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Shrm conference @ grand hyatt goa 21 22 september

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SHRM Unconference @ Grand Hyatt Goa 21-22 September 2012 (Hi hli ht f th S i ) (Highlights of the Sessions)
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SHRM Unconference @ Grand Hyatt Goa 21-22 September 2012 (Hi hli ht f th S i )(Highlights of the Sessions)

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Enterprise of Tomorrow by Curt Coffman(Co-Author of #1bestseller “1st Break All The Rules)(Co Author of #1bestseller 1 Break All The Rules)

• Future Organizations will survive on their “Culture” as Competitive Advantage.g p g• “Training is for Pets, Development is for People”. Knowledge, Skills can be taughtnot Talent. Each person has unique set of Talents.

• “People are not company’s greatest assets but Right People are”TRADITIONAL APPROACH OF APPRAISALS F h th t C ti gTRADITIONAL APPROACH OF APPRAISALS: Focus on who they are not. Creating aJob Profile and put a person to fit that role.NEW APPROACH: Focus on who they are. Change the roles that fit to the individualperson’s strengths e.g. Google’s Culture can’t be copied.

• “Don’t waste time trying to put in what was left out. Try to draw out what was left in”• Every Managers' job is to make everybody working under him productive individual,even if it requires firing the person from the job.

• No 1 driver for motivating people is the Purpose of any Job; What the Job Stands• No.1 driver for motivating people is the Purpose of any Job; What the Job StandsFor.HR must communicate how the job is purposeful & is serving a larger goal.

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• Organizations prime objective is Acquisition & Retention of Customers. So HR hasto put forth the HR interventions/HR Policies around the objective.

• Feeling of Empathy amongst employees is the greatest bridge to avoid bad bloodwithin the company. Traditional view is if attached emotionally to subordinates theywon’t perform/become lethargic. Empathy shows concern, care & respect forindividual. (Lighter Note Manager says "You are fired but I still Love You”)

• There will be non-performers. Present Appraisal Process focus on fixingweaknesses Great Managers assess & encourage building on what people canweaknesses. Great Managers assess & encourage building on what people canalready do well. They compensate for or manage around weaknesses.

• Unhappy @ Workplace<===impacts===>Unhappy @ Home

• Now Organizations cannot guarantee job security/lifetime employment But HR can• Now Organizations cannot guarantee job security/lifetime employment But HR cancontribute through developing people thereby offer Lifetime Employability.

• “Helping people become more of who they already are” focusing on individualstrengths. Creating HEORES in every role”

• Future HR shall emphasize more on Measuring Outcomes not measuring theactions/paths (KPAs/KPIs) to achieve the outcomes.

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Quote UnquoteQuote Unquote

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CEOs in the ArenaCEOs were sitting amongst the HR audience and were asked questions

Questions Asked Replies by CEOs• In bad times (e.g., recession) co’s must firepeople or invest more in them?

• Must be the last option. Making peopleunderstand how business runs and reasonsfor reducing fat.

• Letting go people is difficult task. Itti l bilit t hi Rightquestions employers ability to hire Right

People.• When Cost Cutting is not a strategy but animperative then such decisions are taken.

• Such decisions shows difference between

• Why always HR called to do the task ofterminating people?

• Such decisions shows difference between20-20 Match CEOs and One Day MatchCEOs.

• HR represents employers view.• Many co’s make a task force includingg

• Is HR given priority in Board Room likeother departments?

Many co s make a task force includingpeople from other departments for suchsensitive issue.

• Depends on passion of HR person as aprofessional & ability to convince thepboard that HR is also a specializedfunction.

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CEOs in the ArenaCEOs were sitting amongst the HR audience and were asked questions

Questions Asked Replies by CEOs• Is HR being treated as a VICTIM? • In many co’s HR does the role of

implementer of Mgmt. decisions. But HRmust advise about the pros & cons andconvince CEOs to take unbiased decisions.

• HR is weak when unable to convince CEOsthe intangible, long term benefits of bestHR practices and how it affects thefinances.

• It is also the responsibility of CEOs tosupport HR if it adds value in any way.

• Why HR doesn’t get same importance &respect as other departments in co’s?

pp y y• If HR adds value and contributes to the co’sprofits they will gain importance & earnrespect automatically.

• HR must keep updated CEOs about theimpact even though small made each dayimpact even though small made each dayby HR people rather than only discussingimportant & urgent strategies and policies.

• HR must convince CEOs that everyemployee is an “Appreciating Asset” andinvesting in people reduces cost as eachinvesting in people reduces cost as eachdeveloped employee automatically createsanother developed employee for future.

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Leveraging Social Media in HRLeveraging Social Media in HR

• Co’s started Recruitments through Facebook,Twitter, LinkedIn.Li k dI ll h f tiLinkedIn allows searches of prospectivecandidates if included in your circles but in twitterthere are no such restrictions as you can connectwith anybody.

• Podcasts relating to developing specific skills/jobsare posted on companies intranet. Employees canhear them while commuting/unproductive hours.

• More companies using Private Social Network Platforms like Chatter &Yammer for getting feedback from employees on daily basis.Eg. Howmany employees feel happy, how they wish to improve their growth in thecompany, employees collaborate to find solutions on real time,coordination between depts on real time etc

• Software to recruit through mobile phones saving downtime. e.g.Prospective candidates apply online & take the tests. Results areimmediately prepared by software based on different categories (e.g.

coordination between depts. on real time etc.

experience wise, score wise, skills etc.)and provides recruiters withshortlisted data. The data can be viewed by the panel simultaneouslyand giving consensus online for final selection of candidates.

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