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Si - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · SAPMACNEALE &EURBANS!g Fire Proof, Burglar Proof, Fire and...

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"TV., 11 1 1 1 If w i i a - ft i it- m n ui ri il 1 II r If 71 fl J3 tl H Ifl V.l (1 II H ri , . ill. Hi Vill II! ilii YYVY V ;i !: VOL. IV.-- NO. 271. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, TUESDAY, JULY 21, 1885, PRICE 5 CENTS. THE DAILY xUtotrtistmtnts. Sdwlistments. ! 5 t ; Burr & Finck, Tlie Leading Fashionable Tailors OF SAX FRANCISCO. No. eao Market St., Opposite Palace Hotel. Having already a large trade with Honolulu, they respectfully solicit further Island patronage, ana are prepared to complete orders at one day's no- tice. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed, and toe nnest stock of latest gooda constantly on hand. 491 tf Jt w Benson, Smith & Co., JOBRING AXDR ETA I L, IRUO&ISTS, BURGESS, 84 King Street, Honolulu. CARPENTER AND BUILDER. All kinds of lobbing attended to. BAGGAGE AND GENERAL EXPRESS. Draylng and Steamer Freight carefully and promptly handled. Soda Water, Ginger Ale and Tahiti Lemonade, Clears, Tobacco and Cigarettes. The best in the market. 84 KING STREET. - - - BURGESS. 227 nov28 MAOFAELANE & CO-- , DEALERS AXD MEX WHOLESALE In WINES and LIQUORS. FOR SJLE! THE Honolulu Almanac AND DIEECTOEY. AX OFFICIAL AXD Business Directory of Honolulu, TOGETHER WITH FIT El Statistical k General Information Relating to the Haw'n Island. For Sale by J.M.0at, Jr., & Co AXD AT The P.C. Advertiser Office. PRICE, FIFTY CTS. PER COPY Honolulu, January 27, 65,000 Feet of Galvanized Iron Pipe and Fittings h, )i, , l. m and X Inch. jfrir Comiaerml Advertiser j prr.LisiiKT) Morniiifir Kxcept Sundays. f Every TisKK; fme year.. $G 00 f. Dl '' .VE.;T!Klt, SIX ni011l!l VU I 0:LV ."'ilvh'TIsh:, Hire.- - months 1 50 r":LY I.' ' Al.Vf UTISKK, J.'T rilOIith 50 I lull f on? year 5 00 i JBlVsJ; irfption, U-- . i. . 'Inching 6 INDIA THE EXCITING CAUSE 1 4 Almost Everythlnff Warlike Wbleh f Has Taken Flace lately, i -- Gafh" in Cincinnati Enquirer. I TLp prince of Wales has been to India, I m a.tour and India U at this moment the f wnfr cause of almost every thing which I : .ken Place everywhere. The revolt I Tthe fctlimus of 1'anama, which burnt I i-to- of Aspinwall the other day. was Vt occasioned Ly nothing but displacements Ed rivalries over the Panama canal. I tas been uttc-mpte- by the French f in imitation of the British canal to India in Fat- - The civil war in Central America, where Barrios was killed, was I caused lV the disturbance of an American I treaty to'make a ear.al through to the Pstinc ocean and get another route to ! The fig-li- in the Saskatchewan country of ! Canadaarises from nothing but the build- - icrr of a railroad through that wilderness' ! to the Pacific with the object of doing I ;rai!e with Asia and India, for all Asia l ira the India of Columbus, China and Jspcn Included. The fights in various parti of Africa is for nothing but a rail-- . I road or other means of communication 1 across Africa to India. The battle bet- ween the Russians and the Afghans Is nothing but British and Russian intrigue I in Asia to gtt the advantage of each other. 4 I Inquestioraluy the time is not far oft . when India will be a still greater question ijth&n it is at present, and will absorb the Intention of the whole wi-rld- . for the rea- - json that kxlu is used by 1ai-- I rope as a nuke weight against the linked States. If we monopolize cotton they begin to raise cotton in India; I if we made too much profit on wheat and t corn they begin to raise wheat and corn in India; if our railroads absorb British i money they begin to lay railrords in Jn- - J:a ; I Un the other hand the Russians are the only people who are opening communica-- l tioii3 directly from the north of Europe toward India. The Russians built by i American enterprise much of their rail-- ' road system, which now extends to the' i Caspian sea. and they have incipient f roads beyond it carrying them far toward i India overland by a route which must ul-- I Cmately he preferable to the Suez route, I kcause grain and many other things by the water route have to pass through the i tropics and must spoil. A Russian Ortlcer's Coolness. Orleans Tim Democrat Translation. j Col. IvanoH one of the high Russian 1 racers who conducted the Khivan cam- - j paign Is still a young man, very tall and indsorae, with a fair complexion and a. uJ thick beard. This beard has won him ? appellation of riara-akal-Tur- a, "The ledow-bearde- Chief. " and the natives of jurkestaa aever speak of him, nor ad- - Iri5? m- - hy any other name, not even at .orr.cial meetings. The following incident affords a good &J? f ,f fucult of keeping cool I So ca,c!l!atluS in the midst of danger. r VV en accrapanicd only by three 1 illtcrPretcr and a few na- - ,S,l1Llte) Ivauo!f found himself iffSi attacked by a band of at ) SJ: ; 7 Turkomans. The Russians im-fi- el roupc(l themselves close to ErTCk l. back- - and opened fire. iS ?a revolver; he l4er and served the sixth In t hK attack of the enemy. twdWf? rce.ment3 acd. when this Issrrkf S ' evcrc wounded, had been , L Ua' somebody ventured to L'or ivi he had reserved that shot fAr ?yS'lf' " reP.Iied Ivanoff-eYurbi- m klpt etching to see if t toukcrS3 ha? lasS0C3- - If 1 had felt I aiiht 1 f a las30' tLe Turkomans ipSer my cor b vcr a j Loudon In Brief. J . Exchange 1 I About 11 nPrUpeirS infC9t the Cit I Abou CTllcwpgood order. j "-w- y ioreigners live in the 10,000 strangers enter the city. CUA 9,000 new houses are erected an- - i AKn v.a . tX'wyts enliven the moon- - aclay. jU clcr?ymen hold forth every jthful 6C0churches give comfort to the !fiWdiiy PCrsous are aed to the pop-Ca- lh ye3 of Dew streets are laid Abot r,,.. shelter the FrUb, J the Inflexible. ! tFl Press. . ' a,WfprIe' whicb has just been .asactlP in the Frenrh edhSf". with 8,500 and a ;iLaild f he draws twenty-2?nno?cr;e- et of water. Satt thi kness from one i.0 ' Mirw " armament con-!TiWXa- 3 .? twenty ! P? which heT Sleted ?LiP & Kedtr. 01 on and X,, v Annexible, t0 attain. lcniUe formidable Is ex- - 1 J. LYOKS. L. J. IiYONS & LEVEY, -- A.nctioneers AND- - General Commission Merchantsf Beaver Block, Queen St., Houolulu. of Furniture, Stoclt, Ileal Estate Sales General Merchandise properly attended to Solo Agents for: hnmn & European Merchandise. 372-tfW- tf MONTHLY PAYMENTS. All accounts for Advertising aud JobJPrlntlu at the Pacitie Commercial Advertiser Ofllce will from this date be presented for pay ment monthly. Honolulu, March 2, 18S5. FRANK CERTZ, PImprter and Manufacturer J Of all Descriptions of BOOTS & SHOES ICr Orders from the other Islands solicited. Xo. Il l Fort St., Honolulu. 376-tfw- tf f JOHN UTSCHIG, Fashionable Boot Maker, No. 320 Bush St., San Francisco, Cal. Will fill orders in his line at the shortest possible notice. Planters will find it te their advantage to call on MR. UTSCHIG before going elsewhere. 491 tf&w M. PHILLIPS & Co., and Wholesale Dealers in Importers Boots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish- ing and Fancy Ooods. No.' 11 Kaahumanu Street. Houolulu, H. I. 3C6tf-w- tf mm BUSINESS 24 COLLEGE, l'ost Street. N.r K.ir.y, Sun Wraneitco, CmU (.Scud for Circular.) The Full Business Course includes Single and Double Entry Pook-kecpin- g. as applied to all departments oi business; Commercial Arithmetic: Business Penmanship; Mercantile Law; Business Correspondence; Lectures oh Law; Buslnesn Forms, and the Science of Accounts; Actual busi- ness Practice in Wholesale and Retail Merchan-di- s ng, Commission Jobbing, Importing, Rail- roading, Express Business. Brokerage, and Bank- ing; English Branches, Including Reading, Spell- ing, Grammar, etc.; Drawing and Modern Lan. guages, consisting of practical Instruction In French, German and Spanish. Special Branches are: Ornamental Penman- ship, Higher Mathematics, Surveying, Naviga- tion, Civil Engineering, Assaying, Sbort-Han- d, Type-Writin- g, Telegraphy, etc. For full information address, E. P. HEALD & CO., 2'J4-d2- 3 SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. JOHN COOK, Carpenter, No. 31 Alakea St., Will attend and contract for all kinds of work In his line. REMOVING, RAISING or REPAIRING Old or new buildings. Work to be paid for when complete. Satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay. Charges as low as the lowest In the town. Post Office box 135. 2'j-8e- pt 30 BONE MEAL! BONE MEAL !! BONE MEAL!! The undersigned fare now prepared to re ceive orders for this Celebrated Fertilizer from the manufactory of Back & Ohlandt San Franciaco: The following is a report of the compo- nent parta, as obtained by Chemical analy- sis: Water 8.10 per cent Organic Matter 29.18 " " Silicioua Matter 4.C5 " " Lime 31.70 " ' Phosphoric Acid 23,11 " " Oxide of Iron 85 " Carbonic Acid 1.89 Alkali Salts .52 ' 100.00 .Nitrogen 2.7 percent. Order 8 Received will have Prompt and Careful Attention. W. Gt. Irwin & Co., Agents or the Hawaiian Islandi. 141 tf ROYAL INSURANCE COMP'Y OF LIVERPOOL. CAPITAL fclO.OOO.OGO UNLIMITED LIAIJILITY . I 7" ire Insurance ol all descriptions ; will be effected at Moderate Kates of Prr ml um, by the undersigned. WM. O. IRWIN & CO. 129-dtw- tf . Managers for Haw. Islands Commercial INSURANCE COMPANY, OF CALIFORNIA. FIRE AND MARINE. Capital, paid in full $200,000 00 Assets, December 31, 1S81 443,31 0"j Looses paid sinc e Company was organ- ized 1,133,534 SO V. O. DERGER, Resident Aj,'ent, Office No. 24 Merchant street, Honolulu, H. I. XT 2xr x o jxt Fire and Marine Insurance Co. Of Xew Zealand. CAIMTAL. : z 10.000,000 Having Kstablistied an Agency at for the Hawaiian Islands, the un- dersigned are prepared to accept risks against Fire in dwellings, stores warehouses aad merchandise, on favorable terms. Marine risks on cargo, freights, bottomry, profits and commissions. Losses promptly adjusted A payable. 128-d- wtf WM. (J. IRWIN & CO. GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY. 50 WALL STREET, NEW YORK rillie above Company liaviur estab- - JL lished an Agency at Honolulu, for the Hawa- iian Islands, the undersigned is authorized to accept and write MARINE IMfcSKsS ON Merchandise, Freights. Treasure, Commissions, and Hulls. At current Rates. WM. C. IRWIN & CO., 127-dw- tf Managers for Hawaiian Islands BUU FiHE OFFIDi OF Ii CXDO T . ESTABLISHED 1710. EFFECTED UPON EVERY INSURANCES property at the current rates of premium. Total sum Insured in 1884 - - 31S,599,316 Claims arranged by the local agents, and paid with promptitude and liberality. The jurisdiction of the Local Tribunals recognized. G. W. Macfarlane & Co., 353tf - Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. CO. BERGER, GUNKUAL AOEXCY NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO., Assets 7. 60,000,000 CITY OF LONDON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY'. (Limited). Capital ? 10,000 ,000 SOUTH BRITISH AND NATIONAL IN- SURANCE CO. Fire asd Mabine. Combined Capital ?20,000,000 HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO.. Assets $4,500,000 COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Fire and Marine. Capital $200,000 MACNEALE & URBAN g SAP E S! Fire Proof, Burglar Proof, Fire and Burglar Proof. THE CELEBRATED SPRINGFIELD GAS MACHINE. Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co. . O. O. BERGEK., 229 my29 HONOLULU, II. I. X,. BI. TOUSSAINT, Wishes to announce to the TRAVELING PUBLIC that he will open on Saturday, June 6, 1885, An Elegant Sample Parlor at lilLO, where every- thing in the line of LIQUORS "WILL BE KEPT IN STOCK. None but the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars kept. Also, ALES, BEERS, and all kinds of FANCY DRINKS eerved in best style. 223 dtf Aw SALMON ! SALMON ! Ex. W. n. DIMOND. A Fine Lot of Red Fii ;for sale by Castle & Cooke. 125-- tt FOE SALE, A FINE HOUSE LOT. (Right of Komobino on same for Id years.) LARGE AND ROOMY HOUSE, WELL V supplied with water-pipe- s and running water from the mountain springs. Carriage-hous- e and other outbuildings. Blacksmith Shop and a full set of tools on same lot, and garden site. Just the place for a blacksmith and family, and located in tlie center of the BEAUTIFUL VILLAGE OF WAIOHINU, Kan, Hawaii, and only three-quarte- rs of a mile from one of the largest plantations on Hawaii. Had, while smith worKed in shop last, a good run of trade. For further particulars address Deputy Sheriff of Kau, Hawaii. As this property must be sold within two months, it can be purchased very cheap. 234-tf-dft- w "Cordon BOUGE' H I EXTRA DRY DRVvroWHAY' 1. PniMliNl883j i?4.423 C-- i G.W. MACFARLANE & CO., Cor. Fort & Queen Sts., HONOLULU, H. I. Sole Agents for this Favorite Brand of C H A. IVJC JP A Gr NJE. 460 tf fe w NOTICE. AND AFTER THIS DATE ALL OUR ON accounts will be rendered monthly instead of quarterly, as heretofore. S. J. LEVEY & CO. Honolulu, Feb. 2nd, 1885. 497 t AlfHH SALO0N NO. 7 FORT STREET. Opposite Wilder fc Co.'sl H. J. Nolte, Propr. OFKN YOU 3 A. M. TILL, 10 P. V FIRST-CLAS- S LrXCDES, COFFEE, TEA, SODA WATER, GINGER ALE, Cigars and Tobaccos OF BEST BRANDS Plain and Fancy PIPES personaUy selected from the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety of BEST QUALITY SMOKERS' ARTICLES. Lovers of BILLIARDS will find an Elegant . IMVNM & CO, EILLIARD TABLE on the Premises. The Pioprietor would be pleased to receive a cU from his Friends and the Public generally who may desire a LUXCH. A SMOKE, OR A GAME OF BIIXIARD8. H. J. N0LTE. 356-- tt i : ii 1 1 1 I I ! n i i; v 1! ': . t ! f ; . 'I? 'Mi il : Xo. 12 Kaahumanu Street, HONOLULU. 375-t- f H. HACKFELD & CO., EXERAL COMMISSION AC4EXTS. G 363 tf Queen au, nonoiuiu, n.i. F. BANNLNS. W. MAERTKNS. P OPFEROKLT "ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., fm porters &. Commission Merchants. L Queen Street, Honolulu, II. I. 308-t- f A. S. CLEGHORN & Co., and Wholesale and Retail Importers General Merchandise, Corner Queen and Kaahumanu Sts. 3f9-- t CLACS SPRECKELS TM. O. IRWI5. WM. G. IRWIN & Co., FACTORS and Commission SUGAR Honolulu U. I. 364-tfw- tf THE CUEEENCY ACT The New Gold Law. . FEW COPIES OF THE WEEKLY A Pacific Commercial Advertiser or the 29th July. 1881, containing the FULL TEXT of the Currency Act, can be had on application to the P. C. Advertiser Office. Price 25 cents each. Publisher P. C. ADVERTISER WENNEB & CO. 92 Fort Street, Have on hand New Foreign and Homemade Jewelry. . Watches, Bracelets, Necklets, Pins, Lockets, Clocks, And ornaments of all kinds. Silver and Gold Plate Elegant Solid Silver Tea Sets. Suitable for Presentation. ENGRAVING AND NATIVE JEWELRY A Specialty. Repairing in all its branches. 93T Sole Agents for King's Eye Preservers. 577-mar9-- ly J. J. WILLIAMS' Xo. 102 FORT STREET, Leading Piotograplier of Honolnln. WORK FINISHED IN Water Colors, Crayon. India Ink, or Oil, Photo. Colored, Ac. The only Complete Collection of Island Views Ferns, Shells,i Curiosities, &c. CHARGES MODERATE. 385tf ALTIN 11. BASEMAN, book: bindee, Paper Ruler and Blank Book Manufacturer. t9 Bookbinding of all descriptions neatly and promptly executed, and at reasonable charge. Gazette Building, 32tl MERCHANT STBEET. THOMAS LINDSAY Manufacturing Jeweler, Xo. 60 Xunann Street, lJ (.Opposite Hollister & Co Honolulu, II. I. Particular attention paid to repairing. 382tf BEICKS ! BRICKS! Ex. W. H. DIMOND. 39,000 California Hard Bricks .FOR-SAL- E BY Castle fe Cooke. 124- - PRO PR I ETO US O F THE JSdlaile Colooiae, in AND 115 FORT STREET. 13-m- ar 27-fi- m 8. L. STANLEY, JOHJT SPRtrAN'CK. Spruance, Stanley & Co., Importers and Jobbers of Fine WHISKIES, WINES and LIQUORS, 410 Front St., Sau Frnueixfo. 473 tf Aw Pantheon Stables, Cor, Fort Sz. Hotel Streets. LIVERY, BOAHDIjSGr, AND SALE STABLES. Carriages for hire at ail hours of the dry or night; also, conveyances of all kinds for parties going around the Island. Excellent Smltlle Horses lor IaUies and Gentlemen, Unarauteed lien tie. Carrlas? Xos. 2, 24, 46, 47, 48, 49, 90, 31, 52 anU 53. Double and single teams always to be had on livery at the most reasonable rates. Large and small omnibus for picnics and excur- sion parties, carrying from 10 to 40 passengers, can always be secured by special arrangements. Omnibus time tables can be obtained oy apply- ing at the office. The Iaiuk Branch Bathing House can always be secured for picnic or excursion parties by applying at the office. Corner Fort anil Hotel Streets. Telephone No. 31. JAS. DODD, Proprietor. 393tf TELEPHONE 55 "PNTEEPRIS P PLANING MILL. ZZ3 Alakea, near Queen St. C. J. HARDEE, rroprietor. Contracting & Building. MOULDINGS AND FINISH ALWAJfS ON HAND. FOR SALE Hard and Soft Stovewood, Cut and Bplit. 377-- tf WM. McCANDLESS, o. 6 Queen Street, FISH MARKET. DEALER IN CHOICEST Beef, Veal, Mutton, Fish, Etc. Family and shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live Stock furnished to vessels at short notice, and vegetables of all kinds supplied to order. 276 tf mm FEED CO., Queen & Edxiiburgh Streets, WHOLESALE fc KKTAIL Dealers Id HAY AD ttRAIX. Telephone No. 175.; Goods delivered promptly. Island Order. Solicited. Kit J. D. JMarlin, Retail Denier in Wines and Liquors, WAILUKU, MAUI. MR. MARLIN BEGS TO ANNOUNCE THAT is now prepared to open his house to the public, and will conduct the same as a thoroughly hrst-cla- as establishment. A Refreshment Saloon and Lodging Accommodations connected with the premises, and no pains will be spared for the comfort of guests. A choice assortment of Ales, Wines, Liquors and Cigars constantly on hand. w For sale, at very low figures, by JAS. A. HOPPER, EUREKA ! We have received a consignment of the most Economical and Valuable Feed for all kinds of Stock, viz.: COOKED LINSEED MEAL. It Is the greatest Flesh former, Milk and Butter producer in use. Oil Cake Meal shows about 27 per cent, of nu tritive matter; this nearly 39 per cent. 100 tts. oi this meal is equal to 300 tt8. of oats, or 31S Bs. of corn, or to 767 tts. of wheat bran. For Sale in Lots to Suit, Also, oui Unrivalled MIXED FEED, as well as our usual supply of the best kinds of Hay. Oats, Wheat, Corn, Etc., Etc. LAINE & CO. 373 tf GRAHAM PAPER COMPANY, St. Eouis. Mo. Manufacture and Supply all kinds of Book. News, Flat and Eabel Papers, Binders Boards, Twines, Etc. W. G. RICHARDSON, RESIDENT AGENT, t 205 Eeidesdorff" Street. Telephone No. 47. SAN FRANCISCO. X. B.Special Attention given to Earsre Contracts. 474 tf&w G. W. MACFARLANE & CO., Si Cor. Fort & Queen Sts., HONOLULU, II. I. Sole Agents for this Favorite Brand of CHAMPAGNE. 470tfw GASOLINE ! GASOLINE ! IX TEX GALLON DRUMS, Ex MENDOTA, for sale by Castle & Cooke. lii-tu- r u-t- r
Page 1: Si - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · SAPMACNEALE &EURBANS!g Fire Proof, Burglar Proof, Fire and Burglar Proof. THE CELEBRATED SPRINGFIELD GAS MACHINE. Gas Fixtures of Mitchell,



1 1

1If w

i i a - ft i it- m n ui

ri il 1 II r If 71 fl J3 tl H Ifl V.l (1 II Hri , . ill. Hi Vill II!ilii

YYVY V ;i !:


THE DAILY xUtotrtistmtnts. Sdwlistments. ! 5

t ;

Burr & Finck,Tlie Leading Fashionable Tailors

OF SAX FRANCISCO.No. eao Market St., Opposite Palace Hotel.

Having already a large trade with Honolulu, theyrespectfully solicit further Island patronage, anaare prepared to complete orders at one day's no-tice. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed, and toennest stock of latest gooda constantly on hand.

491 tfJt w

Benson, Smith & Co.,



BURGESS,84 King Street, Honolulu.

CARPENTER AND BUILDER.All kinds of lobbing attended to.

BAGGAGE AND GENERAL EXPRESS.Draylng and Steamer Freight carefully and

promptly handled.Soda Water, Ginger Ale and Tahiti Lemonade,

Clears, Tobacco and Cigarettes. The best in themarket.

84 KING STREET. - - - BURGESS.227 nov28




Honolulu AlmanacAND


Business Directory of Honolulu,


Statistical k General Information

Relating to the Haw'n Island.

For Sale by J.M.0at, Jr., & Co


The P.C. Advertiser Office.PRICE,

FIFTY CTS. PER COPYHonolulu, January 27,

65,000 Feet of

Galvanized Iron Pipe

and Fittingsh, )i, , l. m and X Inch.

jfrir Comiaerml Advertiser

j prr.LisiiKT)

Morniiifir Kxcept Sundays.f Every

TisKK; fme year.. $G 00f. Dl '' .VE.;T!Klt, SIX ni011l!l VU

I 0:LV ."'ilvh'TIsh:, Hire.- - months 1 50r":LY I.' '

Al.Vf UTISKK, J.'T rilOIith 50I lull f on? year 5 00

i JBlVsJ; irfption, U--. i. . 'Inching 6


1 4 Almost Everythlnff Warlike Wblehf Has Taken Flace lately,i -- Gafh" in Cincinnati Enquirer.I TLp prince of Wales has been to India,I m a.tour and India U at this moment thef wnfr cause of almost every thing whichI : .ken Place everywhere. The revoltI Tthe fctlimus of 1'anama, which burntI i-to- of Aspinwall the other day. was

Vt occasioned Ly nothing but displacementsEd rivalries over the Panama canal.

I tas been uttc-mpte- by the Frenchf in imitation of the British canal to India

in Fat- - The civil war in CentralAmerica, where Barrios was killed, was

I caused lV the disturbance of an AmericanI treaty to'make a ear.al through to the

Pstinc ocean and get another route to

! The fig-li- in the Saskatchewan country of! Canadaarises from nothing but the build- -

icrr of a railroad through that wilderness'! to the Pacific with the object of doingI ;rai!e with Asia and India, for all Asial ira the India of Columbus, China and

Jspcn Included. The fights in variousparti of Africa is for nothing but a rail-- .

I road or other means of communication1 across Africa to India. The battle bet-

ween the Russians and the Afghans Isnothing but British and Russian intrigue

I in Asia to gtt the advantage of eachother.


I Inquestioraluy the time is not far oft .

when India will be a still greater questionijth&n it is at present, and will absorb theIntention of the whole wi-rld- . for the rea- -

json that kxlu is used by 1ai-- I

rope as a nuke weight against thelinked States. If we monopolize

cotton they begin to raise cotton in India;I if we made too much profit on wheat andt corn they begin to raise wheat and corn

in India; if our railroads absorb Britishi money they begin to lay railrords in Jn- -

J:a ;

I Un the other hand the Russians are theonly people who are opening communica-- ltioii3 directly from the north of Europetoward India. The Russians built by

i American enterprise much of their rail-- 'road system, which now extends to the'

i Caspian sea. and they have incipientf roads beyond it carrying them far towardi India overland by a route which must ul-- ICmately he preferable to the Suez route,

I kcause grain and many other things bythe water route have to pass through the

i tropics and must spoil.

A Russian Ortlcer's Coolness.Orleans Tim Democrat Translation.

j Col. IvanoH one of the high Russian1 racers who conducted the Khivan cam- -

j paign Is still a young man, very tall andindsorae, with a fair complexion and a.

uJ thick beard. This beard has won him? appellation of riara-akal-Tur- a, "The

ledow-bearde- Chief. " and the natives ofjurkestaa aever speak of him, nor ad--

Iri5? m- - hy any other name, not even at.orr.cial meetings.The following incident affords a good

&J? f ,f fucult of keeping coolI Soca,c!l!atluS in the midst of danger.r VV en accrapanicd only by three

1 illtcrPretcr and a few na- -

,S,l1Llte) Ivauo!f found himselfiffSi attacked by a band of at) SJ: ; 7 Turkomans. The Russians im-fi- el

roupc(l themselves close toErTCk l. back- - and opened fire.

iS ?a revolver; hel4er and served the sixth InthK attack of the enemy.twdWf? rce.ment3 acd. when this

Issrrkf S ' evcrc wounded, had been, L Ua' somebody ventured toL'or ivi he had reserved that shot

fAr ?yS'lf' " reP.Iied Ivanoff-eYurbi-m

klpt etching to see ift toukcrS3 ha? lasS0C3- - If 1 had feltI aiiht 1 f a las30' tLe TurkomansipSer my cor b vcr a

j Loudon In Brief.J . Exchange 1

I About 11 nPrUpeirS infC9t the CitI Abou CTllcwpgood order.j

"-w- y ioreigners live in the10,000 strangers enter the city.

CUA 9,000 new houses are erected an--

i AKn v.a .tX'wyts enliven the moon- -

aclay.jU clcr?ymen hold forth every

jthful 6C0churches give comfort to the

!fiWdiiy PCrsous are aed to the pop-Ca- lh

ye3 of Dew streets are laidAbot r,,..

shelter the

FrUb,J the Inflexible.! tFl Press.


' a,WfprIe' whicb has just been

.asactlP in the FrenrhedhSf". with8,500 and a

;iLaild fhe draws twenty-2?nno?cr;e- et

of water.Satt thi kness from


i.0 ' Mirw " armament con-!TiWXa- 3

.? twenty! P? which heTSleted ?LiP &

Kedtr. 01 on and X,, v Annexible,

t0 attain. lcniUe formidable Is ex- - 1


IiYONS & LEVEY,--A.nctioneers

AND- -

General Commission Merchantsf

Beaver Block, Queen St., Houolulu.

of Furniture, Stoclt, Ileal EstateSalesGeneral Merchandise properly attended to

Solo Agents for:

hnmn & European Merchandise.372-tfW- tf


All accounts for Advertising aud JobJPrlntluat the

Pacitie Commercial Advertiser

Ofllce will from this date be presented for payment monthly.

Honolulu, March 2, 18S5.

FRANK CERTZ,PImprter and Manufacturer J

Of all Descriptions of

BOOTS & SHOESICr Orders from the other Islands solicited.

Xo. Il l Fort St., Honolulu.376-tfw- tf


JOHN UTSCHIG,Fashionable Boot Maker,

No. 320 Bush St., San Francisco, Cal.

Will fill orders in his line at the shortest possiblenotice. Planters will find it te their advantage tocall on MR. UTSCHIG before going elsewhere.

491 tf&w

M. PHILLIPS & Co.,and Wholesale Dealers inImporters Boots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish-

ing and Fancy Ooods. No.' 11 Kaahumanu Street.Houolulu, H. I. 3C6tf-w- tf


COLLEGE,l'ost Street.

N.r K.ir.y,Sun Wraneitco, CmU

(.Scud for Circular.)The Full Business Course includes Single and

Double Entry Pook-kecpin- g. as applied to alldepartments oi business; Commercial Arithmetic:Business Penmanship; Mercantile Law; BusinessCorrespondence; Lectures oh Law; BuslnesnForms, and the Science of Accounts; Actual busi-ness Practice in Wholesale and Retail Merchan-di- s

ng, Commission Jobbing, Importing, Rail-roading, Express Business. Brokerage, and Bank-ing; English Branches, Including Reading, Spell-ing, Grammar, etc.; Drawing and Modern Lan.guages, consisting of practical Instruction InFrench, German and Spanish.

Special Branches are: Ornamental Penman-ship, Higher Mathematics, Surveying, Naviga-tion, Civil Engineering, Assaying, Sbort-Han- d,

Type-Writin- g, Telegraphy, etc.For full information address,

E. P. HEALD & CO.,2'J4-d2- 3 SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.


Carpenter, No. 31 Alakea St.,

Will attend and contract for all kinds of work Inhis line.

REMOVING, RAISING or REPAIRING Oldor new buildings.

Work to be paid for when complete.Satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay.Charges as low as the lowest In the town.

Post Office box 135. 2'j-8e- pt 30




The undersigned fare now prepared to re

ceive orders for this Celebrated Fertilizerfrom the manufactory of Back & Ohlandt

San Franciaco:

The following is a report of the compo-

nent parta, as obtained by Chemical analy-


Water 8.10 per centOrganic Matter 29.18 " "Silicioua Matter 4.C5 " "Lime 31.70 " 'Phosphoric Acid 23,11 " "Oxide of Iron 85 "Carbonic Acid 1.89Alkali Salts .52

' 100.00.Nitrogen 2.7 percent.

Order 8 Received will have Prompt

and Careful Attention.

W. Gt. Irwin & Co.,Agents or the Hawaiian Islandi.

141 tf





I 7" ire Insurance ol all descriptions; will be effected at Moderate Kates of Prr mlum, by the undersigned.

WM. O. IRWIN & CO.129-dtw- tf . Managers for Haw. Islands




Capital, paid in full $200,000 00Assets, December 31, 1S81 443,31 0"jLooses paid sinc e Company was organ-

ized 1,133,534 SO

V. O. DERGER, Resident Aj,'ent,Office No. 24 Merchant street, Honolulu, H. I.

XT 2xr x o jxtFire and Marine Insurance Co.

Of Xew Zealand.CAIMTAL. : z 10.000,000

Having Kstablistied an Agency atfor the Hawaiian Islands, the un-

dersigned are prepared to accept risks against Firein dwellings, stores warehouses aad merchandise,on favorable terms. Marine risks on cargo,freights, bottomry, profits and commissions.Losses promptly adjusted A payable.

128-d- wtf WM. (J. IRWIN & CO.




rillie above Company liaviur estab- -JL lished an Agency at Honolulu, for the Hawa-iian Islands, the undersigned is authorized to acceptand write


Merchandise, Freights. Treasure,Commissions, and Hulls.

At current Rates.

WM. C. IRWIN & CO.,127-dw- tf Managers for Hawaiian Islands



EFFECTED UPON EVERYINSURANCES property at the current ratesof premium.

Total sum Insured in 1884 - - 31S,599,316

Claims arranged by the local agents, and paid

with promptitude and liberality.

The jurisdiction of the Local Tribunals recognized.

G. W. Macfarlane & Co.,

353tf - Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.


NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO.,Assets 7. 60,000,000


Capital ? 10,000 ,000


Combined Capital ?20,000,000



Capital $200,000


SAP E S!Fire Proof, Burglar Proof, Fire and

Burglar Proof.


SPRINGFIELD GAS MACHINE.Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co. .

O. O. BERGEK.,229 my29 HONOLULU, II. I.

X,. BI. TOUSSAINT,Wishes to announce to the TRAVELING

PUBLIC that he will open on

Saturday, June 6, 1885,

An Elegant Sample Parlor at lilLO, where every-thing in the line of


None but the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars kept.

Also, ALES, BEERS, and all kinds of FANCYDRINKS eerved in best style.

223 dtf Aw


Ex. W. n. DIMOND.

A Fine Lot of Red Fii;for sale by

Castle & Cooke.125-- tt


(Right of Komobino on same for Id years.)

LARGE AND ROOMY HOUSE, WELLV supplied with water-pipe- s and runningwater from the mountain springs. Carriage-hous- e

and other outbuildings. Blacksmith Shopand a full set of tools on same lot, and gardensite. Just the place for a blacksmith and family,and located in tlie center of the

BEAUTIFUL VILLAGE OF WAIOHINU,Kan, Hawaii, and only three-quarte- rs of a milefrom one of the largest plantations on Hawaii.Had, while smith worKed in shop last, a good runof trade. For further particulars address DeputySheriff of Kau, Hawaii. As this property mustbe sold within two months, it can be purchasedvery cheap. 234-tf-dft- w

"Cordon BOUGE'



1. PniMliNl883j

i?4.423 C-- i


Cor. Fort & Queen Sts.,HONOLULU, H. I.

Sole Agents for this Favorite Brand of

CHA. IVJCJPA GrNJE.460 tf fe w

NOTICE.AND AFTER THIS DATE ALL OURON accounts will be rendered monthly instead

of quarterly, as heretofore.S. J. LEVEY & CO.

Honolulu, Feb. 2nd, 1885. 497 t


Opposite Wilder fc Co.'sl

H. J. Nolte, Propr.OFKN YOU 3 A. M. TILL, 10 P. V



Cigars and TobaccosOF BEST BRANDS

Plain and Fancy PIPES personaUy selected from

the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety



Lovers of BILLIARDS will find an Elegant .


on the Premises.

The Pioprietor would be pleased to receive a cU

from his Friends and the Public generally

who may desire aLUXCH. A SMOKE, OR A GAME OF


H. J. N0LTE.356-- tt

i :


11 1


I !


i i;


1! ':



! f;





Xo. 12 Kaahumanu Street,HONOLULU. 375-t- f

H. HACKFELD & CO.,EXERAL COMMISSION AC4EXTS.G 363 tf Queen au, nonoiuiu, n.i.


"ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO.,fmporters &. Commission Merchants.L Queen Street, Honolulu, II. I. 308-t- f

A. S. CLEGHORN & Co.,and Wholesale and RetailImporters

General Merchandise,Corner Queen and Kaahumanu Sts. 3f9-- t


WM. G. IRWIN & Co.,FACTORS and CommissionSUGAR Honolulu U. I. 364-tfw- tf



A Pacific Commercial Advertiseror the 29th July. 1881, containingthe FULL TEXT of the CurrencyAct, can be had on application tothe P. C. Advertiser Office.

Price 25 cents each.Publisher P. C. ADVERTISER

WENNEB & CO.92 Fort Street,

Have on hand New Foreign and HomemadeJewelry.

. Watches, Bracelets, Necklets,Pins, Lockets, Clocks,

And ornaments of all kinds.

Silver and Gold PlateElegant Solid Silver Tea Sets.

Suitable for Presentation.ENGRAVING AND NATIVE JEWELRY

A Specialty.

Repairing in all its branches.93T Sole Agents for King's Eye Preservers.

577-mar9-- ly


Leading Piotograplier of Honolnln.


Water Colors, Crayon.India Ink, or Oil,

Photo. Colored, Ac.The only Complete Collection of

Island ViewsFerns, Shells,i

Curiosities, &c.CHARGES MODERATE.



book: bindee,Paper Ruler and Blank Book


t9 Bookbinding of all descriptions neatly andpromptly executed, and at reasonable charge.

Gazette Building,32tl MERCHANT STBEET.


Manufacturing Jeweler,Xo. 60 Xunann Street, lJ

(.Opposite Hollister & Co

Honolulu, II. I.Particular attention paid to repairing. 382tf


39,000California Hard Bricks


Castle fe Cooke.124- -


JSdlaile Colooiae,in AND 115 FORT STREET.

13-m- ar 27-fi- m


Spruance, Stanley & Co.,Importers and Jobbers of Fine

WHISKIES, WINES and LIQUORS,410 Front St., Sau Frnueixfo.

473 tf A w

Pantheon Stables,Cor, Fort Sz. Hotel Streets.


Carriages for hire at ail hours of the dry ornight; also, conveyances of all kinds for partiesgoing around the Island.

Excellent Smltlle Horses lor IaUiesand Gentlemen, Unarauteed lien tie.

Carrlas? Xos. 2, 24, 46, 47, 48, 49,90, 31, 52 anU 53.

Double and single teams always to be had onlivery at the most reasonable rates.

Large and small omnibus for picnics and excur-

sion parties, carrying from 10 to 40 passengers, canalways be secured by special arrangements.

Omnibus time tables can be obtained oy apply-ing at the office.

The Iaiuk Branch Bathing Housecan always be secured for picnic or excursionparties by applying at the office.

Corner Fort anil Hotel Streets.Telephone No. 31.

JAS. DODD, Proprietor.393tf



C. J. HARDEE, rroprietor.

Contracting & Building.MOULDINGS AND FINISH


FOR SALE Hard and Soft Stovewood, Cutand Bplit.

377-- tf


o. 6 Queen Street,


Beef, Veal, Mutton, Fish, Etc.

Family and shipping Orders carefully attendedto. Live Stock furnished to vessels at shortnotice, and vegetables of all kinds supplied toorder. 276 tf

mm FEED CO.,

Queen & Edxiiburgh Streets,


Dealers Id

HAY AD ttRAIX.Telephone No. 175.;

Goods delivered promptly.

Island Order. Solicited.


J. D. JMarlin,Retail Denier in Wines and Liquors,


MR. MARLIN BEGS TO ANNOUNCE THATis now prepared to open his house to thepublic, and will conduct the same as a thoroughly

hrst-cla- as establishment. A Refreshment Saloonand Lodging Accommodations connected with thepremises, and no pains will be spared for thecomfort of guests. A choice assortment of Ales,Wines, Liquors and Cigars constantly on hand.


For sale, at very low figures, by



We have received a consignment of the mostEconomical and Valuable Feed for all

kinds of Stock, viz.:

COOKED LINSEED MEAL.It Is the greatest Flesh former, Milk and

Butter producer in use.

Oil Cake Meal shows about 27 per cent, of nutritive matter; this nearly 39 per cent.

100 tts. oi this meal is equal to 300 tt8. of oats,or 31S Bs. of corn, or to 767 tts. of wheat bran.

For Sale in Lots to Suit,Also, oui Unrivalled MIXED FEED, as well as

our usual supply of the best kinds of

Hay. Oats, Wheat, Corn, Etc., Etc.

LAINE & CO.373 tf


St. Eouis. Mo.

Manufacture and Supply all kinds of

Book. News,Flat and Eabel Papers,

Binders Boards,Twines, Etc.



205 Eeidesdorff" Street.Telephone No. 47. SAN FRANCISCO.

X. B.Special Attention given toEarsre Contracts. 474 tf&w


SiCor. Fort & Queen Sts.,


Sole Agents for this Favorite Brand of





Castle & Cooke.lii-tu- r u-t- r

Page 2: Si - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · SAPMACNEALE &EURBANS!g Fire Proof, Burglar Proof, Fire and Burglar Proof. THE CELEBRATED SPRINGFIELD GAS MACHINE. Gas Fixtures of Mitchell,



Pacific Commercial Advertiser Description of This FineJapanese Steamship.

The Galaxy.There were three maidens who loved a king;;

They sat together beside the sea.One cried, "I love him, and I would die

If but for a day ha might love me."

The second whispered, "And I would dieTo gladden his heart or make him great"

The third one spoke not, but gazed afarWith dreamy eyes that were sad as fate.

The king he loved the first for a day.The second his life with fond lore blessed,

And vat the woman who never spoke

IS PUBLISHEDConstructed and

Cruiser WithEquipped asKrupp Guns.EVERY MORNING.

passed. On the same deck with the saloonare accommodations for 77 seoond class and300 steerage passengers, while the orlopdeck below is capable of accommodating a

thousand Japanese passengers. There arecomplete cooking ranges for all these pas-

sengers, and in each place the greatest clean-

liness and order is insisted upon. In fact,the discipline tnforced in every departmentin the vessel is effective, and at the sametine quiet.

On the upper deck the Captain ha9 ahandsome cabin vrith means at hand toenable him to communicate quickly withevery part of the vessel. The main "bridge,"from which an uninterrupted view of themain deck fore and aft is had, is imme-

diately forward of the Captain's cabin, andon this wide promenade are placed thestandard compass of the ship, the signalpost from which the Chief Engineer can beguided in working the engine, and anotherpost on which is fitted a handle, by means of

which the Captain can direct the quarter-masters at the helm, in the after part of thevessel, how to steer, when it becomes neces-

sary for them to do so, by means of theextra wheel fitted up near the stern. Thereare a number of compasses placed in differ-ent parts of the steamer, but they are,all re-

ferred for correction to the large one on the

Her Rate of Speed, and Other Inter-esting Detail.

:o:- -

ignore the economic impulse of thetimes. Whether this is or is not aprudent course for them to take isnot in consideration, however, andin this relation we simply note thefact as It presents itself to generalobservation.

But "cheap labor," that Is lowpriced labor, is a factor in the econo-mic problem of the worJd which can-not be ignored or lost sight of. Thegreat consuming countries of theworld are also the countries in whichwages are relatively high and thecost of living dear. They are also thegreat distributing countries, and command the transportation agencies ofnine-tent- hs of the habitable globe.But there are exceptional conditionsconstantly springing up which eithermodify very materially, or threatento overturn the economic balance inone or other of them.

Take the production of breadstuff'sby way of example. For many yearsthe United States led the world intheir production, the indirect effectbeing that population flowed steadilyinto it from Europe, while the westernnations looked to America to supplyany shortage in their annual crops.The result was unwonted growth of



A representative of the Advertiser visitedthe Yamashiro Maru yesterday, and wasshown over the vessel by the Chief Engineer,Mr. Crooketon, from whom the followingparticulars were obtained:

The Yamashiro Maru is an iron vessel,built by Sir "William Armstrong fc Mitchell,on the river Tyne, and waa launched inJanuary, 1881. She is 300 feet in lengthbetween perpendiculars, with 37 feet 6

inches breadth of beam, and 31 feet depthof hold. Her register measurement is 1,550tons, but she has capacity for 3,000 tons offreight, coal, etc. The main and orlopdecks are of iron, and she is fitted with tire


f annum wSix months 3 qqPer mon th .......... 60c

aaNnlserlption Payable always InAdvance.CommujiIcaaoaB from all parts of the Kingdom

will always be very acceptable.Persons residing In any part of the United State

can remit the amount of subscription due by PostOffice money order.

Matter In isn-te- d for publication ia tfae editorialcolumns shcr : . be addressed to

Editor Paccttc Comrctal Apvehtibm."Husiness communications and advertisements

should be addressed simply -

P. C. Advkrtwek."and not to individual.

PACIFIC Wilder s

Mi'AdvertiserCommerciamain bridge. In order io neutralize the"local attraction" that always exists in aniron vessel the large compass is surroundedby a system of magnets arranged so that

Was the one of the three who loved himbest.

Sheridan's Way.Indianapolis Times.

Telling these things of Grant remindsme of a story of the battle of Cedar creekI got from an old soldier who was there.It will be remembered that when the bat-tle began Sheridan was at Winchester,"twenty miles away, " and his army wasunder the command of Gen. WrightWhen Sheridan reached the field thearmy was defeated, and all but the Nine-teenth corps demoralized. The corps wasunder the command of Gen. Emory, whohad been a professor at West Point whenSheridan was a (adet Sheridan wasquick to seize upon the situation, and hedirected Emory to take a certain positionand hold it against all odds until he shouldhear Sheridan's guns at a certain pointEmory promptly obeyed, and soon thebattle raged aain with the utmost fury.The rebeis made assault after assault, butEmory held his place.

Time and again he sent, urgently ask-ing for but Sheridanonly sent word back to hold on a littlelonger. He did hold on until Sheridancollected the shattered forces and chargedlike a thunderbolt, and Early and hisarm' were routed. That evening, asEmory was sitting upon the ground,blackened by powder, and exhausted bythe toils of the day, for he had been light-ing for seven hours, one of Sheridan'sstall officers rode up and, saluting him,said: "Gen. Emory, I am instructed byGen. Sheridau to present to you his com-pliments, and to say that he regards youas a regular d d old stuck buzzard; thatyou are a glorious old lighter. " Thisunique statement of the stall oWcer wasreceived with shouts bythose who sur-rounded Emory. It appeared afterwardthat the officer had giveu literally to Em-ory the words of his chief.

? olutiou of the North Pole Problem.Boston Herald.

"No, sir, they never will reach thenorth pole without my steam sleigh, " saidJohann Kairies to a New York reporter.

the United btates, cheap food in New Route to the Volcauo

Via Keanliou.Europe, and a corresponding increasein the output of manufactures at a STEAM BOOK AND JOB

PRINTING OFFICElower ranee of prices. The westernnations and the United States, jealous of each other's prosperity, whichwas owing to reciprocal exchange of

Is prepared to do all kinds of

iron water-tig- ht bulkheads, running up tothe main deck. These divide the vesselinto six water-tigh- t compartments, any oneor two of which may be filled with waterwithout causing the vessel to sink. Herhull is quite flat on the floor, and the bot-

tom of the vessel is double, there being aninside skin or lining running the full lengthof the ship, and about 3 feet G inches fromthe outside hull. In this space can be car-

ried 700,000 gallons of water as ballast. Ateach end of the vessel there is a tank forfresh water, both togetherjholding 53 tunsof water. In addition to these there are

commodities, did their best to checkit by hostile tariffs, Eugland alone

Commercial & Legal Workholding aloof, and as a result captur

THEPacific Commercial Advertiser

Js now for sale daijlv at the Following Places:

J. M. OAT & CO Merchant streetT.O. THRUM Merchant streetCRYSTAL SODA WORKS Hotel streetW.F. BURGESS Kin, streetWOLF & KUVARDS...Cor Kine and Nuuam, .t.

ing the world's carrying trade, which

The steamer KINaUleave Honolulu on Tueii.lav XwT' Khou, the new Volcano laniinJ :? fwSnupon the first Tnesduv if J,' a'lJ.'

ofeaenmonth.Alameda and Mariposa, dui he?e

,lje SttuWe offer passengers THROUGHthe sum of FIFTY DOLLAI's ICKE!

PAID; allowing passengers en,t'HAtime at the Volcano House

: '!WTHonolulu on Sunday morning ' rotllf

Only fourteen miles from the ,,oleano, over a good roud-i- es, than i ftanee of any other route lialfU4.

On ail trips except Volcano tripswill run her regular time table, K, JeMK

returning to Honolulu at 10a ,M"4

Volcano trips, passengers fr?mN,ffimust take the steamer on up i1can remain on board or stop 0v? "a uZAFriday at 9 a. m. as they choose

All further particulars given at the officii

Wilder's Steamship Co.

was transferred to it by the war of COBKKCTLY AND WITH DISPATCH.

they balance each other's attractive in-

fluence .

With these appliances about them thequartermasters of the watch on deck standat the wheel and guide the huge hull of thevessel under their feet on her trackless way.To control the massive rudder there is inthe wheel-roo- m under the bridge a solidworm wheel, which is revolved ,io right orleft by a worm, actuated by twin steamcylinders, into which the steam is admittedthrough a valve, whose port is governed bya lever., moved by the wheel in the hands ofthe quartermasters. The whole contrivanceis a happy combination of the wheel, leverand screw, so arranged that the powerexerted by the steersmen is multiplied athousand fold without any correspondingloss of time.

The Yamashiro Maru, Captain Mahlmannsays, steers with great ease, and is a mostweatherly boat. She belongs to the KiodoUnyu Kwaishu (Union Steamship Company)and runs regularly between Yokohama andEobi, a distance of 350 miles. She makebsix and a half trips every month, leaving

tariffs referred to. Nevertheless, thenet result was great average prosperity, high rates of wages, large profits,

Having just Received a Complete and NewMCCARTNEY Hole, 8treet Assortment ofincreased comfort of the people, andwonderful industrial developmentFive Cents per Copy. of


two other tanks, each carrying 2,400 gal-lons fresh water.,. The engines of the Yamashiro Maru arecompound, built by the Wallsend Slipwayand Engine Company, at Wallsend,

The high pressure cylinderis 42 inches in diameter, and the low pres-sure 78 inches. Both cylinders have 54inches stroke. They are coupled to a steel

Job Types and OrnamentsA new factor is now introducedwhich may, aud indeed must, change Honolulu, June 12, la8".A GREAT

Ths Wkeklv P. C.existing economic conditions. The


Advertiser; is the best Of the Latest Styles, from the most Celesunremacv of the T7nirifl Rfafoa a Vionrl .,.,. I " ut, Vw--TTL'ZZZZZ' Bny" being dbputad in -- baft UU mche, in diame.er, to which iS

Ladies' Hair Dressiiifattached a propeller of four blades, havingmean pitch of 24 feet C inches. There are

"You see, the polar travelers are inter-rupted on their way either by ice or bycurrents of water. Take my steam sleighand you will go straight, both by ice andby water. My sleigh is boat-shape- d andonce plunged into water will work likeany steamboat, while on the ice it will goas smoothly as the best sleigh you canget. Suppose the Greely party had hadsome of these stfiafri sleighs, they could

mJ vuvuctcu all allits departments, it will be found to be uniformly I aD quarter. Britishbright, newsy and reliable. Belmr Intended nH-- 1 India has Stepped into the lists, and

brated Foundries of the United States,

and employing only Experienced

and Tasty Workmen, we areiiy for the family circle, it win contain nothing bids fair to become the leadine- - wheat I t,TO of Thompson's patent air pumps withFort street, opposite Doud's StabHmetal valves, and an extra air pump thatproducing country of the world. A

tu morais or renned taste.have been nerfectprl tnr tHHn

digest of the world's news up to latest dat inI few years ago the idea of India ex- -

addition to all the local and general news or th I Prting Wheat Would have beenKingdom Correspondence, detailing facts, Is In- - laughed at. A tropical Country sub

prepared to ttrrn out

Letter Heads,mil Heads,

Circulars.Note Heads.




LATE OF SAN FRANCISCO, UASOPEVlHair Dressing Parlor, wberiikkept a tine stock ot Hair Goods, Toilet ArtM-et- c.

.Ladies waited on at their ro.M.n. . ?

easily have solved the problem. 1 wouldarrange thus: A party of the explorersshould start from the permanent stationon several steam sleighs. Having made agood distance, say from seventy five to100 miles, one steam sleigh shouldstop to form a temporary station,

jected to periodic famine, whose popuIntion starved to death by millions

nuiu mi parts or the Islands. Orders foraubscriptions should be addressed to the Manager.

The Weekly P. c Advertiser is mailed tosubscribers at f 5 per annum, payable in advance.Remittances may be made by P. o. Order.

sired- - Ladies and Children's Hair Cutilaispecialty. Gents' Tonsorial Parlor in

almost within a decade, is certainlythe last place one would look to find

can be used aa a circulating pump if re-

quired.The boilers, which are of steel, are four in

number, each 14 feet 6 inches in diameterand 10 feet long. Each boiler is fitted withthree circular furnaces 3 feet 4 inches indiameter, and 6 feet 9 inches long. Thereare 45 fire bars 6 feet long to each furnace,the total grate surface of the train of boilersbeing 240 square feet.

Each boiler is fitted with 230 tubes 3hdiameter,- - Birmingham wire gauge. Thesetubes ' are C feet 11H inches long, andthe heating surface in each boiler is 1,800

each port exactly at 1 o'clock p. m. of hersailing days. She has made the trip betweenthe two ports in 24 hours, 55 minutes.Her sister ship is the Omi, and itis said that although it would be hard todistinguish between the two vessels by theirappearance, the Yamashiro Maru is thefavorite with the traveling public. Of thesethere are enough to furnish about 200 pas-sengers per vessel each month, and the com-pany also does a large freighting business.The cost of the vessel, without any "extras,"was $255;000, and any one who visits herwill not think that sum too much to pay forsuch a splendid specimen of marine archi-tecture.

Distribution of Japanese.The allotmen t and distribu tion of Japa nese

lon.Ihfi rrst of thn sipitrhs or r cr153 allnu,uS

ahead. Then at the end of another hun- -a surplus supply of bread-stuf- f. ButTUESDAY so It is ; and this is not all. WheatJuly 21st. 31. S. Griiibaum & Co,,

IMPORTERS OFis raised so cheaply, without the usof labor-savin- g machinery, as to put uvuerai Merchandise and Commit.all the contrivances of American in


The streets were filled with Japanese ItmnicrraiitM vwiuM.,.,

genuity, on the virgin fields of thesion Merchants, Honolulu, H.I.

No. 124 California street, San Francisco, C!.

Jyi-i- y

square feet. The steam space in each boiler

Rill or IadiHr,Contracts,

Mort;are Blanks.Leases,

Shipping: Contracts,(In Hawaiian &. English)

Calendar.Itlauk ('becks,

Bonds. .

Stock Certtti cate.BiiHineM.4 Carda.

Ideal Check,JSlk Ticket!,

Bank ClieckM,

West, entirely In the background. is 1,750 cubic feet, and with 85 lbs. pressurew rw 11 These points are brought out by Mr. of steam to the square inch there is devel

dred miles another sleigh should stop.Thus a chain of temporary stations wouldbe formed, between which and the per-manent station quick and regular commu-nication could be kept up by means of thesteam sleighs. "

"Where is your steam sleigh?" askedthe reporter.

"Oh, that's the trouble." said Mr. Kai-ries. I invented it while living in Kussia.It was seized and I was expelled fromKussia, and here I am, as poor as when Istarted in life. As soon as I earn moneyenough I will take out a patent for mysteam sleigh, and 1 will also see to it thathenceforth no polar expedition startswithout it There is money in it and Iwould demonstrate it if your East riverwould freeze fast, say for a couple ofmouths. "

J. A. Leonard, United States Consul- - oped an indicated hcrse-pow- er of 2,300. TheGeneral at Calcutta. He reports to speed of the vessel is 144 knots, with sixty- -his Government : five revolutions of the propeller per minute. BANKING NOTICE

Wheat is and will be raised cheaper in J The consumption of coal is about forty-eig- ht

walked leisurtdy'about, taking in thesights and making mental notes of allthey saw. They are a remarkably ro-bust and healthy-appearin- g body olmen, and taken as a whole, wouhicompare to advantage in physlquranil general bearing with anyshipload of European immigrantslauding at Castle Garden or in any ol

India than in America. Our improvedmachinery cannot compete with the laborer

immigrants will take place, as far as pos-

sible, to-da-y, all of them going to planta-tions. A great many applications had beensent in for domestic servants, cooks, etc.,but it has been found impossible to complywith any of these requests, Consul-Oener- al

Irwin stating that there are no domestic?,or persons accustomed to housework, amongthe present party. Care will be taken, how-ever, in future selections, to procure a pro-

portion of this class of immigrants.

tons a day of the soft kind called "Karatsu,"which is mined about the centre of Japan.

who works for 7 to 10 cents a day, and with To supply the consumption, the vessel cancarry 350 tons of coal in her bunkers, and athat sum feeds and clothes himself and

family ; who lives in a house that can be further supply of 320 tons for long voyagesme colonies of England. The paucity huilt for less than $5, and wants scarcely of about sixteen days.

The undersigned have formed tepartnership under the firm name of

Claus Hpreckels & Co., for ttt

purpose of carrying on a Bank l

Savings and Deposits, and fdrtrai

acting a general Banking and E-

xchange business at Honolulu, nisuch other place iu the Hawtiiu

Kingdom as may be deemed advisabl.

Claus Spreckel3

any clothing, no furniture,' and less and In order to secure greater steadiness of Mr. At water, Secretary of the Board of


Jlarrlase Certificates.


RloftiiiK- - Pads,DniK-gist-s Labels,

Envelopes,Shipping; Receipts.

cheaper food than any other civilized human the vessel in a seaway the hull is fitted with Immigration, furnishes the following parhoing.

or women was noticeable, however,and wo hope that In future this greatsocial defect will be remedied. TheJapanese enjoy home life, becausethey are a highly-civilize- d ran.

what are called " rolling chocks," or sisterkeelsons, one on each side of the keel, andMr. Leonard, however, takes comabout fifteen feet from it. These additionalfort in the thought that owing to de- -

They should have an opportunity to I fective land transportation, this

The Lieutenant's Fate."Army Life," hy A. O. Marshall.

One evening after our work for theday was done, our jovial little comrade,Elisha iiurrows, was seen walking downtoward the officers' quarters. His face,always the picture of mirth and fun, wasnow covered with sadness. He had justcome from his tent Corporal Lewis wasone of his tent mates. Lewis, one of ourbest soldiers, was a general favorite, andespecially so with Lieut Burnham, oneof the warmest-hearte- d and most sympa-thetic men in the army.

A'sISurrows came near Lieut Burnham,his face grew more sad and in mournfultones he asked: "Lieutenant, did vou hear

keels project 11 inches from the hull of tbjTeasel, and, being 200 feet long, they present

Wm G. Irwin.Honolulu, April 15, 18S5.make homes. wheat cannot be got to England so

a surface of over 350 square feet resistancecheaply as American wheat. But

tial list: For Maui: 275 to Spreckelsville,and 40 to Reciprocity Plantation. For Ha-waii : 50 to Hilo Sngar Company, 20 toHon. Sam. Parker's ranch, 25 to OokalaSugar Company, and 40 to Hakalau. ForKauai : 50 to the Makee Sugar Company.This makes a total of 500. There remains,therefore, 487 immigrants, including thefour in hospital, to be allotted to-da- y, or assoon as possible. A finer body of agricul-tural laborers never came to this or to anyother country.

to a roller motion of the vessel. They addthi3 is one of those drawbacks which

Ball JProsramines.Theatre Irojjraumies,

And in fad evervthinq which a First-Cla- ss

Office can do.

materially to her steadiness, and were fittedto the hnll in order to counteract the careen

We think the planters are to becongratulated upon this body of la-borers, and we trust their treatmentwill be such as to leave no roomfor justifiable complaint. Therhreobjections to contract labor from

money and enterprise will soon rem-edy in the shape of railroad construc ing effect of firing the heavy Krupp guns,

with two of which the Yamashiro Maru cantion and the adaptation of the American elevator system. The Afehan be fitted in case the Japanese Government

wish to use the vessel as a cruiser. Provarious points of view, but while this difficulty has stimulated railroad con- -vision is made on the main deck for these

about Corporal l ewis?" In his quick,impulsive way the lieutenant answered;"No, what is the matter with him? " Witha voice trembling with emotion Burrowsslowly replied: "He is now in his tentdyeing. " With tears of heartfelt sorrowand sympathy coursing down his cheeks,

P. CL A. Job Printing diceclass of labor is introduced, care struction in Northwestern India, andshould be taken to render its sur- - t is certain that British capital androundiners as little irksome as possi- - enterprise will develop, to its fullest

guns amidships, where the deck is twice the

Referring to the above, we beg to

inform the business public that ow

Banking establishment will be opened

for the transaction of business on

Monday, May the 4th, when we w3

be prepared to receive deposits in oir

Savings Bank.We will also be prepared to matt

loans, discount approved note,K

purchase exchange at best maiW

rates.We will receive deposits ou o3

account, make collections and co-

nduct a general Banking and E-

xchange business.Our arrangements have been co-

mpleted, so that we can draw exeban?

on the nrinciDal narts of the world.

thickness that it is elsewhere. There aretwo ports on each side for the guns. TheyDie. we do not think that any re-- I extent, this new field of food produc-aponsibl- e

manager of a plantation I tion which will make England iu- -

Birthday Party.A large and enjoyable party was given at

the residence of Hon. H. A. Widemann lastevening, to celebrate the birthday of hisson-in-la- w, Mr. Fred. Macfarlane. Ber-ger- 's

string band was in attendance, and,with the piano, furnished pleasant music forthe dancers. The guests enjoyed the spa-cious verandas of the residence, and the

are intended to be placed on their carriagesin the centre of the vessel. The enn- -would act with undue harshness to I depeudent of "wheat pools,'' and "cor--carriages turn on a rail laid on the deck,tnese men, who are ignorant of our I ners" in pork, lard and provisions by and can be trained to any angle of firing.language and customs, but the eye of American speculators. The carriages are fitted with recoil tracks, sotne manager is not always on the India will give a large additional that the carriage itself is not driven back Metropolitan Marketlight showers of rain which fell cooled the

air and added to the comfort of the promen- -lunas and their deputies, aud they I supply of cheap food to Europe, re-ma- y

occasionally be inclined to be during the cost of living to the work--wards in firing. The magazines are placedbelow the water-li- ne on each side of thevessel, and hold some 20 tons of powder.arbitrary and unjust. The success of 1 in classes there, and enabling manu- -

Japanese immigration means a great I facturera to turn out goods profitably I and about the same weightof shot and shell.

isurnnam rushed to the soldier s tent, ex-claiming: "Poor Lewis!" "Poor Lewis!"and found him sitting before a glass dye-ing his new-grow- n mustache.

The Man with the Ked Noie.San Francisco ( hronic e "Undertones."

There is a gentleman in town who hasa very prominent nose. Some astute peo-ple say there is a great deal of characterin a nose. There'more than character ina red nose. There's reputation bad repu-tation. There are history and departedfinancial greatness and taste. Not goodtaste, perhaps, but a good deal of itNoses give people away. You say a manhas a bad eye, but that does not p?oveanything ou say a man has a Greciannose. That means nothing. He has aKoman nose. What does that amount to?But if he ha,s a red nose! He drinks past,present and future of the verb. Thatsettles it I don't think it is fair, but it so.

105-- tf Claus SpreckelsAJ jdeal for this country. at reduced rates. This must iu turn Without being told that the vessel can be IlISV STREET.

turned into an armed cruiser at a moment'snotice the visitor would not notice anv- -AB0UT CHEAP LABOR.thing warlike about the steamer, though the

aders. Refreshments were served during theevening, and dancing was kept up to a latehour, the guests, upon leaving, wishing Mr.Macfarlane many more happy returns of theday.

One of the most amusing scenes that hasbeen witnessed in Honolulu for some timewas at the free entertainment, extendedby the courtesy of Mr. F. Johnson yesterday,to the newly-arrive- d Japanese at the "AuntSally" target range. The "Jap" is re-nowned for his politeness, and, after receiv

react upon the wage-earnin- g andagricultural classes in America, andtighten the economic strain whichthe tariff has already put upon them.It will lower the profits of the farm inthe States, reduce consumption of

GJJ. WALLER, PROPRIETOR.We do not intend, in this article, todiscuss the question whether high-price- d

labor is 'dear" labor or vice

. j i t :j . -


exquisite cleanliness of the whole ship, thesnowy whiteness of her decks", and a generalair of smartness about everything and every-body aboard of her suggest a man-of-wa- r.versa, because a great many consider manufactures, and, according to pre

ations must be taken into account before arriving at a sound conclusion.

A his gentleman has a large nose. Idon't know what a large nose signifies,save a loud noise when he blows it This

cedent, result in a lowering of wages,extended strikes, and mayhap in theend a social revolution, which was

Choicest Meat lroiu Fine! Herds.It may be accepted as an axiom, how-ever, that where the cost of living is almost precipitated by the greed ofhigh labor is well paid, unless it be the great corporations in the Fall of

The officers and crew of the YamashiroMaru number 120 all told, of whom sevenare European. The names of her officers are :

Captain J. Mahlmann, Commander ; ArthurGladstone, Chief Officer ; J. Collier, SecondOfficer ; J. Crookston, Chief Engineer ; E.Oxley, Second Engineer ; Alexander Camp-bell, Third Engineer and Electrician; J.Calhoun, Fourth Engineer ; Mr. Canda (aJapanese), Purser. Of these, Messrs. Crook-ston and Campbell came out from Englandin the vessel.

held at a disadvantage by capital. In 1877.the latter case labor organizes,

Serious Accident.strikes ensue, aud national industries By the Planter, from Kauai, wo learn Families and shipping supplied on SHORTand trade become depressed.

ing a cigar apiece from the manager, theyeven saluted the target mummies on therack. They take great interest in the game,and congregate in erowds day and night atthe range.

The Japanese who are at the immigrationdepot were permitted to roam about the cityyesterday, and groups of them in their pic-turesque dress were to be seen in everyquarter examining everything they cameacross and holding short conversations withthe Hawaiians. They invaded Nuuanustreet in swarms, and it was amusing towatch them bargaining with the Chinese,

that Mr. A. Cropp, Manager of the Koloa

Yamasliiro Mam,

Will sail for Yokohama on Jor abon

loth, and will take cargo and'psr

HongkongTranshipping at Yokohama.

t... TTnnnlulU t0 W

me problem of the division of plantation, while visiting the men at work NOTICE and at the

gentleman with the large nose went outto Woodward's gardens. He looked atthe pelican. Two days afterwards he gota hundred copies of a daily with amarked paragraph containing the infor-mation that the pelican had died suddenly.

"Nine Days Old."fChicago HeraM.I

"Some like it hot, some like it cold,some like it in the pot nine days old. "Thus runs the song about peas porridge,which is not often found on a mcdern biiiof fare Our porridge, the much abusedoatmeal, is improved, according lo ascientific writer, by kreping in closed jarsseveral days before using, it is sweetenedby the formation of sugar, while thefibrous material is softened.


profits iu its relation to wages, is en in the fields, fell backward from hisgrossing a great deal of attention inthe old countries of Europe, and in home, which was going at a rapid pace,

Lowest Market Prices.striking on his head. When picked npthercomparatively new countries ofAmerica and Australia. Sooner or he was unconscious, and Dr. Walters,

who was immediately called in to his help,

The steamer is two-maste- d, brigantinerigged, and carries eleven boats, of whichfour are on deck and seven iu the cranes onthe Bides. In addition to the ordinary lampsshe is fitted throughout with --electric lights,of the kind known as the Edison-Sw- an

patent. Not only is the whole interior ofthe vessel fitted with these lights, but shealso carries powerful side- - and mast-hea- d

later it will become a live economicissue in these Islands, and iudeed it pronounced him seriously injured.- - Dr.

i annate iiuuwhich includes ?all transhipping


Portuguese ana "foreign" storekeepers. Itis not known that they bought anything, butas our lady friends know, that did not pre-vent their doing a good deal of "shopping."

Smith was also in attendance. At lastaccounts he was improving. This is the " Interesting Case-.- "

Tisea?e itself mav be r lilpi n fir fry Apply tolights of the same patent. Pneumatic tubes tt: ir.. i ,i t- - ..... 1 . . T. . . . fcsecond time Mr. Cropp has been injuredby a fall from a horse, he having had his

All meats delivered from this market are thor-oughly chilled Immediately after killing by meansis majesty iueang entertained at break- - I appears mat in i'liilaaelpMa "interestingfor signalling run to all parts of the rewel, WM. G. IB WIScases lure tliemselvea out tr inoi tf, iviuaj vpnm u.autmanntcorranciarm broken on a previous occasion.After Mr. Cropp was thrown the horse

ui a an Patent Dry Air Refrigerator.Meat so treated retains all its juicy properties,and IS GUARANTEED TO KEEP LONGERAFTER DELIVERY THAN PREHHLV-KILLE- D

MEAT. 379-Jyl5-t- X

and in the way of hot and cold water pipes,ventilating apparatus and steam-heate- rs,

her appointments are complete. The main

ia already discernible in the move-ment of the Portuguese and othersfor a species of co-operat- ion or lim-ited partnership in raising cane audthe production of sugar. How farthis tendency will be strengthened orweakened by the new departure inJapanese immigration, it is of courseimpossible to say, but so long asplanters can obtain reliable contractlabor, they will be in a position to

leaped over a railing, and in doing so was

ing the Japane3& steamer Yamashiro ifaru.There waa also present Her Majesty QaeerKapiolani, H. B. H. the Governess of Ha-waii, Viscount Torii, Mr. Gladstone, Chief

S. I. Taylor; &Jbadly cut

ures at from 25 cents to $2 according tothe "istruclivenes3 of his malady."ia? t fference.

You can most always tell whetherWnn aQ br married a man love o?

?hen,.yu noticc whether shewarms slippers for him before hef business or bounces him

saloon a delightfully cool, roomy place isfitted with cabins and dining accommodaMr. Robert Parker has been commissioned BOOK,tion for twenty-fou- r first-cla- ss passengers : PAPEB,C1ITY SHOEING SHOP,

Dodd's Stables.FORT STREET,Horse ahneln? in STRAWFirst Lieutenant, and Mr. J. K. Kolomona,

Officer, and Mr. Cand, Parser of the Yama-shiro Mara;, also Colonel E. TV. Purvis,Vice Chamberlain.. The Royal HawaiianBand played during the breakfast,

and in point of roominess and comfortable Manufacturer, and 1 0"artSecoad Lieutenant, ia the King's Guards. fittings, the staterooms are not easily sur- -

all Its branches. Racing and fancy stock aspecialty. MR McDONaLD received the di-ploma and highest nward at the Exhibition of

834. Terms reasonable, 241-Je2-- ly

4H and 416 Clay street324 Jyio r

Page 3: Si - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · SAPMACNEALE &EURBANS!g Fire Proof, Burglar Proof, Fire and Burglar Proof. THE CELEBRATED SPRINGFIELD GAS MACHINE. Gas Fixtures of Mitchell,


THE DAILY PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER.I Amscbr J B Leeds, from Navarro River, Cal, "The Hell ofJIakniaumau."

We have received the followins very inTho American Fashioa.

Chicago Herald. Htfstttess awards. aitorlistmtnls.terestiug letter from Mr. Merton Ii. Cote?, They are moving Lord Carrineton's

- ici.:i,i,ii r l a1J1POKTS.From Port Townsend, per bktne Amelia, July who, with liu wife, joined the last Volcano ATTOKXEYS.AT.IAW.iiuuse iu .uiLcuaii, l,uuuou, en masse, to

20 276,752 feet rough lumber, 115,361 feet surfaced LEWIS & CO.,lumber, 3,000 pickets, 200,000 shingles, 11,350 footparty, some of whom have since returned tothe city. The letter is dated from the Vol

uu nujaceui mic, unci wuai tney call theAmerican fashion, and the operation scsimple with us, is causing considerable


v (i reawooa anu ibo.tii reet it w glear VOLNEY V.ASHFORD

EXPORTS. Ashfortl V Aslifortl,ATTORNEYS, COUNSELORS, SOLICITORS,For Saa Franciscoper tern J C Ford, July 20

"Wholesale and Retail Grocers,C7 and 69 Hotel street. F. O. Box 297. Old and New Telephone, 240.

NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED ON ICE. Fresh California Fruits. Fresh California Fish,and a fall line of Fancy and Staple Groceries. Goods delivered to all parts of the city free of c'aarge.


ADVOCATES, ETC.i iiacKieia s lo, o.oj nags sugar; C A'ong, l i--

bars su?ar; total sugar, 7,453 bags; total tonnage.450 tons; domestic value, $42,954 s6. -- Honolulu Hale, adjoining the

. ,t the CiVll For Jaluit. 8 S I, per tern Ke Au Hou, July 2vPac-fl- c Navigation Co, 500 feet H R tracks. s.ooorequested to' -

u-- e herd'".eeblbiwof their affairs to

. or before tbeSOtn dayumuci, iw ivuuu.i potatoes, uu casc-- s

oeef, 200 mats rice and 13 packages sundries.Foreign value, f 1,150; value transhipped, S3s3 7";domestic value, $107 50.- ., - ur:cie" . for the year eud- - DISINFECT ! DISINFECT

excitement in juonuon. iau they takento this American fashion earlier manyhouses of historic interest, amon" themthe several residences of Miltoi? mighthave been saved.

rarnelTs Oratory.Chicago Times.

Mr. Parnell's always frigid style of or-ator- y

has become even colder and morenonchalant than ever. He speaks, excepton rare occasions, as an official duty ap-parently, rather than from any other'mo-tive- ,

and seems to take a pleasure in show-ing that, as it vas not by mere talk thaihe gained his unique position, he need notimitate the loquacity of his followers.

According to the Moon.Boston Budget.

At Harpswell, Me., those engaged indigging clams the past winter have received 7 per barrel for them. It tnkp

CECIL BROWN, ATTOKNEY-AT-LA- W ANDPublic, Campbell's Block, Merchant

street. lS9-lym- 20

A. ROSA,AT LAW AND NOTARYATTORNEY with the Attorney General, Alii

olani Hale, Honolulu, II. I. mr26-12-t- f


cano House, July 17th, and is as follows:"Di:ab Sir I have barely time to send

you a hasty note to inform you that Mrs.Cotes and myself, with a party of fifteenothers, left the Volcano Houso at 5 p. m.and arrived back here at 12:30, having ex-plored the marvels of this wonderland.

"We found the little beggar, Ilalemau-mau- ,

and the "new" or north lake, cd

ingly active. From time to time Ii .: mau-ma- u

was one mass of rolling mol.vn fire,running in huge waves from six to ten feethigh, just like the surf after a severe storm,and in many places jets of the most brilliantfire played throwing up thousands of spark-ling diamonds in the air fifteen and twentyfeet high. Our guides stated it has not beenso active for a very long time.

"In crossing the great lava beds we foundit very active in many places, vomiting forthmolten fire precisely similar to the molten


From Port Townsend , W T, per bktne AmeliaJuly ii Misses Newball (2,. '

r'rom Hamakua, per steamer Iwalani. Julv 11Dr Jas Brodte. V S, Mrs Paul Jarreit, It A Lvman,W C Johnson .and w.fe, Mrs Aug Unna ProfElijah I Nichols, and 25 deck passengers.

From the Volcano, etc. Der stfumpr fCinnM t.,:.- -

MiuM- -r of tLe Interior- - Carbolic A.cid, Carbolic Powder,Chloride Lime,

Srirolmr.Copperas,ATTORNEY AT LAWoffice Notice.lhat during

111of II- -



19 Mrsch Wight and two children, lion J 2s' hi,J McDadc, F.d Smith, Capt am NowleinKum Chee, Mrs C F Furneux, II Johnson andwife, ftev J Hemphill and wife, E M Laucianz, FTGriUith, Capt J Kosi, A Young, sr, C Bolte. Mrs


ESQ..ick'FKLD,L 111V Real Estate in any part of the

Bought, Sold aud Leased on Commissioneight or ten bushels of the shell fish to till.r,. .awaiKu, J r S AJexanfler. c;eooffice as Act,fif,i.s of that



i, M Baldwin, a p WilrJer, a barrel when the shells are removpd thni I Loans Negotiated and Leeral Documents Drawn... htn.hv required to and 96 deck passengers, i- - . ll T " " I " "




pe..ai r .. . 0.r.f iron I have seen issuing from our large fui-nac- es

in England, when some enormousi '' .. : i.h an"

is, ui imi moon, nut according to TheBath Independent, it takes twelve bushels if the clams are dug when the moon iain its first quarter.

BEFARTl'RKS.For Kauai, 'iihau and Xiljoa, per steamerIwalani, July 20 II R II ITincess Liljuokalani, AHoffnung and wife. Miss Klla Iloffuune. Kev JHemphill and wife, w W Hall, n r

Ko. 27 5IEKCIIAXT STREET,Gazette Block, Honolulu. 371-- ti


casting had to he made. We were on severalf . K1KM. Ki.-- ,J h H;

VLlF-KliI0-'I Minir of Foreign A iTairs. occasions in most dangerous proximity to

the active fire, aud were compelled to walkA large supply of the above disinfectants on hand at

HOLLISTEE & COJaeger, Henry Jaeger, E S Cunha and wife. Ha'rryTV Auld, J D Holt, Hon Jas Krau utid ivifo unnJuly l- -5-

H- CI AND 63 HOTELTN FOWLER'S YARD,immediately over it on the partially cooledJunius Kaae and wife, Uon J T liukor n. v?t, r JL street. The only one dollar house in Hono- -lava for a space of at least two milts." Nuuanu Street. Fort Street.GG-a- pll ?SGper night, 2j centsllu.

weekCti?kalll?rl und wife. O J Holt, Jr. and wife, JJ llJiams, Mrs Emma M Beck lev, Miss PetersonMiss Lily Piikoi, Miss Itose Opealu, Mrs J M KiC


rooms per186-nl- SJluu , i.-,-

. tle mulersigued, The party which accompanied Mr. andJ

On tho Jterniudas.The only animal known on the Bermu

das are rats and mice brought by ships,and bats blown from the main landBirds, however, are numerous.

The Momul-liuilder- s.

The Indians, according to Professor J.W. Powell, were tho "mound-builders- ,and some build mounds to the presentday.

T ,',. ,"uia Jvapena, .Miss Lily liichards,Mrs II Holt, Miss Annie Harris, Mrs LemonMrs P Costa, Mrs Drew. Sr. M

' Honolulu, Island, rtlTd:-:.-- t of""W b,,i,,,,n

KVrM!t -eiu hN.: nt,er.,r.f AUniUale

week,54 MERCHANT AND 77 QUEEN STREET.rrnvO ENTRANCES. ELEGANTLY FUR- -M.? U T,Mtku,oe' Miss zzif Victor, Mrs VLWilcox, Master Albert t'nriha. RwsvRiui,nn n- -sut'irday ol each

nished rooms. Spacious grounds and fine

Mrs. Cotes on tins most satisfactorj' visitwere Messrs. G. C. Beckley, U. C. Roberts,F. T. Griffiths, E. M. Laucianz, Iiev. JohnHemphill and Mrs. Hemphill, Mr. U. John-son, Captain W. Matson, Miss E. M. Knowles,Miss Helen Severance, Mr. George Deaeon,Mr. B. Deacon and five others.

bHiweeu the hours of Brede, C K Wilson, Jos Heielnhp, A McBrvder K.A McHr-vde- . Annie McBryde, Uouglasith of Jui'' location. Terms reasonable.200-n2- 2 MRS. DAVID OXLEY.f recrivirig the.. f.. the imipo

i .nji:"-- 'taxation in this dW- -... i ... iilc m

uta Jiartin, Master Boyd.Mrs D L Kinimaka, MLss Bertleman, Mrs W Auldand about deck passengers. 'of nil p--

RESTAlKAJfTS.taxation are, . luble io....Ht.,eir as full, ex- -

JM'Je?tlK'1 . .ii.i,. .'iviiiK number of The schooner Mile 400 bagsMorris brought20th. HONOLULU RESTAURANT,paddy from Ewa July1f,!; --t- a,e and depth

rwt of1, of 'tmrture th.-reo- piORNER OF MERCHANT AND NUUANU I

The schooner Luka brought 1,113 bags sugarfrom Koholalele July 20th.Vm for such prop- -

Covers t&e Case.Mobile (Ala.) Register.

Col. Tom Saffold said: "I was talkingwith Gen. Toombs the other day and hepaid: 'Saffold, the greatest vice to whichthe human family is addicted is gambling,and yet do you know there is not a wordin the Bible in condemnation of it?' Gen.Toombs is in error. The tenth commandment covers the case. "Thou shalt notcovet" stares, or ought to stare, everygambler in the face. At the bottom ofevery species of gambling is the covetousdesire to get the money of other peoplewithout iust recompense.

u"lrP v,.ar, to whom and The schooner Ehukai brought 312 bags suour, 4


fcjATCEDAY, July 18til.Hammer, LeisttY Co. vs. QuongSam Lung

A Co., assumpsit. F. M. Hatch for plaintiffs.Ou plaintiffs' motion, ordered that publica-tion of summons be made weekly for ninetydays.

The King vs. Ing Fing, perjury, thirddegree, Antone Bosa, Deputy Attorney--

bundles hids aud 137 bags rice from Waialua? proprt 'if there, Liay mortgage on

V streets, conee oaioon ana itestaurant. cor-fe- e

and Cakes, 10 Cents; Meals, 25 Cents; Boardf4 50 per week. 19s-t-f

OSMOPOLITAN RESTAURANT, 62 HOTELC street, Jun Hee, proprietor. The best cookin the city has opened the above restaurant.

Everything neat and clean. Table supplied withthe best the market affords. Wire gauze doorsmake the ploce cool and fly proof. 221-t- f

THE HONOLULU IKON WOBKS CO.Have completed aud tier for sale the lol lowing Roller, viz:

IMPAIR COMPOUND STEEL B0ILEKS SK1 Combination Boiler, 12 ft. x 5 ft. 0 in.

1 Combination Steel Boiler, 12 ft. x 1 ft., also1 Second-Han- d Tubular Boiler, 12 ft. x 4 ft.

3oo-je2- 7 --sc Apply to Tlie Honolulu Iron Works Co.


July 20th..,-ii- ' ... ,.f tiK.rt.'affe. name ofewe u;n'prop": The schooner Maua brought 1,450 bags suar

from Honomu July 20th.j5Mhan.!..v..riu helongmg O

. ,; , i. .,i ..r consignment July The American brigantine XV. G. Irwin will sa.1,.iits hands same date.

,) in fiiiuir:S for San Francisco at 1 o'clock this afternoon, withi C frs L. . . ,

General, presents indictment,declines to allow the same.

Mary K. Kaulaokeahi vs. W,

The Court

H. Brown,,vuo uu,3 sugar anu ouo bags rice.

The teru J. C. Ford sailed yesterday with 7,543

Mrs. Robt. Love. Fred. Johxsok.

LOVE'SSteam Bakery?

bags sugar for San Francisco, and the tern Evasailed in ballast for Humboldt Bay, California.



the As-Jhtft- aa


after thatI"" t assess property

id.Ureturm Luve not been made and

w b,f0re bin. prior i" July 31st, at an

.:;. bfaiaythii.W proper, and from which

ioeut there can e no appeal.

All the interisland steamers were in port duriii"

The sunflower craze, florists say, isquite dead. The sunflower had to passaway, of course, soon after Oscar Wilde,the gentleman with a hand like a ham-b- ut

w e have the consolation that the seedsare just as good as ever for chicken-feed- .And what this great nation needs is anegg diet.

the early part of yesterday. NUUANU STREET.She schooner Caterina brought another load of

stones for the Honolulu Lime Compauy Julv 20th. C ders for Ship .bread executed at short notice.ul attention is lie re wit li urawn oj iut- -

The schooner Liholiho brought a load of fire Old bread rebaked. Every description of plain7t

otnef.ii t ili:t no return is valid in

Groceries? Provisions and. FeedEAST CORNER FORT AND KINO STREETS.

New Goods received by every packet from the Eastern states and Eurftpe. :Tresh CaliforniaProduce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and (Joods delivered to any part of thecity free of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Postollice Box No. 145Telephone No. 92. 80ap21-8CIn- s

wood for the Interisland Steamship NavigationI.,bt i'..n- - tlie Assessor, soutrj Company from Hamakua Julv 19th.

and fancy bread and biscuits. Fresh Butter.Island orders promptly attended to.

COFFEE SALOON AND CHOP HOUSE inconnection. Cool, airy room. Attentive waiters.Everything first-clas- s, at reasonable rates.

197-no2- 0

rmii atiinor.zeu 10 uinm- -Srjrwmeotli'-- r

The steamer Iwalani brought 2,227 bags sugar 1

horse and 40 packages sundries from Hamakua

.Scientific Hatting;.Exchange.

Science has come to the aid of base-bal- lplayers, and announced for the benefit ofbatsmen wrho are ambitious to make heavy-hit- s

that the ball should be struck at theangle of twenty-thre- e degrees in order tosend it to the greatest possible distance.

divorce. W. L Holokahiki for plaintiff.No appearance of defendant. Divorcegranted for desertion, and failure to pro-vide.

Dillingham & Co. vs. G. Sandemann,assumpsit. F. M. Hatch for plaintiffs. Onplaintiffs' motion, and clerk's certificate,ordered that defendant be defaulted forfailure to answer. Flaintiff waived jury.Judgment given for plaintiffs for amountclaimed.

Court adjourned at 11 o'clock a. m.Monday, July 20th.

The King vs. Lu Tune, housebreaking.The Attorney General and Antone Rosa,Deputy Attorney General, appeared for theprosecution. J. M. Foepoe appeared for thedefendant. Flea not guilty.. The jury ac-

quitted defendant.W. H. Shipmau vs. J. H. Nawahi, dam

returns can bea-- 1 forms ou w lii''h t') inakt July 19th.

The steamer Waimanalo brought 500 bags sugardtlydurin? the moat.i of J"ly on application

ijr uSrol the ii (.f i T. i::. ii. hav-f.lue- S,

..i-ss'- r of Taxes- . .

from Waimanalo July 19th. She has brought here Ask House Dining Rooms,from the Waimanalo Sugar Plantation 1,80 bags

l!i:iolii!i. I -- land of Oahu.I'jf thf l'Kiri.'t t)i J O II N N O T T,78 Hotel street, near Fort.JUIrertisemcnls.wfjaolaiu. Jini IT. !".Hot ami Cold Lunches a Specialty.lal Xoli" i'ironi'.'ii mid Jfeiu-i'bert- of

Volunteer (iiiaiiicN.iiiuil-:si!c- .l heri-b- gives special notice to

and lueiiitiers of v(.lu:itcer c ompaniesJtty P'Ust by law appear in person before1 nil ciaiai their exemption from personalaor.vK'h exemption cannot be allowed.i FKcD.ll. 1IAYSELDEN,

ages. V . Ii. Castle and L. A. Thurston forplaintiff; F. Neumann and W. A. Kinneyfor defendant. Case tried before a mixedjury. Cas unfinished at adjournment ( fCourt for the dav.

Try our meals iu the new Private Dining:Room. Luxurious living.

WO-- tf GEO. CAVAXAGH, Proprietor.

Ir IO jST Ii ERSteam Candy Factory

AND BAKERY.F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,

Pastry Cook and Baker.Hotel street. 117 tf Telephone 74

sugar in four days.The steamer Kinau brought 1 ,381 bags sugar, 16

bales wool, 2 horses, 80 hides, 399 goat skins, 202pieces koa boards, 90 packages sundries and 30bags corn from windward ports July 19th.

The steamer C. 11. Bishop sails to-da- y to all portsiu Hamakua. taking the Iwalani'.? route,"ancl thesteamer James Makee will take the steamer C. IIBishop's route by Kauai and Oaliu.

In all probability the steamer Planter, of theInterislaad fcteam Navigation Company', will,after the arrival of the steamshih Alameda to-

morrow, be sent over to the Coast to have herboiler repaired. The Planter is at present under-going repairs preparatory to making that trip.

The sailing of the steamers Lehua and Mokolii,of Wilder'.? line, have been postponed until 2o'clock this afternoon, in order to accommodatethe Japanese immigrants to their various desti-nations.

Captain A. Nielson, of the bark Forest Queen,reports having passed a dismasted schooner off theIslands a few days previous to her arrival.

The steamer Iwalani, Captain Freeman, sailedfor Kauai anu the Island of Nihoa at 5 o'clock yes-terday afternoon with the excursionist.? on board,among whom were the following: H. It. H. Prin"cess Liliuokalanl and a large party of native attend-ants, Miss Sophie Sheldon, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hoff-nun- g,

Miss Ella Hoffuung, Rev. Hemphill andwife, Mrs. J. M. Kapena and daughtef , A. Jaegeran 1 son, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Cunha and son, MissEmma M. Beckley, II. XV. Auld, Miss Lily Rich-ards and about 100 others. One of His Majesty'swhaleboats, with a six --oared crew, was also sent.

r; Tix Assessor for District or Honolulu..ifl'.Zlu, June 17, l'SI. w

Idx Hsesr'H Special Xotico.uu.ltrsi.'iie.i hereby gives notice to all

i- - whether respect of this or any otherthis King. lomj having balances of cash

a'T' or agents' Jiands in Honolulu that theye tsesse'l hnre for the same according toi returns maile by said hunkers or agents to

..SudrrVgned, anil the tax ou the same must be' to Uif Tax Collector for Honolulu.j FRKM. 11. HAYSELDEN,

Tjx Assessor fir District of Honolulu.

mm. 4


! J Si



fcululu, Ju:ie 17, lii w

Notice ofUNDERSIGNED HEREBY GIVETHE that they are in the

bakery business and coffee house, under the nameof Love's Bakery, on Nuuanu street, in Honolulu,Oahu. Residences of both in Honolulu.

FANNY LOVE,For herself and as guardian.

FRED JOHNSON.Dated Honolulu, July 10, 18S5. jyll

Excursion to Jlird Inland.A very large crowd assembled at the wharf

last evening to witness the departure of tlieexcursionists to Nihoa, or Bird Island. TheRoyal Hawaiian Band was present under theleadership of Professor Berger, and played avariety of musical selections. The most no-ticeable feature among the tourists wasthat most of the ladies were robed in calico,while the men wore woolen shirts. Leisof every shade and color were abund-ant, nis Majesty the King, II. R. H. Prin-cess Likelike, and His Excellency J. M.Kapena were among those who came downto see the party off. As the last whistle ofthe steamer Iwalani sounded, three rousingcheers were given, and hats and handker-chiefs waved in the air. H. R. H. PrincessLiliuokalani took with her a fine Hawaiianstring band to enliven the trip. Mr. Hoff-uung and his family only proceed as far asNiihou with the party.


of the .Moon During July

i. H.3

M.5 1 r. m Stoves and Ranges,iLftJ

? Risinx nn I Setting of tlie Sun.?

n r:ses morning at 5:2s o'clock.uiws t!,iH evening at 6:44 o'clock.

LOST.ALA KEA STREET, BETWEEN HOTELON and King streets, a pair of gold glasses, with

gold chain and pin attached. The finder will berewarded by returning same to residence ot DR.M'GREW. v 320 tf

Rubber Hose ;

Galvanized Jron and Lead Pipe ;

Sheet Lead and Copper;Iron-Ston- e Drain Pipe.

Granite Iron Ware, Plain and Nickel-Plate- d ;jTin Ware, of all kinds;Chandeliers ;

Lamps and LanternsPumps ;

Absolutely Pure.This powder never varies. A marvel of purity,

strength and wholesomeness. More economicalthan the ordinary kinds , and cannot bo sold in corn-petiti-o-i

with tho multitude of lowtest, shoreweight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only EX

cans. Rqy au Bakinu Powdek Co., 100 WallowN. Y.

230 d-- w tf




ni j




f .! !


: i

i ;

( i

AH SI I VAIAMonday, July 20.

ktae Amcl

Ilunco Men Waiting for Victims.New York Tribune,

Standing in front of the Fiftk Avenuehotel one bright day recently, DetectivePrior said to me: "Bunco men were neverso thick in the history of New York asthey are now. Why, there's a hundred ofthem over there in the park, sittingaround expectantly waiting for victims.They swarm Broadway all th way from

t , ... luiH. it ua;i iiu.il A i I b

Waimanalo Sugar Co.irMMurri irorn Evva

YOSEMITE ROLLER FLOUR.The undersigned beg leave to announce that

they are now manufacturingFAMILY AND BAKERS' FLOUR,

By the ENTIRE ROLLER PROCESS, and areprepared to fill orders, guaranting complete satis-faction. Our flours have gained an enviable repu-tation on the Pacific Coast, and among bakers andgeneral consumers are more popular that anyother. Address orders to

SPLIVALO & FORMAN,No. 415 Battery street, San Francisco, Cal.

323 JylO 3mos

Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work,"IVVHTrilKS.

I Monday, July 20. OF ALL KINDS, ATTENDE 10.Niihau and Nihoa,

rpHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE WAI-- lmanalo Sutrar Co. will be held on Wednesday,

July 221, at 10 a. m., atMr. A. J. Cartwright'sothce. c ROLTE, Secretary,

jy 20-- 2tcircuit ofA Variety of House Furnishing Goods, too varlou s to mention.. i- -

n. , . iuf v aiuianaio NOTICE.W t (?:.Wik,11:'". f t Humboldt Bay

-i.,k.tpr;!-,i"ifths.fn- r s;in Francisco

Au hj, L'.vell. for Jaluit, Mi- - NOTICE."i.iiu. fr llxii-M- ,

Luniiit - .4' , ''" 'or ixoolan


THE UNDERSIGNED, EXPECTING TOthe Kingdom for a time, offers for sale

a five years' lease of the American House, withall furniture and appertainments thereunto belonging. Apply for terms on the premises, No.70 Maunakea street. Z. Y. SQUIRES.

Honolulu, July 17, 1SS5. 329-aul- 7

Notice to the Public.

The time in the mile dash was 1:47?4 andl:495i. and not "2," as printed yesterday.

The steamer Lehua will leave on her usualtrip for the windward ports of Maui to-d- ay

at 2 p. m . , instead of at 4, as ordinarily.His Excellency the Minister of Foreign

Affairs will give a reception at his city resi-dence next Thursday evening in honor ofMr. Katsuniske Inouye, II. I. J. Majesty'sSpecial Commissioner to Hawaii.

The Royal School closes next Friday,the closing exercises commencing at 9o'clock a. in., and continuing until noon.Parents and friends of the pupils are in-

vited to be present.Mr. Tavernier has a picture on his easel

that gives a view cf the crater of Kilauea asseen by the party who visited it a few weeksago. The view is much more comprehen-sive than any that has been painted hereto-fore by Mr. Tavernier, and promises to beone of that gentleman's happiest efforts. Itwill be on exhibition probably by next Sat-

urday.Mr. Kay, manager of KukuihaleJ Planta-

tion, celebrated the fourth year of his mar-riage at that place last Friday evening, onwhich occasion the following guests wereentertained: Dr. James Brodie, V. S., W.

the Battery up-tow- n. Tkey workup to the Windsor hotel onFifth avenue. There's no end to theirschemes. They catch the grangers in theparks with cattle-raising- , ranches, hogs,horses, gold and silver talk. They comointo the hotels and spread out great bigmaps all marked up with red lines andblue dot3 and black crosses. They ex-hibit little phials of yellow stuff (brassfilings ten chances to one), and they pointto the map and point to the phial andtalk about millions here and millionsthere. If their sucker dont bite theywill come outside and strike the first manthey meet for a quarter.

"Their favorite hotel racket, though, isthe horse scheme at a private stable.They get acquainted with some guest ofthe hotel, pretend to be starting forEurope, to have a pair of horses that theyhate to sell, but would Jet go for a songto any one who would take care of them,and when they get a victim they stickhim with a pair of old rack-a-bone- s at abig prjee. "

All persons indebted to me are respect fully reh'IIUU,li MliS, I.jf HaWiOl nml toi,i- .'in hi , ay. t . quested tor.Ui MlVS' rr K:lllIllui. at2pm

!ttne V"V 'r'r-o- r Molokai. t 2 p mn . lunnrj, lur oan t ran. WILDER & CO.,


- n

k: tvj Y..furuono-i-

Settle Their Accounts"a-fo-

r Kaiueloa Juumber and. Coal,BEFORE

TR TAKE PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCINGYY to the public that, in addition to our

PASTRY AND CONFECTIONERY business, wewill open an

Ice Cream IParlor,Which has been fitted to suit the requirements

!'teZ'' ru- - Mahlmann Doors, Sash and Blinds. All kinds of BUILDERS' HARDWARE, Paints CI,,, nrCorrugated Iron, Portland ,Cement; STEEL NAILS, --much 1s Fiorenass, fro.m 31st USTST-AISTT- ,more.riRiths, from .San Fran

of our first-clas- s trade, on Iy

' l - Turner, from San

SanSATURDAY. APRIL" 25TH.f. iort Queen As I propose leaving for England August 1st.V Nielson, from

- hall, from Port Town- - Our Creams will be of SUPERIOR QUALITY

11. Purvis, Dr. Greenfield and wife, W. CMiller, Miss Watson and Jos. Mars-Ipn- ,

Captain Freeman and Purser Webster of theIwalani were also present. Music and danc-ing were kept up until a late hour the fol-

lowing morning.

only, being made of Genuine Cream, a supply ofCOMMERCIAL WORK,which we have secured from the Woodlawn

Dairy. From samples furnished ns. W3 are ableto guarantee the best quality of Ice Cream. TheAll bills against me will be paid on presenta- -ttilBrit

--jflrtis tic Color Prin tin .PHOTO-ENGRAVIN- Qtion. following assortment of Ice Creams ana fcherbertaSliest from San Fran.'es. Hon... o

a X GLOSSED LABELS.castle. X S W, due IL. IB, Kerr.jy!7-2- v

The public hiring out of children to thelf"". N..el!, fro

will be furnished on oar opening day, SATUR-DAY, APRIL 25TH:

ICE CREAMS Vanilla, Lemon, Chocolate,Coffee, Pine Apple, Strawberry, Coffee Glace.

SHERBERTS Orange, Strawberry.Wo are also prepared to furnish Ice Cream to

in I'.oMon,

Julv 30

Hyacinth Webster..Texas Siftings.1

Jim Webster was recently blessed witha son. His wife determined that the sonand heir should have a high-soundin- g

name, and selected a very beautiful one.When the child was presented to theclergyman for baptism the latter said:

".Name this infant. "Jim scratched his head for a while, aifinally said:"Squash.' 'u Dat's no proper name for a Christian

child. ""Sunflower, den. "Once more the clergyman shook his

head incredulously. Jim Webster leanedover and whispered to his wife to give theright name.

"Hvacinth, " she replied.44 ell, 1 knowed it was some kimk-- r

garden truck. "

o 3Io utay Taper,linoxville, Tenn., is said to be the oulv

city in the I nited States of 20,000 iuhabHants, and having railroads, steamboats,telegraphs and telephones, that publishesno paper on Monday.

iu (ilasiriiw. Him1 jfVl..7,Jiirt r .

.lue ()(!t ' ,K-"s- on. from Xew

i, 4tn EcV: f:,r.Kal'U!ui. j innparties, dinners, etc., and to customers at theirhomes. Our Parlors will be or-- every day and

vhrA' Lt,"'lryn Sa Francisco.

Tl'n San Francisco,

evening, except sunaay. I'arues aesinng iceCream on Sunday must give their orders for thesame on Saturdays before 9 o'clock P. M. TheCream will be delivered before 10 A. M. Sundaymornings, packed so as to keep hard eight hours.

lowest bidder still obtains in the Swisscanton of Berne. A heartrending case ofthis kind is reported from Biel, where thepublic crier, despite the te:irs aud en-

treaties of the widowed mother, "tlaced"her four young children of 10, 8, 6 and 2years for 28, 31, 40 and 70 francs,

for the remainder of the yar,thus separating the whole family for fearlest the wretched woman become a burdsnupon , the town. And that is done inrepublican Switzerland.

lAm it ...uiy 22

- i .Morse, tcom San Hoping to get a share of public patronage in0 ,4,.

J. 31. Oat, Jr., & Co.,


Hawaiian Gazette Block.

27 Merchant St., Honolulu. II.I.529 U .

this line of our business, and thanking the publicIij:vi, B Cousj nu0 Hum 4au 2I3! MAIN ST.,for their liberal favors in the past, we remain

respectfully,rdia ,o.:. ... MELLER & HLBE, h4J! 'ber.from the J.

Lincoln Block, King street

Page 4: Si - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · SAPMACNEALE &EURBANS!g Fire Proof, Burglar Proof, Fire and Burglar Proof. THE CELEBRATED SPRINGFIELD GAS MACHINE. Gas Fixtures of Mitchell,



OF EQUADOR. THEThem Some Striking Comparisons.

Clucao Herald." You are right, " said an English gen

tleman connected with an American railIHTER-ISI-AN- D

GREAT REAL ESTATEway company, "the trains in this countryare absurdly slow. Even the so-calle- d


" MEND0TA," and Other Late

Women Still Wearing Blournlns for theLost of tlio Incas The Search for

Ataliualipa's Hurled IRa-nsom A Peculiarity

Steam Navigation Co. Ex.fast -- mails' and fast trains are anything ANDAfrit-dui last, in England we read of the 'canno-

n-ball' trains, "lightnin'r expresses' and (LIMITED.) From New York and San Francisco, a Large'special limited trains of America, and on flies and VariedBusGeneral Asortm,Merchandise, Suitable for P!t Ofcoming here we expect to find trains maklug something like a mile a minute. Butyou can imagine our astonishment upondiscovering that these trains are slower OF.

IG. L. Wilson.Cut quickly 1 cut deftly! cut true to the line I

Look high for a model, approach the Divine ;The Image of God in the line3 should be

shown:The lines of the statue lie hid in the stone.

The Herb Doctor's Paradise.ISt. Louis Globe-Democra- t.

Consul Wright of Santos, Brazil, en-closes in a letter to the state departmentnotes upon the medicinal plants of thatcountry, The compilation is the work ofS. S. Schindler.a native-bor- n citizen of theUnited States, who is now in Brazil.From Mr. Schindler's notes it appears thatthe country abounds in herbal remedies,and that alvelos, the new cancer cure, isbut one of hundreds of plants possessingproperties of value, as yet almost unknown to materia medica.

Alvelos is a shrub, Mr. Schindler writes,discovered by an' eminent physician ofPerambuco, to be a specific for cancerousulcers. The juice is a powerful caustic.Applied to cancer, it produces an irri-tating effect, which increases to a stronginflammation, and at last cicatrizationtakes p!aca Mr. Schindler says that thealvelos treatment has proven successful in

Plantations, Country Stores and IamiSTEAMER WV G. HALL,


BATES .. CommanderW1U run regularly to Maalaea, Maui, and Kona

and Kuu, Hawaii.


Palace Kerosene Oil the highest test oil in the market. Vulcansene Oils, Lard Oil in barrels and cases, Sperm and CvliniW n;i ,?HOXOLULV, II-- ! lectric

than our third-clas- s passenger trains inEngland. Why, extra fare is charged ontrains in this country making thirty-fou- r

or thirty-fiv- e miles an hour, theextra charge being solely for the speed.But in England our third-clas- s passengersride from forty to fortj-fi- ve miles andnobody pays extra fare.

"I have been making some com r ri-so-

between English and American aii-wa- y

service. From Xew York to Al-bany it is 142 miles, by a splendid track

TELEPHONE 172. Plumbago, etc., Galvanized and Plain Cut and WrouP. O. BOX 315.Vialrugated Iron, Plain Iron and Basket Fence Wire, Plaiu and .(Established 1879.)

liaivanizea wire uiotn, uentrilugai Wire Cloths, Centrifugal1 T-- Jt T J j T 1

Bulb., c.The following various branches of business will

Quito Cor. New York Sun.The population of Ecuador is about

1.000,000, and the nation owes twenty golddollars per capita for every one of the in-

habitants. The president is compelled tolive at Guayaquil so as to see that thecustoms duties, the only source of reve-nue, reach the government, and to quellthe revolutions that are constantly arising.Three hundred thousand of the popula-tion are of Spanish descent. 100,000 areforeigners, and o'OO.OO'J native Indians orpersons of mixed blood. The commerceis in the hands of the foreigners entirely,and thus have a mortgage upon the entirecountry. The Indians are the only peo-ple who work. Over the doors of theresidences or the business houses, andboth are usually under the same roof, aresigns reading: "This is the property ofan Englishman. " "This i3 the propertyof a citien of Germany, " and so on, anecessary warning to revolutionists, whoare thus not ified to keep their hands off.

The Spaniards are tbe aristocracy, poorbut proud, very proud. The mixed racefurnishes the mechanics and artisans,while the Indians till the soil and do thedrudgery. A laborer gets 1 to 0 amonth and boards himself, except when


CAMERON Commander

Leaves every Tuesday at 5 p. m. for Jfawlliwili,Koloa, Eleele and "Wainiea. Iteturning', will leaveXawillwlli every Saturday at 4 p. m., aniving atHonolulu every Sunday at 5 a. m.

uiaKe ramp company i'aienc liuooer Valves and Sprint, renable the public on the Islands and from abroad ' a. uroiu-i.- l 5a3

s4 inch to 2 inch, 3 and 4 ply. Steam Packingtn train. cn era! information on all matters in the r yw afollowing departments: styles, Anvils, Vises, Hydraulic Rams, Jack Screws, Pais Steel TV -

a fitLReal Estate Department t .. - 0 " "'vuuiu, nuw.u sizeslioes, Orang Plows, Planters' lioes, our own make, 9 '

4Buvs and sells Real Estate in all parts of the '.juoso v,.i .

STEAMER IWALANI, Kingdom. Planters' Hoes, Shovels, Spades, Rakes, Forks, Scoops, Bush Scvt nes i" 5

etd- rvValues Real Estate and Property in city and r(Jane Knives, our own make and superior quality; Lawn --uawers. Tfwsnhiirlis.FUKEMAN.

every case of cancer of the hps, tongue,nose and breasts where it has been tried.

IJaycuru, Mr. Schindler says, isa curious plant of Brazil, whichburies itself in the sand, anumber of leaves rising above, seveninches long by two inches wide. Theflowers resemble a saxifrage. The wholeplant is sometimes for days together cov-ered by the sea. The root is six to seveninches long, one inch thick, and of tortu-ous shape. Externally it is choco'.atebrown; internally, tlesh colored. It is anunfailing remedy in all kinds of enlarge

..Commander wayRents and leases nouses, Cottages, Rooms and Cart Axles, Fairbank's Scales, three sizes; unnastones, all sizesWill run regularly to Ilamoa, Maui, and Kukui-hael- e,

Hoaokaa and .Paaunau. Hawaii. A trends to Insurance. Taxes. Repairing and Pick and Ax Mattocks, Pick Axes, Horse buoes. M.-iel.?.-. t t, . ".' w " - - jjuih- - - it rCollecting of Rentals.Draws lesral papers of every nature Searches lengths, a full and superior Hue of Shelf Hardware, Builders' Ilardu--

Titles, Records, Etc T rrrc Tnfj finmitrL TTiir.i3 Uf.frk TV- T.. . 1 Ul "AJUno. j u. io. Kjvi-wno- lAiucuo. uiuiicn. m iiiivh. f tr:i(l' 1STEAMER C. R. BISHOP, ". etc., Planes 0f a!1

, Hammers, h,.,Employment Department Bailey's Patents, etc., Machinists' tools of all kiudsMACAULEV.. ..Commander Finds Employment in all branches of Industry and Glass.

connected with the Island.White Lead and Zinc, Rubber Paint, Boiled and Raw Oil Valentin v

Leaves every Saturday at 8 a. m. for Waianae,Oahu, and llanalei and Kilauea. Kauai, Keturn-ng- ,

leaves Uanalei every Tuesday at 4 p. in., andtouching at Waialua and Waianae W'ediusdays.and arriving at Honolulu same day at 4 p. ui.5

General Business MattersKeen Hooks and Accounts, collect Bills, loans Turpentine, Patent Dryers, a large variety of small paints iu Oils, Chand

or invest Moneys. Penmanship, Engrossing and Lamps, Lanterns, a large variety, Stationery Inks, Tin and Hollow t vall kinds of Copying done.Procures Fire and Life Insurance. ""I rt

Advertisements and Correspondence attended to. BLUE DENIMS, 8, 9 and 10 oz. at bottom rates.Information of every description connectedwith the Islands coming from abroad fully


Will run regularly to Kapaa, Kauai.answered.

There are ten express trains daily betweenthese cities, and their average speedis twenty-nin- e and two-third- s milesan hour. Between London andSheffield, 102 miles, the Great Northernruns nine express trains daily, with anaverage speed of forty-fou- r and one-thir- d

miles an hour. One trainmakes fifty miles an hour. BetweenNew York and Boston, 2o3 miles, thereare only eight express trains daily, withan average speed of thirty-tw- o and two-thir- d

miles. The fastest, a train ofsleepers, would not be called an expressat all, its speed being only thirty-eigh- tand three-fourth- s miles an hour. . Be-tween London and Manchester, 203 miles,there are twenty express trains daily,their average speed being forty-on- e milesan hour, and some of them travel nearlyforty-eigh- t miles an hour.

"Between New York and Pittsburg.444 miles, there are five express trainsdaily; their average speed is just underthirty miles an hour, and the fastestthirty-seve- n miles. Between London andGlasgow, 410 miles, there are thirteendaily expresses, and their average speed isthirty-eigh- t and three quarter miles. TheEast C( ast express runs the whole distanceat forty-tw- o and oue half miles an hour.I find that about the only trains in theUnited States making more than thirtymiles an hour are the two Chicago ex-presses and a few trains running north orsouth from New ork city.

"The only real ly fast passenger trainsin America arc three or four which run ata spei'd of about forty-si- x miles an hourbetween New York and Philadelphia. Allover England and Scotland our expresstrains composed of first, second andthird-cla- s carriages, make from thirty-fiv- e

to fifty miles an hour. Between Nework and Philadelphia there are twenty

express trains daily with an average speedof forty-tw- o miles an hour. BetweenLiverpool and Manchester, much smallertowns, there are fifty-tw- o trains daily,four of them making fifty-on- e and one-thir- d

mile an hour, and the remainderbetween forty-liv- e and forty-si- x miles. "

Custom House Broker.R. FOSTElt,

Merchants will find this Department a specialbenefit to them, as I attend to entering goodsthrough power of Attorney und delivering the

T. President.53-ap"-

FINE RED SALMON, in barrels.


CRUSHED and GRANULATED SUGAR, in half barrels


Hew (ioods Expected per Meninlii Alumerin.

J. EnA,same at a small commission.

ments and glandular swellings.The juice of the fruit of the cajueiro

tree is one of the most powerful bloodpuri;:ers known.

A decoction from the bark of the rootof the calunga shrub is a remedy for dys-pepsiaan- d

intermittent fevers.The leaves of the camapa plant contain

a narcotic principle, and the juice of theroot and fruit is found excellent for rheu-matism and liver diseases.

Boiled fruit of the arvore do pao treemakes a powerful poultice for ulcers.

The fruit of the cabacinho has an admi-rable effect upon dropsy.

The most stubborn coughs yield to a teamade from leaves of the malvariscoshrubs.

Pawpaw has been found to possess theproperty of destroying the false mem-branes of croup and diptheria.

Papaine is another diptheria cure.Poracary is a sure antidote for bites of

snakes.Sapucareira bark makes a decoction

which seems to be nature's remcdv forkidney ailments.

There are no less than 312 plants ortrees in Brazil which possess strong me-dicinal properties. Mr. Schindler's cata-logue of them contains a remedy for everyill known to human flesh, and the wonderinspired in the reader is that people

Soliciting Ajront for the "MUTUAL LIFEINSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK,"the largest, grandest and soundest Insurance

ne is fortunate enougn to have a wife outat service. The Indians never marry, b3-caus- e

they cannot afford to. The lawcompels him to pay the priest a fee of tj,more money than most of them can everaccumulate. When a Spaniard marries,the fee is paid by contributions from hisrelatives

It is a peculiarity of the Indian that hewill sell nothing at wholesale, nor will hetrade with you anywhere but in themarket place, on the" spot where he andhis forefathers have sold gardentruck for three ccnturiea Al-though travelers on the highwaj's meetwhole armies of Indians, bearing upontheir backs heavy burdens cf vegetablesand other supplies, they can purchasenothing of them, as the native will notsell his good until he gets to the placewhere he is in the habit of selling them.He will carry them ten miles and disposeof them for less than he was offered athome. An old woman was trudging alongthe other day with a heavy basket ofpineapples and other fruits, and we triedto relieve her of part of her load, offering 10 cents for pineapples which can behad for a quartillo. or 2i cents, in market.She was polite, but firm, and declined tosell anything until she got to town, al-though there was a weary, dusty journeyof two leagues ahead of her. The guideexplained that she was suspicious at thehigh price wc offered, and imagined thatpineapples must be verj- - scarce in market,or we would not pay so much on theroad; but it is a common rule for them torefuse to sell except at their regular stand.

The same rule exists in Guatemala. A

Company in the world.AGENT for the


no tf"Jreal Jiiirliiislon lEalluaj' Itoutc,'In America. Travelers journeying by rail iuAmerica will liud this route the most comfortableand most delightful. The scenery is the grandestgoing East, and with the PULLMAN PALACESLEEPING CARS and good meals along the trip,polite att ntiuu .from employees and reason


'MARIPOSA' & 'ALAMEDA able fare no route can excel this. MR. C. K.



NueceHSors to Dillingham A-- Co. ami Samuel xll.

AtiLilt. my CLief Clerk, specially attends toWill leave Honolulu and San Francisco on the this Department, and for information, guide books.FIRST and FIFTEENTH of each month.

maps, etc , he will extend every courtesy.AGENT for theHonolulu Itoyal Oierti House.PASSENGERS may have their names booked

Managers ot lirst-clas- s companies abroad willin advance by applying at the ollire of the Agents. BKEAK'EltS,address me for terms, etc.

snouiu ever ate in mat country.Swellinrthe Cigar MenS Receipt i.

New York Sun.

Mh If fftiPASSENGERS by this line are hereby notifiedmai iney win De allowed Zno pounds or baggage

Donhle FurrowFREE by the Overland Railway when traveling put.!"Gen. Grant's illness, and the talk East.

about cigar smoking which .it caused, hadi;,.i.i - iT . i . . EXCURSION TICKETS for round trip. Ill's.Arrest of Senile Iecay.

D . S. W. Cal Ivl!.Jconsidering the possibility of sua.

andGood to return by any of the Company's steamersaaugiit eiieci upon our ousincss, said a In nm it:witinn ninety days.down-tow- n dealer the other dav, "and the pending the advent of old age it is conse MERCHANDISE intended for shipment by this Light Steel Plows.curious part of it is that it swelled our re line will be received free of charge, in the Comquently a matter oi tne highest moment "StiSKSR- - . 'Kiii- -

BEPARTMENTS.Ileal F..HHte Broker.

Custom Itonse ISroiwr.Money Iti-oke- r.

Fire niwl Life Insurance Atfent.Employment Aent.

ISallroatl Aeitt anlGeneral Itusiness Afrent.

ceipts. It is easily accounted for. The pany's new warehouse, and receipts issued forto ascertain what foods contain the smallwomen folks, who, you know, are always same, insurance on merchandise in the wareest comparative quantity of those salta" They are the BEST DOUBLE FUKltOW PLOWS wewhich tend to accumulate in the svstem ever used." (., A.CHAm.K

house will be at owners' risk.

WILLIAM a. IRWIN A-- '.,384-- tf

ready to seize some excuse to urge themen to cease smoking, undoubtedlytalked a great many men into making

Ikohala Plantation."It is the BEST BREAKING

and obstruct the vital processes. Thecereals are found to be richest in them:.1 1 i r-- a '

PLOW I ever used." J. L. RICH AHUNO.V, MgnrRi.Plantation.ast-iro- n resolves to give up the habit "The VERY BEST BREAKINGureau, inereiore, tne so caned stall of life, PLOW I ever used in this or any other coiiuirr.'-- MJNme out ot ten of our customers IIORNE1T, jAhaina, Maui.except wnen used in great moderation, ADDRESSwould speak about it jocularly as favors the deposition of these salts in the

gentleman who lives some distance fromtown said that for the last four years hehad been trying to get the Indians, whopassed every morning with packs ofalfalfa (the tropical clover), to sell himsome at his gate, but they invariably re-fused to do so; consequently he was com-pelled to go into town to buy what wascarried by his own door. 2s or will thenatives sell at wholesale. They will giveyou a gourd full of potatoes for a pennyas often as vou like, but will not selltheir stock in a lump. They will giveyou a dozen eggs for a real (10 cents), butwill not sell you five dozen for 1. Thisdogged adherence to custom can not beaccounted for, except on the suppositionthat their suspicions are excited by an at-tempt to depart from it

In Ecuador there are no smaller coinsthan the quartillo. change is thereforemade by4he use of bread. On his way tomarket the purchaser at the bakeryand gets a dozen or twentv breakfast

they bought their cigars. Most jev i.oocis received per Moruinir Star" and nthr into nrrw-u- . Silver Plated Ww.Hsystem. '1 he more nitrogenous our food J. E. WISEMAN,of them who are in the habit of smoking Ranges and Tinware; Refrigerators and lee Chests; House Furnishing (;oods, ituudfira i4and Lanterns; Soap and Candles. Balance of consignment of Clocks very low. ftne greater its percentage of calcareousuve or six cigars compromised on, two matter, Uence a diet composed princi 133-mv6-8- 6 HONOLULU. H. I.one aiier dinner an.a one after supper

but when a man stops smokiner half apally of fruit, from its lack of nitrogen. PACIFIC Mi STEAMSHIP (0 OIL ! OIL ! OIL ! OIL I P.OIL ! OIL ! OIL !

Skidgate, Genuine Albanv Cvlinder. TJlihrirQ tint- - T or? I'noi.nt i v.uJ. his Dest, adapted tor preventing or suspenddozen cigars a day and substitutes two, he

always argues that he deserves a better CONOVER BROS',ing ossincation. Paint Oil, Turpentine, Varnishes. California Wind Mills, the best in use. A verv coapiHardware and Agricultural Implements. Correspondence solicited.Moderation in eating must ever be ofcigar for virtue s satte.. Men who used to

V .1 . great value m retarding the advent of TIME TBZ.JE.uuy wree lur-a-quari- er cigars to tne ex 5,452-ap- 7 ,y PACIFIC HARDWARE COMPAX V, Ilonok:senne decay. Large eaters more rapidlytent of half a dozen a day, now buy 20 bnug on osseous deposits by taking in105 EAST HTH ST., NEW YORKmore iood man is utilized or excreted.

or so-ce- ni cigars and content themselveswith two of them. We make more money thus blocking the vessels and impairingsemng a man iwo cigars lor ou cents than ineir i unctions, l he writer cites as whatwe do selling six for the same amount. M. W. McCHESNEY &seems to be the best articles of food for-- J3ut tne otner and most important Pacific Mail SteamsliipCo.delaying the deposits fruit, fish, poultry,

flesh of young mutton and beef. Fluids.poini is mis: l ne man who contracts theuiiuu oi smoKing z.cent cigars as a part of the diet, have a special imwin rareiy u ever go DacK to cheaper HAVE RECEIVEDportance, ah well and spring water con

For Sanuranus, uniess nis expenses lorce him to,so that in the end, it is my opinion, to Zoalandia.... ...On or about August 2dbacconists will make rather than lose by

tains considerable of Ihe earthly salts andshould therefore" be avoided and replacedby cistern water. Water clear of foreignmatter is the better prepared to dissolvetne anii-smoKin- g agitation. " .

1'or Auckland andme earmiy sans and convey them out ofBeats the Old Button Trick.Boston Transc ipt. Australia......me system, ine addition of fifteen or - On or about August 8thtwenty drops of dilute phosphoric acid to .3-tfw- tt"I beg your pardon," said a slouchily ui witier anu urunic tnree times a

day will add to the solubility of these

may Stli-iP-er Mariposa, 1,754 Packages ;

Maym 22d-P- er Alameda, 1,922 Packages ;

To Arrive-P-er Consnelo, 332 Packages,


eartniy salts, and thus tend to suspendme auveiii oi oid age Dy assisting in the 'fixe most artistic Upright Pianos ever produced,removal of those substauces which mark both for quality of tone and wonderful an. I elastic

actions. The coming upright pianos of the world.WILDER'S STEAMSHIP CO,its cuiet physiological characteristic.

Send for illustrated catalogue, description andprices to

rolU, which cost about 1 cent each, andthe market women receive them and givethem as change for small purchases. . Ifyou buy a cent's worth of anything andoffer a quartillo in payment you get abreakfast roll for the balance (Lie you.

The Indians live in villages and com-munities, which are presided over by analcalde or governor. The native womenall wear black. One never finds a glimpseof color upon a descendant of the ancientrace. They are in perpetual mourningfor Atahuallpa. the last of the Incas whowas.cruelly murdered by Pizarro. Theircostume is a short black skirt and asquare robe or mantle of black, whichthey wear over their heads and hold inplace by a large pin or thorn between theshoulders. They look like nuns, andwalk the streets with burdens upon theirbacks or heads in processions as solemu asa funeral They never laugh, and scarcelyever smile; they have no songs and noamusements. Their only semblance tomusic is a mournful chant which theygive in unison at the feasts which are in-tended to keep live the memories of theIncas. They cling to their traditions andthe customs of their ancestors. They re-member the ancient glory of their race,and look to its res-oratio- as the Aztecs ofMexico look for the coming of Monte-zuma. They have relics which they guardwith the most sacred care, and two greatsecrets no amount of torture at the handsof the Spaniards has been able to wringfrom them. These are the art of temper-ing copper so as to give it as keen and en-during an edge as steel, and the buria.place of the lncarial treasures.

It will be lemembered that Pizarro of-fered to release Atahuallpa if the Indiana

A New York Funeral Cortege.iGi'oriel Fa ire's Letter. Uniitetl;.

In truth time is inouev.and consentientl vthe dead travel quickly in this steam citv. F. V. SPESVKU & CO.,

Pacific Coast Agents,;Une would imagine that the livincr were

uresseu individual, reacmug ior a burwhich adhered to the coat sleeve of a gen-tleman just ahead of him; "there's a buron your coat, sir; permit me to removeit " "Thank you; no consequence, " saidthe gentleman, himself removing the bur.The impecunious one struck an attitude,told the regulation story of hunger, andpreferred a request for 10 cents withwhich to buy bread. He got the money,but still lingered. "What is it, my man?"asked the gentleman. "Please sir, " re-plied the tramp, "you have my bur inyour hand. I'd like it, if you please. Itis my capal, you know. " " Tour capi-tal?" "Yes, my capital; you see, I sticksit on to a cove what looks downy, youknow, and then I steps up and takes itoff. Sometimes I only gets thanks formy trouble, and sometimes I don't getthat much; and then some of 'em comesdown handsome. Yes, boss, that's mycapital; couldn't do business without it;have to shut up shop, you know. "

m a uurry to gci no. OI tliese Burdens that.STEAMER KDTAU,

(King, Commander).WHICHencumber them. But whv not sp.nd th 23 and 25 Fifth Street. SAN FKANCISCO.comns uy express, well sealed and ad- -

475 tfS-.-weaves onolulu as per followiner sehedulparesseur it would De done more miirkiv . A. .. ... 1 t - . . . 1 - . 9j Will belSold at tHe Lowest Market Bwucuiii!; ui xju.ihu.uo., AViuniaea, lUaKena, 3iahU- -anawouiu .do more practical. At the kona, KawaibaeLaupanoehoe, llilo and Keauhou: "ONTARIO"commencement of his soiourn in Kpwl orK tiie stranger sees a cortege of hand.

some carriages, fu'l of flowers and gravelooKing people, who appear to be in a NEVIJLLE & COJiurry, lor the horses trot quite rapidly. "W. McOhesney & Son,

Tuesday, June z., volcano and way ports.Tuesday, June 30, Hilo aud way ports.Tuesday, July 7, Hilo and way ports.Tuesday, July 14, Volcano and way ports.Tuesday, Juiy 21, Hilo and way ports.Tuesday, July 28, Volcano and way ports.Tuesday, August-- , Hilo and way ports.Tuesday, August 11, Volcano and way ports.Tuesday, August 18, Hilo and way ports.Tuesday, August 25, Volcano aud way ports.Tuesday, September 1, Hilo and way ports.Tuesday, September 8, Volcano and way ports.Tuesday, September 15, Hilo and wav norta

lie tmnKs it is a crand weddine-- . UnwSOLE AETS,

SAN FRANCISCOnappy are tney who are to get married!That is the reason thev travel so f.icf 20 -- my22-ly 42 and 44 Queeu Street, UAnd he passes through the town, meetingwith nice carriages, always full of flowers. MADE FROM ALABAMA BOTTOM COTTON,auu moving in a line, lie says to himself Tuesday, September 22, Volcano and way ports. FKEi: ?KJI SIZ1SGlucauay, oepiemoer tv, iiuo anu way ports.mai me people nere are very fond of mat-rimony. But at last he sees another cor- -

would till with gold the room in which he PASSENGER TRAINS will connect with thewas kept a prisoner. They did it. Pizarro AND NOT LIABLE TO KOTTT.Tl.ege, with about the same number of car L. B. KERB,Kiuau at Mahukona.nages and the aame supply of flowers. ine ivinan wilOj touch at irnnnkai.i untt

Paaubau on down triDs from llilo for vUacncrQr. WARRANTEDme people are not gay; the horses walk -t : iaiuw m mttue irom me sue re.very siowjjr. -- An, " thinks the stranger

One of Colorado's Geniuses.New York Tribune.

A tall, spare man, with a curiousl y con-tradictory personal appearance by reasonof a young face and stooped shoulders, isfrequently to be seen about the up townhotela He comes and goes between thiscity and Denver four or rive times a year.A Colorado man pointed him out to me,saying: " There is one of Colorado's oddgeniuses. His hobby is irrigation. Ithas become a paying hobby, too. Wher-ever he finds large tracts of arid lands, hebuilds irrigating canals. Then he getspeople to settle on the land, take it upunder government claims, and buy watercf him for $10 an acre a year for irri

Tlie Best and inoat nurable Kail mirk"here is a tuneml!" But. no. this ia tho MEECHANT TAILOfwedding, in truth, one might easilv con.T J3 A.iuunu ineui.

thought there must be more where thiscame from, and demanded that the ran-som be doubled. Kunners were sent overthe country to collect the treasure of thekingdom, and were on their way to Cax-amarc- a.

where the lnca was a prisoner,loaded down with gold to buy his free-dom, when they heard that Pizarro hadstrangled him. This treasure was buriedsomewhere in the mountains of Llanga-nati- ,

northwest of Quito, and has beensearched for ever since.

STEAMER LEHUA.(Davies, Commander)

IN THE WORLD.For Solo in Honolulu,A Queer People.

Il'nf. Johnson at Anthropological Institute.weaves Honolulu every Monday at 4 p. m. forKaunakakai, Kahului, every week; Huelo, HanaIhe AVatalia are a queer people who GANDY'S PATENTaim jv.ipauuiu. Jveanae, iloiulau and Nuu every

other week. Returning, will stop at the aboveports, arriving back Saturday morninsrs.juuiiuiu .Lima on me inaian ocean. Theoody is disposed to be hairv. but is r.gating purposes. Their crops never fail,

GAZETTE BUILDING,Has Jnst Returned from Europe


ana nis income is 353 J? X IKT C3r ,constantly on the in- - i ?U11 aepiiatea an over, even to the pluck -

ins out of eyebrows, eyelashes, beard andcrease. It is better than gas stock inNew York city. When he first started

Advantageously.iDoston Transcript. J

" said Mrs. Catchem.

For mails and passengers only.

STEAMER KILAUEA HOU,(Weisbarth, Commander),

musiacne. ine color of the skin is genYes,

Made from the Very Best

Hani Wove Cotton Duel;.'those are erally a dull, sooly black. L'eards are theout people laughed at the project. Nowmy daughters over there on the sofa; they he has 43.000,000 or $4,000,000 investedhave half a million between them. n It in it,

"a great deal of which is eastern F win leave resrularly for Paaunau. KoholRir-i- . NEVILLE & CO., New Goods and Mateisu&iua,, jvuiuuau, jj.ono&ma, Laupanoeboe, Haka-la- u

and Onomca.was not until after they were married tothose daughters, that the two young menwho overheard the above remark foundout that Mrs. Catchem referred to therich old codger who sat on the sofa be-tween the girls. Mrs. Catchem couldn'ttell a fib, but she knew how to speak thetruth advantageously.

STEAMER MOKOLI1,(.McGregor, Commander).

aa oration or the race, and are worn in im-mense quantity by the men and women.There are but slight traces of religionamong them, but they are in great dreadof spirits, and are believed to inhabitlarge forest trees. The sun is their trueconception of an overruling deity. Theirmarriages are first arranged by purchase,the intended husband paying the father ofthe girl the three or more cows fixed asthe price. When these preliminaries aresettled the girl runs away and affecta tohide. She is sought out by the bride-groom and three or four of his friendsand carried oiT to the hut of her futurehusband.



DRIVING BELT,Of the Latest Styles and Patterns

Leaves Honolulu each Monday at 5 v. m. forKaunakakal, Kamalo. Pukoo. Lahaina. MoanuLThere is more railway travel in Massa-

chusetts than any other state in the Union.Which he is Prepared to Make up In tbeiiaiawa, vvauau, and Kalaupapa. Re-

turning, leaves Pukoo Friday 6 a. m. for Honolulu.arriving Saturlay morning. Neither Ilent or

Forty Miles of IMe.Chicago Herald. J - -

There are four pie firms in this city,and together they make 13,000 pies axlay,excepting Saturday, when they make 2o,-00- 0

to 30,000. Some Saturdays in "sum-mer they make nearly .50,000. Yes,- - thisis a pretty good market for pie. It seemsthat every body eats pie. I'll bet that notless than 300,000 whole pies are consumedin this city every day. That is forty milesof pie placed in a row.

The Chinese soldier receives $57 a year,and is paid once a month in scrap bullion.There is only one advantage discerniblein working for such ridiculously lowwages. . The Chinese soldier can gamblesix months salary away without losingmuch money.

JJauipneNH afreets LATEST FASerThe Company will not be responsible forany freight or packages unless receipted for. norfor personal baggage unless plainly marked. Not

Louis XIV's throne has lately been soldat auction for 2G0 pounds sterling.

Frank Leslie's Death.The late .Frank Leslie died of cancer in

the throat, the whole course of the dis-ease occupying but five weeks.

responsible ior money or Jewelry unless ulaeedln AND FOR THEcharge of the Purser.All possible care will be taken of Live Stoelr. hut

theiu.They ito not Stretch.

Stronger than Leather,Better than Rubber.

WII.I, OUTXAST BOTHFor Sale in Honolulu.

the Company will not assume any risk of accident. possmjTravel of a Tire.

An iron car-whe- el will travel about40,000 miles. A steel tire will run 200,.000 miles, costing two and a half times asmuch and running more than four timesiz -we as angron wheel.

SASPL. o. WILDER, President.8. B. BOSE, Secretary. LOWEST PRICESOFFICE Corner Fort nd Queen streets.

The lower grade sailors on the Russianman-of-wa- r at New York receive only $1per mo nib. wages. 23-- It Mar SO tf my 833 my ii
