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Show the emp!oyer that you have the ... - Senior Seminar · resume" You can set up your resume a[y...

Date post: 03-Dec-2020
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Show the emp!oyer that you have Every occupation has certain requi「ements“ Car Pians. SaIes people must know how to cIose a s how to work with difficuIt people" Managers mus job done・ What’s the right stufffor your occupatio have the specific s剛s emp10yerS Want, Here,s h ○○t’s take i章from the begiming。 冊Sure yOu know what a portrait photogra- Pher does. So’let,s use that occupation in the foIIowing example. 1" Name thejob you want > Por拓a/t photographer 2“ List the requirements of the job > Capture紡e spirit of酌e s叫ect > Set up the eq所)ment for励e photo shoot > Estab/is屈he sett噂to get納e best shot > Position and coach the s吻ect > ScheduIe appointments fo se// photo pa ckages 3" Select a requirement > Capture the sp碗of励e su切 4. Give an exampie o you perf○○med it > Used questions and answ posing samples to /dent砂a Sp腔of肋e su切ect 5. Add a few detaiis > Used O&As p/us a caねIog posing samp/es fo妃en雄y a Spihでofnearty 700 peop/e 6〃 Repeat steps 3, 4, each additional job r your Iist 〇〇〇●O●●〇〇〇〇〇●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● “Lack oftechnicai s剛Is,’’is the emp10yerS have troubIe f冊ngjo -Manpower 10
  • Show the emp!oyer that you have the “right stu盲f,,

    Every occupation has certain requi「ements“ Carpenters must know how to read bu脚ng

    Pians. SaIes people must know how to cIose a saIe" Custome「service peopIe must know

    how to work with difficuIt people" Managers must know how to motivate people to get the

    job done・ What’s the right stufffor your occupation? Don,t guess“ Find out, Show that you

    have the specific s剛s emp10yerS Want, Here,s how-

    ○○t’s take i章from the begiming。

    冊Sure yOu know what a portrait photogra-

    Pher does. So’let,s use that occupation in the

    foIIowing example.

    1" Name thejob you want

    > Por拓a/t photographer

    2“ List the requirements of the job

    > Capture紡e spirit of酌e s叫ect

    > Set up the eq所)ment for励e photo shoot

    > Estab/is屈he sett噂to get納e best shot

    > Position and coach the s吻ect

    > ScheduIe appointments fo se// photo

    pa ckages

    3" Select a requirement from you○ ○ist

    > Capture the sp碗of励e su切ect

    4. Give an exampie of when or how

    you perf○○med it

    > Used questions and answers pIus phofo-

    posing samples to /dent砂and capture the

    Sp腔of肋e su切ect

    5. Add a few detaiis

    > Used O&As p/us a caねIog of200+ photo-

    posing samp/es fo妃en雄y and cap如re掘e

    Spihでofnearty 700 peop/e

    6〃 Repeat steps 3, 4, and 5 for

    each additional job requi「ement on

    your Iist


    “Lack oftechnicai s剛Is,’’is the number-One reaSOn

    emp10yerS have troubIe f冊ngjob openings



  • Q。録Where Can菓置ind the

    job reqIIilements fol my


    A= you need to do is visit柚deed, Career-

    bu冊er, and Monster. Then, read a dozen help-

    Wanted adve「tisements for you「 occup∂tio[.

    In each ad, look for a statemen川ke言`The ideal

    Candidate w冊be abie to …’’or ‘Job duties

    include ∴’That’s where the hiring manager

    teiis you exactly what she’s Iooking for.

    Now, Pick outthe 5 0r6 commonjob

    「equirements that a= of the ads seem to want.

    That’s the stuff today’s hiring managers are

    looking for. That’s the stuff you want to inciude

    in your resume,

    Q, `What kind of exampies

    shouid l give?購

    Think about the prqjects you worked on,

    Specifica時Wh∂t W∂S aCCOmP“Shed and the

    SPeCial role you played. That’s where your

    best exampIes w冊come from.

    ifyou have no experience with a certain

    Sk町think aboutthe projects you worked on

    in schooi, m冊ary, SPOrtS, VO両teering, Or

    =fe experiences. Use those experiences as

    Substitute ski=s (See reSume eXamPles on

    PageS 14 a[d 15).

    Q。置晴ow much detail $hould l


    Mentio[ the important facts。 Keep it simpIe.

    Whenever possible言nclude numbers to

    describe the voiume, Size, mOney, time′

    effort, O「 reSult ofwhat you did, Numbers

    inlPreSS PeOPle. They a=ow us to visualize

    What was accomplished.

    Oh-don’t get into the why or how of each

    PrOject. That’s the back-StOry. Save those

    interesting deta=s for yourjob血erview.


    Now’yOu tly it。

    1. Name thejob you want

    2.しist the job requirements






    3. Se音ect a job requirement from

    your list above

    4。 Give an exampIe ofwhen or how

    you performed it

    5。 Add detaiis

    Continue on勅e nexf p∂ge-


    lfyou don’t have one ofthe

    needed job requlrementS,

    Offer a substltute. A

    Substltute Shows that you

    have slmllar knowledge.

    Slmllar knowledge shows

    thatyou can leam the

    requlrement qulcker than

    lfyou had no knowledge of

    the requlrement.

    For exampIe, lfyou don“t

    have the sales experlenCe

    「eq馴red for a giVen」Ob,

    you mlght talk about your

    Charitable fund-ralSing

    accomplishments mStead.

    FundralSlng lS Simllarto


    ifyou don’t have the lnterlOr

    decoratIng eXPerienCe

    needed for a」Ob, Show

    PiCtureS Of the decoratlng

    PrO」eCtS yOu Created ln yOur

    OWn home.

    1fyou don’t have the pubilC

    SPeakIng eXPerlenCe

    needed for another」Ob,

    taIk about the Powe「Polnt

    PreSentatlOnS yOU Created

    and presented in hlgh

    SChooI or college.

    Reach lntO those other

    areas ofyour旧e to find

    those substitute sk用S-

    mllltary, SChool, SPOrtS,

    VOluntee「lng, hobbleS, and

    home pro」eCtS.


  • Use the “r雪ght stu情,, to bu胴a powe面容がes曲me

    Looking for a job? Then, yOu need a resume. Your resume is your ca旧ng card, yOur

    advertisement, yOu「 brochure′ yOur fIyer・ it’s a one-Page handout that shows what a great

    CatCh you a「e,

    Q.録What can l do wi章h a resume?購

    Ma旧t, Ema旧t. Post it o佃ne. Ask friends to

    give itto their managers, Hand it out atjob

    fairs, Give it to empIoyment agencies,

    The idea isto get it而Othe hands ofas

    many輔ng managers as you can, If a hiring

    manage川kes what she sees in your resume,

    you could get invited to a job interview.

    Q。 “What if I,m not a g○○d writel?購

    Th∂t’s okay" Writing your resume is easy. You

    COmPleted ai冊e heavy thinking in the last

    Chapter。 A旧hat’s leftto do is type it up.

    Q,録8s the獲e $ome O惰iciai fo獲mat

    ○○ des雪gn fo営a reslIme?掃

    No. There is no official format for writing your

    resume" You can set up your resume a[y

    Way yO両ke, Fee廿ree to ch∂nge, mOdify,

    expand言gnore, Or Simplify any of the fo=owing

    SuggeStions. But, mOSt PeOPle do inciude the

    fo=owing topics in their resumes-

    1。 Your contact informat害on

    7alI emp/ayers励o you ∂re and面ere拓ey

    Can reaCh you,

    Atthe top ofthe page, tyPe yOurfuil name,

    mai冊g add「ess, teIephone number with a「ea

    COde, PlllS yOur teXt Or email address.

    2。 Yburgoal

    /n one short sentence, te/I what kind of wo面

    yOu Want○

    ○ “Seekingfu帖time position as a dragon


    ・ lfyou have胴e orno experience, Saythat

    you are: “Seeki噂a fu岨ime, entry」eveI

    POSition as a dragon slayer.’’

    Seventyイive percent of hiring manage「s said

    they prefer a chronoIogjcal resume that lists your

    most recent job first○

    ○Career 」ournal

  • 3。 Your education

    Sねrt w励your most recent schoo/ or program・

    . On thefirs川ne inthissection, n∂methe

    award, Certification, Or degree earned

    Plus the date ofthe award, lfyou haven’t

    graduated, Simpiy give the number of

    Credits eamed toward the award (36 credits

    eamed toward a BS degree in magic),

    . Onthesecond line, givetheschool’s name

    a[d cit〃state address.

    . On thethi「d =ne, =stany classes or

    activities you participated in that would

    heip you in thejob you want"

    . Repeatfo「 additional schooIs.

    4a。 Work expe「ience

    Sねrt with your most recent emplQye手

    ・ Onthefirstline in this section, give your

    job titie pius your begiming and ending

    dates of empIoyment. If you are st帥

    emp10yed there, give your starting date

    訓d the word `撃resent’’to show that you

    Sti冊OId thatjob,

    " On the next冊e, givethe emp10yer’s n∂me

    and cit〃state address〇

    ・ On the nextfew =nes, iistthe five orsixjob

    requirements with exampIes from your past

    (See yOu川OteS On PageS ll-13),

    ・ Repeatfor addition∂i emp10yerS"

    4b, No wol.k exper冒ence

    Instead ofa “肋而Expe府nce’’section, Create

    a sectio両it/ed, `AccompIishments. 〃

    . Onthefirs川ne in thissection, name One

    Of the job requlrementS.

    t Underthatjob requirement, Offe「two or

    three substitute examples from school,

    SPOrtS, VOiuntee「ing, Or Othe川fe projects

    to show whatyou achieved in that area

    (See Substitute S剛s o叩age ll)"

    . Repeat for each additio[a=ob


    5。 Your skii音s list

    Cre∂te a SeCt’ion caI/ed ′′Ski/ls.〃

    Then, Simply listthe names of any important

    tooIs, devices, PrOgramS, PrOCedures, S畑S,

    =censes, and systems that you can ope融e or

    P〔而o「m ,

    6. Add冒tional information

    Create a section caI/ed ‘AddiでionaI

    Information, ’’

    You don’t have to include this section in your

    「esume, it’s optiona上But, it is a great pIace to

    mention any special taients, S剛S, ab=ities or

    awards that might interest an empioyer.

    On the next few pages, you,18 find

    thr○○ resu軸es that you can lIse

    to modeI youl l.esume On。

    Notice how simple and cIean they 100k. BoId

    headings, Short sentences, a[d pienty of white

    SPaCe help the requirements jump off the

    Page. Plus, eaCh job requirement is phrased

    as an accomp=shment with an example of

    whatthe writer did and numbers to show the

    Size of the prQjects.

    Creating your easy-tO-SCan reSume lS eVen

    easierthan you think. 」ust use the f旧n-the-

    bla[k worksheet o[ Page 19,


    SK音LLS 」IS† 1N YoUR


    Having a ski‖s sectlOn

    In yOurreSume Can be

    lmPOrtant. Many large

    empIoyers download the

    resumes they recelVe lntO a

    database. A database lS a

    COmPuter fiIe that can hold

    m用iOnS Of resumes and」Ob


    Databases are searchable.

    That means言f a hi「ing

    manager searches her

    database for `.Final Cut’’

    Or ‘IAvid’’the computer w川

    Pull up oniythe resumes

    Of peopie who have that

    f=m-editing software in their


    So, lfyou wantthe hiring

    manager’s computerto pu=

    up your resume, heip lt find

    you by lnCludlngthe names

    Of a= the importanttooIs,

    PrOgramS, and systems you

    Can OPerate Or Perform.

  • A sample resume showing no wo「k experience

    」ames B. 」obless

    I Herejcome Highway, Ourtown, JS OOOOO

    Ceil/Text: 111/222-3333 Ema時[email protected]


    Seeking an entry」evei positjon in reta= sales at a hardware store


    High SchooI Dip看oma, O6/2O16

    Hometown High SchooI, Ourtow中りS OOOOO

    . Enjoyed classes in pubiic speaking, math, Shop, and computers


    Aithough川ave no prior experience両eta= sales, l believe the fo=0Wing accomplishments show

    that l couid leam thejob quickly-

    Math SkiIIs

    Maintained 3-year “B’’average in algebra and geometry

    Managed $1,000 jnvestment that ear[ed 4.2% APR

    Peopie Ski○○s

    Played checkers most Sunday afternoons with se[iors at a nursing home

    Formed study group with 4 peopIe to boost grades in French

    Product Knowledge

    Automotive: My father is a mechanic and we rebu亜my `99 Voivo inciudingthe e噂ine, brakes,

    and suspension

    Electronics: Programmed fam=y’s TV, BiueRay, and Cabie Box to run on one remote

    Construction: HeIped my aunt rebu柄d a lOO sq/ft screened-i[ POrCh on her home,


    Sold my ’99 VoIvo and eamed a $120 profit

    Sold m∂gaZines door-tO-door for charity, raised $300


    Rehable-Missed o両y two days of schoo冊is year

    Honest-Ret胴ed $20 check-CaShing erro「 to the bank

  • A sample resume show日ng only c`assl'OOm eXPe「ience


    2 1candoit Drjve, Ourtown, JS OOOOO

    Ce=/鴫xt: 111/222-3333

    Seeking a f冊me positio画public re-ations with a no岬Ofit organjzatio[


    BS !れcOmmunlcat書ons, O6/2O16

    Beatrjce Hart Co=ege, Ourtown, JS OOOOO

    ‘ Enjoyed ciasses in SocioIogy, 」ou「軸Sm, Economics

    AccoM P」書S軸M各NTS

    W「ltIng Skl11s

    . Wrote 2’000 word featurestory o=, “Howto Buy a Good Used Ca「′・

    Wrote 500 word sho申ece on, “Why Lotte「y Winners Go Bankrupt After Win「血g

    M冊ons Of Do胎「s~,

    Pub11c Speaking

    . Presented a lO-PO岨echnica- ta岨on howto “Recover Data afuerYourHard Drive Crashes・′

    . Appeared in a 30-m両e, On-CamPuSTVtalk謝ow’Thwto Live on the Money



    . Polled 86 Iice=Sed drivers on出VAy Peop-eThrowTrash outofTheir CarWindows

    Wh=e Driving."

    A[a)yzed su「vey data on朝一I There be a Good 」ob fo「 Me After Graduatjon?,′

    Press ReIat!ons

    . Persuaded loca同ewspaper editortojoj= a SymPOSium on言・Who,s Writjng the Rules of

    Grammar for丁さxting?,,

    Microso…ord′ Exce廿OWerPoin帥S FileMaker, Quark, Photoshop, Acrobat, WordPress

    Note: A// wo函rgivcts c棚in踊s resume were co〃ege-COurse aSS軌ments.

    鮪/ng samp/es are ava伽Ie on request.


    Certaln WOrds evoke

    COnf-de=Ce and authority.

    When offerlng eXamP「es of

    PaSt」Ob requirementS, be

    Sure tO Start eaCh sentence

    Wlth an action word川ke:





















    Operated. ‥


    Performed. ‥







    Set up…





    Wrote …


  • A sampIe resume showing wo「k experience

    Chris E. Hiremenow

    3 Gimmeachance Road, Ourtown, US OOOOO

    1 1 1/222-3333


    Seeking a position as a f面Sh ca「Penter


    cert9flcate ln F!ne Carpent「y, Oey2012

    Tiger MapIe lnstitute, Ourtown, JS OOOOO

    ・ CIasses i[ arChitectur∂1 styles, teChnicaI drawi[g, fu面ture making, Cabinet ma畑g

    Diploma, 06/2OIO

    Oakhurst VocationaI School, Ourtow[, JS OOOOO

    "  Classes活const「uctio[ teChniques, hand tooIs, Shop tooIs

    WORK EXP各R帽Nc各

    F軸Sh Carpenter, O6/2O12 to Present

    Hugh’s High-End Homes, Ourtow[, JS OOOOO

    . Dup"cated existing Engiish-StyIe, Oal{-Paneled wa=s fo「 350 sq/ft "brary expansiOn

    . Designed and built 6,x9' 「epIica Greek Reviva冊eplace mantIe with hand-CarVed appliques

    "  Restored 10Wer half of an Art-Deco staircase damaged by fIoodwaters

    Remodeled 20,x15, kitche[ in the Nantucket style with deep coffered ce=i[gS, bead-board

    Cabinets, and wide pine fioors

    . Resto「ed 12, high, Saivaged antique Victorian doo「Way tO Originai spec師eations

    Ass害stant円nlsh Ca,Penter, Oey2OIO to OV2O12

    ArIene’s Average Abodes, Ourtown, JS OOOOO

    . 1nsta=ed windows, doors, trim, kitchen boxcabinets, Stairways, mantles on 15 homes

    lntern, Ol/2OIO to O6/2010

    SIap,em Jp Houses, Ourtown’JS OOOOO

    ' HeIped i=Sta= windows, doors, trirn’and hardwoo掴OOrSO[ 3 new homes


    Replication, reStOratien, rePiacement, mO柵eatio両esig両面Id, CAD, hand toois, POWer tOOis,

    Shop toois including laser cutters, Shapers, Pianers


    Deta= oriented, Organized, neat, gOOd sense of humo「


    セ.‖“iオ品濃品川間 瀬調補劇粕網潤粕淵鯛捌旧潮間測

  • Worksheet

    Yburfull name

    Your address, City, State, Zip code

    Your phone, Ce=/text, ema=


    Give the job you are seeking


    Give you「 dip10ma Or degree and the date of award

    Give the school’s name a[d city/State address

    List severaI courses you took

    Repeat for additionaI schooIs or training

    WoRK HiS丁ORY

    Give yourjob titIe with begin両g and ending dates

    Give your empIoyer’s name and cit〃state add「ess

    . Give ajob requirement, With an exampIe

    . Give anotherjob requi「eme吋With an example

    Give anotherjob requi「ement, With an example

    Give anotherjob an example

    Give a[Othe「job requirement, With an example

    Repeat for additiona/ emplQyers


    Name the importa血tooIs, devices′ PrOCedures, PrOgramS, SyStemS, an帥CenSeS yOu

    Can OPerate O「 Perform


    Mention any special talents, ab胴es, Or aWards

    甘ASlc RESUM格


    〕se standard 8.5’’by ll’’

    White PaPer

    Keep a one-inch margin

    On all foursides ofthe


    Avoid fancy fonts like

    Outline, SCript, Or Other

    dIfficuIt-tOイead styies

    Keep sentences short

    andtothe point

    Boid or CAPITALiZE

    lmPOrtant headilneS SO

    they stand out

    Single space within


    DoubIe space between


    Use buiiets (.) atthe

    begInnIng Ofa list

    Wheneve「 possible, uSe

    numbers to showthe

    SiZe, VOlume, time, mOney,

    effort, Or reSult of the

    Prdyects you worked on

    Proofread for spe用ng and

    factual errors
