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Shipka Area Bird List

Date post: 06-Jul-2018
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Little Oak Group Birds of the Shipka Area A checklist of birds in the Shipka Area, Valley of the Roses, Bulgaria Peter Alfrey

8/17/2019 Shipka Area Bird List

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Little Oak Group

Birds of the Shipka AreaA checklist of birds in the Shipka Area, Valley of the Roses, Bulgaria

Peter Alfrey

8/17/2019 Shipka Area Bird List

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Species Scientic a!e " # $ % & ' ( ) * "+Redthroated -i.er Gavia stellata /Blackthroated -i.er Gavia arctica /Blacknecked Grebe Podiceps nigricollis /Little Grebe Tachybaptus rufcollis /

Great 0rested Grebe Podiceps cristatus /Great 0or!orant Phalacrocorax carbo 1 /Grey 2eron  Ardea cinerea /3hite Stork Ciconia ciconia 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 /Black Stork Ciconia nigra /Osprey Pandion haliaetus +%"'Golden 4agle  Aquila chrysaetos /Lesser Spotted 4agle  Aquila pomarina /Shorttoed 4agle Circateus gallicus / /Booted 4agle Hieraetus pennatus /5arsh 2arrier Circus aeruginosis 1 1 1 1 1

2en 2arrier Circus cyanus 1 1 1 /5ontagu6s 2arrier Circus pygargus 1 1 1 1Longlegged Bu77ard Buteo rufnus 1 1 /0o!!on Bu77ard Buteo buteo 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 /2oney Bu77ard Pernis apivorus /



Sparro:ha:k  Accipiter nisus 1Gosha:k  Accipiter gentilis 1 1 /;estrel Falco tinnunculus 1 1 1 1 1 12obby Falco subbuteo /


5erlin Falco columbarius / 8"9<uail Coturnix coturnix  1 1 1 /Little Ringed Plo.er Charadrius dubius /Lap:ing anellus vanellus / =ello:legged Gull !arus michahellis / 1

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Site "> Shipka Birding Road, Site #> Steppe Area, Site $> Plot # Area, Site %> 5onastery, Site &> Shipka Village, Site '> e:

Land Area, Site (> General far!land area, Site )> General 5ountain area, Site *> Sheyno.o Lake , Site "+> ;oprinka Lake

Species Scientic a!e " # $ % & ' ( ) * "+Black ?ern Childonias niger  /

Rock -o.e Columba livia 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 /Stock -o.e Columba oenas / /3oodpigeon Columba palumbus 1 /0ollared -o.e "treptopelia



 ?urtle -o.e "treptopelia turtur  1 1 /0uckoo Cuculus canorus 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 /Barn O:l Tyto alba /0o!!on S:ift  Apus apus 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 /Pallid S:ift  Apus pallidus 1 1 /2oopoe #pupa epops 1 1 1 1 1 /

Beeeater $erops apiaster  1 1 1 /Black 3oodpecker %ryocopus martius 1 /Green 3oodpecker Picus viridis 1 1 1 /Greyheaded


Picus canus /

Great Spotted


%endrocopus ma&or  1 1 1 1 /

Syrian 3oodpecker %endrocopus


1 1 1 1 /

5iddle Spotted


%endrocpus medius 1 /

Lesser Spotted3oodpecker

%endrocopus minor  /

3ryneck  'ynx torquilla /Skylark  Alauda arvensis 1 1 1 10rested Lark Galerida cristata 1 1 1 1 1 /3oodlark !ullula arborea /

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Sand 5artin (iparia riparia /Barn S:allo: Hirundo rustica 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 /Site "> Shipka Birding Road, Site #> Steppe Area, Site $> Plot # Area, Site %> 5onastery, Site &> Shipka Village, Site '> e:

Land Area, Site (> General far!land area, Site )> General 5ountain area, Site *> Sheyno.o Lake , Site "+> ;oprinka Lake

Species Scientic a!e " # $ % & ' ( ) * "+Redru!ped S:allo: Hirundo daurica 1 1 1 1 1 1 12ouse 5artin %elichon urbica 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 / ?a:ny Pipit  Anthus campestris 1 1 /5eado: Pipit  Anthus pratensis $

+%"' ?ree Pipit  Anthus trivalis / 1 /Redthroated Pipit  Anthus cervinus /

o.er3hite@Pied 3agtail $otacilla alba 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 /Blueheaded 8=ello:9

3agtailBlackheaded 3agtail

$otacilla )ava

$*+* +eldegg




1 1 1 1 /Grey 3agtail $otacilla cinerea 1Robin ,rithacus rubecula 1ightingale !uscinia


1 1 1 /

Redstart Phoenicurus



Black Redstart Phoenicurus ochruros / 13heatear -enanthe oenanthe 1 /sabelline 3heatear -enanthe isabellina /

3hinchat "axicola rubetra 1 1 /Stonechat "axicola torquata 1 1 1 /Song ?hrush Turdus philomelos 1 /5istle ?hrush Turdus viscivorus / /ieldfare Turdus pilaris /


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Blackbird Turdus merula 1 / /Barred 3arbler "ylvia nisoria /Blackcap "ylvia atricapilla 1 1 1 1 1 /Lesser 3hitethroat "ylvia curruca /0o!!on 3hitethroat "ylvia communis /

Reed 3arbler  Acrocephalusscirpaceus


Site "> Shipka Birding Road, Site #> Steppe Area, Site $> Plot # Area, Site %> 5onastery, Site &> Shipka Village, Site '> e:

Land Area, Site (> General far!land area, Site )> General 5ountain area, Site *> Sheyno.o Lake , Site "+> ;oprinka Lake

Species Scientic a!e " # $ % & ' ( ) * "+3illo: 3arbler Phylloscopus



3ood 3arbler Phylloscopus



0hiCchaC  Phylloscopus



Goldcrest (egulus regulus /Spotted lycatcher $usicapa striata / /Pied lycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca /0ollared lycatcher Ficedula albicollis /

+%"'Great ?it Parus ma&or  1 /0oal ?it Parus ater  1 /Blue ?it Parus caeruleus / /So!bre ?it Parus cinctus /Longtailed ?it  Aegithalos caudatus / 1 /

uthatch "itta europaea / ?reecreeper Certhia +amiliaris /Redbacked Shrike !anius collurio 1 1 1 1 1 /3oodchat Shrike !anius senator  / 1Great Grey Shrike !anius exubitor  / 15agpie Pica pica / 1

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 Day Garrulus glandarius 1 1 1 / Dackda: Corvus monedula 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 /Rook Corvus +rugilegus /2ooded 0ro: Corvus cornix  / 1Ra.en Corvus corax  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 /

Starling "turnus vulgaris 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 /Golden Oriole -riolus oriolus 1 12ouse Sparro: Passer domesticus 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1Spanish Sparro: Passer hispaniolensis 1 1 / ?ree Sparro: Passer montanus 1 /



1 1 1

Site "> Shipka Birding Road, Site #> Steppe Area, Site $> Plot # Area, Site %> 5onastery, Site &> Shipka Village, Site '> e:

Land Area, Site (> General far!land area, Site )> General 5ountain area, Site *> Sheyno.o Lake , Site "+> ;oprinka Lake

Species Scientic a!e " # $ % & ' ( ) * "+

0haFnch ingilla coelebs 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 /Linnet 0arduelis cannabina 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 /Goldnch 0arduelis carduelis 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 /Greennch 0arduelsi chloris 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 /Siskin 0arduelis spinus /



+%"'9Serin Serinus serinus / 1 /Bullnch Pyrrhula pyrrhula /2a:nch 0ocothraustes


1 1 1 1

0o!!on 0rossbill Lo1ia cur.irostra /Reed Bunting 4!beri7a schoeniclus /Ortolan Bunting 4!beri7a hortulana / / =ello:ha!!er 4!beri7a citrinella 1 /0irl Bunting 4!beri7a cirlus /

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Blackheaded Bunting 4!beri7a



0orn Bunting 5iliaria calandra 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 /

Site "> Shipka Birding Road, Site #> Steppe Area, Site $> Plot # Area, Site %> 5onastery, Site &> Shipka Village, Site '> e:

Land Area, Site (> General far!land area, Site )> General 5ountain area, Site *> Sheyno.o Lake , Site "+> ;oprinka Lake

Species Scientic a!e " # $ % & ' ( ) * "+

8/17/2019 Shipka Area Bird List

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Site "> Shipka Birding Road, Site #> Steppe Area, Site $> Plot # Area, Site %> 5onastery, Site &> Shipka Village, Site '> e:

Land Area, Site (> General far!land area, Site )> General 5ountain area, Site *> Sheyno.o Lake , Site "+> ;oprinka Lake

Species Scientic a!e " # $ % & ' ( ) * "+

8/17/2019 Shipka Area Bird List

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Site "> Shipka Birding Road, Site #> Steppe Area, Site $> Plot # Area, Site %> 5onastery, Site &> Shipka Village, Site '> e:

Land Area, Site (> General far!land area, Site )> General 5ountain area, Site *> Sheyno.o Lake , Site "+> ;oprinka Lake

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