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Shoaib Younis

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  • 8/12/2019 Shoaib Younis




    Teaching Excellence and Achievement (TEA) Program for Pai!tanA program of the United States Embassys Public Affairs Section (PAS) implemented by theUnited States

    Educational Foundation in Paistanand !"E#

    Application for Pakistani Secondary Level English Langage

    !eachers fro" #overn"ent Schools

    $he United States Embassys Public Affairs Section and $he United States Educational Foundation in Paistanannounce an open competition for a program that %ill send outstanding in&ser'ice secondary&le'el go'ernmentschool teachers to the US for a professional de'elopment opportunity $EA Paistan sees to:

    Enhance teachers e*pertise in their teaching discipline and e+uip them %ith a deeper understanding of best

    practices in teaching methods lesson planning and instructional technology

    ,ontribute to impro'ing teaching in Paistan by preparing participants to ser'e as teacher leaders %ho upon

    returning to their home country %ill apply and share their e*perience and sills %ith their peers and students

    -./0 E.1/!S2 /A.1UA1E $EA,2E"S A"E E/!1!3/E $- APP/0

    Please return completed applications to:

    Program "e#artment, P$%$ &ox '', I!lama*ad


    -.l/ 0, 1'2

    3or more information, go to%%%usefpaistanorgor call 456&7896944

    Application Deadline: Jl! "#$ "%&'Application( a)e *)ee o* c+a),e and -a! .e dplicated

  • 8/12/2019 Shoaib Younis




    P$O#$A%O&E$&IE'The Teaching Excellence and Achievement (TEA) Program for Pai!tan%ill pro'ide Paistani secondary le'elgo'ernment school English teachers %ith uni+ue opportunities to de'elop e*pertise in their subect area and enhancetheir teaching sills

    $he program %ill pro'ide appro*imately 84 secondary school teachers the opportunity to participate in a si*&%ee non&degree non&credit academic program at a US uni'ersity $he participants %ill tra'el to the United States in early;465 $EA Paistan pro'ides academic seminars focusing on teaching methodologies curriculum de'elopment lessonplanning teaching strategies and instructional technology training $he program %ill also include a field e*perience ata US secondary school %here participants %ill %or closely %ith US teachers and teach and present to US

    students ,ultural opportunities mentoring and support %ill be pro'ided to participants throughout the program

    After returning to their home country teachers %ill be eligible to participate in a small grants program to re+uest fundsfor essential teaching materials follo%&on training for other teachers collaborati'e proects bet%een their homeschools and US schools and other acti'ities that build on the professional de'elopment e*perience

    ELI#IBILI!Y$E(UI$E%EN!SAn applicant must:

    3e a current full&time secondary le'el (class en of and reside in Paistan= -btain a minimum score of 854 on the $-EF/ (paper&based) or e+ui'alent English language proficiency


    ?emonstrate a commitment to continue teaching for at least fi'e years after completion of the program= and

    2a'e submitted a complete application pacage





    E*clusions: !f you ha'e participated in other US ?epartment of State&funded or USEFP programs please tal to the Fulbright ,ommission in

    Paistanabout your eligibility Staff or family members of staff at a US 1o'ernment Post or Fulbright ,ommission are not eligible to apply USEFPdoes not discriminate against grant applicants based on race color religion se* age national origin disability or any other protected characteristicas established by US la%


    Application Deadline: Jl! "#$ "%&'Application( a)e *)ee o* c+a),e and -a! .e dplicated

    Teaching Excellence and Achievement (TEA) Program for Pai!tan

    A##lication for Pai!tani Engli!h +ang.age Teacher!

  • 8/12/2019 Shoaib Younis




    @&6 'isa support=

    A pre&departure orientation held in the participants home country=

    "ound&trip airfare tofrom and %ithin the United States=

    A Belcome -rientation in Bashington ?,=

    Academic program fees= 2ousing (generally shared %ith other program fello%s) and meals=

    /imited accident and sicness medical co'erage (does not co'er pre&e*isting conditions)=

    /ocal transportation to the practicum school (if necessary)=

    A daily allo%ance for incidentals during the uni'ersity academic program

    A booprofessional de'elopment allo%ance=

    A baggageshipping allo%ance=

    A ,losing Borshop in Bashington ?,= and

    $he opportunity to apply for alumni small grants

    SELE*!IONP$O*ESSAN+*$I!E$IA$EA Paistan Fello%s %ill be selected through a merit&based open competition based on the criteria belo% $op

    candidates %ill be inter'ie%ed by an inter'ie% panel and must tae the $-EF/ ($est of English as a Foreign /anguage)or e+ui'alent English language e*amination or pro'ide 'alid English test results dated September ;468 or later

    Selection ,riteria (not in order of importance):

    ?emonstrated commitment to teaching English in Paistan=

    ?emonstrated leadership potential=

    Professional and educational e*perience and achie'ements=

    Potential for de'eloping long&term linages bet%een US and home&country educational institutions and schools=

    Preparedness (including maturity fle*ibility and ability to function independently) for an inten!ive US&based

    training program %ith 'ery limited free time for personal tra'el or sightseeing=

    Billingness and capacity to %or collaborati'ely %ith international peers to foster a positi'e learning community for

    professional de'elopment=

    Ability to e*press ideas clearly and effecti'ely=

    English language sills ade+uate to manage course%or de'elop lesson plans and team&teach in US schools (a

    minimum paper&based or e+ui'alent $-EF/ score of 854 is re+uired for $EA participation)

    Preferably limited or no pre'ious tra'el to the United States= and

    Priority %ill be gi'en to teachers from rural under&resourced schools %ho ha'e had limited or no pre'ious

    professional de'elopment opportunities


    Please ans%er all+uestions on the application

    Please type or print in blue or blac in

    !f a +uestion does not apply to you enter .A (not applicable)

    !nclude your full legal name as spelled in your passport (if a'ailable) or on other photo identification

    !nclude complete contact information (including >ippostal codes for all addresses and city codes for all phone and

    fa* numbers if a'ailable) Brite your full name city and country in the top right corner of each page of the application

    2and sign the Pri'acy Policy on the last page %ith in

    INS!I!U!IONALSUPPO$!AN+$E)E$EN*E )O$%All applicants must include the !nstitutional Support and "eference Form %hich must be completed by your super'isorat the school %here you are employed $he form must be signed in in An English translation must be pro'ided if theform and reference letter are not %ritten in English

    Application Deadline: Jl! "#$ "%&'Application( a)e *)ee o* c+a),e and -a! .e dplicated

  • 8/12/2019 Shoaib Younis




    A com#leted a##lication incl.de! all element! li!ted *elo4$ 5o. ma/ !.*mit /o.r a##lication to the UnitedState! Ed.cational 3o.ndation in Pai!tan in /o.r co.ntr/ in #a#er form in the follo4ing order

    6 ,ompleted and signed application including attested copies of degrees and transcripts; !nstitutional Support and "eference Form completed by your super'isor and9 A copy of the photo and information pages of your passport (or photo identification)

    P$O#$A% !I%ELINE

    Application Deadline: Jl! "#$ "%&'Application( a)e *)ee o* c+a),e and -a! .e dplicated

    @uly ;9 ;468 Application ?eadline

    August September -ctober ;468 $-EF/ $esting!nter'ie%s

    -ctober ;468 .otification of Finalists

    .o'ember ;468 Cisa Processing

    ?ecember ;468 Pre&?eparture -rientation

    @anuary D February ;465 US Program ?ates (subect to change)

  • 8/12/2019 Shoaib Younis




    Teaching Excellence and Achievement (TEA) Program for Pai!tan

    Pai!tani Engli!h +ang.age Teacher!6 A##lication

    A #rogram of the United State! Em*a!!/6! P.*lic Affair! Section (PAS) im#lemented */theUnited State! Ed.cational 3o.ndation in Pai!tanand I7E8

    Please complete A// information re+uested !ncomplete applications %ill not be accepted

    Section I$

    '$ Name S2-A!3 0-U.!S ______ as listed on passport: (First) (iddle) (Surname)

    $ 9o.ntr/ of 9iti:en!hi# PA!S$A.

    0$ 9o.ntr/ of +egal 7e!idence PA!S$A.

    2$ Place of &irth GUE$$A PA!S$A.as listed on passport: (city) (country)

    ;$ "ate of &irth -,$-3E" ;Hth 6H75 _____(month) (day) (year)

    $ N.m*er of 5ear! Teaching (not incl.ding #re?!ervice@!t.dent teaching) 5 0EA"S

    $ hat cla!!e! do /o. teachB (chec all that a##l/)

    En,li(+ *o) nati0e (pea1e)( En,li(+ *o) non2nati0e (pea1e)(

    En,li(+ lite)at)e En,li(+ ,)a--a)

    Ot+e)3(4: ____________________________________________

    C$ Dome ailing Addre!!

    Street3uilding .umber : I&5 I7A 2A@! "E2A$U//A2 S$"EE$ Apartment .umber(if applicable)

    ,ity or $o%n A/A?A" "-A? GUE$$A Postal !nde*,ode 87300

    ,ountry PA!S$A. "egionPro'inceState 3A/U,2!S$A.(if applicable)

    $elephone number JH;&76&;795II9 obile $elephone: JH;&969&78

  • 8/12/2019 Shoaib Younis





    '1$ School Addre!!

    .ame of School: 1-CE".E.$ 3-0S 2!12 S,2--/ -$! "A "-A? GUE$$A

    Street3uilding .umber 1U"?A$ S!.12 "-A? GUE$$A Apartment .umber(if applicable)

    ,ity or $o%n GUE$$A Postal !nde*,ode 87300

    ,ountry PA!S$A. "egionPro'inceState 3A/U,2!S$A.(if applicable)

    ''$ School Information

    (a) !s your school in an urban or rural areaL Urban "ural

    (b) !s your school go'ernment&run or pri'ateL 1o'ernment&run Pri'ate

    $otal number of students at the school: 544

    $otal number of full&time teachers at the school: 95

    $otal number of part&time teachers at the school: .!/

    1rade le'els taught at the school: SE,-.?A"0

    Age range of students: 5 0EA"S D 67 0EA"S

    A'erage number of students per class: 54

    !n less than ;44 %ords please tell us briefly about your school and the community it ser'es Bho are the studentsL

    Bhat do they do %hen they lea'e school or complete their studies at your schoolL Bhat ind of %or do their parentsdoL Please briefly share any other important information about the school community here

    y school naming 1-CE".E.$ 3-0S 2!12 S,2--/ -$! "A "-A? GUE$$A is situated in the centre of the

    city Guetta 3aluchistan Paistan School setup is from ontessori to ,lass 64 and it is 1o'ernment&"un School

    $eachers of primary section (ontessori to ,lass 5) are not %ell trained School has a committee naming P$S,

    (Parent $eacher School anagement ,ommittee) established to o'ercome any problem arises in managerial acti'ities

    of school %hether it is financial based or social based Students are of Pashtoon and 3aloch families and it is difficult

    for them to understand Urdu (.ational /anguage) and English (!nternational /anguage) as their en'ironment and

    family culture is based on tribal system Students come mostly from far of places and belong to poor and middle classfamilies ost of students %or %ith their parents after lea'ing school to support their family financially $heir parents

    are illiterate and ha'e 2andcart to sell different products on it to support their family

    Application Deadline: Jl! "#$ "%&'Application( a)e *)ee o* c+a),e and -a! .e dplicated

  • 8/12/2019 Shoaib Younis




    '$ 2a'e you e'er been arrested or con'icted of a crime (e*cluding minor traffic 'iolations)L

    0es .o

    !f yes please pro'ide additional information including a description of the factual circumstances of the arrest or

    con'iction and any supporting documentation

    '0$2as a teacher at your school participated in the $EA Paistan programL !f yes %hat is hisher name and %erethe dates of participation in the $EA ProgramL

    0es .o

    .ame(s): ______________________________________________

    ?ates of Participation: _________________________________

    '2$Are you currently applying to any other US go'ernment&sponsored programincldin, online p)o,)a-(L

    0es .o

    !f yes please specify %hich program:

    Program ?ates: _________________________________________________________________

    .ame of sponsoring organi>ation:

    ';$ Are you currently applying or do you plan to apply to any professional de'elopment program in another countryL

    0es .o

    !f yes please specify %hich program:Program ?ates: _________________________________________________________________

    .ame of sponsoring organi>ation:

    '< (a)$ 2a'e you pre'iously tra'eled on or participated in a US go'ernment sponsored programL

    0es .o

    !f yes please specify %hich program:

    Program ?ates: _________________________________________________________________

    .ame of sponsoring organi>ation:,ountry tra'eled to %hile on the program (if applicable):____________________________

    '< (*)$2a'e you tra'eled to any other country on an e*change programL

    0es .o

    Application Deadline: Jl! "#$ "%&'Application( a)e *)ee o* c+a),e and -a! .e dplicated

  • 8/12/2019 Shoaib Younis




    !f yes please specify %hich program:

    Program ?ates: _________________________________________________________________

    .ame of sponsoring organi>ation:

    ,ountry tra'eled to: _____________________________________________________________

    '>$2a'e you tra'eled to the US or outside your home country pre'iouslyL

    0es .o

    !f yes please pro'ide further detail in the table belo%:

    9it/, 9o.ntr/ Fi!ited "ate! of Travel 7ea!on for Fi!it(or@ To.ri!m@ Exchange Program)

    '$Please list other international e*posure you ha'e had including %oring %ith international organi>ations orforeigners in your home country

    'C$2o% did you hear about the $EA Paistan programL

    ,olleague Program Alumnus Friend School Administrator

    Publication: Bebsite:


    1$ Ed.cationPlease list your educational bacground

    In!tit.tion@SchoolG of

    /ear! of


    3ield of St.d/ "egree@9ertificate(&A, &S, a!ter!, Ph", etc$)

    5ear of"egree

    3U!$ES GUE$$A 9 F!.A.,E 3A ;466

    U.!CE"S!$0 -F 3A/-,2!S$A. ; E,-.-!,S A (Pri'ate) ;464

    U.!CE"S!$0 -F 3A/-,2!S$A. 6 E?U,A$!-. 3Ed ;447

    U.!CE"S!$0 -F 3A/-,2!S$A. ; A$2 M S$A$S 3A ;44$ 9.rric.l.m Fitae Please pro'ide your ,C in the space pro'ided

    Application Deadline: Jl! "#$ "%&'Application( a)e *)ee o* c+a),e and -a! .e dplicated

  • 8/12/2019 Shoaib Younis




    Application Deadline: Jl! "#$ "%&'Application( a)e *)ee o* c+a),e and -a! .e dplicated

  • 8/12/2019 Shoaib Younis




    Biographic Information Sheet

    First Name: Middle Name: Last Name:


    Date of Birth (e.g. Fer!ar" #$% &$#&': O)OB*+ &,% #, /e0der: MAL*

    1ostal Address: 2A3AS S)A)ION*+S O11OSI)* )O /O4*+NM*N) S1*IAL HI/H SHOOL%


    1erma0e0t Address: 6-76A% HA8I +*HMA)ULLAH S)+**)% ALAMDA+ +OAD 3U*))A%


    1erma0e0t it": 1ro9i0e: 1ho0e ;:

    3U*))A BALUHIS)AN ista0i Natio0al (Yes7No':

  • 8/12/2019 Shoaib Younis




    Application Deadline: Jl! "#$ "%&'Application( a)e *)ee o* c+a),e and -a! .e dplicated

    Note: *9er" i0formatio0 o0 this sheet is imorta0t% this sheet ill 0ot e aeted if /1A of Foreig0 Degree G /1A of Home

    Degree% (hether e0rolled or fi0ished' is 0ot me0tio0ed.

    Note: All i0formatio0 o0 this sheet is imorta0t. )his sheet ill 0ot e aeted if a degree (!rre0tl" e0rolled or omleted' is 0o


  • 8/12/2019 Shoaib Younis





    0our pri'acy is important to !"E# $hat is %hy %e re+uest that all applicants read the follo%ing pri'acy policy statementcarefully

    '$ APP+I9ANTAN"PA7TI9IPANTIN3%7ATI%N9%NTENTAN"ST%7A=E!nformation about program applicants as %ell as that of current and past program participants consists of datacontained in their applications information deri'ed from inter'ie%s and information gathered during the course of theirprogram and as program alumni !"E# stores this information in %ritten and electronic form indefinitely Some datasuch as contact information and professional e*perience is continually updated

    $ USE%3IN3%7ATI%N!nformation %hich is described abo'e may be:

    A Used by selection committees and inter'ie%ers to re'ie% applicants=3 Supplied to the programs funding organi>ation=, Submitted to potential host schools uni'ersities or organi>ations andor organi>ations that pro'ide practicum

    opportunities= and? Used for the e'aluation of an indi'iduals participation in the program and in the collection of data for general

    program e'aluation by !"E# funding agencies or other organi>ations contracted to conduct e'aluations

    !"E# does not sell applicant or currentpast participant information

    $he principles stated herein are binding only to !"E#= other organi>ations in'ol'ed in the implementation of theseprograms may adhere to other pri'acy or similar policies

    0$ 9E7TI3I9ATI%N ! certify that ! completed this application myself %ithout any aid or assistance that the informationgi'en in this application is complete and accurate and that ! ha'e carefully read and understand all notes anddisclaimers pro'ided therein

    ! understand that !"E# reser'es the right to 'erify all the information listed in the application ! understand that gi'ingfalse or misleading information in the application %ill result in e*clusion from the competition or immediate dismissalfrom the $eaching E*cellence Achie'ement ($EA) Paistan program

    Also ! acno%ledge that ! am a%are of the follo%ing re+uirements that ! must obser'e if ! am selected for the program:

    ! must abide by all program rules and regulations and obser'e all the la%s of the United States during my stay

    there including returning to my home country at the conclusion of the program in compliance %ith @&6 'isare+uirements

    $he medical insurance pro'ided to me during my tra'els is intended only for emergencies and does not co'er

    ordinary pre&e*isting and dental conditions

    y spouse children other relati'es or indi'iduals are not permitted to accompany me to the United States on

    the program

    Signature of Applicant (must be hand signed) ?ate

    !n order for !"E# to respond to US Federal in+uiries please chec the bo* (es) belo% on a 'oluntary basis if you

    ha'e the follo%ing disabilities:

    2earing !mpairment Speech !mpairment Cisual !mpairment (/egally 3lind)

    -rthopedic !mpairment /earning ?isorder -ther (specify):

    Application Deadline: Jl! "#$ "%&'Application( a)e *)ee o* c+a),e and -a! .e dplicated

  • 8/12/2019 Shoaib Younis




    1'2 TEA Program for Pai!tani Secondar/ +evel Engli!h +ang.age Teacher!


    $his institutional support and reference form must be completed by your super'isor at the school %here you areemployed $he form must be hand signed

    An En,li(+ t)an(lation (+old .e p)o0ided i* t+e *o)- and )e*e)ence lette) a)e not 5)itten in En,li(+

    !o -e co"pleted -y the spervisor.

    '$Bhich of the follo%ing characteristics does your teacher demonstrateL

    $olerance Passion for teaching

    "espect ?eference to authority

    -utspoenness /eadership

    ,are for students Fle*ibility

    Promotion of ne% ideas Positi'e reputation

    $Bhich of the follo%ing sillstools does your teacher use on a regular basis in hisher classroom (chec all thatapply)L

    Cideo 1raphic organi>ers ?ifferentiated instruction (learning disabilities)

    Audio 1roup %or "ubrics

    ,omputers 1ames ini&assessments (+ui>>es)

    /ecture ?ebate Problem sol'ing

    "eading out loud Socratic seminars "ecitation M emori>ation

    Simulation ,lass discussions Silent reading

    Peer editing /earning in pairs !ndependent study

    Barm&up e*ercises "eflection acti'ities "ole play

    0$Please %rite a recommendation letter (not to e*ceed 544 %ords) e*pressing %hy this teacher should participate inApplication Deadline: Jl! "#$ "%&'

    Application( a)e *)ee o* c+a),e and -a! .e dplicated

    !o -e co"pleted -y the applicant.

    .ame of Applicant:

    .ame of "eference:

    Position of "eference:

    .ame of School:

    Address of School:


    E&mail of "eference:

  • 8/12/2019 Shoaib Younis




    the $EA Paistan program and ho% you thin both the teacher and your school %ould benefit Bhat teaching sillsand professional characteristics distinguish this teacher from other teachers in your schoolL

    Application Deadline: Jl! "#$ "%&'Application( a)e *)ee o* c+a),e and -a! .e dplicated

  • 8/12/2019 Shoaib Younis




    (school name) is pleased to

    participate in the $eaching E*cellence and Achie'ement Program ($EA) for Paistan funded by the US 1o'ernment

    and administered in Paistan by USEFP ($he United States Educational Foundation in Paistan) in the e'ent the

    representati'e of this institution is selected for participation in the program

    (school name) %ill pro'ide

    assistance to its representati'e throughout the duration of the program by supporting and allo%ing sr

    to participate in the si*&%ee $EA Paistan program acti'ities in the United States in early ;465 !

    understand that program acti'ities %ill include a professional de'elopment program at a US uni'ersity including a

    customi>ed academic program pro'iding de'elopment of lesson planning sills assessment techni+ues and teaching

    strategies for the home en'ironment as %ell as instructional technology training in the use of computers for !nternet

    %ord processing and as teaching tools Participants %ill also engage in a host uni'ersity&organi>ed field e*perience at

    a local US secondary school trips to US cultural sites and ci'ic and ser'ice acti'ities

    sr %ill be granted lea'e (#lea!e chec one)

    4ith #a/

    4itho.t #a/

    during this time and %ill be re&instated upon his or her return to the school

    Be recogni>e the importance of this proect in the pursuit of ad'ancement and de'elopment for our schools teachers

    as %ell as in de'eloping positi'e relations bet%een Paistan and American educators and loo for%ard to participating

    in the program

    .ame of School ?irectorPrincipal

    Signature of School ?irectorPrincipal (must be hand signed)


    Application Deadline: Jl! "#$ "%&'Application( a)e *)ee o* c+a),e and -a! .e dplicated
