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Short–Term Mission Trip Scholarship...

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Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City __________________________________________________________________________State ___________Zip________________ Phone _________________________________________________ Email __________________________________________________ Team Leader :_______________________________________ Trip ________________________________ Trip Date ___________________ Short–Term Mission Trip Scholarship Application 1/2014 ONLY SCBC MEMBERS ARE ELIGIBLE All applicants going on Sugar Creek approved centralized trips are eligible for 50% scholarship if the fundraising protocol is followed. All other trips qualify for 25% scholarship. By signing below, I declare that I have sent financial support letters to all the names mentioned above. Also, I declare that all information is accurate. Please sign your name: ________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________________ Must be signed by Pastor of Missions for approval: Pastor of Missions: __________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________________ Please list below the names of people you have sent financial support letters to: Must be at least 20 for Samaria trips (New England, Honduras, Columbia, etc) and 30 for any Ends of the Earth Trips (N. India). Please attach fundraising letter. Names 1. __________________________________ 2. __________________________________ 3. __________________________________ 4. __________________________________ 5. __________________________________ 6.___________________________________ 7 __________________________________ 8. __________________________________ 9. __________________________________ 10. _________________________________ 11. _________________________________ 12. _________________________________ 13. _________________________________ 14. _________________________________ 15. _________________________________ Names 16.__________________________________ 17.__________________________________ 18.__________________________________ 19. __________________________________ 20.__________________________________ 21.___________________________________ 22.__________________________________ 23.__________________________________ 24.__________________________________ 25. _________________________________ 26. _________________________________ 27. _________________________________ 28. _________________________________ 29. _________________________________ 30. _________________________________ Names 31.__________________________________ 32.__________________________________ 33.__________________________________ 34. __________________________________ 35.__________________________________ 36.___________________________________ 37__________________________________ 38.__________________________________ 39.__________________________________ 40. _________________________________ 41. _________________________________ 42. _________________________________ 43. _________________________________ 44. _________________________________ 45. _________________________________

Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________


City __________________________________________________________________________State ___________Zip________________

Phone _________________________________________________ Email __________________________________________________

Team Leader :_______________________________________ Trip ________________________________ Trip Date ___________________

Short–Term Mission Trip Scholarship Application


ONLY SCBC MEMBERS ARE ELIGIBLE – All applicants going on Sugar Creek approved centralized trips are eligible for 50% scholarship

if the fundraising protocol is followed. All other trips qualify for 25% scholarship.

By signing below, I declare that I have sent financial support letters to all the names mentioned above. Also, I declare that all information is accurate.

Please sign your name: ________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________________

Must be signed by Pastor of Missions for approval:

Pastor of Missions: __________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________________

Please list below the names of people you have sent financial support letters to: Must be at least 20 for Samaria trips

(New England, Honduras, Columbia, etc) and 30 for any Ends of the Earth Trips (N. India). Please attach fundraising letter.


1. __________________________________

2. __________________________________

3. __________________________________

4. __________________________________

5. __________________________________


7 __________________________________

8. __________________________________

9. __________________________________

10. _________________________________

11. _________________________________

12. _________________________________

13. _________________________________

14. _________________________________

15. _________________________________





19. __________________________________






25. _________________________________

26. _________________________________

27. _________________________________

28. _________________________________

29. _________________________________

30. _________________________________





34. __________________________________






40. _________________________________

41. _________________________________

42. _________________________________

43. _________________________________

44. _________________________________

45. _________________________________

PurposeAt Sugar Creek Baptist we glorify God by making disciples of all nations. The way we are seeking to do this is by equipping our faith family to go to other contexts locally and around the world.

"A crucial element to your faith journey on a short-term mission trip is inviting others to be a part of it with

you. We highly encourage that you build a strong community of supporters both spiritually and financially.

This application is a guide to how others can be on this journey with you through giving towards your trip.

We have seen God provide every time for those obedient to his call and we trust he will do the same for

you. Contact the Mission Staff if you have any questions and once your application is submitted and

reviewed, your trip team leader will give you further details. "

CommitmentAs a Christian, I am in the process of becoming a fully-developing follower of Christ.

Disciple-Making • Short-Term Missions Support Raising

Building a Team of Sending SupportersEach individual team member (goer-guest) will be responsible for

developing his or her own sending support team.

The sending support team consists of:

• Prayer Supporters

• Encouragers

• Financial Contributors

The concept is to develop a sending support team, not

just raise funds. The most important need for the team

member (goer-guest) is for people to pray for him or her

before and during the project.

The Mission TeamThe idea of the team is to involve as many people in the

mission experience as possible. The team includes

Senders, Goer-Guest, and Host Receivers working

together to:

• Expand the ministry through you to the team

(TEAM = goers + prayer support + senders)

• Expand the mission by which others can share in

the blessings of the mission (Phil. 4:17)

• Enhance the Biblical approach (2 Cor. 8:4)

• Expand the base of senders who become World

Christians through giving

You should seek people that you want on your team, not

those who you think will give money. Remember, if the

prayer support is in place, everything else will fall into


Raising FundsIf an individual cannot pay for their trip, the most effective

proven method to raise individual funds is to write a letter

for distribution to friends, family, co-workers and church

members. Professional fundraisers for large organizations

will tell you that people will give to people they know.

Potential contributors are happy to have the opportunity to

invest in someone they know personally or an endeavor

they care about.

• Prepare the team list for Sending Supporters

For financial support, at least 20 names for a Honduras or

Mexico trip; and 30 names for any Ends of the Earth Trip;

• Do not use all Sugar Creek Baptist Church;

members (75% should come from outside of Sugar

Creek Baptist Church)

• Friends, relatives, co-workers, and Christian contacts.

sugarcreekonmiss ion.com


Write the LetterYou are asking people to support the ministry of Sugar

Creek Baptist Church. If you are asking for financial

contributions, you are asking them to help with the cost

that you will incur by conducting the ministry (transporta-

tion, meals while on the field, in-country housing, visa,

travel insurance, etc.) A common testimony for team

members (goer-guest) is the experience turned out to be

a highlight of the entire trip.

The following guidelines will help you in writing your support letter:• There are two types of letters:

1.Letter sent out asking for prayer support only (if you

are paying your own way);

2.Letter sent out asking for prayer and financial


• Compose your own letter. It is unwise to copy from a

sample letter. Most people prefer to read a personal

letter specific to your mission.

• Include the following information in the letter:

1. Information about the country/culture you are going to;

2. Information about the sending organization (the

church) and the hosting organization (the agency or

national church);

3. Description of what the team will be doing (why the

team is doing this particular project);

4.The cost of the trip (the same for each individual

team member);

5. You may want to recommend a giving amount ($25,

$50, or $100);

6.Why you want to be involved on the trip (reasons

for going that you feel strongest about);

7. How you would like the reader to be involved

(prayer, financial, both);

8.The date you need the money;

• Keep the letter brief (one page).

Send the Letter1. A self-addressed envelope to the list of potential

supporters by the deadline set by the team leader.

2. Response slip with designated amounts

3. Sugar Creek Baptist Church policy slip and a self-

addressed envelope to the list of potential supporters

by the deadline set by the team leader.

4. Mail the letter

Note: Sugar Creek Baptist Church does not supply postage,

envelopes or copies of letters.

sugarcreekonmiss ion.com

All contributions to Sugar Creek Baptist Church missions

are non-refundable. To be tax deductible you must:

1. Make checks and money orders payable to Sugar

Creek Baptist Church .

Do NOT write a project or individual name on the

face of the check (including the memo line).

2. Enclose a note stating which project and/or

individual you are supporting.

3. Mail the check to the individual you are supporting.

4. Online Contributions can be made at:


(write your unique URL donation link here)


Processing the Funds 1. The self addressed envelope will be returned to

your address.

2. Checks need to be made out to Sugar Creek

Baptist Church

3. Memo line of should have trip destination (i.e

Mexico, Honduras)

4. Once checks are returned to you; record amount,

person contributing, and date received.

5. Turn the checks into your Team Leader or the Love

& Lead Mission office of Sugar Creek Baptist


On-line Contributions1. Contributors may choose to use the online

contribution system.

2. After you have completed your online application and

it is approved, you will be given a unique URL link for

online donations. Please provide this in the text of

your letter to each sponsor. This will take them directly

to your profile page where they can make safe and

secure online contributions towards your trip.

3. Each sponsor will be able to print out a copy of their

contribution receipt and retain for tax purposes. This

amount will not be included in their end of the year

contribution record from Sugar Creek Baptist Church.

Follow-upIt is the team member's responsibility to keep accurate

records of who has supported them and at what

amount. Following the trip, each team member must

send a follow-up letter to each person who supported

them on the trip, whether by prayer, finances or encour-

agement. The letter should detail what happened on the

project and how it affected them. There is nothing more

discouraging than to support someone in a mission trip

and then to never hear from that person again. By

sharing your experiences with your support team, you

continue to spread the burden and heart for world

missions. SCBC Policy Slip

!All contributions to Sugar Creek Baptist Church missions

are non-refundable. To be tax deductible you must:

1. Make checks and money orders payable to Sugar

Creek Baptist Church .

Do NOT write a project or individual name on the

face of the check (including the memo line).

2. Enclose a note stating which project and/or

individual you are supporting.

3. Mail the check to the individual you are supporting.

4. Online Contributions can be made at:


(write your unique URL donation link here)

!You may copy the below instructions and use with your efforts to raise funds.
