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This paper is included in the Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC ’14). June 18–20, 2014 • Philadelphia, PA ISBN 978-1-931971-11-9 Open access to the Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC ’14) is sponsored by USENIX. ShuttleDB: Database-Aware Elasticity in the Cloud Sean Barker, University of Massachusetts Amherst; Yun Chi, Square Inc.; Hakan Hacıgümüş, NEC Laboratories America; Prashant Shenoy and Emmanuel Cecchet, University of Massachusetts Amherst https://www.usenix.org/conference/icac14/technical-sessions/presentation/barker
Page 1: ShuttleDB: Database-Aware Elasticity in the Cloud · cloud elasticity mechanisms such as VM migration or VM replication (e.g., Amazon’s auto-scaling [2]), the approach does not

This paper is included in the Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC ’14).

June 18–20, 2014 • Philadelphia, PA

ISBN 978-1-931971-11-9

Open access to the Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC ’14)

is sponsored by USENIX.

ShuttleDB: Database-Aware Elasticity in the CloudSean Barker, University of Massachusetts Amherst; Yun Chi, Square Inc.;

Hakan Hacıgümüş, NEC Laboratories America; Prashant Shenoy and Emmanuel Cecchet, University of Massachusetts Amherst


Page 2: ShuttleDB: Database-Aware Elasticity in the Cloud · cloud elasticity mechanisms such as VM migration or VM replication (e.g., Amazon’s auto-scaling [2]), the approach does not

USENIX Association 11th International Conference on Autonomic Computing 33

ShuttleDB: Database-Aware Elasticity in the Cloud

Sean Barker 1∗, Yun Chi 2∗, Hakan Hacıgumus 3, Prashant Shenoy 1, Emmanuel Cecchet 1

1School of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, Massachusetts, USA{sbarker,shenoy,cecchet}@cs.umass.edu

2Square Inc., San Francisco, California, [email protected]

3NEC Laboratories America, Cupertino, California, [email protected]

AbstractMotivated by the growing popularity of database-as-a-service clouds, this paper presents ShuttleDB, a holis-tic approach enabling flexible, automated elasticity ofdatabase tenants in the cloud. We first propose adatabase-aware live migration and replication methoddesigned to work with off-the-shelf databases withoutany database engine modifications. We then combinethese database-aware techniques with VM-level mech-anisms to implement a flexible elasticity approach thatcan achieve efficient scale up, scale out, or scale back fordiverse tenants with fluctuating workloads. Our experi-mental evaluation of the ShuttleDB prototype shows thatby applying migration and replication techniques at thetenant level, automated elasticity can be achieved bothintra- and inter-datacenter in a database agnostic way.We further show that ShuttleDB can reduce the time anddata transfer needed for elasticity by 80% or more com-pared to tenant-oblivious approaches.

1 Introduction

In recent years, online applications have increasingly mi-grated to cloud platforms, which use data centers to pro-vide computing and storage resources to these applica-tions. Databases are no exception to this trend, and manyservices have been built on the idea of the “databasecloud.” Examples include Amazon RDS [1] and GoogleCloud SQL [19], which expose cloud-based relationaldatabases to client applications, and Salesforce, whichemploys a shared database used by many independentcustomers. There are numerous advantages to the cloud-based model, such as the pay-as-you-go model, whereresources are billed and paid for on a fine-grain usagebasis, and flexible resource allocation, where computing

∗This work was performed while the author was at NEC Labs Amer-ica. This research was supported in part by NSF grant CNS-1117221and a gift from NEC Labs America.



Dedicated Capacity

Elastic LoadShifting

Dedicated Resource Usage


Dedicated Resource Usage




Dedicated Capacity(a) (b)

Figure 1: Provisioning for peak demand (left) may result inlower utilization and higher costs versus an elastic approach(right) requiring fewer dedicated resources.

and storage can be dynamically increased or decreasedbased on an application’s changing workload needs.

The key to realizing many of these benefits is elasticity– the ability of the cloud platform to adjust an applica-tion’s resource allotment on the fly when responding tolong-term workload growth, seasonal variations, or sud-den load spikes. Since workload peaks tend to be tran-sient in nature, a priori static provisioning for the peak re-sults in substantial waste as resources sit unused at non-peak times—typical server utilization in real data centershas been estimated at only 5-20% [4]. An example of thisissue is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1(a) shows an exam-ple workload serviced by traditional dedicated resources.However, if the system is elastic, as shown in Figure 1(b),we can simply shift load to a new server during peak de-mand, and thus reduce the dedicated resources needed toservice the workload.

Database Elasticity. Despite their widespread use,databases present some of the greatest difficulties in sup-porting elasticity. These difficulties largely stem fromthe specific requirements of relational databases, such astransactions and ACID compliance, and have led someto label the SQL database as the “Achilles heel of cloudelasticity” [20]. While most modern databases supportclustering and replication (e.g., products such as MySQLCluster), these systems are seldom designed to dynami-cally grow or shrink, and often introduce configuration,


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management, or performance overhead [15].While it is possible to encapsulate databases into vir-

tual machine containers and use “standard” VM-basedcloud elasticity mechanisms such as VM migration orVM replication (e.g., Amazon’s auto-scaling [2]), theapproach does not work well for many database cloudscenarios. For example, shared hosting scenarios (e.g.,Salesforce cloud) are designed to collocate large num-bers of (small) database tenants on single servers, whichis not well suited to a VM-per-tenant elasticity model. Ifmultiple tenants share single VMs to counteract the im-pact of hosting many VMs, then elasticity of the serveris limited when using VM-level techniques, since in-dividual tenants can no longer be migrated or repli-cated. VM-level mechanisms may also be unnecessar-ily heavyweight [24] for a “standard” application suchas a database server that may not require significant cus-tomization of the underlying system.

Alternatives to VM-based black-box elasticity fordatabases include NoSQL systems (e.g., key-value storessuch as BigTable [10] or Dynamo [16]), or augment-ing the database engine itself to support elasticity (e.g.,Zephyr [18], Albatross [14], and RemusDB [23]). How-ever, these approaches introduce significant added com-plexity within the database itself and may change thebehavior observed by client applications (e.g., the pos-sibility of transaction failures during migrations [18]).In some ways, however, multitenant databases are wellsuited to application-level elasticity; for example, eachdatabase tenant may be viewed as a lightweight con-tainer, in the same way that a single VM is the unit ofelasticity in VM migration.

Ideally, database elasticity should be based on migra-tion and replication—like VM elasticity—and be trans-parent to the application and database engine, just as VMelasticity is transparent to the application and the OS.

Contributions. In this paper, we present ShuttleDB, aflexible system combining virtual machine elasticity withlower-level, database-aware elasticity to provide efficientdatabase elasticity both within and across cloud data cen-ters. Our primary contributions are threefold:

1. We examine the dichotomy between high-levelVM migration and low-level DB-aware migration to de-cide when each approach is more appropriate. In par-ticular, we identify two primary system dimensions de-termining what type of elasticity is appropriate—tenanttype/size (i.e., collocated vs dedicated) and network type(i.e., LAN vs WAN). On this basis, for each database ten-ant that requires to be elastically scaled, ShuttleDB de-termines (a) whether to use high-level VM elasticity orlow-level DB-aware elasticity, and (b) whether to scaleup, scale out or scale back.

2. We present a specific technique for database-awarelive migration, allowing migration of individual database

tenants among servers without incurring the full cost ofvirtual machine migration. In contrast to most existingwork, our technique requires no changes to the databaseengine, relying only on the presence of standard hotbackup tools, and can be done live without any databasedown time. Additionally, performance optimizations en-able efficient operation across wide-area networks.

3. We present a prototype implementation of Shut-tleDB as a elasticity middleware that uses an off-the-shelf DBMS and virtualization platform. We empiricallyevaluate our system and demonstrate that it automaticallyachieves efficient elasticity under a variety of systemconditions. In particular, we find that it provides tenantmigration with minimal client workload delays and canreduce the time and data transfer needed for elasticity by80% or more compared to tenant-oblivious approaches.

2 Database Clouds and Elasticity

Database Clouds. We assume the environment of acloud providing a “database as a service” to its cus-tomers. In a database cloud, each customer rents adatabase from the cloud and manages it as a normal rela-tional database, while the cloud is responsible for ensur-ing high performance. In particular, we assume that thecloud has a pool of physical, virtualized servers spreadacross one or more data centers. Each server houses oneor more virtual machines (VMs), and each VM in turnhouses one or more database tenants. In our work, a ten-ant is defined simply as an independent consumer of re-sources — most likely a single user or customer servic-ing a particular application. Multiple tenants may resideon individual servers so as to maximize server utilizationand minimize hardware costs.

Small tenants (those with little data and/or small work-loads) may be co-located within a single VM to avoid in-curring the memory overhead of housing many VMs withindividual OSes. Within a VM, all collocated tenantsare assumed to share the same database process, whichhas been advocated in order to maximize resource shar-ing [13]. As a illustrative example, we executed a simpleworkload across 10 tenants on a server, first sharing aninstance between all tenants (single-process), then with10 separate processes with equal resource shares (multi-process). Transaction latencies as we scale the aggregateworkload in both cases are shown in Figure 2. As theserver becomes heavily loaded, we see that the multi-process model quickly falls behind, eventually showing3x higher latency than the single-process model.

Large tenants, on the other hand, are housed in a ded-icated virtual machine, which enables them to use all ofthe CPU and storage resources allocated to the VM. Thismodel is analogous to EC2 compute clouds or sharedhosting scenarios such as Salesforce [26].


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USENIX Association 11th International Conference on Autonomic Computing 35







1 2 3 4 5 6

Txn Latency (ms)

Aggregate Load Factor

Single ProcessMultiple Processes

Figure 2: Single-process multitenancy outperforms multi-process multitenancy under load.

Tenant workloads are dynamic and can exhibit tempo-ral variations or sudden spikes. In response to such vari-ations, an important function of the cloud is to elasticallyscale the resources available to tenants. The mechanismsfor providing this elasticity can be divided into two pri-mary categories: VM-level or database-level approaches.

VM-level mechanisms: In the simplest case, whena tenant is about to experience an overload, its virtualmachine can be migrated to a larger physical server andthe VM can be allocated additional resources as needed.Such VM migration can be performed on-demand, trans-parently, and without noticeable downtime [11]. Al-though widely supported by virtualization platforms,however, VM migration is is wasteful for small tenants.Since many small tenants share a single virtual machine,moving the underlying VM and its disk moves all resi-dent tenants, even if only one tenant is experiencing theincreased workload. The simplicity of VM migrationis, however, useful for large tenants housed in dedicatedVMs – in this case, although the migration moves boththe OS and the database, the extra overhead of movingthe OS state gets increasingly amortized as the databasesize grows. VM mechanisms may also be used to repli-cate tenants onto different servers. In this case, a snap-shot of the virtual machine disk is taken and copied overto the new server, which is started as a new VM instancecontaining a replica of the tenant Scale out via replica-tion is best suited for large database tenants where thecapacity required to service the tenant workload exceedsthat of a single physical server.

Despite the simplicity and application-agnostic natureof VM-level elasticity, the VM-based approach is notwithout drawbacks. First, since VM migration and repli-cation are black-box techniques, we cannot exploit use-ful application-specific properties, such as the presenceof a database query log (which allows for query ship-ping instead of only data shipping as done in VM mi-gration). Second, since most VM migration designs as-sume a shared, network-attached storage system, the tar-get scenario is shipping memory state rather than diskstate as in a database. Recent versions of Xen supportmigration of both VM memory and disk state in shared-

Dedicated Tenant Colo Tenant(large) (small)

LAN scale-up VM migrate DB migrateLAN scale-out DB or VM replicateWAN scale-up DB migrate DB migrateWAN scale-out DB replicate

Table 1: Elasticity mechanisms in ShuttleDB are intelligentlychosen on tenant size and network characteristics.

nothing servers, but this still assumes a LAN environ-ment. WAN-oriented extensions to VM migration havebeen proposed [29] but are not yet natively supported byoff-the-shelf VM platforms.

Database-level mechanisms: A different approach isto implement elasticity at the application (i.e., database)level. Many such systems have been previously pro-posed [14, 18, 23], but operate largely by modifyingthe internals of the database itself. Such modificationscomplicate usage by end-users, as the operational guar-antees of the database may change—e.g., the possibil-ity of unpredictable transaction failures during migrationin [14]. To be practical, database enhancement shouldretain transactional (ACID) semantics when implement-ing migration. Similarly, traditional master-slave repli-cation allows us to implement a basic form of scale-out elasticity by adding or removing slave instances.However, many replication environments are oriented to-wards heavily manual configuration, and simply movinga database to a new server without downtime often in-volves more overhead than necessary if using replication.

Database-level elasticity has several advantages whenused in cloud environments. Since replication and migra-tion can be performed on a per-tenant basis, it is particu-larly useful for small tenants that share a virtual machine(as overloaded tenants can be individually migrated). Forlarge tenants, these differences are less important and thebenefits of database-level elasticity may not outweigh thedownsides of added complexity. For cross-data centerWAN elasticity, however, database-level mechanisms arestill preferable due to the current limitations of VM-levelmechanisms over WAN migration.

ShuttleDB approach. From the previous discussion,it follows that neither VM-level nor database-level elas-ticity works well in all scenarios. Consequently, Shut-tleDB incorporates both VM-level and DB-level elas-ticity and automatically chooses the “best” elasticitymechanism for each elastic operation on a given tenant(e.g, VM-level or DB-level, and scale-out or scale-up).In addition, ShuttleDB provides its own technique fordatabase live migration that does not require any modifi-cation to the internals of a database and works with mostoff-the-shelf database platforms. We also show how thisapproach can be used to implement database replicationin multi-tenant master-slave settings.


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The ShuttleDB approach is summarized in Table 1.For small, co-located tenants within a VM, scale up is thebest elasticity option, since tenant requirements are lessthan the capacity of a single server. Further, database-level mechanisms are more efficient since they enablea single tenant to be migrated independently of others,while a VM-level mechanism would need to move theentire VM and all resident tenants. For large dedicatedtenants, the choice depends on other factors. If the ten-ant is still smaller than a single machine, scaling up bymigration to a larger machine is a feasible option. Withina LAN, VM migration is the simplest approach. Whenthe tenant requirements exceed the capacity of a singleserver, it must be scaled out by replicating onto multiplemachines. Within a LAN, this can be achieved by ei-ther VM- or DB-replication. Across cloud data centers,however, DB-level migration or replication is preferableto VM-level mechanisms, due to the premium placed onbandwidth usage in such scenarios.

3 Database-Aware Elasticity

Elasticity requires both migration for scaling up andreplication for scaling out. Replication is actually a spe-cific case of migration where the original database doesnot have to be stopped at the end of migration. Virtualmachine migration is built-in to modern hypervisors, andas such is relatively simple to employ. Database-awaremigration, on the other hand, is not part of off-the-shelfDBMSes. To address this issue, ShuttleDB provides itsown database migration technique, which also serves asthe building block for replication elasticity. Our tech-nique draws inspiration from live VM migration [11] anddatabase migration [6] methods, but has important dif-ferences from both. While VM migration uses “blackbox” data shipping to transfer state to the target machine,our DB migration technique combines query log ship-ping and data shipping for greater efficiency. “Process-level” techniques used in previous work such as [6] mi-grate all database state managed by a database serverprocess, while our method can perform “tenant-level”migration where individual tenant databases within adatabase server can be live migrated. ShuttleDB’s elas-ticity protocol is ‘live’, with minimal downtime regard-less of data size, and is fully transparent to clients of thedatabase. Our database-agnostic migration protocol isdescribed below, while our database-specific prototypeimplementation is detailed in Section 5.

3.1 Migration ProtocolDB-aware migration in ShuttleDB employs a three-phasedatabase migration protocol, which is shown in Figure 3.For a given migration, we have three logical machines to

consider: the source server on which the migrating tenantcurrently resides, the target server to which the tenant ismigrating, and the client(s) currently issuing requests tothe migrating tenant.

Phase 1 – Hot Backup. In the first phase, we cre-ate a live snapshot of the tenant database by employingan off-the-shelf hot backup tool and streaming the re-sulting backup image to the target server. Suitable hotbackup tools are available for most well-known databasesystems (MySQL, Postgres, Oracle, etc.). Since the ten-ant may have a large amount of data, taking this snap-shot may take minutes to hours. However, as the serveris not blocked during this period, it continues to serviceall client workloads as usual. At the completion of thefirst phase, the target server contains a copy of the tenantdatabase up to some position in the binary log.

Phase 2 – Live Deltas. Once phase 1 completes, aconsistent snapshot of the tenant exists on the destinationserver, but may be out of date, since the local server con-tinues to execute queries during the backup. If replica-tion has to be performed, the slave replica can be startedright away at the destination, letting the database replica-tion mechanisms bring the replica up to date.

In case of migration, the second phase proceeds as aseries of delta rounds in which the source server replaysqueries from the binary log and streams them across thenetwork to bring the target server up to date. This is anal-ogous to memory deltas used in VM migration, but ap-plied to a query log instead of the contents of memory.

Let ps be the log position of the source server and ptbe the log position of the target server. At the start ofeach round, the target server sends pt to the source. Thesource then reads from pt to ps in the log and sends thisdelta to the target, which is applied to the target databaseafter filtering queries not pertaining to the migrating ten-ant. Once the delta is applied to the target, the next roundbegins by again sending pt to the source.

Delta rounds continue until the duration of the most re-cent round is either (a) less than a small threshold (e.g., afew seconds) or (b) greater than the round before it. Thisapproach guarantees termination of phase 2. In typicalcircumstances, each delta round is shorter than the last(since the number of write queries in the next delta roundis proportional to the duration of the previous round),which will ultimately result in satisfying condition (a). Ifthis is not the case – i.e., delta rounds are getting longer –then this is an indication that the target server is actuallyfalling further behind the source and will trigger condi-tion (b). In either case, migration proceeds to phase 3.

Phase 3 – Handover Delta. Once delta rounds arecompleted, the two copies of the database are nearly insync, and we are ready to hand off the tenant workloadfrom the source to the target. To do this, a final han-dover delta is performed to complete migration. The lo-


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USENIX Association 11th International Conference on Autonomic Computing 37

Client Source Server Target Server

Migration Request

Migration Confirm

Streaming DB Pages




Binlog Position

Binlog Delta 1

Binlog Delta k

Binlog Position

Binlog Position

Freeze Workload

No Outstanding TxnsFinal Binlog Delta

Binlog Position

Unfreeze & Handover

Server Phase 1: Hot Backup(n pages)

Server Phase 2: Live Deltas(k rounds)

Server Phase 3: Handover Delta(single round)

Client Phase 1:Normal Workloadto Source Server

Client Phase 2:New Transactions


Client Phase 3: Normal Workload to

Target Server


Figure 3: Three-phase live migration protocol for database ten-ants used in ShuttleDB.

cal server first freezes the tenant workload by queueingall new incoming transactions directed at the migrationtenant (but without blocking existing transactions), thenwaits to finish servicing the tenant’s outstanding transac-tions prior to the freeze. Once all such transactions arecompleted, the local server sends a final delta, bringingthe target server fully in sync with the source (since newtransactions are frozen in the meantime). Once the finaldelta is applied, previously queued transactions are for-warded to the target server, clients are redirected to thenew server, and the tenant workload is unfrozen. Thiscompletes the handover and switches the ‘authoritative’tenant copy to the target server. Note that while phase3 necessarily imposes a degree of effective downtimewhile the final delta is applied, this duration is not depen-dent on the size of the database and is typically a secondor two at most, as demonstrated in Section 6. Down-time may be longer if phase 2 was terminated by length-ening delta rounds, but this case is unlikely except withextremely write-intensive workloads.

To adjust this migration protocol for replication, we donot need to freeze the workload at the master. Instead,the slave connects to the master and receives a continu-ous stream of updates from the master. Queries can bedirected to the new slave as soon as it has caught up.

3.2 Performance Optimizations

We employ two notable performance optimizations dur-ing the migration process. First, we consider the fact that


(a) Outgoing Migration

Server A Server B


(5) handover

(3) extract(4) deltas




(1) queries

(2) archive(6) deltas



(1) queries

(2) streamingarchive

Database Client

(3) streaming diff


(4) patch

(5) extract

(7) handover

(b) Returning Migration

Server A Server B

Figure 4: Saving a tenant archive during migration allowstransferring small diffs instead of the full tenant database dur-ing subsequent migrations.

since migration itself imposes some degree of overhead(e.g., streaming the migrating tenant), local performancemay be degraded. To address this issue, we employeean automated technique previously proposed [6] that au-tomatically and dynamically rate-limits migration (de-pending on performance) to avoid excessive interference.Second, we consider the case when a migration is per-formed to a server containing an old version of the ten-ant (e.g., when migrating to a server containing a backupor returning from a cloud server following a temporaryworkload spike). Here, we do not need to migrate theentire tenant, but can transmit only the (small) delta be-tween the old tenant copy and the up-to-date version.

This process, which we term ‘delta migration’, is illus-trated in Figures 4(a) and (b) for an outgoing and return-ing migration, respectively. During the initial hot snap-shot (phase 1) of the outgoing migration, we save a copyof the snapshot on both the source server (a local copy) inaddition to the usual streaming copy to the target server.The remainder of phases 2 and 3 then proceed as normal.During phase 1 of the return migration, however, ratherthan streaming the database back to the source server,we re-use the older snapshot already present locally. Wethen generate a patch from the original database snapshotand stream only this patch back to the source. Since thesource still has a copy of the original snapshot, it then ap-plies the patch to generate the up-to-date snapshot, thenproceeds phases 2 and 3 of bursting as usual.

In performing this optimization, we are able to skipthe most expensive part of migration (the full data streamin phase 1). The net result is a major reduction in the


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38 11th International Conference on Autonomic Computing USENIX Association

amount of network data that must be transferred to mi-grate between machines. This reduction in network traf-fic is of particular interest when migrating over the wide-area, e.g., between a local cluster and Amazon EC2,since such transfers are likely to be over relatively low-bandwidth links.

Note that pre-copying can also be employed to reac-tively spawn slave replicas in case of a sudden load spike.Previously terminated replicas can be quickly restartedby sending the small diff patch containing the updatesthat occurred since they were stopped.

4 Automated Elasticity

ShuttleDB employs an intelligent algorithm that com-bines VM-level elasticity with the database-level tech-niques described in the previous section to automaticallyscale the capacity of each tenant as needed by the work-load. The algorithm involves four key steps: (i) whento invoke the scaling algorithm, (ii) who (i.e., which ten-ant(s)) to choose for optimization, (iii) where to migrateor replicate the tenant(s), and (iv) which mechanisms touse for scaling: i.e., scale-up, scale-out or scale-back andwhether to use VM-level or DB-level techniques. The al-gorithm involves the following steps:Step 1: When to initiate elastic scaling: ShuttleDBmonitors the current query latency of tenants in thedatabase server (computed as a smoothed average overa sliding window) and also tracks the resource usagesat the underlying virtual machine to determine when toinitiate the scaling algorithm. ShuttleDB uses an upperthreshold on latency and resource utilization as well asa lower threshold on these values to initiate scale-up/outand scale-back, respectively. Further, in addition to re-actively triggering the algorithm when the thresholds arebreached, it is also possible to use time series based loadforecasting that uses past trend history to predict futurevalues and use these predictions to proactively initiate thealgorithm. Currently, we use a standard ARIMA time-series forecasting method, which smooths the observedlatencies and utilization over recent time periods to pre-dict future values [28].Step 2: Which tenants to choose for scaling: In mostcases, the tenant that is experiencing the overload (oris about to, as per predictions) is chosen for scaling(or for scaling back if it is under-loaded and below thelow threshold). However the choice of which tenantsto choose may not always be staightforwad. In certainshared co-location scenarios, for example, no single ten-ant may be experiencing an overload but each tenantsmay be experiencing small increases in load so that theyall collectively exceed the higher threshold. A more in-teresting scenario is one where one tenant is overloaded,but it may be cheaper to move out a different tenant and

give the freed resources to the overloaded tenant. Forexample, if two tenants equally share a VM’s CPU andmemory and have database sizes of 5GB and 10GB, andif latter experiences overload, it is cheaper to move thefirst tenant and give all of the VM’s resources to the lat-ter. To intelligently choose the “correct” tenants, Shut-tleDB performs a simple cost-benefit analysis. The costof moving a tenant is estimated as the amount of diskstate (and possibly memory state when using VM-levelmigrations) that must be transferred. The benefit of mov-ing a tenant is the amount of load it offloads to a differ-ent server (measured as CPU or disk load, depending onthe bottleneck resource on that VM). ShuttleDB greedilychooses the tenants with the greatest benefit to cost ratio– that is, those that offload the most load at the lowestdata transfer cost.Step 3: Where to move a tenant: Whenever possibleShuttleDB attempts to move tenants to servers in thesame cloud data center. In scenarios where local re-sources are stressed, ShuttleDB will then choose to movetenants to servers in the nearest cloud site. Note that suchWAN-level migrations or replication must be done care-fully since there will be an impact on the front-end tiersof the application, which may experience WAN laten-cies if the backend tenant moves to a different site. Typ-ically such moves would be done in consultation withthe elasticity mechanisms of the front-tier as well, butsuch coordinated elasticity mechanisms are beyond thescope of this paper, and here we assume that the scal-ing of database cloud is done independently.1 Typicallyfor scale out and scale up, ShuttleDB chooses any serverwith sufficient idle resources. Scale back for shared ten-ants involves a consolidation and ShuttleDB chooses avirtual machine that hosts other shared tenants but hassufficient resources to house more.Step 4: Which mechanisms to choose: The final stepinvolves determining which elasticity mechanism tochoose. Table 1 depicts the preferred DB or VM-levelmechanism used in each case. For shared (small) tenants,scaling up is the preferred option and DB-level mech-anisms are used to move only the desired tenants andavoid needless data copying. The only scenario wherescale out is used for a small tenant is when it experi-ences a very large workload growth - in this case, a DBmigration is first performed to extract the tenant out ofthe shared VM and it is given its own VM, which isthen replicated, like in the large dedicated tenant case.For large dedicated tenants, ShuttleDB attempts to scaleup (migrate to bigger server) when possible and thenuses scale out (replicate to other servers) when no singleserver can service the incoming workload. LAN mecha-nisms are always preferred over WAN.

1Amazon’s S3 storage also performs such geographic replicationindependently, although latency issues are more critical for databases.


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mysql mysql

DB 1 DB 2


elasticity daemon

DB 4DB 2

DB 3



ShuttleDB Daemon (dom0)


API calls"migrate tenant 2"

client SQLqueries





Figure 5: ShuttleDB consists of three tiers: a database/tenanttier (using an off-the-shelf DBMS), a database elasticity tier(using VM or DB-aware migration), and a top-level manager(e.g., to facilitate elasticity).

5 Prototype Implementation

Our current implementation of ShuttleDB uses a three-tier design as depicted in Figure 5. End-users (or appli-cation servers) talking to the databases interact with thelowest level of the system, which are standard databaseprocesses running within VMs (e.g., mysqld). Abovethe database servers is the elasticity layer, which pro-vides the automated mechanisms to dynamically grow,shrink, or relocate the resources allocated to any givendatabase tenant, using either VM-level or DB-level elas-ticity. At the highest level is the elastic database man-ager, which employs the simple API exposed by the elas-ticity layer to manage server and tenant workloads. Themanager may implement simple or sophisticated algo-rithms for automatically administrating a database servercluster. While many database managers are possible, wepresent an example in Section 6 for automating the pro-cess of ‘cloud bursting’, in which tenants are migrated toremote servers to alleviate workload spikes.

Each physical server in our prototype runs a single in-stance of the ShuttleDB daemon on the domain0 VM,which runs Xen Cloud Platform 1.6 on top of CentOS6 to manage all VMs on the server. Multiple daemonscommunicate in a peer-to-peer fashion to facilitate mi-grations. Separate daemons runs within each domainUVM to manage the database-aware elasticity layer.

VM elasticity. To allow for shared-nothing live mi-gration of virtual machines, we make use of the StorageXenMotion feature, which allows for moving disk, mem-ory, and virtual devices to a remote host. To clone anactive VM, we snapshot the VM (a live operation), thenexport the snapshot to a new VM on the local or remote

host. We then start the cloned VM and update its networksettings to result in a suitable VM for replication.

DB elasticity. We implemented our technique fordatabase-aware migration on top of MySQL, using thePercona XtraDB [25] database engine (effectively Inn-oDB with a few useful extensions pertaining to tak-ing backups) provided by the Percona Server package.The database elasticity implementation is loosely cou-pled from the database engine itself, as follows. For mi-gration phase 1 (streaming backups), we use a hot backuptool (Percona xtrabackup [30] in the current proto-type) to snapshot and extract the data for the migrat-ing tenant, which is compressed and streamed across thenetwork to the target server. On completion, the targetserver imports the tenant database into the already run-ning database server (this functionality is provided bothby XtraDB and bleeding-edge versions of InnoDB [5]).We perform phase 2 (live deltas) by reading from thedatabase transaction log and streaming updates to the tar-get server. The queries executed since the initial snap-shot or last delta round are filtered to remove extraneousqueries pertaining to non-migrating tenants, then shippedto the target server and executed. For simplicity, oncethe handover of phase 3 begins, we employ a client-side proxy to freeze the workload and temporarily queuetransactions, then release those transactions to the tar-get server once the handover completes. This approachavoids having to make any modifications to the databaseengine itself.

Delta migrations. Our implementation handles thedelta migration optimization described in Section 3.2 ata disk block level. During the initial outgoing migration,the local copy of the tenant is saved as a single binaryarchive file, which is also transferred to the target server.When the return migration is initiated, the database patchis simply generated as a disk-level patch between theoriginal archive file and the up-to-date archive file us-ing rdiff. Since this approach is oblivious to any ac-tual data formats used by the database, it relies on block-level similarities between the archives to generate a com-pact diff – however, our experiments in Section 6 demon-strate that this is generally sufficient and results in a smallpatch file. One issue we encountered during testing wasworkload interference resulting from the archiving pro-cess, since saving a local copy of the archive requiredsubstantial I/O resources. To counteract this, we addedthe option to dedicate either a spare disk or a RAM-basedvolume for archiving operations. Local archiving mayalso be disabled entirely, which removes much of theI/O overhead of migration but prevents use of the deltamigration optimization – effectively trading off betweendisk and network resource consumption.


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VM (no DB) VM DB-Aware 0





25Duration (minutes)

Data Sent (GB)

Elasticity Type


Figure 6: LAN migration of a large (dedicated) tenant.

6 Experimental Evaluation

To evaluate our prototype, we first consider the indi-vidual elasticity mechanisms employed by ShuttleDB(from Table 1), then consider two scenarios demonstrat-ing ShuttleDB’s utility – first, in automating databasecloud bursting, and second, in leveraging DB-aware elas-ticity to increase the efficiency of VM replication.

We use a heavily modified version of the Yahoo CloudServing Benchmark (YCSB) [12] to generate the work-load for our system. While YCSB was originally de-signed exclusively for key-value stores, we begin withan extended, transactional version used in prior work[17, 14, 6] and further extend it to generate a closedworkload with Poisson-distributed arrival times. Eachworkload consists of replaying a trace of workload ‘in-tensities’, which determine the number of transactionsissued to the tenant per time unit.

6.1 LAN Elasticity

We first compare the efficiency of VM and DB-aware mi-gration when operating over a LAN, in order to substan-tiate our earlier arguments about when each techniqueis preferable. We configure a VM with 30 GB of stor-age and 2 GB of RAM. The size of the base system isroughly 1.6 GB, while all additional space is used by thedatabase server. We first consider moving a large (i.e.,dedicated) database tenant by configuring a 20 GB ten-ant and moving it to a second server while servicing aworkload. Figure 6 shows the duration of migration for 3cases: a no-tenant baseline (i.e., only the OS), VM-basedtenant migration, and DB-aware tenant migration. Wesee that the benefit of employing DB-aware elasticity inthis case is minimal and likely does not justify the addedmigration complexity versus simply using VM elasticity.

Next, we configure the VM with twenty 1 GB tenantsinstead of a single 20 GB tenant, and evaluate four sce-narios: VM migration, DB-aware migration, DB-awaremigration with precopying (i.e., preparation for futuredelta migrations), and DB-aware delta migration (i.e.,migrating to a server with a local precopy). In each sce-








VM DB DB+precopy DB+delta 0







Duration (minutes)

Data Sent (GB)

Elasticity Type









Std +Precopy Delta 0







Duration (minutes)

Data Sent (GB)

Figure 7: LAN migration of a small (collocated) tenant.

nario, we transfer a single tenant from the shared serverto a separate, dedicated server. In this case, as shownin Figure 7, the differences are striking. VM migration,which simply transfers the entire VM, results in nearly20x slower migration than DB-aware migration. Addingprecopying to DB-aware migration adds a small amountof overhead, but still greatly outperforms VM elasticity.Finally, using a previous precopy to perform a delta mi-gration takes somewhat longer on account of processingthe database delta, but results in transferring less than200 MB total of data – roughly one fifth of the alreadyreduced amount in the base DB-aware case.

Result: With large tenants, the simplicity of VM mi-gration is preferable. With small tenants, however, DB-aware elasticity greatly outperforms VM elasticity. Theuse of precopying can even further reduce the amount ofnetwork data required.

6.2 DB-Aware Live Migration

Next, we evaluate the ‘liveness’ of our DB-aware migra-tion technique by considering the amount of downtimeincurred. We configured two ShuttleDB servers over aLAN, and a single tenant with 1.5 GB of data servic-ing 80 read and 20 write queries per second. We thenmoved the tenant from the source server to the target us-ing DB-aware elasticity, observing the transaction laten-cies shown in Figure 8. Migration begins at event (a), atwhich point ShuttleDB begins streaming the tenant to thetarget server (phase 1). As seen, this operation has littleto no visible impact on tenant performance. Less than3 minutes later, at event (b), the initial streaming copyis completed, and the target server begins preparing thecopy to service the workload. Once complete, two copiesof the tenant are running, and the original copy beginsapplying deltas to the new copy (phase 2). Delta roundstake roughly 15 seconds, at which point the workload isfrozen and the handover (phase 3) is performed.

The inset of Figure 8 shows a plot of transaction la-tencies over time around the time of the handover. La-tency just following the handover spikes, owing to thefrozen workload (during which transactions are queued


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0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Transaction Latency (ms)

Time (s)

Transaction Latency








336 338 340 342 344 346 348

Txn Latency

(a) MigrationBegins

(b) SnapshotTaken

(c) SnapshotPrepared

(d) DeltasApplied


Figure 8: Live migration of a tenant servicing 10 transactions(100 queries) per second.

at the source). However, this period lasts only 2 sec-onds, after which queued transactions are released to thetarget. Here, the queued transactions are delayed by anaverage of 2-3 seconds, but only 25 transactions in totalare affected, and the entire duration of possible delayslasts less than 5 seconds. Finally, we note that this re-sult is conservative, since the migrating tenant is servic-ing many queries during the handover; less active tenantswill experience a shorter handover period, and thus willobserve lesser delays. As seen, the only notable work-load impact occurs during this handover period, whoseduration is dependent only on the write workload inten-sity, and is not related to data size. Migrating a largertenant simply extends the harmless duration of phase 1.

Result: DB-aware elasticity in ShuttleDB provides ro-bust migration capabilities with near-zero downtime andminimal query delays, even for highly active tenants.

6.3 Wide-Area Elasticity

Elasticity between data centers (i.e., over a WAN) ischallenging due to lower bandwidth and higher laten-cies. To evaluate this scenario, we configured a sourceserver on the west coast of the US with ten 512 MBdatabase tenants handling 50 queries per second, and atarget server in an Amazon EC2 data center located onthe east coast of the US. As shown in Figure 9, we thenshifted one of the ten tenants to the EC2 server using DB-aware elasticity, then back from the EC2 server using adelta migration after waiting several minutes. As shown,nearly 90% of the elapsed time of the initial migration isspent transferring the initial snapshot (unsurprising giventhe limited available bandwidth). Importantly, the entireperiod in which the workload is not serviced (during thehandover phase) lasts only a single second.

On the returning migration, we again observe the ef-fectiveness of DB-aware delta migrations. While pro-cessing deltas increases the time spent in phase 2, thedecrease in phase 1 more than compensates, and the totalmigration duration on the return is less than half that of






Snapshot Deltas Handover

Duration (s)

Migration Stage

Outgoing (full snapshot)Returning (delta snapshot)

Figure 9: DB-aware delta migrations significantly reduce band-width and time requirements across wide-area networks.

the outgoing migration. Furthermore, the amount of datatransferred during the delta migration is only 97 MB, ascompared to 776 MB during the outgoing migration –over an 87% reduction.

We could not easily perform a companion experimentusing VM elasticity, as public data centers such as EC2do not expose their hypervisor infrastructure. Despitethis, however, we would not expect VM elasticity to per-form well given the limitations demonstrated in the pre-vious experiment. Moreover, over a lower-bandwidthnetwork such as a WAN, we would expect the differencesto be even more significant than before.

Result: ShuttleDB elasticity can effectively span mul-tiple networks and data centers and minimizes the datatransfers necessary.

6.4 Defusing a Hotspot

Here, we present end-to-end experiments demonstrat-ing how ShuttleDB responds to a server hotspot by mi-grating and replicating tenants. We use the World Cupsoccer trace [3] to generate the workload for our ex-periments. This trace contains an end-to-end workloadhotspot, starting with a stable (low) arrival rate, rising toa peak, then falling back to the baseline.

We configured our local server with 10 tenants, eachwith 1 GB of data. The query arrival rate of a tenant isdriven by the world cup trace, while the other tenants runa standard arrival rate – initially, all arrival rates are iden-tical. We set the bursting threshold latencies to 300 ms(upper) and 200 ms (lower). The multi-query transac-tions executed by all tenants include a mix of read, write,sort, and join operations, with specific arrival times givenaccording to a Poisson distribution. Finally, the durationof the world cup trace is scaled to 90 minutes.

First, we run the workloads with ShuttleDB disabled,to observe the effects of the hotspot on tenant perfor-mance. We then re-run the same experiment with tenantmigration on LAN and WAN. All the results are sum-marized in Figure 10. The increase in workload aroundt = 50, results in a sharp latency increase that exceeds


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0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Transaction Latency (ms)

Time (minutes)

No Bursting (local)ShuttleDB (local)ShuttleDB (cloud)Burst Start/End

Figure 10: ShuttleDB automatically migrates tenants to miti-gate the impact of a workload spike.









0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Transaction Latency (ms)

Time (minutes)


(2) DBMigrate (4) VM Replicate

(5) DeleteReplica

(6) DB DeltaMigrate





Figure 11: Database-aware elasticity with two workload spikes.First spike handled with tenant migration, and second spikewith replication before scaling back.

4x baseline performance without ShuttleDB. When run-ning with ShuttleDB, however, a migration is initiatedaround t = 70, once the ARIMA prediction determinesthat latency will exceed the threshold value of 300 ms.Whether the tenant is migrated to another database onthe same LAN or over WAN, the latency remains withinreasonable bounds with an average latency increase of100ms for the LAN case. Once the peak has passed andlatency begins to fall to normal levels (around t = 150),the tenant is returned to the local server.

In a second experiment, shown in Figure 11, we putthe tenant under a series of two workload spikes, exceed-ing the capacity of the multitenant server. Following thespikes, the workload on the tenant gradually reduces tonormal. To address the workload spikes, we provisionedtwo spare servers for ShuttleDB to use.

After the first spike, ShuttleDB migrates the singletenant out of the multitenant server to the first dedicatedserver, stabilizing performance. Note that although la-tency spikes briefly immediately following this migra-tion due to a cold cache, this issue may be mitigated byexecuting read queries on both machines to warm the tar-get cache prior to the handover. After the second spike,latency increases yet again, and so ShuttleDB replicatesthe entire VM to the second spare server. However, note

that the primary reason we can effectively employ VMreplication is because of the migration, which extractsthe single tenant. Following the spikes and gradual de-crease of the workload, the database is able to scale back,first by deleting the VM replica, then by performing aDB-aware delta migration back to the original server.

Result: Migration and replication can be combined inShuttleDB to maximize elasticity in multitenant servers.

7 Related Work

Elastic cloud platforms have been proposed for manyuseful applications, such as video streaming ser-vices [32] and medical image registration [21]. The gen-eral concept of ‘cloud bursting’ [7, 22] has become pop-ular as a way to merge existing infrastructure with newlyavailable cloud resources. Systems such as Dolly [9]have considered cloud systems for databases through theuse of cost models governing database provisioning.

Live migration has been extensively studied in thecontext of virtual machines [11, 8, 29], where the keychallenge is migrating a dynamic memory image withminimal downtime. Live migration has been extended tothe domain of databases in the context of both shared-nothing systems [17, 18] and systems with networked at-tached storage [14]. Our own prior work has addressedperformance interference when migrating databases [6].

Multitenant databases have also attracted significantattention due to the rise of cloud computing, at vary-ing levels of multitenancy [17, 27, 31]. Prior workhas demonstrated that purely VM-based multitenancymay result in high overhead and low tenant consolida-tion [13], a conclusion supported by our own studies.

8 Conclusions

In this paper, we presented techniques to imple-ment database-aware elasticity in multi-tenant databaseclouds. We proposed a database-aware live migrationand replication approach that is designed to work withcommon off-the-shelf databases without requiring anydatabase engine modifications. ShuttleDB combinesdatabase-aware techniques with VM-level mechanismsto implement a flexible approach to achieving efficientscale up, scale out or scale back for diverse scenariosranging from different tenants sizes to inter- and intra-data center elasticity. We implemented a prototype ofShuttleDB and experimentally demonstrated the benefitsof ShuttleDB’s database-aware elasticity mechanismsand intelligent elasticity algorithm. As future work, weplan to study the interplay between ShuttleDB’s decisionmaking and the elasticity mechanisms employed by otherapplication tiers.


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