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SIAS Newsletter No 116

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Vennl All indoor meetirgs are held in Room 4 Castle Hill Communig Centre, Highfield Rod, lpswich man DesPawson.is naticrally-recognisd as an expert in iopesjcfrri-miklrig; ;d ttre tnis.year's eyent is Slng organised F.V tte C*rp.n-.lg"shire lndrstrial Archaeology Smiety, SIA$ members are welcome to atterd this evfr. Ttp ;orning and aftttnod;;lsions wil| be Wedresday 14th March n12at7.@m. A change. to lhe adverti,ged progpmme due to ttdOouUe-booklng ol our interded speaker. (revised) date. -
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1{o.116 ftbnayfi2 PROGRAitME Wedresday 14th March n12at7.@m. You -Tle Members Members Evening, A change. to lhe adverti,ged progpmme due to ttdOouUe-booklng ol our interded speaker. Ihe eveBng is yotrs - if yot wish to speak for a 1S-minute rriod on any torric vcu'have researshed, or show photographs of ah lA subject, get in toilch witr fls'CtrJrmlan. Saturday 17fr March n12. Sulfolk tocalHistory Council's SocietigglDay n12. Blackbcxlne Hall, Elmswell, 10.00am on. SIA$ members are welcome to atterd this evfr. Ttp ;orning and aftttnod;;lsions wil| be devded to short talks or.r a varietyof topfcs, with participatirg jocieties mannlng-itands to illustrate their activities during he 12.00 noon - 2.00en iunclibreak Wedresday 11th April2012 at 7.3hm. Martin Atkinson. Edih cook - lpswich's pioneering pirot The Suffdk AviationHedtagts-Grqp,_olll!fr Uartin is a membei navt researchedthe story of Britain's first female aircraft prld. Edih Cook flew sdo for the fiist time as earlt[ ifld. ' Wednesdaygh May 2012 at 7.30pm. Visit to the Museum of Knots and Sailors' Ropenrork, 501 Wherstead Road, lpswictr, lpzgLL lpswich man DesPawson.is naticrally-recognisd as an expert in iopesjcfrri-miklrig; ;d ttre Fa.king of krpts. He has &veloped a small mus€rlm at his'home on'Wti,erbteaO Ro#,-Dtr to tiTtt 4 sPmernt{Tbe.rs arg strictly.lirnited - Smse corfract the Chairman to i*orm trim oivcnrf afte,ndance. pgtir.tg is rpt available on site, futfhe driftway linking WtersieaO Road ard '-- Halifax, immediately eposite the locdisr, ffiay be used. Wednesday 13trr June n12at7.30pm. psil to Ettt*ryt.Fill, (lP7 S,Y; 9S rbt ruOggaOl). A twostorey brick watermil of 1905, incorporating 19th century machinery from an earlier mill on the-site, lt is troped that tre'mill will be working forcur visit. - Saturday 16tr Jurc n12. The East_of England Regtonal lrdustrial Archaedogty Conference. tnis.year's eyent is Slng organised F.V tte C*rp.n-.lg"shire lndrstrial Archaeology Smiety, fl.d.q!".t9 brms will be indluded wr, r me rpxt Nerisletter. Ueanwnib,-ta6-noi6 otttre -' (revised) date. lVednesday 18th July 2012. To be arrarEgd. Vennl All indoor meetirgs are held in Room 4 Castle Hill Communig Centre, Highfield Rod, lpswich.

1{o.116 ftbnayfi2PROGRAitME

Wedresday 14th March [email protected] -Tle Members Members Evening,A change. to lhe adverti,ged progpmme due to ttdOouUe-booklng ol our interded speaker.Ihe eveBng is yotrs - if yot wish to speak for a 1S-minute rriod on any torric vcu'haveresearshed, or show photographs of ah lA subject, get in toilch witr fls'CtrJrmlan.

Saturday 17fr March n12.Sulfolk tocalHistory Council's SocietigglDay n12. Blackbcxlne Hall, Elmswell, 10.00am on.SIA$ members are welcome to atterd this evfr. Ttp ;orning and aftttnod;;lsions wil| bedevded to short talks or.r a varietyof topfcs, with participatirg jocieties mannlng-itands toillustrate their activities during he 12.00 noon - 2.00en iunclibreak

Wedresday 11th April2012 at 7.3hm.Martin Atkinson. Edih cook - lpswich's pioneering pirotThe Suffdk AviationHedtagts-Grqp,_olll!fr Uartin is a membei navt researchedthe storyof Britain's first female aircraft prld. Edih Cook flew sdo for the fiist time as earlt[ ifld. 'Wednesdaygh May 2012 at 7.30pm.Visit to the Museum of Knots and Sailors' Ropenrork, 501 Wherstead Road, lpswictr, lpzgLLlpswich man DesPawson.is naticrally-recognisd as an expert in iopesjcfrri-miklrig; ;d ttreFa.king of krpts. He has &veloped a small mus€rlm at his'home on'Wti,erbteaO Ro#,-Dtr totiTtt 4 sPmernt{Tbe.rs arg strictly.lirnited - Smse corfract the Chairman to i*orm trim oivcnrfafte,ndance. pgtir.tg is rpt available on site, futfhe driftway linking WtersieaO Road ard '--Halifax, immediately eposite the locdisr, ffiay be used.

Wednesday 13trr June n12at7.30pm.psil to Ettt*ryt.Fill, (lP7 S,Y; 9S rbt ruOggaOl). A twostorey brick watermil of 1905,incorporating 19th century machinery from an earlier mill on the-site, lt is troped that tre'mill willbe working forcur visit.


Saturday 16tr Jurc n12.The East_of England Regtonal lrdustrial Archaedogty Conference.tnis.year's eyent is Slng organised

F.V tte C*rp.n-.lg"shire lndrstrial Archaeology Smiety,fl.d.q!".t9 brms will be indluded wr, r me rpxt Nerisletter. Ueanwnib,-ta6-noi6 otttre

-'(revised) date.

lVednesday 18th July 2012.To be arrarEgd.

Vennl All indoor meetirgs are held in Room 4 Castle Hill Communig Centre, Highfield Rod,lpswich.


Ite,{gwplettqr is produced fourtimes a year by Suffolk lrdustrial Archaeology So{Contributions from members are welcom-ed. Oire such contriUution tliatim;]i tre{E.r}Pw.Plerlqr ls proouceo rourilmes a year by Suffoll( lrdustilal Archaeologty Society.Contributions from members are welcom-ed. oirc such contriuution ttia tim;ii tre article onthe Mills of Stutton, kirdly provided by Bob Malster.Chairman: S.Worsley, 24 Abbotshrry Close, lpswiclpswich, lP2 SD. (01473 4051 16).

ard also on the Associafion for lrdustrial

Secretary: fositiwr Currently vacant.Treasurer Position cunendy vacant.Newsletter distrihltor: JdrlF.urlolp, Ttpse wishing to receive the Newsletter electronically aregr$q b contact John at [email protected]. =to cut costs, all who are aUe to recelv!


their Newslefters in his way arebncouraged to make arrangemdnts to do so.Websits Wedonc* have our own website, hrt wC do have a presence on the RiverGipprg Trusfs siteArchaeolory site fu


We welcome Mrs. Jift.Qcot!of Odey to tte ranks of SIAS membership. Jillattanded drrJ**ry mee.tingardloined on ttre-spott We look fonrard to seeing r;riftuti"e euents andhope she enjnys her membership of'the society.

Alan GreerEo, a founder member of the SIAS ard fonner Vice€trrairmqt, who was very activein the early days ol the Society, passd away in lpswich Hospitat o" igrd trlo;fibei.-He-ii--eurvived by two children and six gnandchildren, to whom we offerour conddences.


ftrSff( DisfiidCdrrcfRegulation and completion of works to conversion from oast tpuseto dwelling at Oast Hcuse, Dagworth.Minor amendments to PP 1nBlffi, Buil&rs yard, New $treet,Fressirqfield.variation of conditions of PP 320210 to allow 30 steam events peranrurm at he Mid Snffolk Ugtrt Railway, Wetterirqsett.Erection of detached d*-!t!ng fdtowind demolition-of old Mllage DriilHall, Wihersdale Street, Mendham.




Sftk Coartd [Xrfici Odncl


lrection of 2 tpuses at Builders Yard, The Street, Shottisham.Existirg sirqle-storey office'worksno6 to be retainedRestoration, alter#rs & ctrange of use of water tower, park Road,Al&hJ€h, to form rew drrell@.


.$Yg:^F.gry"p the tiile of an exhitritlon by tfn.sgtorian Society that lpswich Ubrary wiil behostrE between 6th and 31st March m12. The elhihftio.r-r_of photos from iror.md ttre countryshows.examdes of tre best Mctorian and Edwardian UuiHi-rxi,s tut-ttp Societv h;FmFtEgg to-sav,e, and some fiat havebeen lost.

-lt is hoffU to lirangei-tilee tatf by tlre

director of the Society on tth March from 2.30 to a.30pm, nti niJiJepE drt-uporr numbers.lf you qoJd be interesled in atterding orwould lite niore'inbrmitlon, iiiaiiHelen. Scriverpr@ suffdk. oov. uk


Jrumals of ottpr S*iqti.p freqrnntly aniye on your Chairman's doormat; in order to givemembers some idea of what ttiese iontain, Le ieprcduce. the csrtents tiiti nenw.- tt?'nytringscurds to be of ir{erest, dease contact the Chairman and he will ararqe tor protocopies;ftfterelevant afiicle to be made.

The locd llsbrirn ilorcr&er fil, Vd- 41, I\lo. 4-Who Owned Earls Colne in 1798...OiHow to Squeeze More from the l*ard Tax, by RichardW.Hoyle.The Hearth Tax ard Empty Properties in Lordon on tte Eve of the Great Fire, by AndrewWareham.l*andowners ard Landscapes: The Knights Temdar and their Successors at Temple Hirst,Yorkshire, by John S.Lee.-

llsqittg frc W.o{eg Earty l.o_rdon qquqy Gotncil Housirg 1889 - 1914, by Martin Stitwen.Ithatto do wih 323 Postcards?, by Julie Bagnall.Local History lnternet $ites: An update tor zdt t, by Jacqtebrp Fillmorc.

!frSid ndedogr turier, nb. a Vd. gq ilomnberl}ll.The Death of the lnd[rstrial Pasi?, bv bavid n-aerton.Techq$ogic{ Cg4lutty, Technololical 'survival': The Use sf Horizontal Mills in Westemlleland, c1632 - 1940, by Colin Rynne.

Fg:{lp_t}" lg.ttgnd t9tr.Cp$ury U@n Flour Mil[ The Example of tlre Archaeotogicatlnvestlgations at the Former J.A.Symes Factory Site, Highbridgts Road, Barkirg, by RlbeccaHaslam.Tle Hawton Gypsum Mill ard Developments in 19th Century Grirding Techmlogy, by RonFitzgerald.

$ffi( fft Glup lterygrur, lh,l& llovernbs AI 1.Wirdmill lnscriptions, by H.O.Clark.Mills on the Map - Horham.EadyWindmills, by Bob Malster.


There was a time when the great.paiont-V o! Stffolk villagqs tlad at least orp mill grinclirg wipatinto frour either for local qgnsumption-or t'br'export' to tjfidon or some o*reieasiioast town.Ei[q a wdermill taking its pow;r from a stre€fi or river orlydrd;ilitrjmessiniir,e

"i;d; ;possiilya small mill wor{<ed by-horse ordorkey,.yolH Ue emOoieO to grird tt6grail-d;h;

on local farms, somslimes foiflcur to make ttn viilagers; brcai;fi si,miiimelioi aniriar reeO.

ln Stttton's case it was a watermill on the stream that frows down from Bentley and Dodnash,kmwn to local people as Qe Samp. There migrtrt wetitrave leen i miir on trat"stream for a 'rFus€nd years or so: the.Domesday Book records in 1ffi trat Stutton had 'always 1 mill; 2salt'tlc'rses'. Thetu,o salt-truses were presumaily saltranJu,tpiC san w." d&r.* tromk_t:tyg:llllpgrt"d into tre stour ebruary eacrr nmi tio"rtte rilr ilai p#6ltv fird morethan a wooden shed with a simple vertical $,tt€el or perhaps a horizontal iotirOriviiig asilgie

-parrof millstones.

It is likely that tris mill, and its successors, stood at the point where the road from Stufton toBranham crosees the stream at stilton etidg. - BulcffiC;L;h il dii; tgtrtj # rodted,-

extended, updated an{ rehjlt.many=times overthe Vgari asimprovements in millingtechrxilogry were introduced- tnveiugation d the si6 has ;Gai;d tpt ttdt€6a;'.rf,{tlry-f_F _ugsl.ream side of thlmd and on the Brartha;;ide of f;h6,'wtrite an areaot marshy gffrrnd.tpug ttis.por{tt probaHy indicates whdwas once a millporil, in which wiieiwas penned to operate the wheel.


It has not been possiHe to discover wtpn this mill went out of use, hit the fact that it is notmarked on Joseph Hodskinson's map of 1783 suggests that it had ceased to operate, ardprobaHy ccased to exist, by fre lde 18fr century. Certainly by fie time of Hodskinson's mapthere was a Stutton New Mill at tlre mouttr of tle strsam, ard it had probably redaced fie ddmill a gpod few years before ttet.

The rew mill &wn by tte shore had he advantage hat it was rpt entirely deperdent on thelimited flow of the stream, for it made use of the tidal water as well, providiqg increased powerat ttre expenso of a shorter workirg period, for a tidemill can work only on the ebb, and perhapsan hour or two after the tide trms, urrtil he water level in tte pond ard in the creek are thesame. On the flood sluices admit water to the millpond; at rrigh water ttre sluices are shut, andtlpn as the fide falls the penrpd-rp water is allowed to flow throrgh he wteelfit, tumirg te$'hed ard operalirq tp mill machirrery.

This anangoment was by no mean$ unusual in coastal areas where it was possiHs to makeuse of tidal water in such a way. The Woodbridge tidemill is well krown, ard there were oncesimilar mills at lpswich (Stoke Mills), Thonirqton, Fir€ringhoe and St Osyh in Essex ardelsewhere.

Whereas ttre or$tfr of the old mill was probaHy sufficient only to supdy local needs the NewMill was abl€ to produce sufficient frcurto serd at least part of its production to london by seaAn adveriisemer* in tB ltlorfdk Chronicle in 1820 for a'CaFrital Corn Trde Mill. . . on the banksof &e River Stqrr, opposite the Port of Misley' makes specific reference to 'a Wharf contiguasto the mill, wittr water sufficient for vessels of 100 tons burtfm'. Tle advertisement fus notname the mill, h.rt it is clearly Sfi.ttton New Mlll, wtrich was d the time at tlrc heart of a hrivingindustrial complex.

'This Estate is most advantagpansly situate for mercantile business, in a good com corntry,ard wihin a short distance of several excellent com markets, and consists of a Com Tide Mill,with three good pair of stones, and suitable machirery, with granaries, malting, lime kiln, cmlyards and every requisite hrildirg, all in good and substantial reparr,' we arc told. Besides agood mill house for tln miller there were said to be convenient ccttages for workmen. Thepropdetor, Wliam Tills, of Mistey, was seeking eiherto sellthe millorto let it, but pefiaps hewas unsuccessful at tnt time because a furlher advertisement, namirq the New Mill, appearedin he lpsunch Jwmal just five years laler. Again there was mention of 'a spacious malting 50coombs steep, lime kiln, coal yards, $'harfs' and of te fact that vessels of 100 tons burthencruld load d te mill,

It is interestirq that the brick hse of what appears to be a lime kiln is still to be seen beside thecreek.

In 1844 Starnard and Death were com millers at he l.lew Mill, brI by 1855 ttreir dace had beentaken by Christopher Spanton Sader, who was a malster as well as miller. $adler was stillthere in 1879, but by 1883 his place had been taken by Richard Blake, urtro accord[ng to thedirectory was using a steam ergne as well as water power.

It would appear from the directory evidence fnt he New Mill was out of use by 1900, and it isggnfirmq{ byfhe qgcond edition of the Ordrance Survey 1:2500 map whic*r bears tre legerd'Str.rtton New Mill (Disused)'.

Of ccrurse here was also a second mill in Stutton, Aton Mill that was situat€d on the samestream as Hdbrook Mill. For some reason Alton Milldoes not seem to have been mentiored inearlierdirectorieshanthatfor 1892wtrich strcws HerbertSortfrgate, millerard com merchant,3F being atStutton Mi{, whic! ig almgst ceilainly Altqr Mill. Dire-ctories of 1904 - 1Sl7 placet*m conectly at Alton Mill, wtrich had tp advantage of a steam er€irp to augment fre waterpower. Ard memory tells me that fte Sodhgate hmily remairpd at Alton Mill until tlpconstruction ol he reservcfr and fte removal of the mill ard the mill houso to the Museum ofEast Angfian Ufe at Stowmarkel



Use of roof tiles instead of fratch made compulsory in lordon.


Birth of James Hanway (died 1786), MP.who spo4sgred an Act of 17GT by which pauperchildren were sent to the cotton mills of the rprfh, helpng solve the labouiproUenis oi tnecotton industry and simultar€cusly reducing the Pooi Rate.

Death of Richard Cde, lpswich shipwright.

The first steam ergine was erec'ted by Thomas lrlewcomen (1663 - 1729) rear Dudley Castle,

The second-ol&st bri{e overthe Cambridge Backs, St. John's Cdlege Old Bridge, wae buittand designed by Roben Grumbdd.

A wet dock was comSeted at $ea Mills on tlre (Bristd) Avon, hn hibd to replace Bristd as theport forthe area.

The Trent l,lavigation opered.


Qeath of HenryBerry (bom 1720), waterway ard dock engineer. Best krpwn for his wo* asUverpod's Dock Engirner.

Birth of Newson Ganelt (died 1893). Yorngnr sorl of the Leiston agricultural ergirpering family,he became a successftrl malster, developirq the Snape maltings t6 service tteionOon-mirt<tit.

Birth of (Colmel) George Tomline (dled 1889) of Onnlell Park, Nacton. On his death was thesecond'largest lardowrpr in the co.nty. Promoter of tre Felixstowe Dock and Railway.

Ptrt[ol George.Mason (died 1893). Established an oil-milling business in lpswich (his millat$t. Pete/s Dock burnt down 13.4&00), and fourded the cement works in WaldrinilfieU. ftrislatter hlsinese rel@ated to Claydon after his deah.

Pirth of Peter SchuV!91Bruff ldid 1900). Ergineerto ttre lpswich & Bury Raitway, lpswichTramway, Tend{.no Waterwor|tp, &velopeqof Walton-on-he-Naze andChcton'iri-Sea toname htt a small percentage of his wo*s. Krpwn as "The Brurelof the Eastem Ccuniles; Oueto his wide-ranging enggngering works, all canied out within Eastern Endard. ln later life,acquired the Coalport Fotery.

Birth of Alfred Krupp (died 1889), German iron and armaments manuhctrer.

Birh of Samuel Smiles (di€d 1904). Writer, author of '$elf Help'and 'Lives ol the Engineers'.

Birth of Wlliam Barlorr Jiied I 90?] Engirreer of ttp arched roof at 5L Pancras Station, lordon,and the secpnd Tay Bridge of 1887.

pirth of A.W.N.Pugin (died 1852). Architect. Due to his dislike of industrialisatisr built nofactory or railway htildngs, fut his views on architecturaltlreory led to tte 'Gothic Revival'.

Birth of William Samuel Henson (died 1888). pqsrgrer of the 'Aerial Steam Caniage' in 1842Models were built and fiown, but fnarrce for a fulFsiie exampte colH-tpt Oe ,a,Gi.

Bir.th of John Sydney Crossley (died 1879). €ailway er€ineer; sr+eMsed construction of the

Midard Railway's Setile - Carlisle line of 1876.

Birth of Jarnes Dalhoursie {died 1S60). 10h Earl of and lst Marquess of Ddhousie. Presidsnt

;iliie-BoardA iradein ttri peet administration, and chaired a committee to overseeflailway[1fi1[rhg *re 'iiaiiway ManiJol 1845. Appoiged.Gov.gmor Gerpral of lndia in 1847 ard iscredited wltr tre esta$ishment of the sub-contitrenfs railway system.

Birth of Thomas Willis Pratt (died 1875). Amedcan engirper who patentd the'Pratt Truss' in


Gorge Stepheneon was appoirfed engtnger in charge of machinery at the collieries of heGrand Allieb', a consofiium of Northumbrian ctal owners.

Lrxldites had czused muc*r indrstrid unrest in ttrc East lrtridlands hosiery indugtry in 1811'12,so an Act of Parliament was passed on 20.3.12 making frame-Feaking a capihloffence.

Commencement of the Arqlo-American War (1812' 1814) serio.tsly disrupted cotton supplies

totlm Lancashire textile industry.

Hampden Clubs were set up by Maior Jofm Caftvright. They were se€n as ploqotirE RadicalttrorCint in skilled workers, ard-thus wers suppressed by the govemment in 1816.

Humphrey Davy's'Elements of Chemical Philosopfry' puUished.

Philippe Girard invented a machine for spinning frax.

lntroduction of the Muffle Kiln hr porcelain production by Samwl Wdker at fte WorcesterPorcelain Company.

Henry Bell's steamship'Comef of 25 tons, tre first successful steam vessel, was used on ttreClyde between Glasgow ard Greenock.

John Blenkinsops locomotive was used on tlre Mlddleton Railway in l-pds - the firstcommercially-s'uccessfrrl steam locomstive. lts success owed much to Matthew Murray, theLeeds ergin6 builder being cwrsidercd tlre maker of tle best steam engines at the time.

The Regents Cand ard ttrc North Walsham & Dilham Canal boh gained fteir Acts ofParliamert.

Richard Trevithick fuilt a portaHe er€rfte, which was nottaken up, and nas aru.nd 30 yearsahead of its time.

Frank Wnsor fourded the Gas Ugtrt & Coke Company in tondon to provide gas to privatecustomers from a centralgas works - the first such.

William Smifr commenced fie drainirg of the Minsmere Lovel, 1,600 acrcs in the parishes ofLeiston, Theborton, Dunwich, Westleton ard Midleton.

Samuel Bavytree ard George $avill eet up he Cdchester distillery on the site of Htdl Mill.

A steam engire was added as zuxilliary powerat Upminster Millin Essex.

High Mill, Sotffrtown, Yarmoutr, ard llketshall$. Lawrence Millwere both buift.

Boh the lpswich - Helmingham ard lpswich - Stntford St. Mary tumpikes were zuthorised.

Redevelopmentof lp€v{ich town @ntr€ savv the removal of fe Market Cross from the Comhilland *E demdition of tle adjacent Roturda whtch made way for a new Corn Exchangp.

Wlliam Cubilt, Norfolk-born milhmight, wae appointed to a position with Ransomes in lpswich todevelop their civil engirnerirg work.


Death of Lord Joseph Uster (bom 18fl). Pioneer in tlre use of antiseptics in surgery.

Death ol Jonas Jarnes Bradshaw, Arctritec{. Fcrlnded the Bdton practice of Bradshaw, Gass& Hope. Desigrer of a large numbar of textile mills.

Deattr of Dugald Drummsd (bom 1840). Locomotive enginrnr. Principally associated wih theNorth British, Caledonian, ard London & Sdltfr Westem Railways.

Deah of Samuel Waite Johnson (bom 18i11). l-ocomotive engineer. &st known br his workon the Great Eastern ard Mi.dlard Railways.

Deah of Wilbur Wridrt (aged 45) from typftoid. Pioneer aviator ard &e second man to fry apowerd aer@ane (brotherOrville was the first).

Birh of Wener Von Braun (died 19TT). German rocket scientist. His work on the V2 missileresulted in his post war emfloyment on the American spce programme, culminatirq in themoon lanc$ng.

Eugene Freyssirnt perfected a method for prestressing concrete.

Cellulose ftlm was marketed Lm&rhe 'Cellophare' brand. lt had been invented in 1900 byEdwin Brardenberger.

lndustrial unrest was rife in early 1912. ln February, a cod silike began in Derbyshire onfi.2.12, becoming gpnerd on 1.3.12. Herbefi Aequith's Minimum Wagle Billwas introduced on19.3.12to settle the strike. On May 8rd, the London Dockers stuck, and in June (11th)Transport Workers carne out on strike.

RMS Titanic'was loston its maiden voyage on 15,4.12.

The Thames lronworks & ShiphrildirgCoof West Ham wentintoliquidatim. The Blackwallyard had been hunded by Aldehtrgh ehipwright Henry Jotrnson in tre mid 17tr centr.rry.

lmmingham Dock on *u Humber Estmry was opened by tre Great Central Railway.

Tle Anglo-Persian Ol Company shipped the first consignmeril of Persian oil from Abadan inMay.

Belling & Co begnn the manufacture of electdc heaters at Edmonton in norfr Lmdon.

The Associated Equipmeril Gompany (AEC) h.rnded at Waltramstowe in June, asmanuhcturers of commercial vehicles.

WRM Motors of Cowley, Oxford, was frxrndd by Wlliam Monis in Ar4ust to manufacturemotor cars.

Regin4d Delpech, injured by flytrg glass in a taxi accident, estaHishd Trigex Safety Glass tomanufacture a French invention of 1910 in tre UK.

The Aircraft Manuf-acturirg Company (AirCo) was fcnrrded at Herdon by George Holt Thomas.Cdlapsed 1920 but former AirOo directors then fornded he d€ Havillani company.

T.O.M. Sopwith tor.rnded ttte Sewfft Aviation Company at Brmklards.

HarlelQuimby became the first woman to fly an aer$are over fp Channel, 16.4.12. WoLddFJSably be beter known fut for the rpwspapers devoting most of their Fges to tlre Tffiricdisaster.

The RoyalFlying Corps was formd.

T.hn.{rst regular air service was inar.rgurated betwen Berlin ard Fridrichaven using rigidairships.

The GeneralPost Office took overallBritish telephone retyvo*s with the exception of themunicipal rptwork in Kirgston-upon-Hull.

lQlptham Scythe Works were opened by Jotrn George & $ons Ltd.. Closed in the mid19ms.

Ihe tied houses of Rope's Brewery, Oford, passd to Flintham, Hall & Co. Ud. of Aldeburgh.Brewirg is thought b have ceasedearlier.

On 2.5.12 the Castle Brewery of Lockwood & Co. of Wodbri@, alorp with two tied houses,were ofbred for auction.

pritish Oil & Cake Mills aquired the c$l cake business of George Mason of lpswich, hsed at $t.Pete/s Dock, lpswich.

|f{'.t No 6 Maltirg at Stoke, lpsrvich was worked br the first time. lt paralleled tte earlier(199) No 5 Maltings. Closed 1S. l,l'ow offices styled'Fehw Street Maltings'.

The first modem srlggr beet factory was set up at Gantley, Norfdk.

lne piesel Oil ErUirB Company announced its plan to develop an lpswich hctory off HadleighRoad.

JStl S"dd,{ po1q,,Md&n timber merchants, began sr^pdying electricity to customers inMd(ffii and Fleybri@o from their own gBrerating statim.

' -

Octavius Seaman set up.q businees as a bricklayer at g lpswich Road, $towmarket.Seaman's builders traded from the same site into the atst centurv, dvintfi-ttta 6Ci few yearsto Thurston.

Great Waldingfield smock millwas &molisted.

Ashtree Farm.wirdpump, near_Y_armouth, rvas the last ma|:r wird-driven mill erected in theeastem counties (in use until 1953).

The orfordmss Experimerilal station opernd forordnance testing.

The first aircraft to lard.in lpswich did so at Gipswyck Park Farm off Stme Lodge Lane on10.8.12. Pilot tlEnri Salmet is recalled in Satnidt Cbie on ne frGir€ dgvo|wm;;t which is onthe site.today. .He hd flown from Felixstore ag part of the 'DaitMaiTnvang-f"rl. on hesameday, !nd. patt of qg sams tour, B.C. Hucki made Sre fr*"flffi ovei Nonrict, whilst enroute from Gorleston to Eaton.
