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Signing in to 25Live Pro - CSUSM · Signing in to 25Live Pro Please Note: 25Live users are granted...

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1 Signing in to 25Live Pro Please Note: 25Live users are granted access after they have attended a training. For a calendar of training dates please visit the Events & Conference Services website. http://www.csusm.edu/events/support/training.html Open 25live with either the Firefox or Chrome Web Browser. 25Live Pro URL: https://25live.collegenet.com/pro/csusm Once there Click on the “Sign In” Link at the top of the page, located toward the right side. Un-Signed in View of 25live A pop up will prompt you to sign in with your campus username and password. Please Note: There are terms and conditions, that by signing in, you are agreeing to. You can click the “Terms of Service” link for a copy. 25Live will automatically update with password changes.
Page 1: Signing in to 25Live Pro - CSUSM · Signing in to 25Live Pro Please Note: 25Live users are granted access after they have attended a training. For a calendar ... decorate before the


Signing in to 25Live Pro

Please Note: 25Live users are granted access after they have attended a training. For a calendar

of training dates please visit the Events & Conference Services website.


Open 25live with either the Firefox or Chrome Web Browser.

25Live Pro URL: https://25live.collegenet.com/pro/csusm

Once there Click on the “Sign

In” Link at the top of the page,

located toward the right side.

Un-Signed in View of 25live

A pop up will prompt you to sign

in with your campus username

and password.

Please Note: There are terms and

conditions, that by signing in, you

are agreeing to. You can click the

“Terms of Service” link for a copy.

25Live will automatically update with password changes.

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You can verify that you are

signed in by the appearance of

your name in the top right where

the “Sign In” link was located

previously, as well as the

appearance of the “Event

Wizard Link”.

Signed in view

Click on the “Event Wizard” Link

at the top of the page. This will

open the Event Request Form.

Event Request Form

The following will detail each of the sections of the Request form itself. Any item with a

red asterisk is a required field and must be filled in before moving to the next page.

Event Name:

Enter the name of your reservation. A

concise and identifiable name can help

you search for your reservations later. It

can be up to 40 characters in length.

Event Title:

The text in this field will be displayed on

our campus calendars. It will allow you

to expand on your Event Name and it is

case sensitive.

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Event Type:

There are 3 Event Types to choose from.

Meeting Only – Basic meeting in

a room that has existing set up.

ECS will not contact you.

Campus Self Service - Gives you

the opportunity to coordinate

events without the need of an

ECS Event Planner.

Campus Full-Service – An ECS

Event Planner will coordinate with

you on all aspects of a successful


* The following locations MUST be

reserved as Campus Full Service

events: USU Ballroom, Fields,

McMahan House, and Reading

Room (KEL 5400).

Selecting the appropriate Event Type is extremely

important. Please contact ECS at x8800

if you are unsure.

Primary Organization:

Select the Campus Department hosting

the event. It is typically your own


When starting out, the Search

tool is the best for finding your


Once you select it and it appears

on the right, you may want to

“Star” it so it will display at the top

of the list the next time you

create an event.

Event Head Count:

You are only required to fill in the

“Expected Head Count” value

for the event.

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Event Description:

This is the one and only field where you will enter the EVENT DESCRIPTION. The description is

important because it helps your audience to learn more about your event. If you have other events

that are similar then the description will set them apart. You may also insert links to your website or

RSVP sites. If your event is a simple department meeting for on campus personnel, then you may not

need an event description. This field is not required.

Featured Events Calendar

An option later on in the request form is to have your event elevated to the “Featured Events

Calendar”. If you select this, your event must have a description that contains information about

who to contact, any charges for the event, as well as whom the event is intended for. If you have

published a description in other locations it would be ideal to use that description here. Since

Featured Events Calendar requests are reviewed by the Communications Department it could help

them be more aware of the importance of your event with a good description.

Event Reoccurrence

This section will present you with two

options for your event occurrences.

If No is selected, it will move you

on to the next page and it will

NOT present options to add

additional dates.

If Yes is selected, it will present

options to add additional dates

after you have entered the first


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Selecting a Date:

For both single and reoccurring events,

this option will be presented for you to

select your first day and time.

If you are going to select multiple

days, there will be another page

for you to input subsequent


This time will be displayed on the

calendars and visible to the



Pre/Post Event Time:

If you need extra time before or after your event for prep time or clean up, click YES to the

Additional Time questions. A section will appear allowing you to reserve extra time before or after

your event for pre-event set up or post-event clean up. This is helpful if you want to arrive early to

decorate before the event begins. The additional pre/post event time WILL NOT be displayed on

the campus calendars.

As a requestor you only need to add the “Pre-Event” or “Post-Event” times.

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Reoccurrence Options:

Once you have entered the first occurrence, the

next page will give you these five options:

Ad Hoc: With this option you can pick any

range of dates. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

Daily Repeats: For events that will repeat

daily, or in a pattern other than weekly.

Weekly Repeats: For events that will repeat

on a weekly basis

Monthly Repeats: For events that will repeat


Does Not Repeat: This option is for an event

on a singular date.

Date Selection Guidelines:

Academic spaces (computer labs and classrooms) follow the “First 3 weeks Rule”. They

cannot be requested until the 4th Monday of any semester, unless they occur during U-

Hour. Requests submitted before the 4th Monday of the semester will be denied and a new

reservation can be submitted on the 4thMonday. (U-hour takes place on Tuesdays &

Thursdays 12:00pm-12:50pm)

Separate reservations by month and therefore, by year.

Reservations can only be created for one time slot. If you have multiple time slots then you

will need to make separate reservations.

Please do not span midnight for repeating events.

NO Academic Spaces (classrooms or computer labs) may be booked for events during Finals


Ad Hoc Repeat Options:

Once you have selected an option, for

example the Ad Hoc option, 25Live will

bring you to the next page to add dates.

If this option does not best suit your

meeting pattern, use the drop down

menu to select a different type of

reoccurrence. Otherwise, click your

preferred dates on the calendar.

Please only select dates within the same

month AND calendar year.

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Selected Dates:

When you have compiled your dates,

feel free to add comments you deem

necessary per date. Otherwise it is fine to

leave these fields empty.

Find and Select EVENT LOCATIONS:

There are four options to search for a location. Search by Location Name or Your Starred Locations

are the most common ways to find locations. The Advanced Search offers pre-defined searches by

building, room features, type of rooms, etc.

To select a location simply click on it and it will be moved to the right side of the screen indicating

that this is a location you wish to request. If it is one you prefer you might wish to Star it.

More Than One Location: You may add more than one location to your event if you wish by simply

clicking another location to add it to the right side of the screen.

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Starred Locations:

Once you have starred locations, a

yellow star icon will appear next to the

location the next time you see it. You

can search by short name or just by

room number. (i.e. CRA, KEL, 2300, 5400)

Search by Location Name:

If you need a more detailed search of all

available locations use the second

option of Search by Location Name.

Saved Searches

25Live stores all of your starred and

previous searches you have

implemented that can be found in the

Saved Searches.

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Advanced Search

If your event has a specific need, like

head count or smart technologies, these

filters can be applied in the Advanced


Location Icon Meanings:

If you have used 25Live previously, and starred a location, your starred location will appear in the

Starred locations option. Next to the reservation options you will see one of three icons next to them

relating to their availability:

A Green Check Mark to indicate that it is available for all of your dates and times.

A Red Triangle will indicate that it is NOT available. If you have multiple dates, a red

triangle may indicate one of your date selections is unavailable but other dates may still be


A Brick Wall will symbolize a room you will not have permission to request, but another

party may have the ability to schedule for you. Please read the Location Comments.

Important Location Information:

Certain locations on campus will have rental fees for the usage of the room. i.e. USU,

McMahan House (Great Room, Library, Retreat, Courtyard), Kellogg Library Reading Room

Other locations will require a secondary approval for spaces by a second entity outside of

ECS. i.e. Arts 111, USU, UVA/ Quad …

While CSUSM offers a wide varity of locations to reserve, there are some options that are

under restrictive use.

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Custom Event Attributes:

This section is intended as a preliminary risk assessment as well as a tool to help ECS understand the

scope of your event. If you selected a “Meeting Only” event type, you will not see any options here.

However, if the event type selected is “Campus Self Service” or “Campus Full Service”, you will now

be asked a series of Yes/No questions to help ECS determine which services you will need. Please

answer all of them.


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Campus Calendars :

Select the calendar that you wish to

publish the event to. Keep in mind that

the Event Description that was entered

earlier in the Event Wizard, will be the text

displayed on the calendar and visible to

the public.

Featured Events Calendar - If you select

this, your event must have a description

that contains information about who to

contact, any charges for the event, as

well as whom the event is intended for. If

you have published a description in

other locations it would be ideal to use

that description here. Since Featured

Events Calendar requests are reviewed

by the Communications Department it

could help them be more aware of the

importance of your event with a good


PLEASE DO NOT enter any information or

descriptions in the Comments fields above.

Event Notes:

Any information that you would like to

convey to ECS about your event you can

place here. This includes information

about your setup, or if you would like

special instructions or information.

Once you have finished all of your

event’s inputs, the final page will NOT

have a submit button. On the last page,

the Next button will be disabled. From

here, please click the save button and

personally record your confirmation

number for reference.

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We recommend using Firefox or Chrome browsers, not Internet Explorer.

“First 3 Weeks Rule”: Which states that academic spaces cannot be requested until

the 4th Monday of any semester, unless they occur during U-Hour. This applies to ALL

academic locations such as classrooms and computer labs.

• Finals week: Academic classrooms and computer labs are unavailable for meetings

or events.

Group your reservations by month and therefore by year.

Look at the location details for information about: Restrictive use, secondary

approval, rooms with rental fees (i.e. MMH, USU Reading Room).

Always provide your event reference number when contacting Event and

Conference Services (i.e. 2014-AABBCC).

Submission Deadlines

Meeting Only – Minimum of 3 business days prior to the event date.

Campus Self Service – Minimum of 3 weeks prior to the event date.

Campus Full Service – Minimum of 8 weeks prior to the event date for events

with alcohol or outside vendor (minimum 3 weeks if no alcohol or outside


How do I edit my event reservation?

If your request is in Draft state, you may make changes to the time,

location(s), event custom attributes, etc.

Once your reservation is in a Confirmed, Tentative, Denied, Cancelled State,

you will no longer be able to edit the reservation. At this point you may

email us at [email protected] or [email protected] to make the

changes. Always include the event name and reference number.

Event and Conference Services Office Location: Commons 201


Monday to Friday: 8:00-5:00pm

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: Closed

Mapping Address

333 S. Twin Oaks Valley Rd.

San Marcos, CA 92096

For 25Live and Event Assistance:

Email: [email protected] or at extension x8800

For Specific Event Related Questions:

Email: [email protected] or at extension x8800

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Quick Guide

The following guidelines outline the steps that must be completed to request an event.

Sign in with your campus username and password

Click on the “Event Wizard” tab.

Event Name: Very important to allow users to find your event when viewing calendars.

Optional – Event Title: Please fill in a title if you are selecting to publish your event to a

calendar, as the Calendar will display the Event Title, not the Event Name.

Event Type: It is important to select the appropriate Event Type. Please

Organization: This is the primary Organization/Department for the event and will

determine the pricing. This is typically your own Campus Department.

Expected Headcount: General scope and size of the event.

Event Description: The text displayed on the campus calendars. It should answer

questions such as who the event is for, and any extra information such as contacts,

web sites, or attendee restrictions.

Date/Time: If you need to reserve extra time before or after the Event Time, please use

the “Pre Event, and Post Event” times.

Location Selection: Search and select locations. The system will denote available

spaces (based on your date/time) with a green checkmark, and any NOT available

with a red conflict triangle.

Event Custom Attributes: Any additional information about your event to enable the

Event & Conference Services department to assist you in planning your event. For

quick and efficient processing of your event, please click “yes” or “no” to all of the


Optional – Campus Calendars: List of available campus calendars that you may

elect to post your event.

Optional – Event Comments: Any additional information that you would like to

provide about your event to the scheduler can be provided here.

Allow three days for approval/denial of general campus locations.

Allow five days for locations needing secondary approval. (i.e. USU or ARTS 111).
