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SHMD 249 2/05/2012 Muscle Injuries *Risk Factors *Preventative Measures.

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SHMD 249 2/05/2012 Muscle Injuries *Risk Factors *Preventative Measures

SHMD 2492/05/2012

Muscle Injuries*Risk Factors*Preventative Measures


Sports Injuries


Risk Facto


external to the body that can cause injury

Extrinsic Risk Factors

A physical aspect of the athletes body that can

cause injury

Intrinsic Risk Factors


Inappropriate coaching or instruction• Coaches:

– Give incorrect instructions - which lead to injury.

– Must have in-depth knowledge about sport & be up-to-date to

maintain highest & safest standards.

– Must be able to communicate effectively.

• Current rules/regulations must be interpreted correctly &

appropriately enforced.

Extrinsic Risk FactorsPg 260-262


Incorrect Advice on Technique• PE teacher/trainer/coach gives guidance on specific sport

skills techniques.

• If coach does not correct technique at right time, sport

participant will adopt bad habits (skill level & performance) =


• Example: weightlifting & back injuries from poor technique.

Extrinsic Risk Factors Pg 260-262


Environmental conditions• Environment: the area in which the sport is performed.

• Including: field/hall, playing surface, lighting & temperature.

• Environment in which sport is performed can have a big impact on sustaining


• Example:

• Poor lighting = player misjudging attacking/defensive moves & injuring

themselves or another player.

• Wet surface = player more likely to slip = injury.

Extrinsic Risk Factors Pg 260-262


Other sports players• Some sports (contact sports) are more susceptible to incurring

injuries as rules allow for tackles, scrums (rugby) etc.

• contact sports: few bruises from tackling or being tackled.

• Non-contact sports: injuries from a foul tackle (soccer) or

accidental collisions.

Extrinsic Risk Factors Pg 260-262


Equipment, clothing and footwear issues• Always use equipment needed to play sport correctly.

• Example: if javelin/shot-put/discus not held/thrown correctly =

serious injury to themselves/other people.

• Some sports require protective clothing.

• Example: shin pads for football, gloves & helmet for cricket etc.

• Other sports need clothing which is very flexible and needs to allow full range

of movement.

• Example: gymnastics. If restrictive clothing is used which limits

movement, could cause injury.

Extrinsic Risk Factors Pg 260-262


Equipment, clothing and footwear issues• Essential to use correct footwear for correct surface.

• Specialized footwear for all sports, made to be supportive to

player & totally suitable for surface required for sport

Extrinsic Risk Factors Pg 260-262


Equipment, clothing and footwear issues• However, footwear may still be the cause of injury.

• Example: studs plant the foot in the ground, so if the

person is turning on a planted foot they can twist

their knee.

• Incorrect footwear = injury.

• Example: marathon runner needs a very cushioned

shoe to absorb impact of constant running.

Extrinsic Risk Factors Pg 260-262


Inadequate warm-up• Very common cause of sports injury.

• Warm-up prepares body & mind for exercise to come. Gradually

takes body from non-active state to being ready for exercise.

• Will vary from person to person, level of fitness, and the

environment (cold surroundings = longer warm-up).

Intrinsic Risk Factors

Pg 260-262


Inadequate warm-up• 3 components of Warm-up:

– Get blood flowing more quickly around body to help

warm-up muscles to make them more flexible.

– Mobiliser: joints taken through full range of motion.

– Main muscles to be used should be stretched.

Intrinsic Risk Factors

Pg 260-262


Muscle Imbalance• One muscle in an antagonistic pair is stronger than the other.

• Example: footballers who have strong quadriceps muscles, but

weak hamstring muscles = knee injuries (when striker goes to

score they over-kick which hyperextends knee = injury).

Intrinsic Risk Factors

Pg 260-262


Poor Preparation• Players’ fitness levels specific to sport.

• Poor fitness = increase risk of injury, as they become tired

develop poor sport techniques.

• Must also acclimatize (train in) to environment in which

competition will take place (hot/cold).

Intrinsic Risk Factors

Pg 260-262


Postural Defects• Some people are born with postural defects e.g. one leg

longer than the other, or their spine having the

wrong curvature.

• = more strain on one side of the body = more susceptible to

injuries after long periods of exercise.

• Postural defects can also occur due to incorrect training

techniques over a long period of time.

Intrinsic Risk Factors

Pg 260-262


Poor Technique• Related to an individual’s performance without the use of

equipment (as opposed to incorrect techniques related to misuse

of equipment).

• Using incorrect technique over a long period of time may lead to


• Example: swimming performing free-style incorrectly

could be prone to shoulder or elbow injuries.

Intrinsic Risk Factors

Pg 260-262


Overuse• Every time you exercise, you place your body under strain, thus

the body needs time to repair itself afterwards.

• Overuse injury occurs when you don’t give your body enough

recovery time.

• When you don’t rest & allow the

body to repair itself, it gets weaker

& eventually gets injured.

Intrinsic Risk Factors

Pg 260-262


Age• Young children most common injuries occur due to falling.

• Older children the most common injuries result from

collisions and violence.

• Older age groups and top-level sportsmen, there are

fewer acute injuries and more overuse (chronic) injuries due

to intrinsic factors.

Intrinsic Risk Factors

Pg 260-262


! ! ! PREVENTION ! ! !


Preventative Measures• Improving & maintaining fitness.

• Adequate & appropriate warm-up.

• Wear protective clothing & appropriate shoes (stipulated by

governing bodies).

• Always remove jewelry.

• Supervision by suitable qualified coach:

– Correct techniques.

– Design appropriate training programs for performers needs.

– Ensure equipment & environment appropriate for training. Pg 260-262


Questions1. Differentiate between extrinsic & intrinsic risk factors. 4

2. Give examples of protective clothing used in sports. 43. Name and briefly explain the 5 extrinsic risk factors. 20

4. Name and briefly explain 5 intrinsic risk factors.

205. What should a warm-up consist of? 6

6. List and briefly explain three methods of preventing injuries. 67. Why is the role of a coach so important? 28. Why is it so important that your body gets enough rest after an exercise

session? 3
