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Siddur Hebrew Classes Begin in July Lamentations … · Page 3 The Long Goodbye reaching and lively...

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Greensboro Conservative Hebrew Congregation, Inc. גרינסבורו, צפון קרולינה ק בית דוד קVolume 45 Issue 7 July-August 2017 - Tammuz/Av/Elul 5777 Siddur Hebrew Classes Begin in July Starting on Wednesday, July 5, Boaz Avraham- Katz will be leading a Prayerbook Hebrew class. Learn to follow the prayers, understand the liturgy and become familiar with the structure of the service. To register for the class or for additional information, contact Rabbi Ross at [email protected]. See page 8 for details. Wednesdays, July 5 – August 9 7:00 8:00 pm Erev Tisha BAv, Reading of Lamentations (Eicha) We commemorate the 9th of Av, noting the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, by reading from Eicha, the Book of Lamentations. It is a somber and moving service, conducted by candlelight, as we sit on the floor and mourn the losses experienced by the Jewish people. Monday, July 31, 8:30 pm Have a safe and happy summer! Read, Relax, Renew

Greensboro Conservative Hebrew Congregation, Inc.

ק בית דוד“ק •גרינסבורו, צפון קרולינה

Volume 45 Issue 7

July-August 2017 - Tammuz/Av/Elul 5777

Siddur Hebrew Classes Begin in July

Starting on Wednesday, July 5, Boaz Avraham-Katz will be leading a Prayerbook Hebrew class. Learn to follow the prayers, understand the liturgy and become familiar with the structure of the service.

To register for the class or for additional information, contact Rabbi Ross at [email protected].

See page 8 for details.

Wednesdays, July 5 – August 9 7:00 – 8:00 pm

Erev Tisha B’Av, Reading of Lamentations (Eicha)

We commemorate the 9th of Av, noting the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, by reading from Eicha, the Book of Lamentations.

It is a somber and moving service, conducted by candlelight, as we sit on the floor and mourn the losses experienced by the Jewish people.

Monday, July 31, 8:30 pm

Have a safe and happy summer!

Read, Relax, Renew

Page 2

Beth David Synagogue Bulletin

A monthly publication of

Beth David Synagogue

804 Winview Drive | Greensboro NC 27410

336.294.0007 Fax: 336.294.7011


[email protected]

Kabbalat Shabbat ............. 6:00 pm Shabbat Morning ...............9:30 am Shabbat Mincha ................ 5:45 pm Thursday Morning ..............7:00 am Daily Minyan ...................... 5:45 pm

Shabbat, July 1 Parshat Chukat ...................... 9:30 am Shabbat ends ........................ 9:26 pm

Friday, July 7 Kabbalat Shabbat ................. 6:00 pm Candlelighting ....................... 8:21 pm

Shabbat, July 8 Parshat Balak ........................ 9:30 am Shabbat ends ........................ 9:24 pm

Friday, July 14 Kabbalat Shabbat ................. 6:00 pm Candlelighting ....................... 8:19 pm

Shabbat, July 15 Parshat Pinchas ................... 9:30 am Shabbat ends ...................... 9:25 pm Friday, July 21 Kabbalat Shabbat ............... 6:00 pm Candlelighting ..................... 8:15 pm

Shabbat, July 22 Parshat Matot-Masei ............. 9:30 am Shabbat ends ......................... 9:26 pm

Friday, July 28 Kabbalat Shabbat .................. 6:00 pm Candlelighting ........................ 8:10 pm

Shabbat, July 29 Parshat Devarim .................... 9:30 am Shabbat ends ......................... 9:10 pm

Monday, July 31 Erev Tisha B’Av Reading of Lamentations ...... 8:30 pm

Friday, August 4 Kabbalat Shabbat .................. 6:00 pm Candlelighting ........................ 8:03 pm

Shabbat, August 5 Parshat Va’etchanan ............. 9:30 am Shabbat ends ......................... 9:02 pm

Rabbi ............ .........Joshua Ben-Gideon Executive Director ......... Mindy Kutchei Director, Lifelong Learning ................... ........................................ Michael Ross Tutor/Instructor ................. Philip Silver Finance Director ................. Lucy Smith Office Administrator ......... Kathy Clontz Facilities Manager ............ Steve Schub Mashgiach ....................... Joy Thomas


President ................... Stanley Hammer President-elect ................ Mike NIchols Vice President ...........Lewis Weinstock Vice President ....................... Dan Wolf Vice President ........................ Dani Luft Vice President ............... Marshall Tuck Secretary ........................... Sara Jacobs Treasurer .......................... Jack Kaplan Immediate Past President .................... .................................... Josef Silverman Board of Trustees Corie Hampton ............... Erica Herman Harvey Katz ................ Stuart Kaufman Kathy Kraus ................. Amanda Mbuvi Bill Meyerhoffer ............... Emilie Samet Rick Schneid Presidential Appointees: Ari Hausman Cathy Levinson Sisterhood President ...... Heather Gert Men’s Club President ............ Hal Pines Building and Grounds .... Marshall Tuck Budget and Finance . David Kriegsman Education .................. Cheryl Greenberg Membership ................... Alyssa Samet Religious Life .............Lewis Weinstock

Our Mission—Beth David Synagogue is an egalitarian and inclusive synagogue of the Conservative movement that brings an authentic and caring Jewish tradition to embrace and repair our world. We encourage members to grow in Jewish learning through study of Torah, and in Jewish practice through mitzvot. We strive to build a welcoming and in-novative Synagogue that engages our diverse members and that shares Jewish values with the general community.

Beth David Synagogue at 804 Winview Drive, offers daily Minyan from 5:45 - 6:00 pm, Saturday through Thursday and Thursday morning Minyan 7:00 am.

Worshippers are welcome for yahrzeit, kaddish and a few moments of spiritual contemplation. We are open to all, regardless of membership.

Schedule of Services

Mincha! Yahrzeit Alert!

The days are longer and we are

davening Mincha at our daily

5:45 pm service. If you have

yahrzeit, you should come on

the day of the yahrzeit to say

kaddish at the afternoon service.

Friday, August 11 Kabbalat Shabbat .................. 6:00 pm Candlelighting ........................ 7:56 pm

Shabbat, August 12 Parshat Ekev .......................... 9:30 am Shabbat ends ......................... 8:54 pm

Friday, August 18 Kabbalat Shabbat .................. 6:00 pm Candlelighting ........................ 7:48 pm

Shabbat, August 19 Parshat Re’eh ......................... 9:30 am Shabbat ends ......................... 8:44 pm

Friday, August 25 Kabbalat Shabbat .................. 6:00 pm Candleighting ......................... 7:38 pm

Shabbat, August 26 Parshat Shoftim ..................... 9:30 am Shabbat ends ......................... 8:35 pm

Page 3

The Long Goodbye On June 17th, Rabbi Eli Havivi officiat-ed his final Shabbat morning service as our spiritual leader. Words are hopelessly inadequate to describe Eli Havivi’s contribution to Beth David during his 25-year tenure. Put simply, our members are the fortunate benefi-ciaries of Eli’s successful efforts to strengthen Beth David as a house of prayer (beit t'feelah) and as a house of learning (beit midrash). We wish him well in his retirement and in his reloca-tion to Philadelphia.

Mazel Tov to Annette and Derek Rabbi Havivi’s final official Shabbat coincided with Derek and Annette Davis’s 57th wedding anniversary, and those in attendance were treated to a lovely kiddush luncheon in their honor. Derek and Annette have been active synagogue member for eight years; we appreciate their significant volun-teer efforts on behalf of Beth David. And we are honored that Annette and Derek allowed us to share their simcha.

Welcoming New Board of Trustee Members In June, I had the pleasure of presid-ing over the first meeting of our new Board of Trustees. We welcomed new Board members Corie Hampton, Bill Meyerhoffer and Harvey Katz. Our by-laws provide for two presidential Board appointments; I gladly report that Cathy Levinson and Ari Hausman have accepted my request that they fill Board seats as my appointees.

Last year Beth David re-affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism (USCJ). This move resulted in our receiving several high caliber applicants to succeed Rabbi Havivi. We will continue to tap the resources of USCJ, and in October, with the as-sistance of USCJ professional staff,

we will hold a workshop for our Board of Trustees, committee chairpersons and professional staff.

Our Sisterhood and Men’s Club Our Sisterhood and Men’s Club spon-sor and oversee several programs and activities. Recently, the Sisterhood, under the leadership of Heather Gert, hosted Rosh Chodesh gatherings. In April, Rabbi Rachel Brown led a far reaching and lively discussion fo-cused on the topic “Why do we pray? The Meaning of Prayer in Juda-ism." In June, Amanda Mbuvi led a discussion on the topic, “Jewish names-Jewish Identity in a Hyphenat-ed World.” Thanks to Ruth Hoffman and Sarah Malino who coordinate the Rosh Chodesh programs.

Social Action Committee Last month, several of our members attended an organizational meeting for the local chapter of Carolina Jews for Justice (http://carolinajews.wpengine.com/).

The mission of CJJ is to “combine advocacy and education to organize a non-partisan Jewish voice in North Carolina.” If you are interested in par-ticipating in CJJ, please contact George Rubinstein, currently spear-heading the formation of a Beth David Social Action Committee.

Religious Life Committee Beth David’s Religious Life Committee (RLC), chaired by Lew Weinstock, is comprised of members dedicated to and with knowledge of religious tradi-tions. During the summer, and other periods when our Rabbi is not availa-ble, the RLC coordinates services and ensures that our prayer traditions are preserved. Beth David is fortunate to have skilled lay leaders and member rabbis who volunteer their time and talent; unfortunately, attendance at our weekday Mincha services (5:45 pm to 6:00 pm) is thinning, and I en-courage you to select a given day to attend each week, and to help make a minyan possible for those in mourning or observing a yahrzeit.

High Holidays Currently, many of us are focused on extended vacations, summer camps,

baseball, or just staying cool. At some point in the summer you will hear or ask the question, “When is Rosh Hashanah?” The answer is always the same: 1 Tishrei! This year 1 Tishrei is September 20th.

Waiting for Ben-Gideon As I write this column in late June, we eagerly anticipate the arrival of Rabbi Joshua Ben-Gideon in mid-July. Our thanks to Marshall Tuck for ensuring that our parsonage is in good repair, repainted, and newly carpeted for our new Rabbi and his family. And, thanks to Kathy Kraus for helping to ensure the Ben-Gideon has a smooth transi-tion to their new home.

I am confident that by training, experi-ence and temperament, Rabbi Ben-Gideon will capably lead Beth David, and help us meet the challenges and seize the opportunities we encounter as a twenty-first century Conservative synagogue. And I am equally certain that the Ben-Gideons will soon realize the joy of being part of our warm, wel-coming and spiritually energetic com-munity.

~ Stanley Hammer

Josef Silverman President’s Message

Page 4

Rabbi Joshua Ben-Gideon will be join-ing the Beth David Community in mid-July and his family will be here in early August. This bulletin will not have a column but will introduce you to the Ben-Gideon family.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From being unaffiliated as a child to being very active in a Reform youth group in high school, to becoming a rabbinical student, first in the Reform movement and then at the Jewish Theological Seminary, Rabbi Joshua Ben-Gideon has had a unique journey to the rabbinate. He has served for nine years as spir-itual leader of Beth Israel Center (BIC) in Madison, Wisconsin, where he has created opportunities for community members to engage with tradition, with synagogue life and with one an-other. Rabbi Ben-Gideon worked with syna-gogue leadership in Madison to de-velop a communal vision and then to bring this vision to life through strate-gic planning. Visionary leadership is one way in which he helped his con-gregation recently complete an over five-million-dollar renovation. Before arriving in Madison, he began his rabbinic career in Fairfax, Virginia at Congregation Olam Tikvah. There, he enjoyed teaching on Shabbat morning and developing innovative adult education programs centered on making worship accessible and meaningful. Creating a young fathers’ group (ABBA) and re-invigorating the USY youth group program were among his favorite projects. He decided to become a rabbi based upon the advice of a mentor to choose a profession where he felt he could contribute something no one else could. The opportunity to care for people during challenging times, to be present with them in grief and to celebrate with them and enrich the joy of happy moments are at the core of what called him to become a rabbi. His wife and study partner, Rebecca, is also a rabbi. Rabbi Rebecca’s rab-binic focus has been education. She was head of the Madison Jewish Community Day School, Director of

Adult Learning at Beth Israel Center and a part-time rabbi for the Hillel at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. A graduate of Harvard and JTS, Rabbi Ben-Gideon has taught students across the country and has served on the faculties of the Florence Melton Adult Mini-School and George Mason University. They have three children, twins Lena and Vered (age 14), who plan to at-tend the American Hebrew Academy, and son, Noam (age 10), planning to attend B’nai Shalom. We are delighted they will be joining our Beth David family! Meeting Rabbi Ben-Gideon Once Rabbi Ben-Gideon arrives in Greensboro, we will be scheduling small group gatherings with Beth David members. He wants to meet as many of you personally as soon as possible. Stay tuned for details about these gatherings. And, if you would like to host one in your home, please con-tact Mindy (mkutchei@bdgso,org) or Kathy Kraus ([email protected]).

Religious Life Committee News Last month, we bid farewell to Rabbi Havivi. We will always remember his many contributions over the past 25 years and the way he interacted with each of us in such a supportive and personal manner. We wish him well on life’s journeys. His impact on Beth David will never be forgotten.

Of course, services continue at Beth David throughout the summer. The RLC will work closely with Phil Silver and our strong group of Shaliach Tzibbur to “hold the fort” until Rabbi Ben-Gideon and his family arrive.

We absolutely need each of you to attend Shabbat services and the daily minyans. If an RLC member or Phil calls on you to lead a portion of ser-vices or serve as a Darshan, please say “Yes”.

Once Rabbi Ben-Gideon arrives, please support him with your attend-ance at services, educational pro-grams, and social gatherings. Beth David congregants turned out in droves for the rabbinical candidates. Let’s demonstrate that those services were not outliers.

Please have a safe and joyous sum-mer. Looking forward to seeing you at Beth David. Lewis Weinstock RLC Chair

Rabbi’s Message

The Ben-Gideon Family on a recent trip to Israel, with Rebecca’s parents.

Page 5

For many, summer means lazy days at the beach or the pool, hiking trips to the mountains or, maybe, that special family trip to an exotic locale. Sigh…that used to be summer for me.

Now, of course, summer means: when do I need to start preparing for the High Holidays? (Rosh Hashanah starts this year on Wednesday even-ing, September 21.) And, this year, there are numerous transition details to track as on one rabbi leaves and one comes (business cards, keys, computers, documents, etc, etc!). Thank you to Sue Polinsky, Marshall Tuck and Kathy Kraus for helping to ensure these many transition details are moving forward. All have donated their time, expertise and commitment to help Beth David and I am grateful for their support.

For those of you in attendance at our Annual Congregational Meeting in May, you met the Ben-Gideon family: Rabbi Joshua, Rabbi Rebecca, Lena, Vered and Noam. Rabbi Joshua will be in Greensboro in mid-July and his family follows in early August. We are planning many events to introduce them to all of you, welcome them to Jewish Greensboro and our larger community and begin to make them comfortable in their new home. If you would like to host or help with any of these efforts, please contact me.

I’ve had a front-row seat for the rab-binic transition. And, like many of you, my emotions have run the gamut: sad, bittersweet, anxious, excited. For the last twenty years, much of my profes-sional life has been spent helping companies and their employees man-age and embrace change. It is hard; it is challenging; it combines the emo-tional and the rational, the personal and the professional. (And, it is easier to teach about it that do it!)

We all know and have experienced the changes in Conservative Judaism and the Jewish world at large; many of us have embraced these transfor-mations, some of us are still uncom-fortable. Change is constant - and necessary. As John F. Kennedy said: “Change is the law of life and those that look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.”

So, let us not be afraid of change. Let us all build on the past we formed, enhance the present we experience and work together to create a future for Beth David that enriches each of us, our families and our community.

~ Mindy Kutchei

Executive Director’s Message

Thoughts from Rabbi Sky

“Torat Moshe” calms the soul. This has been the understanding that appears again and again in Jewish study circles. It was true in the days of Ezra, the days of Rabbi Akiva, and more recently Rabbis and students of Jewish law and tradition.

Many students committed to Jewish studies will tell you in the moments of study they see themselves on another plane -Jewish studies don’t start in one place and finish in another; it’s continuous. Anyone engaged in such studies will tell you that after the session we feel re-freshed.

I was very fortunate. I can’t re-member the day when someone in my circle wasn’t concerned about what’s happening to us Jews. In our souls to our under-standing to what’s going on. I’ve always believed it’s my ques-tions, my wonders and my doubts that’s kept me alive as long as I’ve been. It feels to me “torat hashem T’mimah.”

It’s the Torah that keeps us alive, sees to it that our souls continue to function, brings us peace, hope and human fulfillment. I wish you a pleasant summer and let’s meet soon again.

Have extra time on your hands this summer? Need volunteer service hours?

Beth David office could use your help with office reception, mail-ings, etc.

Contact Kathy Clontz at 336.294.0007 x100 or [email protected] to let her know when you can help!

Page 6


VATIKIM Beth David Knitters, Tuesdays at 10:00 am

Vatikim is on summer break and will resume in late August.

Until then, the knitters keep knitting! Join them on Tuesday mornings at 10:00 am in the Bride's Room.

Another year of Vatikim programming has been made possible by a grant from the BJH Foundation for Senior Living and the

William A. Stern Foundation

Rosh Chodesh Tuesday, August 22

Sisterhood News

. Note the date on your calendar! We’ll let you know where later in the summer. For infor-mation, contact [email protected] or Ruth Hoffman: [email protected].

The gift shop began summer hours on June 19. If you have shopping needs, please call Sara Jacobs (336.282.1315) to make an appointment.

Save the Date: Giift Shop Holiday Sale with Green & Ackerman Baked Goods on Sunday, September 17 from 9:30 am—1:00 pm. Details and cake order forms will be available in August!

Help us prepare for our annual Used Book Sale! Give us an hour or two of your time once a month to sort and pack books. The books keep coming and we need your help. It’s fun and an easy way to donate the gift of your time! Join us!

Save the dates for the 2018 sale: March 9, 11 and 12!

Book Packing! Monday, July 10 & Friday, August 4, 9:00 am

High Holiday Beit Midrash

The High Holiday season starts with Erev Rosh Hashanah on Wednesday, September 20. Rabbis Ben-Gideon and Ross will be offering classes on preparing for the holidays, with study, meditation and discussion. Stay tuned for details in August!


Page 7


Hoff Camp Ramah Scholarship Awarded

Mazal Tov to Sarah Slakter, daughter of Joyce and Larry Slakter, this year’s recipient of the George and Muriel Hoff Ramah Merit Scholarship. Sarah is a 6th grader in our Religious School and a member of the Ashray Academy.

The George and Muriel Hoff Ramah Scholarship is awarded to outstanding Beth David students who exhibit leader-ship potential and commitment to Jewish life. George, z”l, and Muriel saw the power of a summer at Ramah to trans-form Jewish kids and their families and established an endowment at the Greensboro Jewish Foundation to support Ramah for our Greensboro children.

Over the years, over 25 Beth David children have received this merit-based award. Previous recipients include: Ari Goulder, Lauren Slakter, Sharon Slakter, Benji Lasovsky, Alison McKane, Koby Ellick, Maya Stang Weinberg, Josh Ross, Inga Mamut, Sayyad Kyazimzade, Mark Carvajal, Brandon Gray, Dori Chandler, Rachel Kriegsman, Alyssa Samet, Sarah Schneid, Craig Bergman and Yuliya Loshinsky.

For more information on this scholarship, contact Rabbi Joshua Ben-Gideon (after Rosh Hashana) or Susan Gutter-man at the Greensboro Jewish Foundation.

Men’s Club News

Save the Date! Sunday, November 12

2:00 pm

A Women’s Southern Tea Welcoming Rabbi Rebecca Ben-Gideon

Invitations to be sent in the fall.

For information, contact: [email protected]

As the new President of the Men's Club, I hope to feed off the energy of our new Rabbi. In fact, we are already planning a Men's BBQ with Rabbi Ben-Gideon! Save the date: Sunday, September 10. We continue carrying out our usual contributions to our Syna-gogue, and we are discussing a renovation – one that could change the way we cele-brate at least one holiday! More details on that at our next club meeting, Sunday August 13th at 9:00 am. Please contact me directly, 336-420-9641 or [email protected] if you would like to know more about or contribute to the "New Energy" of the Men's Club.

Hal Pines, Men’s Club President Beth David Men’s Club

Page 8


Rabbi Michael Ross’s Study Director of Lifelong Learning

Endings & Transitions

Rabbi Eli Havivi has concluded his final Shabbat services at Beth David. We will miss him tremendously. My rela-tionship with him is a bit different than most. In my two years here at Beth David, Rabbi Havivi has treated me as a full partner, a collaborator and a friend.

This past winter, we collaborated on a wonderful Juda-ism 101 course. We co-taught and co-developed the 10-week curriculum. It is a special joy to collaborate with a master teacher and rabbi. In those moments, we let each other shine, and we played to our strengths.

I will miss Rabbi Havivi’s wisdom, charm, and sense of humor. I will miss his insights and his brainstorms. Most of all, I will miss his presence in the office and in the community. As he takes this transformational step in his life, may he do so with clarity of purpose, visions of in-sight to guide his footsteps, and the deep comfort to know he is well-loved by his holy community, a kehillah kedoshah.

Mindful Transitions During meditation retreats, teachers often give the in-struction of “minding the transition.” This is shorthand for the hope of trying to bring a full sense of presence and mindfulness as we transition from a meditation sit-ting to eating lunch. Can the students remain mindful after the retreat ends and they drive home?

Beth David is going through a major transition this sum-mer as we say goodbye to our beloved long-time rabbi, and welcome a new rabbi to the bimah. Can we acknowledge the fullness of the outgoing rabbi, and our emotional attachment to him? Can we acknowledge the sadness or sense of loss we feel as we say goodbye?

During the month of July, we will have a brief amount of time to acknowledge this transition. May we bring our best selves to this transition as we welcome our new rab-bi, Joshua Ben-Gideon, to the bimah this August. May we each find ways to say both goodbye, and hello with open arms and open hearts as we step into the future together.

Summer Classes

Siddur Hebrew for Adults We are delighted to announce a new Hebrew class that will begin Wednesday, July 5th for six Wednesday evenings from 7:00 pm to 8:00pm (through August 9)

Boaz Avraham-Katz, from Elon University will be our in-structor.

• Have you wanted to deepen your Shabbat prayer expe-rience?

• Have you wanted to strengthen your Hebrew reading skills, and your knowledge of Hebrew vocabulary and He-brew grammar?

• Boaz will lead a 6-week class to develop and sharpen your tefillah/prayer skills!

• Students who completed our recent introductory Read Hebrew America courses are invited to take this next step in their Hebrew journey.

• All are welcome! (Students are expected to have a basic knowledge of the Hebrew Aleph-Bet and vowels. A brief review will take place the first evening.)

Cost: $36.00 for Beth David members, $54.00 for non-members. ($10.00 for individual sessions.)

If you are interested in the class or if you have any ques-tions, please contact: [email protected]

Other Summer Classes at Beth David

Jewish Meditation Circle Thursday evenings, 7:00 pm (June 15 and 22 and July 6, 13, 20, 27) Prophets Study – Book of Isaiah Tuesday mornings, 10:00 am (June 20 and July 11, 18, 25)

Page 9


Shabbat Club

Shabbat Club is on vacation for the summer. Stay tuned for new programming and events starting in the fall!

Contact Rabbi Michael Ross at 336.235.7731or email [email protected] with suggestions for next year.

Family Programs

Summertime Potluck Dinners are Back! We will gather for Friday night Shabbat dinners in our homes this summer. These are potluck dinners and everyone is asked to bring a vegetarian/diary dish that feeds 6 people. (All of our potlucks dinners are vege-tarian, dairy meals!)

We will start at 5:30 pm with kids playing outside and parents singing Kabbalat Shabbat inside!

Our summer potluck schedule is:

• Friday, July 7 at 5:30 pm at the home of Geoff and Katy Claussen. Please RSVP with who’s coming and what you are bringing by July 6 to [email protected]

• Friday, July 28 at 5:30 pm at the home of Rachel Brown and Michael Ross.

• Friday, August 25, at 5:30 pm at a location to be determined.

All are welcome!

Rabbi Ross will send reminder emails with the locations of each dinner.

Page 10


July 2017 - Tammuz /Av 5777 Sunday /Rishon Monday /Sheyni Tuesday /Sh’lishi Wednesday /Revi’i Thursday /Chamishi Friday /Shishi Saturday /Shabbat

1 1

Services 9:30 am

Parshat Chukat

7 Tammuz


8 Tammuz


9 Tammuz

4 Independence Day

Office Closed

10 Tammuz


Hebrew Class

7:00 pm

11 Tammuz


Minyan 7:00 am

Jewish Mediation Circle 7:00 pm

12 Tammuz


Family Potluck

5:30 pm

Kabbalat Shabbat

6:00 pm

13 Tammuz


Services 9:30 am

Parshat Balak

14 Tammuz


15 Tammuz


16 Tammuz


Knitters 10:00 am Torah Study 10:00 am

17 Tammuz


Hebrew Class

7:00 pm

18 Tammuz


Minyan 7:00 am

Jewish Mediation Circle

7:00 pm

19 Tammuz


Kabbalat Shabbat

6:00 pm

20 Tammuz


Services 9:30 am

Parshat Pinchas

21 Tammuz


22 Tammuz


23 Tammuz


Knitters 10:00 am Torah Study 10:00 am

24 Tammuz


Hebrew Class

7:00 pm

25 Tammuz


Minyan 7:00 am

Jewish Mediation Circle 7:00 pm

26 Tammuz


Kabbalat Shabbat

6:00 pm

27 Tammuz


Services 9:30 am

Parshat Matot-Masei

28 Tammuz


29 Tammuz

—————————— 30

7 Av


1 Av

——————————— 31 Erev Tisha B’Av


8:30 pm

8 Av


Knitters 10:00 am Torah Study 10:00 am

2 Av


Hebrew Class

7:00 pm

3 Av


Minyan 7:00 am

Jewish Mediation Circle 7:00 pm

4 Av


Family Potluck

5:30 pm

Kabbalat Shabbat

6:00 pm

5 Av


Services 9:30 am

Parshat Devarim

6 Av

Page 11

1 Tisha B’Av

9 Av


Hebrew Class

7:00 pm

10 Av


Minyan 7:00 am

11 Av


Kabbalat Shabbat

6:00 pm

12 Av


Services 9:30 am

Parshat Va’etchanan

13 Av


14 Av


15 Av


Knitters 10:00 am Torah Study 10:00 am

16 Av


Hebrew Class

7:00 pm

17 Av


Minyan 7:00 am

Jewish Mediation Circle 7:00 pm

18 Av


Kabbalat Shabbat

6:00 pm

19 Av


Services 9:30 am

Parshat Ekev

20 Av


21 Av


22 Av


Knitters 10:00 am

Torah Study 10:00 am

23 Av


24 Av


Minyan 7:00 am

Jewish Mediation Circle 7:00 pm

25 Av


Kabbalat Shabbat

6:00 pm

26 Av


Services 9:30 am

Parshat Re’eh

27 Av


28 Av


29 Av


Knitters 10:00 am Torah Study 10:00 am

30 Av


1 Elul


Minyan 7:00 am

Jewish Mediation Circle

7:00 pm

2 Elul


Family Potluck 5:30 pm

Kabbalat Shabbat

6:00 pm

3 Elul


Services 9:30 am

Parshat Shoftim

4 Elul


5 Elul


6 Elul


Knitters 10:00 am Torah Study 10:00 am Vatikim 11:45 am

7 Elul


8 Elul


Minyan 7:00 am

Jewish Mediation Circle 7:00 pm

9 Elul


August 2017 - Av / Elul 5777 Sunday /Rishon Monday /Sheyni Tuesday /Sh’lishi Wednesday /Revi’i Thursday /Chamishi Friday /Shishi Saturday /Shabbat

Page 12


Aaron Meyerhoffer

Abi Harris

Abigail Schneid

Adele Weinstein

Alex Gould

Alina Gabitov

Amanda Mbuvi

Amir Gabitov

Ann Saab

Arielle Spitzer

Avi Havivi

Benjamin Schneid

Benji Weinberg

Beth Socol

Bill Meyerhoffer

Boaz Avraham-Katz

Bob Shar

Catherine Kouchel

Craig Schneid

Dan Wolf

Daniel Havivi

David Feinstein

David Glick

David Marker

Diane Reyes

Don Henza

Eliana Fishbeyn

Elijah Mbuvi

Gail Haber

Gerry Goulder

Greyson Grandis

Hallie Chandler

Hannah Pines

Jeffrey Spitzer

Jen Badik

Judy Groner

Karen Sclare

Ken Sperber

Kevin Daniels

Lauren Slakter

Leah Aronson

Lee Bretan

Leora Spitzer

Lewis Weinstock

Lois Mezer

Lynn Zimmerman

Maddy Meyerhoffer

Marilyn Chandler

Merrianne Leff

Micah Lasovsky

Nadav Havivi

Noa Havivi

Ofer Kalifon

Rabbi Eli Havivi

Rabbi Geoffrey Claussen

Rabbi Joshua Ben-Gideon

Rabbi Joshua Dorsch

Rabbi Meir Goldstein

Rabbi Miriam Spitzer

Rabbi Philip Weintraub

Rabbi Rebecca Ben-Gideon

Rachael Besser

Rafi Spitzer

Rick Schneid

Ron Yardenay

Sarah Bregman

Sarah Cohen

Sarah Ossey

Sarah Schneid

Sharon Slakter

Sterling Jerins

Stuart Kouchel

Stuart Teichman

Sylvie Spielman

Talia Lasovsky

Zarky Rudavsky

Zvi Harris


Aaron Meyerhoffer

Abigail Schneid

Alex Gertz

Alex Gould

Allan Jacobs

Allison Naudé

Amir Gabitov

Ari Hausman

Benjamin Schneid

Benji Lasovsky

Benji Weinberg

Beth Socol

Bob Shar

Caelin Mckane

Cantor Carl Samet

Cantor Katy Claussen

Cantor Ronit Chen Rubin

Celia Levy

Daniel Havivi

Daniel Kaplan

David Feinstein

Edina Shub

Evie Gertz

Frank Nelson

Gail Bretan

Hallie Chandler

Harrison Firestone

Howard Weinberg

Jeffrey Spitzer

Joey Kaiser

Judah Harris

Karen Sclare

Ken Miller

Kevin Daniels

Laura Goldstein

Lauren Slakter

Leah Aronson

Lee Bretan

Lewis Weinstock

Marilyn Chandler

Mike Nichols

Mychaella Bowen

Nadav Avital

Nadav Havivi

Noa Havivi

Rabbi Eli Havivi

Rabbi Geoffrey Claussen

Rabbi Joshua Ben-Gideon

Rabbi Joshua Dorsch

Rabbi Meir Goldstein

Rabbi Michael Ross

Rabbi Miriam Spitzer

Rabbi Philip Weintraub

Rabbi Rachel Brown

Sarah Ossey

Sharon Kaiser

Shirah Chandler

Sophie Gould

Sylvia, Jeremiah & Daniel Kaplan

Sylvie Spielman

Tal Havivi

Talia Lasovsky

Vivian Gertz

Ziva London


Abigail Schneid

Amir Gabitov

Ari Hausman

Beth Socol

Bill Cassell

Bob Shar

Cantor Ronit Chen Rubin

David Feinstein

David Glick

Frank Nelson

Graeme Ossey

Harry Falk

Howard Weinberg

Jeffrey Spitzer

Jerry Natkin

Judah Harris

Judy Groner

Kevin Daniels

Kevin Ossey

Larry Fine

Lauren Slakter

Lee Bretan

Lewis Weinstock

Marc Samet

Marilyn Chandler

Michele Haber

Mike Nichols

Nadav Avital

Ofer Kalifon

Rabbi Eli Havivi

Rabbi Geoffrey Claussen

Rabbi Jonathan Malino

Rabbi Meir Goldstein

Rabbi Miriam Spitzer

Rabbi Rachel Brown

Ronnie Herbst

Sarah Bregman

Stuart Kouchel

Talia Lasovsky

Yocheved Katz

Ziva London


Aaron Meyerhoffer

Abigail Schneid

Azucena Gert-Roberts

Ben Weinberg

Eliana Claussen (Academy)

Elijah Mbuvi

Ilan Sperber

Isabelle and Jonny Carlisle

Jayna Simon

Jennifer Pearlman (Academy)

Joyce Slakter

Judah Harris

Justin Mostofsky

Lahav Zaken

Lauren Slakter

Leila and Mirina Rosen

Lynn Zimmerman

Marilyn Chandler

Maya Weinberg

Mitchell Tabin

Naima Harris

Nitzan Wasserberg

Rachel Mbuvi (Academy)

Sarah Slakter (Academy)

Shaina Luft (Academy)

Sharon Slakter

Sterling Jerins

Talia Lasovsky

Tylie Friedland

Nitzan Wasserberg


Cantor Katy Claussen

Jeffrey Spitzer

Rabbi Eli Havivi

Rabbi Geoffrey Claussen

Yael Goldschmidt


Benjamin Lasovsky


Yashar koach and thank you to everyone who read Torah, Haftarah, Megillot and served as Shaliach/Sh’lichat Tzibbur (service leader) from July 2016 - June 2017!

Page 13

CONTRIBUTIONS Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund In Memory of: Camille Rausch by Joan Samet Beth Kulakofsky Smith by Joan Samet Irving Becker by Ken & Patti Stiles, David & Bea Mandel Don Germain by Judith & Stanley Hammer Alice Kaiser by Pat & Peter Levitin, Sara Lynch Hoffman, Joan & Sig Gould, Betty C. Roth, Lois Snitzer, Simone & Joel Liebling, Ellen Freiberg, Elaine & Lisa Germain, Joan Samet, Darolyn Sayers Judith Abraham by Sarah Malino, Sharon Freiberg Hammerman & Rabbi Richard Hammerman Nathan Tabor by Joan Samet In Honor of: Rabbi Havivi by Stuart & Barbara Teichman, Bill & Roz Robbins, Jim-mie Agnew & Stephen Levy and Rachel & Louis Levy, Ellen Freiberg, Sharon Freiberg Hammerman & Rabbi Richard Hammerman Raviva Batya Kolberg by Joan Samet For the Yahrzeit of: William Schwartz by Elaine Ger-main Annie Cahn by Helene C. Weinstein Eternal Light Synagogue Operating Fund In Memory of: Don Germain by Ronnie & Ira Kistenberg, David Rosenstein, Cheryl Greenberg, Pat & Peter Levitin, Bill & Roz Robbins, Maureen Kilar & Bill Onuska, Stuart & Barbara Teichman, Joan & Sig Gould, Carole & Mal Kaplan, Ellen Freiberg, Stan & Carol Rosenberg, Joseph Melvin Alice Kaiser by Ronnie & Ira Kisten-berg, Stuart & Barbara Teichman, Merrianne Leff, David Rosenstein, Deb Schandler & Family, Carole & Mal Kaplan, Stan & Carol Rosen-berg, Edith Sutker Peiser Irving Becker by Stuart & Barbara Teichman, Carole & Mal Kaplan, Nancy Johnson

Nathan Tabor by Stuart & Barba-ra Teichman, Pat & Peter Levitin, Arlene Dolan, Philip Silver, Kim & Bobby Wainer In Honor of: Rabbi Havivi by Risa and David Miller, Lori Henson Shaw Abby Schneid on her becoming bat mitzvah by Bonnie Optekman Sarah Schneid on her graduation from college by Bonnie Optek-man Annette Davis’ special birthday by Mankie Fedler, Judy Hyman Derek & Annette Davis’ anniver-sary by Mankie Fedler, Judy Hy-man Shavuot Services at Beth David by Steven Silver For the Yahrzeit of: Raye Barnett by Annette Z. Davis Harry Ershler by Adele Harris Philip Abraham Silver by Philip Silver Julian Lewit by Eliot Lewit Marshall Cohen by Sharman Michaelson Hanny Fischler by Sylvie & Walter Spielman Marcus Kaplan by David Kaplan Frieda Spielman by Sylvie & Wal-ter Spielman Sam Rosenstock by Judy Hyman Sam Rosenberg by Stan & Carol Rosenberg Ernest Reich by Jeanette Katz Bernard and Nancy Gutterman Endowment Fund for Visiting Scholars For the Yahrzeit Of:

Robert Alperin by Bernard & Nan-cy Gutterman

Celia Gutterman by Bernard & Nancy Gutterman

Beth David Synagogue Building Fund In Memory Of: Beth Smith by Kevin & Isanne Ossey Nathan Tabor by Kevin & Isanne Ossey

Mike Berkelhammer

Endowment Fund

In Memory Of:

Alice Kaiser by Michael & Sylvia Berkelhammer Don Germain by Michael & Syl-via Berkelhammer Nathan Tabor by Michael & Syl-via Berkelhammer Prayerbook Purchase Fund In Memory Of: Nathan Tabor by Phyllis Shavitz

George & Muriel Hoff Ramah Scholarship Fund

In Memory Of: Alice Kaiser by Muriel Hoff Donald S. Germain by Gail & Ar-thur Haber

In Honor Of: Marilyn & Robert Chandler on the wedding of their daughter Hallie to Daniel, by Muriel Hoff

Library Fund

In Memory Of: Ellis Mark Fischer by Sig & Joan Gould

Page 14

Our Condolences to: Adina Kling and Elana Kling Perkins on the death of their sister, Reena Kling, daughter of Rabbi Simcha and Edith Kling, z”l. Many remember the fami-ly from their time here in the 1950’s-1965. Condolences may be sent to the Perkins’ family at 1719 Central Avenue, Needham MA 02492.

Robin (Rob) Skirboll, on the death of her father, Nathan Tabor, z”l.

May God comfort the fami-lies among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

Mazal tov to: Lois and Howard Mezer on the birth of a grandson, born to Ben and Miriam in Denver, Co.


July Birthdays 1 Amy Helton Jerome Rothenberg Joyce Slakter 2 Harry Falk Kathe Pines 4 Gene LeBauer Sam LeBauer Ronee Sabbah 5 Haim Barom Peter Guthmann Jay Kabat Grete Kaliski Charlene Lipman Issac Ross Rosalind Weintraub 6 Karen Weinberg 7 Andrew Bown Andrea Kabat Eileen Silver Rachel Weinstock 8 Leah Aronson Richard Auslander Jonathan Petrinitz 9 Ellen Rothenberg 10 Caroline Grandis Karen Sclare 11 Jerry Coseo Andrew Fields Jack Levin Ryan Luft Stan Reich 12 Barbara Barrett Hallie Chandler Harriet Zalkin 13 Sylvia Berkelhammer Glenn Drew Randi Semon Lewis Weinstock 14 Sarah Cassell Valerie Daniels Jamie Forbes Ronald Green Anita Rubin Sarah Schneid 15 Jeri D’Lugin Sandra Green Ellen Nelson 17 Joan Fachler Mankie Fedler Sara Jacobs Noe Katz Adam Ross 18 Jenny Davidowitz Judy Groner Philip Segal Gabriella Spitzer Dan Wolf 19 Joann Cassell Roman Loshinsky 20 Nadav Avital Walter Brown Evie Gertz

21 Joshua Hoffman 22 Rita Moskowitz John Stein 23 Yitzhak Miller 24 Jill Auslander Herbert Baum Joanne Delman Greg Gertz Mark Hyman Robert Kaplan Eleanor Procton 25 Judith Altman Eden Avraham-Katz Sylvie Spielman 27 George Breslow Ricki Gray 28 Gail Haber Cathy Levinson Liam Ross Owen Samet 29 Frank Brenner Risa Hanau Reuben Kaliski 31 Cole Levy Andrew London Hannah Murinson July Anniversaries 1 Sidney & Ricki Gray 2 Mike & Sylvia Berkelham-mer Jeffrey & Joan Muss 3 Ronald & Susan Green 5 John & Anyta Ledbetter 6 Douglas & Beverly Levine 18 Marc & Ellen Goldenberg 20 Andrew & Amanda Mbuvi Robert & Rina Wolfgang 21 Robert & Kim Wainer 23 Richard & Rosalind Wein-traub 28 Gerry & Debra Goulder 30 Kenny & Sandra Greene August Birthdays 1 Cheryl Greenberg 2 David Moff Marley Silverman 3 Frank Nelson 4 Ron Nichols 5 Alex Aronson Irene Cohen Steve Friedland Barbara Myers 6 Sara Hoffman Rick Schneid 7 Steven Mostofsky 8 Susan Coseo Jane Rosen-Grandon Myrna Zimmerman 9 Jennifer Delman Harvey Katz

Abigail Schneid Jenny Schultz 10 Ellen Green Ariel Moore Anna Starobin 12 Kseniya Rabayeva Tracy Ross 13 Kevin Daniels 14 Isanne Ossey 15 Judith Hyman Noah Kaplan Carol Rosenberg Rina Wolfgang 16 Rose Ackermann 17 Becki Davis‑Haislip 18 Thomas Brown Alexander Muss 19 Benjamin Cone Jr. Allison Krusch Donald Murinson Anne Naudé Daniel Vapne 20 Benjamin Mandelsohn Caelin McKane Jeffrey Medoff Michael Ross Joshua Weinstock 21 Leia Lipman 22 Nancy Gutterman Jac Heckelman 23 Patti Stiles Shelly Weiner Rachel Wieselquist 27 Mark Bochkis Gabriella Detrano 28 Ned Gross Fred Pearlman 29 Philip Cohen Benjamin Schneid 30 Nahomi Harkavy Donna Shapiro 31 Zelda Breslow Nancy Hyman Mechelle Lindenberg David Massey August Anniversaries 2 Jack Kaplan & Joanne Altman 5 Dan & Fay Marks 8 Robert & Joyce Shuman 9 Mark Bochkis & Alyssa Samet 10 George & Edna Ru-benstein 12 Ken & Debby Miller Freddy & Susan Robinson Jerry & Linda Wearb 14 Philip Cohen & Betsy Gamburg Fred & Kelly Pearlman Bill & Roz Robbins 15 David & Susan Gutterman

16 Doug & Fran Freeman Sig & Joan Gould Philip & Susan Zaleon 20 David & Abby Feinstein David & Melody Glick 22 Robert & Adele Weinstein 23 Geoff & Katy Claussen Jerry & Ellen Rothenberg 24 Bill & Joann Cassell Ruben & Grete Kaliski Jerry & Yudit Natkin Jeffrey & Miriam Spitzer 27 Peter & Pat Levitin 28 Scott & Merrily Benson 29 David & Jane Kriegsman Mike & Jane Nichols 30 Neil & Marilyn Belenky Robert & Robin Skirboll 31 George & Zelda Breslow Leon & Jackie Davidowitz Brad & Randi Semon

Page 15


GJF Cardozo Society Program Monday, July 17, 11:30 am – 1 pm at Federation.

Nonprofit Governance and Best Practices for Attorneys and Others in the Legal Profession. Featuring David Heinen, NC Center for Nonprofits; David Kyger, Smith Moore Law; Steve Hayes, Guilford Nonprofit Consortium. RSVP by July 10 to Dianne Hines (336) 852-5433 x233. CLE’s applied for.

Women’s Opening Luncheon Wednesday, August 16, O’Henry Hotel Opening luncheon for Greensboro Jewish Women’s organizations. Stay tuned for details.

Use LinkedIn as a Networking tool Tuesday, July 11 and Tuesday, July 18 at 7:00 pm at the Federation Building

JFS is offering a two-session class on this topic taught by Teddy Burriss, of Burriss Consulting and a noted speaker on managing your career and on all aspects of LinkedIn. Learn how to build your pro- file and the best practices for networking with LinkedIn. Explore strategies on building and managing your network. Skill level: you should have a LinkedIn account set up and have a basic working knowledge of LinkedIn. Bring you device and we will connect to the internet for a hands-on experi- ence. Contact Betsy at JFS.

The Friendly Visitor Program provides home-bound older adults with social visits by screened and trained volunteers. This family-friendly program is designed to alleviate the loneliness and isolation older adults often experience when living alone, in a care facility, or when someone is isolated from social activities and community programs. Make a difference in an older adult’s life by becoming a Friendly Visitor today! For more info or to sign up, please contact David Frazier, JFS Volunteer Coordinator at (336) 852-4829, x227 or email [email protected].

The JFS Food Pantry needs: jelly, canned fruit, crackers, tuna, canned tomato products, rice, corn muffin mix and cake mixes, sugar and flour, and canned chicken and meat. We are overstocked with all varieties of beans, canned corn, pasta, ramen noodles, soups, and cereal. We also would love to have toothpaste. Thank you for helping over 115 families who use our pantry.

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Beth David Synagogue 804 Winview Drive

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Eternal Light Operating Fund

George & Muriel Hoff Camp Ramah Scholarship Fund

The Evelyn and Joseph Robinson Family Fund for Operational Use

Michael Berkelhammer Fund

Alan Leff Fund for Jewish Engagement & Spirituality

Landscaping Fund

Beth David Building Fund

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund

Prayer Book ($36 each)

Bible ($60 each)

Leaf/Tree of Life ($72 each)

General Funds

The Synagogue Board of Trustees establishes General and Capital Funds. All contributions to these funds are used to support the programs and expenses as specified when established.

For additional information about Endowment Funds that support Synagogue programs, please contact the office at 336.294.0007.

Return to: Beth David Synagogue, 804 Winview Drive, Greensboro, NC 27410
