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SHRM India - Archived Webinar - Multigenerational Diversity in the Indian Workforce

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Diversity and Inclusion initiatives in India have primarily focused on bridging gender differences. However, given India’s large demographic dividend the younger, technologically savvy workforce is rapidly changing the way organisations communicate, engage and develop talent. Organisational success will increasingly depend on the ability to leverage the strengths of multiple generations in the workforce, in a manner that leads to collaboration and increased knowledge sharing - resulting in innovation and value creation for both, individuals and the organisation. Join our Subject Matter Experts in this webinar to learn more about the following: - Overview of Generations in the workplace - Global & Indian context - Key challenges and opportunities - Key initiatives for managing generational diversity - Evaluating the impact of multigenerational diversity initiatives - What next?
All materials are Copyrighted 2012 by Strategic Human Resources Management India, Pvt. Ltd. or Society for Human Resource Management unless otherwise expressly noted. All rights expressly reserved. Webinar on “Leveraging Multigenerational Diversity in the Workforce” 17 th October, 2012
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All materials are Copyrighted 2012 by Strategic Human Resources Management India, Pvt. Ltd. or Society for Human Resource Management unless otherwise expressly noted. All rights expressly reserved.

Webinar on “Leveraging Multigenerational Diversity in the Workforce”

17th October, 2012

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1. Nirmala Menon-- Overview of Generations in the workplace - Global &

Indian context

2. Tanusree Mazumdar-- Key challenges and opportunities-- Key initiatives for managing generational diversity-- Evaluation of Multi Gen Diversity

3. Nirmala Menon-- The way Forward

4. Question & Answer SessionSlide 2

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What is a generation?

A group of employees that have similarities in their core values, lifestyle, history, and attitudes – Each of these generations has its own common set

of social & historical events that have helped shape their personal outlook, aspirations, and world views

– Each of these generations approach work and career in different ways based on their common approaches, ideas, and values

(Lancaster & Stillman, 2002)

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Which generation said this?

"The young people of today think of nothing but themselves. They have no reverence for parents or old age. They are impatient of all restraint. They talk as if they alone knew everything and what passes for wisdom with us is foolishness with them. As for girls, they are forward, immodest and unwomanly in speech, behaviour and dress.”

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Why are businesses interested?Why is it relevant today?

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Traditionalist Gen X Gen Y

1950 -1965 1965 -1980 1980 - 1995

Generational cohorts in Corporate India

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Generational cohorts

Stability*Financial securityStable Govt. jobs preferred*Hard work = success*Patient & loyal*Conservative

*Regulation. Protectionism*Food sufficiency*Political instability –emergency, assassination*Expansion of telecom*Birth of IT

Gen X (‘66 – ’80)

*Independence/Partition*Socialist eco model*Shortage of food*Wars around borders*Social reforms*Green revolution

Gen Y (‘81 – ’00)

*Liberalization*Credit cards*IT boom*Access to technology*Growing middle class*Dual income families

*Optimistic. Confident*Tech savvy*Entrepreneurial*IdealisticChallenging status quo*Breakdown of hierarchies

Traditionalist (‘50-’65)

*Optimism*Preference -private firmsGrowing consumerismJob change more frequent*Believed in Institutionsbut ready to question*Success – going abroad

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1. Nirmala Menon-- Overview of Generations in the workplace - Global &

Indian context

2. Tanusree Mazumdar-- Key challenges and opportunities-- Key initiatives for managing generational diversity-- Evaluation of Multi Gen Diversity

3. Nirmala Menon-- The way Forward

4. Question & Answer Session

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Challenges and opportunities of Multigenerational Diversity

Who, What, When, Where

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Challenges and Opportunities Co exist

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Typical Conversations at Work!

Anil “How was your weekend?

Rohit “it was just Great! Was a good gaming weekend”!

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How do I deal with it? Is it here to stay or a flash in the pan?

Multitude of Emotions …..Careers

Organization Design & Structures

Psychological Contract is it changing??

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Opportunities & Challenges

Organizational Level

Team Level

Individual Level

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Initiatives to build Multi Gen Diversity

• Changing nature of psychological contract

• Redesign career• Leverage generational sagacity

Organizational level

• Sensitization programs • Dialogues and conversations• Reverse mentoring & mentoring Team Level

• Demonstrate willingness and openness to embrace multi gen

• Work with a coach to become aware of biases and mindsets at play

Individual Level

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Evaluation of Multi Gen Diversity

Evaluation of Multi gen reminds me of a wise man’s saying “It is like sowing seeds and checking on the growth of the seed to a sapling everyday

and sometimes in haste even uprooting the sampling”

Evaluation and Metrics go hand in hand and organizations need metrics to quantify and qualify the outcome and sometimes in areas like Multi gen Diversity, and Diversity it becomes nebulous

Some metrics that are found useful

- Quantitative: Coverage of Career conversations, reverse mentoring and mentoring and sensitization workshops conducted

- Qualitative: Take note of emergent themes

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1. Nirmala Menon-- Overview of Generations in the workplace - Global &

Indian context

2. Tanusree Mazumdar-- Key challenges and opportunities-- Key initiatives for managing generational diversity-- Evaluation of Multi Gen Diversity

3. Nirmala Menon-- The way Forward

4. Question & Answer SessionSlide Slide 21

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The way forward…

What do we really want?What can we learn from Gen Y?

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Challenges? Different perspectives?

Sense of entitlement. Question everything

Low acceptance of hierarchy. Informal. Equality oriented

Work “On the go”. Technology is liberating! Multitask

Life is more than work. Work - fun, flexible & seamless

Most educated. Want meaningful/fulfilling work. Idealistic

Change - new “Normal”. Experimental with life and career

– Leverage their comfort with teams, technology & change

– Provide structure, leadership and guidance

– Encourage the "can-do" attitude & positive self-image

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The Bottom-line!Not responsible for our Generational background. We all need to learn how to get along!

All people want only to:- Belong, Valued and Respected - Have trustworthy and fair leaders - Make meaningful contributions - And recognised for it

So!“Managing” diversity is simply managing well in general!!

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Do visit the SHRM India Microsite on Multigenerational Diversity


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