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Silver Creek Outfiters Magalog
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SUMMER 2010 Imagine. Explore. Fish.

SUMMER 2010Imagine. Explore. Fish.












2 www.silver-creek.com • 800-732-5687

LEARN-TO-FLY-FISH TIP Get out and have fun! Fly fishing can be a simple excursion or an elaborate adventure. Take your family for an evening picnic along central Idaho’s Big Wood River . . . travel to British Columbia to chase steelhead . . . stalk a bonefish in the Bahamas . . . or spend a week in Patagonia.

Fishing dry flies upstream on the Big Lost near Mackay, Idaho. Distance: 50 miles from Sun Valley










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. . . or why other men fish, except that we like it and it makes us think and feel. But I do know that if it were not for the strong, quick life of rivers, for their sparkle in the sunshine, for the cold grayness of them under rain and the feel of them about my legs as I set my feet hard down on rocks or sand or gravel, I should fish less often. A river is never quite silent; it can never, of its very nature, be quite still; it is never quite the same from one day to the next. It has its own life and its own beauty, and the creatures it nourishes are alive and beautiful also. Perhaps fishing is, for me, only an excuse to be near rivers. If so, I’m glad I thought of it.”

—Roderick Haig-Brown, “A River Never Sleeps”

4 www.silver-creek.com • 800-732-5687

“More than half the intense enjoyment of fly fishing is derived from the beautiful surroundings, the satisfaction felt from being in the open air, the new lease of life secured thereby and the many, many pleasant recollections of all one has seen, heard and done.”

—Charles F. Orvis










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A good angler never stops learning. There is, and always will be, something new to teach and be taught. Silver Creek Outfi tters has expanded into some fantastic new water and fi sheries. We hope you will join us.


DRIFT BOAT FISHINGSilver Creek Out� � ers’ recent acquisition of Sawtooth Fishing Guides opens up more than 50 miles of prime dri� boat � shing along the Salmon River. Spend the day � oating along the Salmon, dri� ing and casting for wild trout. A typical day will cover 10-15 miles of river where guests have the opportunity to cast to native cu� hroat and strong rainbow trout. Journey over the hill (Galena Summit) for the day or stay overnight in Stanley at one of several historical lodging options, and spend a couple days exploring secluded waters. Guides can accommodate two guests. Be sure not to miss the June salmon � y hatch!

SPRING STEELHEAD� e fall steelhead run was blessed with the largest number of steelhead returning to Idaho in recorded history, and this spring promises to be an epic season. � ese � sh winter in the deeper water of the lower Salmon River before making their

spring migration to the shallow spawning grounds of the upper Salmon River in central Idaho. Our new acquisition of Sawtooth Fishing Guides allows us to � sh for steelhead from Stanley to just above Challis. If you have never experienced the excitement of steelhead � shing, this spring will be a great season to try it. Season runs from March through April.

HEADWATERS OF THE MIDDLE FORK We now have access to the headwaters of the Middle Fork, which include the waters upstream from Dagger Falls to the upper reaches of Bear Valley Creek and Marsh Creek. Anglers have the wonderful opportunity to spend the day hiking, or a few days backpacking along some of Idaho’s most pristine waters (also fish for cutthroat trout and view spawning beds of chinook salmon in Idaho’s gin-clear waters). This fishery really comes alive during the hottest

part of the summer when fish seek out the cooler waters of the high-elevation tributaries.

WALK AND WADELet Silver Creek Outfitters take you walk-and-wade-fishing along the famous Salmon River in Stanley. Whether it’s a day of steelhead fishing on the upper reaches of the Salmon or a leisurely summer day of trout fishing, there are some wonderful fishing spots close to Stanley.

NEW WATERNew water is any place you have never been or have longed to get back to—it could even be in your own backyard. If you need to be (re)introduced to a river or stream, consider hiring one of our experienced guides—they are passionate about fishing and have the experience and training to guide you on your next adventure.

Leave the boys at home! Sign up for our Trout Tuesdays For Girls —meet fellow anglers and make new friends. Visit us

at www.silver-creek.com to get the scoop on classes, clinics and organized days on the river.










6 www.silver-creek.com • 800-732-5687

LI� LE WOOD RIVERRarely do anglers think about the headwaters of the Li� le Wood River or the eastern slope of the Pioneers; it’s remote, but it’s a true Idaho hidden gem. Silver Creek Out� � ers has teamed up with Li� le Wood River Out� � ers to o� er our guests a traditional horse-pack trip into the pristine Idaho backcountry where anglers will be treated to comfortable wall tent accommodations and Dutch oven cooking while using base camp to either ride or hike to rarely � shed waters.

Escape into your own backyard with an unforge� able horse-pack and � shing adventure into the headwaters of the Li� le Wood River and journey back to the roots of the American West, where babbling brooks meet camp� re smiles and majes-tic high desert scenery surrounds historic Western ranches. You will be swept away by the beauty and natural history that lie only a mountain range away. Your journey begins with a horse ride into the Li� le Wood drainage. By midday, you’ll have your rod in hand as you pursue wild trout. For the evening, you’ll return to camp for dinner, dessert and camp� re revelry. For day two, you’ll hop back in the saddle to ride up to a rarely visited stretch of the Li� le Wood for a full day of guided � shing. On day three, you’ll continue to � sh the river around camp, and then it is a short ride to the trail-head for the trip back to Sun Valley. � e Li� le Wood River o� ers unspoiled small-stream rainbow trout � shing. Fish are eager to take the dry � y, making this a great trip for families with kids excited to catch � sh. Season: July through August.

COPPER BASIN� e Copper Basin is home to most of the Lost River tributar-ies and the headwaters of the Big Lost River. � is remote set-ting is graced with plenty of � sh and miles upon miles of � sh-able water. Primarily a dry � y � shery, the Copper Basin area is home to our unique “Grand Slam” of � shing, as each year a few anglers are able to catch the entire gamut of � sh in this area in a single day. � e species that comprise the Copper Basin Grand Slam include rainbow, cu� hroat and brook trout, along with the mountain white� sh. It is a true wilderness experience to travel into this area and anglers are rewarded with spectacular views, loads of wildlife and exceptional � shing opportunities. Season: June through November.

BIG LOST RIVERA gem of a tail water within the Gem State, the Big Lost River, near Mackay, is a unique � shery for anglers with some experi-ence. Sight nymphing to big rainbows is common, as well as a few strong dry � y opportunities throughout the year. � e cool waters released from the dam at Mackay Reservoir provide a nutrient-rich environment that grows strong trophy-size rain-bows. Landing � sh in the Big Lost may be harder than actually hooking them. Swi� currents loaded with woody debris give most large � sh a big advantage over the angler. Our guides can help you navigate these waters safely and successfully on a full-day trip. � e Big Lost is always an adventure, even on the slowest days of � shing. � e drive itself o� ers spectacular views of Devil’s Bedstead in the Pioneer Mountains, as well as Mt. Borah, Idaho’s highest peak, within the Lost River Range. Moose, antelope and elk sightings are not uncommon and de� nitely add to this an-gling adventure. Season: Starts Memorial Day Weekend.



DRIFT BOAT FISHING:1 or 2 People Per Guide (in one boat) $450Additional Person (by special request) $150

STEELHEAD FISHING:1 or 2 People Per Guide $450Additional Person $125

WALK & WADE FISHING:Full Day Fishing $4253/4 Day Fishing $325Additional Person (maximum 4) $125

EVENING FISHING:2 People $300(a 3-hour trip for the evening hatch)

A� � CTIONS/REC/LODGING:Town of Stanley • Redfi sh Lake • Backpacking in the

Sawtooth Valley • Biking • Historic 1931 Sawtooth HotelClimbing with Sawtooth Mountain Guides • Hiking

Idaho Rocky Mountain Ranch • Danner’s Log Cabins

PERSONALIZED TRIPS:Please call the store for a custom itinerary and pricing on exploring new water 800.732.5687.










Licensed, Insured and BondedWe operate in partnership with the Bureau of Land Management and under a special use permit from the United States Forest Service.

800-732-5687 • www.silver-creek.com 7

“There will be days when the fishing is better than one’s most optimistic forecast, others when it is far worse. Either is a gain over just staying home.”

—Roderick Haig-Brown, “Fisherman’s Spring”

Fishing for trophy rainbow trout in the Big Lost drainage. Distance: 50 miles from Sun Valley










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It was a beautiful August morning in the Wood River Valley. A forecast of high cloud cover and a gentle breeze brought with it the promise of trout rising in a determined search for errant hoppers and falling may� ies on the Big Wood River. It was the perfect day for a father-son � shing adventure, which is exactly what Steve and Bobby Briggs planned with Silver Creek Out� t-ters guide Kent Mueller.

Bobby, who is twelve, spent two days � shing with his dad Steve, sharing a passion that brings with it the shimmer of sun

on clear water, the breath of pure mountain air and the rush of water � lled with the always exciting strike of beautiful rain-bow, brown or brook trout.

“There is nothing better than being out there with your son on the Big Wood River,” says Steve Briggs. “It has become a family tradition and is a way for him and me to get outside in the amazing Idaho landscape and enjoy each other’s company without modern inter-ruptions or pressures.”

A DAY ON THE BIG WOODon clear water, the breath of pure mountain air and the rush of water � lled with the always exciting strike of beautiful rain-

“There is nothing better than being out there with your son on the Big Wood River,” says Steve Briggs. “It


“In the best stories about fly fishing ... big fish are caught or lost; people say wild and spontaneous words; event becomes memory and sometimes, in the hands of a master, bleeds into art.”

—Nick Lyons, “Confessions of a Fly Fishing Addict”










10 www.silver-creek.com • 800-732-5687

“Through fishing and hunting, we are confronted with the fact that we are part of the web of life and the natural world, NOT apart from the natural order of things, as our daily lives may often suggest.”

—Ed Engleman

Through fishing and hunting, we are confronted with the fact that we are part of the web of life and the natural world, NOT apart from the natural order of things, as our

—Ed Engleman

800-732-5687 • www.silver-creek.com 11

12 www.silver-creek.com • 800-732-5687

“The great charm of fly fishing is that we are always learning; no matter how long we have been at it, we are constantly making some fresh discovery, picking up some new wrinkle.”

—� eodore Gordon

Long-time Silver Creek Outfitters guide Brett Drummond enjoying a late-afternoon fish at world-famous Silver Creek.Distance: Approximately 30 miles from Sun Valley







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CLASSES There are fi shing guides and teaching guides. The former help you catch fi sh; the latter help you learn to fi sh. We train our guides to be teaching guides.

FREE ONE-HOUR CASTING LESSONSilver Creek Out� � ers is commi� ed to the spirit of � y � shing and will extend a free one-hour casting lesson to anyone interested in learning the art of � y casting! Team up with one of our certi� ed cast-ing instructors for an hour of practice. Brush up on your roll cast, learn to double haul, re� ne your loop to get more distance out of your cast, learn to punch a tight loop into the wind or simply learn the basics of the � y cast. We have more certi� ed casting instructors on sta� than most U.S. states and some countries, so give us a call to set up a lesson and get the most out of your time on the water.Cost: FREE, by appointment.

EUROPEAN NYMPHING CLASS� ursday: July 15 or July 29, 2010 (or on demand with your group of 3 or more). Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (limited enrollment class).Bret Bishop, Silver Creek Out� � ers guide and Fly Fishing Team USA member, teaches this cu� ing-edge class, explaining and dem-onstrating the art of European nymphing, including techniques used by French, Polish, Czech and Spanish anglers. � is dynamic ap-proach to nymphing will help you become a more e� ective nymph � sherman without the use of split shot or traditional indicators. Be sure to call and sign up, as this is a limited enrollment class.Cost: $150 per student. Includes transportation, � ies and the use of � y rods and reels, unless you prefer to use your own.

FREE CASTING CLINICSMonday Evenings: May 31-August 30, 2010.Time: 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.Join our sta� on Monday evenings and learn to � y cast, or brush up on that double haul technique. Stop by on Monday nights all summer long from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Big Wood Golf Course (north on Highway 75, right on Clubhouse Drive, � rst le� a� er tennis courts). Equipment will be provided, but feel free to bring your own.Cost: FREE, weekly.

TROUT TUESDAYS FOR GIRLSTuesdays: June 29-August 24, 2010.Time: Varies by week/location.Enjoy the continued companionship of other women anglers while perfecting your skills and increasing your knowledge about our local waters. Join us on Tuesdays for one or all of our trips, starting June 29 through August 24. Each week gives you the opportunity to fish different waters in the Sun Valley area while receiving hands-on instruction from our professional female guide staff. It is recommended that novice anglers take our Introduction to Fly Fishing Class prior to attending Trout Tuesdays.Cost: $195 per student per day or a season pass for $1,560. Includes lunch, transportation, � ies and equipment (if needed).


The store’s guide team members are some of the biggest fishing junkies anywhere. They ask everyone who comes through the door where they’ve been fishing and how good it was. Do what our guides do, stop on your way to the river and ask them what’s hot. They will even share with you the one place they’re saving for their next day off—their knowledge is your knowledge.


The fly line loop shape on forward and back casts identifies problems in the casting stroke. If you’re an intermediate or advanced caster with a persistent problem, stop by our free weekly casting clinic and let one of our instructors help identify the problem and solution. Once they explain the “language of the loop,” you will be better equipped to analyze and solve your own problems as they develop.

LEARN-TO-FLY-FISH TIPDive in—give it a try! We invite you to take your first cast with us. Sign up for our free

casting lesson or clinic, then follow up with our Introduction to Fly Fishing Class and learn all the

basic skills you need to succeed on the river.







14 www.silver-creek.com • 800-732-5687

KID’S FLY FISHING CLASSDaily: With a minimum of 3 or more. Time: 8:30 a.m. to noon.Taught by Silver Creek Out� � ers’ professional guides, this class is designed as an introduction to � y � shing for ages 7 to 12. Students learn the fundamentals with an emphasis on hands-on experience. To accommodate busy schedules, we o� er our popular Kid’s Class daily or by appointment with a minimum enrollment of three students.Cost: $75 per student. Includes transportation and all equipment.

PRIVATE SPEY CASTING LESSONSDates: On demand by appointment. Looking to expand your horizons and learn a new casting tech-nique? Join our professional guides for private Spey casting lessons. � is private class is available for up to three people at a time and lasts 3 hours. So grab a buddy and hit the stream; you’re sure to return a be� er � sherman. We’ll provide the rods, reels and lines. Steelhead season awaits…Cost: Single Student, 3 hour lesson: $95. Double Student, 3 hour lesson: $150. Triple Student, 3 hour lesson: $200.

MORE CLASSES . . .EARLY SEASON INTRODUCTION TO FLY FISHINGSaturday & Sunday Course: May 15-16 & 22-23, June 5-6 & 12-13, 2010.Time: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.� is weekend class covers the basics, including casting, knot-tying, equipment selection, � y selection, trout food and real-time experience � shing on local waters.Cost: $150 per student. Includes lunch and the use of waders, boots, � y rods and reels, unless you prefer to use your own.

READY FOR SILVER CREEK?Dates: May 29 -November 30, 2010.Time: On demand by appointment.� e transition from the Big Wood River to Silver Creek may be easier than you think. To get started there are just a handful of skill/knowledge elements needed—you may already have some:Float Tubing: Cast in comfort.Dead Dri� s: Produced with downstream slack line casts and a reach mend.Matching the Hatch: Four di� erent bugs will do it.Current Information: Silver Creek Outfitters’ Weekly Fishing Report, along with store staff can provide a wealth of resources. One good way to improve your skills is to hire a Silver Creek Outfitters’ guide for a one-on-one ¾ day trip. If possible, schedule it when you can return to the creek the following day to cement your new knowledge. After that, it’s time on the water that improves your skills—think of it as becoming a “better person.” Who can fault you for that?Cost: $325 per student.

Ever wonder what the hatches will be like in six weeks? One way to get an idea is to check out the history. Visit us at www.silver-creek.com/den

to view our hatch charts, link to our Weekly Fishing Report archives or sign up for the free electronic Weekly Fishing Report.


Class Size: 4 Students Max. • Cost: $250 per student. Dates: July 5-7 & 19-21; August 2-4 & 16-18, 2010

or on demand with your group of 4 or more.For those who want to learn to � y � sh independently in the

shortest possible amount of time, we’ve developed a radically simplified program, which in three sessions teaches:

One River: Big Wood • One Cast: Overhead Cast One Bug : Mayfl y • Two Knots: Surgeons and Clinch

Two Water Reads: Riffl es and Runs

SESSION 1 (2.5 - 3 Hours):Basic Cast • Fighting Fish • Mayfl y Adults

Rigging Two Dry Flies • Reading a Riffl eHomework: Individually go to a Big Wood River riffle (maps provided), rig up, hook and � ght a � sh on a dry � y.

SESSION 2 (2.5 - 3 Hours):Extend the Cast • Wading Safely • Mayfl y Nymphs

Rigging a Nymph and Indicator • Reading a RunHomework: Go to a Big Wood River run with a classmate (maps provided), rig up, hook and � ght a � sh on a nymph.

SESSION 3 (2.5 - 3 Hours):This wrap-up session focuses on expanding your angling repertoire using variations on the themes you’ve learned in the � rst two sessions:

Additional Casts • Additional Bug • Additional Reads � is session also introduces the many resources Silver CreekOut� � ers makes available for continuing your angler education.










800-732-5687 • www.silver-creek.com 15

At the heart of the Vanquish is Waterworks Lamson’s proprietary

and patented sealed conical drag system. Delivering twice the torque

of their previous saltwater design, the Waterworks conical drag generates smooth

no-stick slip even at the line-snapping rates required by blue water anglers. To support this kind of torque, a new, much stiffer frame was created (using aerospace aluminium and stainless steel with a lifetime warranty), which transmits extreme loads with a simple, effi cient and graceful structure—allowing it to produce 20 lbs. torque (stopping power) from lightest setting to heaviest setting. Go to store.silver-creek.com for details.

Vanquish Reel $549-$899


“The charm of fishing is that it is the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable, a perpetual series of occasions for hope.”

—John Buchan

Nymph fishing in search of big rainbows on a bend of the Big Lost River.Distance: 50-60 miles from Sun Valley










16 www.silver-creek.com • 800-732-5687

“Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after.”

—Henry David � oreau


More than just a great fi tting day pack, the Simms Dry Creek™ day pack easily converts into a multi-functional fi shing system by attaching one of our Dry Creek™ or Headwaters™ packs. Tough and durable, it features fully adjustable aeromesh padded shoulder straps, lumbar back support, removable rod straps, a zippered main compartment and separate zippered water bottle pocket and internal security pocket for your camera or PDA. Visit silver-creek.com for more details.

Simms Dry Creek™ Day Pack $129

Rigging up in search of big browns with friends at world-famous Silver Creek.Distance: 30 miles from Sun Valley










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FFF™ CASTING INSTRUCTOR CERTIFICATION� e Federation of Fly Fishers’ Casting Instructor Certi� ca-tion program began in 1992 to enhance the overall level of � y casting instruction. � e casting skills portion of the exam is reasonably rigorous. Among the 17 required casts, candidates are expected to make:

• A 45-50-foot roll cast to a target . • 6 to 8 false casts while double hauling to a distance of 50 feet with consistent narrow loops front and back (no wide or tailing loops allowed).• A distance cast of at least 75 feet.

Th ere are certainly non-certifi ed guides who can make these casts; the certi� cation di� erences become apparent not in the ability to make the casts but in the instructor’s ability to teach the student to correctly make the cast. Certi� ed Instructors are required to demonstrate pro� ciency in three important instructional skills: 1. � e Certi� ed Instructor must be able to make the casts both correctly and incorrectly in order to clearly demonstrate for the student the diff erences between their problematic cast and the desired cast. 2. Th e Certifi ed Instructor must be able to watch the shape of the casting loop and determine which of the student’s casting mechanics require correction to perfect the cast.

3. The certified instructor must be prepared to instruct a student in the fashion which works best for the student—verbally, visually and/or kinesthetically.

� e certi� ed Instructors ability to correctly assess and adapt to the student’s learning needs is what sets them apart.

FLY FISHING GUIDE SERVICEWe o� er a variety of guided � y � shing packages throughout the year. Whether it’s summer-time rainbows, fall browns, winter-time nymph or midge � shing, or spring steelhead, Silver Creek Outfi tt ers is licensed to guide on all the Sun Valley-area waters.

If it’s your fi rst time fi shing, brushing up on a few tech-niques or a family outing, Silver Creek is staff ed with a guide to best suit your needs.

WHAT WE OFFER3/4 Day Fishing: Usually lasting 5 to 6 hours, this service includes the Big Wood River, its tributaries and Silver Creek. $325 per day, 2 anglers per guide. Lunches are not included, but may be purchased by special order ($10/person). Trans-portation and hand-selected � ies are included.

Full Day Fishing: Covers all our licensed areas. $425 per day, 2 anglers per guide. Includes lunch, transportation and hand-selected � ies.

OUR GUIDES Silver Creek Outfi tters has 26 Certifi ed Casting Instructors (CI) and one Master Casting Instructor (MCI) on staff accredited by the Federation of Fly Fishers™—that is more than most U.S. states and some countries. How does that help you?

Evening Fishing: Enjoy some of the finest fishing of the day while you watch the sunset. This trip takes place on the Big Wood River and usually lasts about 3 hours. $300 per evening , 2 anglers per guide. Includes rental gear, transpor-tation and flies.

Winter Fishing Package: Winter season is from � anks-giving to March 31. � is package for 2 includes rental gear and fl ies for $300.

Steelhead: Steelhead season runs from March to the end of April on the upper Salmon River. Full Day trips: $450.

Dri� Boat Fishing: A new service! Over 50-plus miles of water along the Salmon River. Don’t miss the June salmon fl y hatch! Full Day trips: $450

LEARN-TO-FLY-FISH TIP Learn from the experts! Hire a guide.Our

guides are passionate about teaching.

For complete information on our guide service, including full guide profi les, gear list recommendations and online booking forms, visit the guide section of

our website at www.silver-creek.com/guides

OUR GUARANTEEOur guarantee is simple: If, for any reason, you are not satisfi ed with a Silver Creek guide, you do not have to pay for the service. No argument, only apologies. That goes for merchandise, too. If you are not satisfi ed, now or in the future, you can expect a prompt exchange or refund.










18 www.silver-creek.com • 800-732-5687

What I enjoy about fly fishing it that it’s peaceful. I can get away from the stresses of life. The solitude helps me focus, makes my heart rate go down. I really enjoy it.”

—Sco� Harbaugh, Army Sniper and Navy SEAL







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Ground joins with Silver Creek Out� � ers each summer to host a � y � shing camp. For the soldiers (and their caretaker spouses or family members, who are included on the trips), the river holds astounding therapeutic results.

“It’s a great stress relief, and you can hear the water going by you and just melting away everything,” said Master Sergeant Gilbert Magallanes, U.S. Army. “I don’t think of any combat. I don’t think of anything right now except the moment I am in

right now. � e water going between my legs, the � sh on the end of the line, the � y I am using right now. � e sky, the snow, the grass. I’m just loving it.”

� e signature wounds of modern warfare are o� en more subtle than the amputations from past con� icts. From Afghanistan and

Iraq, 350,000 soldiers have returned with traumatic brain injuries, and another 350,000 su� er from post-traumatic stress disorder.

Higher Ground aims to help any man appreciate the river, no ma� er his disability. When Silver Creek guide Skooter Gardiner led Sta� Sergeant Sean Johnson on the river, Gardiner learned new things about the sport he loves and Johnson overcame his blindness. “It’s not only a visual sport, but it’s a kinesthetic sport that involves a lot of sensory experience,” Gardiner said. “Sean’s

ability to feel the rod loading and hear the � sh rising is much more acute than the av-erage person. And he was able to take � y � shing to a level that is on par with some-body without any visual impairment.”

A steady stream of injured veterans re-turns home each year, to lives vastly di� erent than the ones they knew before. Silver Creek Out� � ers, the Sun Valley Resort and Sun Valley Adaptive Sports are working to honor our soldiers’ sacri� ces and give them new hope here on the rivers of central Idaho.

“Fly fishing gives an opportunity to disconnect from problems, to be in the moment, to let the water wash away life’s anxiety, fear and anger.”

—Tom Iselin, Founder and Executive Director, Higher Ground

SUN VALLEY’S HISTORY as a destination resort is intertwined with its history as a retreat for wounded veterans. In December 1942, at the height of World War II, Sun Valley closed its doors as a vacation resort. It reopened the Sun Valley Lodge the following summer as a Naval Convalescent Hospital, and over the course of two and a half years, the resort treated nearly 7,000 men, many of whom su� ered from “shell-shock,” or what is known today as post-traumatic stress disorder. � e Sun Valley naval hospital was one of the few recovery centers that claimed successful use of group therapy for these patients.

Today, with America engaged in foreign wars on two fronts, Sun Valley is once again a place for our veterans to heal.

“We carry on a legacy in this community to serve and sup-port, to help heal and restore America’s wounded veterans,” said Tom Iselin, founder and executive director of Higher Ground and executive director of Sun Valley Adaptive Sports (SVAS), a program designed to provide recreational therapy and solace to America’s wounded warriors.

In addition to their winter snowsports programs, Higher








20 www.silver-creek.com • 800-732-5687

SAGE VANTAGE SERIESOur new Vantage Series rods make learning to cast easier. Built with knowledge gained through the development of our G5 Technology, Vantage rods give beginning casters a high level of “line feel,” creating a quicker, more instinctive understanding of when to apply power. Vantage Series rods are available separately or as part of a complete, perfectly balanced outfi t, with a 1600 Series reel.

590-4 Vantage Rod $250590-4 Vantage Outfi t (rod, reel, line) $395

TACKLE TRADE-IN, TRADE-UPFeel like it’s time to trade in your old gear and trade up to something new? Out� t yourself with the latest and greatest with a li� le help from Silver Creek Out� � ers. Bring in your old rod and/or reel and we’ll help you � nd the setup that will help you land the big one. Visit www.silver-creek.com to learn more about how the program works and to consult one of our tackle experts to help you � nd the perfect replacements.

SAGE FLIGHT SERIESWe’ve completely updated our Flight Series with a range of even lighter, smoother fl y rods. Now you’ll be able to generate high line speed and feel the rod load more precisely for improved power transfer and effi ciency. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again with more emphasis: These are simply great fl y rods. Flight Series rods are available separately or in line weights 4-6, 8 and 9 as part of a complete, perfectly balanced outfi t, with an 1800 Series reel.

590-4 Flight Rod $330590-4 Flight Outfi t (rod, reel, line) $495

SAGE Z-AXIS SERIESBy improving the entire rod-building process, we created a rod that’s signifi cantly lighter, stronger and easier to cast for anglers of all skill levels. The Z-Axis offers an entirely new level of fi shability with unprecedented line feel, re-sponse and performance. Available separately or as part of a complete, perfectly-balanced package customized with a 4500 Series reel and Rio Grande fl y line. But don’t take our word for it—visit Silver Creek Outfi tters and take it for a test spin.

590-4 Z-Axis Rod $695590-4 Z-Axis Outfi t (rod, reel, line) $1216










800-732-5687 • www.silver-creek.com 21



An athletic design for anglers who want lighter boots to hike the trails. Quickdrying

and comfortable.

Simms Rivershed™ Boot with Streamtread™ $179.95

Even more functional and larger storage capacity than its

predecessor, this 18-pocket classic comes with a power stretch mesh yoke and padded breathable collar for

all-day comfort on the water.

Simms Guide Vest $129.95

SIMMS G3 GUIDETM WADERAn industry standard, the G3 Guide Stockingfoot is our best-selling wader and the go-to wader for any angler seeking performance, durability and comfort, featuring our patented leg seam construction and 5-layer and 3-layer GORE-TEX®. Pro Shell fabric technology, gravel guards, fl eece-lined hand warmer pockets with DWR treatment. DEET & saltwater resistant.

Simms G3 Guide™ Wader $429.95

“Tradition and personal experience are the driving forces behind Silver Creek Outfitters, a store that is truly a destination.”

—Terry Ring , owner of Silver Creek Out� � ers

A rainbow trout caught on a dry fly mid-summer. Boddard Spring Creek, Mackay.Distance: 50-60 miles from Sun Valley










22 www.silver-creek.com • 800-732-5687

Idaho’s early pioneers traveled to the frontier in search of gold. Few became rich, but many found a pristine land of alpine for-ests, grasslands and clear-running rivers and streams. By the turn of the century, when the state was barely a decade old, as cities like Boise and Pocatello supported a growing middle class with time and money to spare, the sporting life took hold.

Sport shops became the favorite hangouts of Idaho’s bach-elor population. � ey o� ered three meals a day, beer and booze, billiards, gambling, ri� es and shotguns to buy and rent, and, of course, handmade � ies and bamboo rods. Snowball’s Sports Shops, a chain with outlets in Twin Falls, Burley, Blackfoot and Swan Valley, were the closest you could get in Idaho to the West’s notorious “sin dens.”

A� er the Union Paci� c Railroad opened service to Sun Val-ley in 1936, young men gravitated to work on the mountains in the winter and the rivers in the summer—men like Clayton Stewart, Art Wood, Jack Redden, Ray Marks and Taylor Wil-liams, who closed his store in Gooding to run Sun Valley’s � sh-ing and hunting operation. Williams (nicknamed “Bear Track” because he walked with his toes pointed out) became one of Ernest Hemingway’s closest friends and accompanied him to Cuba every winter for salt water � shing.

A� er World War II, when spinning reels became the � shing tool of choice, two men strived to keep � y � shing popular in central Idaho. � e � rst, Ruel Stayner, opened Stayner’s Sporting Goods in Twin Falls in 1946. According to Don Anderson, the

DICK ALFS: A FLY FISHING LEGENDretired head of Sun Valley’s Sports Center, “Anyone who � shed in Southern Idaho hung out at Stayner’s.”

� e second man, Dick Alfs, moved from Nevada to Ketchum in 1948 and soon became a � y � shing � xture with designs on open-ing his own shop. But that would take some hard-earned cash. A� er his shi� s as the head waiter at Sun Valley’s Ram Restaurant, Alfs tied � ies by night and delivered them to loyal clients in the morning.

Alfs was a self-taught angler and � y-tier. While � shing Nevada’s Ruby Marshes in the mid-40s, he devised a bass � y and advertised it nationally in Outdoor Life, selling three for $1. Alfs is a� ributed with tying the � rst legs on a hopper, but is still most identi� ed with devel-oping the Hatch Master (later changed to the Hatch Matcher).

In 1962, Alfs and his wife Bobbie opened Dick Alfs Fly Shop in Ketchum. � ey borrowed money despite the advice of Mike Mallo, manager of the Bank of Idaho, who exclaimed, “For God’s sake, don’t start a � y � shing shop, this is a ski resort!”

But customers came from around the country and from ev-ery walk of life: the Kennedys, John Glenn, Charleton Heston, Steve McQueen and a lot of loveable locals like Sun Valley Police Chief Dude Cain, Bill Brohan, Don Siegal, Fred Hansing, Wally Wright, Bud Newcomb, Jack Hemingway and Travis Reed.

Dick Alfs Fly Shop carried whatever would sell—� sh eggs, worms, crab nets, camping gear. � e store was so jam-packed that they hung a canoe from the ceiling to hold what didn’t � t on their shelves. In1979, Dick Alfs was sold to two Ketchumites, Bill Bishop and Pat Bauman, who changed the name to Silver Creek Out� � ers.

� rough the years, the store has remained a re� ection of the Sun Valley lifestyle. � is is the place people come to check in—“Where are the � sh biting?” … “Which � y should I use on the Big Wood today?” … “Look at my new puppy!” … “Is Terry in?”

Terry Ring was hired as a guide for Silver Creek Out� � ers in the summer of 1980. Come fall, he was slated to join First Na-tional Bank in Boise with a salary of $1,000 per month. Bishop and Bauman could be� er that: How about $1,100 per month, plus a Sun Valley ski pass? One year later, Ring bought an inter-est in the store and today is Silver Creeks’ sole owner and CEO.

As the company grew, so did its need for space. In October 1994, Silver Creek moved into a new home, a log cabin designed by Valley architect Janet Jarvis. � e merchandise expanded to include sports and casual wear, shoes, jewelry, luggage, even cookies and stu� ed animals. Today the � y � shing department—� ies, rods, waders, boots—features top-of-the-market gear for daily, overnight and overseas excursions. Our family of certi� ed guides is available to introduce anyone and everyone to the wa-ters of Idaho and beyond—way beyond.

Does this make Silver Creek Out� � ers di� erent from Dick Alfs Fly Shop? In size, yes. In variety of merchandise, maybe. In accommodating � y � shermen—locally, out-of-state and overseas—not one bit. Silver Creek, more than any shop of its kind, carries on Dick Alfs’ legacy of � y � shing in central Idaho. As Bobbie Alfs told Terry Ring when she experienced the new store: “Dick would be proud of what you’ve done with it.”

“Fish come and go, but it is the memory of afternoons on the stream that endure.”

—E. Donnall � omas










800-732-5687 • www.silver-creek.com 23


At Silver Creek Outfi tters we know it’s not just about the fi sh, it’s about the search for the fi sh. Book a guided fl y fi shing trip and get outside…discover the beauty of the area…watch a thunderstorm move up the valley…enjoy the stillness and silence at noon…learn how to read the water…forget your worries or just forget your tippet and leader and let somebody else tie the knots.

Whatever the reason you fi sh, come in and chat with one of our professional guides to plan your next adventure. Or visit us online for notices of special events and sales, to view our hatch charts or to subscribe to the Weekly Fishing Report. We’ve been in the business for more than 45 years—and we’re dedicated to the art of fl y fi shing and the experience of Idaho outdoors. Let us help you explore.

Memories of one day on the river will last a lifetime.

500 North Main Street, Ketchumwww.silver-creek.com800.732.5687










500 N. Main Street • Ketchum, ID 83340www.silver-creek.com • 800.732.5687

Imagine. Explore. Fish.












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—Mahatma Gandhi

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