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Shraddha Jain - Pacetronix · Shraddha Jain Practicing Company Secretary 107, Gold Arcade, 3/1, New...

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Shraddha Jain Pr ac t icing Comp any Secr e t ar y 107 , Gold Ar c ade , 3 / 1 , Ne w Pal asi a , Indor e (MP) , Indi a - 4 520 03 Phone : ( 0 731) 25358 4 1 E -mail shraddhaj ain2204( S>gmail. c om Sc r u t in i z e r ' s R e por t - Com bi ned [ Pu r s u a n t t o s ec t i on 108 a nd 109 o f t he Compa n i e s Ac t 2013 r ea d w i t h r u le 20 of the c ompa n i e s ( Ma n a g e me n t a nd Ad mi n i s t r a t i on s ] r u l e s 201 4 a s a me nd ed ) To , T h e Cha i r ma n , S HR EE P ACETRONI X LI MI TED Pl o t No. 15, Sec t o r I I , I nd u s t r i a l Ar ea , Pi t h a mpu r , Di s t . Dha r ( M. P. ] 454775 Dea r Si r , Sub: Sc r u t i n i ze r ' s R e por t o n Re mo t e E- Vo t i n g a nd po l l 1. I , Sh r a dd h a J a i n , Pr a c t i c i n g Compa n y Se c r e t a ry, h a s bee n a p poi n t ed a s a Sc r u t i n i ze r by - ( i ) T h e Boa r d of Di r ec t or s o f SHR EE P ACETR ONI X LI MI T ED (t h e Compa n y ) fo r t he pu r pose o f s c r u t i n i z i ng t he E- v o t i n g p r oces s und e r t he pr o v i s i on s of Sec t i on 108 of t he Compa n i e s Ac t , 2013 a nd R u l e 20 ( 3 ) (x i ) of Compa n i e s ( Ma n a ge men t a nd Ad mi n i s t r a t i on ) R u l es , 2014 i n r e s pec t o f the be l ow me n t i o ned r e sol u t ion s t o be pa s sed a t t he 27 t h AGM o f t h e me mbe r s of t he Compa n y he ld on Wed n e sd ay , t he 30t h d a y o f Sep t e mbe r , 2015. ( ii ) T h e Ch a i r ma n o f t he An nu a l Ge ne r a l Mee t i n g (AGM) on pol l u nd e r t he pr o vi s i o n s o f Sec t i o n 109 o f the Co mpa n i e s Ac t, 2013 a nd R u l e 21( 2 ) o f Co mpa n i e s ( Ma na g e me n t a nd Ad mi n i s t r a t i on ) R u l es , 2014 , on t he r e so l u t ion s con t a i n ed i n t he No t i ce t o t he 27 t h AGM of t he me mbe r s o f th e Compa n y he ld o n Wed n e sd a y, t h e 30 th d a y of Se p t e mbe r , 2015 a t 10:00 A. M a t t h e Re g i s t e r ed o ffi c e o f th e Compa n y a t P l ot No. 15, Sec t or I I , I nd u s t r i a l A r ea , Pi t h a mpu r , Di s t . Dh a r ( M. P. ) 4 54775. 2. T h e Ma n a g e me n t of t he Compa n y i s r e s pon s i b l e t o e n s u r e t h e compli anc e w i t h t he r eq u i r e men t o f Compa n i e s Ac t, 2013 a n d R u le r e l a t i n g t o r e mo t e E- v o t i ng a nd Pol l on t h e r esol u t i on s c on t a i ned i n t h e Not i ce t o t he 27 th A n n u a l Ge ne r a l Mee t i n g ( AGM) of t he me mbe r s of t he Co mpa n y . My r e s pon s i bi li t i e s a s sc r u t i n i ze r for E- v ot i ng p r oce s s a n d f or Pol l a t the AGM i s r e s t r i c t ed t o Sc r u t i n i ze r ' s Re por t of t he v o t e s cas t " i n fa v ou r " or " Ag a i n s t " t h e r e sol u t ion s s t a t ed a bo v e ba sed on t he r e por t s g ene r a t ed
Page 1: Shraddha Jain - Pacetronix · Shraddha Jain Practicing Company Secretary 107, Gold Arcade, 3/1, New Palasia, Indore (MP), India - 452003 Phone : (0731) 2535841 E-mail shraddhajain2204(S>gmail.com

Shraddha JainPracticing Company Secretary

107, Gold Arcade,3/1, New Palasia,

Indore (MP), India - 452003Phone : (0731) 2535841

E-mail shraddhajain2204(S>gmail.com

Scrutinizer's Report-Combined[Pursuant to section 108 and 109 of the Companies Act 2013 read with rule 20 of the

companies (Management and Administrations] rules 2014 as amended)


The Chairman,SHREE PACETRONIX LIMITEDPlot No. 15, Sector II, Industrial Area, Pithampur,

Dist. Dhar (M.P.] 454775

Dear Sir,

Sub: Scrutinizer's Report on Remote E-Voting and poll

1. I, Shraddha Jain, Practicing Company Secretary, has been appointed as a

Scrutinizer by-

(i) The Board of Directors of SHREE PACETRONIX LIMITED (the Company)for the purpose of scrutinizing the E-voting process under the provisions of

Section 108 of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rule 20 (3) (xi) of Companies

(Management and Administration) Rules, 2014 in respect of the below

mentioned resolutions to be passed at the 27th AGM of the members of the

Company held on Wednesday, the 30th day of September, 2015.

(ii) The Chairman of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on poll under the

provisions of Section 109 of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rule 21(2) of

Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014, on the

resolutions contained in the Notice to the 27th AGM of the members of the

Company held on Wednesday, the 30th day of September, 2015 at 10:00 A.M

at the Registered office of the Company at Plot No. 15, Sector II, Industrial

Area, Pithampur, Dist. Dhar (M.P.) 454775.

2. The Management of the Company is responsible to ensure the compliance with the

requirement of Companies Act, 2013 and Rule relating to remote E-voting and Poll on

the resolutions contained in the Notice to the 27th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of

the members of the Company. My responsibilities as scrutinizer for E-voting process

and for Poll at the AGM is restricted to Scrutinizer's Report of the votes cast "in

favour" or "Against" the resolutions stated above based on the reports generated

Page 2: Shraddha Jain - Pacetronix · Shraddha Jain Practicing Company Secretary 107, Gold Arcade, 3/1, New Palasia, Indore (MP), India - 452003 Phone : (0731) 2535841 E-mail shraddhajain2204(S>gmail.com


from the E-voting system provided by Central Depository Services [India] Limited

["CDSL"]and also at the time of Poll at AGM.


The company has informed that on the basis of the Register of members and the list

made available by the depositories viz National Securities Depository Limited [NSDL]

and Central Depositories Services [India] Limited [CDSL]. The Notice dated 10th

August 2015 along with the statement setting out material facts under section 102 of

the Act were sent to the shareholders in respect of the below mentioned resolutions

passed at the AGM of the company.


The voting rights were reckoned on Wednesday, 23rd September 2015, being the cut

off date for the purpose of deciding the entitlements of members at the remote e-

voting and voting at the meeting.



The Company had taken the services of Central Depositories Services [India] Limited

[CDSL] for providing the remote E-Voting Platform.

5.2Remote E-Voting:

Remote E-Voting platform remained open from Sunday, 27th September 2015 [9.00

am] upto Tuesday, 29th September 2015 [5.00 pm] and members were given an

option to cast their votes electronically conveying their assent or dissent in respect of

the Ordinary and /or Special Resolutions, on the e-voting platform provided by CDSL.


6.1As prescribed under Rule 20[4][xiii] of the companies [Management and

Administration] Amendment Rules 2015, for the purpose of ensuring that

members who have cast their votes through remote E-Voting do not vote again at

the General Meeting, the scrutinizer shall have access after closure of period of

remote e-voting and before the start of general meeting, to only such details

relating to members who have cast their votes through remote e-voting, such as

their names, folios, number of shares held but not the manner in which they havevoted.

6.2Accordingly CDSL, the E-voting agency provided me with the names, DP Id/ Folio

Numbers and shareholding of the members who had cast their votes throughremote e-voting.

6.3Further, the chairman announced the poll at the Annual General Meeting for the

shareholders who had attended the meeting and have not cast their vntp. egrligrthrough remote e-voting. /^S~^^

Page 3: Shraddha Jain - Pacetronix · Shraddha Jain Practicing Company Secretary 107, Gold Arcade, 3/1, New Palasia, Indore (MP), India - 452003 Phone : (0731) 2535841 E-mail shraddhajain2204(S>gmail.com



7.1After the voting at the AGM was concluded, ballot box kept for the purpose of

casting of votes was locked in my presence.

7.2The locked ballot boxes were subsequently opened in my presence and poll

papers were diligently scrutinized. The polling papers were reconciled with the

records maintained by the Ankit Consultancy Private Limited the registrar and

Transfer Agent of the company and the Authorizations/ proxies lodged with the


7.3The poll papers, which were incomplete and which were otherwise found

defective have been treated as invalid and kept separately.

7.4The votes cast under remote e-voting facility were thereafter unblocked in the

presence of two witnesses Mr. Ravi Singh and Mr. Anmol Nag, who were not in the

employment of the company. They have signed below in confirmation of the votes

being unblocked in their presence.


8.1 I observed that

a]32 members had cast their votes through pollconductedatthe meeting.

b]11 members had cast their votes through remote E-voting.

8.2 Based on the aforesaid results, Three Ordinary Resolutions as contained in Item

No. 1 to 3 of the notice dated 10th August 2015 have been passed with requisite

majority as per the provisions of the Companies Act 2013.

I have issued separate Scrutinizer's Report dated 3rd day of October, 2015 on the Remote

E-voting and on the Poll on the resolutions contained in the Notice to the AGM.

As requested by Management, I submit herewith my combined report on the results of

Remote E-voting and Poll as under-

Page 4: Shraddha Jain - Pacetronix · Shraddha Jain Practicing Company Secretary 107, Gold Arcade, 3/1, New Palasia, Indore (MP), India - 452003 Phone : (0731) 2535841 E-mail shraddhajain2204(S>gmail.com

Item No.1: Ordinary Resolution

Receive, consider and adopt the audited Balance Sheet as at March 31, 2015, theStatement of Profit & Loss and the Cash Flow Statement for the financial year endedMarch 31, 2015 and the Reports of the Board of Directors and Auditors thereon.

fi] Voted in favour of resolution:

pi] Voted against the resolution:

pii] Invalid Votes


Number ofMembersvotedthroughe-votingsystemandthrough











Number ofMembersvotedthroughe-votingsystemandthroughPoll



: 0@ o











Page 5: Shraddha Jain - Pacetronix · Shraddha Jain Practicing Company Secretary 107, Gold Arcade, 3/1, New Palasia, Indore (MP), India - 452003 Phone : (0731) 2535841 E-mail shraddhajain2204(S>gmail.com

5rgpj@ ; r -fr-@@"".VT>EWsgjJ

Item No.2: Ordinary Resolution

Retire by rotation of Mr. Vikas Gokhale Whole-Time

(T) Voted in favour of resolution:


pi] Voted against the resolution:

(iii) Invalid VotesSir



Number ofMembersvotedthroughe-votingsystemandthroughPoll


i[I 15574831 26102iP 1583585





Number ofMembersvotedthroughe-votingsystemandthroughPoll


It '1 oIF- oII @ o





TotalnumberofMemberswhdjsevoteswere declaredinvalid %.

H oII oEo



Page 6: Shraddha Jain - Pacetronix · Shraddha Jain Practicing Company Secretary 107, Gold Arcade, 3/1, New Palasia, Indore (MP), India - 452003 Phone : (0731) 2535841 E-mail shraddhajain2204(S>gmail.com

Item No. 3: Ordinary Resolution

Appointment of Auditors and fixing their remuneraijion.

[i] Voted in favour of resolution:

(if) Voted against the resolution:

pii) Invalid Votes



Number ofMembersvotedthroughe-votingsystemandthroughPoll



1|ft" 1557483III; 261021 1583585

%oftotal numberofvalidvotescast




Number ofMembersvotedthroughe-votingsystemandthrough




ii oi o

%oftotal numberofvalidvotescast





TotalnumberofMembersvenosevoteswere declaredinvalid!

i of 0ii: 0




Page 7: Shraddha Jain - Pacetronix · Shraddha Jain Practicing Company Secretary 107, Gold Arcade, 3/1, New Palasia, Indore (MP), India - 452003 Phone : (0731) 2535841 E-mail shraddhajain2204(S>gmail.com
Page 8: Shraddha Jain - Pacetronix · Shraddha Jain Practicing Company Secretary 107, Gold Arcade, 3/1, New Palasia, Indore (MP), India - 452003 Phone : (0731) 2535841 E-mail shraddhajain2204(S>gmail.com

Shraddha JainPracticing Company Secretary

107, Gold Arcade,3/1, New Palasia,

Indore(MP), India-452003

Phone : (0731) 2535841E-mail shraddhajain2204(5)gmail.com


Report of Scrutinizer

[Pursuant to Section 109 of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rule 21[2] of Companies

(Management and Administration] Rules, 2014 as amended]


The Chairman,

SHREE PACETRONIX LIMITEDPlot No. 15, Sector II, Industrial Area, Pithampur,

Dist, Dhar (M.P.] 454775

The Twenty Seventh Annual General Meeting of the members of Shree Pacetronix

Limited (the Company) held on Wednesday, the 30th day of September, 2015 at 10:00

A.M at the registered office of the company at Plot No. 15, Sector II, Industrial Area,

Pithampur, Dist. Dhar (M.P.) 454775.

Dear Sir,

I, Shraddha Jain, Practicing Company Secretary, appointed- as Scrutinizer for the

purpose of the poll taken on the below mentioned resolution^], at the 27th Annual General

Meeting of the Shareholders of Shree Pacetronix Limited held on Wednesday, the 30th day

of September, 2015 at 10:00 A.M at the registered office of the company at Plot No. 15,

Sector II, Industrial Area, Pithampur, Dist. Dhar (M.P.] 454775, submit our report as under:

1. After the time fixed for closing of poll by the Chairman, one ballot box kept for

polling were locked in my presence with due identification marks placed by me.

2. The locked ballot box was subsequently opened in my presence and poll papers

were diligently scrutinized. The poll papers were reconciled with the records

maintained by the Company and the authorizations/proxies lodged with the


Page 9: Shraddha Jain - Pacetronix · Shraddha Jain Practicing Company Secretary 107, Gold Arcade, 3/1, New Palasia, Indore (MP), India - 452003 Phone : (0731) 2535841 E-mail shraddhajain2204(S>gmail.com

^. !SK3f?;=:? :^P7 ?R> '"' '"@JTOJSi^SW^

3. The poll papers, which were incomplete and/or which were otherwise found

defective have been treated as invalid and kept separately.

4. The result of the poll is as under:

Item No.l: Ordinary Resolution

Receive, consider and adopt the audited Balance Sheet as at March 31, 2015, the

Statement of Profit & Loss and the Cash Flow Statement for the financial year ended

March 31, 2015 and the Reports of the Board of Directors and Auditors thereon.

(f) Voted in favour of resolution:

pi] Voted against the resolution:

[iii] Invalid Votes











bythem(Shares;);i'' 0







Page 10: Shraddha Jain - Pacetronix · Shraddha Jain Practicing Company Secretary 107, Gold Arcade, 3/1, New Palasia, Indore (MP), India - 452003 Phone : (0731) 2535841 E-mail shraddhajain2204(S>gmail.com

^rjps^ -@r- -J" i@^WPflSfl"Btn^

Item No.2: Ordinary Resolution

Retire by rotation of Mr. Vikas Gokhale Whole-Time Director.

p) Voted in favour of resolution:

pi] Voted against the resolution:

[in] Invalid Votes











|; o



Totalnumberofmemberspresentandvoting(inpersonorproxy)whosevotes @weredeclaredinvalid




Page 11: Shraddha Jain - Pacetronix · Shraddha Jain Practicing Company Secretary 107, Gold Arcade, 3/1, New Palasia, Indore (MP), India - 452003 Phone : (0731) 2535841 E-mail shraddhajain2204(S>gmail.com

"spp @ '@iera K3^?p*^iF '

Item No. 3: Ordinary Resolution

Appointment of Auditors and fixing their remuneration.

[i] Voted in favour of resolution:

[ii] Voted against the resolution:

[iii] Invalid Votes













Totalnumberofmemberspresentand ifvoting(inpersonorproxy]whosevotes|

weredeclaredinvalid |f

iii 0




Page 12: Shraddha Jain - Pacetronix · Shraddha Jain Practicing Company Secretary 107, Gold Arcade, 3/1, New Palasia, Indore (MP), India - 452003 Phone : (0731) 2535841 E-mail shraddhajain2204(S>gmail.com
Page 13: Shraddha Jain - Pacetronix · Shraddha Jain Practicing Company Secretary 107, Gold Arcade, 3/1, New Palasia, Indore (MP), India - 452003 Phone : (0731) 2535841 E-mail shraddhajain2204(S>gmail.com

-@ ? T^TT iW7 ""

Shraddha JainPracticing Company Secretary

107, Sold Arcade,

3/1, New Palasia,

Indore (MP), India - 452003@Phone : (0731) 2535841

E-mail shraddhajain2204(S>gmail.comTo,

The Chairman,

SHREE PACETRONIX LIMITEDPlot No. 15, Sector II, Industrial Area, Pithampur,

Dist. Dhar(M.P.) 454775

Dear Sir,

Subject: Scrutinized Report on E-voting conducted pursuant to the provisions of Section 108

of the Companies Act, 2013 ("the Act") read with Rule 20(4) (xii) of Companies (Management

and Administration) Rules, 2014 as amended by the Companies Management &

Administration Rules, 2015

I, Shraddha Jain, Practicing Company Secretary, had been appointed as the Scrutinizer by the

Board of Directors of SHREE PACETRONIX LIMITED ("the Company") in their meeting held on10th August, 2015, pursuant to Section 108 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 20 (4)

(xii) of Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014, to conduct the electronicvoting process in respect of the below mentioned resolutions to be passed at the 27th Annual

General Meeting of the Company to be held on 30th September, 2015.

1.The voting period for Remote E-voting commenced on Sunday, 27th September 2015 at

9.00 AM and ends on Tuesday, 29th September 2015 at 5.00 PM.

2.The Shareholders of the Company holding shares as on the "Cut Off" date of 23rd

September 2015 were entitled to vote on the proposed resolutions as set out at ItemNumber 1 to 3 in Notice of 27th AGM of the Company SHREE PACETRONIX LIMITED.

3.The votes cast under remote e-voting facility were thereafter unblocked in the presence

of two witnesses Mr. Ravi Singh and Mr. Anmol Nag, who were not in the employment

of the company. They have signed below in confirmation of the votes being unblocked

in their presence.

Ravigirign , Anmol Na,

Page 14: Shraddha Jain - Pacetronix · Shraddha Jain Practicing Company Secretary 107, Gold Arcade, 3/1, New Palasia, Indore (MP), India - 452003 Phone : (0731) 2535841 E-mail shraddhajain2204(S>gmail.com

"W':': wm

4.Thereafter the details containing inter- alia, list of equity shareholders, who voted "For"

and "Against", were downloaded from the e-voting website of Central DepositoryServices (India) Limited ("CDSL") i.e. www.evotingindia.com.

5.The results of Remote e-voting is as under:

I. Resolution No.1: Ordinary Resolution

Receive, consider and adopt the audited Balance Sheet as at March 31, 2015, the

Statement of Profit & Loss and the Cash Flow Statement for the financial year endedMarch 31, 2015 and the Reports of the Board of Directors and Auditors thereon.

(i) Voted in favour of resolution:

(ii) Voted against the resolution:

(iii) Invalid Votes


Number ofMembersvotedthroughelectronicsystem




%oftotal numberofvalid votescast



Number ofMembersvotedthroughelectronicsystem




%oftotal numberofvalid votescast



TotalnumberofMembers$hosevoteswere declaredinvalid



Total numberofVotescast(Shares)


Page 15: Shraddha Jain - Pacetronix · Shraddha Jain Practicing Company Secretary 107, Gold Arcade, 3/1, New Palasia, Indore (MP), India - 452003 Phone : (0731) 2535841 E-mail shraddhajain2204(S>gmail.com

Resolution No.2: Ordinary Resolution

Retire by rotation of Mr. Vikas Gokhale Whole-Tim'ejDirector.

(i) Voted in favour of resolution: i'*

(ii) Voted against the resolution:

(iii) Invalid Votes


Number ofMembersvotedthroughelectronicsystem




%oftotal numberofvalid votescast



Number ofMembersvotedthroughelectronicsystem




%oftotal numberofvalid votescast




li-numberofMemberswijfo'osewere declaredinvalid^



Total numberofVotes(Shares)



Page 16: Shraddha Jain - Pacetronix · Shraddha Jain Practicing Company Secretary 107, Gold Arcade, 3/1, New Palasia, Indore (MP), India - 452003 Phone : (0731) 2535841 E-mail shraddhajain2204(S>gmail.com

s sy^-f@^-."-'@.irfif".;' . @ '@#?!

Resolution No.3: Ordinary Resolution

Appointment of Auditors and fixing their remuneration.

(i) Voted in favour of resolution:

(ii) Voted against the resolution:


Number ofMembersvotedthroughelectronicsystem





%oftotal numberofvalid votescast



Number ofMembersvotedthroughelectronicsystem




ii) InvalidVotes


TotalnumberofMembersw\oteswere declaredinvalid


%oftotal numberofvalid votescast




Total numberofVotescast(Shares)


Page 17: Shraddha Jain - Pacetronix · Shraddha Jain Practicing Company Secretary 107, Gold Arcade, 3/1, New Palasia, Indore (MP), India - 452003 Phone : (0731) 2535841 E-mail shraddhajain2204(S>gmail.com

i-,f)M -. r'~ -T-r;r^S i

The Register, all other papers and relevant records relating to electronic voting shall remain in

our safe custody until the Chairman considers, approves ahj signs the minutes of the aforesaid27th Annual General Meeting and the same are handed over to the Company Secretary for safe

keeping. |.

Thanking you,

Yours Faithful!

ScruthUzer \ >-@-< @@

Name: Shraddha :fam@Practicing Company Secretary

ACS: 39488; CP: 14717

Place: Pithampur

Date: 03.10.2015
