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Silicon photonic switch-based optical equalization for mitigating pulsewidth distortion YU-HAN HUNG, 1,2 QIXIANG CHENG, 1, * MADELEINE GLICK, 1 MEISAM BADAHORI, 1 LIANG YUAN DAI, 1 AND KEREN BERGMAN 1 1 Department of Electrical Engineering, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027, USA 2 [email protected] *[email protected] Abstract: Optical transmitters typically require electrical pre-amplification using driver amplifiers to optimize the optical modulation depth. To enhance the detection sensitivity and optimize the overall link budget, equalization is required to compensate for undesired signal distortion induced by the transmitter. In this paper, we propose and demonstrate a novel optical equalization scheme using a silicon photonic micro-ring resonator (MRR)-based switching circuit for mitigating driver-amplifier-induced pulsewidth distortion. The switching circuit simultaneously functions as a spatial optical switch as well as a two-stage optical bandpass filter for optical equalization. The experimental results indicate a 4.5-dB detection sensitivity enhancement at a data rate of 12.5 Gbits/s. The proposed approach is robust to different levels of pulsewidth distortion without additional signal processing, and has possibilities to support higher data rates by adjusting the MRR parameters. © 2019 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement 1. Introduction With the growing diversity of communication intensive big data applications, including cloud-based services and high-performance data analytics, current datacenter architectures are increasingly challenged by these workloads. Disaggregated network architectures with photonic switched interconnects, sharing computing and/or memory resources among servers via a photonic switched interconnect, have been proposed as a solution to this challenge [1– 4]. Silicon photonic (SiP) switches are emerging as prime candidates for optical switching in data center interconnection networks since SiP switch fabrics combine the advantages of supporting high bandwidth density and low-latency switching, while occupying a small footprint and operating with low power consumption [1,5,6]. To efficiently transmit data in datacenters, Non-return-to-zero (NRZ) signaling for intensity modulation and direct detection (IMDD) systems is currently preferred due to the primary metrics of cost and power consumption [7,8].Optical transmitters in such IMDD systems typically employ electrical pre-amplification using driver amplifiers to optimize optical modulation depth through optical intensity modulation [9–12]. Due to the nonlinearity that arises from offset voltages in driver amplifiers, pulsewidth distortion induced by driver amplifiers leads to unequal periods of logic one-level and zero-level and consequently reduces the overall link detection sensitivity [13]. As reported in [14], the offset voltages can be compensated using electronic circuits, which adds power consumption and complexity to the system. In this paper, we demonstrate a technique that can be utilized to equalize this transmitted pulsewidth distortion in photonic circuits containing SiP micro-ring resonator (MRR)-based switching fabrics. This approach is not only robust to different levels of pulsewidth distortion without additional signal processing or computing, but also potentially capable of supporting higher data rates by adjusting MRR parameters. Moreover, since the device primarily serves the function of optical switching, our approach efficiently eliminates Vol. 27, No. 14 | 8 Jul 2019 | OPTICS EXPRESS 19426 #365493 https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.27.019426 Journal © 2019 Received 18 Apr 2019; revised 25 May 2019; accepted 27 May 2019; published 26 Jun 2019
Page 1: Silicon photonic switch-based optical equalization for ... · Silicon photonic switch-based optical equalization for mitigating pulsewidth distortion YU-HAN HUNG, 1,2 QIXIANG CHENG,1,*

Silicon photonic switch-based optical equalization for mitigating pulsewidth distortion YU-HAN HUNG,1,2 QIXIANG CHENG,1,* MADELEINE GLICK,1MEISAM BADAHORI,1 LIANG YUAN DAI,1AND KEREN BERGMAN1 1Department of Electrical Engineering, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027, USA [email protected] *[email protected]

Abstract: Optical transmitters typically require electrical pre-amplification using driver amplifiers to optimize the optical modulation depth. To enhance the detection sensitivity and optimize the overall link budget, equalization is required to compensate for undesired signal distortion induced by the transmitter. In this paper, we propose and demonstrate a novel optical equalization scheme using a silicon photonic micro-ring resonator (MRR)-based switching circuit for mitigating driver-amplifier-induced pulsewidth distortion. The switching circuit simultaneously functions as a spatial optical switch as well as a two-stage optical bandpass filter for optical equalization. The experimental results indicate a 4.5-dB detection sensitivity enhancement at a data rate of 12.5 Gbits/s. The proposed approach is robust to different levels of pulsewidth distortion without additional signal processing, and has possibilities to support higher data rates by adjusting the MRR parameters.

© 2019 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement

1. IntroductionWith the growing diversity of communication intensive big data applications, including cloud-based services and high-performance data analytics, current datacenter architectures are increasingly challenged by these workloads. Disaggregated network architectures with photonic switched interconnects, sharing computing and/or memory resources among servers via a photonic switched interconnect, have been proposed as a solution to this challenge [1–4]. Silicon photonic (SiP) switches are emerging as prime candidates for optical switching in data center interconnection networks since SiP switch fabrics combine the advantages of supporting high bandwidth density and low-latency switching, while occupying a small footprint and operating with low power consumption [1,5,6].

To efficiently transmit data in datacenters, Non-return-to-zero (NRZ) signaling for intensity modulation and direct detection (IMDD) systems is currently preferred due to the primary metrics of cost and power consumption [7,8].Optical transmitters in such IMDD systems typically employ electrical pre-amplification using driver amplifiers to optimize optical modulation depth through optical intensity modulation [9–12]. Due to the nonlinearity that arises from offset voltages in driver amplifiers, pulsewidth distortion induced by driver amplifiers leads to unequal periods of logic one-level and zero-level and consequently reduces the overall link detection sensitivity [13]. As reported in [14], the offset voltages can be compensated using electronic circuits, which adds power consumption and complexity to the system. In this paper, we demonstrate a technique that can be utilized to equalize this transmitted pulsewidth distortion in photonic circuits containing SiP micro-ring resonator (MRR)-based switching fabrics. This approach is not only robust to different levels of pulsewidth distortion without additional signal processing or computing, but also potentially capable of supporting higher data rates by adjusting MRR parameters. Moreover, since the device primarily serves the function of optical switching, our approach efficiently eliminates

Vol. 27, No. 14 | 8 Jul 2019 | OPTICS EXPRESS 19426

#365493 https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.27.019426 Journal © 2019 Received 18 Apr 2019; revised 25 May 2019; accepted 27 May 2019; published 26 Jun 2019

Page 2: Silicon photonic switch-based optical equalization for ... · Silicon photonic switch-based optical equalization for mitigating pulsewidth distortion YU-HAN HUNG, 1,2 QIXIANG CHENG,1,*

the need for photonic integ

2. Operation

The operationgenerator is g

The electricalgain saturatiodistortion comamplitude discan be given b

An external mgenerated fromThe input opt

where mis amnonlinear distcarrier. The suppressing th

Fig. 1electrioutputunabl

the additionagrated circuits

n principle

n principle is iven by

l data is distorton. The saturamponents for thstortion g(|A(t)by

modulator thenm the tunable ical signals Sin

mplitude-modutortion componproposed swit

he signal distor

1. Operation princical data; (c) inputt optical signals; (le laser diode; EM

al optical equacontaining MR

depicted in F

(E t

ed by the driveated driver amhe electrical d)|)and phase di

( ) (D t g=

n superimposeslaser diode, fo(t) can be desc

( ) (1inS t =

ulation index, nents appear atching circuit rtion [15]. This

ciple.(a) eye-diagrt optical signals; ((f) eye-diagram of

M external modulat

( )F f ≈

alization mitigRR-based switc

ig. 1. Electric

( )) ( )

i P tt A t e ∠=

er amplifiers wmplifier therefdata. The distoristortion f(|A(t)

( ( ) (( ( ) )

i P t f AA t e ∠ +

s the distorted orming the inpucribed by

1 ( ))( cos(2D t m π+

and fc is optiaround the nul

functions as s can be describ

ram of electrical d) frequency respof output optical sigor; PD photodiode



21 ( (




f ff

+ −Δ

gating the tranches.

cal data ( )E t ge

working in its nfore generates rted electrical t)|). The distor

( ) ))A t

electrical data ut optical sign


f tπ

ical carrier frell points on bo

a symmetric ibed by

data; (b) eye-diaonse of the MRR-gnals; AMP, drivee; OSC, oscillosco



nsmitter impai

enerated from

nonlinear region undesirable hdata D(t) thus

rted electrical

onto the opticnals, as shown

equency. One oth sides of th

optical filter

agram of distorted-Based Switch; (e)er amplifier; TLDope.

irment in

a pattern


n through harmonic

s includes data D(t)


cal carrier in Fig. 1.


sees, the he optical , thereby

d ) ,


Vol. 27, No. 14 | 8 Jul 2019 | OPTICS EXPRESS 19427

Page 3: Silicon photonic switch-based optical equalization for ... · Silicon photonic switch-based optical equalization for mitigating pulsewidth distortion YU-HAN HUNG, 1,2 QIXIANG CHENG,1,*

where F0is thMRR resonanthe following

signals (outS f

where β”is wswitching circpassband of thresulting in attenuation ofreducing the optical power

Fig. 2the paupperNormloss o

3. Switch deA layout of t2(a). The swiby a passive integrated MRmultiplexers elements throfootprint of information cswitching circ

he optical attennce frequency.g: From Eq. (3

) can be descri

waveguide dispcuit performinhe input opticaa clearer eye

f MRR can declink power bu

r attenuation.

2. (a) Schematic ofackaged switching

x-axis and the lmalized transmissio

f the switching cir

evice and cothe SiP MRR-bitching circuit shuffle networRR elements foin a bus struc

ough the AIM1.5 × 2.4 mman be found incuit is shown in

nuation of MRR To understan) and a corresp

ibed by

( ) (out inS f S≈

persion paramng a symmetrical signals, the de-diagram aftecrease the qualudget. An opti

f the 4 × 4 MRR-b circuit. (c) Transmlower x-axis are on spectra of a setrcuit is 11 dB [16]

ontrol based 4 × 4 swis composed ork [16]. The sw

forming four 1 cture. The swi

M Photonics mum2 with 32 cn [16]. A micron Fig. 2(b).

R, Δf3dBis the 3nd how the distponding Fouri


( ) ( )i

f F f eπβ ′′−

meter, and L ic optical filter

distortion comper photodeteclity of the eye-ical power amp

based switch-and-smission loss in teroffset to 1.12 Vo

t of representative.

witch-and-seleof two (input awitching units × 4 spatial m

itching circuit ulti-project waontrol electro

oscope photo of

3 dB optical btortion compenier transform S

2( )))

2cf f L−

is the wavegur is at fres = fcponents can bection. Note th-diagram after

mplifier is requ

select switching farms of MRR DC-Bolt and 0.86 Vol

e paths. Note that

ect switching cand output) sw are designed

multiplexers andwas taped ou

afer (MPW) rdes and 2 cof the fabricated

bandwidth, andnsation occurs

( )inS f ,the outpu

uide length. Wc, and Δf3dBmae effectively suhat the excesphotodetection

uired to compe

fabric. (b) Photo ofBias. Note that thelt, respectively.(d)the edge coupling

circuit is showwitching units c

using 32 micrd four 4 × 1 sput using standrun and has a ommon groundd chip and the p

d fresis the s we note ut optical


When the atches the uppressed, s optical n through ensate the

f e ) g

wn in Fig. connected ro-heater-patial de-

dard PDK compact

ds. More packaged

Vol. 27, No. 14 | 8 Jul 2019 | OPTICS EXPRESS 19428

Page 4: Silicon photonic switch-based optical equalization for ... · Silicon photonic switch-based optical equalization for mitigating pulsewidth distortion YU-HAN HUNG, 1,2 QIXIANG CHENG,1,*

To implemelements in thsince the optiof the MRR e20]. For examthe switching1.12 Volt, resswitching circMRR elemendue to the shiswitch-and-seeffectively cathe on and ofthe MRR elemfilter and exh25 dB from ewhich is cons

Fig. 3diodefilter; BERT

dB/nm is show

4. ExperimeThe schematicircuit is presfunctions as thtunable laser lightwave moexternal intenwhich are gena pseudorand

ment a switchhe input and oical behavior oelements are comple, input optg circuit when spectively, leadcuit is designe

nts are tuned oifted resonanceelect topology,anceled throughff-resonance stments [16]. Thibits crosstalk each of the Mistently measu

3. Schematic of th; EM, external mFC, fiber coupler

T, bit-error-rate tes

wn in Fig. 2(d)

ental setup ic of the expersented in Fig. he primary optdiode generat

odulator (Optinsity modulatornerated from a dom binary seq

-and-select topoutput unit shoof the MRR is ontrolled usingical signals at the MRR_I16

ding to a 2-dBed to operate cout of the optime frequencies o the 1st order h the second atate is 12 nm, he switching csuppression of

MRR elements ured on all the o

he experimental apmodulator; PC, polr, PD, photodiode;ster.


rimental appara3. As will be tical equalizaties input opticailab LM-OOKr. The driver apattern generaquence (PRBS

pology in the ould be kept onsensitive to thintegrated mic194.8 THz canand the MRR_

B on-chip loss,critical couplinmal condition,of the MRR elcrosstalk leak

add-drop filterwhich correspcircuit accordinf over 50 dB w[16]. A 3-dB optical paths, w

pparatus. AMP, dlarization controlle OSC, oscilloscop

atus based on shown in the

ion unit. On theal carriers at 1

K-50R-EL) conamplifier is useator in a bit errS) of 231-1. Th

switching circn the resonanc

hermal effects, cro-heaters witn pass through_O16 are DC-b, as shown in Fng. When the the on-chip llements [18–2

kage due to thering when a chponds to half ongly performs

with an on-off passband of a

with a filtering

driver amplifier; Ter; PA, power adjpe; OSA, optical s

the SiP MRRfollowing, the

e transmitter s194.8 THz. Annsists of a dred to amplify ror rate tester (he driver amp

cuit, the selectce state [17]. Htemperature c

th DC-bias conh the optical pabiased at 0.86 Fig. 2(c). NoteDC-bias valu

oss gradually 20]. Additionale off-resonanchannel spacingof free spectrals as a two-stagextinction rati

approximately roll-off slope

TLD, tunable laserdjuster; OF opticalspectrum analyzer;

R-based 4 × 4 se switching ciride (TX), a comn on-off keyinriver amplifierelectrical NRZ

(Anritsu MP18plifier thus ou

ted MRR However, conditions ntrol [18–ath 4-4 of Volt and

e that the ues of the

increases lly, in the ce state is g between l range of ge optical io of over 24 GHz, of 60

r l ;

switching rcuit also mmercial

ng (OOK) r and an Z signals, 800), with utputs the

Vol. 27, No. 14 | 8 Jul 2019 | OPTICS EXPRESS 19429

Page 5: Silicon photonic switch-based optical equalization for ... · Silicon photonic switch-based optical equalization for mitigating pulsewidth distortion YU-HAN HUNG, 1,2 QIXIANG CHENG,1,*

electrical NRZ signals with a fixed peak-to-peak voltage (Vpp) of 1.3 Volt. The external intensity modulator, where the Vπ is 3.5 Volt, operated at its quadrature point superimposes the electrical NRZ signals onto the intensity of the input optical carriers, forming input NRZ-encoded optical signals. Since the switching circuit is a polarization dependent device, a polarization controller is used to TE-polarize the input NRZ-encoded optical signals prior to the switching circuit for reducing additional insertion loss. To guide the input NRZ-encoded optical signals to pass through a selected optical path of the switching circuit, a center frequency of the path band is adjusted to the input optical carrier frequency under a DC-bias control. On the receiver side (RX), a power adjuster consisting of an optical amplifier and an optical attenuator is utilized to compensate the optical power loss through the switching circuit. Note that the maximum noise figure of the optical amplifier is 6 dB. Additional amplified spontaneous emission noise, which is induced by the optical amplifier, is suppressed using an optical filter (BVF-200) with a bandwidth of 50 GHz. The output NRZ-encoded optical signals are displayed on an optical spectrum analyzer (BOSA 400), and a sampling oscilloscope following a 43-Gbits/s photodiode (Finisar XPR2022A). Finally, bit-error ratio (BER) analysis is performed with the error tester in the BERT.

5. Results and analysis

5.1 Driver-amplifier-induced distortion

To realize the proposed optical equalization, we consider the signal distortion induced by a driver amplifier in the OOK lightwave modulator. We first consider the situation of the driver amplifier in its linear region. Electrical NRZ signals at a data rate of 12.5 Gbits/s, with a power spectrum following a (sin2 x)/x2 pattern [21],are amplified using the driver amplifier, and then drives an external intensity modulator generating the input NRZ-encoded optical signals, as shown in Fig. 4(a). As can be seen in Fig. 4(b), the modulation signals are symmetric in intensity and are 35-dB weaker than the input optical carriers. After photodetection, a clear eye-diagram with an input eye-crossing-percentage (ECP) of 50% is obtained, as shown in Fig. 4(d). The ECP is calculated as follows [21]:

Crossing Level - Zero LevelECP

One Level - Zero Level100%= × (6)

We next consider the situation of the driver amplifier in its nonlinear region. Since the driver amplifier distorts the electrical NRZ signals through offset voltages in the driver amplifier [13], the resulting input NRZ-encoded optical signals exhibit nonlinear distortion components around the null points at ± 12.5 GHz. As shown in Fig. 4(e), the eye-diagram exhibits an extension of the one-level periods and a reduction of the zero-level periods, resulting in an input ECP of 73%.

5.2 Optical equalization using a MRR-based switch

By taking advantage of the symmetric optical filtering nature of MRR elements, the proposed switching circuit is used to function as an optical equalization unit. The optical path 4-4 of the switching circuit is described here as an example. First, to guide the input NRZ-encoded optical signals, as shown in Fig. 4(b), passing through the optical path 4-4 of the switching circuit, the MRR_I16 and the MRR_O16 are DC-biased at 0.86 Volt and 1.12 Volt, respectively. An optical spectrum of the output NRZ-encoded optical signals at the fourth drop port (O4) of the switch is shown in Fig. 4(c). As can be seen, since the switching circuit performs a two-stage optical bandpass filter, the nonlinear distortion components are effectively suppressed by at least 5 dB while the other optical components between ± 12.5 GHz are preserved. As shown in Fig. 4(f), a clearer eye-diagram with an output ECP of around 59% is thus observed.

Vol. 27, No. 14 | 8 Jul 2019 | OPTICS EXPRESS 19430

Page 6: Silicon photonic switch-based optical equalization for ... · Silicon photonic switch-based optical equalization for mitigating pulsewidth distortion YU-HAN HUNG, 1,2 QIXIANG CHENG,1,*

Fig. 4and ooptica(d), (e

Fig. 5encodencod

4. Optical spectra output NRZ-encod

al carrier frequencye), (f) Eye-diagram

5. BER in terms ded optical signalded optical signals

of input NRZ-encoded optical signalsy. When measurin

ms for (a), (b), and

of received optics with 73% ECPwith 59% ECP.

oded optical signals (c), respectively.ng the optical spec(c), respectively.

al power. Red cirP and 50%, respe

ls with 50% ECP . The x-axes are octra, a resolution o

rcles and red squectively; blue circ

(a), 73% ECP (b)offset to the input

of 10 MHz is used

uares, input NRZ-cles, output NRZ-

, t .


Vol. 27, No. 14 | 8 Jul 2019 | OPTICS EXPRESS 19431

Page 7: Silicon photonic switch-based optical equalization for ... · Silicon photonic switch-based optical equalization for mitigating pulsewidth distortion YU-HAN HUNG, 1,2 QIXIANG CHENG,1,*

Fig. 6terms outpu

Figure 5 pdistortion leasignal distorti10−9 is achiev

To study tdistortion, theUnder such v50%, as showencoded optic10−9.The samequalization iincreases withthan 50% lea[13,22].

To further10−9 regardingpower penaltywhen the data3-dBpassing bdata rate loweare close to tbandwidth ofbandwidth of dB passing bpenalty accord

6. (a) Output ECPof input ECP. Thet NRZ-encoded op

presents a BERds to a considion is suppress

ved with a powethe quality of the driver ampli

variation, the own in Fig. 6(a)cal signals exh

me investigationis also studied.h the increasinads to poorer d

r evaluate the g data rate of iy reaches its ma rate deviates bandwidth of ter than 12.5 Gthat of the inpf the input Nthe switching andwidth of thdingly increase

P in terms of inpue red circles and bptical signals, resp

R analysis of thderable 5.5-dBsed due to the er penalty of aphe proposed opifier is operate

output NRZ-en).Accordingly, hibits stable ren for the inpu As shown in

ng input ECP. Tdetection sensi

performance oinput NRZ-enc

minimum value from 12.5 Gbithe proposed s

Gbits/s, BER bput signals, leaNRZ-encoded circuit. For dathe switching ces with the data

ut ECP. (b) Receivblue circles are inpectively.

he signal qualiB power penalt

optical equalizpproximately −ptical equalizated with a rangcoded optical as shown in

eceived opticalut NRZ-encodeFig. 6(b), the rThis result agritivity when th

of the proposedcoded optical sat around 12.5its/s. Such a deswitching circuehavior of theading to the poptical signalta rates higher circuit leads toa rate.

ved optical powerput NRZ-encoded o

ity. First, the dty (red squarezation. As a re−4.5 dB (red cition’s robustnege of input ECsignals show EFig. 6(b), detel power in theed optical signreceived opticarees with the fahe optical equa

d approach, posignals is studi5 Gbits/s, and iependence resuuit, as presentee output NRZ-epower penalty ls is lower ththan 12.5 Gbit

o intersymbol i

r in photodiode inoptical signals and

driver-amplifiers and red circ

esult, a BER beircles and blueess to differentCP from 50%ECPs of approecting the outpe photodiode anals without thal power at BEfact that the ECalization is no

ower penalty aed. As shown increases monoults from the fed in Fig. 2(d)encoded opticaof near 0 dB

han the 3-dBts/s, since the linterference, th

n d

r-inducedcles). The etter than

e circles). t levels of

% to 73%. oximately put NRZ-at BER = he optical ER = 10−9 CP higher ot applied

at BER = in Fig. 7,

otonically fact of the ). For the al signals

B, since a B passing limited 3-he power

Vol. 27, No. 14 | 8 Jul 2019 | OPTICS EXPRESS 19432

Page 8: Silicon photonic switch-based optical equalization for ... · Silicon photonic switch-based optical equalization for mitigating pulsewidth distortion YU-HAN HUNG, 1,2 QIXIANG CHENG,1,*

Fig. 8functiindicaconsta

5.3 Adjusting

To achieve thswitch circuitthe design sbandwidth, wbending loss MPW runs. TDetailed bandparameters, i.only indicate also exhibit aof suppoting shown in Fig.is higher thanan appropriatefurther compeof BER. In thbecomes difficascaded MRincreased loss

1 50





g R


s of M





Fig. 7. Power pen

8. (a) Mappings oion of coupling gates a constant 3-dant optical power l

g the passban

he optimal optict should be adjuspace of indivwith foundry-vof the ring res

The method thdwidth contour.e. ring radius that the 3-dB pwidely tunabldata rates up

. 8(b), the opticn 10 GHz. An oe combination ensated by usinhis study we reficult at smalle

RRs can potentis and control co




3 0




707 0

10 0

1 00


1 50



upling Gap Siz

nalty in terms of da

of the MRR 3-dB gap size of MRR dB passband, as mloss, as marked, in

nd of MRR sw

cal equalizatiousted to matchvidual microri

validated data. sonators as a fuhat is used to rs of the add-dand ring-bus g

passband of Mle 3-dB passbato 75 Gbits/s

cal power loss optimization oof coupling g

ng optical powestrict the ring-er gaps. It shoially be used foomplexity.








ze of MRR (nm)

ata rate. Note that

passband (a) andand ring radius

marked, in GHz. En dB.

witch fabrics

n at different dh the system reqing switchingA set of key

function of radestablish the

drop microringgap, are plotteRR decreases

and of over 150, offering a gris from 0.05 d

f the optical pogap size and riner amplifiers w-bus gap to be ould, however,or tuning the 3



g R


s of M





the input ECP is k

d MRR optical poof MRR. Each cEach contour line

data rates, the 3quirement. In t

g cells, speciay foundry reladius were first compact mode

g unit as a funced in Fig. 8(a)with a couplin0 GHz, which reat design fledB to 0.5 dB wower loss is alng radius. Thewhile maintaini

larger than 10, be noted tha-dB passbands












Coupling Gap




kept at 73%.

ower loss (b) as aontour line in (a)in (b) indicates a

3-dB passbandthis section, wally their 3dBated parametercollected throuel is describedction of its ge. The contour

ng gap size of Mindicates the f

exibility.In addwhen the 3-dB lso feasible by low power loing the similar

00 nm as the faat a structure s [23], at the ex












p Size of MRR (

a ) a

d of MRR we explore B optical rs on the ugh AIM d in [15]. ometrical lines not

MRR, but feasibility dition, as passband selecting ss can be

r behavior abrication based on xpense of






Vol. 27, No. 14 | 8 Jul 2019 | OPTICS EXPRESS 19433

Page 9: Silicon photonic switch-based optical equalization for ... · Silicon photonic switch-based optical equalization for mitigating pulsewidth distortion YU-HAN HUNG, 1,2 QIXIANG CHENG,1,*

6. ConclusionsThis study demonstrates driver-amplifier-induced pulsewidth distortion equalization for photonic switched interconnects using a SiP MRR-based switching circuit. The switching circuit is shown to function as both a spatial optical switch and an optical equalization unit. A 4.5-dB detection sensitivity enhancement is obtained at a data rate of 12.5 Gbits/s. The proposed approach is robust to different levels of pulsewidth distortion, and potentially capable of supporting higher data rates by adjusting MRR parameters. Our approach thus eliminates additional electronic signal processing and the related power consumption to overcome this transmitter impairment. As the underlying mechanism relies on optical filtering suppressing nonlinear distortion components close to the filtering edge of the switching circuit, it can also apply to MRR-based switches with different architectures, such as Hitless router [24], Crossbar [25] and Benes [26]. It should be noted that cascading multiple MRRs, which can form a multi-stage switch, may induce higher optical power loss, bandwidth narrow-down effect, and group delay effect [27,28]. Moreover, by using one filtering edge for asymmetric optical filtering, this technique may be applied to compensate the chirp effect, induced by optical intensity modulation [29,30].

Acknowledgement This work is based on research sponsored by Air Force Research Laboratory under agreement number FA8650-15-2-5220. The U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for Governmental purposes notwithstanding any copyright notation thereon. The views and conclusions contained herein are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies or endorsements, either expressed or implied, of Air Force Research Laboratory or the U.S. Government. This work is also partially supported by the ARPA-E ENLITENED program (DEAR00000843).

Funding Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) (FA8650- 15-2-5220); Advanced Research Projects Agency—Energy (ARPA-E) (ENLITENED); U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) (DE-AR0000843).

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