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Short Vowel Words July 09

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Short Vowel Words

Short Vowel


Entire contents © 2009 By Kathryn J. Davis 7223 Cedar Lane Drive Germantown, TN 38138

(901) 737-4466 All rights reserved.

Permission is hereby granted to teachers, parents, and tutors to reproduce student materials in this book

for individual or classroom use. Permission is granted for school-wide reproduction of materials.

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Printed in the United States of America

3 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

Table of Contents Teaching Notes ........................................................................................................... 4 Short A Words Short a words, part 1 (continuous consonants only)............................................ 7 Short a words, part 2 (stopped consonants at the end) ...................................... 13 Short a words, part 3 (stopped consonants at the beginning) ........................... 21 Short I Words Short i words, part 1 (continuous consonants only) ........................................... 29 Short i words, part 2 (stopped consonants at the end) ....................................... 37 Short i words, part 3 (stopped consonants at the beginning) ............................ 43 Sight word: I .............................................................................................................. 49 Short O Words Short o words, part 1 (continuous consonants only) .......................................... 53 Short o words, part 2 (stopped consonants at the end) ...................................... 57 Short o words, part 3 (stopped consonants at the beginning) ........................... 63 Short U Words Short u words, part 1 (continuous consonants only) .......................................... 71 Short u words, part 2 (stopped consonants at the end) ...................................... 77 Short u words, part 3 (stopped consonant at the beginning) ............................ 81 Suffix study, _s with verbs ...................................................................................... 89 Short E Words Short e words, part 1 (continuous consonants only) ........................................... 91 Short e words, part 2 (stopped consonants at the end) ...................................... 97 Short e words, part 3 (stopped consonants at the beginning) ......................... 103 Suffix study, _s with nouns .................................................................................. 109 Suffix study, _s with verbs .................................................................................... 113 Possessive ending ‘s ............................................................................................... 115 Sight word review .................................................................................................. 118

4 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

Teaching Notes

1. Students should be able to recognize and give the sounds for the letters of the alphabet.

2. Materials listed below are available at www.soundcityreading.com.

3. Read the Sound Story Part 1 to the students. This story has pictures to illustrate the letter sounds in our language. For example, a growling dog shows the sound for the letter r, and a hissing snake shows the sound for the letter s. It includes all of the short vowel sounds (a/ant, e/egg, i/in, o/ox, u/up) and the long i sound, i/island.

4. Use the Sound Picture Flashcards for Part 1 of the Sound Story to review the sounds they represent. These cards have a sound pic-ture on one side and the letter that represents that sound on the other side. Show each card and have students give the sound in unison. Or call on individual students to give each sound, followed by the whole class. Practice giving the sounds for both the picture side and the letter side. If a student forgets the sound for a letter, turn the card over to show the sound picture to help the student re-member the sound.

5. In this booklet, students will read words and sentences with each short vowel sound. The vowel being studied is shown at the top of the page along with the related sound picture and a key word be-ginning with that sound. Have students identify this vowel sound before reading each page.

6. Students will practice decoding (sounding out) new words in two columns. In the left column, the words are segmented, or sepa-rated, to show the separate sound units within the word. To read the words, students should put a finger under the first letter, say the sound, slide their fingers to the next letter, say the sound, slide to the next letter, and say the sound. Each sound is to be said dis-tinctly and separately. This is called segmenting the word. The ar-

5 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

rows show the direction to move as the word is read. Then stu-dents should slide their finger to the same word in the right hand column, and say the word in the regular way, without separating the sounds.

7. Students will read the same words again on the next page. This time the words have pictures to show their meanings. Discuss the meanings of any unfamiliar words. It’s important for stu-dents to realize that if they recognize the word, they should just say it in the regular way. It’s OK to sound out words (say the sounds from left to right) that they don’t remember. But once they learn a word, it’s not necessary to sound it out any more. If they do need to say the sounds to figure out the word, they should repeat it normally after they recognize a word.

8. After reading all the words for each short vowel section, stu-dents will read sentences containing some of those words. The sentence pages contain only the new words and any other words that have been previously taught. It is not necessary for students to guess. If they have trouble with a word, remind them of the sound of the letter that is causing a problem, as they say the sounds from left to right. Remind them to think about the other words in the sentence and anticipate what words would make sense.

9. Explain the use of suffixes and punctuation as needed.

10. An umbrella over a vowel is a signal to use the u/umbrella sound for that vowel.

11. After finishing this booklet, students should be able to read all of the sight words on the last page.

12. Each set of short vowel words is divided into three groups. The first group of words is the easiest to read for beginners. The last group is the hardest.

6 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

13. The first group of words uses only continuous consonants. When you pronounce a continuous consonant, it is possible to hold the sound for a period of time. This makes it much easier for a student to connect the first consonant sound in the word to the vowel sound that comes after it. I use these consonants in the first group: f, h, l, m, n, qu, r, s, v, w, x, y, and z. (When you pronounce the consonants qu and x, you can actually hear two parts to the sound. The letter qu sounds like /kw/, and the let-ter x sounds like /ks/. I include these letters in the continuous consonants since the second part of the sound can be held.)

14. The second group of words uses continuous consonants at the beginning of the word, and stopped consonants at the end. Stopped consonants cannot be held. The sound disappears after you pronounce it. I use these stopped consonants: b, c, d, g, j, k, p, and t. The words in this group are also easy to read, because they begin with a continuous consonant. It isn’t hard to put the stopped consonant sound at the end of a word.

15. The third group of words begins with stopped consonants. These words are the hardest for beginners to read because it is more difficult to connect the sound of the first consonant and the following vowel smoothly.

16. In this booklet, I’ve consciously avoided using series of rhyming words. Although using rhyming words can help children learn to recognize a set of words quickly, some children tend to use this as a crutch. They get into the habit of looking only at the first two letters and ignoring the last letter. Instead of reading each sound to the end of the word, they try to rhyme the word with a word that was previously read.

17. Beginning readers master these beginning decoding skills at dif-ferent rates. It is important for students to take ownership over the need to practice reading and rereading the material until it can be read smoothly, with good expression. Many students have difficulty getting started, but go on to master the material very well.

7 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

f a n fan

S a m Sam

M a x Max

r a m ram

m a n man

l a ss lass

r a n ran

y a m yam

v a n van

s a x sax

a ant

8 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words











a ant

9 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

N a n Nan

h a m ham

w a x wax

a n an

m a ss mass

a x ax

a m am

f a x fax

a s as

h a s has

a ant



10 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words







a ant

11 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

1. Nan has a fan.

2. A man has a hat.

3. A man ran.

a A Sight Words

12 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

1. A man has an ax.

2. Sam has a sax.

3. A man has a van.

a A Sight Words

13 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

m a t mat

n a p nap

r a g rag

s a d sad

y a k yak

v a t vat

l a b lab

m a p map

s a g sag

a dd add

a ant

14 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words











a ant

15 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

m a d mad

s a t sat

z a p zap

w a g wag

f a t fat

l a d lad

n a g nag

y a p yap

f a d fad

r a t rat

a ant

16 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words











a ant

17 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

s a p sap

h a d had

l a p lap

h a t hat

a ant

s a p sap

h a d had

l a p lap

h a t hat

18 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words





a ant

19 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

1. A man had a hat.

2. Nan had a nap.

3. A man ran a lap.

4. A rat was fat.

a A was Sight Words

20 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

1. A man was mad.

2. A man was sad.

3. Nan was at a lab.

a A was Sight Words

21 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

c a t cat

g a s gas

b a g bag

p a n pan

t a x tax

j a zz jazz

d a m dam

t a p tap

b a d bad

p a ss pass

a ant

22 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words











a ant

23 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

j a m jam

d a d dad

t a g tag

p a d pad

b a ss bass

c a n can

p a t pat

t a b tab

J a n Jan

c a p cap

a ant

24 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words











a ant

25 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

P a m Pam

c a b cab

t a n tan

b a t bat

b a t bat

D a n Dan

c a m cam

j a b jab

t a m tam

d a b dab

a ant

26 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words











a ant

27 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

1. Pam has a pan.

2. Dan has a cat.

3. Dad had a hat.

4. Pat has a bat.

a A was Sight Words

28 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

1. Max was sad.

2. Sam has a cap.

3. Sam has a gap.

a A was Sight Words

29 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

i n in

i f i f

w i n win

m i x mix

h i l l hi l l

f i zz f izz

m i ss miss

r i m r im

s i l l s i l l

qu i z quiz

i in

30 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words


r im

si l l





hi l l

f izz

i in

31 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

i l l i l l

h i m him

f i n f in

w i l l wi l l

s i x s ix

h i ss hiss

f i l l f i l l

L i z Liz

m i l l mi l l

f i x f ix

i in

32 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words


f i l l


mil l

f ix

i l l


f in

wi l l

s ix

i in

33 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

i s is

h i s his

v i m vim

qu i l l qui l l

i in



34 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

qui l l

h is

v im

i in

35 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

1. Will I win?

2. I will win.

3. Liz will miss him.

4. Sam is six.

I Sight Words

36 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

1. Nan is ill.

2. Sam will wax his van.

3. I will mix it.

I Sight Words

37 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

s i t s i t

r i p r ip

w i g wig

l i d l id

i t i t

f i b f ib

h i p hip

f i t f i t

r i d r id

f i g f ig

i in

38 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

f ib


f i t

r id

f ig

s i t

r ip


l id

i t

i in

39 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

h i d hid

l i t l i t

y i p y ip

r i b r ib

m i t t mitt

s i p s ip

h i t hit

r i g r ig

qu i t quit

l i p l ip

i in

40 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words



r ig


l ip


l i t

y ip

r ib


i in

41 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

1. Sam will hit it.

2. Max will zip it.

3. I lit it.

4. It is his mitt.

I Sight Words

42 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

1. A man hit him.

2. I hid.

3. Nan will miss it.

4. It is his rig.

I Sight Words

43 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

b i g b ig

t i p t ip

k i d kid

p i n pin

b i b b ib

J i m Jim

k i t kit

j i g j ig

p i l l p i l l

d i d did

i in

44 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words



j ig

pi l l

d id


t ip




i in

45 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

p i g pig

K i m Kim

d i l l d i l l

T i m Tim

k i p kip

B i l l Bi l l

t i n t in

g i l l g i l l

b i t b it

d i m dim

i in

46 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

Bil l

t in

gi l l

b it

d im



di l l



i in

47 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

J i l l J i l l

p i t p it

k i ss kiss

b i n b in

d i p dip

j i b j ib

t i l l t i l l

k i n kin

b i l l b i l l

d i g dig

i in

48 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

j ib

t i l l


bi l l

d ig

J i l l

p it


b in


i in

49 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

1. Bill will fix it.

2. Kim will kiss him.

3. Did Pat dig it?

4. A big pig has a wig.

I Sight Words

50 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

1. It bit him.

2. It is his bib.

3. Did Jim miss?

4. Kim will win.

I Sight Words

51 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

1. It is his kit.

2. It is bad.

3. A cat is fat.

I Sight Words

52 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

1. A man is in a cab.

2. A man is in a van.

3. Pam is at a dam.

I Sight Words

53 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

o f f o f f

o n on

f o x fox

m o ss moss

R o n Ron

l o ss loss

o x ox

m o m mom

l o x lox

R o ss Ross

o ox

54 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words






o f f





o ox

55 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

1. A bat is on a mat.

2. Mom was mad.

3. A hat is on a cat.

4. A tag is on a bag.

a A was Sight Words

56 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

1. A mad cat sat on a rat.

2. A cat is on a mat.

3. A cat was on a van.

a A was Sight Words

57 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

l o g log

h o p hop

n o t not

w o k wok

s o b sob

h o g hog

n o d nod

r o t rot

o dd odd

f o b fob

o ox

58 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words











o ox

59 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

m o p mop

h o t hot

n o d nod

f o g fog

R o b Rob

l o p lop

s o d sod

l o t lot

o ox

60 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words









o ox

61 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

1. Mom will mop.

2. Moss is on a log.

3. It can hop.

a A was Sight Words

62 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

1. A hog is fat.

2. Mom was hot.

3. Rob was not hot.

a A was Sight Words

63 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

b o x box

t o ss toss

p o d pod

j o g jog

c o t cot

d o l l dol l

g o t got

b o ss boss

t o p top

c o n con

o ox

64 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

dol l










o ox

65 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

B o b Bob

T o m Tom

J o hn John

p o p pop

d o t dot

c o d cod

p o x pox

b o g bog

D o n Don

j o t jot

o ox

66 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words











o ox

67 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

p o t pot

d o g dog

c o b cob

t o t tot

j o b job

o ox

68 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words






o ox

69 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

1. A dot is on a pot.

2. A dog is on a log.

3. Bob has a box.

4. Bill is on a hill top.

5. A fox got on a box.

6. Rob did his job.

a A was Sight Words

70 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

1. A dog was hot.

2. A lid is on a pot.

3. A cat is on a box.

4. A pot is hot.

5. Rob can jog.

6. Tom has a pot.

a A was Sight Words

71 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

s u n sun

h u m hum

f u zz fuzz

u s us

h u f f huf f

r u n run

u up

72 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words


huf f





u up

73 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

f u n fun

m u f f muff

s u m sum

f u ss fuss

h u l l hul l

m u m mum

u up

74 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words


hul l





u up

75 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

1. I can run.

2. Mom will fuss.

3. Pam can hum.

a A was Sight Words

76 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

1. Jan has a muff.

2. Jill has fun.

3. It has fuzz.

a A was Sight Words

77 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

n u t nut

r u g rug

m u d mud

u p up

s u b sub

m u t t mutt

h u g hug

r u b rub

m u g mug

h u t hut

u up

78 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words











u up

79 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

1. Mud is on a pig.

2. Sam will hug Tom.

3. Jan is in a hut.

a A was Sight Words

80 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

1. A mug is hot.

2. Jan ran up a hill.

3. A cat was on a rug.

a A was Sight Words

81 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

b u g bug

t u b tub

d u l l dul l

c u p cup

t u x tux

p u p pup

b u zz buzz

G u s Gus

c u b cub

p u f f puf f

u up

82 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words





puf f



dul l



u up

83 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

c u t cut

b u n bun

d u g dug

c u f f cuf f

p u t t putt

b u s bus

g u m gum

u up

84 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words







cuf f

u up

85 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

t u g tug

p u s pus

b u t but

j u g jug

b u d bud

g u l l gul l

u up

86 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words



gul l



u up

87 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

1. Gus is on a bus.

2. A pup is up.

3. A bug is on a rug.

a A was Sight Words

88 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

1. A man dug up a jug.

2. It is his tux.

3. Mom cut it.

a A was Sight Words

89 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

run runs

s it s i ts

rub rubs

tap taps

hug hugs

jog jogs

cut cuts

hop hops

f i l l f i l ls

hum hums

_s Suffix Study

A verb is a word that tells about an action.

Put an _s on the end of a verb if one person or thing is doing the action.

90 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

1. Gus runs a lap.

2. Mom hums.

3. Jill runs up a hill.

4. Tim tugs on it.

_s Suffix Study

A verb is a word that tells about an action.

Put an _s on the end of a verb if one person or thing is doing the action.

91 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

f e l l fe l l

m e n men

l e ss less

f e z fez

h e m hem

s e l l se l l

e egg

92 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words



sel l

fe l l



e egg

93 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

y e l l ye l l

m e ss mess

h e n hen

w e l l wel l

y e s yes

e egg

94 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words



ye l l



e egg

95 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

1. Yes, Sam will win.

2. A bag fell.

3. It is a big mess.

a A was Sight Words

96 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

1. A man has a fez.

2. Tom fell. Tom will yell.

3. Don has less.

a A was Sight Words

97 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

n e t net

l e g leg

w e b web

v e t vet

r e d red

e gg egg

E d Ed

m e t met

f e d fed

s e t set

e egg

98 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words











e egg

99 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

l e d led

w e t wet

M e g Meg

N e d Ned

y e t yet

w e d wed

l e t let

e egg

100 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words







e egg

101 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

1. Meg will sell a fan.

2. Ned will dab it.

3. It is red.

a A was Sight Words

102 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

1. A dog got wet.

2. Ed fed his dog.

3. Ned met Meg.

a A was Sight Words

103 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

p e n pen

b e l l be l l

g e t get

d e n den

k e g keg

j e t jet

t e l l te l l

b e g beg

p e p pep

T e d Ted

e egg

104 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words


te l l





bel l




e egg

105 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

B e ss Bess

J e f f Jef f

p e t pet

t e n ten

b e d bed

K e n Ken

b e t bet

p e g peg

B e n Ben

e egg

106 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words






Jef f




e egg

107 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

1. A web is on a bell.

2. Ken is in bed.

3. Ted fed Ned.

4. Bess will get a pet.

a A was Sight Words

108 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

1. A pet is wet.

2. Ben will not get wet.

3. Jeff is on a jet.

a A was Sight Words

109 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

cat cats

dog dogs

hi l l hi l ls

f in f ins

kid kids

_s Suffix Study

A noun is a word that names a person, place, or thing.

Put an _s on the end of a noun to show that there are two or more.

110 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

kid kids

pin pins

pi l l p i l ls

b ib b ibs

cup cups

_s Suffix Study

A noun is a word that names a person, place, or thing.

Put an _s on the end of a noun to show that there are two or more.

111 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

1. Ben has six cats.

2. Ten cups fell.

3. Six dogs ran up a hill.

4. Bess has ten pens.

_s Suffix Study

A noun is a word that names a person, place, or thing.

Put an _s on the end of a noun to show that there are two or more.

112 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

1. Six pigs got wet.

2. Ten kids hid.

3. Ed will pet his dogs.

4. Gus fed his cats.

_s Suffix Study

A noun is a word that names a person, place, or thing.

Put an _s on the end of a noun to show that there are two or more.

113 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

wag wags

get gets

hit hits

beg begs

tug tugs

te l l te l ls

pop pops

hug hugs

nod nods

yap yaps

_s Suffix Study

A verb is a word that tells about an action.

Put an _s on the end of a verb if one person or thing is doing the action.

114 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

1. A hen sits on an egg.

2. Ben gets a red cap.

3. Sam sits on his bed.

4. Bob fills up a box.

5. Ed nods at his dad.

6. A dog runs up a hill.

7. Jeff hugs his cat.

_s Suffix Study

A verb is a word that tells about an action.

Put an _s on the end of a verb if one person or thing is doing the action.

115 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

Sam’s cat

Pam’s pan

Ben’s cap

Ji l l ’ s dol l

Tom’s van

_’s Suffix Study

Put an apostrophe ’s at the end of a person’s name to show that something belongs to that person..

116 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

1. Sam’s cat is on his bed.

2. Ed’s dog will win.

3. Ben’s cap is red.

4. Jill’s doll is on a box.

5. I will wax mom’s van.

6. Jeff will get dad’s map.

Suffix Study


Put an apostrophe ’s at the end of a person’s name to show that something belongs to that person..

118 © 2009 by Kathryn J. Davis Short Vowel Words

Sight Word Review

a is Ī

A his

was as





