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Sides i - DigiFind-It · 2015. 2. 9. · jmlliyi Vs cannot etpwt tbiu wurtd to bo peopled with...

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m t yt&tii w ik.p* tfEirrfiu. S ides . i - Central Times Building, MlAINKLELD, N. J., THOKSDA Y, SEPTB»t§ER O, ts?. KHrisfetfi BOHXNE8 K EfiCdATjONAL btBfi&j Flj'jF£f#Ul>XA.L LAWornoEor ALEX. B. BUTTS, Th» fuio^hjjg » n r* of speech <WC Hot bo Mb’ seen corrected b j (hose *ha us jpiltj of them: ■’vnM. tBurgymvn u * chiefly T* vpuusibls fct in ratrrmBlj sTransoas ■a4 iBvlnWn*t nw of tlte word im U . -W » rs*5f|frny Thee, O Lord," in tSILebsnf* t^uror ihu blosung ; feed the qni-re Ihaf has invariably J«-sn sugvestrd iff our mini is. tbs! if they mild da Mr u there" i, apparently with tho TtKtd-<af»ing industry, hut greatly silrpaasiaf iu pWlttliiMj re- sults, u ihominiueturtvi ps^leU, which is of still man rwceut mn>- ducticn. This traJn is eerVied OA in eighteen out o f the twenty-two esn- tons uf Hwitairland, »«J 'ia now >n th* most ttatriitrin# enAEhoa. As nearly an can be kw rrashred. the au- ousl j pHiuilun « f thn" Want? :odd establishments whisb eafiy it" on . roaches the Tsino ol S.iKH'.l HH/ fraira [320,000/), Sc-utic]y a'Swiss hsuivti with any pre'tcnffon* to bothfnri is sav baitl tithosi a plnjnel if at PLAINFIELD COLLEGE II KT. fie;AZ,1u * HI IN. FLORISTS, Fw l M , ep|i-ei|i* M<|h«lr#E fc'Borch; t eSSlnii. niKlee.raarralNAi BEAL ESTATE ihhEKlU!. <itl-UJ ^urfiishingLindertaker to, why Amt thsy do it!1 In this up- S licnticn th- word h portly js d v l - Aht. ; ' » t* OmriXiitl. Thu is OM of th« least «i> usable cant phrases of ths day, which’. haying vngiaatvd is tbs carelessly ■ prepared. citscjporuy prayers or exhortations of the ttergy. has bora fnvfricd by a r r lj genctn-l accspLnneu. ,Minister* prey to the llaily to I'ssif |tsm ails ear midml j" editors aoiujinito that “the dietill - wuialuhl M r‘ So-and-so has coni') to dwell indor mrdt (,’* oft, etc.! Now tha WMrc wiJM It a Contractions! t i « word a i i ^ the superlative of sncliruass m m to those who!! hare the misfortune not to attract oof; aym- jmlliyi V s cannot etpwt tbiu wurtd to bo peopled with beings who arc nc- capoabls in all thing* to our ta-t.w, sod v l must not be never* npaifi oth- ers for what was not, originally, their fault, and what it is not now, par* baps, iu their power to owrootl , ■*"! -d-Dr. Cvmnim^t. Whht iinnOIikaidT Never be afraid, of becoming aa old maid, lair reader- An old maid is far siure bonorablo (bag a be jut -Loss a ifo ; and “ single bloascdtHieV’ is greatly superior, in point of hnppi- auu, tu roddid life without love. ‘Tall not ia lore, dear pirle— bo- wnio !v aaya the song. But w* do- net agrofl with said sang mid hi* ijuo* thin- On the contrary, wa ho[d that it is a reed tiling th (all iij h»v» *r get in Tore. ■To* fall in lory With an honQphbW man is u proper as it is fur tit bunusable than lb fail in luge * itU a virtuous and. aoiinblu sumsu: nod a hat could bo a more gratifying spectacle than a light so pure,: so ap- proaching to the celestial ? . No t fall in lore as soon as you like,' provided it ha with a suitable person. Fad in loro and then marry j but hover mar- ry unless you do S oto- That's the groat point Never tuarryl for » “homo" or a “ husband." ffem do. grads yourself by becoming a party ui suiJi an alLitnpa. Never tell your- Acit, body and soul, on terms an i'cmi.i,iptiljU- Love dignifies nil tilings ; it annoble j ail Condi tinea With love, %h« marriage rite Is tru- ly amernntoRt- Without ft, the car* omony is a base frau d rod the act S human d . - « ration. Starry for fore ui not at all ;3fo "os old maid/' if fortune threwa'bot is y o u way tha qua of your heart ; nod tbou-gh -tlit) nilliwB may aaoer add-the jes- ter Duty laugh, you still tare your How mui-li of the-, carclassSeu, rschlessnase, and want o f solf-rentec t that aro *lCiifoe|»d by.bqjn « i l or in the trolly, Are duo,' to thsjlvrt that teachers and perewta^io notrpay pn,|wr roApect lb Itiera ?. Tlin |n a qstilivn that is woithf of soars tli«uKbt <m the yhn o f edocator^ vl youth, wltether their tunctiuu ie'es- crusud in thu family lit ip the sttoul- One very inipcrtnnt ingredieui of tslf-rospoct it tuc rucijgniliua by oth- ers that wo are tfurihy nf their[ re- spect. The tear ting of the old adage "give mdug n bD*l tinet*";i* oAM^pii. Bed among lo p >{|l families 'and achuole vrilhou I bum tier. They ; are net treated' with th<j roWqderstioti nr reaped that is thptJ-dflA. findthegbe. dome unworthy ofbuth :Courtesy ia disregarded '..ward tbsuu, end in re- turn they scud spurtasy wf tfovpntiy. Acted toward onit thwy frore of no coutequsliue and- cimanandsd nd-de- foremu, sitbur ai to Iba^F opjoiou*, profsrenciik, disilFo*, or persona1 , dig- uity, they fink dbwn to ■ )» value at which ihsy are rated, aud ihwki UMtiiur thnnruins nor alh'ura. And thus tlu»i load all vim ) of reretpneo ut vtfiiuration ; ifoi it may W set down as an axiom thnt^a boy— laud fur that iDACtei, a p.«JH—who d«-*. not roapect himself will barer but sltgliCfotliugs at rorarauta Or vuber- ation for tj'.lu TS; or, by an na-y gtadatiofe, far the law, batuan i* di- vine. dt s:,.*nld bo th» in|« ia every fum- ily, An-1 should bo rigidly, required, of crery tvAcirer ig our public saiSotl- er- echoale, thn* Lire, children fnuit bs treated at foast with the fout- W*r-i dotaunstrajious o f rtspuct* A rsrtoin K ltieshi nlrculif Vt paid thorn, sad they should bv m ill) to uaderetand that they ,aru nut ibeig- oificatil or.uuubUosUL- niibodioty but imyurcaht bumobodie s. Tlu-y sqgulil be invariably troat«*i with yulili I umn, dignity, AtfdgeWAine loving eouriesy An eioollent stdiy wAs tdrently ‘tolA by Bov.! Ui, ImgxO, at 0 Ornmtnnr School Esliibitian, iu Caddort, which is illrlatrullvv ofibo }trincipl« that we would eutorcu, Dud which we respecr- fully rumurnil to tfrn nqtlco of; pst- outs. tu Arbor*. Mod ell. wbu mid .en- gaged in the education of youth— inure oepocially, ul bays. Vr is-jrgu'a ■lory whs Of thtf i-oinbrSUil JuhirFn:- bonias, o n e ,o f.the :ms-‘ter-!. uf tlu> sutuvoi whibh. laulier attended, when a hoy, at Kisonash, This wise taseb- or always raieed Kia dap to bis pupil.--, w-huu ho. untored (he schoolroom ; and wiian asked why'b* MM' eu, hit replied i “There are smuSg thou beys men of whfon find; will oni day m&ku bBTgorruuters, shancollora« doc- tors, and magistral**. • ; Although you do not yat 'saw' lhot* with tha badge* of tbuir dignity, it ia tight that jo t should’ treat them .with re- ’ • ■Ckrittidlt InitilijUm'ni - . CITY tuAtked wbsti Jay Gobbi’ old, and il|f vjuall lot </r, dollar. * r| An AJahiJ it*s hard foyd & N m.'NT'’K. j 1 * & biomwlwM T M «. i ^aaowiniiffliiKri. diculuus'it 1 grsi.u should J end howp r v t . , diotiugaisliad gontloaiaa had com* to "dwell m out muUh !" And jv l Ibiq ia the suhscistp bf which wo are guilty when wu make tho kiss uf the word abuTc roourdod. Jfiiie, when a noun, is rarely, and we do not now recol- lect that (t is at Ail nsorl without tha dele aim Artiile prefliad. Thu. iwa a*y, “in tU n.id.t'* o f altticOon,- of trouble, or cs#c ; "in Iktmidst’’ ufuar m>(igregationj OoBimaaity, town ov ci^y ; "iiufhi midst" of contemplation* or battlet>r pngsn darkness, or gos- pel light | "id (As midst" of the i.*cswn ur.lbo duccrh Of wars or diBsontiun* ; nu-1 "/ram us midst" of the people. 'isilil 1>« tu Ip"scut into c MAPLEWOOD 1! f r bilk sou, U ‘ I wll*. si J.H. 7 LATTS J.HEY 3 I REAL ESTATE. CCE . MTHm t«Dm P. P. GOOD, ' IWOKHir 1 CantuELLOB W I t l NOTARY PUBLIC, i.ifiB idi auisu a itiiati. (|ueali*inj of truth aai I •or that tha uruog si-fo' utd povrapfhl udvocal* Hirt FOR BOYS. JAMES LVOM, - : -r PH| J* M. ST1GER., t - ; Real Estate 1 lMfKJiNK *uujXLlJ»f3ELJ>. b f.inMI.se tsiSinri Oulu. ..f iu*., i .« «ji A. OJilEEEDBS, flYEL ENGINEER &SURVEYOR, ruorruLi,,*. x j ijihOKGL A. XAUNIIi Ileal l.Ktiitvi Agci * tun■ It J anYaL«t'-S lV-rSIn* purflilvlli trht-. WflVj join lh l**ufr of Uwripioipal. I J L Plainfield Public EcLccl. y-bs( fluty *hu may be empluyod AL ThoM who allow themsolrcs Iu ap- pear n*gl igop ily dressed, on the plea that they had Htnething tu do—cook- lulg, washing, scrubbing, whitewash- »UJ* Sic.—* « pvt’Ky »«r<s tu ba balbt uHl_v uujidy. A torn faded, Suilad, bad-httiag gown, With a sua Kunaur in keeping, wurs in the hoasa and out uf iV'slagebod ehuea sts., fro I f - pearsacq of a while ruliar ; huirt sqaaekud upun. the hood, and plenty etrayitig about the sock, <lo not give tfre hnsbfrnd[ if he pw>UM any ilea of cleanliness hiaanclf. a very elevated idos of hit! wlta'a attrscuann; nor will tho daughlBTs, who may dm equally delifoiaent, improes the yuuig men o f the Bsigbberltooii V»ry favor ably. I am a wile and a bodaekoOp- er, and kare brew a daily worker, for twenty-fiv" ymur*, in my b. UM. held, bill 1 hat* never own the day when i ooutd not take tup* to attend to my pnottai ipiensM*. fijitca and a iUttrt to V-e"always cleanly will sat unly s fc c l I ho B9W»>*rj time, bat will real* lb*'labor one of the Wghost pfoanures. My hostiond n»v- n has had aad norm yhaU have ovoa- sioa to tfrit tn# or tho/girls ih r*l*- tion to a YmstLor which av«ry vraiuon s nrido of self- renpect ousbl to breed* again uf. ' Will not, thop, my sister iii.u,r« A«jN-r-i give tliis^ question of duiaestio prnpnety or respectability thou ‘ reriut* ronsiilvration J They should itoiupraW that Jit not only oencerns themcelvp«, bi^l, **p*el*llf, their J »tgW *n . arwl, in hi musII de- gree, thair boat olao —Jfarrte awOdt- II AS. K .TAQ l ARCHITECT 'iriiliilelil. N e w .U s OFFICE l ^ tussim t{tB Bib” - ” ‘When ilia baby ie just abuui to n|iea iu liulo ut.Used i-yeej rt'ia Crut induct-d to gaao spas I he lamp. The infant with weak; pinkish^ half-open eyes ia a rtdfeter bnyonil *ny pow-rr tu tell uf. of get relief from its trues, and je t the torment uf making it gose at “ re putty jed jight1* iseup- [Kwed tu bo i-sijuuitaly naming. After the bother -with lh* rfrn and lump, tho baby is jumped ll>, ec-ream- ed at, and 1otherwise startled, until its uorvos are disturbed U th Or* diaury quieting. I t ie s vuhjoci of- marvel tu moat people that so tunny child ecu die in infancy. but to mi ub- wrving and isUwling miurf th-* won-, iicr is that aajr children piVw.tu ms* ,'ttirfcy. When you and 1 ala miser-. ship we want to bo left in _the quieL Heposc is the sweetest reAitdv for qur norvouiaml *Jlhgv iU% but baby i* ■ tc’ijtlud, bucurej, tnja^’P*1ieich- kcicbied," chucked under’ his chin, poked'ia bis cheek*, or pimebodj't thumb' is thrnst into its toothlera tijU'.L, irrespective of a n*ed of ab- luticiuJEud tuvn if baby i*n t happy, it- Is reported very irrati^le- Tick- ling the baby's fre*. irtwjsng the fnecins like the haotion of s mo-utw, acrb.i the breast, and up .Into it* fat, »ea*itiht ue*k wrinklos. Is another tuod« o! smuriiig baby O f course the child laugh^ aad the idiots who torn,cal it forg* t Ilut it id Ills sumo expruNSJUb with nbich ibyj- r^piy tu a similar' process from urn baud pi tuna aiMhevouabut tortUTieg friend; and yet wo all'know that this laugh from e man is a hystorlu. oalery uf Hetvuu*frritability. When tku laugh mbci, wearinees brings wueaing. or j.r rho.pl restlcsa ut un ifr.=hiBK elrep. followed by tlnprreaiuu, and probably by indigestion ami colic. Noihing should evar be d*uu tu alar- clo s child ; even a leu Irevjuwat play- ing of bodieep, if violent, has been known bn bring on 8t- Vitas' dance with delicaie urganiasiiutis A ll sur prises pa ilangriuai tif thu tsrraui system,jo s t as ail atnuMphuris or .diateueptbangor are very rinhealthy, and notaetimrs fatal, i ! music is su- : orange- mixed with brawn, barfris ! tli* red they add tu this tint will I oTWick-r*:d hire In Jre latter ca « dork gtm>n will W leas ubjo tfou! trie than a dulitale grcfi) (k’*Ltow I>»v vest — Yellow mi par .violet to fair skin, auJ ia this vianr lei leas favurabh* tlinu tho dvUcfl green. To tliosu skins which a| mere yellow thuu uraogc it irnpaf waits, t bat this n m h iu u n » wet dull and heavy fur a fair euiujilnski "Vfhc-a th? akin ia tinted more wi □roqga than jhUob, no can liiaka P h ilip M witin, Pi^tinl GUitr ft Bujilictiirer d r«Hn:«E A LOOK)N<idlLASS fram es . c. QRAHAM$6 S 01 N , ARCHITECTS French Stream Dye S c o u r i n g t W o r k s . V.-.I ; . ktoywti. IN. jL )■ - ^atasto. Building Superintendents o’FT' IC E; Cor. Cborty Sfo, * North [At A i ; ■ ' cdtin-ary ETEsct* ; tlilis'ff i*rpsvts »iw » gtvsoiiab-yullaw to l»li uoinpfoxiefrv. I f uuguifats the yqliuw tint df ytl- fuw Mid oru'ajpt' skiaa. -¥kd litt). blue Uuiykity ho iu a cumjlrsiuu it makes groen VivLeL Ihoa,. is ono of thn lout larurabk ifolore In tha skin, at least, when it' ia nut tup- fiTintly desp to whiten if by contrast ' Bsva Ckai-uv.—Kilto insparts tr - a m , which is suacsptihlc ol allyip,- Itlclf fovprablv io white-and the li^lit fi*eh tints of lair complexions, nhicli here already a more or law deter- minod tihr of this Culor. Blqe fs, tllau, suitable Iu most bluudn*,' ntid ;ia this c tn justifies its ropuUtidn- It will Bdt suit LrunaJrto. elru» Llrhy h^va already too rquth of flieerande. ' W a m f j*LTTHT--T Drt.p«l-r . o f a ’ Uuuiliui white, such <u « ■tiibru: musl;a, asserts well With afresh cutn- pkxLOD, of which it relii»v«a tho ru*,» uulur; b ut it is untui tab I* to cpffiflli - 10C* wbi«b have a disagrawahl* tifrt, hecuuse white always exalts all col urn by rawing their ton* ','con**q»i*tH- 1* it is unsuitable to those ehin* which, without havtog Ibis disOgrfe- able lint, very nearly approach it-. Very light white drapi-neg, »ach aa uui&lin, plait br puinted lace, ■h*T# iu entirely diffuiOnt aspect BuriTfrittsI.—BlKk draperies, lowering the tone uf the eolure with which they are in juataposilioOr whi- ten the skin ; but if the vyruulioaer rosy parts are, lb a certain point, die* taut from the drapery, it will follow tikt, although lowered In tons, they appear ryleliTeij talhu white paru J Ihu *»in contiguous to ikip same ilfeipvry, redder than if the cantigiii- tf to IhQ blank did nul OxisL—Sur- nM]i if (Wtn ly Jf F- CfoevJBf. sJiKt’ Th* 7 » Tlus word is 'rifte arc inafiy who do n isapurt. Cht> team lion pf buildio^a an S. S. VERMFULI, iut .nuifli What yosi n«*d aqr W ikusri ti lhat you cow barn bora ■>n» ths£ yon had before to see oar i-rrcrirbore humility toockoowl- dga it, ski s ie » (ru e to correct it. Cm Luil^l—Nothing ia so dfeabir- giajr to 'jijyoung lawyer just as he raxai eloquent about angel's tua/s, r.aainir wiItows and tombataaoe, os j be Lutskfuptod by the cold-blooded istice with, “ Yua’re off yoSt bast, ub: tbia^ a of hog *t*aliug '' Mrs, SstiV* aays "Motharhood, to 0 n.su [rib* bos lived only to bo MERCHANT TAILOR, f ’ritDt St. Bi-xt Pitsi ilflln*. First-Class Clothing to Order P B I C E S ( 'rtriflsjirmcimjr tu tlid times. ot 19W feet in length u ij t*Ji» foct in breadLh, I t r is built <*; the rput- once occupied by theigac4&a of khwl Karo. It iiviulu origin (pike liiah- op of Ifoinr, whu, in tho? A lly pari ol the a|xUb century orwited a humbto mldeaSa on its *ito. : Afeofrt tha year IJfUl, lAtpe ilugeti! u» rebuilt it on n magnidcuat real* ■TotiOoeQt D ., a lew yrnua tflorasnls,***** it up os a ludgasg Kune « f ikrta- gun. Iu 13flu, ChufceDl A ,*t the in. stigatiuo of th*. King of Freni*, re- moved the I'apal 8** from Kotov to Avignuu. wlionih* Yalicau_xamnmed in otechri Ir fM-mur* tbos “0 j* “ ri But soon after the ntU»> of lb* IV,nullfra. O im to Boms, *n frvent which had hue* so yarnw ily prayed far by poor i’atrerch. aad whi4h fi- nally took place in 1 *T0, Bre Vatican was pal into a aLai* pf repair, again onlargnd. and i f i u tbanasfortk con- sidered ns the nguUr palaco a d m - ideucc bf Lho L\ pu&, wbvf on* i after ifcu other, sdJwL fr»h bulging* (n it, and gtailaally iBcirrlcd if with an- tiquitiae, lialfrs*, phture* and book), until it bacoma lha richasl dejXmtu- ry in the world/ ' , The library of the VsdicatL was Jl Kay Dropped .Out. In- Uavel|iugvar<mnJ .the world, from Hist to VVost, a dey is foil for the earn* reason thsl if a*e could go .ranml Ute n\nId in Iwunty foar hoilfe, in tha same diroctiva, l^r would re- tain th* asms relative phiLius lo-thw ■an, ha would traval with '.he- tub, aa it were, and there would be fro auccosalciB uf day and a fh t. tfo In travelling Mire Isisarc ly waslward, 4 Certain amount t ! lin\c ' - *- each day, which, in mak cult of th* aforth, weald ■ entire day. ’ Is order, adjust his euikuning to of lha place which be U at same polfrt in the ji over on* day uf that cola bad not lited tha wh lengthening ae*ry day injkis journey. Navigators bare agreqll u> maha tha elishaga-in the tevth (Jrpreij, East «r e a t ef tiifsayisli. [Whan they . ucut at"r*nptxK5i v»nEi#Viriois 1 Union & Soneriet Coundas, SUVGEBS, |50 and upward*. W ILCOX * CUBfts, W O d * victor , ieodf . diiKiiesk NKCa, FUr-ML Vetiti R r a t o Sir nUCJW««aUvJnfrM *“ 4»rf',ert** ■ M«. srecAiHN, MM, Jt^u am>is|w—r-* - CPFICfti KUGjrf BTItElBT. f GEORUE R. POUND, ; '•■Vs ns:, ala.^iauL. u -nJ, rsw—sa f PiB.l.ifL.x,L j.. . - WOOL. SHEEP SKIMS, HlQES. AC., LIVERY STABLE. ■ABR AfiAM E 6 BEBTS 0 N, bathing Wesker, fairer sod rat* than harsalf, coaem-for her to serve and t « s therefore, tu khe.ualvadv tu t ly tie DR-Vest oi loitk. i.SIUC -1 AVBi.ES-ll.niWS HIDING HORSES SIIsLECK. BROS. seii n t o r ui. & r bsoadtat . v . Tt M l I It I S , COLLARS,- r CUFFS, AJffr; S ethi Maciiine AccesEsriei tacblHeu oi nil ^ne«a «« H«e rfuleerooHi Wom^reet $treei, NORTH Pl.AtJflBIEl.lTi N. J. 1 Papor Hanger. At-. V*lw- l^hA-m 11» n'*ia«- M I'U'e ll It i In iL all thr a1.no hilih a o.irl ISM arnaalM) loMbd, '■ Jkifo/nrden (lunmufriv/. 1*1 I'M* * IT. . ,1 St !b Eimn. Somf.i-iuteivvtisg fatt* obour the r wool carving md^lltry ol the Bernese UbferlaJfrt are given in a r*fr*ot official report fom Mr. Jenner. This tadtre. try. r w l does not date farther back than l|l-\ now farnmljka snsploy. meat f » UpaardT of twd thousand tworkin^ei> end Within tb* hat fow years the salve have nsca! to *a avar- ago uf aaorly Those' sums have srlScvd to spread uloe over dir- CLOAK & DRESSMAKING. Mrs. Lachno and Xi^a Con^un, folook Ac DrewtuiuikBfs. Prtjtidic*.' . There are souIbgifted with *ih*XU- r*l candor that pretoota tham against urejulicfe, Of. if they sire tufiaensud f o r * niomeat, the pnejudfo* (s li'i rapidly fcWay like h breath from tke -n..Lilia |sn of a luiiroT, Others of ap iufariur pobeh ere affbetod by pr- err passiug impression, a* the phiRo- griiuhic pls.ii is. eaten into bT «V*FJ fugitive ray of light that falls swm its surface, If* who wishes to li e good anil wive will jealously guard his mind against' tbs approaches of prejudice, wbathar ia refereav* to persona or things. Natan-' otfrn gives to sueeptibla natures a Oaltk- w a o i insight that is, in rvrtaie rn- intiiibs. a belter (Kid* even than iy^- PLANING MILL, CITY MILLS- P. M. FRENCH & SONS, .VAterllrih llunlirjut St»rw. Front Strthtj A I M F X H I i O , W - -T- n* lirutnls «if fam ily Flour. j j xri’V.*!- s.t.1 K im * i i:V E R K M » Y » BLINDS, DOOR CamLlia* Billing around their stoves, linriugithe tong winter ursuingv. end. At tb* rikpeuw vf but little physical rxertiaa, odd grtaily to thsu slur* of Cumffrrt by means ol .some littl* task ra wood carving. A vary large proportion cd the cheaper ajpefos are Actually produced i* this rnunnsr Full Line Choice MOLDINGS, ' i POSTS, Ac. i *UL Kll|*aO Planing, Malchitft, Taming & Scroll s* — w trwm*w* r - eitli the qaii'kanav and ireerr- nifoinly of instinct, tbe pretenou fbody who should ba seuided. '*’» rapid perception i*. in«» .LZ3~L^‘ SPICEE li HL'BBAm
  • m t yt& tii w ik.p*

    tfEirrfiu. S id es .i -

    C e n t r a l T im e s B u i l d i n g ,

    M lA IN K L E L D , N. J., T H O K S D A Y , S E P T B »t§ E R O, ts?.KHrisfetfi

    BO H X N E8K EfiCdATjONALb t B f i& jFlj'jF£f#Ul>XA.LL A W o r n o E o r

    A L E X . B . B U T T S ,

    Th» fuio^hjjg »n r* of speech usable cant phrases o f ths day, which’. haying vngiaatvd is tbs carelessly ■ prepared. citscjporuy prayers or exhortations o f the ttergy. has bora fnvfricd by a r r l j genctn-l accspLnneu. , Minister* prey to the llaily to I'ss if |tsm ails ear midml j" editors aoiujinito that “ the die till - wuialuhl Mr‘ So-and-so has coni') to dwell in dor mrdt(,’* oft, etc.! Now tha WMrc wiJM It a Contractions! t i « word a i i ^ the superlative of

    sncliruass m m to those who!! hare the misfortune not to attract oof; aym- jmlliyi V s cannot etpwt tbiu wurtd to bo peopled with beings who arc nc- capoabls in all thing* to our ta-t.w, sod v l must not be never* npaifi others for what was not, originally, their fault, and what it is not now, par*baps, iu their power to owrootl

    , ■*"! -d-Dr. Cvmnim̂ t.

    Whht iin nO Iika idTNever be afraid, of becoming aa

    old maid, lair reader- An old maid is far siure bonorablo (bag a be jut -Loss a ifo ; and “single bloascdtHieV’ is greatly superior, in point of hnppi- auu, tu roddid life without love. ‘Ta ll not ia lore, dear pirle— bo- wnio !v aaya the song. But w* done t agrofl with said sang mid hi* ijuo* thin- On the contrary, wa ho[d that it is a reed tiling th (all iij h»v» *r get in Tore. ■ To* fall in lory With an honQphbW man is u proper as it is fur tit bun usable than lb fail in luge * itU a virtuous and. aoiinblu sumsu: nod a hat could bo a more gratifying spectacle than a light so pure,: so approaching to the celestial ? . No t fall in lore as soon as you like,' provided it ha with a suitable person. Fad in loro and then marry j but hover marry unless you do Soto- That's the groat point Never tuarryl for » “homo" or a “ husband." f f e m do. grads yourself by becoming a party ui suiJi an alLitnpa. Never tell your- Ac it, body and soul, on terms an i'cmi.i,iptiljU- Love dignifies niltilings ; it an noble j ail Condi tineaWith love, %h« marriage rite Is truly amernntoRt- Without ft, the car* omony is a base frau d rod the act S human d . - « ration. Starry for fore ui not at all ; 3fo "os old maid/' if fortune threwa'bot is y o u way tha qua o f your heart ; nod tbou-gh -tlit) nilliwB may aaoer add-the jester Duty laugh, you still tare your

    How mui-li of the-, carclassSeu, rschlessnase, and want o f so lf-rentec t that aro *lCiifoe|»d by.bqjn « i l or in the trolly, Are duo,' to thsjlvrt that teachers and perewta^io notrpay pn,|wr roApect lb Itiera ?. Tlin |n a qstilivn that is woithf of soars tli«uKbt . b f.inMI.se tsiSinri Oulu . ..f iu*.,i.« «ji


    r u o r r u L i , , * . x j

    ijihOKGL A. XAUNIIi

    I l e a l l .K t i i t v i A g c i * tun■ It J anYaL«t'-S lV-rSIn* purflilvlli trht-.WflVj join lh l**ufr of Uw ripioipal. I J L

    Plainfield Public EcLccl.y-bs( fluty *hu may be empluyod AL ThoM who allow themsolrcs Iu appear n*gl igop ily dressed, on the plea that they had Htnething tu do—cook- lulg, washing, scrubbing, whitewash- »UJ* Sic.—* « pvt’Ky »«r*rj time, bat will real* lb*'labor one of the Wghost pfoanures. My hostiond n»v- n has had aad norm yhaU have ovoa- sioa to tfrit tn# or tho/girls ih r*l*- tion to a YmstLor which av«ry vraiuon s nrido of self- renpect ousbl to breed* again uf. ' Will not, thop, my sister iii.u,r« A«jN-r-i give tliis ̂question of duiaestio prnpnety or respectability thou ‘ reriut* ronsiilvration J They should itoiupraW that Jit not only oencerns themcelvp«, bi l̂, **p*el*llf,their J »tgW *n. arwl, in h i musII degree, thair boat olao — Jfarrte aw Odt-

    I I A S . K . T A Q lA R C H I T E C T

    'ir i i l i i le l i l . N e w .U s O F F I C E l

    ^ tussim t{tB Bib” - ”‘When ilia baby ie just abuui to

    n|iea iu liulo ut.Used i-yeej rt'ia Crut induct-d to gaao spas I he lamp. The infant with weak; pinkish ̂half-open eyes ia a rtdfeter bnyonil *ny pow-rr tu tell uf. of get relief from its trues, and je t the torment uf making it gose at “ re putty jed jight1* iseup- [Kwed tu bo i-sijuuitaly naming. After the bother -with lh* rfrn and lump, tho baby is jumped ll>, ec-reamed at, and 1 otherwise startled, until its uorvos are disturbed U t h Or* diaury quieting. I t ie s vuhjoci of- marvel tu moat people that so tunny child ecu die in infancy. but to mi ub- wrving and isUwling miurf th-* won-, iicr is that aajr children piVw.tu ms*

    ,'ttirfcy. When you and 1 ala miser-. ship we want to bo left in _the quieL Heposc is the sweetest reAitdv for qur norvouiaml *Jlhgv iU% but babyi* ■ tc’ijtlud, bucurej, tnja^’ P *1ieich-kcicbied," chucked under’ his chin, poked'ia bis cheek*, or pimebodj't thumb' is thrnst into its toothlera tijU'.L, irrespective of a n*ed of ab- luticiuJEud tuvn if baby i*n t happy, it- Is reported very irrati^le- Tickling the baby's fre*. irtwjsng the fnecins like the haotion of s mo-utw, acrb.i the breast, and up .Into it* fat, »ea*itiht ue*k wrinklos. Is another tuod« o! smuriiig baby Of course the child laugh^ aad the idiots who torn,cal it forg* t Ilut it id Ills sumo expruNSJUb with nbich ibyj- r^piy tu a similar' process from urn baud pi tuna aiMhevouabut tortUTieg friend; and yet wo all'know that this laugh from e man is a hystorlu. oalery uf Hetvuu*frritability. When tku laugh ■mbci, wearinees brings wueaing. or j.r rho.pl restlcsa ut un ifr.=hiBK elrep. followed by tlnprreaiuu, and probably by indigestion ami colic. Noihing should evar be d*uu tu alar- clo s child ; even a leu Irevjuwat playing of bodieep, if violent, has been known bn bring on 8t- Vitas' dance with delicaie urganiasiiutis A ll sur prises pa ilangriuai tif thu tsrraui system,jo st as ail atnuMphuris or .diateueptbangor are very rinhealthy, and notaetimrs fatal, i ! music is su-

    : orange- mixed with brawn, barfris ! tli* red they add tu this tint will I oTWick-r*:d hire In Jre latter ca« dork gtm>n will W leas ubjo tfou! trie than a dulitale grcfi)

    (k’ *Ltow I>»v vest — Yellow mi par .violet to fair skin, auJ ia this vianr lei leas favurabh* tlinu tho dvUcfl green. To tliosu skins which a| mere yellow thuu uraogc it irnpaf waits, t bat this n m h iu u n » wet dull and heavy fur a fair euiujilnski "Vfhc-a th? akin ia tinted more wi □ roqga than j hUob, no can liiaka

    P h i l i p M w i t i n ,Pi^tinl GUitr ft Bujilictiirer d

    r « H n : « E A LO O K )N team lion pf build io ̂ a an

    S. S. VERMFULI, iut .nuifli What yos i n«*d aqr W ik u sri t i lhat you cow barn bora■>n» ths£ yon had before to see oar i-rrcrirbore humility toockoowl- dga it, ski s ie » (ru e to correct it.Cm Luil^l—Nothing ia so dfeabir-

    giajr to 'jijyoung lawyer just as he raxai eloquent about angel's tua/s, r.aainir wi I tows and tombataaoe, os j be Lutskfuptod by the cold-blooded istice with, “ Yua’re off yoSt bast, ub: tbia^ a o f hog *t*aliug '' Mrs, SstiV* aays "Motharhood, to ■ 0n.su [rib* bos lived only to bo

    M E RC H A N T T A IL O R ,f ’ritDt St. Bi-xt Pitsi ilflln*.

    First-C lass C loth ing to Order P B I C E S

    ( 'rtriflsjirmcimjr tu tlid times.

    ot 19W feet in length u ij t*Ji» foct in bread Lh, I t r is built


    !u(ic jjM m d iiii'o f ja to Mill* * n*-»p*|-r|flii*r- U * duel, '-. V i« at* ebHgrd t* j I t Iil . . ' ar

    their Win*- A» «n U*W* it f»P»* drope-vl nut and lurgattea j .#* >had p «t* ( bean. The Itnilfi of I eral 'and font* authority iajto.lef m V j>H o f tUecnaaion, (But * u k&oiiii ft* lb* Calbobnj Afcfli .an t t n r bw revived wi'-h^fti » k i hup *11 {ha old Methnjal hefirdi. |liui«ug1i nJ ftM iu ba uf tS* !nai v i l i fy ti> bo achieved by a bn»:e tlii* -flngmn brvyuml all hop* ( I r**

    :h.(* tb*T Were bolt ( * » * marki ftttd Will Site, m ttSMqiW™-

    m i s n i L P , * - j .T f i t ' i a l i A T . HK1T », PUBLISHED EVERYKft l ' * w » nfortripnm iUredi I A. M_ Rim.nl * l « *«|5 Vl.rU. Witt

    . • WXJtM wj^rlr-J. CUTEorl

    *e*rr, aflcjjjnrilt order*! p«WI but t>t H

    ■ ruLacA I • ■Ha. n u n reported correct ih d i'o i

    i*T m t w Cor |IU ftn taking tftr aoti.i uf tin nlty. Rclerrvd u» Auditing Von

    in J •rtcrwirJ* uhJtrvO B*-*- rim. w u n ixo u a n - '

    M i>- I a»rtn. rrportril Hrrrw the pl î®■or jf.. t i Bibsi'a** LJ«ktC*. ficus. RrArtnl lo A illlliii CuahKIre M4.*l

    ! T a t Chicago Tmm, uuo* th* g'ftftt democratic organ o f the Ifconh-Weat, tong sinfe W arn* disgusted with the pasty w*d M » cb*hrf|BfB* il in word* akuit emphatic thta eloquent, n* f:>lW*»;

    ----------- i v - t- ; '. much. They .Dead'not fcugfrl il>« »»>- . j»W *J |,w a f_ t*a ak i.h iJ K ***'

    [iirieDMi of the n W liu . ib^j o f 1 hot. abate one jot iof ih iit; tp l lT i nor Piwer in the b u t their iabhor- runee of ff*ft«** tint 1 he dnn haa .,,uy ir ben the heat o f oar ssg'hioL us indignation should become eoofeS, and in view ill the fraternity ctf feel- in(t that xnial Ledcielujwd helfteen the North und Kuuth. i f wo ftt* to ha p. uniui'i and proaperona pep ply, » * may thiut mere kindly |>| t*>»"• whban prejnilifcea and education were after all, by'the manipulation! of on- m upalou* demagogue* morn to blame flll'thf a iir i which ffi^tr fcbtllilfl brought uf*in.the couqlryt titan any .low Wright f*e)ing.of tti.li i ally In uur (toTiwntiieni. - Under this muitlu o f charily we can pntA'*Jl of rttjit aiid.,ut Ofruiad, *itl^uC ibu b'Mt coin- piniaifte of eur » i i “ ' of right. thus* >n ot’ i which ft niiagftided eqntuieTi- p led llitia to vftpotralp. I f |i*ie mantle i* n»t IjiAad enough to include Che dough ficpi o£ (lie Abjrih who n u e l ajifiixt pea t light iii their UeHtility |o the 1'iiinn, it [*■ twr.iubc tlieif pniirse cannot be forgidbon uiib infety to the Nation. ' .

    N|othinjg ia plainer ihan that the hi st aantiuicnl ul thn canatry, in the (south as wall u.i the North, ia derel- njiing in thu direction uf raeoBci!uv tiem and amity through au uhlitem* tiBB'cf iiiv ttim *! M il iK lio u ] ha* trade which hare boau *u lobg the Inns o f out pwlilioar life. And thia

    ' veutiuicnt, * d bclioTf, i* B tlic direct 1 au>l! natural out-growth of tike policy 1 uf tiie Itepabih-aii party 14 dealing ̂ witb.tho southern rploition, ft policy

    giaiualty moditiBdj from th { firijt, by 1 the candid agd intdHgeut critiriatui *■- of those within the party. As in tb» 1 |ouil,‘*u no» , the JI- pnEIii iU. jinrty i>

    the erne friend uf tho Smith. Nuth*1 mg could aurpu*.* iIn uiaguanlinily: in dealing with ih" ttouthOMI rjana.

    tien, nfttwillisTnniliBg of i|*' TuistahoO Its purpose has Earn liod- ̂ eat, if H has nrred in judgmont—

    alilU itT blatant dvmagoguoa may 1 nay to the contrary. It hat no tra

    dition* to blind op bind it nod is nl- ' trays ready to adjust its pulley to tho 1 olijiacing tracts of the Luoa. This

    ia shown by tho1 'very attitude the r Party in now uaking towards thu

    South. It would hasten thp dnwu at 1 tho N o* Era uf gra^ wilt, mid is

    -hen bo said, a tow day. ft n& '*ft4 t^e ontiro country abound* wijh ptfijilB whu would apply this name nation principle to tie *uuniri|Nil or ufttivnai |t',TernQiint All espendlturoa 'that are made fur anything ylaa fhan tho bar* aecesaitic* they -runaider ji wasteful untlny and a rebbary ot tii*

    A * that perarm ispruuouiined *bart sighted whose falsa Tiews Of duiij*s- tic caaiLamy lend him tu dwpn*'« his euai and daughters uf ituaj' nii;an*re* altleli will " w e " • fow B*lfry lollaeSj hut in maltini£ that iriaainwctluiebl Which haa in vu-w the geticmfifaprovaunil and progress ul anr city, buih f»r the |ir»fteii| ami the tut ire. j

    ilr the six oatlaea wlie were hung by the t'ederaj awthwiritfee- aa-KaH Smith, Arkansas last Fdidav. fire ofthem jutiff.! 'hi ihunh M ure tiltit •svcaUui/ Two unifod with lb* MesbyMrian thuteb. oî e with tb* Metlmditt and »ru uf tb^m embraced the O.alliWi: faith—thy* ng theruling jtouiubifoi aectalian dutinoc tion to Lib tit'jfit ih diaih- And so wern thrfc gathwird with H.tlr lather*.

    A vindiocn wartare aggimt dishonest milk tli'iih-t* in NoW{York ftity is being ^ccreiAed by tljo Hoard uf Ueslth.i! tiumfthiog rnirn' than a rill* i* tfccdi-il', a* til" penalty afqr ft 1-r.ma uMWiR 4,1 ucly'to^i tho pOot uf his pi,iso Lot brings .doolh' to Lip L'liildrenX—tor_ the' forcible Infant Tnnrtalicj which sftlico- shat city ia dim. tij q largo ftitont, tb milk niut. tnotim a . . . t J '

    Ann ftftJTtiUtaftterlefOincr-bejntare, polll- ■c*l itorfd toau ai—'I wonld-br party trbo- duss fairlihcn who style dHOMltti -|hr IWmucfacy' arr Bop,irmly dlvldrd Lito '1.0 hllierly hin,tl;» cam pm. — h h h: two ramps'* 1* sab-ilirkted into almum nlajntwrtc-a Lta«i(nw. as the laurm, or

    e|Wcu.»ton, gr>Ht-*hui> lap .li, pen Uthr.i atlvcfaarvrn, J I tiascr*. orw-aia

    . Ma. Oilucah repoMol currecl claims (or Ausoet of P. Urrco. (ft* (ftk Clark, M3 ttt. J. F. 0. Fra*#. « l S.itirrper. d*a S7 ; 11. to Scsontun.Ki VnVil L11 .luilulii, r.mimKin sylteihisnle nfitercd paid ui ibrlr r̂ euinc

    A* a city paper the "Tm is" re|irvacnta n-j cprctal in term t er rUO, bait aims to b* iadapMileht in th* b r « h b h mpcctin^ its tteatoiaol uf qu»1- tiaaanf lord ira port anr*, *nd lu iculumui an opan-.to tb* fair and booeat oontribntdr, who has anything to a*T uf iatoreat to tho lew or many- While its ooadoet will eaclitdn all uncalled fur criticism* of nan and w a iu ia i in

    'nut municipal Ufa, it.will not ) » timid in npeaking Ike airuog wurd in behalf ul whatever it bojierOt to be tho right to which. rottM all ho*?*t men., of whatever differeM-a of opinion, will g i** their nppnfral

    It will he fnnnd in National and (Slate qneationa in harmony with lb»6u principles afUiclk'AWJ rwogpiaed as fundanieaitnl hy the Ttepublirnn pasty, and. while it.yiafda W none in the h%ur o f their ttergue, il pnniriw no blind partLsan Course, but trra a Op|i«*t*fE viaerti with Ih* cunsideralion whiph b« long* to those who may honestly ilifler.

    Hwbaeriptioaa ire reapactjmUy adticited. .

    . The Chicago organ ought to tie gtfoil. nuihurity on thin matior, haling had an, inside view of the suhjw t- 4-hd f* t froui this •oinve, we to* ti l l, ar* to come, til* political Be• kirn,tic tot - lion, the people nr* ea: (jjrlF watching.

    , -T*l tidal wave boa nt last reached the J’atitic const, whei^ h i l anp; pfttad to have apenf itself. The "In 1 4*p*hdeat*" arc held resporni Wo to* tho IUCCCSO ct the ileinoC r«1a in Cklii /jrjp*. and it i* nlweya wall, Jfott tuoyr, to h*ru a reason for ft politi* dal Jletoat- There never was u better 11*00, hoarcror, for an opposition

    Jarty to gain atronglh than when utipcH ia dcpreaaod and tiuvi ftrt hind, aiscs daiuagoguaa know n Well kow to take advantage of these tir- uuntstuucc-, and delude the people irit]j the belief that the GuresncMni U rtiponaible, and that thor* cast be no relief U t il a change occun in iu adminiitration Tt 14 the old argu- l*i l*r or.lir c-T B. O. Jlertoa foe a-4to paid Uto when k* shall rcla*ae Ms, claim di»n ibe balance of tbecny-feoJa. ■a. Ttiat the City Trcaanrer he aulhoriKd .to ]«ay N a. Jlufton *S00 out o( any Niw

    may M paid nrrr. to him.. 3.' That the Corporation Counsel be directed lo paylo the Cl ty T ira *«i- all raonsya 1 un«

    yi'fteelva SHIV lntr»r*lltui at*|l*tlity uf blackguarding Unto* wboao OpiQiotaa are oppnied.' respectable people will bo BUI. iaferested in reading them. Eren indiicuAaing the jinauinl qiupi- ri.in it in difficult to flRit word* atrone enough «ad *pilhet« eerrre enongU to deituuupe fb» disputed theory and it* adv«*t*i. It i« pot fur a Bfcj- ment supposed that a pan enn hold a contrary Opiaios and he hone,t “ fntolETamd in politics'! is no taore

    ' lovely than when it ag,pe?r( among religiunuu. ;

    As event of hbtnrbing ietutsst to Near York city daring the pul week was the decree banishing the ,4|£u- man*' Into the now poat'Ol&ce voati- tiuir. For the time being L*tTvSm l .and the Canal Ring wet* loaf sight of

    EXTRA G R E A T S A L ECLBTOS J. It. vv tLIA* ft. lul'E. 'Mandar Kri

    S, AU-eters h.mjDii hiW'f know of a good Baptist news

    paper which not only tosthe* but practice* flu doeuine of *‘*4ul-Ul»r- ty-," iiud yet hoi for iu motto the words; ■“Set fur do /mar of tin Ooepel," which the uncharitable must certainly think smiintitowBTds.c'bae-cani- mauion. 1 [ . '

    fA S IL t lJ v . f ’H I ’R f HEN, FEN-

    t lY A V i , PAR TIE S,JOB! C. VAH DYKE

    m i u r m a n i iIN S U R A N C E A G E N C Y .

    M S- V o o m u praaanira nu«iaH,u?| J.II. Acucrmaa for a wamut b> tie ilmgs l* n*y court r «U larurred Is thv 0*M of vlaaoltoFVrrt St, IXlltl. lid uprslng o: Thual Si., fll tv.! Hsftrred to Cqm- tsUlirdii Law* iid Ordlmwra . .

    ■ r r v r t t arena f t f t c r n wf Ikecttr.

    MIL Ciluq a* prveenud mealbly tephnot , t w » l police, giving ■,UtrSks|«( I f perwas arrreft.1 fur iraekrawas’end

    celled, who

    W liiie and Colored LawiWf M&rsei&a, Piquitw, ajid othef Drewt l?6bde in propoHjon. -

    L A C U & * O E N T S ’ T fE S ,S o l l a b b a o j v r s .

    P A B A S O L S ,

    WILSON ft SIMPSON,O n l y < R M i i i j f t (


    I khnwlf and the lo in , v starting a lying report cber has Ujen, violaling th th* proprietnn of the mb Hon**, by which he If to*pr**rh lor a s«pu- •til the ni iid Is o f Aep- JJ thoae ah* swnlluw


  • II IjTuKAltn A w n u

    EVERY ONE■1TV D W 'A R T M ^ N T ,tiding f« wh*t 11ll re slated I

    jOjl TB Outlay. I'LV.Kl « Uw In* In part"'- *fa ll a m "*J*

    ——“ — ■ ■ - 1 .----r* ■>«lkar*iK »pe-

    ^H}1 1,0c lie, - CoWfiweilM ilk

    ‘J4o, Bbdik Crackers He, fc’rg fch 's PrcpRrnl

    Fl«jur;3?e, Best Near Orleans MoSest'S 80c, CmnicJ

    Lobster* orbd Salman ‘Jitc, iNiru Cider V-iifcga.r 35c f Babbit?/

    Soap 8laa’rcil»renJiui». Ilsalne la dying OSt In «*»r. reulli-e -L'lSlil flirt ynoilll Aulnuifl V !■

    te iwiiintalns axain till Lh*-y 1 i-'k hThe r -,1111*1 im f jiW n d ' t still .rthTR IlmpM waierx, rvailkrilnff ■bselVv-r Ibal Wslef 'Jrijfflt WSKT. ‘ tjriiK .tt urns a it t j ih f t

    . Since tlic abore Iras wrliuntlic fdluvi.Injr Ban re* hare b«rj> h»ndj-c| u*; Thfwhole number lo i l ln ils in yesterday was B7j. Or these ® " nmbfike Piln iry Pepatlmcot, SW In the latstitedlafr and 155 in (Uc Academic rh-iurtenunt, ,whieli . is a very large increase urrrebt- uvaabet earoUnd ai tbe a**ta Unie last year. |

    M A C F A R L A N E 'S

    N E W Y O K K

    Boot nd SlBe'Estatfishae

    Nidiudy IsgrllHig marrliil la Plalnde f list's [he mailer t f jK l pay lift 1" iqj fall st tills ufllee Wfceid till-lire* rrricre nan w HPewtrel fur liuthlnfjI unirtilM iatm- llfeuf iraile, * • 1,1 era llll.l End yth'HkKW SB. lh* ~eojt|d Ifre+r, I- Hujil in Iniili Imyrrs to u

    North rtslnildd 1* no led Vr IK be,

    s lues, and in tier poolin' y#*l’ f" l>;


    Vf< arc jrslllkd tu learn lilt Minf lo-tarlnunds to pas* the Wlnlt'r In;Bialik fleld, and by rcfsri'iice in «u ( ad\urtl»lng, columus It will bo sewn t!i»t jlw pnlfsnesto glen lesson* 1, singing. B-.r lir*«jhetB. Slgaors Abells slid Emnnl, art I well known is having: tarn,Fur .mawy Jrari,the Oot |1 Kerr Ynrt, and I Sty hmyi «rv-cn her a purity of alyle aneaeeltriljbj-|any Singer wo Imre rrer heant In f’Iŝ tHrlil — Line troal d m o I* In In (Iml eiiil -llu Hull •tiunu*i,.n id int- r t i t , y uep



    Twy w>nirUfc ■ The Largest,

    The Cheapest,The most Desirable

    WilpSffCBTS, HAfiTIS EZI LOWDKAi- UiKifscuirrnstil lan-irtn; Itfr In i I * fWitc fJwi Ui Vinifcti i 'W O IW Y O f t S t .

    v i u i mGROCER.

    A n d t b e in e v i t a b l e


    Is (LteimiaedTII.VT^TU E *1’EQPLR


    i iT i- 'R IS STOnE.


    Union Praise Service*Sunday creqimr «be* Cr»*f

    eburch was crumtal Toll 1*1 in rcrrlct of sung. The cserulica dtr ibe care urtfte Ysung M̂Ji n1

    iideof lb li barmiiniow*. Rrrry bcdj'l ei N e w

    mommU d .m. lura ..rJarolt Vorlil *,ilUits- hr from Ike! ms unlnlslinl Art well lulitre >1 Rult SUtiHr* wwc s| l b In-,amt uberfTrcLIr* flocul.of water pip into ***>u!iad 11»dTreL The Aainet were jfuick- If ratlnauistcd. with a Iah o( atKihi, tlMl t*u the be I.lliia, and *f5 on hay and frtJ Insured la ibeilerrey hh-lln-T |n hi enter, wbk-h be ill*, xstlsc himself Oil I Be Sour. An.l then Uy COIS ja-j.', toe—ah 1 horrid tbuighl —-lrn.1. rly—.so tenderlypot hla Ion* syua tire llr* u

    FAIL STYLESJL rhJldrHiNi UarmentM

    J U I T R E C E IV E D .i**ortod 8tock

    in county.

    M . ^ E T I A R E K T ,

    found, *i I aBiicifmu-d. bu Africa -rxiesnlrc. his *H and Ins comlB»l«m* lostlt I hofm that the pcophur bear this letiarw. e n n u r " , * * 5 ^ , ^ 3 3 5 ^ 1 1

    aCixtus T. W ltBOS. i

  • IfEANCII oYCOFFIN & Co.OLDEST..jrfrt* la a I«jrrr»l*iii kfltMr slifj ill they bail; add l— oof*:# ' « ur milk ; salt 1o ju.ar of ih» it Btfcef >•in* or aWAkiJoug ! I

    B t u t ^ a ** M i t A s.— jiml j . n tWcr m a r until tender, - Th* aitar'with oall; "* ‘ ‘L 1a n . 'u d p » lri>*> ♦ith i-rtlfy , il|

    I ' t i r i B c tm - fT iJ * l-aud of p**ch.M and sugar: n i«Nncliits alone uolilthey L" «ttear. \ •hr l«r m . b»U m hoar SPf® 3 j-euiauMurol th* *ugar, a * l $**1 m bwiii ami - ball K**»oa *■ Iona and eiiinaiuott « '

    l-i.lain Arruto,-4*1*0 [maid* frifour pdiiirfs MiK»r. one T|jlT, cKnw* aud eianaman. Pare I curs lh»appl*« J5uil a].|i]*B in i up hull I suJt. ■ '‘ itrcciia ntacua»|—*« umr ' K.irl un*. pint Tiueeir, mm gallonlruo*o will wit the ra j For tin jiarpui* i i epdnmg (u »n n » l S- tkra with th* dstvt uf a^pli**-

    mm .* reu or j (bp.’T in dniuaad Car u t l u a geouinn

    0*11 I. the nrtism, ! \ * 1■ o f firvri.vF style ern^l

    TOOLS, CtJTLEEY, r : ■' IROK, STLJJL rttid S

    P o f B L A C E S If IT H S a id j lO R S E ^ H I( ’< iF F I X u V ( it ).

    : n t n W s t „ i

    •2,10 k i ' j < . n r

    ."50 IC i t r r t - l t H o u r |> n «4

    1 0 doz. best GrasA Scythes

    hare the u unslilii^ flfeot o f juicy, ntn-i't fruit. 1'hoy aw uiuply h A F meats, tn In eiiten wilU caution.— Cahtiutl fruit M1 ncfJii'nt, Jm! freshfr-ui! i« l.rst whftMVfr it .Cii 0 bll, *b- tnipi .l, The jpikI u(T, c£ fif freelk fruitiH oitetl sjujil' -l hy thx I‘|n „ nf Ht-Kttr'kise-J isitfi w.

    Wlu a Ihero ia a j rasipd for sour k-r-jiicklee «r for ij;nx.ns. if 3*

    JBJjerAlK a sf rc.nu iu in alion that tllu •ystcitj h»* * real need uCaciilj, and Ipptnnf or ripoifar aic s iia-muh tiwbeet Bludinav'lo oerw bilfioUoru-^ «ndreslofi a hailing apputlU. \ ytar anu I ! wa«» a niuU ifn-> tlxough intoul th*«« poor •, 11 - lu-i hit sp-

    I polite,;anil could not bû T the sight.• ir.“t11e 11 of food, until hi- raught right or n dish o f .lrioil agiiiid uauce, ui:ilUrns iioaeoaivd with n doeifb fur sen. qf Iha juiiw. Thlfc eoeindcl to rrfri -1: him, mill hb ate, fur lii ̂ nesi meal,W ad aouk< J in^bn jui. ji of htesv. ddried spphll After (lint, rall ied 1.1- niDto, jvVked1 with br*wll b imipadiapiljr?pii 1 nut latirala, ahii-h made vary f i r tiledcacea In the fcdniwin^ Taiwhen no iimjiiueik*l to pr.bne, a »1.iund fn-ru thro* to live A tlium atmng Intends ™ r * » l paJ ais'urdingly Kli.irtiued tlieiu ia 'je Iniui ilirro la five and « * hud* ,-â h. »̂athe** |a if ml* t * raided as tin* a arpj' o f gru|Kw as vo ever sew, mtrlaiiily miu'li liner than w* bad W *rj Iw fif" riuaed oa! the sluing canoe i bad fa have Silniie learned lo imitate 111 il t-ci rma by iiiBoliiBg th« iaajlerti hi! y.iunr alioer* vrlieti ihuy havegrowb, say tp.i flint, fern rig eui tho lutem|.v. mid njroapng our fruit «m Ibej latter, thus maetiag with anutber iflustru ti.ia o f the ,.|d pKTorb, " I t b. on jll wind 1 hnt blew* nobody goodi" •

    Auer tim mkw iI pinchiogiof the fruit ■bearing branch*- an deerril.rj iilaisc. I he lateral h will gipirraUy start ouro lu.ir ■ and SB fiiprh the young grow 111 again (o one Lraf, thus giving Mrb Inter*! two well tbsveior.- rd taaTn. . The whole cout*d .shouli be oxu p I* I oil about the ufildle (. Junnhece, acjd whatCTer grt.sre al birsranl sheliij be lofl la ilosing 1.1 us Jlaare at I lie object.* sf>* bav. in view : '

    ’ I ' J ' ’ fc‘


    » , .€ ! r , R L l i A & t o .


    In ScherfUji * Idlurk, nn Front at., riesjr Grove,

    •Ur, Djstaj-iUoit and EcdrRcsm Salts, Ac. &c.AND ALU ©Til£l£/;'X>ri3'JIN f^ K M T l ih i XBALiPn-

    I S A L B S R q Q M S O N T H E F I R S T F L O O K .(JALT, tOTIt EXAM IN E HEroCpv' 3

    W X^STODpW

    «p*ci«ily tboth- juiie „ f A J lent rufff fe[ l

    iccl.s* liiiBtiuf tuir,ie hejp III Nl.t«sy,«H*r hiju inflnist* .n ihC (Akblqb. I ii, Tile — i't. i*i i r il I, j — ol il.-rr Kkla ; ■» I ur

    gi t* ciiinil used, the *ii). of th* gtewing Jll/int ilorrAKting >ejj- ulurly *J the amount uf lit* |*jnull

    EVERYBODY!c h e a p ,

    ■11* KN FRAN' ‘ES T O V E S ,T I N , C O P P E R ,


    T A B L E C U T L E R Y , A c * ,

    ' C h e r r y i^i m ‘1,

    3 l a o r s E a s t o T7i S l . . P l a n H e l d , U

    A u y ii& M A y i) COAiL.

    L W l i E E !voC N e. w e e d a 6o..

    . the via* a-iihin yn-niei ,at it in at all titbea uh ul uf the v in tut i with ■>jp itt roiu.ninu.ir . bi 0 grvat anlenrl f f li.1i

    u* tbiuijid{cv.f tjie ftuiiM I L L ,

    f y i i ' . . ■: -


    d - it , I Vtlm * dl tb i. .1te&Biiii Material,ifeagFW S R aB iiiiB a iK f

    GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS,tg, h> iill jiy fo i- -north of |Iid la . young, fcoaltl vlijir.ih, width

    _________B R O O K C O A L ,K IXD LIXC A STOVE WOOD.

    nArtm M Ml ; i:1 (I l l a A (L m-.. . . . . . . _ ...... . : iJ . . . . .

    iue oC lIn n. ,1aiiw ih ir Trunks, Valises,

    ■had* ifiu fruit «ud write a* "ijm ur* *.f the »| . t the fruit f

    4. l>roa iug vigurelii i-auca i r year’* Ini,Ling and rn. more, fin-luakiug then, rtrungyr ; as evisri uf lb* vine is thu* itw t.ib l* b> ■tni aii, th* wood will ripen' L and n»jr»uniformfy . Itektrunion o f iiokKiua (a, A* the vintner ha» to look over ah,tot of the vine, thin is dOryi iluiruughlv #iid *vitri. Mi- afljby any other proe*** —.jTA* Urif»

    .( w.(k...U a1.1ol tlir* rdnde- iiafd ami inr tl it is i.-a-il) drat wl|.iplM|t mi

    to Pur

    T H E P L A I N F I E L D


    to EG AN BIRD.ng A . hemUsJ tort at alter being tv' aibutt-d >n rbrenie.l ho tram of

    iS C H iS O E E T C n O V J lK IT -

    'Crizena' Coal Ys.ninid C bc,v U\t Knvtt,

    lit* C h evio t Suitf,

    M.mout » (Ulu.hltlal »; Yiirtw u pleuiT as grauii r..u,..l.l .ir,U (>.l. ,li.m Of till- The Hi'1 :

    t o u x o . \ m m fb f » .

    ■greeB, or ubeot

    M. RUNYON,*w * j " f j.Aa eiehang* liaa tlx , wblrlir.,mrv|HKK' to toll juu-lbe biiet yay tf doing it. As hfv*. Ulna* aajrai in.hijr cookery beuV, first . atill y. tiisbsro,, b-.-, the day hefuru calrng the niei. y.awleeB one, ibo sietn « f vrlurl. S r*. W-iugaway Imm l he fruit, and .-'whichisalu giving .lUttkaaJatii-i.iWaTunik peculiar it. l ’ut ia in the r«AriK, (-

    M.'Hj(I.Fjiijr j4 A X Ii liUTAfT,

    LUMBER DEALERS,M UIV4U . , , ) . . T H IK I . KT


    W IL B E S tU K B r (

    SCRAMTOK C a »L S .* 1ml.1. * Tlin.rWaMsci | nJ Bowen,ioa I hasq i mu at tic** rMtkt fri if IVtaem uj: |lb tnusf. Xu Kona.* : l airllioa* DrX.asJ*y.' '■

    » folJovriDg sketch show* liotr *., little win dorr: basket may'be’ :n.ui a fruit obi. Tknfoid.is'or are cut down to vrithiij an i(uh3 UiU.-i-f in Btrida a.' sridje v* onoof (ha Uiltoia iu atnua a.' wide v* m t

    fnnr.iwi Th^ tin! ofj which jhe (,rn era' made in rather . till p.-flUd may | 1|JiAUt he euL vritbobt dilik*uliy Withi a paip djt strong conanua ohears. A* riagbf ildUl wiro being'[fremidad of1lilt ' >=rg* desirfhl fur the ttjl uf thW , l-aakot, the end uf *nrh ul the st.-jj.s £» turned over il, placing tie** *.i o.|bal diaiaucea ajiart. I t sbuold be pafrrtej brown or some r.etiita! color, mi,) t ,i m ir hetr add, that boxer,; baakeu, etc., to contain '{dant*. or.■takes or trcllisse, t* which'to ir*in them. Lkaugh almost, a'.ir^ye painted "green are ii ̂roueh better taft« when - of an u uoobtrusive. culur, The beau- ' ty nf th* brtghteat foliage ii ^uilu destroyed wfcei, ,eea ta t-ontrasi with a h a ar bssksi o f a vriiulovr-bliiulgreen- Of course v im nUI be pro-,' vi.led in hang tlrt* banket, and if it b, lined with fllu.1 ,Boy muilahiu- wiodo*plants may be planted iu it It (kw» ■°t eiBOBsrce [,l*nt* 4o talijja lit-' tin -iiiujow-basket. Oss of the usual interesting things uf the .time we er, " « v i u fij!«*| with * few, dumps

    J F i j u ,

    C a n a d a

    Seatjjneis p R y o E r i

    s s o r t m t a t o fa d J t ' . j i j s nPine Lum ber

    KJkliiJku lrdbif hr siijhai ur'B.rn W j 11 fit A X If .TCEI>^

    ISA lJ iD 'nAY AXl->’ BTK^ W

    ™ksa“.MperloIhrcew*in m «()*.

    ^ S S a g S r i a g S ^ S gW k ' S H I N C i - R f l L C l i . ' D R Y I N G

    F a m i l y C l o t h e * .

    S ips for the ^cspc-iEc!Ii iua have bon conslilus l

    ln.l facgiQ 111 UiMpair «r JccoVi r]I:mw jt V, u il.jiltrawl ?U a botlit a(j l>* 1JMKS1-..M T.SK abiijir.uKAav * r kl.» rtl>. I miito ll anil Or e^|I. >suidiciuv actuso pmuipily aud .0

    T O iito Mhirt*.

    ^Cdin brieS. WRITE!

    Jtuidp.,|g *.ui, Pants to Suits “

    drderC o a l sSt Y T o o f llung, and i tiry hch of it s |.*laL3,

    Ihea wo can .inly say 4iaJ' \«a art sruuliuf ia gustatory tut* bad n, r ad no* is wostHl.

    'Vhite we are giving alvl..*. 1,| uj, add (hat all fruit ia the U f.n ul,be* sag Tory cold when Mien, as It brisks out tin •olicale tlaror and aruuia, and make* it Biuch utuc* » freshing 'V « do not know of any fruit width

    [nl’ f lu Idas): Credit

    Car. P e a c e S L . S> R a i l r o a d .» rnri-v^ r.. >d'Tjtl:D1 < '

    N rar H. K. Oxpoi. '

    i i A jsvrrrrl ji( XlumfnmtfoO. 1

    feS'’*f'a]l lif'l.ir* pun Ua*ir.gclt« wb. rui \ * at rise Sigh of Ibw HUli.

    £. i .i u e » t e b S,Xhrr* dvor* East nf 1st Nat. Bank,

    PLAINFIELD, tt.J.ia-U »ar> ue irrui asi. j

    f o r i O f the ten mu rill hir-! o l Short

    l' sIj 4r

    l * T V fm lrrrni \ l ita t QnnJity a t , J“ritw4 ffeh m re/ .Yotic*. ' , h

    irU U rM i).

    kumbiu SY
