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Shree Kshatriya Association · 2019. 8. 3. · 6th August 2010 3rd September 2010 Cricket BBQ...

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1 / CONTENTS Mahotsav Update Gujarati News Wedding Baby Address Change Social Evening 6 th August 2010 3 rd September 2010 Cricket BBQ Review 50 th Mahotsav 3 October 2010 Navratri October 8,9,10,15,16,17,22 AGM 24 Oct 2010 Diwali / New Year Party 13 Nov 2010 Members Events Diary Obituary Visit skauk.org For updates And online newsletters Shree Kshatriya Association Newsletter Issue 127 http://www.skauk.org August 2010 Email: [email protected] SKA is pleased to announce that the 50th Mahotsav Vyakti Vishesh will be Bharat Jagjivan Vakharia. Editor: Pravin Shantilal Kapadia [email protected] Assistants: Kamlesh Motiram, Milan Dadarwala & Devang Chauhan (Gujarati) Bharatbhai is the youngest son of the Vakharia family based in Valsad India. He was born in 1953 to Mrs Harigangaben & Mr Jagjivan Fakir Vakharia. He studied and attained the Metric S.S.C . He was part of the Valsad Mandal and participated in all the community events, including Navratri. Bharatbhai came to London in December 1978 and later married Ms Bhavna Pranjivan Khatri in 1979. They have three children Arti, Alpa and Nayan. After working for 10 years, he started his own Dry Cleaning business which has been successfully running for over 20 years. For around 29 years, Bharatbhai had been actively involved in the SKA UK Mandal. During that period he had taken the post of Newsletter editor, Secretary and President. He has always been and continues to be involved in social events, especially Social Evenings and Navratri. At the age of 40, Bharatbhai became the Vyakti Vishesh for the 50th Mahotsav in Valsad, India. His hobbies includes watching cricket, cooking, especially meat dishes, singing and listening to old songs as well as watching Indian Idol. Please post or fax the booking form enclosed before 22 nd August 2010 to ensure we cater for the correct amount of people. Let us know how many members from your family will be attending the 50th Mahotsav on Sunday 3 rd October 2010. IMMEDIATE ATTENTION REQUIRED 50 th Mahotsav – Booking Form You are all welcome to attend, but it will help us greatly in planning this huge event. We will also send you a Free Parking Voucher, only if you fill the form and request one. So please complete the form properly to avoid disappointment.
  • 1



    Mahotsav Update

    Gujarati News



    Address Change

    Social Evening 6th August 2010

    3rd September 2010

    Cricket BBQ Review

    50th Mahotsav 3 October 2010

    Navratri October


    AGM 24 Oct 2010

    Diwali / New Year Party 13 Nov 2010

    Members Events Diary



    skauk.org For updates

    And online newsletters

    Shree Kshatriya Association

    Newsletter Issue 127 http://www.skauk.org August 2010

    Email: [email protected]

    SKA is pleased to announce that the

    50th Mahotsav Vyakti Vishesh will be

    Bharat Jagjivan


    Editor: Pravin Shantilal Kapadia [email protected] Assistants: Kamlesh Motiram, Milan Dadarwala & Devang Chauhan (Gujarati)

    Bharatbhai is the youngest son of the Vakharia family based in Valsad India. He was born in 1953 to Mrs Harigangaben & Mr Jagjivan Fakir Vakharia. He studied and attained the Metric S.S.C . He was part of the Valsad Mandal and participated in all the community events, including Navratri. Bharatbhai came to London in December 1978 and later married Ms Bhavna Pranjivan Khatri in 1979. They have three children Arti, Alpa and Nayan. After working for 10 years, he started his own Dry Cleaning business which has been successfully running for over 20 years. For around 29 years, Bharatbhai had been actively involved in the SKA UK Mandal. During that period he had taken the post of Newsletter editor, Secretary and President. He has always been and continues to be involved in social events, especially Social Evenings and Navratri. At the age of 40, Bharatbhai became the Vyakti Vishesh for the 50th Mahotsav in Valsad, India. His hobbies includes watching cricket, cooking, especially meat dishes, singing and listening to old songs as well as watching Indian Idol.

    Please post or fax the booking form enclosed before 22nd August 2010 to ensure we cater for the correct amount of people. Let us know how many members from your family will be attending the 50th Mahotsav on Sunday 3rd October 2010.


    th Mahotsav – Booking Form

    You are all welcome to attend, but it will help us greatly in planning this huge event. We will also send you a Free Parking Voucher, only if you fill the form and request one. So please complete the form properly to avoid disappointment.

  • 2

    ÍÒ ÍÒ ÍÒ ÍÒ mo vaiq$k mhoTsvmo vaiq$k mhoTsvmo vaiq$k mhoTsvmo vaiq$k mhoTsv Aa sa9e j8avvanu& ke Aa vq$na ÍÒma mhoTsv ma&

    Vyikt iv=eqnu& S9an [aIman -rt-a; jg@vn v`arIAa =o_aavnar 2e. temno jNm ÉÑÍË ma& vlsaD mukame 9yel 2e. teAo temna prIvar na sO9I nana s_y 2e.

    ÉÑÏÐ ma& -rt-a; l&Dn AaVya Ane ÉÑÏÑma& -avnaben p/a8@vn `{aInI sa9e lGn b&0nma& b&0aya Ane temna {a8 s&tan na ipta bNya. ÉÈ vq$na pir[am bad teAoAe potano D^ay ikln I&g no 0&0o =£ kyo$ Ane 2eLla ÊÒ vq$9I clavI rHya 2e. 2eLla ÊÑ vq$9I teAo smajma& AagX pDto -ag -jvI rHya 2e jema& teAo m&{aI, p/mù , AeDI4r trIke -ag _ajVyo 2e Ane `as yogdan nvra{aI ma& AaPyu& 2e Ane 2eLla ÉÒÝÉÍ vq$ 9I so=Iyl ;vnI&gma& p8 AagX pDto -ag -jVyo 2e. ììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììì

    mhoTsv smy S9XmhoTsv smy S9XmhoTsv smy S9XmhoTsv smy S9X

    Aap8o ÍÒ mo vaiq$k mhoTsv ta. Ë Aok4obr ÊÒÉÒ na roj g/eND hol, veMblI S4eDIym `ate 2e. svare ÉÒ.ËÒ vage 9I kay$k/m nI =£Aat 9=e, ÉÝÊ vage naSto, Ì vage caÝkofIno p/b&0 krvama& Aavel 2e Ane Ï vage mnor&jn kay$k/m smaPt 9=e. Tyar bad bar =£ krvama& Aav=e. jeAo DÎ&k `rIdva :C2ta hoy te `rIdI =k=e Ane Tyar bad vej, non vej -ojn krI =k=e kay$k/mnI smaPtI ra{ae ÉÒ vage 9=e. ììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììì


    veMblI S4eDiym Ùb j sUrxama& mantu hoy, drek VyktI Ae sUrxa ja&c 9I psar 9vu pD=e. je9I 38o smy jvano hoy,sveRne ivn&tI krvama& Aave ke Ñ™ËÒ vage b0a Ae hajr 9; jvu je9I ke srXta9I sveR A&dr da`l 9; potpotanI rIte go5va: =ke. ììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììì


    kmI4IAe pakIR&g ma4e S4eDIym isvay bIje VyvS9a krI 2e Ae4le }aaitjnone ivn&tI ke potana 0rna s_yone S4eDIym na drvaja pase wtarI karpak$ krvI. Jenu& S9X mep Aam&{a8 p{aIka sa9e moklvama& Aav=e. drek vahn lavnar ne prmI4 Aapvama& Aav=e je9I ke mya$da rh.e É gaDIma& Í meMbr hoy tevI Apexa ra`vama& Aave 2e. Ane jeAo v0are femIlI lavvana Hoy teAone bIJa vahn ma4e prmI4 ma4e kimi4no s&pkR krvoe. Aa kay$k/m Aar.Aes.vI.pI Aa0ar pr hoy b0ane ivn&tI ke teAo Aapel fam$ -rI mokle je9I ke Aavnar lokonI s&~ya Ane pakI$&gnI ke4lI j£rIyat `br pDe ma4e ÊÊ AogQ4 phela Aa fomR -rI ja8 krI devI.

    pakIR&g ma4e p/it kar `coR s&S9a AapvanI hova9I prmI4no ve6f na krva `as nm/ ivn&tI. ììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììì

    Kay$k/mKay$k/mKay$k/mKay$k/m Je ko; Vyikt Aa kay$k/m ma& -ag leva ;C2ta hoy to phela9I nam no&0avvu je9I pa2X9I ko; mn duŠ` na 9ay. s&pk$ Š [aIman @teN²/ p/vI8 `{aI ÝÒÏÑÍÎÌÐÐÉÍÍ A9va ;Ýmel krI =kay. mherbanI krI Vyiktgt @teN²/-a; sa9ej vat krvI je9I ke pa2X9I ko; gersmj A9va to ko; `o4o s&de=o na phoce.

    Aa mhoTsv ma4e ÊÍ kay$k/m ra`vanu& nkkI 9yel 2e. AenI no&0 levI ke jo ko; AvRacIn kay$k/m hoy to tema& Ao2a ma& Ao2a Ì Vyikt hova j£rI 2e. Ane mherbanI krI drek _aag lenar nu& Aa ù nam, kevI Aa;4m, grba, gIt hoy to kyu& Ane kya ifLmnu < smy mya$da, Aa`I Aa;4mna lIDr vgere nI no&0 AapvI. g/up lIDr na nam, srnamu Ane fon n&. Ane ; me;l. kmI4I s_y kay$k/m no smy nkkI kr=e.Ae4le ferfar krva na j8av=o. gIt ne lgtI Aa;4mo ma4e Î mInI4 faXvI 2e. jo v0are smy ma4e phele9I smy nkkI krel hoy tenu )yan ra`vu. no&0 levIKe Aa AeK sama@K p/s&g hoy, p&sd Krel kay$k/moma& grba, 0amI$K sa&Skuitk, gUp Aa;4m, ne p/a0aNy Aapvama& Aav=e. nih ke vhela te phela na 0or8e Ane smy mya$da jota Jo ËÒ seK&6 9I v0U 9ay to te kay$k/m ne Tya& J A4kavvama& Aav=e. te9I kay$k/m Ae mujb ps&d krvI. Aavu krva nu& kar8 ma{a Aa`a idvsno kay$k/m smysr ptavva na hetu9I Ane bIju k=&u nih. ììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììì

    Aopn SpIcAopn SpIcAopn SpIcAopn SpIc smy mya$da ma{a pa&c mInI4 rhe=e. tmara ma4e

    smy nkkI krva [aI muke=`{aI ne ta. ÊÊ AogQ4 phela no&0avvu. smaj na kay$ktaAo Aap8a smaj na AmUk loko no s&p$k kr=e. jeAo Ae potano AmULy smy smajnI seva ma4e faXvvo pD=e Ane sv$no shkar nI Apexa ra`IAe 2e. ììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììì

    Aes.ke.Ae holAes.ke.Ae holAes.ke.Ae holAes.ke.Ae hol Hol ma& je p/ek4I= krva ma&gta hoy ma{a [aI

    ==IkaNt Aa; `{aIno s&pk$ krvo. ììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììì

    ----aDe kpDaÝ3re8a lavna ma4eaDe kpDaÝ3re8a lavna ma4eaDe kpDaÝ3re8a lavna ma4eaDe kpDaÝ3re8a lavna ma4e rahtrahtrahtraht ÍÒ 4ka nI sbsIDI meXvI =kay, v0uma& v0u £ÉÒ su0I Ane te p8 r=Id Aapnar nej. ììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììì

    gItgItgItgIt ko; p8 gIt sIDIÝAar pr reko$D hovu j£rI 2e kar8ke sIDI Pleyr te dIvse calvanI ko; `a{aI n9I. ììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììì

    iv0a9I$iv0a9I$iv0a9I$iv0a9I$ je p8 iv0a9I$ Ae A levl ma& ÉÐ ke te9I v0U po;N4s meXvya hoy A9va ko; DIg/I meXvI hoy to [aI muke= `{aI no s&pk$ ;Ýme;l 9I krvo. [email protected] Aap8o smaj Ae tmam iv0a9I$ no sNman krva Aatur 2e jem8e potanI vaiqRk prIxama& wtm mak$9I pas 9ya 2e. ììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììì

  • 3

    viDlviDlviDlviDl JeAo puruq ÎÍ Ane S{aI ÎÒ vq$ na ke v0u hoy tenI ja8 [aI muke= `{aI ne krvI. Je9I Aa vDIlon&u sNman Aap8e teAone ful AapIne d=a$vIAe.

    Svym sevkSvym sevkSvym sevkSvym sevk Aa p/s&ge Aap8ne nvjuvan 2okraÝ2okrI AonI AenawNsmeN4 ma4e j£r 2e jeAo AavI mdd £p 9ay Ane Aa p/s&g sarI rIte paD paDvama& Amne shay 9ay. Ane ÐÝÉÎ vq$ na baXko jo;Ae 2e je Aap8&u raQ4gIt gay =ke. teAo na nam [aI -avIn. =a. `{aI ne ;Ýmel kre. [email protected] ììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììì

    iv0a9I$ ;nam ivtr8iv0a9I$ ;nam ivtr8iv0a9I$ ;nam ivtr8iv0a9I$ ;nam ivtr8 Je iv0a9I$ Ae levl AAAA A9va DIPloma pas kyR&u 2e temna nam Ane DIg/I 2apvam&a Aav=e. je p8 iv0a9I$ Ae Ae levl ma& ÉÐ ke te9I v0U po;N4s meXVya hoy A9va ko; DIg/I meXvI hoy teAon&u sNman Aa kay$k/mma& krvama& Aav=e. no&0 levI ke je iv0a9I$ lè It p/ma8 p{a Aap=e fKt teAonu j sNman 9=e.Aa ma4e [aI muke= `{aI no s&pk$ ;Ýme;l 9I krvo. [email protected] ììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììì

    dudududu‰`d Avsan`d Avsan`d Avsan`d Avsan Sv. m0usudn ;C2aram `{aI nu& Í jun =invar na& roj

    ÍÐ vQRa nI w&mre l&Dn mukame du‰`d Avsan 9yu& ht&u. Ame :¼rne Aemna AaTmanI =a&tI ma4e p/a9Rna krIAe 2IAe. ;¼r Aemna pirvarjno t9a im{aone Aa du‰`d Aa0at shn krvanI =ikt Aape. Sv. m0usudn ;C2aram `{aI na pirvar trF9I ÍÉ pawNDnu& dan mXva bdl Aes.ke.Ae. Aemno Aa-ar mane 2e. ìììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììì

    ÊÒÉÉ mhoTsvÊÒÉÉ mhoTsvÊÒÉÉ mhoTsvÊÒÉÉ mhoTsv Aavta vq$e mhoTsv nI tarI` Ì sP4eMbr ÊÒÉÉ Ane

    S9X b/eN4 4awn hol nKkI krvama& AaVyo 2e. ììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììì

    pu{a pu{aI jNmpu{a pu{aI jNmpu{a pu{aI jNmpu{a pu{aI jNm:AiAiAiAi----n&dnn&dnn&dnn&dn:AaAaAaAa----arararar [aImtI camIR Ane [aI jye= ik=or prmar ne pu{aI lIAanlIAanlIAanlIAanaaaa no jNm ta. ÉÈ jun ÊÈÉÈ 9yo 2e. [aImtI camIR Ane [aI jye= ik=or prmar trf9I s&S9anee £ÊÍ nI wdar _ae4 mXI je b¥l temno haidRk Aa-ar manIAe 2IAe. ììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììì

    lGnlGnlGnlGn:AiAiAiAi----n&dnn&dnn&dnn&dn:AaAaAaAa----arararar mIte=([aImtI h&saben Ane [aIman jyvdn rm8lal

    `{aI na supu{a) sa9e AartI ([aImtI ;&dIra t9a [aIman bIpIn rtn@ jmnadas, supu{aI ) na lGn ta.Î jun ÊÈÉÈ na& roj e l&Dn `ate 9ya 2e. Aes.ke.Ae. [aImtI h&saben Ane [aIman jyvdn rm8lal `{aI t9a [aImtI ;dIra t9a [aIman bIpIn rtn@

    jmnadas no tem8e Aapela £ÍÉ-£ÍÉ na& dan bdl Aa_aar mane 2e.

    pI&NkI ([aImtI c&d/Ikaben Ane [aIman dIlIp låm8 `{aI nI supu{aI) sa9e s&jy ([aImtI j=v&tI t9a [aIman 0Irjlal mgnlal goihl, supu{a ) na lGn ta. ÊÎ jun ÊÈÉÈ na& roj e l&Dn `ate 9ya 2e. Aes.ke.Ae. [aImtI c&d/Ikaben Ane [aIman dIlIp låm8 `{aI trf9I £ÍÉ t9a [aImtI j=v&tI t9a [aIman 0Irjlal mgnlal goihl trf9I £ÊÉ™ÊÍ nI wdar -e4 mXI te bdl Aapno Aa-ar mane 2e.

    dIna ([aImtI vI8a Ane [aIman nvIn jmnadas `{aI nI supu{aI) sa9e AmIt ([aImtI ;NdumtI t9a [aIman -rt @vn p4el, supu{a ) na lGn ta. ÉÏ julay ÊÈÉÈ na& roj e l&Dn `ate 9ya 2e. Aes.ke.Ae. [aImtI vI8a Ane [aIman nvIn jmnadas `{aI trf9I £ÉÍÉ t9a [aImtI ;NdumtI t9a [aIman -rt @vn p4el trf9I £ÍÉ nI wdar -e4 mXI te bdl Aapno Aa-ar mane 2e.

    jy ([aImtI dIpIka Ane [aIman 0IreN²/ =a&tIlal prmar supu{a) sa9e rIna ([aImtI vq$a t9a [aIman mukuNdray nvnItlal mLkan, supu{aI ) na lGn ta. ÉÏ julay ÊÈÉÈ na& roj e l&Dn `ate 9ya 2e. Aes.ke.Ae. [aImtI dIpIka Ane [aIman 0IreN²/ =a&tIlal prmar trf9I £ÍÉ t9a [aImtI vq$a t9a [aIman mukuNdray nvnItlal mlkan trf9I £ ÍÉ nI wdar -e4 mXI te bdl Aapno Aa-ar mane 2e.

    rvI ([aImtI klavtI Ane [aIman devIdas goiv&d bILlImorIAa supu{a) sa9e idpalI([aImtI nIla t9a [aIman ivjy Am/tlal kap6IAa, supu{aI ) na r@S4r lGn ta. É AogQ4 ÊÈÉÈ na& roj e l&Dn `ate 9ya 2e. Aes.ke.Ae. [aImtI klavtI Ane [aIman devIdas goiv&d bILlImorIAa trf9I £ÊÉ t9a [aImtI nIla t9a [aIman ivjy Am/tlal kap6IAa trf9I £ ÊÉ nI wdar -e4 mXI te bdl Aapno Aa-ar mane 2e.

    6enIylÝrvI ([aImtI b/IgI4a Ane [aIman wme= 5akorlal pokkavala supu{a) sa9e AnIta([aImtI ranI t9a [aIman s&toq ku=vah, supu{aI ) na lGn ta. Ð AogQ4 ÊÈÈÑ na& roj e Ao4ova, kene6a `ate 9ya hta. Taemna lGnnI p/9m AenIvsRrI inimte, [aImtI b/IgI4a Ane [aIman wme= 5akorlal pokkavala trf9I £ÍÉ t9a [aImtI ranI t9a [aIman s&toq ku=vah trf9I £ ÊÉ nI wdar -e4 mXI te bdl Aes.ke.Ae. Aapno Aa-ar mane 2e. ììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììì

    VaaiqRk samaNy sVaaiqRk samaNy sVaaiqRk samaNy sVaaiqRk samaNy s----aaaa Aa vqe$ vaiqRk samaNy s-a rivvar ta. ÊÌ AoK4obr ÊÈÉÈ Ane smy sa&je Ë-Ï vaGye ra`I 2e. s-ama& AavI tmara Ai-p/ayo Ane ivcaro Aapo. Jo ko: s_y ko: `as mu¥a pr ivcar krva ma&gta hoy te s&S9anasek/e4rI no s&pk$ ÌÐ klak phela kre. ììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììì

  • 4

    Annual General Meeting The AGM this year will be held on

    Sunday 24th October 2010 at the SKA Hall from 3pm to 7pm.


    It is with great sadness to announce that

    Mr Madhusudan Ichchharam Khatri passed away in London on 5th June 2010.

    He was only 57 years old.

    His entire family would like to thank everyone who paid their respects, sent messages of

    condolences and offered moral support during the difficult period of bereavement.

    Our prayers go out to their family and friends and pray that his soul rests in eternal peace.

    SKA would like to thank the family of the Late Madhusudan Khatri for their kind donation of £51.00

    Change of address

    Vikas Chauhan Harrow


    Beena & Nilesh Ramesh Patel Northwood Middlesex

    Pinki & Sanjay Gohil Pinner


    :veN4s DayrI:veN4s DayrI:veN4s DayrI:veN4s DayrI ko: p8 p/s&g :veN4 DayrI ma& muKavva ma4e p/iv8 =a&tIlal kapDIya no s&pk$ sa0vo. Aana il0e ANy s_yo temna p/s&gonu Aayojn krI be p/s&go-ega n 9ay tenI tkedarI l: =k=e. ììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììì

    ik/ke4 Ane wja8I idvsik/ke4 Ane wja8I idvsik/ke4 Ane wja8I idvsik/ke4 Ane wja8I idvs Aa vq$e ik/ke4 wja8I Ì jula: ÊÈÉÈ ma& 0 ivLf

    Slek Spo4$s g/awND yoja; htI. Aavq$ nI ik/ke4 Ane kbab pa4I$ ma& kul ÊÐÒ s_yo hajr hta. Ane Aap8e Ùbj srs vatavr8 ma& Aa pa4I$no la- lI0o. baXko ma4e mnor&jn nI suvI0a htI.

    km nsIbe ik/ke4 rmva èlaDIAo Ùbj Ao2a hta, je9I mec na rmay, p8 Amuk ik/ke4 p/emIAo Ae potanI rIte rmI mec rmvano Aan&d ma*yo.

    pevelIyn bar na S4afAe Ùb srs rIte pa;N4 pIrsyu& Ane Aa;Sk/Im nI gaDI p8 hajr htI Ae4le }aaitjnoAe Aeno Ùbj Aan&d maNyo hto.

    Ame }aaitjnono AaLkohol nih lava bdl Aa-ar manIye 2IAe Ane Aaj kar8e -ivQyma& p8 ik/ke4 g/awND sSta dre mX=e. je ko; }aaitjnone _aojn mo6e9I mâyu& htu& A9va jeAo _aojn9I s&tuQ4 na hta teAo pase xmayacna ma&gIAe 2IAe. ììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììì

    SkaySkaySkaySkay Ame 38a èd sa9e Aapne ja8 krIAe 2IAe ke

    Skay, Ae4le ke yuvk m&6Xne clavva ma4e ko; nvyuvano AagX na Aavta, b&0ar8ne AnusrI yuvk m&6X nu& ivsjRn krvama& AaVyu& 2e tenI }aaitjno no&0 le. ATyar su3I Skayne clavva ma4e je _aa; bheno Ae mdd krI 2e temno Aa_aar manvama& Aave 2e. Aa=a krIAe ke Aajna yuvano s&S9ane temna9I bnI =ke te shayta krta rhe=e. ììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììì To Achieve Your Dreams Remember Your ABC's Avoid negative sources, people, places, things and habits. Believe in yourself. Consider things from every angle.

    Don't give up and don't give in. Enjoy life today,

    yesterday is gone, tomorrow may never come. Family and friends are hidden treasures, seek them and enjoy their

    riches. Give more than you planned to.

    Hang on to your dreams. Ignore those who try to

    discourage you. Just do it. Keep trying no matter how hard it seems, it will get easier. Love yourself first and

    most. Make it happen. Never lie, cheat or steal, always strike a fair deal. Open your eyes and see things as they

    really are. Practice makes perfect. Quitters never win and

    winners never quit. Read, study and learn about everything important in your life.

    Stop procrastinating. Take control of your own destiny.

    Understand yourself in order to better understand others. Visualize it. Want it more than anything. Accelerate your

    efforts. You are unique of all God's creations, nothing can

    replace YOU. Zero in on your target and go for it!

  • 5

    50th Mahotsav update: The executive and sub-committee are busy organising the Mahotsav, from the catering, hall hire, programmes, invitations, floral tributes, costumes, raffles, trophies, stage, lighting, speeches, everything to make this Mahotsav a memorable one.

    As you are all probably aware, the Mahotsav will be held at the Grand Hall, Wembley Stadium Complex on the 3rd October 2010. The Mahotsav will be starting at 10.30am prompt with a break for snacks between 1-2pm, Indian tea around 4pm and the entertainment will finish around 7pm.Then onwards, the Grand Hall's bar will be open for you to purchase drinks. Thereafter vegetarian and non-vegetarian food will be served courtesy of SKA. The event will close at 10.00pm.

    Security: Wembley Stadium conducts a very strict entry code, members will have to go through a security check upon entering the stadium. As the stadium is spread over a vast area, entering the hall will take some time, so we urge all members to arrive by 9.30 am. This will allow ample time to make your way to the Grand Hall and settle into your seat.

    Parking: Following a breakdown in negotiations with stadium authorities, the committee have decided against using the stadium car park and opted for an alternative option further down the concourse. We advise all members to drop their families close to the stadium entrance and then park their vehicles at the designated car park. We also urge Car Pooling or Sharing to reduce number of car parking spaces used. Location map and permit of the car park will be sent with the invites. Each family bringing a car will be allocated a prepaid parking voucher. To restrict the amount of vehicles, the committee expect each vehicle to accommodate 5 family members. Those families with more than 5 members wishing to bring another vehicle will be issued with a second permit on request using the booking form.

    If you have unexpected overseas guess, then please inform us as soon as possible.

    This Mahotsav will be held on a RSVP bases only, therefore please fill out the form below, confirming members attending and parking voucher required. The deadline for reservations is 22nd August 2010.

    Programmes: If you wish to participate in the Mahotsav, please book early to avoid disappointment.

    Contact Jitendra Pravin Khatri on 07956 488155 or at [email protected] by 22nd August 2010. Please make sure you speak to Jitendra personally so there are no mis-understandings, missed messages, etc.

    We have allocated 25 programmes for the day. Please note that if it is a non-cultural event then you must have at least 4 participants. Please confirm the following details: Full names of all participants, Type of act (film dance, raas, etc), names of Song(s) and Film(s), Length of the act, Group leader's contact name, phone number and email address.

    The committee will decide the timing of performances, so please do not ask for changes. For mixed songs items, a maximum of 6 minutes will be allowed unless agreed beforehand. Please note that priority will be given to religious, cultural, garba and group items and not on first come first served basis. If on the day any event that exceeds 30 seconds beyond the given time is liable to be stopped. It is therefore essential that the correct time has been recorded for your performance. This is to ensure we finish the day’s events on time.

    Open speech: The time allocated for the Open speech during the Mahotsav will be 5 minutes for everyone. No extra time will be allowed. To book your slot, please contact Mukesh Khatri by 22nd August, 2010. In the coming weeks, our committee members will be contacting potential volunteers within our community to help on the day. We look forward to your support.

    SKA Hall hire: To hire the Hall for “practice ONLY” contact: Shashikant I Khatri

    Costume Hire Subsidy: 50% up to maximum of £10, but only if a receipt is provided.

  • 6

    Songs: Any songs recorded must be on a CD-R otherwise there is no guarantee that the CD player on the day will be able to play the songs.

    Students: Please contact the secretary Mukesh Khatri at [email protected] if you passed A-levels with 18 or more points, or have gained a degree.

    The Kshatriya Association are always keen to honour those in our community who have excelled in their academic studies.

    Retirees: Please contact the secretary Mukesh Khatri, if you have passed retirement age. (Men 65 years, Women 60 years). So that we can honour this milestone with a floral tribute (Phool Paan).

    Volunteers: We are looking for young and budding MC’s to help compere the event, we are also hoping to enlist 10 children between the ages of 8-16 years to sing the national anthem. Contact the President: Mr Bhavin Shantilal Khatri at [email protected]

    Educational Qualifications We will publishing names and qualifications of all those who have passed A level, diplomas, degrees or any higher qualifications. Those who reach the SKA recognised 18 points in A-levels or achieved a Degree will also receive a plaque at the Mahotsav or Diwali Party.

    Please note, only if the secretary has received written confirmation of passing of exams will the students be honoured. Contact the Secretary: Mukesh Khatri at [email protected]

    Mahendra Mohanlal Khatri London -India – London

    Hiral & Hinesh Mahendra Khatri London – California

    – London

    Shobhna & Mukesh Vallabhbhai Khatri with Rajiv &

    Priya London, Tokyo, Beijing, Xian, Hong Kong, London

    Falguni & Kamlesh Ratilal Motiram with Monica & Sanjay London – Mombasa, Kenya – London

    Rakhaben & Harendra Dhirajlal Khatri

    London – Egypt – London

    Dipti & Rajen Pravin Kapadia – London - Boston

    Welcome to London: From Houston, Texas Mr Laxmanbhai Harilal Kapadia Mrs Naina & Mr Chandrakant Laxmanbhai Kapadia

    Mr Ritesh Ramesh Kapadia From California USA Mrs Bharti Bhupendra Kalyan with Neema Mrs Jasvantiben & Mr Dhirajlal V Kapadia

    Mrs Meeta Raj Sindhu with Taj Mrs Saroj & Mr Mahendra Bhukhan

    Mrs Pinal & Mr Daven Mahendra Bhukhan Mrs Meena & Mr Dhirajlal Parmar with Shilpa

    Mrs Seema & Mr Jinesh Bhupendra Sutria

    Mrs Pramila Khatri From New Jersey, USA Mr Kirit Dhirajlal Kapadia NJ

    Mrs Devilaben Chunilal Govind

    Mrs Dipita Mukesh Khatri with Binish

    Mrs Purvi & Mr Bhupendra Sutaria - Louisania Mr Rajesh Mahendra Sutaria - Arizona Mrs Shila Vinod Khatri & Raj - Washington Mr Hitendra & Mr Hement Devidas Khatri – NJ, USA Mrs Chandrakala Mahendra Kapadia -Toronto Mrs Kanchanben & Mr Natvarlal Sutaria – Navsari, India Mrs Damyanti Purshottam with Joshila - Australia

    NOTE: Please inform the Editor of any visitors and guests you have from abroad so we can publish them in the newsletter for the benefit of our members.

    BBoonn VVooyyaaggee

    && WWeellccoommee

    The world is your mirror and your mind is a magnet What you perceive in this world is largely a reflection of your own attitudes and beliefs. Life will

    give you what you attract with your thoughts think, act and talk negatively and your world will be negative. Think and act and talk with enthusiasm and you will attract positive results.

  • 7


    Events Diary Weddings - Party’s - Functions

    2010 August 7 – Wedding – London Nishma Bharat Kapadia & Akit Mistry

    August 14 – Reception – London Bejal Khatri & Rinesh Patel

    August 15 – Register Marriage – London

    Shrina Navin Parmar & Mayur Anil Hazratwala August 21 – Wedding – London

    Shrina Navin Parmar & Mayur Anil Hazratwala August 22 – Wedding – London

    Bejal Deepak Khatri & Rinesh Mukesh Patel August 27 – Batero Party – London

    Shrina & Mayur Anil Hazratwala

    August 29 – Reception – London Shrina & Mayur Anil Hazratwala

    September 4 - Register Marriage - London

    Alpa Chandrakant Kapadia & Jiten Naresh Kapadia

    October 1 – Wedding Reception - London

    Sunita & Nilay Rameshchandra Kapadia October 3 – SKA 50th Mahotsav

    October 8-10, 15-17, 22 – Navratri

    October 24 – SKA Annual General Meeting

    November 13- Diwali & New Year Party November 27 – Wedding - London

    Dipali Vijay Kapadia & Ravi Devidas Billimoria November 28 – Reception - London

    Dipali & Ravi Devidas Billimoria – London

    2011 March 26 – Wedding & Reception - London

    Alpa Chandrakant Kapadia & Jiten Naresh Kapadia April 17 – Batero Party – London

    Alpa & Jiten Naresh Kapadia May 28 – Wedding– London

    Hina Vipin Tailor & Pritesh Harivadan Kabawala

    May 29 – Reception - Hina & Pritesh - London June 11 – Wedding & Reception – London

    Bhavini Sudhir Khatri & Kiran Kishor Parmar September 4 – SKA 51st Mahotsav Brent Town Hall Please see Events Diary Notes .

    Events Diary Please contact or email the editor ([email protected]) of any function you wish to put on this Events Diary which will be continually updated in future newsletters and on skauk.org website. This helps other members plan their function and avoid clashing of events.

    Social Evening The next social evening will be on Friday 3rd September 2010 Please inform Mr Bharat Vakharia by Thursday 2nd September 2010 at the latest if you are attending. This helps having the appropriate amount of food is available. For those who do not inform Bharatbhai in advance, there will be an additional surcharge of £5 per person for the food . From now on a maximum of 60 people will be allowed. Anyone calling after this number has been reached will be turned down. Call Bharat Vakharia

    New Baby Congratulations to

    Mrs Charmee & Mr Jayesh Kishore Parmar on the birth of their baby girl LIANA born on 10th June 2010

    SKA would like to thank Mr & Mrs Jayesh Parmar

    for their kind donation of £25.00

    Shree Kshatriya Youth Association UK - Dissolved It is with regret, we have to inform you, that the Shree Kshatriya Youth Association (SKY) has now been formally dissolved. There has been a lack of interest from the youth of our community to come forward and form a new committee. This has been a very long running issue and finally the inevitable has had to happen. SKA would like to thank all those who contributed to SKY from its inception. We now hope that the youth of our community will contribute their

    services to the growth of SKA.

  • 8


    Anniversary Congratulations to:

    DANIEL-RAVI son of Mrs. Brigitte & Mr Umesh Thakorlal Pokkawala

    and ANITA daughter of Mrs. Rani & Mr Santosh Kushwaha

    who were married last year on 8th August 2009 in Ottowa, Canada

    SKA would like to thank Mr & Mrs

    Umesh Thakorlal for their kind donation

    of £51.00 and to Mrs & Mrs

    Santosh Kushwaha for their kind

    donation of £21.00

    Registry Marriage Congratulations to: RAVI son of Mrs. Kalavati & Mr Devidas Govind Billimoria

    and DIPALI daughter of Mrs. Nila & Mr Vijay Amratlal Kapadia

    who were married on 1st August 2010 in London

    SKA would like to thank Mr & Mrs Devidas Billimoria

    for their kind donation of £21.00 and to

    Mrs & Mrs Vijay Kapadia

    for their kind donation of £21.00

    Wedding Congratulations to: MITESH son of Mrs. Hansaben &

    Mr Jaivadan Ramanlal Khatri and AARTI daughter of Mrs. Indira &

    Mr Beepin Ratanjee Jamnadas who were married on 6th June 2010 in London

    SKA would like to thank Mr & Mrs Jaivadan Khatri

    for their kind donation of £51.00 and to

    Mrs & Mrs Beepin Jamnadas

    for their kind donation of £51.00

  • 9

    Wedding Congratulations to:

    PINKI daughter of Mrs. Chandrikaben & Mr Dilip Laxmanbhai Khatri

    and SANJAY son of Mrs. Jaswanti & Mr Dhirajlal Maganlal Gohil

    who were married on 26th June 2010 in London

    SKA would like to thank Mr & Mrs Dilip Khatri

    for their kind donation of £51.00 and to

    Mrs & Mrs Dhirajlal Gohil for their kind

    donation of £21.25

    Wedding Congratulations to:

    DEENA daughter of Mrs. Veena & Mr Navin Jamnadas Khatri

    and ANIT son of Mrs. Indumati & Mr Bharat Jivan Patel who were married on

    17th July 2010 in London

    SKA would like to thank Mr & Mrs Navin Khatri

    for their kind donation of £151.00 and to

    Mrs & Mrs Bharat Patel for their

    kind donation of £51.00

    Wedding Congratulations to:

    JAI son of Mrs. Dipika & Mr Dhirendra Shantilal Parmar

    and REENA daughter of Mrs. Varsha & Mr Mukundrai Navnitlal Malkan

    who were married on 17th July 2010 in London

    SKA would like to thank Mr & Mrs

    Dhirendra Parmar for their kind

    donation of £51.00 and to

    Mrs & Mrs Mukundrai Malkan for their

    kind donation of £51.00

  • 10

    Cricket BBQ Party 2010 held on Sunday 4th July 2010 at: The Wilf Slack Sports Ground This year’s Cricket and Kebab Party was well attended with approximately 280 people in attendance. The community were blessed with gorgeous sunny weather, with temperatures soaring to almost 30 degrees!

    Once the newsletter came out announcing this event, over 280 places were filled in a matter of weeks. For many, this was obviously an event not to be missed.

    For children, entertainment there was a Bouncy Castle with two slides, which was a delight for youngsters who jumped around to their hearts content. Unfortunately there were not enough cricket players to warrant a proper cricket match but devoted members managed to put bat to ball and enjoyed themselves.

    The well stocked pavilion bar did a roaring trade, as staff managed to serve quantities of pints to the thirsty members. An Ice Cream Van attended to sell ice cream and lollies to help quench everyone thirst.

    We would also like to thank the community for adhering to the no alcohol policy, as a result of which we will continue to hire the grounds in the future at favourable rates.

    On the whole, most members had a great time. We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely apologise to any members who were dissatisfied with the delay and quality of the food.
