclod &o "V111i1Y the Olllllomer Saeremen&o Mountalno. 'l1ul pro- .........t befbre ac:<opt.ioc a aecond pam wiD be baalod b)' G.B. Oli- p_..,L . Ill and wiD ineludo membora or a "The prooaaaiag problem baa number or the area'a pionoar been identilied, brought &o tho at­familioa, who will olwa pomona! lont.itm orthaea responsible and aterioaofthe oady dllfa in the area. -...ted aafurtber emma ollbia

Monument ~londant natun wUI not continue &o -· Dennia DilmaDOOn inVJtea both Jo. We apologize fur the inconvonienoa col naidante and area vial&om &o thia m11J eauae our euatomera," aaid the pru&rem lo pthor _around tho Gary A. Montoya, Moler Vehide 011111p6n and loam mare about the Diviaian Diraelor. "cowboy" culture and ita tioa &o tho If you reeaind a duplioolo biD-

Shriner Pole- Dale Pipher

County Shriners host .potentate

Lincoln County abriDan wiD boot a visit b)' thair polon-l!ri· iloiY and Saturday, Od. 6 811117 in Ruidoao. Tbe ollidlll visit is In eon­junet.ion with Aaponlimt.

Polen- Dale Pipher or Belen . will meet with local Shrinon &o dia· · • .,.. the aetivit.iaa ofBallut Abynd · Sbrilio Temple and ito aupport or :· the boapitlll progrem. Tim Rleh is proaident of the Ruidoao Sbrino Club. 'lbloeai-Sbrino Club..,... rently baa nina ehildnn baiag tn>elod b)' Sbrina Hoapitol doetora, : aaid loeal Crippled Cllilclmia Co-ehairman Jerry Wright. .

The Shrinen have never made a charge &o a child, paromt, illauranoa company or...., gnvemmontlll body .

. rar tho trealmont or crippled or . burned ehild..,n.

"We're vary prond or the Ruidaao . araa Shrinon fur their hard warlt over IIUIIll' yeanlo holp tho kids." . Polon&ote Pipher said. Ballut · Abynd Shrina Temple ...,.. tho ont.ire atalo orNaw Mmdco and bae 462 elu1dren in tho tnatment pro­pam, Pipbar-aaid.

Happ\4 Birthda\4

Auto Paint & Body Experts l8USllNlESS CLOSllNG

Sale of Personal Property of SUSAN KAUFMAN to be held on the property

at 509 Granada, TUlarosa. NM SATURDAY· October 14, 1995-9:30 A.M. Vl-lng & Registration Begin at 9:00A.M.

love Mom .0. ..JJ•my o' 9'•a•b "9NI•g" 'o.frdrly Ja~t•uy 2f. t990 to u4pttf 4. 1995

9. del•••~ Ill 9io•ll'll Wid! l•ot ••~ l•cfy Gall i•~ncf• ... 4 bppy ..... Wll.. Ptf Gad llllliC II .Ill IM•Dly. 0.

.-ouol oftbtotrM •• phlud A- 2:90 P·•· a. Oelehall B. t995 11 lh Cud•

<8 ~ "AM.L01 01 Btul Cil:hg\woy 70. lJlutdoso CD11111•s. .JJt~rJ ..JJenet.

' ..


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A WEEK 10-5

• SUN12- 4

~-7=-~~::~===.~. K~~L~~~A--~~-------~~

. . • ' : . '

. . ' ' . .. . ' :I . ' ..

·.: ' ' '

• · .

. 4Nlbe Ruldoao Newanhuraday,·Oclober 5, 19115

.• <;Jo!· .. . . .. .

Reaping the harvest Fallis a time to calabrata the summer's harvest and

marvel at the golden colors in the mountains • . While sunounding valleys still Cillebrata the tradl·

Uonal harvest of fruit and grains, we in Ruidoso look baCk at a dllarent kind of harvest: tourists.

A tourism-basad economy is great as long as we keep In mind that evan this clean economy has Its In· harent problems to keep in check (such as an Lin· stable tax base, a need lor an oversized utility Infra· structure, and low-income jobs In the service indus­try).

Uke Ianners and ranchars, the tourism 'lndUSIIy depends on the weather, but to a Iasser extant. And we sometimes want dillarant weather than what's good for the fields. This waakend wa•ra· hoping the aspens are In their prima.

Judging from the latest gross revenue tax statistics (a 4% increase for January through July vs. 1994), Ruidoso has sean a modest increase in tourism. The gross receipts tax is similar to a sales tax. June was great; July was not.

These staUstics may ba indicators of Where the community needs to add events, as officials start to plan new projects with the help of a newly hired spa· clal events coordinator.

October seams to have plenty of events already, and they are 8011111 of the locals' favorites: Aspanlast, the Uncoln County Cowboy Symposium and Oktobar· last. ·

The first two celebrate soma of this county's in· herant attractions: natura and the Wast. Thars the angle officials need to keep as they think about new events. They should seek plenty of pubnc Input, too, since this kind of planning would attract soma fun Ideas.

This weekend features Aspantest, part of which can ba lntarprated as a celebration of the chile harvest. If you want to clear your sinuses and small that fall in the air, the state Chill Cookoff and roasted chiles are the ticket.

The parade, crafts fair and hot rod display are friendly, lald·baek ways to welcome fall. We hope you all enjoy the weekend - and lake time out to sea na· lura's contribution to Aspanfast in the surrounding fora st.

POLICY 'Jbe Ruidoso News encourages leuen to lhc cdi1or, Clipecially aboutlocol topics

and iuue&. Each lcmer musl be s.igned nnd must include 1he wriler's lelcphone number nnd

address. The phone numb« and s1rcet or mailing nddrcss will no1 be printed, however the aulhor's hometown will be included. The telephone number will be used to verify authonhip. No letter Will be printed witboutttu! wruer's name.

Lc:l1~;n should be 500 words or less, be of public imerest and should avoid narnc-­(;alhng and libelous language. The Ruidoso News reserves 1he right to cditlcnen, Ill long WI viewpoints arc not altered. Shoner leucn are preferred and gcRCI'DIIy receive grcau:r rcddentup.

Letters may be hand delivCTCd to The News office at 104 Puk Avenue ot mmled to P.O. Bolli 128, Rutdoso. NM 88345.

Tbe News bas the nghtto reject any lc:ner.

MaUing Address: P.O. Box 128. Ruk:loa~ NM 88345

Phone: (505) 257-4001 Fax: (505) 257·7053 . . Keith Green

Publisher Joanna Dodder

Edllor Dianne Stallings •.•....•...•........• Repottar Christina Volquardsen • Don Hlxon .......... : .................... Fieportsr ...•..•........•.............. AdvertJs/rlg Manager Laura Clymer ..•.•••....•....•......... Rapmter CfYSial Dalton ..•••.•... DJsplay Adllarllslng Kalhlaan McDonald ................ Reporter Pat Prewlft . .......... Classified ArlllflltfSing Karen Payton ••.•....••...•. Office Manager l:llen Hlckok·Wall .PnJduciiDn MantiiJBr Anjanelle Chavaz .............. Booldceepsr Johnny Hughes ..... CitCUialkm Manqer


-i j: ·_


Senator seeks ideas about legislativ~ issues by PETE CAMPOS S1ala senator (I)-Santa Rolla)

'Doe 1996 New u..;.., leaioolati.., lll!llllion is jUit anowulthe -· To achioove u DI[ODda wbich is prudent, caring ODd t1uoughtt'ul, I JUitld :ywr thouahla o:ooncemiDg the mJijor ia-11111111 orthe ""'· ·.

AI the 111a1A1 - thia impootant time, I believa it ia 'VOIIuable to nmind onmoelveo or NIIIJmon values to guide us in our de•linga will> each other, - pvenunent and the people ooerved ll,y our pvernment.

In aD our ao:tiono, .,.. lhould purooue a - thet reJieoo OD clireet OIIJIIIDUDieali will> each olhar and with aD New Meodc:ana. Toplhar, we cu seek ratiaual, pruolant and t1ooughtfiol cJumaea in ..........,..m.

Will> aD the iaauea fou:boc New Mulco, it II miii'B importomt t'baa .,_to -in frank, open diacuatoiona eo that puhlic ollicialo ODd the puhlic ""' fUlly iDiiormed.

,..,. will be, Gfcourae, ..,_in .......... noent. 'Dle people 'bave demudecl it, and it ie clear thet -• t'b&DI[C ;a needed. But chenp oimply tilr lhe .a. or c11enp 1a DOt pod; it malt be based an ~ted aeoda, ODd it malt be punUed nli..,oolly ud responsibly.

Some areaoo which I hope to aoncontrate on durillg lbe 1998 auoiom inCiuola;

Crimei'NveDtlollud ConeetfoJg . New Mexiao'a crime pteftDiio& and correc­

tions policy must be 'broad-based and rooted in the unoleretouodinc tluot the only truly ell'eclive way to make our ecnmmmitill aaf'er ia·to preoo - - .. DOtjUit puniah olfenoleroo.

Swift, sure ~ahmout is alao Dlllli!IIIIIIIY. or caurooo, and 11111111 t'baa 3,000 men ODd """""' behind 'baro in alate priaona an evi· o1eace or- wm;.,.._ to nmova otl'emlere 11rom aociaty. Bat - ....., 1ocea told u- 111111 time again tluot crime II a J8UD111181l'l Jooui. ,.. and tluot crime.- aniiiiiOIY driii8DII,y the DUIIIber GfJ8UD1mm in our oociet,y.

Cloarly, the moot ell'ec:ti ... leeet cOolly -to ma1oe our COIIIID1IIIitll earor 11 to aoldnoe

the unoler)Jiq cauaea or crime: poverl;y, lack for a Jow.tpowth -. in alate _oil. orcommunit,y involvoment, poor education IIIII -. tluot odeloUI- the "''DDber Gf alate tiYoo£unctioaal families. ......_ wilbaut ................

Eduation .. ~.. . ..... As New Mexico conaicler8 tho poooeiloilltY or . ' ;,_ "~ ~:!\'#.'...; ~ .. ···iJl

eoluo:ational ~""malt bop in mind the uuli.., GfbowJiiiiili'liiulwhetfiirto"'U. oue or !he most HD~ purposes or a public ::J J:"'bliq ill New Mexico. 'l"bbl ie • pu-eclucatiom: to provide tilr the development Gf ficu1 difticult '"- llecao•• ., m-the whole penon. We muoot help oorudenta ..,. eatiliee ..., inwhed: federal law enfinan1eat quire the ollilla """""IIII'Y to be pod warkera, apm1eo, f'ederal courts ODd other ..,Gee, bettor manogeno, wiooe lu1ainese ....._ pod IIJV8ni&n ladi&D tribes ODd puo'bloo and New pnoliooooiODBia, caring parenla, pooltlve role ·-~-~--JDGOielallllll ilmol .. d dti...,., Mul,.. """"''"""·

We malt remain coommitted to jiUI'IIUiug 11oe I • -&olont tluot the LetPoJ.-, II.Y goal or preparing our c'bilolnn flor the work wurldDJ....,..or,llolloowiqthe prwleai...,.. tioreo, liomily life, oommunit,y ilmolvemeat IIIII ODd COIIIIDIIIIicel nil at ...., DGiDt. ..., cilizenebip. 'Dill incluolaa omauriJoa 11uo1; oar f- a llllulion to the quooliom of-dod c'bildntn avoid barmful oouloatanceo, OllioY IIDOOd pm'blilllr ill New Meoolco. It will DOt lie ...,, nutrition, onl8r Bduool reedy to learn aome· · and it will requinl the citiunoo Gf oar alate to ~new eao:h day, haw opportwoltios to par- oll'or their Input 111111 to reaocoioe tluot ...,.. tieipatc in after.oochool activities and 11111 bpt prom;-muot be made. safe. Wellalellellwa

Health Cano A heallb cano rawlution ie undi!IWI\Y in the

UDited Stateoo &Dd New Mexico will DOt lmid it. WbDo there continues to ... a goad olaal or reoietaace to lhe nation or a ooingllo-pa,yer heallb cano ooyatem, it ie clear some ch•­are om the wey.

Clean EDviroiUIIeat udl•n"-Pe We malt work to oabance ODd _.....

New Maiao'a nll·lmown natural 1""""-­As our lllaiAI'a IIOIIUiation increaaea, tloia will prom> 11111111 dillio:Uit, hut DOt im_.'ble. We malt wark together to ensuno tluot the air, water and land quality ia DOt jeopudizad as our state develops.

Sm•Uer, Prudent Gownlaeat

Gotel!l••ant wiD grow in New Mexico, 'bat it doea DOt nood to 11ft111'111!1)' much. As ""locok at the .......,aeed huolgetiag CI!JIC8Pl, whore each -oliture is ao:raliaized and judged qainet whether it is ucompliahing the par­poooelot which it is i-.Ied, "" ahould OllriYe

will aeek 'bow. in .....,..... I do IIIII decioime, aa JDDr ~ Ia a t'bouaJdlbl


Gina Boofr, Mail Room SUpervisor; Thomas Tsosia, Clerical Assistant; Evelyn tli.dn\ much Hazoi,CioricaiAaslstanl; KollyJackoon.-leD,.r,Jacldel!<yani,Route Quit WhiDiftg eoh!Din '"'........,,it left DO im· Ul baw ._ th ... lie AI 8 hoiJmiD, )'Oil 818 Jlllt

D"""r. Raymond"""""· - O....r, Walt Jonas, Aaule o•ver. Pot COnnell, ~ ... me. m tell - what, oblto to drive them wi CIUitiOD. I p•ohed III01IIId baler UDiil ,... lnserter,AuckaAII&on,lnsoroor;JanloMcWIIIoms,lnoorter,JonHazol,-- 'I'O'I'IIBBDrl'OJia tJulu&b,JunraJooatoelliqyouriiOJl- ot.,..J &t oobooal ...., ""' ~ 1lllltUie, IIMoD ,.,...... ......... to

Shanle Cox, lnoootor. Joey Vena- lnoorter, -~ Qaddard,lnoodOr. 'Dill II '~'~hr. cloMp .-. ... _ :JOIIdllr oome freahman ,.... 81111 the cootieloria .... ap. We ... tile ._. lr "" eo..-............ lnooolor, Bunna Colloway,lnotH!Or; BollyJonoo,lnooroor; I• wrl"--I-GD llehlll .... _- 111111-;rlb the notGfthe w ... mae~~-· u .. lbii - Gf- u- ....... George Galea, Malnle..-.cet Tanvnle Hattar, Production; Drew Gamber, ,...._ ...., w-.. -

Pnxlucllon; Joe Me'""· Head Pnosoman; Slave Lopez, Aoololard Hoad ..........,; Gf llendith Keotaa'o 1llriniDc ill -.,, hlno .... _..... to l>llild Hero'a .... advice fiao,..:... ..., thm'il 110 ..... YGU dan\ Do""'...,_, Aoololard ,.......,. "'111e Wht" eoJamn GD 2fle .RuidGI!O JGU a .......eta oloilwaD< to J!aolll'a your - flor JIIUI' .mar J88l' )lave to lie a ""'1111 to be IOIIIdure. NaN IICiioll ~ Bver:v cal- I boUle. D111iD11 the ,;pt, while )'Oil 81111 briJo& a IIIICk IIIIlCh. Tbat ...., tr. ..Ued •lf......tlal, -

suoso- -· "'..,.....,._,_ oopy, .... .... -; single oopy, have MIIIAiriD woo &r hee 1!!1& He in"""~-nnoini- an the Ceeat what -· lib, -· 6lll't - IIIII aelf-nne-. ltllt be-. • $2.50; one year, S34; .six months, $30. Home deliVery: thtea Manlha. S20i lllx ~u~ ......... ....a '*-"' --. .~- ~~ ........, S3B; one vao•. saoo. Coli (GOSJ 257·4001 ,., ..... -· p)Med-in~~~~-- • .,. pod e1cl ..,... - JGUl!e · to WolitfD lble,llllll,...have a - people pow ap 111111.....,. Tho Auldooo N....,(USPOS47&BOO) lopoobl ___ ... ......._., iJeplivi.\1 - e1cl. 'ftoe.~ll' ~Mini the .-_ 'ftoen ~ ·WIID.!oelaneeddllt. 4alla\-tlle.rcaa'&havellm. 104 Pouk Avonua. Ruidoso, NM -· ---paid at Oloo _, -'t be iOlved lry ~ ,.,._to llllileOiate the IJillll · . . . . . . . CHico ot Ruidoso, NM se345. P ... moate<: .Send addreaa chongoo lo Tho B ...... ._ have a~~ the--·- to nlliLIIIillte 8 'Dleluteohamn thaU'wnad io . 'Die aat. ~- Jill& • Wlitll ~"'=-~· :::.!:· o\:'."'='.\'!~..........0 ond- coipv lhal b eeia\ift.liHrd. tW will ._, 1111 Dirk. Soft . .. be Upbalttt·· · II r..-~-.I...,.- J011oa14 .. toliiM. 'fOil ... 0 ea-='!,~~ ~..:'..::::'.!...~"!:.=.= litnalfaoMo 111111 ~....,. ... :If fal.Gf•,..!~ ... m ochool ~- :!:~ Y011l1Wi ==~= c:' .;::-.,;!.1 :C•n:\ ::=,"'wl:::..~!':;;..":.:":'.::. ";:,!!.'irJ"..'!";*....:.~~= f:' = = :r--~ boa~ ... colum11 wee llierlllr a· J1ia wiaor,~;&the _.. wlllte._ . Nowa Ia publlohed by WCHkiWe" Umoted UoblltyCompony. • wlaUli- .-.. a-. . • · IIIIi , 1 -·"··· .......... ~·lll't JilltlliOIIoll.fD ...:.. lil;ull. -- . . . .. .. = Gil .... __, _.. . • (th;lt'!itillflll'fi . .... ... ...

L._ ______ - __ .. _ ... _~_'"':..:":t"..:IOl:_':_'l"r __ .. _ ..... _ ... _· _____ -:-1 · ra ..._a .; ·~th'a t~not ..;. ,.:?.~::.:·=:. wiiir>. . Iiiii · · ·· · · ' .................... ....

t -·· -.- _. •""'-

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'l"-11 L ..


C .·aa· n .. .. ·a.· .p .. •···•·· a~· l'lluNiiltD · In · elghthiM.nd.r:::;, I b. _um·.·· .. ·P··. s orr·. ~~'lbul!iiOt I

........ lliiiWVin '"l'opGun" c ft Puswinll!ul&b!luu.m<lpfa . loudcro .. "'!IIOdule!I,Uki!uMbaoll~

~:r~~~ , -L.MI=Y-fi&lit.-.• --..... ~ . -~. -~~ ..... -. 'lbii!olor.-...... in Rolidoan ClollitaD ·- --at Rna wiOIIhcil'-. Jendo<la IBOOld wllh a a:ili_.. win on tho ri&btM,putPclolordmmfbo:dle ..... .,...,, • 'l'ipro downed liiiiXHIIIIDDo lhat .... ad aad lbe rival C1JouooW!1fl 11-11, 11-l, l.li-10 thin! tioloin tho Qllll:h. RefCne and J.li.llt, ~ t.o M .-II '"-S-stoppodlbefi&bt andl·lindiollrictJ,IIIII'·· · offic:iallyaldle 1:03JIIIId;.ordle. . 'l1le 11eara ~up a oolld ftaht oi&hlb ........ hl ..... tha ..,._ 110\tlod ........ 1he win ......... 1'Jqlnd.... thq tloonliu!ttad tho nat and the

neon! Ill 28-6 wilh 22 Jt(ls. JQkh. · Foslor, af\1Dnot .Gclklen Gloves "aoadantl\ ...... ftlllly 18 p1e,y ......,welghte,~felllo20-3-l and 111.; wars llrVing topp,• (15 JWs). . . Capitan ...... ..,... - said. Tbe~ .... ~- "'Diey didn't. let ...,thing bit tJ,o COIIIIVUecldleCIBl-u.-...- 1loal'." · -~IJoll; Ho llllQUied- lfallo6 o'aulf!H the Tlaen' win Wllh a - help .._,lhB net. Cepltan's cnra _.ns - sura _.,. in die aocoad JQIIad wilb aa .,. "llW' bloanaa ft came m tho rvad - Clo!lderolt llplke- daaan1 lind thB floOr. ovedlaad right. Sm-cave ......,_a ocr"''PY leaD!. 'l'he Bears -----~-fmll!ta-•s eiJhl eoum p1e,y IJII&t deflnaa, placio their bita *""' DlaY fillln Mandl Aldp and tho 'l'lpn ..., ptt!ng a bettor before lolling die fight eonliMe. and .... ...U, ha said. . Ann HOlt citrthe hanch, Maaa6 aaid. grasp on lhe Maaa6 eyBtom. Tho Wright to mt .. 11f1111t1 .,., 818 capaNe II upsetting C.pitan haa already had ita first.year ......, waa hoping 18 run over controVenilal caH -in our lli*iel, • lfallo6 said. share of oiclmsaa and inimioa thla more _,Diicatad olllmllive

C8n1zom six......, fOolbaiiCIIIICh 'l1le .....,. - alao important · SOI!IIOn. 'l'he Tigers laat another oehemas, hat liad 18 simplilir thinga Sid Wr'"'"' won't. boon die oonlli....... the 'l'ipl8 dooppad atartar ..........,, when aetter Andre -lyill tho seaaon. · sidoU: when his Grizzlies take their diltiiCt..,...... apinat Daater l'lah spraini!d her leA anlde iloar Capitan is lllliusti1111 to the now die &old Friday .... Vaughn. lllltunlo,y u home. tho enil or practioa. l'lah waa on dofenaive -· anil Maaa6 Wright was saoponded for- ~ came nat iatlmldalad a eratehes lbr the Cloudcroft match hopes 18 run apscilic olllmlliw playa

. pmo wbon he wu flaaod twice lltde hil. We wwen't nlaud at au," and is oat inda&nitoly. when l'lah 18tumal8 tho lineup. by an official daring 'Zozo's pmo Maaa61111id of tho Dater match. Monica Johnson &llad in lbr l'lah 'l'he Tigers faoo another Diatriet

"wilhl'loydSatunley.Coacbes It showed. Daater jumpad all againat tho Bears. Aa with any 8AA fbo ill '1\darQa '111uradey. flaaod twice by """u:ials nooive owr the Tipra in tho ·&rat two team, it took awhils lbr Capitan 18 Capitan hosta the Wlldcata at 11:30 aa auiDmalic: 0111>-1!1111" SD&pon- pmea, winning 111·'1 and J.li.U. pt in 'lf"" with ita DOW setter. p.m. filr a jnnior varaiQ> matoh. &ina. CQitan finally pt aottled down . Earlier'in the 80811011 the Tipra Vanit;y aotlm aheuld start atound

1he NDw Mexleo Adivilioa and won lhe nm two, l.li-10 and loot middle bittariiJlockor Cathorins 7 p.m. Aaoociatlan aotiliod Wright aad lG-'1. Rat tho decidiDI &Nl came Sidwell to an anlde sprain. Sidwell dle.scllooldiolrictofdleBUBpon· balongad 18 tho Domana, lli-7. In haonlamodwithavengaanoe,hat Tigers down Hagerman lion Tnoaday. that last - Capitan helped the the 8llllior'a timing Is still a bit otr Capitan blew past Regerman in

Wilb his ream leading 52-18, Daater ..-by C11J11111it1iDe aervioo becanae of tho llllol!"· . a non-district match Sept. 28. on.a W~left dle&ideliMs to auond .,.._earlY and late in ths- Aa ror aa MassoiiB ooncemed, it's Tigers......,.... an oadyoooaaon 1oaa "'injnrod player Patrick Hanaoll. "We huaiiMI and tried hard, bat . somebody else's tarn ror illjoriea to tho Bohcata with a straight-game ::,:;nthe~':,~=yor. we just didn't ploy relued," Mass6 and illnoaa. lli-2, 15-9 and 17·111win at homo. n•.ooo~o ,_ ~. "dolino ~•-·• ..uL "We've bad - ahare, hat if ws "We really took It 18 a.-_• m._t- um II W•- . 'l1la Tipnl WSftl l'eeling tho of. can just fight throngh it, keep im· Maaa6 said. 'We kopt tho =ci~ aummonod by die head fecta of ths Ou 11 well. 'l1lreo proving and at&,y fbeasod, we11 he mmnentum &om tho taurney

"Wbenhopbit.ltloolllodlib - "!"""" alowed by~ allriah;t."Masa6aaid. cha!JI'"= .match (Sept. 23) --~~:sa~·•'··'•· .~~""'~,.~_IulCk WI~. • _c:apitan hea __ inlproved hOCBUIIB ·lll!ainst. ." ·,

s.:.s:ora:..=::Re Another big meet for the warriors was held for obao!vation BOYerOI ....... bob8being­Wiight &aid Hanaoll wiD see limllod aotian Pridey.

C8nlzom ochool officials have aokedthe N.M.A.A.I8 iDve&tiple the incident Oftlclels aont a._ ellplaialng Wri&bl's actiona and a videotape of die pme.

. 11V LAURA CLYMER with 92nd and 93rd place &niahea RuldaiOMaws Spoils Wtfter reapsctively.

With the &rat or-Wnah moeta Maaksw 1s a1ao pretb' 111m1 tho behind a.-_ the - o:ouatry Warrionl aa a leaD! linlshod bettar w.m... have aet their aighta on thea district rivals Cobro anct Sil· their nm big event -·lhe Lubbock ...,, hut he won't. know ror anre nn· Invitational SatardiQr. til ha noce~ ... tho offioial nBDita

Ruidalo was one of 36 taama limn Gallup. . -- at tho Gallup lnvita- Masksw knows tho Warrian' tion8l leat lllltunlo,y. Moat of tho • timea will hi alowsr then tho .. toama wars from tho northern part they hove poatad earlier thla year or t11s state, hat the p1'lllltleloua in· becanae tho Red Rook stata Park vilatlonal drew toama from Arizona eourse waa 200 meters longer thea

riora will continue 18 work on apood ondunmoa.

"We are working on billa aad aome didmll:e interval training," Maaksw said.

Gallup lnvllallonal - ....... ...-.., l!ri<a ..........

5Gih; Ameilca s.ndlw... 9'11b; SiuDa ~... 1201bo J=Danich, 134111; OariiiiY hlmcr, 14bt; . Palmclr, 150dt.

Rultbo bop illtlivid : KeMC1h (hay, ...... - ,_., 93nl; - ....... lOIII; Ked S.rb,.llldr, Zae Pafl0nl,l21111; Kyle SJ-rb, 15- Johnny MadiPn. 14hL


~HS rested, ready IIVLAURACLYMER -.t. Ruidoso - Spoils Wtfter . 'l'he 2&0 yanla the Warrionl · lt'llboea DUIIethan a .,..k oinoe plned.vla tho llinniJIISapt. 21! Willi

Ruidoeo l'oolbaiJ pJ..,..... have bad tho oil- lininc ill tho dark ·llleeh,_l8hit~-olhor Portaleacloud. then their toommdea in~- · "It Willi a CIIIDiidonee buildlr lbr

• 111'!""1-18 say~ lhey'rilpmug B l'IKal !Eu.jady) and the whole hit lind or hlatinC up on oadt leaD!." Carter aaid of tho Warrioro'

. au;:. Warrion will have a ohance ~ porCarmance against the 18 '!lock and tacldo, run aad pau Elliaulll junior qu-.baek, against B _.mm opponoat at '1:30 lilliahocl ~6 filr 246 yards.

· G!t., ~ :J: ~ takeu.\': 'lbrouchoat &ve _.., En.lad:vhao -lbr bath leaD!• -letad noorb' lill!l. ofbis paaa~a.

Ruidoso ..._ a-3-2 """"" 18 ~e Ia 42:of.Sl fbr 646 yenbi, thfee tho table, while the Doaort War- infloreOpliaJuJ and- tDuohdowns. rlora oport a 2-2 mark. A leaD! can rack up 600 yanla in

'l'he last time tho Warrionl took otranaa, bat If It doesn't oraos tho the &old waa Sept. 21! against pal line, yanlage doean't. -· Porta1aa. Tbe Rams blanked. Cailer aaid, refbrrinc to tho five Ruicloao 43-0. timea tho WarriOI'I bad the baR in·

Since then, -'a Lee Carter's aide the Pnrlalea 20-yard liue. tnopa have had the oppaituniQ> to Leading the Warrian' ruabi118 re&na olllmllive pl.,. and defenllive altad< are eauiOI'8 Rex ComanchO aohomea, and heal mentally and and KrJe Humphreys. COmanohe ia phjraically limn tho &rat five IJIIIIOII averaging 4.3 yarda per ruah, while . Ofthe BOBBOD. Rumphreya picks up 8.2 yanla B · 'l'he time otr waa well apeat, eany. Carter said. 'l'he Warrion have Defenaively, Comanche and wotked Oil perfecting dilrerent taOJinndeallyrOD Soule• and Jaolr.· dofenaeo, aa well aa olllmllive pla.ya ie Roe lead the Warrion. .Joeae that have worked. Fft!mknacht, who has 20 IUIIIBIIiatad

''Last week waa a good meatal tacldee, anchors the dofenalve line week, and thla week we've hod real lbr Ruicloao. good practieea," Carter said. "Oar Ruidoao will hi without linemon kida are oaci.t.od. TheTn ready 18 Jaay Rowley, who dislocated bia cat iDto the diatriet (p!Jiy)." shoulder il). the Pnrlaloa pme.

l'lliYillll '111urada.Y night instead ShaBo Reidhaad, Trey RrBIItley or or Frillar svening should have Andrew Tenorio will cat tho ~~tart­short-tann and lllilg-torm ad- ing dafbnllift taclde aallipnnent --ror Ruid-- Toreaa 111ainat- Teresa. pbqred last ....... loaing "' Clint, . . Toaaa, '1.0. 'l'he Deaort Warrion • Who will take control? have cmb' aia days 18 prapare lbr Ruicloao.lluidoao, howewr, is- Every Diatrict 8AAA toam an· 18p]e,ybaoaaaaofitaweekl~Qro~F. tara ita pme tbia ws• with at

l'IU., tho '111uradey pme moans least a .600 """""· hat Carter Ruidoao will have an ......_ dey to thinks bia Warrion how aa ad· prapare ror ita Oct. .13 mooting with vantage. Silver High SchooL. 'l'het's not ''With the taama ,.W played -aeying Carlor and tho Warriors are the Artaalea, the Pnrtal8808 - we looking beyond Santa Tereaa. feel Uko our achedule haa prapared

1 • ."jWo've cat to pl1111 1» our potan• ua won;· Carter aoid. . .. ~ We oan't. take anyone lightly," He doesn't. expect bia team w Carter said. faoo a batlor quarlol'baek then

'l'he Desert Warriors depend on Arloaia's Josh Whitmire, or a tenm tho big p1e,y olllmlli-.ely. They like aa p~eal aa Pnrlalos, in the dis-18 spread tho &old and throw the trict. bomb. "'It's mattar of who wiD take con·

"We have 1A1 take away the long trol," Cartar aaid or the district p1e,y and make them run tho bal~" race. Carter said. 'l1lo Warrion must The Warrionl WBDt to take con· alao keep .praaaun on tho STHS trol right 11-om tho &tart with a win quartamack. · ....r Santa Tareaa.

'l'he Ruidoao otrense ean help ita "Lust year we had our back dafbnaa kaap tho Doaort Warriors against tho wall. We had to win (IAI · · lo chock aa long aa it oontrols the make it to tho playotra). We don't baR. Ruidoao will atrivo 18 &nd a want to be in that pollition. We balance botwaan ita ronnlng attack want people ohalling ua," Carter and ita newly discovered paaaiag aaid.

"Jftheoi-islibevayano. says it is. lhen it warrants an investigalioa,. Cmizozo prim:ipal Randall Barwood Baid.l!arwGod will help assistantCIIIICh Randall Robbins coach tho Grizzlies Friday.

"I just wonder what hlo (the official"s) resonoe would bave beea bad tbio young man boon para· lyud," Wrightllllld.

and Colorado aa well. tho atandard 3-mile distance. 'l'he event bad tho atmosphere of "It's a peat ........, 18 run he-

a state championship moot, com· cauao it's soonic," Masksw aaid. plsta wllh thousanda of apectatora "Rut hoeauae it's aaady, it's tittle and Iota 111 _.politon. Tile 5,000. bit alowar, too."


Tlgera open dllllrlol play haeUng Rnerve 1he nndefearod Copitan Tiger

l'ootball team hosts district foe Reserve at 7:30p.m. Frlday.lt will be the Tigers' District 3A ..,..,... 1he Mountainoon..., 3-3 ovaall

aad CJ..I In die district. Cloudl:roft defeated Reserve Sept. 29.

Capitan eoaoh Ed Davis &aid die -""'mach improved nndor lblo dlnctioa nr filll.year CIIIICh Dean Ovcn:eat. Rooervohu 1!0011 size and fair speed. aad die Mountaineers""' maoe disciplined as well, Davis &aid.

TbeS.OTigen might be~ 10 look past Resorvol8- week'& OJipOIIOnl, rival Cloudcrofl.

"Y ... ean't1lffonl "' relai< and looo one (district plllll)," Davia &aid. "We've worbd bani on making 111ft we don't overlook Roserve. Our players ... -·. eitoagh DOl to.•


motor raoa...,. run aver tho """""' Ruidoao's rnnnora will faeo an that will hi uaad ror the atata meet. oven larpr number of competitors Ruidoao oooda Ronnie Maaksw when they visit Lubbock Saturday. eatimatad """" thea 240 nmnora Eaoh race in the Taus illvitational campotad in each 111 the beys and will haft anywhere limn 300 18 400 cirlli naa. runuera limn aohoola aeroaa wsat

n waa trnly an event for tho Teus, Maakew said. Warrion 18 .......,._ and Bll _. Tho combination of the Gallup rianea I» draw &.a. and Luhboek moata should provide

W"dh all that oonaidored, the tho Warriors aaporienoa they oan · Warrion ran p~ ...U. Maaksw draw limn when tho district and

said. ateta championabipa como atound. Ol&cial times and leaD! relll!lta Mer running thoao two meeta,

wars nat omdlahle at press tm., it's herd 18 lmaglna tho Warriors hat Maah9 doaa know tlaahman b8lng "payehad out• by tho number Brica ll8more &niahad 50th .-II of eatranta or tho eouna at any in tha llirlo rue. Kennolh GraF and meet. · Bora Sandoval led tho hop taam To get a phyaicaloclp, tho W~

·-"""' Oct. fl

. •

----------- OTHER NoMINEES ----------

WWie Sliva, Jr., running back/line­backer, football, Carrizozo. Willie plays both offense and defense for the Oritzlles. His four TDs helped Catriwzo (4--1) record a 5l-3 L victory over Ployd Saturday.

Wayne LaBelle, Sr .. fullback, foot­baU,Cspltan. Wayne scored two touctulowns. including the game win­ner against Texico._lte rushed fot 151 yards In the Tigers'~20 come-from­behind win over~ Wolverines.

Matthew EnsOr, Sr., right forward, soc:eer, Ruidoso. Matthew had four 8St!ilsts in RHS' win over Portales. "He puts tbc ball In front of tho soaJ for us and dJat creates many scoring oppor­tunities," says' coach Dean Hood.

Amber Llvlnpton, Sr., hiller, vol· leyball Ruidoso. Amber had 17 kills and nine blocks in a win over Artesia. ftHer all around effort- blocking, serviJ;~g. blUing -led us to victory," says coach Jauna Sancheat.

Kerl Shafer, Jr., hitter, volleyball, Carrizozo. Keri had IS blocks in Canizozo's crucial Oistrid 3A victory over ~rt Sumner. The win marked the Orstllmoalnce the 1980s the Grizzlies h11ve defeated the Poxes.

Erica llomel'e, Pr., cross counlry, Ruidoso. Romero finished In the top SO runners (of more than 240) at the prcsUBious Oallup Invitational last weekend for the Warriors. 11drty-five learns compeled In the cvenL

Tnt! WINNERS ------------

willie Sliva, Jr., mnntng backlllnebAc:lcer9 foolball, carriwzo.. WOlle plays both otrenJO and defenae ror the Ori:tzllcl, Hla four T.(ls hcJpcd Carrimzo record a 53-31 vlclory over Floyd. Satul'day. 11ao Orlul~es am 4-1 overall. "You let blm pt. outside wldJ the ballllld he'll SCOI'O, n 1111)'1 CarrizoZo fool.. baiiCOocb Sid Wright.

' -. -~ • .. ~I

I .,.,, : : :

Catherine SldweU. Sr., middle hitter/blocker. volleyball. Capitan. 1be 11gcra have won five of slx matcbes aioce Sidwell returned from a sprained ankle, lndudJns a wln~rHagcnnan,IS-2, 15-9 and 17·15. Thunday. •shc's·a good team leader aod conutuml­eaiC& roal well. Catharine doesn't ,get down on herself, .. says Capltah coliiCb Bryaa Masse.

"'Athlete of the Weeku Is sponsored b.y:

.. 451 Su~clerth, Ruicloso • 257-4033

-.. ' . ... . • - •. " . . •, . . ---.--,·.- • --·-.--~ ..... -~-~ .... ,. -· .- .. -.,. . ..,.,,...,. .. ,.,. . ...,..,...... '"""-.. ' ' ......... .,.~ ... ~""'"' ••-·or. .......... : ... "" 'II ............... ~ "" 'F'""'l"' ... ·':"· • ' -4/ 1 "'":""' :7 ·'* -~ ;.; Of 141Ji 4 "'.:us. 4 •




6AIThe Ru~. NewafThUfllday, Oclober 5. 1J19t;

Police chief hired-A aew police obieF is on du1iY f'ar JIUIDtho 1lllli1 a ..,.,. diAl WU

thevillaporCapitu. cJJ-. CamJI DurbiD, a ,.ncher wbo

filrmerly wm"bd fbr the - Po- Trasteeo ..... wjJJ .. nriewinc lieo ~ wu hiNd 1a1t IIJIP)Ieatiano fbr a_.... police or­week by the board or -. He &eer "' help tho obieF lllid om­will be paid $1,700 a monlb. Carloe Briloe. Jolum,y Parlrer, wbo

ToBy Cano, the YiJiaD'o pzevioua handled lllllmal- imJIOIIIIIIing and polico chi~ naiped after pleading polico dullea, naiped in July lbr no - Ill tbqing a nbicle tide another job. ApplicaliODB lbr that reglotmtion document. &J. Poumtt pooitioa dl be .........,d through or CBJrit:m fiDad in lbr the 1a1t two P'rid&,v. Oct. 13.

Carpenter sentenced Capitan Trustee u,..... ea... -tor was sentenced last monlb to

.U. months in the Lincoln Caunty Doteotioo Center on a dameatic violente charge.

The complaint oricinall;v waa filed in September 1994 by Nadine Griego. It was reopeood on July 25 or tbis }'881', ammJing to district court ....,...-ds,

Dig in

Carpenter, 34, was jailed Sept. 10 ,.;lbootbond. He W88 sentenced about t"" weeks later.

On Sept. 27, a. claim for child support waa llled agaiost the - in Lincoln Caunty Dlslrict Court by the 11atae or New Muico and Miasiasippi GO behalf or Debbie A. Kraose.

Dianne S..Uinpfl1ac Ruidoso Newt

Steven Nnsell. 1911, and Emily Hobbs dig up weeds and old roots at Veterans Park In Capitan In preparation lor fellOw 5th grade students at Capitan Elementary to rake as part or a beautftlcatlon project put together 1>1' teacher Tlllanv Menlx.


"If I can't find the problem, I talk to the engmeel:\·

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It", •••w col tht• rc"''''"" Y•'u·n: nn•rc llkl·l~ ll11!CI your Ford. lmlo]n or Mt•rr.:ul~ \'t'hlt."le fixed n~IH the fir.,ttlmC"herc thar1 illl) where chc C )nl) "(Juahty ("an:- lt'l hnKiilll r.:an U'le tlu· Tt.·t·hmt·al Scr'v·tn· ll••tlsnc tn callun tlw lar.:ttlf)' cng:neer ... y, hen they h.wc a prnhkm the)' t.'an'r "Ohl· Or plug mrn OASI~ a t.l.ataha'c that It' I" our tc-<.:hmc:an ... f!t"l lht• late'! mfnnnatiUJl clbuut y[JUf vchKic.' Sn. 11 ~nu want your t·.n nr trud1. fixed right the fir ... t 11mc. t·ume mlnr l)uahl) Care. And ,CL'tll.c 1ouch.

Ruidoso Ford Lincoln Mercury, Inc.

100 East Hwy. 70 378-4400




' - - l .


Park clean-up

' . '

Wine. served witbmMis·•t Ellis Store

Rusty Maltln (at top) rakee the claad leaves and grass at Vatarans Park In Capitan as pan or a 5th grade ctean-up prujacl flnancad 1>1' a Keep New Mexico Beautiful grant. The pmjac:t Is being super­vised br teacher Tllanv Menlx and parant wlunteer Karen Castillo. The students wll gruw wlld­IIOwars ln a lab during tha winter, then plant them In the park and aruund the schoot In the spring. Above, shovels are manned 1>1' .Jacob While, Pablc:k Grl-. N'alon Muniz andJeny Trujillo.


TIONAL $100.00 PER CABIN Off Royal Caribbean and Norwegian Cruise Unes already reduced rates. Offer Is llmlt­ed ... so CALL NOW! Rance and Lynn

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. . . e;s-wa iWJ>EQ•--wwv•n•n&~WWDw er:Hil!!f*"*'""" swrw ""'41-· o4;,p...,- ,., .... ._.-MI!Iallll._,..,,.. """.,. • .., .. _.,,....._..,~..,_.._ .a'~:>H·""·'- """""'"""' ...... ~'·'""'""··-'· -''''" ·• '· ··' · "' ... ~·--·""·"~'"'·"·"· . ..__ ... ~ ............. -.~,.--.~~~'-·- '' -"~ tto•ses-·W<·ftt!'t"uSU#'Er'6' .. •'ifti• P _.,

l-·~-----'"P"'r•,.._ "''ifo·•..-.w..-·.>•Y>"'oc·.~---.~--:·.-~,~oc.~c~.- -~~.-.- .-.- -.- .-.~,-. -,-,- •' :·, · ,· ~-. -.-;•. -.. , • . - . . ..



I j<OOIL ' .. Thursday, Oc:lober 5, 11195flha Rultloso l\lewW7A


SCHOOL L .·.::I':·:;·,~,. $m~ii!J;;_-·,:>:,':.:/JJ Preschool· teacher's excellence rewarded M..-... ,.m b , ...... llaadQ Ocl,a. · ~orDONIDXON ~""- . · ·

.,..._erQ · g I . lfelley~duriJiclheJi)o ,._-Stall Writer 'Duo Awtml or b:ell l1111ot .Sehool will play wiUbeWIIIllllrvari-1IJI""'QiDir When ~ .,.. ..... c.- the lint award cMo fill~. spor:q this year; ~·--r"'-aaion .,.... Ovenlodemera here~*-,"" • meMd"" Rural Edueati,.,

m8$C9tselected adoneli~~.-..... C:w .. ieJ, ::t':..r..iQ,~~~ ~0,::~~ Lao 1\ou-l1110llillb "'"'""11'"" Jol"'l'i\Jidl_.lO. . OvanJorr Ia lcned by her !IN- Te•ehi1111 Ia a WilY or lil'e lbr

fmmda...,toadd.._,.~ Ac:ademi .. Booster deota.'l11ey._ryc~uotA~r_,. Oviordorr. Hor busband. Riok. thlo . the hichsdiCHJI'dl'lll 0 ... her lib babJ chioU pllln her taehea aciaiD at Ruldoao High . piar,_-.. · . · Club meets tonight DleJmame, "Mno. o; ..... ~ io School 111111 Ruidoso Middle Sd!oo1

.......,Highllt)loolwiUiDi•. ~--'"-Middl """·I•"· hapwfillpwthemher~ ...,.abeluiebeonan.,.._lllr24 liall)' be parlieipllliJ!a Ia alhlelica ·~ ........... 0 .,...aa .,... "IW al- loved tlie little chil· yeua. Tbe put 11 haw bean spent on an iadapeadeat leVel" odlool ~~Club '!ill-at d!wa." Ovardorr laaahed dnrillll an teochillll in Rllidoao, and lllr abe

· $upeliatendeat BiD Bder aaid. 5:30 tomah& at the DDdl~Je achool. iDtarview at NCib Hill ~ Child- put oiaht - abe haa . bean "We ... CUIJ'ODtl.y achedaliac..... Parente ... Dl!lad fill atteod. bood Ceata- ....... abe......... toaehiag ~at NCib HiD. btbell. trac11. r.olfllllll MiiDII RHS TeePee Overdolf Willi ...ml7 honored Ovealod' alao teachoa clevelop-ewoto lbr abe Cbie&." L · · aa the lint recipient et the Awarcl meat elaaaaa at Eaalem Now Mtlli·

Aa i»depeadiat ..._ the ounge menu or lliluiellaace at the oichth BDDDal .., Uaiwezoit)',.Buidoao. pedonaB Chielio wiD not beelialble lllr 1"""' 'Duo TeoPea Ltnmca at Ruidoao MB,Iic Yeara Coaliraaoe. '111o ..,.. ~ diqnoatic pracadano for both Award-winning Nab Hill Early Childhood Center SChoolteacher Cathy "-plaF. Olhar-with Hich Schoolaervealueh ...,.,. &naco Ia .....,_.,d by the New tlui Ruidoso 111111 Capitan ochool dis- Ov&rdOff - a- bubbtas wllllstudanla -ng playgrouncltlmo.


lmleo Ia lbelr achedu!u- be 'Duml~ ToePaa Ltnmca Ia opera· Mula~ Di'Vioion or ... ., Childhood triote, and is certilied In the able to idaF acainat them dariag ted by bich aobool stw1oato. (DEC), tho Cauaeil for EaeptiODal Paraata Aa Teaohenl orpaizatioa. "One or tba thinp lhat I'm ... Computers, puzzles, a play kitcben tha ...,dar......,, . 'Duo menu for '111UJ8CIIIy, o.t..12, Cbildron and abe NeW. Mtllilll Stala She .....,;ved her bacbalor'a do- cited about this year ie that we now B!ld toJoa deaigned 18 atimulate

lileacal0111 Hi&h atudoato -t- is popcomllied aluimp with eook· llopattwoat elEdolalticm. -Ia elamoatary and early child- bave A program ......., we don't Creativit¥ ""' all part of the pm-1¥ ael-.1 their odlool-111111 taiJIIIIUC8 huahpoppiea, baked "Cath,- Ia 'conataatJ,y wm!dnc to baod edoatioa &am Brialem New aoparate . childron with special odlool.....,nence. . ._too. po-. aaiad, key Uma pie, · . im~ mathodo! of teaching," put Melia~ Uaiveroity-Poztales, a needo &am the olher chjldren,'' abe "We try 18 divenity quite a bit eo

'Duo aobool-is abe Cbiefa, lemonade, tea or eoll'ee. piaoidoat or abe Cauaeil for Baoep- muter's !a reading, and special ed· aaid. "This is called a full inelusiom lhat we're meeting all of the chiJ. 111111 tha aobool ... ora ara pwple, 'Duo-for TeePee Ltnmca tiODal Cbildraa Gail Beam ll8id. '""'tim cert.ifieatioa. Sha alao is a program and we've aaaa great dm>'s needs and interests," Ovar-hlack, oilver 111111 white. mealo Ia $6 per poraoa Call253- "She'a al....,.Jooldag for lmulvative cortilied edueational diqaaotidan. naulta.'' dorf said. "I juat Jove 18 haw· fun

4910for.......wtiODB.. : ............. idoaa.. Hor work wilh "Aa 8D eduoatioaal diag- Ooe or the beat things aboot with. tho ehildnon aad wateh them RBS Chorale • cbildna Ia wall·kaowa tbrouchout DOBtidaa,l'm certified to do ovalua- boing an early ehildhciod teacher is grow." sidewalk sale Smalley receaves the atate. 111111 that Willi the f'Ounda.. . uoaa lbr apocial education eta- that eba geta to play with the ehil- Overdorf baads 18 the

'l1lo Buid""" Hi&h Sdulol war­rior Chorale Ia apoDBOrillg a sidewalk eele at the comer of Mechem aod Sndderth drivea dlll'­ing Aapea(eat weelamd.

'Duo aaleiWIB tirmn 8 a.m. to4 p.m. Saturda,y, Oct. 7, ·and 1 p.m. to

law enforcement tion far bar boinc the fil'lll recipient dante," aha aaid. "Evan whao I waa dron and wateh them grow, abs planround where the atudents • of the award. • Ia achool, I worked at tha pn!achool tllid. clamor 18 be the lint to ride down

certificate Ovardorrwao aeloeted by a....,. lab 111111 ..iQ, Head Start wbaa it "It's Wllnderful, 'helping youug tho slide with her. Then abe sits 1n Ruidoso reoidoat PbiDip Smallay mitteo filllllCOive the award beoaaae lint pi atarted in the 70a." ~n learn and explore;' ~he the sandboa with a group of ehil·

recently meMd a~ of or her work ..iQ, JIIUIIC cbildna. Overdorf, aloag with a team of said. Besides, I .r-et to pl1111 With draa and blows soap bubbles. complatioa lima the Jaw aofbrce.. She ncelved a $100 caah award, a aawa olher lnatnlctora, teachaa ap- · them all day loog. Surrounded by the happy )'oung maat academy at Odaaaa CoDege in lidly paid 01111-ye&r memberahlp In puimately 110 atwlenta daring the The early ehildhciod clBOIIIOOm is f'aco!o, Cathy Overdorf looks like abe Odeaaa, Teeaa. tho DEC orpaizatioa and a plaque school day. tiDed with ediiCBtional aetMtiea •. is oaaclly where aha beJCIIIgll.

' . . .

BI.BMBNTABYIICBOOUI MENU (GBADJ!Slt-81 Mollday,Oct.9 llreald'aat: Cereal or taquito

with eq and ham, apple half, ,.;Jk. LilliCh: Ch8800 eachiladaa or fish

nuggata, apicy pintos, toaaed salad, crackera, vaailla pwldill/i.

Tueadq, Oct. 10 Breakfut: Cereal or ei:DDam.on

rolls, applaaauee, millr.

apiee cake, milk. Friday, Oct. 13 Breakfast: Cereal or French

toast with syrup, juice, milk. LUDeh: Warrior burger with

trimmi-llioa,liuit, <oolde, milk. SECONDARY SCHOOLS

MENU (Gndos 7·121 Xpraaa Way: Choice or entree,

fruit, vegetables, 111111 any other itoma ofl'ored plus a free 16 oz. drink.

. . ... -

sausage, jUice, milk. LilliCh: Fried chicken, maebed

potetoae, green beano, dinner ... n •. liuit.

'ftouraday, Oct. 1Z Breald'aat: Cereal or Wllftle with

oyrup, bBDBDa, nu1k. • Lunch: Chiclren Teriyald bowl

with riat, snow peas, cooked car· nJia, &uit.

Friday, Oct. 13 BrealdBat: Conal or taquito

with egg and ·~juiee. LilliCh: GriUed ebaoaa oaadwieh or turkey pot pie with crackera, toter tots, fruit, Cllllkia, milk.

Wedoe..S.,., Oct. 11 Brealdaat: Cereal or aerambled

egg&, toast, B8118Bg8, juice, milk.

Monday, Oct. 9 Braakf- Cereal ·or piiiii:Bkaa

and syrup, milk. Lunch: Spaghetti with meat

eaiiCO, garden aelad, garlic bread, liuit.

Lunch: Com dogs, tater tots, pork and ........ &uit, coollie.



L~test good citizens crop Sephlmber Goad Cillzens Awards for - HIU momlng -rgaJten Sludants ware given last week. Plclurad are (back mw, left 10 right) Daniel Lundqulsl, Stacia Calvell, Leslie SancheZ, Frank CandarUia and Nicholas TIUjlllo. Middle IDW - Heavan-Lelgh Chavez, Adllanna Malllnez, Jeremy BriDanle, Uriel Orllveros and Isaac Amlola. Fronlmw- Klal Burkett and Heather Hixon.

Lunch: Foollong bat dog or cbiJi cheese balred potato, crackera, balred beaaa, lliea,liuit, mi1lc.

'l'hurallay, Oct. 12 Bnald'aat: Cereal or paacakea

with syrup, &uil, milk. LilliCh: Crispy taeoe or bean bur­

riloa, spicy piatoa, toaaed aalad,

Now appearbqr: Friday, Salllnlay and SUilday Dlght&

CARL & SAWYER 8:30 To Close

Acoustic Music for Listening & Dancing from your Local Favorites

Sunday night • opea mike and jam for amaleurs and pros with Happy Hour prices

7 ·II p.m. at Screaming Eagle Lounge

Hwy 70 West • Ruidoso • (505) 378-4051 Thursday night Karaoke

JC.~\. service fr4~ ~- e~ ~ 'iTtal"""!f 'tl'loe '<JiJu!sl 9o '9000 S. Spuls ';P.

g ...... 91Gll .... J ~·c. ...... • C.l'"'9 to viii ' 9iuloy .JJ<gll llfd ·

s,,.,, ood ll""'"' · g .. .., 'Iloilo C...1>9 g..,.., 'lftflol · · '~~"''~<'' S. C..'""" · 11 · ~!<talti • !lotuadas JJ!pl """"

9'•~''"" ~ .. ,...,, .... CW.Ieo""" <lid. '1!.1111 2SIM999

'Dally '<Jiao..-<l!o,.ijoOI 7 .., 10 11 .., . <l>!un 5 1"' 1.- q.,.. ...MOOJ Ol>fle<m•g !ltoyd BdiiHl•d• lllt tlo p!Olo


Call Don with school news at 257-4001.





Pramllfea SUnday. Oetober 22

to a wOI'Id of great entertainment•

Tuesday, Oct. 10 Brealtroat: Coraal or French

toast, IIJ'IUige, milk. Lunch: Footlong chili ellaaaa dog,

tater Iota, baked ........ liuit. Wednesday, Oet. 11 llreald'aat: Biacuita and gravy,

ltza Pizza: Cheeao, pepperoni or · .-age piBBB, choice of &iea and ; eeled CliP plus a liee 16 oz. drink. :

Gn11 Works: Hamburger i>r · ebaoae lnarpr, liiea or tater lola, : liuit pillS a free 16 oz. drink. : ·

Eata Fiaate: A dift'erent Mexican · lilod ofFered 8aeh d1111 pillS a liee 16 · ••. drink.

ThiJ,ko ID Evllyltle • 111111l .... t.l ID lhl Slh Anllllll ,..... c.. a.n.nt cwr s-w.

Sol.> Oel. 7, 1995 ot "The Llalco" An prafth fr11111 thlc e~nt 111 11ed lo hllp the mentaO, di..Wed 8duJtt In aqr holwe1.

Grtrrd l'rlze Drowl~~t·R ..... Trip r.r T"' on s..th .. .t A~U.., ~ PRIZES - BICYCLI! (ff8 Hole) furnished by WBSTERN AUTO, (3) 5r RCA COLOR TVS supplied by VILLAGE HARDWARE (Por first person to make hole-in-one on 116, #II, & 1117) Sponsored by: ED TURNBR INSURANCE, SHELBY INSURANCE, HIOH COUNTRY AOENCY, INC., & ELY INSURANCE (ROSWI!LL) TEE IOJ lfOHSORS • DWIOHT ANDRBWS, NEW MBXICO FINANCIAL INVESTMENT SERVICES, MERRILL LYNCH {LARRY W. CORBIN), RUI­DOSO STATE BANK, NORWEST BANK NEW MEXICO, 1ST PBDBRAL SAVINOS BANK OP NEW MEXICO, ROY CROCKER, CPA, PINE MOUN­TAIN REALTY, OSV Tflt..E & LEOAL SERVICES, JMC .• SIERRA BLANCA MOmRS, RUIDOSO PORD-LINCOLN~MBRCURY, INC .• CENTURY 21 ASPBN RBAL BSTATB, fNC., PIONEER SAVINGS&. TRUST, LINCOLN COUNTY ABSTRACT &. TITLE CO., TOWN & COUNTRY POOD STORE tfi82(ROSWBLL), SUNWSST BANK (ROSWELL), PATRICIA ORTIZ, ATTORNEY, (RUIDOSO), CATTLE BARON STEAK & SE.AFOOD RESTAURANTS Flth' RACE 'tUM will roceive plaques ond 5200 in gift QUtlr~eo.tes for nu:n:habdl&e at "'THE LINKS" CUJSEIT TO Pit fRIZEI - framed Palntlna from Stct1on Art Center, $50 Gin Certificate from THRIFIWAY, $50 OJft Cenlftcatc from WAL-MART, Pour Round1 of Golf at "THE UNKS" .. I'IIIIES: ROUND TRIP POll TWO TO DALL.AS ON LONESTAR AIR· LINES, "DAY OF INDUL.OBNCB" A't 1118 LOOK, TWO NIGHTS LODGING A 'I' ENCHANTMENT INN, SIX MONTHS FRBB HBO PROM LINCOLN CABLBVISION, TWO.PIECB DRESS PROM KJRB'S DIIIEIIS: K-DOB'S, DECK HOUSE, TEXAS PAIITA PATIO CAFE. ORBAT WALLOP CHINA, HUMMINGBIRD, SI SBNOk RBSTAUilANTB. BLU8 GOOSE, KENTUCKY PRmD CHICKBN, CIRCLBJ BAft .. B-Q, MICHBLBNA'S, TBXA8 HOUSE. CAPE RIO, WEST TEXAS OltiLL. PIZZA HUT (MBCHBM). DOMINO'S PI~A. tamales from CHILBOS. and cookle1 from ROXANNE'S BAKBRY. . 1M liiGIE Gld1'111ZES & IIFfliilrlla'IEti J & L Aulo.modve, Onc&op Auto Cen~er, The Dp'ay and Pinal Touch Salon, Marqua Car Wol'h, Cload Cider Cialkm1, Tnlcl Value Hardware. S~e~m~lna: Bean Coffeo C::O., Deae1t 8kJ Hcahh Poods, LG'Ciaflo Boot.l 4 Boudqn, M.,...,. Boob. Stampede LoMhor, Sierra Cboo.,., M-W""""'old "-• ... , ... J Raach, _., 0-Lu.­(;o., QuJct-PtJatlkpess, Noisy Waaer Artwnr, ·&.a Covlqtoa Batb« Shop. Dance DIIZo $tudlo, ·Mall btpot. Lincoln CouDty Ootd M'nlq. Slano'1 of RuldoJo. c.Jdardla"ii t"tui•tma• Store, Slcml Soulhwcll OutJel, Whltc Mountain Pollet)', Oatcwa)i' Suo., Whho Mountain Pbysicll '11H:npy, "''he Plreplacc A Patio Plus, t.mas'• .~Mts, PUaiOa C.U..,.,. &. 'l'hll B)iid'a Neil & MlltJ Moutnlln Oburmer ~ .. aDd alpCCid OWI:b toJoh1111ton Jcwclcn U!l 'lhe Print Shop.

WCI JdU baWl toOnllfor a tCiw mlQ plleral ...... foo: $1501ncl- .... o--... .....,..- wolldrlnkOIFadoy's• C*wllllj>drdWeot...,...)P!'l'illlriolocllble-...,....,..c....~aotudod. ·

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.... In the ..,.;.,. or 1872. Van c.

Smith let hill.frieado 111111 -­n8)IOJII)ealo ....... thet -......n· wulbe aame he had ch_. lbr hla plaee GD the Rio ifmuJo, In Uncoln Countr. In 1813 he W80

ehla lo ........... the..-­J101181'11) ....me under Pnllident Grant 1o llllabliwh a )IOIIl ollioo in lbe place he had DBmod aD.r his filt:bef, Roowell Smith. Van C. Smith beeame the lint poat.





SATURDAY High .... 68 Low .... 30


r ' '



:.~>· --

,-,· ...

WEATHER ALMANAC RuidD$0 I'Mdings High Low PndpilaliDn Monday 70 30 .00" Tuesday 70 30 .00" Wednesday 75 38 .oo··

Regi()IUJ/-Friday High Low Forecast Albuquerque 72 36 Sunny El Paso, TX 80 43 Sunny Lubbock, TX 73 38 Sunny Midland, TX 75 42 Sunny


.'!. .

High .... 64 Low .... 27


High .... 70 Low .... 32

Panly Cloudy

,.._ ..... -


[] Od.B

Wrur,.., dulu uJUrtrry rif Mrtrt,flltiKl:til Cum Mrmrr.



!.kid lui<',., monl'!l}l uf 1M UrU......UJ Obui"WJ.,..,., u/

'"' fln111 uf Tt~ u/ A ..urn ,..,, I!IWI'<" 111/llnnil.,,., <ull, I·HfXJ.StudJm<'

. -Od.06

Satum becomes more dominant as it moves up to lhc southeast­ern evening sky. There's not much to compete wllh h. Saturn is near the border between dim Pisces lhe nshes and Aquarius the waaercarricr.

NEW YoRK TIMES CJiosswoRi> . -I Edi!ed by Will Shortz


t C\ass1fteds 4lJght, old-style

toOwnlook t4 S Amer country

•• H1t dead-center 1e. - mapp1ng

(modem sc1ence effort)

n Monterey P'oduct

•• Actress Turner aoS1gn of

controversy a1 h goes w1th the

flow a Sounds like 24 Federalist paper a Ask alotol

questions .. """"' .. _ . .,. at Lhasa~·· M Baked dessert • Award of honor 4DOneofSialin'B

ctonies 4'1 First-century

Roman emparor a Sunday brunch

'""' M Runner Wyom1a


.. versified

""""""" .. eemng • FuUV sink (in) uuseaeoapbox n Of the deep-sea ..... • UnoMIIzaCI one • Pactflc nation et Com bread on

the griddle MOld Testament

kingdom • Journalist Fallacl •Wine ..... -07Datas • Trial separation? -Mach topper

• Bollv•an capital 4 Uquid, in a way •Ozllon eGolf-baU

position y Diminutive suffbc • ArizOna taaturea eSwBDing

tO Eyeball t11 Burger •• Spiritual t:a Melodramatic •• Soviet youth

group • Acfvlce.column -·· M Zlmballat, Sr. or

J•. •Computer

capacily MDearone

•Roconl at ManhunllatUtra HChum u Ground beef -• Belulhl blo • Votes aQillnst .. CalenclM-·-. ---.... .. ColorchenQIH'B

a Harding and

"""''" a Smokey Joe's and others

eTolerate •tBauV.I.P. uActorEric .. BuHdup HAccepts

No. 0707


.. First-late-U Beautician

NaOmi .. Novelist

Aadi:llfta et al. ao-.-JOCBI

(epbph start) aStlr1tng _ ...


I I* ,['

MONDAY.OCT.2 ......... _ .. _ 11:41 .......... oftlleft.. UJip.m..AaiA'~ 5:21 . IDt.ir. . kicbd ... - ... .=._ .. _ 5:S7p:& "--•-Do.nuMGid. 1:01 p.m. Laudl-.icCIIII Wood U... '"""£:;. ............ __ .....

taaftilzr 111!1' ....... 14-yar-ald--

MONIIA.Y.API'. 25 · -a:OI ..... Ao.-., • .._..._. _ ... _~···-•• ':1CJ ........ , w.__.._ __ ..... ...__ ............. ..... _,. ... ,.. .... I\Jiiw ••••••

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'. . . j· .

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Cl Sl SENOR RESTAURANT, 2205 Sudderth Dr., Ruidoso 257-4791 - 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 7, M8xican Trio •Los Tres Romantlcos.• . . . Cl FLYING d RANCH Counlry Music end Wild Weat Show, .Hwy. 48 (norlh of Alto) 336 4330 -Gates open at 6 p.m. and dinner ls ar 7:30 p.m. Saturdays through Oct. 14. Reservations not required but preferred. $13.50 for adults (12 and over), $7.50 for children.

Cl RUIDOSO ROASTERY, 113 Rio SL, Ruidoso 257-3&76- Bp10 p.m. Friday, Oct. 6, Shawn Loudermilk, guitar & vocals; 2p7 p.m. Saturday, OCt. 7, Ron Turner and Jay Silverman, guitar & elec­tronic sax; B-10 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 7, Mlcheal Barry, Adrian Henry and Mary O'Hearn, guitars.

Cl CASTLE MOUNTAIN MUSIC FEST Hwy. 70, 25NI180-Country, western swing, cowboy music. Shows at 7:31 p.m. Friday, Oct. 6 and Saturday, Oct. 7.

Cl THE WINNER'S CIRCLE, 2535 Suddarth Dr., Ruidoso 257-8535 - 8 p.m. to close every Thursday through Sunday- JJR Band (local band performs country western and rock 'n roll), no cover. 8 p.m. Tuesdays. pool tournament; 8:30 p.m. Wednesdays, Karaoke nlghL

Cl WIN, PLACE AND SHOW, 2516 Sudderth Dr., Ruklol:o 257..gga2 - 8 p.m. to close Mondays through Saturdays, 7:30p.m. to 12:30 p.m. Sundays (Counhy music). .., .. ··: e .. . ' . . . . . ,. .. ,. . .. · Cl ARTB 8o CRAFTS FAIR -8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday and Saturday, OCt. B and 7. Ruidoso Senior Center. Sudderth Dr.

Jennie at 336-4978 or Anne at 257-4008.

Cl LINCOLN POST OFFICE CUstomer Appreclsdon Dey- 9-11 a.m. Saturda)f, Oct. 7. First·time use of BIUy the Kid postmark. Tours, refreshments, gifts. Call Cherie Hobbs, 653-461JD.

Cli!IDEWALKSALE-8-4 p.m. Saturday, bet. 7, f-<fp.m. Sunday, Oct. 8 at the ·comer of Mechem and Sudderth drives. Sponsored by the Ruidoso High School Warrior Chorale. Money will be used for chorale events. Call Michael Murphy, 258-4910.

Cl RUIDOSO HIGH SCHOOL COLLEGE CAREER DAY­Friday, OcL 6. Students should register 111 the counsellng office.

Cl LOW-COST MAMMOGRAM PROGRAM- Oct. 2 through Oct. 27. Sponsored .by the Ruidoso Altrusa Club and Uncoln County Medical Center. Cal~ Dianne VOMHdlat2~10.

Cl UNM PSYCHIATRIST TO SPEAK- i p.m. Thursday, Oct. 5 at the School for the VIsually Handicapped Bert Reeves

. Auditorium In Alamogordo. Or. Helene Silverblatt, Director of the Public Psychiatry Program at UNM, will speak on the Men1al Illness Awareness Week theme, "Treatment Works.• For more Infor­mation call 434-4?81. Open to the public.

Cl HELPING YOUNG CHILDREN LEARN TO COOPERATE,- will be the subject of the fifth ineetlng • of a free parenting course spon­sored by Ruidoso Municipal SChools 7-9 p.m. Tua-y, Oct. 10. The maeting Is lad by Dr. Bhgi1 LaMothe and Is part of a seiles entitled •parenting YOung Chlldnm. • This he couma will be held In tho high schocl community room. No raglatrallon ..-led. For further Information call257--6149 or 354-2161.

p.m., Friday, Oct. 6 & Saturday. OcL 7 at Flickinger Canter In Alamogordo. Lazar Vaudeville combines hfgh·tech laser magic with the traditional arts of vauda· ville to create an original theatrical production. Tlcke1s are $8 for adults and $5 for chUdren 12 &

Cl RUIIIOiio UBRARY Bc;t.ARD MEE11NG - 12 noon Wedne-y. OCt. 11 at the library.

under. For more InformatiOn call o EAGLE CREEK COMMITTEE 437-2202. ,~\\\ .. ;,.ftMilfFI.NG -4:30p.m. Thursday,

. Cl CLOUDCROFT'S OKTOBER• ' "(ji:j.):l". at Ruidoso VIllage HaD .

FEST - 10 a.m. • 5 p.m. Saturday Cl RUIDOSO ARTB AND FILM in zenith Park - juried arts & crafts BOARD- ff.30 p.m., Tuesday, show. Aspencade tours- guided oct. 10 at village hall. foliage tours & nature talks 11 a.m., 1 p.m. & 3 p.m. Saturday & Sunday, OCt. 7 & B. Pick up an Identification streamer for your car at the Chamber of Commerce. Pancake Breakfast· 6:30 a.m.-10 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 7 in the Middle School Cafeteria. Bluegrass· Jamboree· 7 p.m., saturday, OcL 8 in the high school gym. For more Information contact the Chamber of Commerce at 682·2733.

Cl BINGO OF MESCALERO­Caii257-926B for Information.

Cl CASINO APACHE, Carrizo canyon Road, Me•calaro Apache Reaervetlon 257-5141 -Open 10 a.m. to 1 a.m. Sunday through Wednesday, 24 hours a day Thursday through Saturday.

Cl b LAZY 2 CHUCKWAGON CAMP- Seven days a week year

, round. Reservations only. Authentic chuckwagon supper and chuckwagon entertainment (cow· · boy poetry, guitar music, ate.) Reservations must be made by 3 p.m. Call 257-'7838 for lnfonnatlon.

Cl RUIDOSO DOWNS RACE TRACK- Simulcast racing. Call 378-4431 for times.

Cl AT SIERRA CINEMA, 257· 9444: Stans Friday: •Assassins,• •seven.~ Call theater for show · times and ratings.

Cl ANOTHER VIEW, 354-2121: a club showing foreign films at Paz de Nogal. Call Vivien LaMothe for cost, dates and films to be shown.

~-Cl RUIDOSO LITTLE THEATER­presents •Sell, Book and Candle• at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays, Oct. 6-7, Oct. 13·14 and OCt. 20-21. nckets are $7 for adults, $5 senior citizens and students. CaD the Ruidoso Chamber of Commerce at 257p7395 for reser­vations.

Cl ENMU Deperlnlento1Th-8oDance-preatiiii8"Bom YasWday" alB p.m. ThuiiKiay through Balulday, Oi:t. 5-7 allha University Th8alre Center, Porlalea. CaD 582-2710.


. .

-. !

·! l l -. r t Cl ntE ACADEMIC BOOSTER MONUMENT, Hwp 70, 4711-6124-

CWB - ol Ruldoao Middle SChocl Ranger-guided nature waite, 5:30 : :

will meat al5:30 p.m. Thursday, p.m. Saturday, OCt. ?lollowed by • tJ REVIVAL I'T POnER'S OCt. 5 in lhe fluldoso Middle Full Moon Night at 7 p.m. ; HOUSE Chrl....., Fell-hlp SChool library. Moonlight Blka Tour· 8:30p.m., E Church - 7:30 p.m. nlghtiy, SUnday, Oct. B. The p-will : lhrough Thursday, OCt. 5. SeiVIces 0 UNCOLN COUNTY CHAPTER laol balwaan ._and thiH hours. • with be conductad by OF ntE NATIONAL ASSOCIA- AdvlillOeraaJ111tatlon Is l8qllbod. ~~~

1:1 CAPITAN ASiiOCIATION FOR PasJOr/Evangellot Jim Ballinger. TION OF RE11RED FI!DERAL Call 471H1124. Sunsat -Ia FAMILY AND COMMUNITY EDU- Everyone Is welcome. A nu ... ry EMPLOYEES_ 10 a.m. Tuesday, beginning 817 p.m. and -nsf : CAnON - Monthly meellng, 9:30 will be provided. The -~• OCt. 10 at K·Bob'e. R-. MlliB Jecluma baglnntng atll:ol& p.m, • a.m. Wednaeday, Oct. 11, Zla House Ia --&1441 - DaJv, an 88000late or Dean- Call lot_...,_.....-...... : Senior CJJizan Center In Capitan. Drive, dlracll,y behind Ga-.y of AJbuqueoqua, ,.UIIpeak on lkln. ; ~:.,~ C::~~~~le c.,:~ =::rtnorelnlormatlon, caD · 'J'Ixedl~coma llllha 1990's.• To-~--__ ] 854-2886formaterlal$needed. tJRUIDOSOANN-•-uAD J.ror.ad· • ..._.,_. ·- ·• aOLDTIM-POI"WCKDINo _,..,~ ........ ,..... -~

NI!R acf Satu ....... OCt. 7 flOC COMIMiiEI!-Ba.m. 11ili57 .. 00l. I' 1:1 DONATIONS NEEDiiD- far -8: p.m., ,..,.., T-y. OCt. 10 ahll'-hall. · O··•l·-· . . ·

Haunted House Including ·atllrioRulcloaoSenlorCJJizen . . . .·~ . -··-· - :.1

ljAI~busa~~~~~~~~·~~~~f~~._;;~~~;~~~;nform;;;au~on~cm~·.;~~~~~~~~=:::::~_J~~~~~~ .. ~~~~~~·~.r~----~·~~~~·~·~·~·~·:!J . building matarlaiS, old fumltum ~· r' • """'~- ..... llama, paint, DOfllumes.IJama will :26?.-. g-....:.::;;; "i "beretumodalllt~.Cd DLAZEIIVAUIJI!Im.LE -7:30 .. 'I

I i

. : ..

• •

• .... -i

#·. <! • •• ···'

Early Christmas Portrait Special All Through "October


Zll\>.)s • ~ • lillie IlK ell • Pie 1111 Slallllu 6IK ell

20'J!, off sittings. previews & orders

10'1> off Christmas card orders PUIS FllEE Is lllll!ll'n • ~ 1111 SSS&Ib ~ Z llldl

PUIS FllEE....,._ at

-~ New AnltMis - Caclllle 11111111111

........,. __ ... ..,.. la'D-'-i ... -.n

. F"et~~Pr/n, "Penne ~tts ·

Decol"(lto..-s Studio ... '. ••• 2553 SUdderth 'R>rrerv 257-6160 7M Meellem. :z57-:DH. Jlra ..... 336-4132 ·~


Thursday Lunch Special Gentlemen take your wife out for lunch

Ladles eat for l/2 price (Does not Include Che Bella Special)

Happy Hour Special 5:30-7:00 EVERYDAY of the week

l/3 off all appetizers .

2823 Sudderlh Drive • Ruidoso • (505) 257-7540


llalJ Rides • Painted Pumpkins SCarecrows

ftaJIOWeen Decorations Fall. Wre(Jths. • . Countrlj .

&. FrUits in . Formers Morlet Also

·~···on··· ocr~:fstr .from · · ·

•••• :.-.::/~ .. ~~-:- ,, .. • -.- .- c 1

Call us today/

E CAR WASH Home of the "1 Hour"

Complete Detail • ssg.ss.

Includes: wash, hand wax, carpets and upholstery steam cleaned, tire dressing, and cream protectant on leather or vinyl.

• Full Service Wash • vacuum and wash

• "SHOW" • Package vacuum, wash, wax, fragrance

• "PLACE" • Package vacuum, wash, wax, tire dressing,


• "WIN" • Package vacuum, wash, wax, tire dressing, cream

protactant interior, fragrance

• All of above pat:kages In less than 20 minutes-

'._ "

Get your vehlt:le waxed tor the winter sea$on • 'Only $24.95 +

Marque Car Wash


Ruth C. Simms Bulla c. s;...,., 841, or~

llieol ~. Od. ll at Uncola ~C...-No .m-

Illie - bam No. 23, 1910 in Cld-.m.

She bad lind in Jhrid- .moe 1963- Jibe Jllllnd !we._ Al­buquerque. Sbe - a mombor t1 tlui~ Church aod-. homemoh.r.

Mn. Simm• married Drmaltl Bimm• 00 July 17, 1950 at AJbu. queJqae.

llunmmo iadade her lmolland Dtmald tl lluioJalo; oae -.

BBQ 1\I.Keit

99c Q-

·~~ SUDDEili'H .

Missing Reward Offered!!!!

He's 1/2 Terrier & 1/2 Miniature Sheltie

Last seen at Hollywood Allsup's. Answers to Lil

Buddy, 8 months old. He Is sick and needs shols!!! Please help us 'find him.

He's ljke one of lhe family. Call 354-4300 and ask for

Annie or call 257-9278 and for

·- .


·~ ... ~lr;;.'ti:. Locally owned - 22 year resident

.._,.. 6 Natural Ou Fum- -..up Special Cleaned. IRSpeeted, filter

changed with Electronic Catbon Monoxide Test Included.

::::~ 257--4898 Uc.d4881

Happv Birthdav Karen

\. ~ " __ .... Your Altrusa Friends

ot th~

--···~ """-. ~~~· ~--·-....-=~-- ·- -... ,,..,._,..,...,--:;" .. .,..,.~~·~·-• _, '"='·-·--~·~--· --·--~ .. ~~--¥~1-"''%~---M-O~~rP~4 ... 4)1 .. '4~P44~4~.-4-!ZW-.... "!!I"'MiPI4 ...... ,,.., ... ¢J..,§P)?,..0-... £ ... 1$ .. 0 .. 008§ ""pi .. QOQi

• . llidal, lft:Jilllllt ...

--~ ~===


Row Two Caa Eat• Clleaply As ••• Wilb 2 •-••r Roast Reef

Saadwlch• hi' Oaly 82.00

Arlly"s • ••• Suddertll • 257 .. 7775 NO UMlTI• NO COUPON NECESSARVI• UMtTEO TIME ONLYI

OA A· ... .---..


Tbe ~ Counly Clime ~ wll pay .., ro $1,0110 for lnfonnatlon that leads to the arrest and Grand Jury ln~lctmant or Magfelrate Court aindovar or-the person or persons who conwnated IIIII crime or any other unsolved felony CJime fn Uncoln Counl)r. Lei's WOfk logelhor ro cal a-ro crime. - Phone 257-4545

1be New MeJdco Slate LeglsiBIUia has paased an· amendmenlto Ute peinaJ­tJes for p&niOn8 who oommlt the crime of graiDII, alfectiva .July 1et, 1095. This new law 8lates that whoever oommit81he crime-of gralftll to raal or per. sonal property when the daliJage Ia greater than one ~ dollar& Is guUty. of a fourth dagree felony and ahall be required to perform one hun-­dreckiXtV hOUJB or communl:v serviCe wfthln a continuous eight monlh pen. od immediately following hlslher conviction and shall be required to ma1ce resUiuUon to the PfOP8ft:V owner for 1hfJ CoSt of damages and restoration as a condition of probation or fallowing any tenn of Incarceration aa a condftiDn at parole. A· fourth degree lelonv as delinad in New Mexico State 8latUie Ia any crime puniShable by eighteen monlhs In a l!llat8 penallnstllutlon. a five thousand dollar fine, or bolh. Don't allow your participation 1n lhls senseless crime ruin your future, Remember the CrirneltopparB phone line is manned Z4 hours a day seven da a week. The phonenumber,ls257-4546.

This Js Chief Lanny Maddox. lor Uze RuldosD Polll:e ,_...,_, wglng you to be a crimestopperl

This week brougld to you by:


~UST II£ 11 'VUAS • 0- TO ara)

oker, Blackjack & Craps "New Mexico's Most Distinguished Resort"

A Mescalero Apache Enterpris•. • Located on Car~ C&Qyon

.. ,., n«tee•·eanrrnnrrnun m-, r me•e?c

l ---~~···--~~~~~ ... ..,--.. ~---~---~~~-------------------~ -- ..

• •

• Ruidoso Newa/18

"'~ -,


...... -...... -.. ........ 3.1Aad tor Sale 4._ .... _ 5. Clltias few !;ale 6. Mobile Hames fot s.Jc; 7.Hou.ctbaa. B. A~fixltcat 9. MaiJIJcs ,._.Rent 10. Coados for RCIII: IJ.Cab.iasfwlteat

ifiedAds CaD

257-4001 18'. Busbacis(Jppo~Q~bics 19. Autos few hie :m. ......... -2l.V11115b~ 22. MobN:qtda for Sale 23. AulD Pans 24. a. v .s A navel Tr.atkrs ~- Livestock A Hones ............... _ '¥1. Feed A Grai.u :1,11. ........ 4 ......

34.Ans ... -""""""' 36-Misrd .......... 37.Wamed108uy ........ w ..... ·39. Work Wllllk:d 40. Scrvi!Zs 41.11owie SllliPS 42. Child Care 43. Qild Care Wukd 44. FiNwood ror Sale"

3l¢a ord 15 woids or less • minhnum c:Juuse $4.8!1. (Please add N-Mexico sales-of 6.812S'lrt.)

Fax No.


12. Mobile Spaces for Real 13. Rent"' $baR! l •• Want to ltCDt IS.-5pa<c.r.<­l6. Pastwe·for Rent 17.11usinoMilcaiJI•

29. Fela&:S1Jpplics •. 30. Yanls.D

31.Hnu1Cho'd0oods 3Z. Musical I~ 33.Antiqua

45. Aaclions • 46. Los1 A PooJJd · .U. Tbank You

You -y c:l1aJp to Vasa or MaslietCant. Please DOle: $10 service c:l1aJp OR all lelumed cbedr:s.

As .u.,.,._ Please c1aeet yo..- advatise1Dcn1 foreJIUI'S. Claims for enursiiUISl bo ....,;vee! by 71QrilJIIdwDNI!W8Wilhla 24bounofthe 61S1publieatio,a ......

&ALB BY 0\YNBR • House and shop on 8.2 """"' west or q.pitan. l.ancer doublewide. tbrlle bedniom aad - botJJ. Shop bulldillll 30 ,. 40 (audal~ a..a view or Capitan MonnbJina. For IliON iafimtta· lion after I p.m. aad weelamda (605) 364-9l31. D-liO

. , 't- ~ ' .... ;.".·' .•. _.,. ..

41. AnnOIIDCCmenlS 49. Pemonall

ALTO· DEBRPABKVALLEY • 6.6 prime - .. club ....... Mag­a~ Siena lllaiu:a view.

lWJDOSO CHARM-~ 'Up-Con • c•--•-- &wo

Leoel~· ' . Owuer ......... is' NMreal-

·. brobr. $611,500. Call CIIABLES IMKE FOR DETAILS. -1845 CENTURY 21 Aapen Ileal ~ 257-S057. C21-43

.... _ ••

~= itau. A:h:. with fuvplaee;. Diee deota. Good Vllllll· linn mntal with npeat eJieala. $79.000. CALl. JORTSB HENRY OR .BILL NEWMAN, fll501403, CBNTORY 21 · Aapen Ileal Eslale, 25'1-S057. C21-43

--------­~._...t-.6 , .. ., ...... __

-- ~no•'+-­e....-..l~ aad""+-~ -..,'l>edl. ••o•·.- .... -

• --- -}llftmdtJl_,_.;l>illq.(orlyptJgrllpiJ--"' __ ,,_.,_,,.,._,.. __

OWNER MIGHT FINANCE - This FOR SALE BY OWNER · Lan!e great IIIOUPiain relreaL Sharp . t1tn1e bedroom, &wo aad one luilf &wo bedJnom cabin is neat anil · bath with attacbed &wo car ga-clean and .:eadY fiJr JWI Partial· rage. New. 60 year roof. Priced Jy lUmialted. llecloooo J1!l; close draaticaDy reduced fur quick in. Unbeatably. Prioar at just IIIOViDg. Call 378-8167, 1aave $42,600. CALL llfAimN BOSE, 1111!8aoge. W-46 f960154l, CENTURY 21 Aspen Ileal Eatate, 267-9057. C21-43

BUILDERS SPECIAL: Slob! •ddrases 900 duu 914 JluD Rolli. Wb* Moaalain BaWa. UDk 3. s~wcrnslocmld. Sl6.500

acb. While Moun .. in Devcloprocpl Compaay, IOU Mcebc:mDrivc, Box 53,

au·· ...._

()ffloe SUite In Praleealonal Complex • recepllan ..... corderence mom.

2 pdva18 Qfllcaa • Read 10 move lnlo. · Owner eave "Seel.· May look at trat1aa -Jennla Ool'glm • AaMax of Aulclcleo ...........

GOVERNMENT FOREcLOSED HOMES - lium $1.00 (repair neo<lell). Delinouent tax, ........ RE0'8. FDIC, l!TC, IRS. Your ...... 'l'oU tree' 1-800-898-11778 Ext, H-6139 fur current lisr.inga. NMP-43

Excepllonal Food au.lnaaa In tha beat IOI:aiiOn. Good books, eatablillhed .

buslnasi. Just I1IJhl for llhitJiaor a ccu~ pie. Reduced 10 11115.000.GOJbtrms

owner has oUter lnhma818. .Iamie Dorgan • AaMa of Ruidoso . 258-6833, 420-8288 •

OnNHoUSB at 426 llim:us on Cree

Ne'v House For Sale • Meadows Country Club .

This 3 bedroom, 2 112 bath; 2 car garage wnl be located in Alto Lakes at ·Lot 11, unit 11, Deer Park Meadows -will be over 1900 livable square feet

with fuU golf membership, priced at $189,500. 8Jokers Welcome.

Beautiful 3 bedroom, 2 bath with skylights, marble fireplace, satellite dish, security system, CJJ.stom window cover­ings, huge master bath with jacuzzi and extra large walk-in closet, 2 1/2 car garage. "All " appliances stay. Many m<He extras, plus an ele­

. gantly landscaped yard. By Owner: $175,000.

120 University -Large Lot, 1600 square feet living - 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car heated garage, easy level

acCess- $134,500. Call258-3204 or 257-5668. · For more information contad:

Wallace Development Limited Company NM Lie. N053960

505-257-7108 or 800-900-7108 Call 257-952%



(50$)257-4228 ' (:j) (100)41 .....


~ .... ,., .... GtN13 bedroom, llldl lanellllh _..,_MIG~ C1Du1111t

...,ag.. Lw1111M-v-tcdlf • ..,...... niiMIIIfSINAiblfgi'IL ft41.ICIO. CMJ. WARREN ROUSE 181101105. CENlUA'tl1 ~ ...... ~.:1!57-0057. ---f'ormlr!J' a ChiRft. OOIMI1Id 10 a,......__ r:a. ..._, .. a..._

IIIIPI•Ioi.DI ...,.I'Dollglt. Com1r IDt lncaplllln. GrMf pallllll£ Juer tu,OOO. CALL DOUG ISIDOeNII d501710. cemJAY11A..-nAIIIIen.a7.fiDI7.

• ,··.




Open Saturdays In Sept. & Oct. (thru Oct. 14)

Special Groups Anytime


.JOSEPH A. ZAGONE. •1 IN IlLS SAl ES (unn.) 1894

Llfatlme-. -· 17-AUIDOSO---~·~:!lr:: .. ~


1.-w773 (505)267-(HM)2&8 424ll

L.__·.:.·-----~-----.---:.......-..-....... .-.... .._ ........ - ~ --~ ·- - -· . , ··,·, .


Call 257-3045



3 bedromn. 2 bath U41 sq. fl. Plat paved access

• Lots of amenities.! • Only $119.800,


Johnny Mobley 257-6485 Home Ann-Jonas 257-6082 Home

M""' Mobley 257-3890 Home Jim Salem 257--4438 Home

Marc!a Guynes 2511-34211 Home Kimble Kearns 354-2419 Home

lhrn m.nc. View Fan18811e Sierra BJanca view wlth easy acceas, level enby, flteplace. lhnle IMtd­

rooms, two balhs, beautiful yard, new appliances, great deck. $127,700.

BMulllul River VJewa Three bedroom, 2 balh,large pine trees. oUIStandlng vtew ol river.

A very paac:efuJ settJng. S79.SOO.

Hoqe Lovw"e Delight Two bedroom, 2 bath, study, gamaroom, bam. comds, guest ~sa. 2 cal'

garage, 2 car carport, workShop. Close to AIIO $162.000.

u-c.nyon Super Upper Canyon location. Remodeled 2 becln:tom8, 2 balhs. large garage.

Two small cabins that rani for $650 per tnonlh. Vary peaceful and beautiful setUng. $170,000.

vaew., V..W.. Vlewa from the decks of this 1995 mObaa home on 4 acres wllh corrals.- bam. 5 great stalls. buDding used as cale, and much much more. can f., details. $129,800.

Upp.,-Canyon ~ rL li·;: Two bedroom, 1 balh cabin In Upper canyon. Two large CleCkS. fireplace, con­

verted to natural gas. $69,500.

Tall Pines Realty 271 o Sudderth Drive

257-7788. (800) 257-7788 Se Habla Eapanol• Open WDDkencla

Sally Burkstaller Sierra Blanca Realty

700 Mechem Ruidoso, N.M. 88345



c;;~~~~ leaturea, • fireplace. ~ air, jacuzzi In maater bath, tile

kitchen and muter balb. Ju.1 • .abort IOihe rive~ $139,800.

NEITl.ED IN THI T8EIB Ia the loCation for -lowllf lhrH bedft>om, I 314- -·$It on the covenrdl deck while Matenlng to the ,.,.. mony ollhe-dnlp- NeWIIIIIngonly $87,500.00. .

--· -··


• ¢~~~!!~~~>''"''': :·::. -~:-1 !.

''J ·~, l!i,~l!!-,,,! !!!!': ~II!;!

1. Rtw.li!ftf.TE

Be happyll Many fine flomn


Nlghlly. W¥.kly Monlhly

Cs/1 Cindy Bl

131U)o Ly;,ch R"'!~':CC"257•401 1

North Wichita Alv ... Vallet' Lalld 1110 acrea paalure end Irrigated farm, Price reduced to $350,000

934 acre farm, Catron Co.

LAS ANIMAS CO.,coLOIIADO 25,.760aa.. $76.par d8adsd-

"""""-N.M. 12a0acres

- wOicomo [®] ~OHN KIRCHHOFF

FhNII Eatale BrOker PlainvieW, TffX88 • (808) 283-7542 ---·-257-we ._,. ~ ~nte~•••d 1n ............ --. ..

HELP! OWNER SAYS SELL! GJeat IU!iglll)orbood filr filmil~poaaible ~ W3 • Cove, $121,900. Call Barlmra iJianl, Slemo BlaDes ~,257-2578. SBR-43

FOR SAL£ --2 undltrconatruclion, 1400-1800 Sq. Feel. 3 Br - 2 Baib - 2 c:ar garage. lois of em. &qtUent Aa;illlllllble, I..DcatiDrle. Sterllna

frarn$110,000.257--5868. 258 3204

HIIUH lg[ liilllli Contractor home. 204

Snowcap, While Mountain, unit 4, 314 acre lot, 75 plus pine

trees. Street level, 1940 sq. ft.

Mid-level, 500 sq. ft. · 1100'ri!CI#»rage Lower level, access

from Hull Road 400 plus living area, 220' shop area, 120'

storage room, 3 garages, 14'x40' R.V.

garage, 1 O'x40' covered deck. $169,500.

258-4782 378-4946 .

' .

LOVELY CBEE MEADOWS TOWNHOUSE • Small oeat yan!wit)awillowtne,tlower beds am1 piaea. s- and bril!ht tlm!e bed!uom, two hath wit\ eztm sumuom or ollice. Patio aDd pnrking filr golf cart. Ons ear garage with storage. New paint and paper. M1lY be purchased with or without tUmi~ tute. Call Bill at TOD Brass ~- 257-8327 or 1.:&o!J.M3.. 6119. )).43th

Surtders home on level lan·d~ scapecJ lor In While Mln. Estates. ThJs home has over 4.000 sq. ft. of neared IMng $p!lce W!llctl con­tains 4 spac:loUsJbedroOrnk.->3 112 C>arhs. formal dining lt>om and Hvlng room. large fireplaced fami­o/ room. runroom with a wet bar. reading room and a large_ area sufl:able for a home office. There are many closets. steBm and whirlpool bath. laundry room and a grear kitchen which opens onto a large back deck. 3 car garage and large areas for stor­age wflh very low maintenance OU!Skle. Priced right al $295,000. C.DIO-Z58-42P.

fOK ACKeaqe? ConszaeK - _ _

5 to 25 Acre Homesites from the low $20,000's

l'loteclive Coveaanls • Pavecl-Roads ·Telephone & mectric Selvic:e • Breathtaking Views

Rio Bonito Frontage • Beautiful'ft'eea Convenient to The VIllage

Over 100 happy owner.s since our July 4, 1994 opening.

· Stn:~oterra may be tfte Land Df11~U.'I' Dream.sl can C)l'C:O~byiC)Ur offiCe.~· .. to•~IOalandp~ 61.6Me'dtem Drive

· · ;: '257 .-g()4ti ·Ext :l29a . ··· ' - ' ', ' , ' '

. .



-: : : 0 '

•.-. ' ' . ']

4866 J-411 MOiiiLE HOME • 14 X 76. GOOCl

...,Hiiti011. New ap~ Mast be • bJVOI). $11,5110. (916)581· 6280. N-50

MOiiiLE DOME SAVINGS SEC· TION - tlm!e bedroom $11&'11111atb, four bednJom doa­•lilawiile $1ll!lfraoDth. lhive a littllh!aoii!V,tiOOO& 1.25'll> -lime buj@r. -800-7115-837ll.

. !luri:Y limited time. IJ1.649. NMP-43

NEED A HOME? Need a Park @- or lsnd? We """heiDI New M...-.., MolJDe HIIID8 aud Prop­erty Locator Ssrvioe beat value guaranteed! 1-800-969-7276. . NMP-43

· ... ,_

',., .. ~ .· - '-' "·,.·, ;-_;. ·,- ~ . ...::_ -~ ,-, .. i, _:._ __ ..__.., __ •. ,._~,-., ' --J . .;

~~~~~~~ .. ~~~~-~~--~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~--~~~~~~~~~.~~------~~~~--~~~----------~--~~~--~--~~~-~----~~~~ :,_·_:,.


• .J:

.!·1 :·~

. 4


• ..

., . .. ..



. . ..

• • '·

' . ~


. ;

• . . .!

---, ~ -,.

.. .-.

. ..

Jeep Wasoneer 1983 360 V-8. Everything

L & D SELF STORAGE • Hwy 48. works. Excellent condition. SDaoe available. 26N940 or Only $2,500 2&7-9463. LD·tfc Ooll 257-6511

I. t?!BitJSJt~~:~~~ ~ .-.--.1 ;::::;::::=::=:::::! iiri~iN·T«>m. ~ I ». P~ciwPs.- 'nt~J~ I

• Rffi·IDc. Ron· B-tfc


U@'!@CKS I '111 Ford Van .......

'12 Cllilvrolll Plollup

·--~ .... -'t3Fard F-150 41141t1 Silo._..

'93 ~ Palbllnder ..... ........ '1M Fard Bronco tOIIillr ... _

'10 Sulraru l..egacy ........... '91 Ponllllc Sunblnl

.. .. IC',M


I RENTAL PURCHASE! ... .,;; .. ..,. '1M

r: .a1. v~rififto.R$~ \ 1 1982 CHEVY VAN

• 314 too. SiDk, taak. rebuilt of new : :·.-c 5877. (,-tfi:

In. Mom~CYCLJ!SroaS...11I

cc, ruBS strong. 267-6077 or Ricbard.

4ij'~;r engine, 60,000 mig. mi1ea. transmiBSion, cruise control, 2 roof air conditioners, auto leveliug .,.tem, microwave oven1 blender, full bath, aWDing, 8.6 K.w. Onan generator ( loW hours ) Iota of aloral!e. 10 MPG. $18,500.00. Call SOl; 887-3623. Pleaee lnave meeaage. B-44

1984 38 FOOT HOIJDAY RAM· BLER 5th wheel built-in VIICUUJn WID other geodies. Seeping llpriup 'l'rt>m Leke, four milns eaet iif Raee Track Space 1149. S1o,soo.oo verz linn. K-44

LANCE CABOVER CAMPER • Sf!lf mntained, 8 foot, ~ shell ti>r long, wide hed picl[up, 1987 Subanl w_., $3,100, OBO. 1178-8128. J-43

CLASS A MOTORHOME • Leeded nKtras, $8,000. 257.lJ787.M·

ef evei'.Yiblol!. I ment, efe. F'o)llow


SALE • Under the JIIU'IIOhute at thO "Y''. Jewelry, wood stoves, · oarlor stove, ebasl of drawers, hide-eObeda, furniture, washer, dryer, bieyd-, antitiues, more. Satnnlay BDd Sunday, 8 a.m. M· 43

YARD SALE • 828 . ~.

COMPLETE BEDROOM SET • French Previndal, full si ... bed with mattress BDd spring aet, .............. ~........ ehest, niJ!bt atand. """"· 257-4698. '1"-44

[~~~ll GUITAR WANTEDlll Leca1

mueicinn will pa.y up to $12,600 fOr eertaia FeDder, Martin and Gretach pllirs. · Feacler amplifiers alSo. CaD toU he, 1· · 80().730-4244. NMP-43

WILL BUY • for my culleetion and ti>r iesale, geud qualif.y antitiues. Especially JIOJ1>!lains, polte~Jr, lllilidinlr. okf hnm- nrt glasjl, ete. \1llil . pay l8lr priees. 3'111-8038. 11-48

evailebloat 1109Meehem

258-3614. RftA..tfc FOR SALE Used items, eem·

Ruidoso Downs. Friday aDd Sat­urday, 8 a.m. ~aeen air.e bed,

=~·.:=ge:r· ~~t:.·1 ... s~o~.GOmiS· ·I baby crib, elothes, lola of ..u-1- - -lansous, 1986 Subaru. P-43 GOLF CLUBS • Irons and woods,

modes. sinks, lavatories, fumaees, hot tub nnd reliigeretor. 2611-6525. R-50

SATURDAY, 8 A.M. • 3 P.M. • Two $460. 267-3767. M-46 · liunily sale. ~13 Hull Road. F-43

GARAGE SALE • Friday and Sat­urday. 202 Bareus. Doors,

10 FOOT ALUMiNUM ROWBOAT · $500. Also Jane Fonda's fitness tread, like new, $300, OBO, 267-2266. S-49

' eabiaet8; . -.. --

·- H-43 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7 • Gift Shop dose out' BDd yard sale. 410 Sudderth. 9 a.m.· 6 p.m. No early sales. Also aelliiu! t;wo large ehowenses, $200 eaCh, two earring racks, $75 eaeb, large iee eream li'eezer, $1,600, lfAit lleK­ger, $176, bun warmer, $150. Parking in rear nn Rnase. S-43

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7 • 9 a.m. to 5 J!._m. Ski boots, jackets, pants. Two recliner chairs, one hicla-a-bed and mueh JJIOI'e. 129 Eac1e Drive. B-43

YARD SALE • 108 Metz. Redial arm saw, recliner, dinette set, eomplete 20 gallon aquarium with stand, approximately 135 yarcla of earpet, ski aquipment BDd clothes, tall mens suits, c:hil· drens elothes, miscellaneous household items, BDd more. Sat-unlay and Sunday, 9 a.m. 8-43

GARAGE SALE • 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. ~ Oetober 6, at Ruidoso Tranefin. & Storege, 1114. Lots BDdlolll ofitems. T-43

Feed Lot Auction

Saturday October7 12:00Noon

THIUFI' SHOP - LCMC AUXJL. JARY. Open Monday tluowdt Saturday, lOam to 4pm. 140 N'iib Hill Drive. TeJephene 257-7061. Y'"'r donati0118 of ueeble

AiiMY SIX-SIDED TENT • With sheep henler stove with poles. Like new, eall267-4070. T-49


...,_hold and clothing items I 38.IIELP WANTED I nre appreciated. Let na seD your .... _...:.__.:.:c.;::;...:._...:._==~-1 "treaSUree'. We nre nen·Pi'olil: -the money ia used to better aquip oar hespital. T-tfue

FOR SALE • NEW euatom built 8 x 20' Oat-hed geoseneek trailer. Call848-2268. p-Ili:

TWICE FOR TOTS THRIFI' SHOP • 1100 Sudderth. Toys. Dl&temity, baby fumitunt, uBed clothing. B-44

MELATONIN • We have it! Desert Sky Health Foods, Pinebee Square. 267-. IlB-46

1996 8'x 30' TANDEM DUALLY Gooeeneek trailer 12,000 lb axles, new 10..p!y iires, ezaellent condition. $7llOO.OO. 505 887· 3523. B-44

TOOLS FOR SALE0 K&E buildOrs transit lovel with eaae BDd tri_pod, $500.00. ALSO Makita power saw $350.00, new and osed lumber railroad ties and Wr123. Free ~iB-74 li06 887-

UTILITY TRAILER 6'x 10'· with 41

sides. Good condition, ROOd Jloor and tires. $600.00 ALSO en­dosed tool traDer 5'x 8' side and rear doors $400.00. 505 887-3623. B-44

FOR SALE Refrigerator, stove, c:om­merdslolkler. executive desk. Iota of great stuff!


FULL TIME - Help nesdad ti>r ladies clothes store. Must be out­going, bani worker. Send re8UIIl8 to Box 703, Ruidoso, NM 88345. W-Ife

NOW ACCEPTING APPLICA· TIOJI!S • fur oooks, earho!>s BDd related positions at Sonic Drive­in. Applicatioim in person onJy from 9-11 a.m. st 102 Sudderth. Equal opportunity employer. S­tti:

CATI'LE BARON • Reetaurant is now accepting appHeations for eKperienced line cOOks and expe­rienced food servers and bus per-­sons BDd hosteasea. ApPhi in penlOD between 1;30 • 5; Mon­days and Thursdays only. Health benefits availsble and best compensation in the area. e­tfc

Dl8l'RIBUTING COMPANY • needs sales people. Will train. Truek preferi-ed. V alld drivers lieence. Good salary and eom­miasions. 257-3204. D-44

HELP WANTED • Nigl>t auilitors. Please at the VUla Inn, 8


Kero8eDe stove, desk & ebalr, Jots of nice

r.n.:::::aii'-1 -furniture, Jots of good mlilceUaneous.

Cerllf!ad Nursing Asslslanla nsededat

AuldoJto care c.ntw. Contact Human Ati8QUTCS8


Across &om RuidOso. Downs Poet

.,.TSALBI PriDts, ............. .ar.nbal1 -·M-. SOMETHING FOR BYI!IRYONEI CAMEL BOUSE

OBU..JBISTRASI $6 &$11111

. CAMEL HOUS)jl' 714 MeObeila

Dishwasher needed at Lincoln County Grill.

Apply In Person lf717 SUdderth

Housekeepers needed at ... : ~-Care Cellter • Con(aet Human Reaourr:es ·

~ df 257·9()'/.

·--· ...... .. ~-' ... ~- -'·'


• 481The RuidosO News/Thursday. OctOber 5. 1995


: l.~.--1 ___ L_EG_ .... A_i.....,......_...s·_....__... __.I 1.' . .. . . . . . . . . : . "C' > .· . . ' . J .I , .. '. -· .. t. ~A .. ... ' c ••• / • • • :'' • ; •.. , 1... ·-.-X :· ' L , ... L .. ( .. J . . .. ; •. ·; .. : }. .. ~-· •. ··. "I _ ~·.!Ja~.w~ . _ ,': ··•··· . ~""s~c.a:s . ~ .- < _.~ ~•~SpwQ(.f.f ~ , ;, COURT CLERK - Village of

Ruidoso. Sal8J1. $8.5813 hourly. Applications will be accepted un­til 4:00 p.m. Thursday, October 5, 1995. Complete job descrip-­tions and applications at the VJl­Jage of Ruidoso, 313 Cree Meadows Dr. PO Drawer 69, Ruidoso, NM . 88345. 258-4348. FAX 258-3017. EEOE. VOR-43

HOUSEKEEPER - Seperate ac­oomodations furnished, must be able to travel some for couple. 336-7811. H-45

CALDARELLAS CHRISTMAS STORE - Part time, every other weekend. 2117 Sudderth. 257-2559. . C-43

GOOD PAY & BENEFITS - Are you tired of minimum pay and no benefits? We have openings in various fields,· with above agerahe pay and paid training plus 100% medical and dental coverage. 30 days paid vacation earned per year, retirement plan. 17-30 year old HS diploma grads. no experience necessary. Call1-800-354-9627. NMP-43

ANGEL FIRE SKI· RESORT . - is hiring for ski season. Skilsnowboard instructors, lift operators, F & B, guest services, hotel, job fair November 2 & 3. Call 505-377-4217 for more in­formation. NMP-43

ENTRY LEVEL OPENINGS -firefighters. Limited openings for entry level firefighter trainees. Good pay/benefits. Must be under 25, in good physi­cal condition and have HS diplo­·ma. We will pay training and relocation expenses. 1-800-354-9627. NMP-43

SWIFT TRANSPORTATION - now hiring experienced and in­experienced drivers. Training abailabe, excellent pay and bene­fits. Great opportunities for driver trainers. 1-800-862-9585. EOE-mlf. NMP-43

NEED EXPERIENCED BACK­HOE OPERATOR - Also need persons to work in woods. Call 258-4811. A-43

FULL OR PART TIME RETAIL SALES - Stocking, etc. Apply in person, Steppin' Out Shoes, 721 Mechem. (Non-smokers preferred. J SO-tfc

PART TIME SALES ASSOCIATE­Three d_!lys a week. Apply in per­son at The Attic, 1031 Mechem, ask for Karolyn. A-tfc

PART TIME- For Southwest Coca­Cola Bottling Company. Satur­day and Sunday, 1-800-894-1218. 16 hours a week. P-44

PART TIME GIRL FRIDAY - Send resume, P.O. Box 4452, Ruidoso, 88345. CE-46

FACILITY TECH - Village of Ruidoso. Salary, $7.0138 an hour. Applications will be ac­cepted until 4 p.m. Tuesday, Oc­tober 10, 1995. Complete job des­criptions and applications at the Village of Ru1doso, 313 Cree Meadows Dr. P.O. Drawer 69, Ruidoso, NM 88345. 258-4343.

Fax, 258-3017. EEOE. VOR-44


RECYCLE - We remanufacture most Laser, Ink Jet, Copier and Fax Cartridge. Save up to 50% -GUARANTEED - LASER TECH. 257-3131. P-tfc.

HOME REPAIRS - additions, remodels, carpentry, dry wall, painting, roofing, masonry. Rea­sonable. Mr. Fixit Call 257-6357. F-tfc


MOBIL WINDSHIELD REPAIR -Most insurance companies waive deductable, cost to customer is $0. Convenient alternative to costly. Windshield replacement. Mobile Service, Ron Roddy. 505-257-3844. MWR-tfc

GRAVEL FOR SALE - and dump truck hauling. RHS. Call any­time 354-3085. S-50

LANDSCAPING Gravel driveways, lawn maintenance, hauling road material Free estimates. Bernard Trucking. 378-4132. B-tfc

GARDEN GREEN, SUPER CLE:AN- Lawn careJard work,

·hauling. POWER WASHING. Deck refinishing. 257-2172. W-49

PAINTING •GuARANTEED• BEST PRICES - Top qwility, Ruidoso'a beat painting compa­ny. Deferences, liceiU!ed. Please e8J1 UB first. 336-9116 ar 257-2273. C48

HORSEBACK RIDING LESSONS­Eofisblhunt seat. Professional an 25 y~ars AHSA Recognized Judge. Must u.ee yolll" horse. Your place or mine.· Call Sharon at 258-4885. W-50

YARD SERVICES, Flowers, tree removal, pruning, raking, haul- • ing, eve~y. year round. FREE ESTIMATES. 257-5808 or 257-2422. T-50


257-5672. 1-46 ·MULE DEER HUNT Colorado, bring bedroll and rille. $1,250. 378-9137. S-4a

NO SCALPEL VASECTOMY-$100.00 for the first 5 ap­plicants. One day only. Proce­dure will be on October 24th for details call 257-6500. LCMC-43

QUALITY HOUSE CLEANING­·Your equipment or mine. Done in a timely manner. The way you want it done. Call Kathie for more information. 257-5949 KT-

"RATHER BE HOME" pet care. Pet care in your home. Call Rick or Lesley 257-5526. S-43

HOUSE CLEANING by Brenda -dependable quality work. Free estimates. 336-4 779 S-49

.t Tender Tots .. PU5Chool, ENROLL NOW Stalling Aug. 2J

Preschool & Childcare mornings·& afternoons available! Qualified teachers. meals, extended

hours and weekends avatlable. 0-12 years _.,-out'UIS Al111ays Welconu!

Call: 257-5784

David Fryer General Contractor

257-2410 Building · Roofing

Lie. #55166



257-6357 Lie. lt051280

HOUSE CLEANING Spic and Span by Ann

Clean to your specifications. Free Estimates 505-257-3844 Out of stare 1-800-687-0956

Multi-Dim.en.sional Psychic ..... G. Cbdlu lu.IIIIO..d.

Newplloaeoaml.er ~5688.

T..,.tt....aoo.Lyplaoae ortopenoa.

Montie L. Coe General·Building

Contractor Handyman

·To Home Bu.qdftlg

" 258~5552 Ltc. l!l6fi3~ ·

PAINTING, CARPENTRY . - Or other repairs done at labor plus expenses. Phone 257-5515, ask for Bill. R-50

GARDEN TILLING - Prompt and reasonable, also mesquite fire­wood for BBQ or smoking meat. 354-2755. H-50

YARD MAINTENANCE -~. raking, hauling. Reasonabfe rates, free estimates. 257-7934. R-50

:42. ct~.L.u. C' .. 1f.J · ] LOVING BABYSITrER - Room for

two kids. ·Meals included. Call for information. 257-3567. AC-tfc nc

DAYCARE - MY HOME Monday -Friday. Newborn to 5 years. Lunch and snacks ~ded.

· Gavilan Canyon by High School. .258-3034 . D-45

TLC at 206 Porr Drive 257-5818 We provide child care for ages 9 months to 10 years &om 7:30am

to 6 pm. After sChool care available. Hot lunch and

snacks served.


WOOD - Juniper, Cedar, pinon . and oak. Delivered or you pick up. Different cuts available. Rea­sonable prices. Preston Stone., 354-2356. S-59

DRY SPLIT FIREWOOD Juniper, pinon, cedar or pine. Short or long lengths. 336-7934 or 420-2323. S-59

FIREWOOD, SEASONED AND SPLIT - Various types, leJJgths and amounts. . Defivered and stacked. Available every day. 257-5808 or 257-2422. T-44

EXCELLENT FIREPLACE WOOD, Juniper/pinon mix $80.00 a cord, you pick-up. G. Snow, (505)799-8701, 7P.- 8P., weekdays or write Box 542, Carrizozo, N.M. 88301 and I'll call you. S-43

PINON, JUNIPER, PINE MIX -$135 cord, delivered and stacked; half cord, $70. (No car­rying.) 336-4524. P-49

FIREWOOD - Seasoned, split, vari­ous types, lengths and amounts. Delivered and stacked. Available everyday. 257-5808 or 257-2422. T-48

APPLE WOOD· $140 a cord. Call 653-4250 after 5 p.m. S-4 7


- Female, 6-8 years old. Lost Bonito Lake area. Reward. 648-2650. D-43

FOUND - Unusual key i:fi Monjeau Peak parking lot, Friday, Sept. 29. Call Joanna at 257-4001 if it's yours. TD-tfc


48. ANNOVN~ ,·r - · ·I 'I'·

PUBLISHER'S NOTICE ..,_All real estate advertising in this news­pa.per is subject to the Federal Fmr Housing Act of 1968 which makes it illegal to advertise "any preferenc:e, limitation or .diS­crimination based on ram, eo)or religion, sex, ~dicap,_ famili;J status, or national ongm, or an inb.!ntion to make any such pref~ erence, limitation or discriniina.-

• tion. • This newspaper will not

'----3_8_. H_E_L_P_W_A_NTE_D _ __.II. ...... ~3_8._HE_ ......... L ...... P ....... ··~ ..... · ···~ ....... · ..• _. ·....:.;• . n_· ~~ .. ,

knowingly acc:ept any adv-ertis­ing for real estate which ia in violation of the law. Our teadent are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opiJC)ftunity basis. Tcr. com~ olain of discritnination. caJI Gr/S toll·free at 1-800-424-8590.

If you want to work & grow in a hassle-free, fun-filled environment,

LEGALNO'l'ICB '-"CIA'DOLIN ... ORDINANCE 16-1 .,,, n.&li . ·COONEY tober '~ . 1996 a.t 10;00 a.11L ia the 11--ta' IWD~lWI CUM­


T.ft&\SUBER,CIIC Tile Vdla&e of·Capitan I.JNCOLN. COuNTY Board of Tru.steps wiD MANAGER

Room oru.e ~­tion Buildiag . oa the Portalel$ ~ Agen4a items inclUde an ad­cleJMlum tel the 1.995 sum­mer gradaatioa ~ sal6 of Surplu · ~

· ditH:uss a.t a publf,c hMr- 0030 1T(I0)5

~at 6:45p.m.~ Octo- --------­bcil' 9. 19J5. reJJealiu or-


dinance ·93-16: Uniform I..BGAL NOTICE •pment, a pJ8n for a niluctioJl of t1ie 1995--96 fiscal year b~ . ·a report on the University's etra~c plan and seltt study, ana a reeolution on Teus tuition. .

0017 -<&T(IG)I,G,e.U

Traffie Corle. Onlinan£e 95-3 establishes tbe eur- IIEBTING NOTICE I..BGALNODCB

11:8QV.B8T JI'OB rent updates of the uniform traftic code and anr amendments hereto and will be considered for adoption on October 9, 1995 at 7:00p.m. duriDg the regular Council Meet­ing of the Board of TrUstees.

Is/Deborah Cummins Clerk-Treasurer, CMC Village of Capitan.

0020 4T(9)25,28(10)2,6



The Village of Ruidoso's Bid 195-003 -Mainstreet Public Restroom Facilities has been cancelled until fur­ther notice.

/slferri Waterfield Purchasing Agent

0029-A 1T(I0)5



Sealed bids will be received by the Lincoln County Manager at the Lincoln County Court­house, P.O.Box 711 (300 Central Avenue), Car· rizozo, New Mexico 88301, until 3:00 p.m., Thursday, October 26, 1995, at which .time and place the bids will be opened publicly and read aloud. Any bids ~ived after the above date and time will be retained un­opened.


The Lincoln County Board of Commissioners will review and make their final determination during their regular com­mission meeting schedul­ed for 9:00 a.m., on Tues­dayt November 7t 1995.

Invitations to Bid with Specifications are avail­able at the Office of the County Manager, Lincoln County Courthouse, Car· rizozo, or by calling Martha Guevara at 5051648-2385.

All bids must be clear­ly marked OJl the outside of the sealed envelope with the bid number shown above.

Lincoln County reserves the right to ac­cept or reject all or any part of any bid, waive minor technicalities and award the bid to best serve the interest of Lin­coln County.

The Linoot._ County ~ Tax Committee will hold a regularly ~uled Boonl meeting on Tuesday, October lO, 1995, beginning at 10:00 A.M. The meeting is· open to flH.! public, and will be held . at the Lincoln County Courthouse, · Commissioners' M~ Room, in Carrizozo, New Mexico. Agenda is avail­ab. le 24 hours _F.ior to the meeting. A~ aides are available upon m­q!Je&t; please contact Martha Guevara at 648- · 2385 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting to make any necessary ar-rangements. ·





Bm Sealed bids will be

received by the LincOln County ~ at the Lincoln Comity Court­house, P.O. Box 711 (300 Central Avenue), Car­rizozo, New Muico 88301, until 3:00 p.m., Thursday, October 26, 1995, at which time and place the bids will be opened publicly and read aloud. Any bids received after the above date and time will be retained un­opened.



NO'l'ICE is hereby given that the Village of Ruidoso, Lineoln CoUnty, New Memo~ia . . seaJed for PioFE S ONAL ENGINEERING SER­VICES FOR SEWER­LINE INFLOW AND IN­FILTRATION REPAIR PROJECT. ~ted proposem. may secure a copy of the JeqUeSt for ·proPosals from the Pur­cllasiog &tent at the Pur­chasm, Warehouse, 421 Wingfield, Ruidoso, NM 88345, or by pho~ (#)05)257-2721. .

BID NO. 1995-f: 00311T(10)5 EMERGENCY

Ptoposals will be receivecJ. by the Village of Ruidoso Purchasing ARent located at 421 W'iDafield, Ruidoso, NM 88345, until 5:00 p.m. lo­cal time Friday, October 20, 1995. fropoeals received after f.!JJ!.t time will be rejeCted 8Dd returned unopened.






The Lincoln County Board of Commissioners will review and. make their final determination during their regular com­mission meeting sehedul­ed for 9:00 a.m., on Tues­day, November 7. 1995.

Cause No. CV-95-158 Invitations to Bid with Specifications are avail­able at the Office of the County Manager, Lincoln County Courtltouse, Car­rizozo, or by calling·

The Village of Ruidoso reserves the right to re­ject any and/all proposals and waive all in­formalities as deemed in ·the best interest of the Village.

IN RE: Petitiea to Change Name of




Martha Guevara at . 5051648-2385. By Onler of the Gov­

eJ1!i!IH Body VIllage of Ruidoso All bids must be clear­

ly marked on the outside or the sealed envelope

NOTICE IS with tiJe· bid number HEREBY GIVEN that shown above.

/ffl'f.erri Waterfield Purebasing Agmit

on July 24, 1995, at 10:00 Lincoln County A.M., EULOJIO · reseJVea the right to ac­F L 0 R E N C I 0 c:ept or reject all or any SEDILLO, by and part of any bid, waive through his attorney. minor tedmiealities and Gary C Mitchell applied award the bid to best tn the District Court of seJVe. the interest of Lin­Lincoln County, New eoln County. Mezico for and Order

. 0040 21'(10)2,6


RUIDOSO TOOL RENTAL, INC., hereby places ownem of un­claimed personal pzoper­t)' on notice that iteDlS which have been left for repair and abandoned for in euess of one (1) year


IS/ Gary C. Mitchell

Gary C. Mitchell, P.C. P.O. Bos 2460

Ruidoso, New Mexico 88345



0033 2T(9)28(10)5


The Eastern New Mexico University Board of Regents will meet Oc-

0038 1T(10)5 at Ruidoso Tool Rental shall be disposed of within thirty (30) days of

LEGAL NOTICE the date of this notice. The Village of Capitan Anyone claiming a

iB see~ applications posseisory interest in for a full time New Mexi- any pemonal property co Certified Police Of- left to be rep&ire(l at ficer. $1,300 to $1,400 . Ruidoso Tool Rental must

th Unifo al contact Ruidoso Tool mon · rm - 0 -ntai WI"tbin thirty (30) lowance and benefits, LW

Must reside in Capitan. days in order to pt'eVent Complete job description ~!C:rl ~~~abanfro~ and applications avail- \AI.G....,..A.U5 ........

able at the Village of d~~ proJlOti.. Capitan, PO Box 246, u-.-wnu INC. Capitan, NM 88316. &Di .. a..-a.u, Phone (505) 354-224 7. is/Joe D. Sutton, Applications will be ac· Pn.ldent cepted until 4:00 P.M. 0043 2T(l0)5,9 OCtober 13, 1995.

Deadlines For Classifieds

Publication Day Deadline

Monday Thursday at 3 · p~ID ..

·Thursday· Tuesday at 3 P·~· . then we need to talk.

Apply in person Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday between 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

~~ caf~t l:s'&01. ~e toll-~ f.de))hoae .n~r · ·· I81-8()().M3-82!M. · ft42.flc CaU .~~ a.t· 25.7--4~l0l · or (8 yoPr. ad:

Personal/Family insurance plans available.· Farley•• ... 1200 Mechem Drive

ro!u~ =~&BWk · ~ctly ·to her at257~70$3 .· · · · atl-431-8680(~)~K~tfbC ........ tittilliitll!_.. ............... ·-··-··._·.._.:._· •. ._··-· ii'······ IIi'• ....... · .•.•.•. lillillii.'iii!ii .. '~·•··· ·.._._ ... ...,...__.

.. ·~

. .. ..

· Pd/IMed lJr

Jfae Bl:lltl• N.,.. Oct. 5, J995

• •

. ~~ ,.,."'""" ~ . ·S~~HHiHIHHHIIHHIH#IItHHHHHIH_,IIIIHIIIIIIIII,S · 7,. Me s.~ '"tle·dltt

S~.,_,,,.,.,~ ......... ,,.,.,,,,,,,,,,.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.Jir'


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"Fru Splrlallt Noisy Wtlftr" 6iDPe McGillY ftllces tit/mnl of tile Museum

Home of New Mexico's large~t outdoor equine monument! ··

Fine Art Exhibitions! Wagons, Carriages, Saddle$, Bits & Spurs!

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.M"useuH'I oft_heHorse · Hwy70 East

Ruidoso Downs, New Mexieo Ope. mil~ eas.tof tbe.r~c~ .tra,c,~

·op~~-Y~arRou.ntl~:·•·SOS·378-~142 .-· v•" . ?;t:~~~ ·~ ·.' ~·, ~-(!'·', ~,..,

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D11dwei$~r Presents llle' .~ · c:,J~·,: ... ~ >; · : .


WHEN Sat~ay, Oct. '1, 1995 9:00AM • Cooks Meeting Pod Cookoff St!nday Oc:t. 8th

W/IF.RE lilt Pines Trailer Patk RuJ~so. NM

ENTRY FEE.· l20 00 •Oood•c Oags •oooze •Games •.Food •MuSIC

REPLY TO; Ruidoso Chill Socletv P.O BDIC 280 Ruadoso. New Mexico 88345

.. (505) 257-5123 c.,IMI ,~,., .. , ... , Pre RegistratiOn for A. V.'s required bV Stpt. 25th



· • 10 ·a(!~l c~iJr • 1·3 Best SJate Chih l 1·3 Showmanship • 1 PeopJe•s · Cho1co ChllJ

Proceed!~ to b~nellt:

A~Aotaly Club ~Fcm

Over Night Camping ·. Ves 0 'No D ENYRV FEE ENClOSED!!! Vos Q No 0 .

He.iid CoOk's Name. CHill teahi Name

Showmanshrp Team Name Add tess

C•tv and State Telephone II



ASPENFE5T WEEKEND: · Aspenfeet Par.de Saturday. OGt.otJer 7. 10 am ·. Midtown Ruldooo ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Chill Cootoff Mfdtown Ruld050 Sat and Sun. Octotler 7 Benefits Rotary Club Scholarship ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Arte & Craft& Farr . Midtown Rutd050 Sat and 6un. Octol7er 7 & 8 Benefits Ruidoso Gymnastics Assoc ..

*~,t·a:·o;;;.··:n;G;;~·,;~·,;;;~·fii;;J-' ......................... * lt-Saturelay. October 7. 8 pm Ruloooo Convention & Civic Events C~

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "Run to Ruldmso' Rod Run · Saturday. Octol7er 7 School Houoo Park ..... ~ ..........•..•.................•...•.......... , ......................•.

Oth"r Upaomlnd. Events: Cowl1oy 5ymposrum Octol7er 13~ 15 Glencoe. New Mexico •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Oktol1erfe&t (GtJnnan FeetlvaQ · · Octouer 27-2J!J Ruidoso Convention & Civic Events Ctr . •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

·chrtetmae Jubilee Noveml7er 10-12 Ruld060 Convention & Civic Events Ctr. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

5kl Apaehe Opene Thanksglvln@ Day

1tSEASONED~JUST0RIGHT$ 1-800-25.3-225 5

Ot call SOS· 2S7·?39S. Write ro: Rui4oso V~ Ownl,cr Qf Canuocrce P.O. Boa 698 Ruidoso, New MClko BBJ4S

COVER PHOTOS by DIANNE STALLINGS Most Inside photos are from The Ruidoso NewS' file

Pata:de, hot r9d&,"' chilf; s music and crafts. in store ~~•'-• tiacJitionall CGDtin . to be Vli.MIUUI- . f . Del

mcmth to welcame viaim to the ap dor of the fall ·•aaon in Ruidoao. AI1181W. • •keDd belina.thia month's

· . with the .ever-papular Aspen· r• ·parade on Sa\Qnlay, Oct. '1. · · Allo throuehout the \'illap, ,ou'll be

. able .. to attend tlie ·popular Ruidoso . Gyipultia A.ociation Artl. I Crafta · · Fair, ·wte· IOJDI of the best ehiU in the

eountry at the New Maieo state Chili CookcC and IIIIJW1 over row after row

of vintage aatomobllee in Schoolbouae Park at the 1lun m Ruidoao" ·Rod and Car Show.

Saturday eveDiJJI, put on your cJan .. ein' shoes and be enwtained by the.big band sounds of The Garda FaiDily Band at the Convention 6 Civie Events Cen .. ter frca 8 p.m. Wltil midni&ht •

It'1 another fun·&lled weekend rcw the entin family in the mountains or Ruidolo. For information eall2&7· 7395.

Chile rlstras are standard for .. saJe ilems In downtown Ruidoso next to the Tall Pines Trailer Park durtng the Chill CookoH Saturday and SUnday. Vendors also roast chiles by the bushel.

Versatile Garcia family performs Saturday 'nte veraatile Garcia Family Band Hispanic Music Award as the best male

will perform during the Aspenfest Ranchero Binger in El Paso, where he is celebration at 8 p.m. Saturday at the a radio disc jockey. Rui~ Convention and Civic Events Center. Jose Luis and his two brothers were

'lbe nine members of the Garcia the threesome forerunners of the Garcia band play just about anything their F~y Band. ~ey be~an en~rtai~ audience likes tD dance w - includinc audiences as children WJth the1r gmtars country, polka, ballads popular tunes and singing in the 1960s. when they and mariachi. ' were called "Los HermanitoB Garcia." · 'lhe band baa recorded 45 singles a). Later, the Garcias joined others in a

bums, caaaettla and CDa. Moat of 'the 14-piece band called La Ritmera Garcia. aoqa they reeorded are . orieina) eom· During the .past foB! years~ • the ~tiou of the elder or·the band, Luis youngest GarClll. generation baa JOmed Mipel Garcia. . . this band and it has betomf! a sole ven·

'Jbe bal1d il baaed in Anthony. Lead ture of the Garda family. · tinpt Joee Luis Oareia hM ·r«eivM 'nebts am be purebased before the

. . . . . . . . . Jnan7 awarda for hie alilities, including dance .ror $5 for adults and $2 for ehil· The Garcia Family Band performs at 8 p.m. Saturday • the RuidOso .con- the PRBSEA Pronter•Jntemacional in dren 811 and yoqer. Tickets are $6 at Veillon and Civic Events Genter. Ciiulad Juarez, MeJico, and the the door •


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--.- --·- ----------....---:- --:-------· --~-----. .....---·-.:--- ..........----......--·.----·---·-:-·-----.----. ·-···------~-- -......-------~,--

Talit 1tiJ8:.sOuthWest .. ait the. Chill. cookOff· ...

A ,._dge at a previous New Mexico State Open Ctlli COOkoff studlousfv samples the goodies ..

AQeJIIIeltParade l:''lrofut'lllr ... ., October 7, 10:00 am, Midtown ChlU CGokoff Sat and Sun. October 7 & 8, Midtown Benefits Rotary Club Scholanbip Arts 6 Crafts Fair Sat and Sun, October 7 & 8, Midtown Benefits Ruidoso Gymnastics Association Concert It Duce: "Garda Family Band" SaturdayJ October 7, 8:00 pm Ruidoso Convention&. Civic Svenb Center Tickets: $5 each in a4vante, $6 at the door -.an to lllldoto" RodltaJI Saturday, October 7, School House Park 011IER UPCOMING EVlNIS: ~-~-- . October IZ·IS, Gteftcoe, New Mexico {East of Ruidoso) Oktoberfest: CenDaa Pdtlval Oct. 27 .. 28, Ruidoso Convention & Civic Events Center

· . CllrlltmuJuWiee · .Mew. 16-U, RUidoso Convention & Civic Events Center .. ~- . . .

. Ail~Ji!fnlatthe-sou~Jliw. . _- OpQ~daylndrunsthioujlaEater. ·

by KATHLEEN McDONALD cookoft' lee, Crown said. Entries will be Ru~so ·News Staff Writer _ _ _ . accepted right up to the start of the

flt~ will wate~ and m•es wiD cooks' meeting at 9 a.m. on Oe.t. 7. bum in Ruidoso this weekend • vatS or · · ·

· red chili and savory meat are served up The championship's top three win~ during tbe 14th imnual New MeJiCJ) ners will immediately quali(J for the State Open Chili Cookoff. World Championship next November in

Terlingua, Texas. · 'Dle eookotf will be at the· Tall Pines

Trailer Park on Sudderth Drjve.Jt runs This year's Ruidoso contest is dedi-10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday. Oct. 7, and cab!d to Tex Scofield, CASrs ofticial 10 a.m. to 1 pm. Sunday, Oct. 8, "Mouth of the ·Chili World." who died Vuitor enby coat is $2. four months ago, Crown said. ·

Chili -· chairman Paul Crown All proceeds &om the event will go. to expects to pt about 100 entries in the the -Ruidoso Rotary Scholarship Fund. contest, aloupide as many as 3,600 Last year's eontest raised about $2,600 visitors. for the fund, Crown said.

"'11ds is a prestigious cookotr," Crown Cooking teams prepare 2-3gallons of said. "It's where a. lot of ehiliheads chili, so there's plenty to go around. ., eom,: .. . Although visitors won't ·be able to

ane eookoff · folio':'~ gwd~~es · taste the stews until 2:15 p.m. (about · prepared by _ the ~1i Appre~ation two. houn •r cooking tA!ams tum in Sooi~lf International . (CASI). samples for judging), a concession stand Partiapan!' must use red chiles,. and no will sell "festival food," sodas and beer 6llers -nee, bean$ or macarom - are all day. allowed. . .

- Cooks use most every type of meat to Also, muSic by Lone Star Express make their dish stand out, Crown said. will begin after the parade and continue

"I've seen elk, deer, bee~ pork, until 5 p.m. Saturday, Ucept for a armadiUO, and snake," he said. "'lhey'll break during chili showmanship judg­cook about anything that will eook in a ing from noon to 2 p.m. pot" Chili tasting wiD cost a quarter a

Teams from as far away as Washing· spoonful and wiD last until 3:30 p.m. ton, Arkansas, Arizona, Teus and Cali· · fomia are apected to pay the $20 See Chill· cookoff page 8


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,-..,..-.. '·- . -·-------·-- -. ---~·---

&\J~ Hot Rods wheel into Sc~ool .. HoU,e"Pafk I • :, •' <, ~ .. ' • • ... , ' • ,. ": • 0

, • " ;' ·,,, "'; "' •1 '.• • .··· '" """., "'•. ~ " • '· .~. , • ',' · ' .p 1 .' • '

by LAURA CLYMER "'1be ~e seem to lib it up there Ruidoso News Staff Wrler <Ruidolo), and they alWil)'llook forwanl

BriDiant paint jobs, rejuvenated to comior to the 1DOUDtaina, .. Duachay enginea and plenty t1 ehrcae roll into said of the rod run's participanta. town Aapenleat weekend Cor the "Run tD Owners of die stmt rodden spend Ruidoso" Rod Run Saturday at Sehool from $10,000 tD 140,000 rebuilcliug and House Park. painting the vehicles, said Duschay,

More than 300 customized classic who hu a 1947 Chevrolet )ickup under cars and hot rods are speeted to partie- amtruetion. ipate in the eighth annual Ruidoso rod run, which is ~sponaored by Early Time Sfleet Rod Association of El Paso and the Southern New Mexico Street Rod Association of Las Cruces.

"We will draw ears out of' Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, OklahOJDa, and we might even get a car out of CaJi .. fomia," said Ron Dusehay, a member and directtw fl the Early 'lbne club.

Only t8l'8 built in 1969 or earlier are allowed to participate in ~ rod nm. Owners of the vehicles will vie for up te 25 trophies in a variety or categories.

The Ruidoso rod run competition won't be judged lib a typcal car show which judges vehicles by classes, Dus· chay said. Club members wiD make trophies and dec:ide the winners. For B· ample. a dub member might decide to give a trophy Cor the "Best Flames" painted on a vehicle. 'fttat member will make the trophy and choose the winner.

Dusehay expeets 15-20 dubs &om around the Southwest fA» attend.

Car enthusiasts can eateh their first glimpse or the fancy vehiclu starting Friday. Registration begins at 2 p.m. at the Inn at &e Springs, located on U.S .. Highway 70 in Ruidoao Downs. RegiatratiOD eontinuea &om 8 a.m. to noon Saturday at tbe School House Park on Sudderth Drive near the Ruidoso library and pool. All the aouped-up sets rl wheels wiD be 'parked at School Hotme Park Saturday.

At 1 p.m. Satunlay, participants Will drive to five loeationa Cor a "Poker Run• around Ruid0110. At each • drivers draw a playing card. When they return, whoever has the best poker hand wins. Trophies will be given out aometime be· tween 4:30 and 5 p.m .• Duaebay said, and tlu}n the gathering ends.

"We really eneourage members to drive up there (to Ruidoso) and drive around town. '11lafs what we feel lib rodding is aD about -driving your ear," ~smd. ·


• .


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8 f~~ Parade rnDs A parade at 10 a.m. Saturday leads

off the weekend's Aspenfeat .celebration· in Ruidoso.

'Ibis year's theme or "016 Fiesta" promises a colorful lineup.

"It's a chance tAl highlight our downvalley heritage," said parade chairman · Ron Anderson. 'Dle Hondo Valley east fl Ruidoso baa a strong Hispanic heritage.

Nationally-known artist Miehael Hurd, whoae family has a long-time in­fluence in the Hondo Valley, will be the parade's grand marshal.

Viewers can look· fer a variety or floats, color guards and banda in the pa· rade. 'l1te Ruidoso Ski Team will be there on roDerblades, and children will deek out their bieytles and pets for top honors. Aetor Richard Farnsworth of Lincoln will also participa~.

'!he deadline for parade sign-up at the Ruidoso Valley Chamber rJ Com­merce ia noon Thunday. Oct. 5.

DQt to the Ruidoso Valley Chamber of Commerce building. 1he route has been shortened this year te make it easier on the participants, Anderson said.

Children on their bicycles wiD pull out of the parade at the Ruidoso State. Bank parking J~t so their parents can easily pick them up.

Along the parade route, next to the Chill Cookoff aite on Sudderth Drive, visitors will find nine rood bootha and a pony ride for the children. The booths are also open Sunday.

Prizes will be given for the top floats, peta, bikes and banda. 'lhe tGp Ooat gets a traveling trophy, and the top three receive $100, $50 and $25, respectively. '11lere will be tat.3rd place prizes (savings bonds and gift cerWieates) ror pets and bikes. Six awards will be handed out for bands, which will he ., . judged as they pass the Gazebo shop- The Ruidoso High School 24 Karat ping center· · Gold Band wil be at this year's pa·

At 1 p.m. Saturday, a Battle rl the rad& (pictured last year below) as Bands will tab place at the Ruidoso wll some unusual cont.lons (like High School football field. this miniature car in last year's pa.

'llle hour-long parade begins at the rade, pictured above). Lall year's pa· intersection rl Sudderth and Merhem rade also included Scottish baDI*ers drives, and ends up at Two Rivera Park (pictured at right).

Chili cookoff-­&ompages

Cookotl winners will be announced by Crown between 4 p.m. and 5 p.m.

Anyone interested in being a contest judge is welcome to show up at the rock house at the trailer park around 2 p.m. Saturday, Crown said.

About 80 judges are needed for the contest, because different groups are used for the preliminary, semi-final, and final judging.

"The neat thing about juaging is, you get free beer, you clean your palate with cheese and veggiea, and you have a good time," Crown said.

About 24 plaqu• will be eiven away during the award ceremony, Crown said. Ten will be puented to the top 10 · ~' . ,~ chilia; three to the top three showmen; .. ~ . ·.

· three to the top three ltate tama; and ,. one to the "people's choiee" chill.

"'11le people's choice il aetually the one who makes the mOlt chili to aeD for fNJUarler,"Crown&aicL · .. · 1 ~~~~~~Mtldl_,~~~,_._., ~tl ,,~,,-~-,~~·~,-~~---,~,~···~·~·

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~Arts ,,~nrl c · ····· .·. "8 fair s/f.QwcaBe.s the unusual 1 .' - ....._ . .

'··..V·DwtNESTAI.IMGS'~ ·. he. found in ·the bootb.rl Earl Luak of ~·ofCcamerce). · new qhibitor this Jl8f with.dried Ao-AU~r:toao· NIWI·Stlff Wiler . . _.. . · · · : · . · . · · .· I · "''ben 1 pt. tao old for Jayeeea and raJa, pJlon and dOlls, Ricbardaon said. . lil11tJ. :irliaaral wiD .·be .. ahowcased 'Jbe cpntractGr .tined artiaan\ atarted participatial ~ an utiat." Luak · Faye Newhmy of Alamogordo· will ...... ·~. lOth Ana~ ·~ Arta creates~ ~Jewelry bmi, &aieL "Since.then; we've taken over \flo return with her outstan~ Indian IUid·Ciaftll'air, put of the town'• calor· ~petl.Jike _. with IOID~nta,1 . ahowa in Roiwe1l .a· JNIOte those d~ dotbing and poreelam. Another ful..,... ·. · · · . clrawen and- in~mlynook. · 1 down. here, u weD u ·participate in · familiu name, Vicki Conley, will show

.· 1111 celelnfion of Dltule'l &Udial of What Ule4 U I 'ho~Jh' led to other fain." . olher distinct signature pottery, . · thellljlill clraws thousands ofpeopleto Luak'e participation in ldl and. crafte RuidosO ia ·one of Luak'a· ·favorite · ·the mountain Wlap each year. Fair fairs J.2.13 years ago, he IBid fiom his stops and produces appreciative crowds Refreshments wiD be on sale by the · cbairperlon_ Bonnie Richirdacm expects of&ce in Roswell,. where he works for each year, be aaid. ~c· boosters at the entrance to about 6,000 people w pay the lladmis· the RoaweU School Diatriet. . Dina O.p of San Patricio will be a the fair •

. •• fee &Pd pua throulh the arts and . · 'lbe tree hQieacame.later. . . . .. · · craftefairentrance. . · "I W a·Jiiiht~Qare o~e·.,gll~'! he ··.· · Staged ·under the pines along Sud· said. "lwaa IJing there ill the mfCJ41e.-ci

derth Drive across. ftont the Gazebo the qbt tJpokjng about pnblems 8Jl4 I · $hop}ing Center, the fair will run from thouaht, 'You know, it would be real ~ 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday,. Oct. 7, cute~' · · ·and &oin 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, "We made the first .one seven.cr,eilht·· .·· ,Oct. 8. . . . . . . . yean ago to test the Y~.attr~ .Jt:aota :the. ,

:Each artist .lias paid a fee to ~t. first day •. ~ talked the ~Y .~~ ;.J~ttmg,·:_· ~ 'Die· pro&ts will be donat,ed Cor eqwp- me keep 1t through the weekena, JO.l

. ment and .to pay off the ·~uildmg ~~eel . ec_auld show other people,· an~···j~e;jUst · by the Rmdoso Gymnastics_Association, kindoftakenoftfrom there~". ... ·. ·,,· .... a non-profit group. The boxes are made of exotic -.:.

·Au items display,etl.m.ust he' hand- . suchaspurple.heartand~bra,·he···~d.·, . ·crafted, Richarilson saict' . · . - . · · · ,. "'ftley're . very popul~,_ ~liB~. sauL _ . · The bootluJ. wiD feature. ·furniture, '11ley range from ~ur 81iUill·IJlll1n .the

..... :... :~. . • t+4WIU . . • ted $15 range as high as $500·$600, wwuwor.., eenumes, · ~-~~~~.,, pam depending on the complelity · · clothing, cbareo~ cltawmga and water· · · · . . · . · eolors, Christmas piee8, _SQ\lthwestem · ."We also d.o .the usual.thitil_, fhc!. cut-bowls and tnuib, dolls, Rowers, quit~ tinr~··reill.Jeer an~.ucb." . ·. ·quilted pillows,]JOlished rock pieces and · Hii Grat involVement with an arts ~--~~~~~.;.;.__ __________ . -· ~·· -· ..;,..._...:...:::.:::r::::....:.J

many more categories. · and erafte lair was on· the promotioual Ur:-usual ilems at this weekend's arts and crafts fair include wooden jewelry Some of the most unusual items will end with the RosweD Jqceei ·(Juaior boxes shaped like trees, made by Earl Lusk .


. Look for our special supplement full of

. . t . & t' . . d 111Sl.·.or .. ln,orma. ton, an . ' .·

', "· . sch.edule of events. . " n ·;~ . ,:~·· __ ·.;..., • ,··*~-~ ~:~---~<"'. t.:

~ .. • -',1 . ·/ I .



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