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Short-Term Complications of Preterm Birth

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Short-Term Complications Of Preterm Birth
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Short-Term Complications Of Preterm Birth

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If any baby is born before 37 weeks of pregnancy, then he/she is referred as a premature baby.

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Babies with pre-term birth is prone to short

term as well as long term health complications.

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Generally, babies born early need more care

and hospital stay as compared to the ones born

in ideal time.

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Here are some complications which are

experienced during the first few weeks/months

of birth.

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Breathing Complications

Due to the presence of an immaturerespiratory system, a premature baby mayexperience trouble in breathing. Pretermbabies may also acquire ‘Broncho-PulmonaryDysplasia’, chronic lung disease and ‘apnea’which result is difficulty breathing withprolonged pauses.

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Brain Malfunction

A preterm baby is highly prone to intra-ventricular hemorrhage, the rupture andbleeding of an artery in the brain. Thoughmost of them gets resolved on its own, somebabies need medical help. Excessive bleedingcan cause permanent brain damage.

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Blood Profile Troubles

Preterm babies are at risk of several abnormalitiesregarding their blood profile. Anemia and infantjaundice are two of the major concerns.

In case of anemia, the red blood corpuscles (RBC) inthe body drop significantly.

Infant jaundice arises when the blood of the babycontains too much bilirubin (yellow pigmentedsubstance) secreted from the liver or RBC.

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Cardiac Ailments

Patent Ductus Arterious (PDA) andHypotension (low blood pressure) arethe two most experienced heartproblems among preterm babies.

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Weak Immune System

Due to the fact that a baby is born before it wasideally supposed to, the preemies are born with anunderdeveloped immune system as compared tothe baby born on time. Thus, they cannot cope upwith infections effectively, which is quite commonin that period. With less-effective immune system,the infection quickly spreads through thebloodstream and may lead to life threateningsituations.

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Metabolism Problems

As soon as the baby is in the world and begins tofeed, the importance of metabolic system comesinto play. Preemies are likely to suffer frommetabolic issues. The prime cause is, that theliver of a preterm baby cannot effectively convertthe stored glycogen into glucose.

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ILS Hospitals offers extensive care for

preterm babies, until they become healthy enough to sustain on their own.

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Contact Details

Address: DD-6 Salt Lake City (Near City Centre), Kolkata – 700064

Phone Number: +91 90514 60000

Email: [email protected]

Website: http://www.ilshospitals.com/

ILS Hospitals, Salt Lake
