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Shrine - Shrine Membership Challenge Slideshow, Noble Barry J. Lipson, Membership Chair

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  • 8/10/2019 Shrine - Shrine Membership Challenge Slideshow, Noble Barry J. Lipson, Membership Chair




    Circa 2007

    A comprehensive Shrine Mem bership Program,

    chock full of novel and fun ideas that can work

    Noble Barry J. Lipson as Oriental Guide

  • 8/10/2019 Shrine - Shrine Membership Challenge Slideshow, Noble Barry J. Lipson, Membership Chair



    01 - This Evening we will be challenging you to excel!

    02 - For the Shrine to Survive & Prosper our #1 Commitment MUST be to Membership

  • 8/10/2019 Shrine - Shrine Membership Challenge Slideshow, Noble Barry J. Lipson, Membership Chair



    03 - And you can NOT expect to "leave it to the Membership Chair!"

    04 - EVERY Unit, Caravan, Club, Group and EACH individual Shriner must be an ACTIVEmember of the Membership Team.

  • 8/10/2019 Shrine - Shrine Membership Challenge Slideshow, Noble Barry J. Lipson, Membership Chair



    05-06-07-08-09 - Your Membership Chair is just your Conductor ................

  • 8/10/2019 Shrine - Shrine Membership Challenge Slideshow, Noble Barry J. Lipson, Membership Chair



    10 - You are the Team, the Membership Orchestra, each of whom must carefully manipulate yourinstruments and talents to make them work properly!

    11 - Shrine Membership is a 3-legged Stool ---- Fun....

  • 8/10/2019 Shrine - Shrine Membership Challenge Slideshow, Noble Barry J. Lipson, Membership Chair



    12 - Oops! Let's start again.

    13- Shrine Membership ---- is a 3-legged Stool

  • 8/10/2019 Shrine - Shrine Membership Challenge Slideshow, Noble Barry J. Lipson, Membership Chair



    14 - Fun,


    16 - and good work All of these legs are of extreme importance.

    17 - Brake or take away any one of these legs and the stool can not stand!

  • 8/10/2019 Shrine - Shrine Membership Challenge Slideshow, Noble Barry J. Lipson, Membership Chair



    18 - The first Leg is Fun --- Master Masons and potential Master Masons need your help to let theShrine Genie out of the Lamp.

    19 - If you just let them know theyll want to Whoop it up with us!

    20 - Play at our Circus ...

  • 8/10/2019 Shrine - Shrine Membership Challenge Slideshow, Noble Barry J. Lipson, Membership Chair



    21 - Clown around with the kids ...

    22 - Ride around in fun things on wheels ...

    23 - What wheels?

  • 8/10/2019 Shrine - Shrine Membership Challenge Slideshow, Noble Barry J. Lipson, Membership Chair



    24 - Oh, there they are!

    25 - And do all sorts of other strange -- fun -- things.

  • 8/10/2019 Shrine - Shrine Membership Challenge Slideshow, Noble Barry J. Lipson, Membership Chair



    26 - All symbolized for us by Fezhead Fred.

    27 - The second Leg is Fellowship --- We welcomed you with fellowship, AND WE WILL THEM!

    28 - In fellowship we drank to your health, AND WE WILL THEM!

  • 8/10/2019 Shrine - Shrine Membership Challenge Slideshow, Noble Barry J. Lipson, Membership Chair



    29 - We embraced your family in fellowship

    30 - and brotherly love , AND WE WILL THEIRS!

    31 - In fun & fellowship we play, , ,

  • 8/10/2019 Shrine - Shrine Membership Challenge Slideshow, Noble Barry J. Lipson, Membership Chair



    32 - sing,

    33 - ride,

    34 - march,

  • 8/10/2019 Shrine - Shrine Membership Challenge Slideshow, Noble Barry J. Lipson, Membership Chair



    35 - clown around,

    36 - "take to the hills,"

  • 8/10/2019 Shrine - Shrine Membership Challenge Slideshow, Noble Barry J. Lipson, Membership Chair



    37 - toast together, and much more, AND SO CAN THEY!

    38 - And we are all united in fellowship as Belly Masons!

    39 - The third leg is also MOST important, it is "Good Work" --- You gotta have heart and lookdeep into your heart!

  • 8/10/2019 Shrine - Shrine Membership Challenge Slideshow, Noble Barry J. Lipson, Membership Chair



    40 - And our heartfelt "Good Work" leg

    41 - goes out to crippled and burnt kids

    42 - through our support and outreach efforts

  • 8/10/2019 Shrine - Shrine Membership Challenge Slideshow, Noble Barry J. Lipson, Membership Chair



    43 - and through our Shrine Hospitals. It's all about kids!

    44 - Thus without any one of these three legs the Shrine stool falters and falls! However, this thirdleg, "Good Work," is all too often stressed too much over the carrots of the other two legs, or even

    solely singled out, when attempting to attract new Shriners, which, indeed, may prove to becounterproductive.

    45 - Who needs another "Hand in Pocket"? -- a potential Shriner may think. --

  • 8/10/2019 Shrine - Shrine Membership Challenge Slideshow, Noble Barry J. Lipson, Membership Chair



    46 -While he may be truly beguiled into joining by our running carrots of fun and fellowship. Butwho should I seek out as a potential new Noble?

    47 - Not little Stewie, of course, until he matures. - But worthy men from all walks of life,

    48 - be them associates of Donkeys

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    49 - or Elephants, be them 18 year old Master Masons

    50 - or Brother Gramdpa Simpsons. And don't forget your own family members, your Sons andGrandsons, your Dad, Grandfathers and Sons-in-Law, your nephews and uncles. I "raised" my ownfather,

  • 8/10/2019 Shrine - Shrine Membership Challenge Slideshow, Noble Barry J. Lipson, Membership Chair



    51 - and as you can see my two sons, Noble Steve and Noble Dave, are members of Syria. Perhapswe need a Dads & Sons Society here at Syria?

    52 - But you are not alone. Syria Membership is working to strenthen our Membership stool withadditional tools and bracings to aid you and to make your membership efforts really FUN! Thereour materials describing some of these programs being distributed, with important opportunitiesfor fun, fellowship and Leadership, which can also be found in the latest two issues of the Voice ofSyria. Future generations of Shriners may remember YOU as a guiding force behind one of thesenew initiatives.

  • 8/10/2019 Shrine - Shrine Membership Challenge Slideshow, Noble Barry J. Lipson, Membership Chair



    53 - First among equals is the Syria Sojourners. Now you too can answer the calls of IllustriousPotentate Bill McCarrier and Chief Rabban Ken Eastgate to actively work on behalf of our Shrine,while having the exhilarating experience of giving our Blue Lodge Brothers a real feel for theShrine, including its fun, fraternal, and helping children message, through an "in Lodge" taste ofShrine-type Ritual, by signing up to be one of the Syria Sojourners Thanks to dedicated fellowNobles, the script and rich musical accompaniment have been developed, two test performanceshave proven very successful, and a growing number of Blue Lodges are already requesting

    performances. So now all we need is you! There are acting and non-acting positions, such asPerformer, Ritualist, Narrator, Announcer, Producer, Director, Business Manager, Sound Guru,Publicity and Public Relations, and Wardrobe and Make-Up.

    54 - Next, "Have a Ball Answering the Call of the Syria SCOUTS!" If you are a member of aShrine Unit, Club or Group that sports

    55 - special attire,

  • 8/10/2019 Shrine - Shrine Membership Challenge Slideshow, Noble Barry J. Lipson, Membership Chair



    56 - dapper duds,

    57 - spiffy outfits,

    58 - fancy wear,

  • 8/10/2019 Shrine - Shrine Membership Challenge Slideshow, Noble Barry J. Lipson, Membership Chair



    59 - kilts,

    60 - or uniforms, you have it made!

    61 - As a member of the Syria SCOUTS you will have a ball being out there in your fancy attire,spreading the message of the Shrine to interested groups, public and private, social and service,Masonic and Non-Masonic, a picture being worth a thousand words. "Tell our story of good work,fun and fellowship, while enjoying the fun and fellowship of other Nobles who, like you, appreciate'Puttin' on the Ritz'." And we have a special opportunity for a special Shriner, probably a pastLeader of on of these "Fancy Dress Outfits," to step forward and have the fame and prestige ofbeing the Founding Honcho of this high visibility unit.

  • 8/10/2019 Shrine - Shrine Membership Challenge Slideshow, Noble Barry J. Lipson, Membership Chair



    62 -Answer the calls of Noble Uncle Sam, Illustrious Potentate Bill McCarrier, and Chief RabbanKen Eastgate. If you attend or agree to attend Blue Lodge regularly, and agree to wear yourCredentialed Lodge Deputy Badge proudly, keep your lodge up-to-date on Shrine happenings, andwork to increase the membership of your Lodge and the Shrine, these calls and this PrestigiousPosition are for you!

    63 - As an Illustrious Sir has advised: "We are proud of the manner in which a number ofShriners have stepped forward to be the active link between the Lodge and the Shrine," to beCredentialed Lodge Deputies! Keep this link strong, make a difference and answer these calls, beamong the elite few, be a Credentialed Lodge Deputy.

  • 8/10/2019 Shrine - Shrine Membership Challenge Slideshow, Noble Barry J. Lipson, Membership Chair



    64 - Join us tomorrow, Tuesday, October 2, 2007, at 7:00 PM Sharp, in the Syria Shrine CenterUNIT MEETING Room for an Important Meeting/Duty Call of the Deputy Unit. LEARN what'sNew, what We can do for Your Blue Lodge & what Your Lodge can do for Us.

    65 - If you are a Syria Ambassador,

    66- please give us your complete attention now.

  • 8/10/2019 Shrine - Shrine Membership Challenge Slideshow, Noble Barry J. Lipson, Membership Chair



    67 - We are nearing the final tabulation and formation of Ambassadorial Recruitment, Retention,Renewal and Mentoring Teams, to spread the important Shrine message of "good work, fun and

    fellowship." As you know, the job of an Ambassador is to travel throughout the Oasis "makingfriends and helping to achieve the goals and to implement the initiatives" of the Shrine. Youparticipation on an Ambassadorial Recruitment, Retention, Renewal or Mentoring Team is aperfect way to do this and is of prime importance to your Shrine. We seriously need you toaffirmatively spread this important message of the Shrine to the Blue Lodges and to potential BlueLodge Brothers; to keep this message firmly planted in the hearts and minds of all the Nobility; torekindling this message in the hearts and minds of former and delinquent Nobles; and to educateour new Nobles in the true meaning of this message and in the inner workings of the Shrine. Wealso need you to step forward now and agree to Chair one of these important Teams.

    68 - Past Masters, Ahoy! Have you docked at the Knights of Mecca yet? Through the Knights ofMecca, the Shrine's exclusive Past Masters Club, our Great Fraternity and you can explore thedepths of the store of knowledge of a multitude of Past Masters from Blue Lodges throughout theOasis of Pittsburgh and beyond, to the benefit of all Masonry. To sail smoothly through these vastresources, maintain your dedication and contributions to the Craft, and continue your Masonicjourney accompanied by other dedicated Brothers who have served like you in the East, you need

  • 8/10/2019 Shrine - Shrine Membership Challenge Slideshow, Noble Barry J. Lipson, Membership Chair



    to join the Knights of Mecca. But even if you are already a Knight of Mecca, your obligations inthese areas to the Knights of Mecca, the Shrine and your Blue Lodge have not yet been fulfilledunless you have personally encouraged other dedicated Past Masters to share their Masonicknowledge, experience and wisdom by journeying with you and joining the Knights of Mecca,including the 2006 Worshipful Master of your Lodge, and all Worshipful Masters from prior years,even if they are not yet Shriners. SHRINE PETITIONS ARE READILY AVAILABLE. Then too,have you offered to assist your 2007 Worshipful Master in maintaining his dedication to the Craftand continuing his Masonic journey, and to do so in the company of other dedicated Past Masters,

    through his affiliation in 2008 with Syria Shrine and the Knights of Mecca?

    69 - The Masonic Happenings Newsletter, wouldn't you like to pick this up and know just aboutevery thing that was happening Masonically in the Oasis of Pittsburgh?

  • 8/10/2019 Shrine - Shrine Membership Challenge Slideshow, Noble Barry J. Lipson, Membership Chair



    70 - Is the Canadian Royal Mounted Police Masonic Degree Team exemplifying a Third Degree inNew Castle? Is there a $5.00 Lobster Dinner at Chapter in Rochester? Is Brother John Glennspeaking at Scottish Rite in Uniontown? Well, I know that at least one of these events has happenedand most Nobles and Brothers knew nothing about it. We feel that sponsoring such a publicationwould certainly bring recognition and new members to Syria and are looking for an Editor toundertake the planning and implementation of this ambitious project. Are you game?

    71 - There is also a great opportunity coming up this month. In addition to signing-up for on of theprojects already discussed, please donate a couple of hours staffing the Syria's MasonicMembership Trailer at Syria's Second Annual Haunted House, which opens Friday, October 5,2007.. You'll be right in the midst of all the fun and "spooktivities." There are Syria MembershipTrailer sign-up forms on the back tables for you to choose your dates.

  • 8/10/2019 Shrine - Shrine Membership Challenge Slideshow, Noble Barry J. Lipson, Membership Chair

