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SIMBA (Young) - Hatboro- · PDF file“I Just Can’t Wait To Be King” –...

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SIMBA (Young): The cub of Mufasa. Simba is a rowdy, independent little cub who likes to romp and play. When Simba's father dies, it leaves Simba unsure about who he is. A natural young actor/singer who is able to move well to be the future King of the Pridelands; Must have charm and charisma able to hold the stage on his own with confidence and truth; kid with personality plus. Unchanged voice/tenor. (Range: B3 – E5) SCENES: YOUNG SIMBA and MUFASA YOUNG SIMBA and SCAR YOUNG SIMBA and YOUNG NALA (NOTE: ONLY if there’s time) YOUNG SIMBA, YOUNG NALA and ZAZU SONG: “I Just Can’t Wait To Be King” – Measures 124-152 YOUTUBE: Search “Just Can’t Wait To Be King South Africa” (Listen to 2:22-3:00)

SIMBA (Young): The cub of Mufasa. Simba is a rowdy, independent little cub who likes to romp and play.

When Simba's father dies, it leaves Simba unsure about who he is.

A natural young actor/singer who is able to move well to be the future King of the

Pridelands; Must have charm and charisma able to hold the stage on his own with

confidence and truth; kid with personality plus. Unchanged voice/tenor. (Range: B3 – E5)




YOUNG SIMBA and YOUNG NALA (NOTE: ONLY if there’s time)



“I Just Can’t Wait To Be King” – Measures 124-152

YOUTUBE: Search “Just Can’t Wait To Be King South Africa”

(Listen to 2:22-3:00)

MUFASA and YOUNG SIMBA – “Circle of Life”

(From the peak of Pride Rock, father and son survey the Lion King’s domain as the sun crests the far horizon, shooting yellow beams across the vast expanse. The GRASSLANDS presumably sway in the breeze.)


Look, Simba. Everything the light touches is our kingdom.

(YOUNG SIMBA eyes follow the horizon and grow wide.)


MUFASA A King's time as ruler rises and falls like the sun. One day, Simba, the sun will set on my time here, and will rise with you as the new King.

YOUNG SIMBA And this will all be mine?

MUFASA Everything.


(In awe.) Everything the light touches?!

[YOUNG SIMBA blinks and scans the bright plain. Far to SIMBA’s left, the land was hazy and still.]

What about that shadowy place? Over there?

MUFASA (A firm rule.)

That's beyond our borders. You must never go there, Simba.

YOUNG SIMBA [Trying to not act disappointed.] But I thought a King can do whatever he wants.

MUFASA (Smiles.)

Oh, there's more to being King than... getting your way all the time.


There's more?

MUFASA (Chuckles.)


[They look out at the land in harmony. An ANT HILL slowly makes it way across the stage as GUINEA HENS run in front. Then BUZZARDS circle overhead. SIMBA is amazed and impressed by all that he sees around him.]


Dad, what are those birds over there?

MUFASA They’re buzzards.

YOUNG SIMBA They’re scary. Why don’t you chase them away?

MUFASA [Speaking earnestly, he tries to explain the beauty of the “Circle of Life” – the endless chain that links all living things.]

I don’t have to. They’re doing what they are supposed to do. You see, Simba, everything exists, together, in a delicate balance. As King, you need to understand that balance, and respect all the creatures... from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope.

[ANTELOPE leap and move along.]

YOUNG SIMBA But, Dad, don't we eat the antelope?


Yeees, Simba. But when we die, our bodies become the grass. And the antelope eat the grass. Just as the sun rises from the night, and winter becomes spring, life arises from death. Everything is connected in the great Circle of Life.

YOUNG SIMBA and SCAR – “Oh, Goodie!”

(SCAR lounges in the shade. YOUNG SIMBA enters.)

YOUNG SIMBA Hey, Uncle Scar! Guess what? I'm gonna be king of Pride Rock!

SCAR Oh, goodie. Well, forgive me for not leaping for joy. Bad back, you know.

YOUNG SIMBA My dad just showed me the whole kingdom! And I'm gonna rule it all!

SCAR Yes. Well... forgive me for not leaping for joy. Bad back, you know.

(SCAR flops down and rolls on his side away from SIMBA. But the fearless cub, too young to read the fury in his uncle’s eyes, comes back for more. SCAR’s other eye popped open while he thought this over for a beat.]

So, your father showed you the whole kingdom, did he?

YOUNG SIMBA Everything!

SCAR (Scheming.)

He didn't show you what's beyond that rise at the northern border...?

YOUNG SIMBA (Disappointed.)

Well, no...

SCAR Ah-ha


He said I can't go there.

SCAR And he's absolutely right. It's far too dangerous. Only the bravest of lions go there.

YOUNG SIMBA (Defensive.)

Well, I'm brave! What's out [there?]

SCAR (Interrupting.)

No, I'm sorry, Simba… I just can't tell you.


SCAR Simba, Simba, An elephant graveyard is no place for a young prince...

YOUNG SIMBA [Enthusiastic. This sounds interesting!]

An elephant what?

SCAR (Opening his eyes wide. Faking surprise.)



SCAR (Faking dismay. With a grin. )

Oh dear, I've said too much... Weeeell, I suppose you'd have found sooner or later - you being so clever and all...

(YOUNG SIMBA jumps in his lap.) Oh, just do me one favor... promise me you'll never visit that dreadful place.


No problem, Uncle Scar. SCAR

There’s a good lad. You run along now and have fun.

(SCAR gives YOUNG SIMBA a little boot that starts him scampering on his way. Then SCAR calls to SIMBA and exacts a promise from the cub.)

And remember... it’s our little secret.

[As lights fade, SCAR turns to the audience, grinning deviously with an evil cackle. Lights fade till only SCAR’s glowing eyes are left.)

YOUNG SIMBA, YOUNG NALA and ZAZU – Before “Can’t Wait To Be King”

[ZAZU flaps on ahead of the two CUBS, calling back:]

ZAZU Step lively! The sooner we get to the water hole, the sooner we can leave!

YOUNG NALA (Whispering.1)

So where are we really going?


An elephant graveyard!


YOUNG SIMBA (Indicating their “escort”.)

Shhh! Zazu.

YOUNG NALA (Whispering.)

Right. So how’re we gonna ditch the dodo?

YOUNG SIMBA (Whispering.)

Oh, I know how we can...

[SIMBA raises an eyebrow, then grins and leans in to the huddle. We hear the sounds of his conspiratorial whispering.]


No! How about we...

(YOUNG NALA turns and begins whispering into YOUNG SIMBA’s ear. ZAZU mistakes the cubs’ whispered plans for “love talk”, and imagines that romance is blooming.)


(Flying down.) Ah, young romance blossoming in the savannah. Your parents will be thrilled... !

1 “Stage Whisper” - a loud “whisper” uttered by an actor on stage, intended to be heard by the audience but supposedly unheard by other characters in the play.

ZAZU (Cont’d) (He lands in front of them.)

...with your being betrothed2 and all.

YOUNG SIMBA Be-what?!?

ZAZU Betro--One day, you two are going to be married! [MARRIED?!?! They jump back away from each other.]



YOUNG SIMBA I can't marry her! She's my friend.

YOUNG NALA Yeah. It'd be too weird.

ZAZU Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but you two turtle-doves3 have no choice. It's an old tradition...

(YOUNG SIMBA mimics ZAZU during these last words.) ...going back generations.

YOUNG SIMBA Well, when I'm King, that'll be the first thing to go.

YOUNG NALA Mmmm hmm!

ZAZU Not so long as I'm around.

YOUNG SIMBA Well, in that case, you're fired!

ZAZU Hmmm... Nice try. But only the King can do that.

2 BETROTHED - Engaged (to be married), promised/pledged in marriage 3 TURTLE DOVES – Medium sized birds thought to be very affectionate and therefore used as symbols for people in love.

(Pokes SIMBA's nose.)


Well, he is the future King.


(Thumping ZAZU's chest.) So you have to do what I tell you.

ZAZU Not yet, I don't. And with an attitude like that, I'm afraid you'll make a pretty pathetic King, indeed.

YOUNG SIMBA Hmph. Not the way I see it.

YOUNG SIMBA and YOUNG NALA – {Ahh Youth…} (YOUNG SIMBA weaves in and out of the LIONESSES, looking for his best friend YOUNG NALA. The two cubs play together almost every day. She is his greatest and most trusted friend. They climb trees, wrestle and race across the plain. Now he can’t wait to tell her about the elephant graveyard! YOUNG SIMBA couldn’t tell her HOW he knew, but he sure could tell her WHAT he knew. YOUNG NALA is discovered trying to imitate her mother SARAFINA and the other adult LIONESSES.)


YOUNG NALA (Flatly. Trying to concentrate.)

Hi, Simba.

YOUNG SIMBA Come on! I just heard about this great place.

YOUNG NALA Simba – I’m going hunting with my mother!

YOUNG SIMBA This is a place your mother would never go!


So where is it? It better not be any place lame!

(SARABI and SARAFINA are intrigued them.)

YOUNG SIMBA No. It's really cool.

THE LIONESSES [Turn.] So….where is this "really cool" place?



YOUNG SIMBA Oh… hi-ya, Mom…

1 NOTE: Develop a signature greeting for YOUNG SIMBA and YOUNG NALA that can be used by the actors playing adult SIMBA and NALA as well.

YOUNG SIMBA (Cont’d) (Lying.)

It’s around the…uh... water hole.

YOUNG NALA (Unimpressed.)

The water hole? What's so great about the water hole…?

YOUNG SIMBA (Through gritted teeth.)

I'll show you when we get there.

YOUNG NALA (Whispering.2 Getting it.)


(Normal volume to SARAFINA.) Uh... Mom, can I go with Simba?

SARAFINA Hmm... I don’t know. What do you think, Sarabi? Do you think it’s safe with the hyenas running around loose?

SARABI Well, Sarafina...

YOUNG SIMBA / YOUNG NALA (Through broad, forced “cheesy” grins.)


SARABI It's all right with me...

(YOUNG NALA and YOUNG SIMBA are overjoyed and make a break for it.)

YOUNG SIMBA / YOUNG NALA “All right!” “Yeah!”

SARABI ...As long as Zazu goes with you.

(YOUNG SIMBA and YOUNG NALA stop freeze from their celebration. Crestfallen. Shoulders slump.)


Aw, no! Not Zazu!

2 “Stage Whisper” - a loud “whisper” uttered by an actor on stage, intended to be heard by the audience but supposedly unheard by other characters in the play.
