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  • 8/14/2019 Siber Ink Catalogue 2013.pdf



    Catalogue 2013

    Siber Ink Publishers

    B2A Westlake Square

    1 Westlake Drive

    Westlake 7945

    Cape Town

    South Africa

    email: [email protected]: +27 21 701 2063

    Fax: +27 86 242 3206


    Siber Ink, founded in 2000, is a niche publisher of law, taxand business materials for the professional and business

    markets in South Africa. Our materials are current and topquality to equip people to be more effective in their work.

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    Siber Ink Catalogue 2013

    Contents by title(For author index see p 38)

    Consumer Law Unlocked ...................... 1

    The Drafting of Wills ............................. 2

    Bar, Bench & Bullshifters ...................... 3

    The National Health Act ....................... 4

    International Economic Law ................. 5

    Mediation in Family & Divorce

    Disputes ................................................ 6

    The New Companies Act Unlocked ...... 7Corporate Governance 3ed ................. 8

    Understanding Company Financial

    Statements 2ed ................................... 9

    Wild Law 2ed ......................................10

    LABOUR LAW Rules! ...........................11

    Labour Relations for Shop Stewards .12

    CCMA ..................................................13

    Contracts of Employment 2ed ...........14

    Employing a Domestic Worker ...........15

    Labour Arbitration 2ed ......................16

    Unfair Dismissal 4ed ...........................17

    A Simple Guide to South African Family

    Law .....................................................18

    International Tax ................................19

    The Taxation of Trusts in South Africa


    The VAT Treatment of Imported

    Services ..............................................21

    3 Human Rights Acts .......................... 22

    Health & Democracy ......................... 23

    The Promotion of Access to

    Information Act Commentary ........... 24

    The Promotion of Administrative

    Justice Act A Commentary ................. 25

    Globalisation & Governance ............. 26

    Thinking About Law: Essays for Tony

    Honor ............................................... 27

    The University of Cape Town Law

    Faculty: A History 18592004 ......... 28

    Bloody Hand! ..................................... 29

    The Associated Ship & SA Admiralty

    Jurisdiction......................................... 30

    Labour Law Sibergramme .................. 31

    SILCS (Siber Inks Labour law CaseSummaries) ........................................ 31

    Competition Law Sibergramme ......... 32

    Environmental Law Sibergramme ..... 32

    Corporate Law, Partnerships and Trusts

    Sibergramme ..................................... 33

    Sibergramme Yearbook 2010 ............ 34

    Sibergramme Yearbook 2011 ............ 34

    Business Tax and Company Law

    Quarterly ........................................... 35

    Siber Ink Publication Price List........... 36

    Index of Authors ................................ 38

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    Siber Ink Catalogue 2013 (1) Page 1


    Consumer Law Unlocked

    Elizabeth de Stadler

    OutlineThe recent introduction of theConsumer Protection Act hasrevolutionised consumer rights in South

    Africa. It also fundamentally altered theway in which businesses are required totreat their clients, imposing a new set ofobligationsor at least a formalised set

    of responsibilitiesthat had been easilycircumnavigated or simply ignoredbefore. Marketing campaigns, returnspolicies, terms and conditions, qualityissues, and a host of business practiceshad to be reviewed and reappraised.Some businesses have done this, whilemany blithely continue as if nothing haschanged, little appreciating the risks ofnon-compliance andperhaps moreimportantlyfailing to appreciate thattreating consumers fairly is simply asound business practice.

    This new work provides acomprehensive overview of consumerlawnot just the Actin a way thatfollows the typical structure ofconsumer transactions. It serves toguide, educate and enlighten theprofessional, the business person andthe consumer alike. No business orprofessional adviser should be withoutit. Written by a leading specialist in thefield, it is simple, clear, comprehensive,authoritative and accessible.

    About the AuthorElizabeth de Stadler(BA, LLB (Stell))is an attorney specialising in theConsumer Protection Act 68 of 2008(the CPA) and consumer lawgenerally. She graduated from theUniversity of Stellenbosch in 2005,completed her articles and practised asan attorney in Johannesburg.

    She is currently enrolled for an LLM at

    the University of Cape Town. Sheconducts regular workshops andtraining sessions on the CPA She isalso the co-author of a consumer lawtextbook (Juta Law), a contributor to the2ed of The Law of Contract in South

    Africa (Oxford University Press) and isthe editor of the monthly Consumer LawReview (Juta Law).

    Book SpecificationsISBN: 978-1-920025-51-9ISBN ebook: 978-1-920025-52-6Price: R350.00 245 x 168mm Publication Date: August 2013

    Target Market: All business owners,

    Financial Directors, CEOs, Directors,Company Secretaries, Directors,Business Advisors, Lawyers,

    Accountants, Tax practitioners.

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    Siber Ink Catalogue 2013 (1) Page 2

    The Drafting of Wills

    Ceris Field

    OutlineThere is no room for error in the draftingof Wills because when a Will comes intoeffect the testator is not present torevise, amend, interpret or giveinstructions as to his intentions. Thisplaces a special onus on the drafter tobe linguistically precise and technicallycorrect. Failure to adhere to theminutiae of the technicalities andlegalities have led to many a familydispute, costly litigation, and delays in

    the winding up of estates, causing bothemotional and financial hardship to thefamily of the deceased.

    This practical guide, written bya specialist in the drafting of wills,covers all the processes, considerationsand technicalities involved in correctand sound drafting of wills, covering

    details that are vital to goodtestamentary practice. It is essentialreading and reference for all

    professionals involved in the drafting ofwills and in the administration ofdeceased estates.

    The book is based on the latestdevelopments in the law and recent

    judgments pertaining to Wills. As both apractitioner and lecturer in the field ofdeceased estates, Ceris Field brings awealth of knowledge and experience tothe subject of drafting of Wills.

    About the AuthorCeris Fieldis a practising attorney,notary and conveyancer with 25 yearsof experience. For the past 15 yearsshe has specialised in theadministration of deceased estates andin the drafting of wills and trusts.

    Ceris is currently the chairperson of theCape Law Society specialistcommittee on Wills, Estates and Trusts,and is a member of the national LawSociety of South Africa Wills, Estates

    and Trusts Committee.

    In addition to practising law, Cerislectures and presents seminars part-time for LSSA LEAD.

    Book SpecificationsISBN: 978-1-920025-58-8

    ISBN ebook: 978-1-920025-59-5Price: R380.00 245 x 168mm Publication Date: August 2013

    Target Market: Lawyers, accountants,tax advisers, bankers and insurers.

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    Siber Ink Catalogue 2013 (1) Page 3

    Bar, Bench & Bullshifters

    Cape Tales 1950 - 1990Gerald Friedman & Jeremy Gauntlett

    OutlineThis humorous collection of stories fromlife at the Bar and on the Bench in theCape takes a look back at fourdecades, starting at the end of WorldWar Two and finishing with the arrival ofdemocracy in South Africa. These talesand recollections, mostly from Barmembers, now in their 80s, show whatan extraordinary time it was for lawyers.

    Also, remarkably, how much is ofrelevance to lawyers practising today.

    The anecdotes and reminiscences ofmembers of the Bar during this periodwere collected and edited by Mr JusticeGerald Friedman and Jeremy GauntlettSC.

    About the AuthorsGerald Friedman, a graduate of theUniversity of Cape Town, joined theCape Bar in January 1950. He took silkon 7 April 1970, and was chairman ofthe Cape Bar Council in 1975 and1976, also serving as vice-chairman ofthe General Council of the Bar in 1976.

    Appointed a judge of the CapeProvincial Division on 1 August 1977,he was elevated to the AppellateDivision on 1 October 1990. Hereturned to the CPD as judge presidentwith Andrew Beyers and Theo vanWyk one of three Cape AD judges inthe period to do so on 1 February1992. He served as judge presidentuntil 31 October 1998. On hisretirement he served on the Courts of

    Appeal of both Botswana and Lesotho.From 1999 to 2010 he also chaired theFinancial Services Appeal Board.

    Jeremy Gauntlett sc, Beit Scholar,

    Stellenbosch, Rhodes Scholar, Oxford,and Harvard Graduate Fellow,commenced practice at the Cape Baron 3 January 1977, taking silk on 20February 1989. He served two terms aschairman of the Cape Bar Council(19979), and three as chairman of theGeneral Council of the Bar (19992002). From 1996 to 2010 he was a

    judge of the Court of Appeal of Lesotho.In 2012 he was made a Bencher of theMiddle Temple.

    Book SpecificationsISBN: 978-1-920025-69-4ISBN ebook: 978-1-920025-70-0Price: R198.00 245 x 152 mmPublication Date: April 2012

    Target Market: Lawyers and the generalpublic

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    Siber Ink Catalogue 2013 (1) Page 4

    The National Health Act

    A GuideJonathan Berger, Adila Hassim, MarkHeywood, Brian Honermann, Mieke

    Krynauw & Umunyana Rugege

    OutlineFully revised and updated, this bookletaims to make the NHA easily availableand accessible to the public generally. Itis hoped that by putting the text of theNHA into the hands of people incommunities and organizations, theycan start to mobilise to demand fullimplementation of their rights under theNHA and under the Constitution.The National Health Act (NHA) isarguably the most important Act passedby Parliament to give effect to the rightof everyone to have access to healthcare services. This right is guaranteedby section 27 of the Constitution of theRepublic of South Africa, 1996, which

    places express obligations on the stateto progressively realise socio-economicrights, including access to health care.

    About the Editors

    Jonathan BergerMember ofJohannesburg Bar

    Adila HassimMember ofJohannesburg Bar & Director ofLitigation, SECTION27

    Mark HeywoodExecutive Director,SECTION27

    Brian HonermannAssociate, ONeillInstitute for National and Global HealthLaw

    Mieke KrynauwAttorney, BowmanGilfillan

    Umunyana RugegeAttorney,SECTION27

    Book SpecificationsISBN: 978-1-920025-67-0ISBN ebook: 978-1-920025-68-7Price: R99.00 150 x 105mm 152ppPublication Date: January 2012

    Target Market: Health officials, humanrights activists, lawyers, doctors,nurses, clinics, public health personnelat local, provincial and governmentlevel, NGOs, programme implementers,civil servants, students of law, medicineand public health, librarians.

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    Siber Ink Catalogue 2013 (1) Page 5

    International Economic Law

    The Voices of AfricaEdited by

    Emmanuel T Laryea, Nokuhle Madolo& Franziska Sucker

    OutlineTo take Africa from the edge to thecentre of the global economy, it is

    important to engage African voices intopolicy discussions on the global politicaleconomy. The nature and content ofinternational economic law, and itsunderstanding and use by stakeholderson, and for, the continent, are critical toharnessing the available resources forsustained growth and development ofthe continents economies. This book

    examines themes dealing with cross-border trade, investment anddevelopment.

    About the AuthorsDr Emmanuel T Laryea is a SeniorLecturer at the Faculty of Law, MonashUniversity, Australia, and a Fellow atthe Tim Fischer Centre for Global Tradeand Finance, Bond University,

    Australia. He obtained his LLB from theUniversity of Ghana, his LLM from theUniversity of Glasgow and his PhD fromBond University and has practised lawwith a commercial law firm in Ghana.Nokuhle Madolo is a SeniorResearcher at the MandelaInstitute, School of Law, University ofthe Witwatersrand and Society forInternational Economic Law ExecutiveMember. She obtained a LLM inresources law and policy from theUniversity of Dundee (UK) and iscurrently pursuing a doctoral degree.Franziska Sucker is a Lecturer at theSchool of Law, University of the

    Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, adoctoral candidate at the UniversittFrankfurt am Main(Germany) andadmitted to the German bar. Prior toworking in South Africa she was aSenior Researcher at the Max PlanckInstitute for Comparative Public Lawand International Law in Heidelberg,Germany.

    Book SpecificationsISBN: 978-1-920025-53-3ISBN ebook: 978-1-920025-54-0Price: R398.00 247 x 171mm 282ppPublication Date: January 2012

    Target Market: Academics, policymakers, think-tanks, economists,

    multinational corporations.

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    Siber Ink Catalogue 2013 (1) Page 6

    COMING IN 2013

    Mediation in Family& Divorce Disputes

    John OLeary

    OutlineThere is presently much discussion inSouth Africa about ways of usingmediation to promote access to justice.This introduction to mediation combinesan explanation of what mediation is withguidelines for using the process. There

    are practical tips for clients and formediators, descriptions of whatmediators actually do, and advice onhow best to prepare for a mediation.

    While the focus is primarily on familydisputes, the skills and processesdescribed can readily be applied toother conflicts.

    About the AuthorJohn OLearyobtained an MA at UCT,and an LLB degree through UNISA andhas been in practice as an attorney inCape Town since 1993. He has aspecial interest in conflict resolution andmediation, particularly in commercial,family and labour disputes. He isaccredited as a mediator by CEDR(UK), and is a panelist for TOKISO,Equillore and the Africa Centre forDispute Settlement.

    He is also a member of the FamilyMediators Association of the Cape(FAMAC) and the National

    Accreditation Board for FamilyMediators (NABFAM) and serves on theprovincial and national Law Societystanding committees on AlternateDispute Resolution. He regularlytrains mediators from a variety ofprofessional backgrounds.

    Book SpecificationsISBN: 978-1-920025-56-4ISBN ebook: 978-1-920025-57-1Price R200.00 210 x 148 mm 484ppPublication Date: December 2013

    Target Market: Lawyers, Mediators,Family Court representatives,Counsellors.

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    Siber Ink Catalogue 2013 (1) Page 7


    The New Companies ActUnlocked

    Carl Stein

    with Geoff Everingham

    OutlineFrom 1 May 2011 company law inSouth Africa was dramatically altered:the 1973 Act which had governedcompanies for the life-times of mostbusiness people and lawyers in South

    Africa was replaced by the CompaniesAct of 2008, as amended in March

    2011. A new era of company lawdawned, and with it a host of newconcepts, rights, remedies, obligations,procedures and sanctions wereintroduced. These fundamentally affectthe way that every business operatesand the advice and practice of everylawyer, accountant or other professionaladviser. This book, the first to cover the

    new Act and the new regulations,provides the hand-holding, the insight,and the understanding that business

    and their advisers require in order not tobe wrong-footed by the new regime.

    EndorsementCarl Steinhas done a splendid job inhis description and analysis of the new

    Act, precisely because of his ability toexplain the basis upon which the Acthas been built. Mr Stein providespractical guidance as to theramifications of each component of the

    Act and the accompanying regulationswhich have to date received noattention.

    Dennis Davis, Judge President,Competition Appeal Court

    About the AuthorsCarl Steinis a partner at BowmanGilfillan in Johannesburg where hespecialises in corporate, M&A andsecurities law. He is also a non-executive director of various listedcompanies. He acted as the lead

    corporate counsel for Telkom SA Ltdwhen it listed on the New York StockExchange (NYSE).

    Geoff Everingham is one of SouthAfricas pre-eminent academicaccountants who has authored onCompany law, Accountancy, andCorporate Governance as well as beinga company director.

    Book SpecificationsISBN: 978-1-920025-28-1ISBN ebook: 978-1-920025-42-7R495 247 x 171mm 484pp 2011

    Target Market: All business owners,Financial Directors, CEOs, Directors,Company Secretaries, Directors,

    Business Advisors, Lawyers,Accountants, Tax practitioners,students of law and commerce.

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    Siber Ink Catalogue 2013 (1) Page 8

    Corporate Governance3ed

    Tom Wixley & Geoff Everingham

    OutlineCompanies, whether public, private orstate owned, their directors and officers,their shareholders and the public are allaffected by new and sweeping changesto corporate governance codes,company legislation andregulations. Directors, executives andprofessional advisers are faced withstringent new requirements that willoblige them to change long-standingpractices. The third edition bringstogether recent changes in corporategovernance codes (in King lll for South

    Africa as well as international trends), incompany law (the 2008 Companies Actand regulations), in relevantprofessional standards (in accounting,auditing, risk management andremuneration practices), and provides a

    practical approach to corporategovernance based on current examplesof good practice

    EndorsementsThis is a very practical guide to a topicwhich is largely common sense, butwhich at the same time is often badlymisunderstood.

    Russell M. Loubser, CEO: JSESecurities Exchange South Africa

    "This valuable book is a practical andup-to-date guide on the implementationof corporate governance principles. Italso links the governance principles toother legislation such as the Companies

    Act No 71 of 2008. The book is a mustfor any company director.

    Juanita Steenekamp CA(SA)

    About the AuthorsTom Wixley is a Chartered Accountantwho spent 41 years with Ernst & Youngincluding 10 as chairman. Since heretired in 2001, he has served on theboards of some of South Africas largestcompanies including Anglo Platinumand Sasol.

    Geoff Everingham is EmeritusProfessor of Accounting at theUniversity of Cape Town and is a wellknown author of numerous books andarticles on accounting practice

    Book Specifications

    ISBN: 978-1-920025-32-8ISBN ebook: 978-1-920025-32-8R295 247 x 171 mm 284pp 2010

    Target Market: Directors, companysecretaries and managers of listed andunlisted companies, investors and legaladvisors, executives and office bearersof businesses and NGOs.

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    Siber Ink Catalogue 2013 (1) Page 9

    Understanding CompanyFinancial Statements


    Geoff Everingham

    OutlineFrequent examples and references tothe annual reports of listed companiesare employed to clarify points. Thisbook is directly relevant to a widespectrum of professionals, includingcompany directors, managers, lawyers,aspirant managers and entrepreneurs,as it explains the real significance offigures in financial statements in highlyaccessible language.

    Special Features Up to date in terms of International

    Financial Reporting Standards(IFRS).

    Contains updated examples from the

    financial statements of listedcompanies.

    The MUST KNOW boxes provide avaluable quick-reference to andoversight of the contents of the topic.

    EndorsementsThe ability to read, understand andinterpret financial statements is by farthe most important competence thatanyone in a position of authority musthave

    Professor Wiseman NkuhluFormer Economic Advisor tothe President (From theForeword to the first edition)

    What you must know aboutUnderstanding Company Accountsisboth authoritative and readable. Non-accountants will find that the book isclearly written and helpful to gaining anunderstanding of what companyaccounts say and what they omit.

    Tom Wixley, former chairman ofErnst & Young, South Africa.

    About the AuthorGeoff Everinghamis EmeritusProfessor of Accounting at theUniversity of Cape Town and is a wellknown author of numerous books andarticles on accounting practice.

    Book SpecificationsISBN: 978-1-920025-16-8R230 247 x 171mm 178pp 2008

    Target Market: all who work in or with,or invest in, business: be they owners,managers, directors, professionaladvisors (like lawyers), union officials,consultants or service providers, orstudents of business.

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    Siber Ink Catalogue 2013 (1) Page 10


    Wild Law 2ed

    Cormac Cullinanwith a Foreword by Thomas Berry

    OutlineWild Law weaves politics, legal theory,quantum physics and ancient wisdominto a fascinating and inspiring storyabout how to rediscover a viable role forthe human species within the Earthcommunity. This ground-breaking bookhas been seminal in inspiring the globalmovement to recognise rights forNaturea movement destined toshape the 21

    stCentury as significantly

    as the human rights movementsshaped the 20


    Wild Law reveals how the governancesystems of contemporary civilisationslegitimise and promote the disastrousexploitation and destruction of Earthand why an Earth-centred approach is

    essential to address climate changeand the accelerating degradation of theecological systems on which we

    depend. This revised 2ed includes anew preface, postscript and theUniversal Declaration of the Rights ofMotherEarth proclaimed on 22


    2010by the Peoples World Conferenceon Climate Change and the Rights ofMother Earth.

    EndorsementsThis book explains with great clarityhow we can change our entireapproach to governance so that we cancontinue life on a liveable planet. In itsbasic outlines this book is one of thefinest contributions to the entire field of

    jurisprudence in recent times.

    Thomas Berry, author of TheDream of the Earth, The UniverseStory and The Great Work.

    Wild law is to law what quantumphysics is to physics

    Alessandro Pelizzon, EarthLaw, Australia

    About the AuthorCormac Cullinan is a practisingenvironmental attorney, governanceexpert and author based in Cape Town.In 2008 he was included inPlanet Savers: 301 ExtraordinaryEnvironmentalists, a book that profilesleading environmentalists throughouthistory. He led the drafting of the

    Universal Declaration of the Rights ofMother Earth.

    Book SpecificationsISBN: 978-1-920025-35-9ISBN ebook: 978-1-920025-35-9R248 215 x 135mm 224pp 2011

    Target Market: Readers, thinkers, law

    and policy makers, lawyers,environmentalists, philosophers ...people.

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    Siber Ink Catalogue 2013 (1) Page 11


    LABOUR LAW Rules!

    McGregor, Dekker, Budeli,

    Manamela, Manamela & Tshoose

    OutlineLABOUR LAW Rules! provides a highlyaccessible text on labour, equity, socialsecurity and skills development laws.The book is aimed principally atstudents who engage with labour lawand is a UNISA setwork. In addition, IR

    and HR practitioners, line managers,supervisors and union officials will allfind the book useful. The contents coverthe individual employment relationshipfrom the time the contract ofemployment is signed, through thecourse of the relationship, during whichan employees conditions ofemployment must comply with minimum

    terms and during which an employee isprotected against unfair labourpractices and unfair discrimination, upto the termination of employment.

    Terminating the contract of employmentfor reasons other than dismissal suchas resignation and retirement are alsodiscussed as are the rules of collectivebargaining.The rules of social securitylaws are explained briefly. The textreflects recent statutory and otherdevelopments, and current debates.Cases and examples

    EndorsementThis book takes an innovative approachand breaks new ground in thedissemination of labour law. I have nodoubt that readers will enjoy using it ,and will find it to be an asset.Evance KalulaProfessor of Law,University of Cape Town; Chairperson,Employment Conditions Commission

    About the AuthorsMari McGregor BLC (cum laude)(Pret) LLB (Unisa) LLM AIPSA Dip(Pret) LLD (Unisa); Adriette Dekker

    BLC (cum laude) LLB (Pret) AdvancedDiploma in Labour Law (UJ) LLM LLD(Unisa); Mpfariseni Budeli LLB LLM(cum laude) (Unin) PhD (UCT); ErnestManamela BPROC LLB (Unin) LLM(Unisa); Tukishi Manamela B Proc LLB(Unin) LLM (Unisa); Clarence TshooseLLB, LLM (North West University)

    Book SpecificationsISBN: 978-1-920025-48-9ISBN ebook: 978-1-920025-48-9R298 247 x 171mm 214pp 2012

    Target market: Students encounteringlabour law for the first time, whetherstudying law, commerce, industrialrelations or any related field. HR

    professionals, Trade Unionists andothers requiring an oversight of labourlaw.

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    Siber Ink Catalogue 2013 (1) Page 12

    Labour Relationsfor Shop Stewards

    Chris Hickley

    OutlineLabour relations and law at a basiclevel are an extremely important part ofthe knowledge-set of any competentshop steward, but most books writtenon the subject are aimed at a differentmarket, and in language, complexityand bias are not suited for easyconsumption by shop stewards

    Labour Relations for Shop Stewardsprovides the basic knowledge that ashop steward requires to be adequatelyinformed about key labour relationsprinciples and issues.

    About the AuthorChris Hickleyhas extensiveexperience as a shop steward and as anegotiator. He has a Masters degree inlabour law from the University of CapeTown. Chris was a full-time shopsteward and a national as well as aprovincial negotiator for the Police andPrisons Civil Rights Union (POPCRU)and was also the senior shop stewardand the national negotiator for theChemical Workers Industrial Union(CWIU). Additionally he has extensiveexperience from across the table havingbeen a labour relations manager for anumber of years in various governmentdepartments.

    Book SpecificationsISBN: 978-1-920025-60-1Price R248.00 210 x 148 mm 484ppPublication Date: July 2012

    Target Market: Shop stewards, Union

    officials and anyone interested inworkers rights and how to maintain andprotect these rights.

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    Siber Ink Catalogue 2013 (1) Page 13


    A Commentary on the Rules3ed

    Peter Kantor

    OutlineEach Rule is fully reproduced and thenexplained in non-legal language,in linewith the original aim of the CCMA -making it accessible to the laypersonand freeing it from the legaltechnicalities that bedevilled the oldIndustrial Court. Intended both forcommissioners and professionals, aswell as for the non-professional user ofthe CCMA, as a guideline on how to

    tread in what is really the province oflawyers.

    Special Features A practical guide for readers

    involved in unfair dismissal cases:the book provides a step-by-stepguide to readers involved in unfairdismissal cases to make sure thatall the technical procedures havebeen followed.

    Appendices: the full text of selectedCodes of Good Practice, providingin one easy source the whole rangeof material essential to employersand employees to ensure that theyare not tripped up on technicalitiesin the CCMA or employmentpractices and policies.

    Endorsement for the 2edPeter Kantor's guide to procedure in theCCMA, will be an invaluable resource toall those who, in one way or another,find themselves engaged inproceedings before that body. The text

    incorporates the very latestamendments to the CCMA Rules. Andr van Niekerk - Judge of the

    Labour Court

    About the AuthorPeter Kantor BCom, LLB runs a legalconsultancy, Kantor Legal Services CCin Cape Town, specialising in labour

    and environmental law. He is thecurrent chair of the EnvironmentalLawyers Association of South Africaand also practices as an advocate.

    Book SpecificationsISBN: 978-1-920025-47-2ISBN e-book: 978-1-920025-55-7R198 170 x 110mm 293pp 2012

    Target Market: Human resourcesmanagers and officers, legalpractitioners union officials, linemanagers, small business, industrialrelations professionals, students oflabour law, and individuals who need togo to the CCMA.

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    Siber Ink Catalogue 2013 (1) Page 14

    Contracts of Employment 2ed

    Chris Todd & Talita Laubscher

    OutlineThis book offers the uncommoncombination of heavyweight opinionsbacked by authority and experiencewith a rare accessibility and lucidity,and is used by legal and non-legalaudiences alike. The book hasestablished itself as a leader inaccessible information on the BCEA.

    The legislative constraints on theemployment relationship as laid down(mainly by the Basic Conditions ofEmployment Act, or BCEA) are clearlyand logically set out, as are the areas inwhich employer and employee are freeto bargain unfettered by legislativeintervention.

    The MUST KNOW boxes in the bookprovide a valuable quick-reference toand oversight of the contents of thetopic.

    EndorsementWith the recent sweeping changes inlabour legislation and quick pace ofdevelopments in case law, the need fora concise and practical guide toemployment law in the workplace hasnever been greater. This book meetsthat need. It is clearly structured foreasy use and is fully up to date.

    Evance Kalula, Professor andDirector, Institute of Development andLabour Law, University of Cape Town

    About the AuthorsChris Toddis a partner at BowmanGilfillan Inc. He provides advice on allaspects of employment contracts,collective bargaining disputes, andstrikes and lock-outs, as well as theemployment implications of corporatetransactions.

    Talita Laubscher is a partner atBowman Gilfillan Inc and has practicedemployment law since 2001. She

    advises on all aspects of employmentlaw, and is particularly interested inissues of discrimination, sexualharassment and HIV in employment.

    Book SpecificationsISBN: 978-1-920025-17-5R230 247 X 171mm 199pp 2008

    Target Market: IR professionals, HumanResources managers and officers,union officials, line managers, studentsof labour law, non-labour-specialistlawyers, managers, directors,employers, employees, small businessenterprises, farmers

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    Siber Ink Catalogue 2013 (1) Page 15

    Employing a Domestic Worker

    Andr Van Niekerk

    OutlineOn 1 September 2002 a new sectoraldetermination was issued by the

    Minister of Labour to cover all domesticworkers. For the first time, minimumwages were introduced into this sector,which is defined to include gardeners,child minders and drivers in privatehouseholds. Every employer of adomestic worker must comply with theminimum conditions established by thesectoral determination, and keep proper

    records of wages paid and otheremployment details.

    This book sets out fully, authoritativelyand in plain language what the lawsare.

    Special Features A sample contract.

    The Sectoral Determination (whichevery employer is by law required

    to have on the premises andavailable to employees).

    Union and Department of Labourcontact addresses.

    About the Author

    Andr van Niekerkis currently a judgeof the Labour Court, and was formerly apractising attorney and director ofPerrott, Van Niekerk WoodhouseMatyolo Inc., specialists in employmentlaw. He was a legal advisor to the Anglo

    American Corporation and was amember of the team that drafted theLabour Relations Act 1995, and the

    Labour Relations Amendment Bill 2000.He is a Former president of the South

    African Society for Labour Law.

    Book SpecificationsISBN: 0-9584540-3-5R39.99 175 X 115mm 160pp 2003

    Target Market: Employers of domestic

    labour (full time or part time),Employees, Union officials andemployee representatives, Adviceoffices, Public interest organisations,essentially the entire middle to upperincome sector of the population, most ofwhom probably wish to be law-abidingbut are ignorant of its requirements.

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    Siber Ink Catalogue 2013 (1) Page 16

    Labour Arbitration 2edwith a Commentary on the

    CCMA Rules

    1BBarney Jordaan, Peter Kantor& Craig Bosch

    OutlineThis highly acclaimed guide, firstpublished in 2002, has been thoroughly

    revised and updated. Practical adviceon all stages of arbitration, from the pre-arbitration stage to the issuing of theaward are covered as well as the basiclegal principles concerning disputesover alleged unfair dismissal, the basicsof the law of evidence and how toprepare for and present a case atarbitration. In addition to this there are

    sections on the pitfalls of the law ofevidence, applications for condonationand reviews and a discussion on unfairlabour practice arbitrations.

    Special FeaturesKantors updated treatment of theCCMA rules has been included, withcommentary and rules for the conduct

    of proceedings before the CCMA.

    Endorsements"The new, expanded edition will proveto be even more invaluable forarbitrators and practitioners alike. It iswritten in plain English and contains

    practical advice on all stages ofarbitration...No labour law practitioneror trade union representative should bewithout this book."

    Judge Anton Steenkamp,Judge of the Labour Court

    About the Authors

    Barney Jordaanis a director and co-founder of Maserumule Consulting, aleading firm of employment relations,employment law and organisationalgrowth specialists. He is as a seniorarbitrator and mediator, certified by theInternational Mediation Institute in TheHague.

    Peter Kantor runs a legal consultancy,

    Kantor Legal Services CC, and alsopractises as an advocate of the HighCourt of South Africa and is Chairmanof the Environmental Law Associationof South Africa.

    Craig Bosch is a mediator, arbitratorand research associate NelsonMandela Metropolitan UniversityFaculty of Law, guest lecturer and part-

    time senior commissioner at the CCMA.

    Book SpecificationsISBN: 978-1-920025-37-3ISBN ebook: 978-1-920025-37-3R348 247 x 171mm 316pp 2011

    Target Market: Labour Lawyers, HR orIR managers, Trade union officials,

    businesses and CCMA commissioners,or representatives to a labour dispute.

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    Siber Ink Catalogue 2013 (1) Page 17

    Unfair Dismissal 4ed

    Andr van Niekerk

    OutlineThis guide, now in its fourth edition,

    explains the law with authority and inplain language. A practical book for tradeunionists and employer representatives(and their legal representatives), HRpractitioners and law students.Thoroughly updated, this edition refersmore fully than before to key judgmentsby the Labour Courts, to illustrateimportant interpretations of the

    legislation. It includes discussion on keyjudgments by the Constitutional Courts.

    Special FeaturesThe author answers the followingquestions:

    Who is an employee?

    What is a dismissal?

    What are the requirements for a fair


    What are employers andemployees respective rights andobligations?

    If I have been unfairly dismissedwhat procedures do I follow, andwhat are my remedies?

    EndorsementsEmployers and employees whounderstand the English language will beable to pick up this book, read it andunderstand it because it is written insimple languagethis is where theimportance of this book lies.

    R M M Zondo,Judge President,Labour Appeal Court and Labour Court(From the Foreword)

    This is an excellent book. It is wellwritten, well organized, and above allpractical. No trade unionist, humanresources practitioner or labour lawyer,for that matter, should do without it.

    Professor Halton Cheadle

    About the AuthorAndr van Niekerk is currently a judgeof the Labour Court, he was a legaladvisor to the Anglo AmericanCorporation and was a member of theteam that drafted the Labour Relations

    Act 1995, and the Labour RelationsAmendment Bill 2000.

    Book SpecificationsISBN: 978-1-920025-24-3R230 247 x 171mm 192pp 2008

    Target Market: Employers, Employees(and their legal representatives),lawyers, law students and HR & IRpractitioners.

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    Siber Ink Catalogue 2013 (1) Page 18


    A Simple Guide to SouthAfrican Family Law

    Nthabiseng Monareng

    OutlineA book that covers those aspects offamily law most likely to affect the livesof ordinary people. It provides a legalmap for individuals entering into andterminatingmarriages, civil unions

    and other domestic relationships;dealing with the children born of theserelationships; coping with the difficultiesof enforcing child and family supportobligations; having to face the sadreality of the domestic violence whichcontinues to plague our society; andmaking arrangements to distributeproperty after death.

    Endorsementsa publication as timely as it isadmirable. In easily readable, clear andaccessible language, the author setsout the South African legal frameworkgoverning the different forms of familyand personal relationships that exist inour multi-cultural society.

    B J van Heerden - Judge of theSupreme Court of Appeal

    A Simple Guide to South AfricanFamily Lawis a very informative book. Ihad the luck to share it with my listenersat Ukhozi FM and they still ask meWhere is Nthabiseng, the family lawexpert? It is easy to read andunderstand, so it reaches all people,including those who do not understandEnglish. Great Book. Congratulations,ousie Nthabiseng!

    Vusizwe LangaSABC

    About the AuthorNthabiseng Monarenghas a passionfor family law and in particular for theempowerment of ordinary people in thisarea of law that affects every citizen.Her extensive knowledge of the fieldarises from experience both in practiceand as a researcher at UNISA as wellas the Department of Justice andConstitutional Development.

    Book SpecificationsISBN: 978-1-920025-26-7ISBN ebook: 978-1-920025-26-7R120 200 x 130mm 102pp 2008

    Target Market: Advice offices, Familycourts, Counsellors, Mediators, Pastors,Newlyweds, Separating couples,Divorcees, Students, Single parents,Singles considering getting intorelationships, Co-habiting couples, Inshorteveryone!

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    Siber Ink Catalogue 2013 (1) Page 19


    International Tax

    A South African Perspective 20115ed

    Lynette Olivier & Michael Honiball

    OutlineThis book is not merely a new edition,but a complete and significantlyexpanded rewrite. It comprises over900 pages of expert and in-depthexposition of this complex subject thathas become so important in the modern

    global economy. Already establishedover four previous editions as the pre-eminent work on the subject it is a'must-own book' for all students andpractitioners of tax, whether from alegal, business or accountingperspective. Professor Lynette Olivierand Michael Honiball are without peerin their understanding and clarity in thishighly specialised field.

    Endorsements"I commend the authors on an excellentwork. This book is an indispensableaddition to the library of tax practitionersand tax students. The authors give theirreaders the benefit of thoroughresearch, comparative analysis andsubstantial practical experience. Theresult is a work that does not merelystate the law, but provides insightfulcommentary and useful backgroundand context. The authors havesucceeded in making a highly technicaland difficult field of law, readable andunderstandable."Betsie Strydom, Director in the tax

    practice of Bowman Gilfillan

    About the AuthorsLynette Olivieris a Professor ofTaxation at the University ofJohannesburg, a former tax consultantwith Pricewaterhouse-Coopers, andnow the CEO of the SARS ServiceMonitoring Office.

    Michael Honiballis an attorney andconveyancer and is the head ofInternational Tax based in theJohannesburg office of WebberWentzel. He specialises in cross-bordertaxation and transfer pricing formultinational corporations and for highnet wealth individuals. He alsospecialises in offshore trust taxationand in the application of exchangecontrol regulations.

    Book SpecificationsISBN: 978-1-920025-31-1ISBN ebook: 978-1-920025-31-1R1188 247 x 171mm 872pp 2011

    Target Market: Tax consultants andplanners; accountants and auditors;lawyers; corporate legal advisors;students of tax law.

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    Siber Ink Catalogue 2013 (1) Page 20

    The Taxation of Trusts inSouth Africa

    Michael Honiball & Lynette Olivier


    This book is the first of its kind in SouthAfrica. It comprehensively covers theSouth African tax and exchange controlprovisions which apply to local andforeign trusts. In addition to normaldiscretionary trusts, the taxation of thefollowing types of trusts is covered:

    business trusts

    charitable trusts

    BEE trusts employee share scheme trusts

    offshore trusts

    special trusts

    asset protection

    will trusts.

    The following types of taxes are alsodiscussed in a trust context:

    income tax


    transfer duty

    donations tax

    estate duty

    international tax

    transfer pricing


    About the AuthorsLynette Olivieris a Professor ofTaxation at the University ofJohannesburg, a former tax consultantwith Pricewaterhouse-Coopers, andnow the CEO of the SARS ServiceMonitoring Office.

    Michael Honiballi is an attorney andconveyancer and is the head of

    International Tax based in theJohannesburg office of WebberWentzel. He specialises in cross-bordertaxation and transfer pricing formultinational corporations and for highnet wealth individuals. He alsospecialises in offshore trust taxationand in the application of exchangecontrol regulations

    Book SpecificationsISBN: 978-1-920025-27-4ISBN hardcover: 978-1-920025-33-5ISBN ebook: 978-1-920025-27-4R648 (PB) R792 (HB)247 x 171mm 446pp 2009

    Target Market: Tax consultants &

    planners, investment advisers, personalbankers, trustees, SARS officials,accountants and auditors, lawyers,insurance brokers, corporate legaladvisors, students of tax law.

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    Siber Ink Catalogue 2013 (1) Page 21

    The VAT Treatment ofImported Services

    Mervyn Dendy

    OutlineSection 11(2)(k) of the Value-AddedTax Act 89 of 1991 provides for thezero-rating of a supply of serviceswhere the services are physicallyrendered outside the Republic. InTheVat Treatment of 'ImportedServices'author Mervyn Dendyanalyses that provision and otherrelevant sections of the VAT Act, with aview to determining whether it ispossible to zero-rate imported servicesfalling within the ambit of section7(1)(c) of the Act, where work isperformed outside the Republic but theproduct of that work (for example acomputer program) is supplied to aSouth African consumer for use.

    EndorsementMervyn Dendyhas produced a well-reasoned and very useful analysis ofone of the most contentious areas ofvalue-added tax law. There has beenmuch commentary on this issue, butnone so detailed as that provided in thisbook. This is an area affecting manypractitioners in their professionalpractice as they deal with advisingclients on transactions of this nature,and as such this excellent monographis a welcome addition to the literature.Des Kruger

    About the AuthorMervyn Dendy was admitted as anattorney and notary in 1985. In histeaching and writing over the past 25years he has become a leading expertin Delict and Civil Procedure. Helectured at Wits from 1985 to 2002. Hehas published extensively in law

    journals including the SALJ, THRHR,Businessmans Law andDe Rebus, andin theAnnual Survey of South AfricanLaw. He has contributed to a numberof books and has edited or co-editedseveral journals. He is also a regularcontributor to The Law of South Africa(LAWSA). Since 2002 he has been inprivate practice as an attorney inJohannesburg.

    Book SpecificationsISBN: 978-1-920025-65-6ISBN ebook: 978-1-920025-66-3Price: R350.00 170 x 110mm 82ppPublication Date: September 2012

    Target Market: Tax Practitioners,Lawyers, Accountants, Tax Advisers,

    CFOs, Company Secretaries.

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    Siber Ink Catalogue 2013 (1) Page 22


    3 Human Rights Acts

    OutlineThis compilation of three important Acts- those commonly known by theiracronyms PAIA, PAJA and PEPUDAis a handy presentation of some majorcomponents of the human rightslegislation mandated by the 1996Constitution.

    The Acts as amended (as at January2006) are reproduced with anexplanatory introduction by ProfessorIain Currie of the University of theWitwatersrand. Professor Currie is a co-author of important commentaries ontwo of these three Acts, also publishedby Siber Ink.

    Special Features The book is pocket-sized, durably

    bound and has a laminated cover.

    The Regulations on FairAdministrative Procedures are also

    included. Fully indexed.

    Easy access to updated legislationin one handy volume.

    Table of Contents Introduction by Professor Iain


    Promotion of Access to Information

    Act 2 of 2000 Promotion of Administrative Justice

    Act 3 of 2000

    Regulations on Fair AdministrativeProcedures

    Promotion of Equality andPrevention of Unfair Discrimination

    Act 4 of 2000


    Book SpecificationsISBN: 1-920025-10-3R90 150 x 105mm 212pp 2006

    Target Market: Lawyers, companies,HR officers and company secretaries,local and regional governmentagencies, especially municipalities,

    employment practitioners, law students.

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    Siber Ink Catalogue 2013 (1) Page 23

    Health & Democracy

    Adila Hassim, Mark Heywood& Jonathan Berger

    OutlineA constructive, precise and detailedbook that has innovative ideas on howthe law can be used to protect andserve its people more effectively. Itexamines the South African healthsystem from a rights perspective andmakes recommendations for futurepolicy and legislative development and

    draws attention to many complex issueslinked to health care and goes on tochallenge health personnel, policymakers and users of the health systemto defend the human right to health.

    EndorsementsI welcome the publication of this book. Ms Nozizwe Madlala-

    Routledge, former DeputyMinister of Health, South Africa

    packed with vital information on howSouth Africas laws and Constitutionshape our lives and our well being, andhow they can be used to securewellness and health for all.. Mr Justice Edwin Cameron,Supreme Court of Appel, South Africa

    About the AuthorsAdila Hassim is an advocate of theHigh Court of South Africa and amember of the Johannesburg Bar. Shehas worked at Section 27, formerly

    AIDS Law Project, since 2004 currentlyshe is head of litigation and legalservices.

    Mark Heywood has been the headSection 27, formerly the AIDS LawProject, since 1997 and has beeninvolved in promoting human rightsaround health and HIV for 15 years andin all the major constitutional litigationon HIV that has taken place 1994.

    Jonathan Bergerhas worked atSection 27, formerly the AIDS LawProject, since 2002, and is currently thehead of policy and research andfocuses on access to treatment forHIV/AIDS in general and access toessential medicines in particular

    Book Specifications

    ISBN: 978-1-920025-14-4R230 247 x 171mm 506pp 2007

    Target Market: Health officials, Humanrights activists, Policy makers, lawyers,doctors, nurses, clinics, Public Healthpersonnel at local, provincial andgovernment level, NGOs, programmeimplementers, Civil servants, students

    of law, medicine and public health,librarians.

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    Siber Ink Catalogue 2013 (1) Page 24

    The Promotion of Access toInformation Act Commentary

    Iain Currie & Jonathan Klaaren

    OutlineA detailed commentary on SouthAfricas freedom of informationlegislationThe Promotion of Accessto Information Act 2 of 2000which isa cornerstone of the legislativeframework enabling good governancein the private and public sectors

    Deals with public and private sectoraspects of the Act, and draws on the

    jurisprudence interpreting similarlegislation in Canada, Australia, Ireland,New Zealand and the USA.Explains the procedures for requestingaccess to information, the grounds forpermitting or refusing access, and theenforcement mechanisms available

    under the Act.

    EndorsementsThe Commentary should be on thedesk of everyone who has to make useof the Promotion of Access toInformation Act in implementing or inclaiming the right of access toinformation.

    Leon Wessels - SA Human

    Rights Commission

    This book is a thorough explication ofthe new law and will be of invaluableassistance to the new informationofficers and private sector officials andlawyers who will have to advise them.

    Professor Halton Cheadle

    About the AuthorsIain Currieis a professor of Law at theUniversity of the Witwatersrand,Johannesburg, where he teachesconstitutional law, media law,intellectual property and privacy law.

    Jonathan Klaarenis a Professor, and

    Acting Head of School, at the School ofLaw, University of the Witwatersrand,Johannesburg. He is a former Directorof the Mandela Institute.

    Book SpecificationsISBN: 0-9584417-3-1R225 247 x 171mm 283pp 2002

    Target Market: Senior managers (in thepublic and private sectors) responsiblefor the good governance of theirorganisations; the lawyers andconsultants who advise them;information officers in the public andprivate sectors.

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    Siber Ink Catalogue 2013 (1) Page 25

    The Promotion ofAdministrative Justice Act

    A Commentary

    Iain Currie

    OutlineThis work is a second edition of thework first published as the AJABenchbook (2002).The PAJA has become the legislativefoundation of the general administrativelaw of South Africa. Though analysis ofan administrative-law issue will not endwith the Act, it certainly must begin withit, attention to and interpretation of the

    Acts provisions. This book thereforeaims at providing the Acts interpreterswith guidance on this process ofinterpretation, rather than to coverSouth African administrative lawcomprehensively.

    Endorsementsa splendid first (and often sufficient)port of call for the practitioner dealing

    with judicial review of public power inthe era of the Act.

    The Advocate

    ...a valuable source to magistrates,judges, administrators and practitionersinvolved in the administration andimplementation of the Act, but it willalso be a useful textbook foracademics, lecturers and students of

    Administrative Law. Stellenbosch Law Review

    ... will be of great practical assistanceto lawyers and to senior managers inthe public service

    Geoff Budlender, Advocate of

    the High Court of South Africa

    About the AuthorIain Currieis a professor of Law at theUniversity of the Witwatersrand,Johannesburg, where he teachesconstitutional law, media law,

    intellectual property and privacy law.

    Book SpecificationsISBN: 978-1-920025-18-2R270 247 x 171mm 234pp 2007

    Target Market: Legal practitioners,Senior managers in the public service,magistrates, Judges, administrators,

    lecturers and students of AdministrativeLaw.

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    Siber Ink Catalogue 2013 (1) Page 26


    Globalisation & Governance

    Edited byLaurence Boulle

    OutlineAs countries come to terms with theglobal financial crisis their citizensbecome more assertive in many partsof the world. Challenges to conventionalwisdom on economic governance areaccompanied by the popular rejection ofarchaic systems of state government.

    At the global level new economic andpolitical forces challenge formerpatterns of international domination. Inthese contexts appropriate governanceis the imperative of the age. Economicglobalisation in particular requiresreassessments of state and corporategovernance, as well as reconsiderationof how the international political

    economy is governedor notgoverned.This book examines these themes fromdifferent disciplinary perspectives, in

    different national and institutionalsettings, and in terms of high theoryand practical service delivery. It istopical and insightful and provokesthought on the governance challengesahead.

    EndorsementThis fascinating volume provides a setof incisive, perceptive and innovativechapters analysing many critical facetsof this challenge. It not only provides animportant advance in the discourse onglobalisation and governance, but alsoadds an African voice to the discourse.

    Joel P. Trachtman, Professor ofInternational law and Diplomacy,Fletcher School of Law andDiplomacy, Massachusetts, USA

    About the EditorLaurence Boulleis Director, MandelaInstitute, and Issy Wolfson Professor ofLaw, University of Witwatersrand, andProfessor of Law, Bond University,

    Australia. He has published extensivelyin constitutional law, mediation and

    ADR, and international economic lawand in late 2009 published The Law ofGlobalisation(Kluwer Law, TheNetherlands)

    Book SpecificationsISBN: 978-1-920025-39-7ISBN ebook: 978-1-920025-44-1R450 247 x 152mm 296pp 2011

    Target Market: lawyers, policy makers,academic community, businessconsultants, governmentcentral,provincial and local

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    Siber Ink Catalogue 2013 (1) Page 27

    Thinking About Law: Essaysfor Tony Honor

    Edited byDaniel Visser & Max Loubser

    OutlineTony Honor is one of the mostdistinguished South African lawacademics. His long careerfirst as alaw don at Queens College, Oxfordthen successor to Professor R.W. Leeas last Rhodes Reader in Roman-Dutchlaw at Oxfordculminated in hisappointment to the Regius Chair in CivilLaw at All Souls College, Oxford, fromwhich he retired some years ago. Hispre-eminence in the fields of Romanlaw, Roman-Dutch and modern South

    African law and legal philosophy (hisCausation in the Law, with ProfessorH.L.A. Hart, is still a leading text) isinternationally recognised.

    His formal retirement by no meanssignaled an end to his intellectualactivity in the areas of law andphilosophy, and he marked 60 years as

    a teacher of law in 2008. The Faculty ofLaw at Oxford marked this milestonewith a colloquium at which a number ofeminent lawyers spoke, and the Facultyof Law at the University of Cape Town(at the suggestion of Jeremy Gauntlett,a former student of Professor Honor;and long-serving member of theUniversity Council) was proud to host asimilar event in March 2009. Tony andDeborah Honor; attended the CapeTown event, as did fifty leading lawacademics, practitioners, and judges.

    The quality and significance of theformal lectures presented at this

    gathering was such that ProfessorDanie Visser(Deputy Vice-Chancellorat UCT) and Professor Max Loubser(another former student of ProfessorHonor and member of the Faculty ofLaw at Stellenbosch University)undertook to edit the papers forpublication.

    Book SpecificationsISBN: 978-1-920025-38-0ISBN ebook: 978-1-920025-38-0R250 247 x 152mm 72pp 2011

    Target Market: Lawyers, Law librarians

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    Siber Ink Catalogue 2013 (1) Page 28

    The University of Cape TownLaw Faculty:

    A History 18592004

    Denis Cowen & Daniel Visser

    OutlineThis history of the University of CapeTowns Law Faculty covers its first 145years. Through generations of strongcharacters and prominent personalities(staff, students and graduates), UCTsLaw Faculty has played an importantrole in the development and practice ofthe law in South Africa.This is its story, as told by Denis Cowen

    and Daniel Visser, whose associationwith UCTs Law Faculty spans nearlyhalf the period. Rich in detail, critical-minded and personal, this account willfascinate and give pleasure to everyoneinterested in UCT, its Law Faculty andin South Africas legal system. This

    historys publication coincided with

    UCTs 175th anniversary and SouthAfricas 10th year of constitutionaldemocracy.

    About the AuthorsDenis Cowen (19172007) Aptlydescribed as a public intellectual, hisseminal essays and articles had animportant impact on subjects such asconstitutional law, interpretation ofstatutes, jurisprudence, property lawand environmental law, amongst others.

    Professor Danie Visser is formerly aprofessor of private law at UCT where isnow a Deputy Vice Chancellor.He is chair of the South African chapterof the International Academy ofComparative Law, and a former

    president of the Southern AfricanSociety of Legal Historians.He has also been chair of the specialistcommittee of the National ResearchFoundation's rating panel for law.

    Book SpecificationsISBN: 1-920025-04-9R260 247 x 171mm 183pp 2004

    Target Market: UCT law alumni, SouthAfrican lawyers, libraries

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    Siber Ink Catalogue 2013 (1) Page 29

    Bloody Hand!

    Ellison Kahn

    OutlineThe true tale of famous crimesconnected with wills.Real-life crimes, details of the cases,and background facts about thepersonalities involved (the accused ofcourse, but also the lawyers, includingthe judges, the defence counsel, andthe prosecutors many of themfamous figures in the annals of thelaw).

    Special FeaturesThe trial of Daisy de Melker (South

    Africas most notorious poisoner) whowas charged with murdering a couple ofher husbands to benefit from their willsand found guilty of murdering her son;George Joseph Smith and the famousbodies in the bath murder trial; DrHarold Frederick Shipman who isbelieved to have murdered some 230 ofhis patients over a twenty-five-year

    period; and the billionaire HowardHughes (was he murdered, and did hein fact leave a will?); and many otherfascinating trials. Professor Kahnsusual superb use of language, and nowin a captivating and entertaining, oftenracy, style appropriate for this topic. 43illustrations of some of the personalitiesfeatured. Extraordinary individuals all ofthem. Some the most cold-blooded ofkillers.

    About the AuthorThe late Professor Ellison Kahnheldthe degrees of BCom, LLB (Universityof Witwatersrand) and LLM, LLD(University of Natal). The honorarydegree of LLD was conferred on him bythe Universities of Cape Town, theWitwatersrand and Natal. The doyen ofwriters on the law in South Africa, hewas the author, co-author or editor of13 books on the law, and he publishedmany articles in books and legalperiodicals in South Africa and abroad.

    He was associated with the editing ofThe South African Law Journal,for 50years (surely a record that isunequalled in the world, and willperhaps remain unequalled), havingbeen associate editor from 1950 to1958, joint editor from 1959 to 1967,and editor from 1968 to 1999.

    Book SpecificationsISBN: 0-9584540-5-1R150.00(on-line orders only)247 x 171mm 182pp 2003

    Target Market: The bedside readingpleasure of all, not only lawyers.

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    Siber Ink Catalogue 2013 (1) Page 30


    The Associated Ship & SAAdmiralty Jurisdiction

    Malcolm Wallis

    OutlineThe Admiralty Jurisdiction Regulation

    Act 105 of 1983 was a radical and far-reaching, as well as overdue,modernisation of South Africanadmiralty law. Described as bold,

    innovative and comprehensive, itintroducedfor the first time anywherein the worldthe provisions enablingan action to be pursued by way of thearrest of an associated ship rather thanthe ship in respect of which the claimlay. This work, by one of South Africaspre-eminent shipping lawyers, analysesthe nature of this novel action. That

    involves a review of how the jurisdictioncame about; its nature and impact; theproblems to which it gives rise and themaking of some modest suggestionsconcerning the road ahead.

    EndorsementsA tour de force a work of the veryhighest order.

    Hilton Staniland - Professor ofMaritime Law in the Institute of MaritimeLaw, University of Southampton

    This is a work of extraordinaryacademic merit yet it will beindispensable to the scholar and theadmiralty practitioner alike.

    John Hare - Professor ofShipping Law, University of Cape Town

    About the AuthorMalcolm Wallispractised as anadvocate for 35 years at the KwaZulu-Natal Bar, the last 23 years as a silk,before his appointment to the bench in2009.He had a substantial maritime practiceand appeared in many leading shippingcases in the Supreme Court of Appeal.

    Book SpecificationsISBN: 978-1-920025-36-6R1 200 247 x 171mm 395pp 2010

    Target Market: Maritime lawyers

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    Siber Ink Catalogue 2013 (1) Page 31


    Sibergrammes are subscription-based emailed updates in the following fields:Labour Law Corporate Law, Partnerships and Trusts SILCS Environmental

    Law Competition Lawdelivered straight to your desk.____________________________________________

    Labour Law Sibergramme

    Labour lawhas a profound and daily impact on thousands of employers andemployees. Errors are common and expensive, and there is a great need forregularly updated information pertaining to the latest interpretations given by theCCMA, courts and arbitrators. John Grogan's sharp and incisive analysis of newlabour cases is the quickest and most reliable means of finding out what is importantin this rapidly developing field of law. No labour lawyer or HR department can afford

    to be without this source. Written by a leading practitioner in the field, it is publishedapproximately 22 times per annum.

    Single user R 2 000.00

    2 users, per user R 1 500.00

    3 users, per user R 1 360.00

    4 users, per user R1 100.00

    > 5+ users further discounts offered

    About the AuthorDr John Groganhas been a journalist, academic (he is a former professor of labourlaw at Rhodes University), labour consultant, advocate, arbitrator and acting Judgeof the Labour & High Courts. He is a prolific author, and his informed analysis ofnew labour cases is increasingly sought after.


    SILCS (Siber Inks Labour law Case Summaries)

    Judgments of the Labour Court and Labour Appeal Court are all expertlysummarised weekly in this e-mailed publication, a must-have for all labour lawyers.Flynotes and summaries allow for quick assessment of the applicability of newcases. Only SILCS allows subscribers to remain entirely up to date with the verylatest in labour jurisprudence. Summarised by a highly experienced lawyer andeditor, there are approximately 40 issues per annum.

    Single user R 3 500.00

    2 users, per user R 2 625.00

    3 users, per user R 2 380.004 users, per user R1 925.00

    > 5+ users further discounts offered

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    Siber Ink Catalogue 2013 (1) Page 32

    About the EditorOwen Barrowhas a BA LLB from the University of Cape Town and is an admittedattorney. Owen was for many years an editor of the South African Law Reportspublished by Juta& Co Ltd and later became the publisher of Jutas law reportspublications, including the Industrial Law Journaland Labour Law Digest. After

    leaving Juta in 2000, Owen returned to practise as an attorney until 2009. He iscurrently a freelance editorial consultant.____________________________________________

    Competition Law Sibergramme

    The Competi t ion Law Sibergrammeis a unique and invaluable resource onCompetition Law in South Africa. It is vital information for anyone wishing to remainat the cutting edge of this new and developing field of law. Written by leading

    practitioners in the field, it is published approximately 8 times per annum.

    Single user R 1 750.00

    2 users, per user R 1 312.50

    3 users, per user R 1 190.00

    4 users, per user R 962.50

    > 5+ users further discounts offered

    About the Author

    Robert Legh B Comm LLB (Wits) MBA (Wits) is a partner in Bowman GilfillansCorporate Department and is the head of the firms Competition and Trade Lawpractice. He specialises in competition law, regulatory advice / lobbying andmergers and acquisitions.


    Environmental Law Sibergramme

    Environmental law has no single source: Legislation affecting the Environment isscattered around every conceivable Act of Parliament and of the Provinces. Thewide range of its sources and application make keeping up with the changes inpolicy, legislation and decisions a difficult task, while failure to comply with the lawhas potentially far-reaching consequences, both financially and ecologically. ThisSibergramme is published approximately 8 times per annum

    Single user R 1 750.00

    2 users, per user R 1 312.50

    3 users, per user R 1 190.004 users, per user R 962.50

    > 5+ users further discounts offered

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    Siber Ink Catalogue 2013 (1) Page 33

    About the AuthorMichael Kidd B Com LLB LLM PhD (Natal) is a Professor of Law with a principalresearch interest in environmental law. His particular focus is on pollution control,environmental justice and the use of criminal sanctions in the enforcement ofenvironmental law. He has authored a number of books or contributions to books

    and journal articles.____________________________________________

    Corporate Law, Partnerships and Trusts Sibergramme

    Corporate Law, Partnerships and Trusts Sibergramm e is publishedapproximately 68 times per annum and will keep you informed of developments inthe law by commenting on:

    Court cases (Constitutional, Supreme Court of Appeal, and High Court)

    surveyed or commented on, within weeks (sometimes days) of the judgmentdate.

    Legislation explanation of amendments, with succinct commentary.Principal Acts surveyed and referred to include the Companies Act, CloseCorporation Act, Trust Property Control Act, Insolvency Act, and IncomeTax Act.

    Literature (journal articles, textbooks, web sites etc) where consideredhelpful to law practitioners and corporate legal advisors.

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    About the AuthorProfessor R C (Bob) Williams, BA LLB (Cape) LLM (London) H Dip Tax (Wits)PhD (Macquarie), is a Professor in the Faculty of Law, University of KwaZulu-Natal,

    Pietermaritzburg. He is the author of leading textbooks on corporate law and tax,and he has published over 100 articles and case-notes in the South African LawJournal and other journals.

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    Sibergramme Yearbook2010

    RC Williams

    OutlineThe 2010 compendium of SiberInk's popular corporate lawSibergramme series, including thefull text of all cases covered.

    SpecificationsAvailable in digital format only.R750,00

    Publisher: Siber InkISBN 978-1-920025-49-6Pages 512

    About the AuthorR C Williamsis a Professor in theFaculty of Law, UKZN, PMB. He isthe author of leading textbooks oncorporate law and tax.

    Sibergramme Yearbook2011

    RC Williams

    OutlineThe 2011 compendium of SiberInk's popular corporate lawSibergramme series, including thefull text of all cases covered.

    SpecificationsAvailable in digital format only.R750,00

    Publisher: Siber InkISBN 978-1-920025-50-2Pages 353

    About the AuthorR C Williamsis a Professor in theFaculty of Law, UKZN, PMB. He isthe author of leading textbooks oncorporate law and tax.

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    Siber Ink Catalogue 2013 (1) Page 35

    Business Tax and CompanyLaw Quarterly

    Edited byMilton Seligson, Des Kruger &

    Michael Rudnicki

    OutlineA quarterly journal that providesinvaluable, practical and highlyaccessible opinions on relevant

    issues pertaining to tax in thebusiness environment and tocompany law, particularly as itimpacts the conduct of business inSA. The journal is edited by three ofSouth Africas leading tax andcorporate consultants.

    About the EditorsMilton Seligson SC BA LLB (UCT),LLM (Harvard) Member,Cape Bar

    Advocate Seligson is one of themost senior silks practising in South

    Africa. He is a member of the CapeBar and is involved mainly in theareas of tax and corporate law.

    Des Kruger BCom LL B (KZN), HDip Tax (Wits), International TaxProgram, LLM (Harvard)Des is a director in the Tax PracticeGroup at Webber Wentzel Attorneys

    and has over 30 years ofspecialized taxation experience.

    Michael Rudnicki BCom (Rhodes),Hons BCompt (UNISA), BCom(Hons) (Taxation) (UCT), MComm(UJ), CA (SA)Michael is a Director in CorporateTax in the Johannesburg office ofKPMG and also heads the Tax and

    Legal Private Equity and M&AGroups.

    SpecificationsISSN 2219-1585 247 x 171mm

    Annual Subscription: R1300.00Back Issues from previous years:R200 per issue

    Target Market: Tax and corporateconsultants, financial planners,accountants and attorneys.

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    Index of Authors

    BoschCraig, 16, 36

    BoulleLaurence, 26, 36

    BudeliMpfariseni, 11, 36

    CowenDenis, 28, 37

    CullinanCormac, 10, 37

    CurrieIain, 22, 24, 25, 37

    de StadlerElizabeth, 1

    DekkerAdriette, 11, 36

    DendyMervyn, 21, 37

    EveringhamGeoff, 7, 8, 9, 36, 37

    FieldCeris, 2

    FriedmanGerald, 3

    GauntlettJeremy, 3, 27

    GroganJohn, 31


    Adila, 4, 23, 36, 37Heywood

    Mark, 4, 23, 36, 37Hickley

    Chris, 12, 36Honermann

    Mark, 4, 37Honiball

    Michael, 19, 20, 36, 37

    JordaanBarney, 16, 36

    KahnEllison, 29, 36

    KantorPeter, 13, 16, 36

    KiddMichael, 33

    KlaarenJonathan, 24, 36, 37

    KrugerDes, 21, 35


    Emmanuel T, 5, 36Laubscher

    Talita, 14, 36Legh

    Robert, 32Loubser

    Max, 8, 27Madolo

    Nokuhle, 5, 36

    ManamelaErnest, 11, 36Tukishi, 11

    McGregorMarie, 11, 36

    MonarengNthabiseng, 18, 36

    OLearyJohn, 6

    OlivierLynette, 19, 20, 36, 37Rudnicki

    Michael, 35Seligson

    Milton, 35Stein

    Carl, 7, 37Sucker

    Franziska, 5, 36Todd

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    Siber Ink Catalogue 2013 (1) Page 39

    Chris, 14, 36Tshoose

    Clarence, 11, 36

    Van NiekerkAndr, 13, 15, 17, 36, 37


    Daniel, 27, 28, 37Wallis

    Malcolm, 30, 37Williams

    R C (Bob), 33, 34, 36Wixley

    Tom, 8, 9, 36

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